
考生须知:1. 本试卷所有答案都必须填写在答题卡的相应位置上,请注意答题要求,仔细读题,认真作答。
让我们来认识一下Jim和Wang Yang吧,听第一篇短文,选择你所听到的内容,完善他们的基本信息。(10%) (本题为自创文本)
1. ( ) A.1.58m B. 1.57m C.1.55m
2. ( ) A.1.60m B. 1.56m C.1.55m
3. ( ) A. Jim B.Wang Yang C.Wang Yang’s
4. ( ) A. 57kg B.58kg C.52kg
5. ( ) A. 56kg B.55kg C.54kg
6. ( ) A. Jim B.Wang Yang C.Jim’s
7. ( ) A. size 40 B.size 41 C.size 42
8. ( ) A. size 39 B.size 40 C.size 41
9. ( ) A. doing word puzzles B.cycling C.reading
10. ( ) A. going hiking B.running C.writing
设计意图:本题通过语篇的形式,陈述了Jim 和Wang Yang的身高、体重、鞋子尺码,以及爱好等信息,并运用了比较级,让学生听信息对比,听短文选词语,考题来源于六年级下册Unit1知识点和六年级上册Unit4的知识点。
Wang Yang 向Jim一家介绍了惠州的景点和美食,听第二篇短文,用字母ABCDE给下列图片排序。(10%)
( ) 12.( ) 13.( ) 14. ( ) 15. ( )
Wang Yang 陪同Jim一家开启了惠州之旅,让我们一起听听他们去了哪些地方,玩了什么吧。听第三篇短文,请根据所听内容,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。(10%)
( ) 16. Wang Yang and Jim went to the Honghua Lake on the first day.
( ) 17. They went fishing in the West Lake.
( ) 18.They felt tired but happy after cycling in the Honghua Lake.
( ) 19. Jim could go swimming in the sea.
( ) 20. They didn't enjoy their stay in Shuangyue Bay.
笔试部分(70 %)
Jim和家人假期住在Kangdi Hotel,以下是他们的住宿经历,请选择合适的单词补全短文,并把所选单词的序号填在横线上。(5%) (本题为自创文本)
On May 1st , I 21 at Huizhou Kangdi Hotel with my family. It was a 22 time. Our room was big and everything was very nice. When we looked out of the window from our room, we could 23 the beautiful view of the West Lake .We 24 good food at the Hotel canteen. The sea food was very 25 . We liked it very much.
设计意图:本题考查的是下册书本第二单元第三单元的Read and write 的相关知识点,以文本为依托,在课文的基础上做了相关的拓展,以惠州的实际为出发点,写了住宿和骑自行车游玩的经历,要求学生选出正确的单词填空。
( )26. The story is about the horse. The horse likes to work.
( )27. The bird is hurt. The girl in skirt helps the bird.
( )28. Draw a ball on a card. Draw a car on a wall.
( )29. The cook took a good look at the cook book.
( )30. Do you see the green leaves of each tree
生活常识知多少。Jim和家人在游玩西湖的时候Wang Yang给他们讲解了一些安全知识,请你根据下列的句子,选择合适的图片,并把字母编号写在括号里。(3%)
A. B. C. D. E.
31. ( ) Drivers drive on the right side of the road in China.
32. ( ) When we go boating on the West Lake ,remember to wear a life jacket.
33. ( ) If we ride a bike on the road ,please wear a helmet.
设计意图:本题考查了安全出行的知识点,既包含了六年级上册Unit 2的交通规则,也结合实际,写了游玩惠州骑自行车、划船、驾驶等相关交通规章制度,让学生学英语,用英语,体现了学以致用的原则。
Wang Yang 邀请Jim来家里做客,他向Jim展示了一些老照片并进行了交谈,请根据上下文,补全对话,将字母编号填在横线上。(10%)
Wang Yang: Jim, come and look at my old photos!
Jim: That’s funny! _______34________
Wang Yang: Yes, so I couldn’t ride my bike well.
Jim: _______35_________
Wang Yang: Now, I can go cycling well.
Jim: ____________36____________
Wang Yang: I was having a race with my father.
Jim: But you looked unhappy. Why
Wang Yang: _______37_________ I thought it was tiring. What about you
Jim: I like sports very much! I play badminton every week.
Wang Yang: Before, I was quiet, too. Now, I’m active in class.
Jim: ________38__________
设计意图:本题主要考查学生的对话理解能力。结合六年级下册Unit4 B. Let’s talk的知识点,对话以Old photos为语境,以谈论Changes为主题,对所学知识进行迁移和创新,侧重检测学生的语言综合运用能力。
八、Wang Yang 邀请Jim 参观了他们的学校,还听校长Mr Deng介绍了学校的变化,请阅读短文,判断下列句子的正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。(10%)
Hello! I am Mr Deng. Let me introduce our school to you. Many years ago, I went to this school. The school was very small at that time. There were no tall buildings. There was only one small building. There was no gym, no dining hall, either. We had PE classes in the small playground. Our classrooms were old. We had only 15 students in a class.We didn’t have computer games or computers. So we often went hiking, planted trees in spring, played badminton, went swimming in summer, flew kites in autumn, and went cycling in winter. We had a great time. Now, our school has changed a lot. We have 4 tall buildings. We have a nice gym, you can play sports in the gym. We have a big dining hall. Students have breakfast and lunch at the dining hall. There is a computer in every classroom. Our school is bigger and nicer than before!
( )39. Our school has changed a little.
( )40. There was only one small building in Mr Deng’s school.
( )41. Mr Deng had computers and they often played computer games at the time.
( )42. There are three tall buildings ,a gym, a dining hall in the new school now.
( )43. Students can play sports in the gym, have breakfast and lunch at the dining hall now.
设计意图:本题考查了六年级下册Unit4的知识点Changes in school,以文本为依托,结合惠州实际写了学校的变化,要求学生根据文本内容,判断正误,考查学生的阅读能力和分析能力。
九、走在校园里,Wang Yang向Jim讲述了上个星期举行的运动会。请根据所给单词的适当形式填空。(5%) (本题为自创文本)
We had a sports meet last week. There 44._________many students on the playground. I had a race with my classmates. They 45.___________very fast, but I could not. I was so 46.___________. Then I 47.__________ my PE teacher, Mr Zhang. He said to me “Come on, Wang Yang. You can do it!” Suddenly I felt good. I could run 48.____________ than before. Finally, I won the race. I was so happy.
设计意图:本题主要考查语法知识和语篇理解。结合六年级下册Unit4 B. Read and write的知识点,语篇以sports meet为语境,贴近学生的校园生活,有情境感,侧重对学生思维能力和情感态度方面的检测。题目考查的知识点不是孤立罗列的,而是在特定的语境中,既检测了学生的语言运用能力,又锻练了学生的逻辑性思维能力。
十、Jim度过了一个愉快的五一假期,他给美国的爷爷写了一封E-mail分享旅游经历,请根据邮件内容,回答下列问题。(10%) (本题为自创文本)
( )49. What did Jim do in the West Lake
Went swimming B. Went boating C. Went fishing
( )50. How did Jim feel on the second day
happy B. tired C. Both A and B
( )51. Which of the following sentences is true(正确的)
They rode a bike for three people in the West Lake.
There is a big change in Wang Yang’s school.
Jim didn’t enjoy his stay in Kangdi Hotel.
( )52. How many places did they go over the holiday
three B. four C. five
( )53. How was Jim’s holiday in Huizhou
good B. sad C. bad
十一、Jim写了自己的五一经历,他还想了解Wang Yang的寒假经历,请根据Wang Yang的描述内容和图片,在横线上填写单词。(6%)
Last winter holiday, I went to Yunnan with my family. We stayed there for 3 days. On the first day,
we ate fresh food and 54 55 of the beautiful view in Kunming.
On the second day, we went to Dali Ancient City. We 56 57 . On the third day,
we went to the Lake Erhai, we 58 59 around the lake. We had a wonderful time there.
Where did you go over the Labour Day Holiday
How did you go there
Who did you go with
What did you do there
Did you have a good time there
我们已经了解了Jim和Wang Yang 的身高体重相关信息,小学阶段的你有什么变化呢?请根据以下思维导图,以“My changes”为题,选择其中的几项内容写一写自己的变化吧。
一、让我们来认识一下Jim和Wang Yang吧,听第一篇短文,选择你所听到的内容,完善他们的基本信息。(10%)
Hi, I am Wang Yang .Let me introduce my pen pal to you. His name is Jim. He is from Canada .He is 1.58m. He is taller than me. I am 1.56m. But my feet are bigger than his. I wear size 41 shoes ,but Jim wears size 40 shoes. He is 52kg. I am 54kg. I am heavier than him. I like running. Jim likes doing word puzzles.We have different hobbies, but we are good friends.
Wang Yang 向Jim一家介绍了惠州的景点和美食,听第二篇短文,用字母ABCDE给下列图片排序。(10%)
Jim, welcome to Huizhou ! There are many good places and delicious food in Huizhou. First, we can go to the West Lake. It is famous for poet Sushi. We can go boating on the lake. Then we can go to the Shuidong Street. We can eat “Amajiao” there. It’s a kind of traditional snack of Huizhou. After that, we can go to the Honghua Lake. There is a greenway beside the lake. It’s 18 kilometers long. We can go cycling there.Next, we can go to the Shuangyue Bay. It’s in the east of Huizhou. The sea is blue and the beach is beautiful. We can go swimming and eat fresh sea food there.
三、Wang Yang 陪同Jim一家开启了惠州之旅,让我们一起听听他们去了哪些地方,玩了什么吧。听第三篇短文,请根据所听内容,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。(10%)
We had a good time on Labour Day holiday. On the first day, we went to the West Lake. It's very beautiful. We went boating on the lake. On the second day, we went to the Honghua Lake. We went cycling for 18 kilometers. We were tired but happy. On the third day, we went to the Shuangyue Bay by car. We went swimming in the sea and rode a bike on the beach. We also ate fresh sea food. It was delicious. We stayed there for two days. We enjoy our holiday very much!
一、A B A C C B A C A B
二、D C A E B
三、F F T T F
四、C A B E D
五、F T F T T
六、B E C
七、D E A C B
八、F T F F T
九、44. were 45. ran 46. worried 47. saw 48. faster
十、B C B C A
十一、54. took 55. pictures 56. bought
57. gifts 58. went 59. cycling
十二、60. I went to ... . 61. I went there by ... . 62. I went with my ... .
I took pictures/... . 64.Yes, I did. /No, I didn’t.



