1.人教PEP版六年级下册期末原创检测卷一 (含答案及听力原文无音频)

五一假期,Li Hua跟着爸爸妈妈一起回到了家乡——惠州。
刚回到惠州,Li Hua就迫不及待约了好朋友Liu Yun一起出来玩,许久未见,两人兴奋地聊着各自的变化。请听第一篇短文,选出关于他们的正确信息。(10%)
( ) 1. A. 1.52m B. 1.42m C. 1.64m
( ) 2. A. ride a horse B. play badminton C. ride my bike
( ) 3. A. on foot B. by car C. by bus
( ) 4. A. 1.43m B. 1.52m C. 1.65m
( ) 5. A. football B. cycling C.swimming
( ) 6. A. active B. quiet C. shy
( ) 7. A. animals B. toys C.sports
( ) 8. A. watched TV B. stayed at home C. listened to music
( ) 9. A. active B. quiet C. shy
( ) 10. A.playing football B. playing badminton C. playing basketball
设计意图:听力第一题以Li Hua和Liu Yun 五一假期在惠州游玩这一真实生活情景展开,通过听取短文了解和提炼Li Hua和Liu Yun今昔对比的个人信息,如外貌、性格、能力、爱好、上学方式等,将零散的知识点进行重组,在真实生活情景中考查学生获取信息的能力。
二、Liu Yun跟Li Hua聊起了她去年五一假期的经历。请听第二篇短文,根据提示,补全信息。(10%)
设计意图:听力第二题通过听取Liu Yun去年五一假期的短文,融合了六下相关核心短语,如hurt my foot, go cycling, rode a horse等,根据语音组合提示,培养学生听前看图获取浅层次的信息,听中理解获取关键信息的习惯,提高学生听音辩词、听音写词的能力。
三、听完Liu Yun的假期经历后,Li Hua拿出准备好的旅游攻略,两人前往惠州某处景点游玩。请听第三篇短文,判断正误。(10%) (本题为自创文本)
( ) 16. Li Hua and Liu Yun went to the Botanical(植物) Garden .
( ) 17. They went there by No.7 bus.
( ) 18. It took them 30 minutes to get there.
( ) 19. They took lots of pictures of the fruit trees.
( ) 20. They had a good time.
设计意图:听力第三题通过听取有关Li Hua和Liu Yun在惠州某处景点游玩的短文,包括地点、出行方式、花费时间、活动、心情等内容,不仅培养学生对关键信息的理解、分析、推断能力,还让学生在问题情境中感受真实的情感交流,引导学生在生活中学以致用,体现该命题的实用性。
玩了一天的Li Hua筋疲力尽,晚上他做了一个有趣的梦。请阅读短文,将正确的答案的序号写在横线上。(10%) (本题出处:《小学英语读写课时特训》编写组.《小学英语读写课时特训六年级下册》浙江:浙江教育出版社, 2021:30)
A. helped B. woke C. had D.became E. run
Li Hua 21._____ a funny dream last night. In his dream, he 22. _______ a superman. He was so tall and strong. He had super power. He could lift cars, houses and bridges. He could 23. _______very fast and fly in the sky. Then a bad man showed up and wanted to destroy the earth. So Li Hua 24. _______ lots of people and protected(保护) the world. But suddenly he tripped and then he 25.______ up. He was in bed. It was all a dream!
设计意图:本题立足教材六下Unit4 Then and now B read and write的短文,联系学生感兴趣的生活话题,并进行改编,考察学生对语篇的理解,以及对课本知识迁移的能力。
五、正如Li Hua在梦中希望成为超人保护地球一样,他热爱祖国传统文化并希望它们可以得到重视和保护。你对历史和传统文化了解吗 请看图片,选择正确的选项。(8%) (本题为自创文本)
( )26. Paper making is one of the four great inventions (发明) in Ancient China.
( )27. In winter solstice(冬至), people in Huizhou often eat Turnip Pudding(萝卜粄).
( )28. Luofu Mountain is one of the sacred Taoist(道教)mountains in China.
( )29. The Tri-colored glazed pottery(唐三彩) was very popular in the Tang Dynasty.
设计意图:本题基于Li Hua热爱传统文化的背景,植入文化元素,将中国传统文化渗入其中,如“造纸术”“唐三彩”,以及惠州本土文化元素,如“罗浮山”“萝卜粄”等,考察学生对中国传统文化以及惠州本土文化的了解,增强学生的文化认同感,弘扬并传承优秀的传统文化。
六、爷爷对历史文化也特别感兴趣,他和Li Hua正在书房看着一本画册。请选择合适的选项,补全对话。(10%) (本题为自创文本)
Li Hua: Grandpa, this picture is amazing!
Grandpa: It is called "Along the River During the Qingming Festival."(清明上河图)
It shows the life of the people in Northern Song(北宋) Dynasty.
Li Hua: Sounds great!30.___________
Grandpa: Well, at that time, People didn’t go by bus.
Li Hua: 31.___________
Grandpa: They walked or went by horse.
Li Hua: Could they watch TV at night
Grandpa: 32.___________ But they could see stars.
Li Hua: I liked the stars. 33.___________
Grandpa: The Americans took about five days to get there in 1969.
Li Hua: 34.___________
Grandpa: Easy, I looked it up on the Internet.
Li Hua: Wow, grandpa, you’re so cool!
设计意图:该题基于六下Unit4 A Let's talk的对话内容,融合了中国传统文化元素——《清明上河图》,通过Li Hua和爷爷谈论北宋时期人们的生活这一情景展开,通过语篇情境,结合上下文,补全对话,考察了学生对教材相关知识点的掌握,以及锻炼他们的语用能力。
第二天, Li Hua陪同爷爷参加育才小学50周年建校庆典,爷爷对学校的变化感慨万分。
be listen building have different
Class! The school is very 35.___________ now. It’s big and beautiful . But in my time the school was small. There was only one small 36.___________ on the hill and we 37.___________ no playground. But there is a big one now. You have music rooms, art rooms and computer rooms. But there 38.___________ no computers or Internet in my time. We just 39.___________ to the teachers and read lots of books. Now you have a big library and you can read in it. Enjoy it!
设计意图:本题结合Li Hua陪同爷爷参加育才小学50周年建校庆典,爷爷感慨学校今昔显著变化的情境,灵活考察学生正确选择并使用所给词汇的能力,如名词单复数变化、动词时态变化等,有效测评学生将所学知识在具体情境中运用的语用能力。
八、回家后,Li Hua翻开了相册发现大家变化很大。Li Hua也想了解你的相关信息, 请根据实际情况回答下列问题。 (本题为自创文本)
40. How tall are you
41. What size are your shoes
42. What are your changes
43.Could you ice-skate before
44.What did you do last Labour Day Holiday
设计意图:通过Li Hua想要了解我们更多信息的引子,将零散的非连续性问题进行整合,考察学生对六下所学语言点的理解与运用,培养学生的应用实践能力。
(本题出处:《黄冈小状元作业本》广东专版 学业质量测评六年级英语下)
Many years ago, Huizhou was a small village. Not many people lived there. Many of them were farmers and fisherman. They made a living by farming and fishing. At that time, people left home early in the morning and came back home late every day. But they only earned a little money. It was really a hard time.
Today, Huizhou is a modern(现代化)city. There are a lot of tall buildings. Many people live there. There is a lot of traffic on the road. There are a lot of tourists visiting Huizhou. Some of them are from other provinces or countries. They like to visit the West Lake and Luofu Mountain. They think Huizhou is a beautiful place and people of Huizhou are really nice.
( )45. Many years ago people in Huizhou only made a living by fishing.
( )46. There are lots of tall building in Huizhou now.
( )47. People left home late in the morning and came back home early every day before.
( )48. We can see some foreigners(外国人) in Huizhou now.
( )49. Huizhou is a beautiful city now.
B.Li Hua度过了一个愉快的假期。让我们也来看看另一位小朋友的假期经历吧!请阅读短文,完成任务。(本题出处:《小学阅读强化训练》六年级上.浙江:浙江教育出版社,2022)
My name is Jack. I'm eleven years old. I live in Zhengzhou, Henan. Last winter holiday I took a big trip with my parents. First, we flew to Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan. We saw some cute pandas there.Sichuan is a good place for pandas to live in. We visited the beautiful scenery in Jiuzhai Valley. From Chengdu, we went to Lhasa, the capital of Tibet. We went there by car. There is much beautiful scenery on the way. We visited the Potala Palace. Then we went to Xining by train. We visited Qinghai Lake there. It is the biggest lake in China. From Xining, we went to Gansu. We visited Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes there. Then we flew back to Zhengzhou and our trip came to an end.
Our country is beautiful. I will spend more time seeing her.
( )50. Where did Jack and his parents go first?
A. Lhasa B.Chengdu C. Gansu
( )51.What did they do in Lhasa?
A.Saw some cute pandas. B.Visited Qinghai Lake. C. Visited the Potala Palace.
( )52. Chengdu is the capital of Sichuan. Lhasa is the capital of Tibet.
Which city is the capital of Guangdong?
Shenzhen B.Zhuhai C.Guangzhou
Which place do you like best, Cheng du, Lhasa, Xining or Gansu, why
54. If you want to take a trip to Gansu, how will you go there
美好的时光总是过得特别快,Li Hua依依不舍地离开了惠州。回到家后,他想要写一篇小短文记录五一假期生活,包括他去哪里、怎么去、和谁去、去做什么、心情如何等内容。请以“My last Labour Day Holiday”为题,回顾试卷中的情境,适当发挥想象,帮助他完成这篇短文。
提示词:Huizhou Botanical Garden, by bus, took pictures, excited......
My Labour Day Holiday
Hello, I am Li Hua. _________________________________________________________________
设计意图:本题通过让学生回顾本试卷的完整情境,提炼本情境的核心话题,结合六下所学的核心句型,梳理和总结Li Hua的假期经历,培养学生语用输出和书面表达能力,同时培养学生想象和创新的思维能力。
一、刚回到惠州,Li Hua就迫不及待约了好朋友Liu Yun一起出来玩,许久未见,两人兴奋地聊着各自的变化。请听第一篇短文,选出关于他们的正确信息。(10%)
Hello, I am Li Hua. I am in Grade 6 now. I am different now. Before, I was short and thin. I was only 1.42 metres. I couldn’t ride my bike well. I usually walk to school. But now I grow taller. I am 1.65 metres. And I like cycling very much. I go cycling with my friends every weekend.
Liu Yun is my best friend. She changed a lot too. Before, she was quiet. She didn’t like sports. She always stayed at home and didn’t talk to anyone. But now she is active. She likes playing badminton. She plays with her friends after school every day. She wants to be a badminton player one day.
二、Liu Yun跟Li Hua聊起了她去年五一假期的经历。请听第二篇短文,根据提示,补全信息。
Last labour Day holiday, my family and I took a trip to Xinjiang. We went there by train so we can enjoy the beautiful scenery on the way. After we arrive in Xinjiang, we went to the Grape valley and saw lots of grapes there. We took lots pictures. On the next day, we went to Mt. Tianshan. I rode a horse there. but I accidentally fell off the horse and hurt my foot. I went to see a doctor. The doctor told me I can’t go cycling for at least three weeks! What a pity!
三、听完Liu Yun的假期经历后,Li Hua拿出准备好的旅游攻略,两人前往惠州某处景点游玩。请听第三篇短文,判断正误。(10%)
The Botanical Garden is one of the most famous tourist sites in Huizhou. On the first day of the Labour Day holiday, Li Hua went to Huizhou Botanical Garden with his best friend, Liu Yun. They went there by bus. It took them about 30 minutes to get there.
When they got there, they saw different kinds of plants. Li Hua and Liu Yun were both plant lovers. They were very excited. They observed the plants carefully and took lots of pictures of them. They spent the whole day at the botanical garden. They had a wonderful time. At about five thirty p.m, they went back home. They were tired but happy.
一、1. B 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.B
二、11 train. 12.took 13.rode 14.hurt 15.cycling
三、16. T 17.F 18.T 19.F 20.T
四、21.C 22.D 23.E 24.A 25.B
五、26.C 27.B 28.E 29.A
六、30.D 31.C 32.B 33.E 34.A
七、35.different 36.building 37.had 38.were 39.listened
八、40.I am ...metres./或直接回答身高数据,如1.62m/1.62metres.
41.Size 40/My shoes are size 40. (鞋码数字可根据学生实际情况更改)
42.I am taller/older/stronger/...
Before,I was... Now,I am...
43.Yes,I could. No,I couldn’t.
44.I + 动词短语过去式.
九、45.F 46.T 47.F 48.T 49.T
十、50.B 51.C 52.C
53-54. 略



