
一、完形填空 阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
(10分)Doctors are usually busy every day.However,when I was in primary school,my dream was to become a doctor.In fact,I didn't know (1)    what doctors did.After I (2)    ,I know what being a doctor means.Doctors play an important role in (3)
My grandfather (4)    cancer(癌症) when I was eight years old.At that time,my mother spent much time looking after him.Once she took me to the (5)    to visit my grandfather.When we got there,I found my grandfather seem to be in great (6)    in bed.Then I asked my mother about the reason.She told me my grandfather was seriously ill and that the doctors were trying to make him get (7)    again.At that time,it gave me some hope and I started to (8)    that doctors always saved lives.
I know it's difficult to be a great doctor,so I am going to university for higher (9)   .and I am going to try to be an intern (实习医生) in a hospital to (10)   
myself.I'd like to help those sick people in that way.I hope the world can become better because of great doctors.
(1)A.simply B.clearly C.quietly D.loudly
(2)A.wake up B.come round C.grow up D.make sense
(3)A.saving B.killing C.treating D.helping
(4)A.died from B.suffered from C.met with D.depended on
(5)A .park B.museum C.library D.hospital
(6)A.pain B.surprise C.danger D.hurry
(7)A.ill B.healthy C.young D.strong
(8)A.realize B.decide C.guess D.worry
(9)A.marks B.prize C.pay D.education
(10)A.help B.challenge C.improve D.enjoy
二、阅读理解 阅读短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
(8分)On January 13th.2022,as a member of the Sunshine student reporter group,I went to the City Park to have some street interviews.I asked some parents and kids about their opinions on the "double reduction" policy.Here's what they said.
I agree with the policy.My kids have more free time on weekends.My daughter,Xiao Wen,goes to learn ballet and my son,learns to play the piano.And we can have more family activities together.We often go hiking on weekends.
Now I can do some reading or take up new hobbies in my spare time.I really like the policy,because doing these things can make us feel happy and relaxed.
My son,Li Gang,is in a middle school.He often finishes his homework at school,so he can read different books he likes at home.And he often does some housework.
We students have enough sleep every night.Good sleep keeps us active during the day.And on weekends we have more time to learn new skills and to do some volunteer activities.
(2)What may the writer be?    
A.A student.
B.A worker.
C.A nurse.
D.A driver.
(3)Who learns ballet?    .
A.Xiao Wen
B.Xiao Tian
C.Xiao Le
D.Tian Fei
(4)Who likes reading according to the interview?    .
A.Xiao Wen and Xiao Tian
B.Xiao Tian and Xiao Le
C.Xiao Le and Li Gang
D.Tian Fei and Li Gang
(5)According to the text,which activity can the students choose not to do?    
A.Having enough sleep
B.Reading some books
C.Doing much homework
D.Doing some exercise
(8分)In 2003,Yang Liwei became the first Chinese astronaut in space.Since then,another 17 astronauts have reached the stars.Do you dream of being an astronaut?How did they do it?
In space,changes in the environment and loneliness test the minds and bodies of astronauts.So the training for astronauts is very hard." Astronauts take over 200 different training subjects before going to space," Huang Weifen,told CCTV News.These include science and mental health' classes.
The most tring one is underwater training.Astronauts stay under the water in clothes heavier than 100 kilograms for six hours at a time.The heavy clothes make every move hard."An astronaut once said he lost two kilograms after one underwater exercise," said Huang.
Each astronaut does training for at least three and a half years before getting the chance to go to space.
This year,China is finding new people to be the fourth group of astronauts.The first and second groups of Chinese astronauts were all from the Chinese People's Liberation Army AirForce.However,in the third group(平民) could also become astronauts.They are experts and they can do science studies in space.They don't need to have "perfect" bodies like pilot astronauts.
(6)What do we know about Yang Liwei from Paragraph 1?    
A.He was the first Chinese astronaut to go into space.
B.He went into space with 17 astronauts in 2003.
C.He helped many people become astronauts.
D.He dreamed about going to space again.
(7)What does Huang Weifen say about the training for astronauts?    
A.It changes from time to time.
B.Most of the subjects are not hard.
C.Many of the subjects take place in space.
D.It has more than 200 different subjects.
(8)What do we know about astronauts from Paragraph 2?    
A.They are teaching each other in different classes.
B.They may face mental health problems in space.
C.Each astronaut learns a different subject.
D.They have to go to space after finishing the training.
(9)What is the passage mainly about?    
A.Who can become an astronaut?
B.How do astronauts live in space?
C.Why did China send astronauts into space?
D.What kind of training do astronauts need to do?
Shine On Big Stage
【Xi's Words】:【Sport is a bond that promotes friendship among peoples.】
﹣﹣﹣Xi Jinping Chinese President
Youth Power In Sports
Age will not stop talent from shining!Teenagers showed this in the Hangzhou Asian Games.
Cui Chenxi,13,won the gold medal in the women's street skateboarding event on Sept 27.Cui became China's youngest Asian Games gold medal winner.
China's 15﹣year﹣old Chen Ye won gold in the men's park final of skateboarding on Sept 25.It was the Chinese national team's first skateboarding gold in the Games.
On Sept 24.The 17﹣year﹣old shooter(射击手) Huang Yuting got the women's 10﹣meter air rifle(气步枪) gold and set a new Asian Games record.On the same day,reported China Daily.On Sept 26,she took home her third gold with her teammates.
At the 19 h Asian Games in Hangzhou,people cheered when China's Tong Xin finished her taijijian moves.On Sept 24,she won the women's taijiquan and taijijian all﹣round gold.The Asian Games have more events than the Olympic Games.These events,like taijijian are from different countries and cultures across Asia.This makes the Asian Games interesting.Here are some of the special sports.
Chinese wushu first came about in the Shang and Zhou dynasties(16 h century ﹣﹣﹣256 BC).It is an important part of Chinese culture.Modern(现代的) Wushu has two parts:taolu and sanda.Wushu was included in the Asian Games in 1990.
Kabaddi is a folk sport from India,It has a history of more than 4,000 years.The sport looks like the game"eagle(老鹰),nothing else.The place should be 13 meters long and 10 meters wide.
Sepak takraw
Sepak takraw(藤球) first became popular in Southeast Asia.It is like the traditional Chinese game of shuttlecock kicking(踢键子).Players need to use their feet,knees and chest to move the ball.It is also called "kick volleyball".
(10)How many kinds of games are mentioned in Youth Power In Sports?    
(11)What is the structure of the passage Youth Power In Sports?(P=Paragraph)    
(12)Which of the following can be put in the ____?    
A.Hangzhou Asian Games in Hangzhou
B.Special Asian Sports
C.Learning in the field
D.More Asian Games
(13)What does the underlined phrase "promote friendship" mean in Chinese?    
Leaving the White Emperor Town at Dawn Li Bai Leaving at dawn the White Emperor crowned with cloud;I've sailed a thousand miles through canyons in a day;With monkeys' sad adieus the riverbanks are loud 早发白帝城 【唐】李白 朝辞白帝彩云间, 千里江陵一日还。 两岸猿声啼不住, 轻舟已过万重山。
My Dreams ﹣﹣﹣﹣ from Reading Comprehension I want to be an astronaut and fly into space; I want to fly like a bird above the people. I am going to ride my rocket with lights; I want to cross the stars I've seen on winter nights. I want the people to watch me on their TV screens; I want them all to see me go in the fantastic scenes. I want to go far in space and go to see beautiful Saturn soon; I want to go to Mars and the dark side of the Moon. I want to spend my vacations in a rocket that I'm going to fly; I want to be an astronaut who says goodbye to our world. I want to see the other worlds and boys that aren't like me; I want to see the strangest lands and still be home for dinner.
(14)What's the main idea of the first poem(written by Li Bai)?    
A.To express the writer's happiness,excitement of going back home.
B.To describe the mountains and the cute monkeys along the way.
C.To show how to cross the river alone.
D.To make a plan to exercise on the river more.
(15)What does the writer wish to see in the second poem My Dreams?    
①beautiful stars ②other worlds ③fantastic scenes ④strangest lands
(16)How does the writer feel when he writes My Dreams?    .
(17)What's the writer's purpose of writing My Dreams?    
A.To show he wants to go home.
B.To show us his plans.
C.To share his dream with us.
D.To tell us about his trip.
Maybe you want to exercise more or start going to bed earlier in the coming year.Here is some advice that can help you keep your goals.
Make a detailed(详细的) plan.
If your New Year's plan is to exercise five days each week,a plan like "I'll exercise on weekdays" would not be clear.A detailed plan like "I'll exercise at school on weekdays during my lunch break" would be better. (1)   
Make it fun.
If it's not fun to exercise or study,you won't keep it easily. (2)    If you can only drink your favourite juice during study hours,you'll look forward to studying.
Tell a few friends about your goals so you'll feel a deep sense of shame if they check back later and find out you haven't followed them through.
Give yourself more chances.
You planned to get to bed early every night,but one Friday you stayed up late. (4)   
But giving yourself one or two more chances can help you get better results.
A.Make more friends.
B.Get a little help from your friends.
C.All in all,you should give all the facts or information.
D.But if you get fun from your exercise or study,you'll keep longer.
E.After that,you may want to give up the early﹣to﹣bed plan.
三、阅读填空 阅读短文,然后在空白处填上一个适当单词或用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。
(10分)According to a notice from the Ministry of Education on Monday,students in first and(1)   (two) grade should have no written exams.Also,students in other (2)   at primary schools should only have one final exam for every semester(学期).Middle schools(3)   (allow) to organize one test at the middle of the semester and one at the end.
Some schools have organized too many tests that are too difficult.As a result,students have to study (4)    (hard) all the time and they have been under a lot of stress.It has been (5)    (harm) to students' mental(心理的) and physical health and must be changed.
According to (6)    notice,schools and classes should not organize weekly or monthly tests.Also,schools should make sure the difficulty of the tests does not go above the national teaching plan.The exam should pay more attention to basic knowledge and skills(7)   
(question) based on rote(死记硬背) learning should be reduced.
At the same time,the exam results should be divided into four to five grades without(8)
   (give) the scores.The exam results will no longer (9)   
(show) in public.Instead,schools should tell parents and students the results (10)    a proper way.The scores can't also be used to decide which class a student will be in or where he should sit in class,the notice added.
四、回答问题 阅读短文,然后根据内容回答所提问题。
20.(10分)3 D﹣printed beef could be coming to a plate near you.A Spanish company Novameat is speeding up its production because the need for plant﹣based(植物性的) products around the world increases.
Founded in 2018,Novameat makes beans and com taste and look like real beef by3 D﹣printing technology.Alexandre Campos,Novameat's business development manager,said the company's goal is to reduce the influence caused by cattle feeding.
"The idea behind this is to try to solve all of these problems that the animal meat industry brings to our planet,to the animals and to our health.So that's why we're trying to bring people with more choices of food.In this way they can replace animal beef with something that is better for the planet," said Alexandre.
A scientist attending the Barcelona's Mobile World Meeting 2021 got to try the beef. "It didn't have the feeling of traditional beef.But I did not expect that the texture(质感) would be so well achieved.It was the first time I had tried it and I thought it was still in a more basic phase(阶段) but both the taste and the texture gave a surprise."
With further development in the technology,Novameat said it might one day be possible to produce up to 500 kilograms of 3 D﹣printed beef per hour.The company decides to sell its beef to supermarkets,and also to restaurants interested in this product.
Why is Novameat speeding up its production of plant﹣based products?
What is the 3 D﹣printed beef made of?
What makes Novameat come up with the idea of producing 3 D﹣printed beef?
How did the scientist feel after trying the 3 D﹣printed beef?
Who may be the customers of Novameat's 3 D﹣printed beef?
21.(20分)高尔基曾说过"书籍是人类进步的阶梯"。上个月我校举行了"读书活动月"活动,本月我们将举办读书交流活动。请你以"My favourite book"为题在读书交流会上交流,把你最喜欢的一本书推荐给大家。字数80词左右。
(1)What is your favourite book?
(2)What is the book about?
(3)Why is it your favourite book?
一、完形填空 阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
二、阅读理解 阅读短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
18.【答案】 CDBE
三、阅读填空 阅读短文,然后在空白处填上一个适当单词或用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。
19.【答案】(1)second(2)grades(3)are allowed(4)hard(5)harmful(6)the(7)questions(8)giving(9)be shown(10)in
四、回答问题 阅读短文,然后根据内容回答所提问题。
20.【答案】(1)Because the need for plant﹣based products around the world increases.
(2)Beans and corn.
(3)To try to solve all the problems that the animal meat industry brings to our planet,to the animals and to our health.
(5)Supermarkets,and also restaurants interested in this product.
My favourite book
My favorite book﹣The Little Prince﹣never fails to fascinate me with its simply plot and philosophical language.It deals with a little extraterrestrial boy who related his incredible experience and living philosophy to the narrator.
Two major reasons account for my preference for the book.Firstly,I was deeply moved by the prince's attitude towards the world,which brought my inner sincerity and pure innocence back.Moreover,this book exposes me to a splendid culture of English,which laid a solid foundation for my future English learning.



上一篇:2023—2024人教物理八年级上册第5章 透镜及其应用 同步题(答案)
