
第 I 卷第一部分 听力。第一节 听下面 5 段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试题的相应位置,听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话仅读一遍。
1.(2分)Where is the supermarket?
A.Before the bookstore.
B.Next to the library.
C.Behind the flower shop.
2.(2分)What did Berry use to be?
A.Tall and thin.
B.Short and strong.
C.Short and weak.
3.(2分)How does Mandy want to go to the bus station?
A.By taxi.
B.By bus.
C.On foot.
4.(2分)What does the girl think of the making word cards?
A.It's helpful.
B.It's interesting.
C.It's boring.
5.(2分)Where does the conversation probably take place?
A.In a bank.
B.In a hospital.
C.At school.
第二节 听下面3段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你有时间阅读各小题,每小题5秒钟。听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的做答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6.(6分)(1)Where did Bill go last month?
(2)How many students are there in Susie's class?
(3)How do the students sit in Susie's class?
A.In lines.
B.Around tables.
C.On the floor.
7.(6分)(1)What are the speakers mainly talking about?
A.Touring the lake.
B.Buying gifts.
C.Booking tickets.
(2)Which of the following is NOT mentioned?
A.The man's name.
B.The man's phone number.
C.The man's e﹣mail address.
(3)How much will the man pay in total?
A.2400 yuan.
B.2420 yuan.
C.1620 yuan.
8.(8分)(1)What did Maria use to be like?
A.She was fat.
B.She was thin.
C.She was short.
(2)What sport does Maria like?
(3)What is one of Maria's secrets to becoming a good language learner?
A.Practicing listening a lot.
B.Watching English movies.
C.Joining the English club.
(4)What does the speaker think of Maria?
第二部分 阅读理解。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中选出最佳选项。
(6分)Here is a timetable of courses in Children' s Palace.
Monday Space Course 19:00—20:00 (once a week for two months) Dr.Li Hua (the teacher from Red Star School) More knowledge about the outer space. Place:Room 105 Thursday Chinese Clay Art Course 19:00—21:00 (once a week for three months) Chinese Clay Art.Join us to learn it. Call Ms.Huang Li at 8820231. Place:Room 109
Tuesday Photography Course 18:30—19:30 (once a week for two months) Mr.Chen Yi,from Evening Paper,will show you how to take good pictures.Bring your own camera. Place:Room 218 Saturday Cooking Course 14:00—16:00 (once a week for two months) Ms.Qian Hong (a famous cook) Learn some common dishes,like scrambled eggs with tomato (番茄炒蛋). Place:Room 305
Wednesday Biology Course 18:00—19:00 (once a week for one month) Learn about earthworms (蚯蚓) in a field. Place:In the yard of Children's Palace Sunday Chinese Shadow Puppetry (皮影戏) Course 15:00—17:30 (once a week for three months) Tell the story of Journey to the West by Mr.Liang. Place:Room 308
(9)Which course can you choose to learn if you are only free for an hour?    
A.Chinese Shadow Puppetry (皮影戏) Course
B.Photography Course
C.Chinese Clay Art Course
D.Cooking Course
(10)Where can you learn the story of Journey to the west?    
A.In Room 218.
B.In the yard of Children's Palace.
C.In Room 308.
D.In Room 105.
(11)Who can you learn from if you want to know more about the outer space?    
A.From Mr.Liang.
B.From Mr.Chen Yi.
C.From Ms.Huang Li.
D.From Dr.Li Hua.
(8分)In ancient times,there was a king who loved flowers.His palace was always decorated with beautiful orchids and other flowers.As the king grew older,he knew that one day he would have to give up his throne (王位)
The other day,the king had an idea.He asked his servants to travel to every part of the country and give every citizen a single orchid seed.He then announced that the person who grew the most beautiful orchid would take his throne.
Everyone in the country then got their own seed.One young man named David was especially excited about the news,because he had experience in growing flowers himself.
David planted his seed in a pot and put it in a place where it would get lots of sunlight.He watered it carefully every day.But as hard as he tried,his flower simply would not grow.
Finally,it was time for everyone to give their flowers to the king.David took his empty pot to the palace.
"Your Majesty (尊敬的陛下),I am sorry to say that I could not grow an orchid.But I hope you can see that I tried my best." he said.
The king was moved by David's honesty.Although he did not choose David as the new king,he gave David a job as a royal court judge (法官).He believed that David's honesty would make him the right person to make sure the justice (公正)
(12)What do we know about David?    
A.He told a joke to the king.
B.He failed to grow the king's orchid.
C.He was good at growing orchids.
D.He was chosen to be the next king.
(13)What does the underlined word "it" refer to in Paragraph 4?    
A.The pot.
B.His flower.
C.The seed.
D.The sunlight.
(14)What can we learn from the story?    
A.David was the only winner in the end.
B.It is stupid of the king to choose David as a judge.
C.It is impolite of David to give an empty pot to the king.
D.The king believed honesty was very important for a judge.
(15)Which of the following is the best title for the passage?    
A.Honesty Is the Best Policy
B.How to Grow Orchids
C.Flowers Are the Best Gifts
D.It's Very Easy to Grow Orchids
(8分)Seagrass,an underwater plant that grows on the ocean floor,is very important for sea life.It also helps present global warming by storing carbon.a harmful gas.However,a team of researchers has discovered the world's largest meadow (grassland) on the seafloor near the Bahamas.
Seagrass meadows are home to many different kinds of fish,shellfish,and so on.Large sea animals,also spend a lot of time there looking for food.Seagrass can grow in very deep and dark water.making it difficult to find.But sharks can dive deep into the water and get to the areas people cannot reach.
After noticing tiger sharks swimming through seagrass off the Bahamas,an American scientist worked with a seagrass expert,trying to map the locations of the plants.The researchers fitted seven tiger sharks with camera.Since tiger sharks swim in groups,they placed satellite tracking tag(卫星跟踪器) on eight other sharks to find out exactly where the animals swam.They collected hours of videos of the tiger sharks swimming through seagrass.
The researchers found more growing near the Bahamas than they expected — in fact,they believe that there is more seagrass there than anywhere else on Earth.The new finding increased the total number of seagrass known to exist by 41%.However,more research is needed to discover the true size of the seagrass meadow.
Scientists often depend on findings from divers and boats to study about the underwater world,but this team found that working with animals improved their understanding.They are now placing cameras on sea turtles to study seagrass in the Red Sea.Hopefully,more mysteries about seagrass will be solved.
(16)What are the scientists studying according to the passage?    
B.The Bahamas.
D.The Red Sea.
(17)Which underlined word has the same meaning as the underlined word "map" in Paragraph 3?    
A.Is there a map of China in the classroom?
B.Amy mapped out her plans on the new project.
C.It is the West Lake that really puts Hangzhou on the map.
D.The police have successfully mapped where the missing boy is.
(18)What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?    
A.The reason for the study.
B.The method to do the research.
C.The finding of the research.
D.The difficulty in carrying out the study.
(19)Why does the writer write the passage?    
A.To tell the importance of saving seagrass.
B.To express the strong love for tiger sharks.
C.To share a new way of doing undersea research.
D.To introduce a special project on global warming.
(8分)Do you know that soybean (大豆) is a gift that China gives to the whole world?The history may surprise you.
Actually the word "soy" comes from the Chinese Character "Shu(菽)" .Back in Old China,the soybean plays a great role in people's eating habits.The soybean can be made into soy milk,soy oil,tofu
These all changed because of the war.From 1913 to 1932,China's export value (出口量) of soybean is up on a 15% jump.Americans even collected thousands of species(品种),candles,butter and bread.As the magazine writes,but also saved America." In the 1950s,America overtook China in soybean production(产量).
Soy food has been even more popular since the 1970s when the vegetarians thought it was healthy and friendly to the environment.Those who never eat meat take it as a way to keep a healthy diet.A lot of stores sell soy burgers instead of meat burgers.Some companies are working to make more people accept the new life style﹣﹣﹣more soy,less meat.More People nowadays can taste and enjoy the deliciousness of the soybean.
(20)Why is the soybean so important in Old China?    
A.Because it sounds like "Shu ".
B.Because it can be made into different things to eat.
C.Because it is as important as meat.
D.Because it has long history.
(21)How does the writer show us the soybean becomes popular outside China?    
A.By telling a story
B.By listing numbers
C.By asking questions
D.By giving examples
(22)Which of the following best shows the structure of the text? (P = Paragraph)    
(23)What's the main idea of this passage?    
A.The species of soybean.
B.The facts of soybean.
C.The popularity of soybean.
D.The production of soybean.
第二节:下面文章中有 5 处(第 31-35 题)需要添加小标题。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E 和 F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题。选项中有一项是多余选项。
How to prepare for school tests?
Holly King﹣Mand,widely known as the nation's favorite English teacher,taught thousands of children online during the pandemic(疫情),cool vocabulary and trips to the library.Here she shares the best ways to prepare for tests.
When you spend too long thinking about something,you can focus too much on the wrong thing.For example:What will happen if I fail?What will happen if I miss the bus that day?Remember that tests reflect(反映) where you are in your learning journey so that your teachers can work out what to help you with next.
Teachers will want you to do your best in tests and will be ready to answer any questions you might have.Ask them why you are taking the test.You might find out that it's nothing to worry about.Just have a try.
Some people like to prepare for tests.However,not everyone chooses to do so.It's better to fully prepared for it and find a quiet space and take regular breaks.
On the day of the test,make sure you eat a healthy breakfast and allow plenty of time to reach school.Pack your bag the night before so you feel organized and ready,and remember to take a water bottle.
Tests reflect what you can do and what you have learnt so far.Use the feedback from your test to understand your strengths and focus on your improvement.Be proud of the hard work you've done and the effort you've put in.
A.Talk to your teachers.
B.Enjoy your achievement.
C.Check the marks.
D.Don't overthink it.
E.Get things ready.
F.Prepare for it.
第 II 卷第三部分 英语知识运用。第一节:完型填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中选出一个最佳选项。
(15分)As a student,I was most afraid to answer questions in class,and I found that the students around were just like me.At the(25)   of each class,when the teacher asked a question,I always lowered my head because I was afraid that the teacher(26)   me.
One day,in a foreign language class,Mr.Black gave us a lesson.He wanted us to be(27)   in class.So he(28)   us some questions,but no one answered. "Let me tell you a story first," he said.
"When I came to the United States to study,the university often(29)   famous people to make speeches.Before the beginning of every speech,I found an(30)   thing.The students around me always took a cardboard(31)   in half,wrote their names in bold (黑体) with the most eye﹣catching color32)   the cardboard on the seat.So when the speaker needed the answers(33)   the students,he could see and call a listener's name directly. "
"I couldn't understand that.My classmate told me the(34)   were all top people,who meant chances.(35)   your answer was to his surprise,it meant he might give you(36)   chances.In fact,I really saw a few students got great chances(37)   that. "
After listening to the story,I understood that the chance will not find you(38)   .You must show yourself all the time so that you can find a chance on the(39)   .
(25) A.end B.beginning C.middle D.last
(26) A.met B.missed C.looked D.saw
(27) A.careful B.silent C.loud D.active
(28) A.gave B.asked C.told D.left
(29) A.interviewed B.introduced C.invented D.invited
(30) A.awful B.impossible C.interesting D.educational
(31) A.folded B.cut C.put D.held
(32) A.pulled B.picked C.placed D.pushed
(33) A.to B.from C.by D.with
(34) A.speakers B.readers C.listeners D.writers
(35) A.Because B.So C.Before D.When
(36) A.little B.much C.few D.more
(37) A.instead of B.because of C.kind of D.a couple of
(38) A.himself B.herself C.yourself D.itself
(39) A.card B.speech C.lesson D.dream
第二节: 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。将答案填写在答题纸的相应位置。
40.(10分)Dear Ronny,
Years ago,you(1)    (come) to me for help.You said, "Grandpa,and I'm already tired(2)   trying hard for my life.What should I do?"
I didn't know(3)   to say to you.But I think I should give you(4)   answer.Here is what I believe.
First,realize that life(5)    (fill) with surprises,but many are good ones.If you don't keep(6)   (watch) for them,you'll miss at least half of the excitement.Welcome challenges.They'll make you wiser,stranger and more powerful(7)   you were the day before.When you make mistakes,be thankful for the things they teach you.
Second,there will be more opportunities while you are growing up.So you have to move from a known place to an unknown one(8)    (brave).Consider all the roads ahead,and decide which one to follow.Then believe in (9)    (you),get up and keep going.
Most important of all,never give up.The person that ends up as a(10)    (win) is the one who has the strong will to win.Give life everything you've got.And life will give its best to you.
Love always,
第四部分 写作。第一节:单词拼写。根据下列句子及所给的首字母,在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的正确、完全形式。(每空限填一词)
41.(1分)Jane liked the toy very much,but she didn't d     to say what she thought because of her shyness.
42.(1分)Would you please r     the number?I can hardly follow you.
43.(1分)Parents require that children should speak p     to the old people.
44.(1分)In my eyes,my father is my hero.His words and actions had a great i     on me.
45.(1分)You can always try some traditional food in a new place with the help of the l     people.
46.(1分)If you can connect what you learn with something fun,you will c     an interest in it.
47.(1分)The tradition of a     the moon and sharing moon﹣cakes with families started a long time ago.
48.(1分) Hearing the sound of the gun,the birds flew to different d    .
49.(1分)The news that Fan Yiting won three gold medals in the 19th Asian Games s     quickly in the village.
50.(1分)The weather is freezing cold,and the s     of the lake is covered with ice.
51.(15分)假定你是李平,最近收到英国笔友 Matt 的邮件,请根据邮件内容用英语回复。词数 80 左右。
Dear Li Ping, How's everything going with you?We haven't seen you for years.I'm excited to know the 19th Asian Games were just held in your hometown.So can you tell me how it has changed you?Are you more interested in sports?Do you study harder?Are you better with your friends and family?Hope to hear from you soon. All the best! Yours, Matt
Dear Matt ,
Li Ping
第 I 卷第一部分 听力。第一节 听下面 5 段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试题的相应位置,听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话仅读一遍。
1.(2分)Where is the supermarket?
A.Before the bookstore.
B.Next to the library.
C.Behind the flower shop.
C W:Excuse me.Can you tell me where the supermarket is?
M:Yes.It's behind the flower store,next to the bookshop.
(停顿 10'',停顿时间打点)
2.(2分)What did Berry use to be?
A.Tall and thin.
B.Short and strong.
C.Short and weak.
B W:Hi,Berry.You have changed.You are really tall and thin.
M:Yes.I used to be short and strong.
(停顿 10'',停顿时间打点)
3.(2分)How does Mandy want to go to the bus station?
A.By taxi.
B.By bus.
C.On foot.
A M:Come on,Mandy
W:Give me a break!My legs are killing me.Let's just call a taxi.
(停顿 10'',停顿时间打点)
4.(2分)What does the girl think of the making word cards?
A.It's helpful.
B.It's interesting.
C.It's boring.
C M:Why don't you make some word cards,it's helpful.
W:But,it's boring.Do you have any other interesting ways?
(停顿 10'',停顿时间打点)
5.(2分)Where does the conversation probably take place?
A.In a bank.
B.In a hospital.
C.At school.
B M:Excuse me,I came here to see Ben Brown.
W:He's in Room 240 on the third floor.But you can't visit him now.He's taking an x﹣ray at the moment.You need to wait for another ten minutes.
M:Then I'll wait here.
(停顿 10'',停顿时间打点)
第二节 听下面3段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你有时间阅读各小题,每小题5秒钟。听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的做答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6.(6分)(1)Where did Bill go last month?
(2)How many students are there in Susie's class?
(3)How do the students sit in Susie's class?
A.In lines.
B.Around tables.
C.On the floor.
BAB W:Hey,Bill?
M:No.I went to see my friend Susie in England.And I visited her school,too.
W:Uh,what is her school like?
M:Here are a few photos.
W:Let me have a look.
M:So,here we go.This is Susie's school.It has about 700 students.
W:How many students are there in Susie's class?
M:About thirty,like most classes in England.
W:We have forty in our class.Look!They don't sit in lines.
M:That's right.In England,the students sit around tables!
W:It looks fun.
7.(6分)(1)What are the speakers mainly talking about?
A.Touring the lake.
B.Buying gifts.
C.Booking tickets.
(2)Which of the following is NOT mentioned?
A.The man's name.
B.The man's phone number.
C.The man's e﹣mail address.
(3)How much will the man pay in total?
A.2400 yuan.
B.2420 yuan.
C.1620 yuan.
CCB W:Hello,What can I do for you?
M:I want two tickets for Swan Lake for the evening ofthe 15th.
W:The prices range from 1500 yuan yuan yuan to 500 ?
M:Two tickets for 1200 yuan
W:Your name,home address and phone number.
M:Michael.I'm staying in Room 235 at Best Western Hotel.My number is 18789276676.
W:Thank you.Your tickets will be sent to you around six o'clock this afternoon.
M:How much do I pay for sending my tickets?
W:20 yuan.
(停顿 2'',再读一遍
8.(8分)(1)What did Maria use to be like?
A.She was fat.
B.She was thin.
C.She was short.
(2)What sport does Maria like?
(3)What is one of Maria's secrets to becoming a good language learner?
A.Practicing listening a lot.
B.Watching English movies.
C.Joining the English club.
(4)What does the speaker think of Maria?
CBAB It seems that Maria has changed a lot in the last four years.She used to be short,but now she is very tall and she likes playing basketball.She didn't use to be interested in studying English?I also remember she used to be willing to help others .
(停2 秒,然后重复
第二部分 阅读理解。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中选出最佳选项。
(6分)Here is a timetable of courses in Children' s Palace.
Monday Space Course 19:00—20:00 (once a week for two months) Dr.Li Hua (the teacher from Red Star School) More knowledge about the outer space. Place:Room 105 Thursday Chinese Clay Art Course 19:00—21:00 (once a week for three months) Chinese Clay Art.Join us to learn it. Call Ms.Huang Li at 8820231. Place:Room 109
Tuesday Photography Course 18:30—19:30 (once a week for two months) Mr.Chen Yi,from Evening Paper,will show you how to take good pictures.Bring your own camera. Place:Room 218 Saturday Cooking Course 14:00—16:00 (once a week for two months) Ms.Qian Hong (a famous cook) Learn some common dishes,like scrambled eggs with tomato (番茄炒蛋). Place:Room 305
Wednesday Biology Course 18:00—19:00 (once a week for one month) Learn about earthworms (蚯蚓) in a field. Place:In the yard of Children's Palace Sunday Chinese Shadow Puppetry (皮影戏) Course 15:00—17:30 (once a week for three months) Tell the story of Journey to the West by Mr.Liang. Place:Room 308
(9)Which course can you choose to learn if you are only free for an hour?  B 
A.Chinese Shadow Puppetry (皮影戏) Course
B.Photography Course
C.Chinese Clay Art Course
D.Cooking Course
(10)Where can you learn the story of Journey to the west?  C 
A.In Room 218.
B.In the yard of Children's Palace.
C.In Room 308.
D.In Room 105.
(11)Who can you learn from if you want to know more about the outer space?  D 
A.From Mr.Liang.
B.From Mr.Chen Yi.
C.From Ms.Huang Li.
D.From Dr.Li Hua.
(9)细节理解题。根据表格三Photography (once a for months)(摄影课程,两个月,如果你只有一个小时的空闲时间。故选B。
(10)细节理解题。根据表格六Tell story Journey the by 308(讲梁先生的《西游记》故事,在308室能学到《西游记》的故事。
(11)细节理解题。根据表格一Space Hua teacher Red School)(太空课程,红星学校的老师)可知,你可以向李华博士学习。
(8分)In ancient times,there was a king who loved flowers.His palace was always decorated with beautiful orchids and other flowers.As the king grew older,he knew that one day he would have to give up his throne (王位)
The other day,the king had an idea.He asked his servants to travel to every part of the country and give every citizen a single orchid seed.He then announced that the person who grew the most beautiful orchid would take his throne.
Everyone in the country then got their own seed.One young man named David was especially excited about the news,because he had experience in growing flowers himself.
David planted his seed in a pot and put it in a place where it would get lots of sunlight.He watered it carefully every day.But as hard as he tried,his flower simply would not grow.
Finally,it was time for everyone to give their flowers to the king.David took his empty pot to the palace.
"Your Majesty (尊敬的陛下),I am sorry to say that I could not grow an orchid.But I hope you can see that I tried my best." he said.
The king was moved by David's honesty.Although he did not choose David as the new king,he gave David a job as a royal court judge (法官).He believed that David's honesty would make him the right person to make sure the justice (公正)
(12)What do we know about David?  B 
A.He told a joke to the king.
B.He failed to grow the king's orchid.
C.He was good at growing orchids.
D.He was chosen to be the next king.
(13)What does the underlined word "it" refer to in Paragraph 4?  C 
A.The pot.
B.His flower.
C.The seed.
D.The sunlight.
(14)What can we learn from the story?  D 
A.David was the only winner in the end.
B.It is stupid of the king to choose David as a judge.
C.It is impolite of David to give an empty pot to the king.
D.The king believed honesty was very important for a judge.
(15)Which of the following is the best title for the passage?  A 
A.Honesty Is the Best Policy
B.How to Grow Orchids
C.Flowers Are the Best Gifts
D.It's Very Easy to Grow Orchids
(12)细节理解题。根据第五段 took empty to palace.(大卫带着他的空罐子去了宫殿 Majesty ,I am to that I not an ,很抱歉。)可知。故选B。
(13)代词指代题。根据第四段David his in a and it a place it get of ,然后把它放在一个阳光充足的地方,他每天都小心翼翼地给种子浇水。故选C。
(14)细节理解题。根据最后一段Although did choose as new ,he David a as a court (法官).He that honesty make the person make the (公正) the ,但他给了大卫一份皇家法院法官的工作。)可知。故选D。
(15)标题归纳题。根据文章最后一段The was by honesty.Although did choose as new ,he David a as a court (法官).He that honesty make the person make the (公正) the 。虽然他没有选择大卫为新国王。他相信大卫的诚实会使他成为确保国家公正的合适人选,文章主要讲述大卫的诚实让他当上了皇家法院法官,所标题应为"诚实是最好的策略"。
(8分)Seagrass,an underwater plant that grows on the ocean floor,is very important for sea life.It also helps present global warming by storing carbon.a harmful gas.However,a team of researchers has discovered the world's largest meadow (grassland) on the seafloor near the Bahamas.
Seagrass meadows are home to many different kinds of fish,shellfish,and so on.Large sea animals,also spend a lot of time there looking for food.Seagrass can grow in very deep and dark water.making it difficult to find.But sharks can dive deep into the water and get to the areas people cannot reach.
After noticing tiger sharks swimming through seagrass off the Bahamas,an American scientist worked with a seagrass expert,trying to map the locations of the plants.The researchers fitted seven tiger sharks with camera.Since tiger sharks swim in groups,they placed satellite tracking tag(卫星跟踪器) on eight other sharks to find out exactly where the animals swam.They collected hours of videos of the tiger sharks swimming through seagrass.
The researchers found more growing near the Bahamas than they expected — in fact,they believe that there is more seagrass there than anywhere else on Earth.The new finding increased the total number of seagrass known to exist by 41%.However,more research is needed to discover the true size of the seagrass meadow.
Scientists often depend on findings from divers and boats to study about the underwater world,but this team found that working with animals improved their understanding.They are now placing cameras on sea turtles to study seagrass in the Red Sea.Hopefully,more mysteries about seagrass will be solved.
(16)What are the scientists studying according to the passage?  C 
B.The Bahamas.
D.The Red Sea.
(17)Which underlined word has the same meaning as the underlined word "map" in Paragraph 3?  D 
A.Is there a map of China in the classroom?
B.Amy mapped out her plans on the new project.
C.It is the West Lake that really puts Hangzhou on the map.
D.The police have successfully mapped where the missing boy is.
(18)What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?  C 
A.The reason for the study.
B.The method to do the research.
C.The finding of the research.
D.The difficulty in carrying out the study.
(19)Why does the writer write the passage?  C 
A.To tell the importance of saving seagrass.
B.To express the strong love for tiger sharks.
C.To share a new way of doing undersea research.
D.To introduce a special project on global warming.
(16)细节理解题。根据文章开头Seagrass underwater that on ocean ,is important sea ,对海洋生物非常重要,more about will solved.(更多关于海草的谜团将有望被解开,科学家们正在研究海草。
(17)词义猜测题。A.教室里有中国地图吗。C.真正让杭州出名的是西湖。根据第三段中After tiger swimming seagrass the ,an scientist with a ,trying map the locations the ,一位美国科学家与一位海草专家合作。)可知,意为"绘制……的地图,定位"。故选D。
(8分)Do you know that soybean (大豆) is a gift that China gives to the whole world?The history may surprise you.
Actually the word "soy" comes from the Chinese Character "Shu(菽)" .Back in Old China,the soybean plays a great role in people's eating habits.The soybean can be made into soy milk,soy oil,tofu
These all changed because of the war.From 1913 to 1932,China's export value (出口量) of soybean is up on a 15% jump.Americans even collected thousands of species(品种),candles,butter and bread.As the magazine writes,but also saved America." In the 1950s,America overtook China in soybean production(产量).
Soy food has been even more popular since the 1970s when the vegetarians thought it was healthy and friendly to the environment.Those who never eat meat take it as a way to keep a healthy diet.A lot of stores sell soy burgers instead of meat burgers.Some companies are working to make more people accept the new life style﹣﹣﹣more soy,less meat.More People nowadays can taste and enjoy the deliciousness of the soybean.
(20)Why is the soybean so important in Old China?  B 
A.Because it sounds like "Shu ".
B.Because it can be made into different things to eat.
C.Because it is as important as meat.
D.Because it has long history.
(21)How does the writer show us the soybean becomes popular outside China?  B 
A.By telling a story
B.By listing numbers
C.By asking questions
D.By giving examples
(22)Which of the following best shows the structure of the text? (P = Paragraph)  A 
(23)What's the main idea of this passage?  B 
A.The species of soybean.
B.The facts of soybean.
C.The popularity of soybean.
D.The production of soybean.
(20)细节理解题。根据第二段Back Old ,the plays a role people's habits.The can made soy ,soy ,soy ,tofu meat so makes soybean important meat Chinese life.(在旧中国。大豆可以制成豆浆、豆油、大豆肉等。)可知。故选B。
(21)细节理解题。根据第三段These changed of war.From to ,China's value of is on a jump.(这些都因为战争而改变了,中国的大豆出口额增长了15%,是通过列数字来说明的。
(23)主旨大意题。通读全文 you that (大豆) a gift China to whole ?The may you.(你知道大豆是中国送给全世界的礼物吗。)可知。故选B。
第二节:下面文章中有 5 处(第 31-35 题)需要添加小标题。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E 和 F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题。选项中有一项是多余选项。
How to prepare for school tests?
Holly King﹣Mand,widely known as the nation's favorite English teacher,taught thousands of children online during the pandemic(疫情),cool vocabulary and trips to the library.Here she shares the best ways to prepare for tests.
(1) D 
When you spend too long thinking about something,you can focus too much on the wrong thing.For example:What will happen if I fail?What will happen if I miss the bus that day?Remember that tests reflect(反映) where you are in your learning journey so that your teachers can work out what to help you with next.
(2) A 
Teachers will want you to do your best in tests and will be ready to answer any questions you might have.Ask them why you are taking the test.You might find out that it's nothing to worry about.Just have a try.
(3) F 
Some people like to prepare for tests.However,not everyone chooses to do so.It's better to fully prepared for it and find a quiet space and take regular breaks.
(4) E 
On the day of the test,make sure you eat a healthy breakfast and allow plenty of time to reach school.Pack your bag the night before so you feel organized and ready,and remember to take a water bottle.
(5) B 
Tests reflect what you can do and what you have learnt so far.Use the feedback from your test to understand your strengths and focus on your improvement.Be proud of the hard work you've done and the effort you've put in.
A.Talk to your teachers.
B.Enjoy your achievement.
C.Check the marks.
D.Don't overthink it.
E.Get things ready.
F.Prepare for it.
(1)细节推理题。根据When you spend too long thinking about something,你可能会过于专注于错误的事情,当你花太长时间思考一件事时,所以此段主要说的是不要考虑太多。故选D。
(2)细节理解题。根据Teachers will want you to do your best in tests and…Ask them why you are taking the test.You might find out that it's nothing to worry about.Just have a try.(老师会希望你在考试中尽最大努力。你可能会发现这没什么好担心的。)可知。你可能会发现这没什么好担心的,选项A"和你的老师谈谈"符合语境。
(3)细节理解题。根据It's better to fully prepared for it and find a quiet space and take regular breaks.(最好做好充分的准备,定期休息,本段主要讲了要准备好考试。故选F。
(4)细节推理题。根据On day the ,make you a healthy and plenty time reach your the before you organized ready remember take a bottle.(在考试当天,并留出充足的时间去上学,让你感觉有条理,记得带一个水瓶,本段主要讲了为考试准备好什么东西。故选E。
(5)细节推理题。根据Be proud of the hard work you've done and the effort you've put in.(为你所做的辛勤工作和付出的努力感到骄傲,要为你所做的努力和付出的努力感到骄傲。故选B。
第 II 卷第三部分 英语知识运用。第一节:完型填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中选出一个最佳选项。
(15分)As a student,I was most afraid to answer questions in class,and I found that the students around were just like me.At the(25) B of each class,when the teacher asked a question,I always lowered my head because I was afraid that the teacher(26) D me.
One day,in a foreign language class,Mr.Black gave us a lesson.He wanted us to be(27) D in class.So he(28) B us some questions,but no one answered. "Let me tell you a story first," he said.
"When I came to the United States to study,the university often(29) D famous people to make speeches.Before the beginning of every speech,I found an(30) C thing.The students around me always took a cardboard(31) A in half,wrote their names in bold (黑体) with the most eye﹣catching color32) C the cardboard on the seat.So when the speaker needed the answers(33) B the students,he could see and call a listener's name directly. "
"I couldn't understand that.My classmate told me the(34) A were all top people,who meant chances.(35) D your answer was to his surprise,it meant he might give you(36) D chances.In fact,I really saw a few students got great chances(37) B that. "
After listening to the story,I understood that the chance will not find you(38) D .You must show yourself all the time so that you can find a chance on the(39) A .
(25) A.end B.beginning C.middle D.last
(26) A.met B.missed C.looked D.saw
(27) A.careful B.silent C.loud D.active
(28) A.gave B.asked C.told D.left
(29) A.interviewed B.introduced C.invented D.invited
(30) A.awful B.impossible C.interesting D.educational
(31) A.folded B.cut C.put D.held
(32) A.pulled B.picked C.placed D.pushed
(33) A.to B.from C.by D.with
(34) A.speakers B.readers C.listeners D.writers
(35) A.Because B.So C.Before D.When
(36) A.little B.much C.few D.more
(37) A.instead of B.because of C.kind of D.a couple of
(38) A.himself B.herself C.yourself D.itself
(39) A.card B.speech C.lesson D.dream
(25)考查名词辨析。句意:每次上课开始,我总是低着头。A.end结束;C.middle中间。考查介词短语at the beginning of 在...开始时。
(26)考查动词辨析。句意:每次上课开始,我总是低着头。A.met遇到;C.looked看;D.saw看到 I always lowered my head(我总是低头)可知,故选D。
(28)考查动词辨析。句意:因此他问我们一些问题。A.gave给;C.told告诉。根据but no one answered.(但是没有人回答)可知,ask sb some questions问某人问题。
(29)考查动词辨析。句意:当我来美国学习时。A.interviewed面试;C.invented发明。根据 to make speeches.(做演讲)可知,invite sb to do邀请某人做某事。
(30)考查形容词辨析。句意:每次演讲开始前。A.awful可怕的;C.interesting有趣的。根据The students around me always took a cardboard(7)in half,and then(8)the cardboard on the seat.(身边的同学总是拿一个纸板对折,然后把纸板放在座位上,这是一种很有趣的事情。
(33)考查介词辨析。句意:因此,他可以看到并直接呼唤听众的名字;B.from来自;D.with和,当 演讲者需要学生的答案时,故选B。
(34)考查名词辨析。句意:我的同学告诉我,这意味着机会;B.readers读者;D.writers作家 (大学邀请一些名人来演讲)可知,故选A。
(35)考查连词辨析。句意:当你的回答出乎他的意料时。A.Because因为;C.Before之前。根据it meant he might give you(12)chances(意味着他可能会给你更多的机会)可知,when引导时间状语从句。
(36)考查形容词辨析。句意:当你的回答出乎他的意料时。A.little几乎没有;B.much一些;C.few几乎没有;D.more更多,I really saw a few students got great chances(事实上,引起关注的回答者会得到更多的机会。
(37)考查介词短语辨析。句意:事实上。A.instead of代替;C.kind of有点。根据(11)your answer was to his surprise(当你的回答出乎他的意料时)可知,故选B。
(39)考查名词辨析。句意:你必须一直展示自己。A.card卡片;C.lesson课。根据上文提到The students around me always took a cardboard(7)in half,and then(8)the cardboard on the seat.(身边的同学总是拿一个纸板对折,然后把纸板放在座位上,在卡片上写名字,故选A。
第二节: 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。将答案填写在答题纸的相应位置。
40.(10分)Dear Ronny,
Years ago,you(1) came  (come) to me for help.You said, "Grandpa,and I'm already tired(2) of trying hard for my life.What should I do?"
I didn't know(3) what to say to you.But I think I should give you(4) an answer.Here is what I believe.
First,realize that life(5) is filled  (fill) with surprises,but many are good ones.If you don't keep(6) watching (watch) for them,you'll miss at least half of the excitement.Welcome challenges.They'll make you wiser,stranger and more powerful(7) than you were the day before.When you make mistakes,be thankful for the things they teach you.
Second,there will be more opportunities while you are growing up.So you have to move from a known place to an unknown one(8) bravely  (brave).Consider all the roads ahead,and decide which one to follow.Then believe in (9) yourself  (you),get up and keep going.
Most important of all,never give up.The person that ends up as a(10) winner  (win) is the one who has the strong will to win.Give life everything you've got.And life will give its best to you.
Love always,
(1)考查动词。句意:几年前。根据Years ago(几年前)可知。故填came。
(2)考查介词。句意:你仍然精力充沛。be tired of doing sth"厌倦做某事"。
(5)考查被动语态。句意:首先,但很多都是美好的,短语be filled with"充满",所以空格处也用一般现在时。
(7)考查介词。句意:它们会让你比前一天更聪明,更强大,stranger more ,更陌生,所以后面应该用than。
第四部分 写作。第一节:单词拼写。根据下列句子及所给的首字母,在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的正确、完全形式。(每空限填一词)
41.(1分)Jane liked the toy very much,but she didn't d  are  to say what she thought because of her shyness.
根据because of shyness(因为害羞)可知是说她不敢说出她的想法,要用原形。
42.(1分)Would you please r  epeat  the number?I can hardly follow you.
43.(1分)Parents require that children should speak p  olitely  to the old people.
句子中修饰动词speak使用副词形式,根据to old ,politely是副词。
44.(1分)In my eyes,my father is my hero.His words and actions had a great i  nfluence  on me.
45.(1分)You can always try some traditional food in a new place with the help of the l  ocal  people.
46.(1分)If you can connect what you learn with something fun,you will c  reate  an interest in it.
create an interest培养兴趣,will后面加动词原形。
47.(1分)The tradition of a  dmiring  the moon and sharing moon﹣cakes with families started a long time ago.
48.(1分) Hearing the sound of the gun,the birds flew to different d  irections .
49.(1分)The news that Fan Yiting won three gold medals in the 19th Asian Games s  pread  quickly in the village.
50.(1分)The weather is freezing cold,and the s  urface  of the lake is covered with ice.
51.(15分)假定你是李平,最近收到英国笔友 Matt 的邮件,请根据邮件内容用英语回复。词数 80 左右。
Dear Li Ping, How's everything going with you?We haven't seen you for years.I'm excited to know the 19th Asian Games were just held in your hometown.So can you tell me how it has changed you?Are you more interested in sports?Do you study harder?Are you better with your friends and family?Hope to hear from you soon. All the best! Yours, Matt
Dear Matt ,
Li Ping
Dear Matt,
Everything is fine with me.It is so exciting to watch the Asian Games in person.From the players,I often ride bikes with my father.I used to dislike studying but now I work harder so that I made great progress.(我学习更努力了)Besides,because I know teamwork is very important.【高分句型一】(我朋友和家人相处得好)I'm sure I will be a better person in the future
Li Ping



