
Expedition Overview
·Take in whole views of Canada’s magnificent Rockies from the glass-domed, Gold Leaf service cars of the Rocky Mountaineer train.
·Explore Banff, Yoho, and Jasper National Parks in countless ways, including going sightseeing by boat, nature hikes, and a thrilling skytram trip.
·Settle into some of the most iconic hotels of the Canadian Rockies, including the Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge and the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise.
·Learn about the geology of the powerful Athabasca Glacier on an outing with an expert guide.
What to Expect
Travelers should be in good health and comfortable walking and sitting for extended periods. Trips include a range of hikes, a lake cruise (游船), a guided glacier walk and the option to go on a rafting trip. We spend two full days aboard the Rocky Mountaineer in a Gold Leaf Service car.
Throughout the expedition, we stay in high-end hotels and historic lodges within the parks.
We have arranged all of your transportation needs during your stay in Canada.
Jul 10-17, 2023; Jul 24-31, 2023; Aug 14-21, 2023; Sep 4-11, 2023; Sep 18-25, 2023.
Double Occupancy: $11, 295;Single Occupancy:$14, 795.
Prices are per person based on double or single occupancy (unless otherwise noted) and do not include airfare to/from your destination.
For more detailed information, please click https://www. nationalgeographic.com.
1.What do travelers do in the expedition according to the passage
A.Enjoy the Rockies’s scenery by car.
B.Take a hike in Jasper National Parks.
C.Visit the Fairmont Chateau Glacier.
D.Have got to take a rafting trip.
2.What is the duration of the trip
A.5 days. B.6 days. C.8 days. D.10 days.
3.What are the lowest prices of the trip for a couple with an adult son
A.$22, 590. B.$26, 090. C.$37, 385. D.$40, 885
If job seekers knew companies were using AI to fill open positions, would it stop them from applying for the job The answer, according to a recent study, is yes — sometimes.
The researchers found that in certain instances, like the screening (筛选) of applications, participants usually accepted some degree of automation. But in other instances, like interviews, automation could stop job seekers from applying for a position.
Companies facing recent labor shortages are increasingly turning to AI as a way to facilitate and speed up the hiring process. AI can be used in tasks such as screening job candidates, checking professional licenses, and interviewing candidates.
The new research suggests that using AI in hiring could be quite opposite. For instance, in one part of the study, participants were shown fictional job postings and then asked if they intended to apply for the position. The researchers found that if the job posting said that AI was used both to screen applicants and to conduct interviews, participants’ intention to apply for the position averaged 2.77 on a six-point scale. If AI was used only for the screening process, participants’ intention to apply averaged 3.73.
In another experiment, the researchers also found that study participants saw pros and cons in the use of AI in interviewing. When told the hiring would be fully automated, some participants expected the whole hiring process to be more consistent (始终如一的) in its judgments. But others tended to believe that they had less voice in the final outcome. Overall, the study results suggest this concern tends to outweigh the appreciation of AI’s lack of bias (偏见) at the interviewing stage.
A mixed approach may be a way to get the best of both worlds. Participants may have been more open to automation earlier in the hiring process because they could see some benefits from using AI — such as less-biased decisions. But during the later stages applicants expect personal interaction, to give them an opportunity to sell themselves and to learn more about the company.
4.Why do companies increasingly turn to AI in hiring
A.To attract more applicants. B.To boost hiring process.
C.To pick out top candidates. D.To solve labor shortages.
5.In which part do participants prefer automation
A.Screening job candidates. B.Interviewing candidates.
C.Grading professional licenses. D.Predicting final outcomes.
6.What does the underlined part refer to in Paragraph 5
A.Less AI involvement. B.Lack of consistent judgments.
C.Less-biased decisions. D.Lack of personal interaction.
7.What’s the main idea of the text
A.Hi-tech is a two-edged sword.
B.AI finds its way to hiring process.
C.Automation may discourage job seekers.
D.A mixed approach should be adopted in hiring.
It is certainly true that pure fear doesn’t feel good, but that is the whole meaning of the emotion. Fear evolved over millions of years to protect us from danger. So, yes, fear is a feel-bad emotion, but also the engine in a whole range of pleasurable activities and behaviors, which inspire what we can call recreational fear.
Recreational fear can be found everywhere. From a very early age, humans love being jump scared by caregivers. They get older and take great pleasure in chase-play and hide-and-seek. They are drawn to scary stories about monsters, witches and ghosts. As they grow a little older, they get together for horror movie nights, stand patiently in line for roller coasters, and play horror video games. Indeed, most of us never quite lose our peculiar attraction to recreational fear.
It is believed that recreational fear is a form of play behavior, widespread in the animal kingdom and humans. When an organism plays, it learns important skills and develops strategies for survival. Playfighting cats train their ability to defend themselves in an unfriendly encounter, but with little risk and low cost, compared to the real thing. It’s the same with humans. When we engage in recreational fear activities specifically, we play with fear, challenge our limits, and learn about our own physiological and psychological responses to stress.
Any other benefits In the studies of engagement with recreational fear, we’ve seen it improve people’s ability to cope with stress and anxiety. For instance, it was found that people who watch many horror movies exhibited better psychological resilience (承受力) during the first COVID-19 lockdown than people who stay away from scary movies.
With these in mind, we should maybe think twice about protecting kids and young people too zealously (热衷地) from playful forms of fear. They’ll end up in the real world sooner or later, and they will be better equipped if they’ve at least pretended to be there before.
8.Which of the following belongs to recreational fear
A.Watching a parade.
B.Having a scary dream.
C.Riding a pirate ship.
D.Falling into the river.
9.How does recreational fear benefit us
A.By leading us to true happiness.
B.By improving our survival skills.
C.By ridding us of trouble in real life.
D.By helping us build up confidence.
10.Why is the example mentioned in Paragraph 4
A.To imply COVID-19 is like a scene in horror movies.
B.To prove lockdown is an effective measure to stop COVID-19.
C.To show recreational fear can make us mentally strong.
D.To recommend us a proper way to reduce stress and anxiety.
11.What is the author’s attitude towards recreational fear
A.Positive. B.Critical.
C.Worried. D.Skeptical.
A quarter of the world’s population eat peppers every day, notes Joshua Tewksbury. He is a biologist who spent 10 years studying peppers.
Peppers do much more than burn people’s mouths. Scientists have discovered many uses for the thing. Called capsaicin(辣椒素), it’s the main ingredient in pepper spray. Some people use this weapon for self-defense. In smaller quantities, capsaicin can relieve pain, help with weight loss and possibly affect microbes(微生物)in the gut(肠道)to keep people healthier. Now how cool is that
Capsaicin triggers a rush of stress hormones. These will make the skin redden and sweat. It can also make someone feel energized. Some people enjoy this feeling. But there is another reason why peppers show up on dinner plates around the world. When food sits out in warm weather, microbes on the food start to multiply. If people eat food with too many of these germs, they risk getting very sick. The cold temperature inside a refrigerator stops most microbes from growing. That’s why most people today rely on refrigerators to keep their food fresh. But long ago, those appliances weren’t available. Peppers were. Their capsaicin and other chemicals, it turns out, can slow or stop microbial growth. Before refrigerators, people living in most hot parts of the world developed a taste for spicy foods.
Peppers also may help people lose weight. However, a person can’t simply eat hot, spicy food and expect to lose pounds. “It’s not a magic remedy,” warns Baskaran Thyagarajan. As a pharmacologist, he studies the effects of medicines. His team is now working to create a drug to make the body burn through fat more quickly than usual. A primary ingredient: Capsaicin. In a 2015 study, his group showed that mice that ate a high-fat diet containing capsaicin did not gain extra weight. But a group of mice that ate only the high-fat diet became obese.
As scientists continue to uncover the secret powers of peppers, people will keep spicing up their soups, stews, stir-fries and other favorite dishes. Next time you see a pepper on a plate, take a deep breath, and then take a bite.
12.What can peppers be used to do according to Paragraph 2
A.Keep people’s mouths clean.
B.Defend a country from invasion.
C.Make people feel less painful.
D.Prevent people from getting sick.
13.Before refrigerators, how did people eat safer
A.Placing food in the open air.
B.Only eating fresh food.
C.Storing food in other appliances.
D.Adding peppers to food.
14.Which of the following can replace the underlined word in Paragraph 4
A.Healthy. B.Bad-tempered.
C.Skinny. D.Overweight.
15.Which can be the suitable title for the text
A.The Cool Science of Hot Peppers
B.A Great Way To Preserve Food
C.Magical Peppers To Lose Weight
D.A Hot Trend of Enjoying Peppers
Being productive is not working every day 15 hours without any break. 16 If you can become more productive, you will be able to save the most valuable things you have: your time! Here are some tips that I usually use to improve my productivity level.
You need to have a physical and digital working environment that motivates you to work. Make sure to remove any distractions on your desk, including your phone or other things that could ruin your concentration. 17 Yes, I’m talking about these people who have so many files that they can’t see their wallpaper anymore.
18 Personally, I like working on different things during my day. Working in a field should not be an excuse to just work in that specific field. There are so many fields to discover on this earth. For example, I work in computer science. If I’m only doing programming during my day, I get bored. So I write articles about things that I like. 19
Moreover, don’t force yourself to do something if you have spent more than 30 minutes trying to start it. It’s okay to postpone, you will do it another time. You just have to be conscious of the reason why you postponed it. If you are feeling overwhelmed, it’s a good way to do something to relax you. 20 Then go back to what you have postponed and you could be more productive.
A.That’s the same idea with your desktop.
B.They could be about computer but not necessarily.
C.Diversifying your fields is another action you can take.
D.You can’t be fully productive if you don’t have energy.
E.It is just being able to spend less time by being efficient.
F.Clean your desk and sort out your folders on your desktop.
G.Just take a nap, do sport or do whatever makes you feel good.
When my son joined the high-school wrestling team last fall during COVID-19, my 83-year-old dad asked me to inquire if they needed an assistant coach. “He wrestled in university, ” I told the coach. I left out his 21.
A few days before the first practice, I e-mailed the coach to tell him my son’s 22 was 83, and in good health. I was 23 . What if he didn’t 24 the team I also pointed out that his hearing aids had sat 25 for five years. He just didn’t like wearing them.
At the first practice, Dad met the coach and told him he would do anything he was needed, even 26 the mats(垫子). When he and my son returned, they were both overjoyed. Dad made the team, but “God, I 27 I could hear the coach!” he said. One day, he realized he forgot his hearing aids as I dropped him and my son 28 for their practice. So we 29 for them.
In his free time, Dad borrowed Wrestling for Dummies from the library. He read up on different 30 and the scoring system. “They are a lot different from my 31 days. I must update them. ” he told me. He thought the coach and the kids in the club were 32 and kind. One of the 33 after each practice approached him and said, “Thank you for being here.”
COVID-19 has not allowed me to watch any of the 34 . I relied on my father to give me the play-by-play of what is 35 in the wrestling room. I’m proud to be a wrestling daughter.
21.A.age B.name C.competence D.hobby
22.A.cousin B.uncle C.grandpa D.nephew
23.A.delighted B.confident C.overwhelmed D.nervous
24.A.create B.make C.appreciate D.fit
25.A.unexpected B.unfolded C.unused D.undoubted
26.A.reserve B.wipe C.produce D.apply
27.A.wish B.realize C.assume D.ensure
28.A.out B.back C.in D.off
29.A.set down B.broke up C.turned back D.called in
30.A.moves B.majors C.uniforms D.proverbs
31.A.childhood B.work C.glory D.university
32.A.courageous B.polite C.fun D.optimistic
33.A.wrestlers B.coaches C.parents D.witnesses
34.A.campaigns B.matches C.practices D.performances
35.A.happening B.rising C.working D.fading
Amid the heights of a mountain range in southwestern China, thousands of different species of flowers 36 (mysterious) live together in harmony, without fighting as they do in other areas for the pollinators that are crucial to their continued survival. The flowers’ 37 (coexist) has left scientists confused for years, but a new study may offer answers.
A team of Chinese researchers set out 38 (understand) the phenomenon better. By documenting the flowering patterns of 34 different species, they discovered that they were not blooming at the same time, 39 at different points of the season, 40 (explain) their ability to thrive (繁荣)so closely to one another.
The Hengduan Mountains are known 41 their biological diversity, spanning deep rivers to tall peaks, and their weather, 42 ranges from the subtropical humidity to cold, snowy winters. In the botanist community, however, the mountains are also spectacular because of the estimated 12, 000 species of flowers that call 43 (they) home, some 3, 500 of which aren’t found naturally anywhere else on Earth.
There are around 272 different species of rhododendrons (杜鹃) native to the Hengduan region, according to the study. Qin Li, 44 postdoctoral researcher at the Chicago Field Museum, who spent over two months visiting more than 100 sites throughout the bloom season to document their blossoms and other characteristics, once 45 (describe) the species on the mountains as an “ocean of flowers”.
46.We need to make__________(adjust)to the original schedule.
47.I felt _________(shame)of taking advantage of his sympathy and apologized to him.
48._________(occupy)in his research, he didn’t have time to take part in amusing entertainments.
49.It’s impossible to make an _______________(assume)about people’s reactions.
50.______________(give) that you’re interested in the custom, I’m writing to introduce it to you .
51.People ____________(infect) with the disease have to stay at home.
52.After letting go of his anger and ____________ (frustrate), he found himself on a road to sympathy instead.
53.As our _________ (distinguish) foreign language teacher , your assistance can help us a lot.
54.He was ___________(comfortable), and his crying let the whole campground know it.
55. Always make your _____________(present) just a bit shorter than anticipated.
1.B 2.C 3.C
1.细节理解题。根据Expedition Overview 部分中的“Explore Banff, Yoho, and Jasper National Parks in countless ways, including going sightseeing by boat, nature hikes, and a thrilling skytram trip. (用无数的方法探索Banff,Yoho,和贾斯珀国家公园,包括乘船观光,自然远足,和惊险的空中缆车旅行。)”可知,游客在探险过程中可以参加远足。故选B项。
2.细节理解题。根据DATES & PRICES部分中的“Dates:Jul 10-17, 2023;Jul 24-31, 2023;Aug 14-21, 2023;Sep 4-11, 2023;Sep 18-25, 2023. (日期:2023年7月10-17日;2023年7月24-31日;2023年8月14日至21日;2023年9月4日至11日;2023 年 9 月 18 日至 25 日。)”可知,每次行程历时8天。故选C项。
3.细节理解题。根据DATES & PRICES部分中的“Prices: Double Occupancy: $11, 295; Single Occupancy: $14, 795. Prices are per person based on double or single occupancy (unless otherwise noted) and do not include airfare to/from your destination. (价格: 双人入住: $11,295;单人入住:14,795 美元。价格为每人双人或单人入住价格(除非另有说明),不包括往返目的地的机票。)”可知, a couple with an adult son参团的最低价格为 $11, 295+$11, 295+$14, 795=$37, 385。故选C项。
4.B 5.A 6.D 7.C
4.细节理解题。根据文章第三段“Companies facing recent labor shortages are increasingly turning to AI as a way to facilitate and speed up the hiring process. (最近面临劳动力短缺的公司越来越多地将人工智能作为促进和加快招聘过程的一种方式)”可知,越来越多的公司在招聘时求助于人工智能是为了促进招聘流程。故选B。
5.细节理解题。根据文章第二段“The researchers found that in certain instances, like the screening of applications, participants usually accepted some degree of automation. (研究人员发现,在某些情况下,比如筛选应用程序,参与者通常会接受某种程度的自动化)”可知,参与者在筛选求职者时更喜欢自动化。故选A。
6.词句猜测题。根据文章画线部分上文“But others tended to believe that they had less voice in the final outcome. (但其他人倾向于认为,他们在最终结果中没有多少发言权)”以及下文“tends to outweigh the appreciation of AI’s lack of bias at the interviewing stage (往往超过了对人工智能在面试阶段缺乏偏见的评价)”可推知,画线部分“this concern”指代的是上文提到的人们所担忧的事情,即使用人工智能进行面试时,他们会在最终结果中没有多少发言权,即缺乏人际互动。故选D。
7.主旨大意题。通读全文,再结合文章第一段“If job seekers knew companies were using AI to fill open positions, would it stop them from applying for the job The answer, according to a recent study, is yes — sometimes. (如果求职者知道公司正在使用人工智能填补空缺职位,这会阻止他们申请这份工作吗?根据最近的一项研究,答案是肯定的——有时是)”可推知,本文主要介绍了使用人工智能求职可能会阻碍求职者申请职位。故选C。
8.C 9.B 10.C 11.A
8.细节理解题。根据第一段第一句“So, yes, fear is a feel-bad emotion, but also the engine in a whole range of pleasurable activities and behaviors, which inspire what we can call recreational fear. (所以,是的,恐惧是一种让人感觉不好的情绪,也是一系列愉快活动和行为的引擎,这些活动和行为激发了我们所谓的娱乐性恐惧)”可知,恐惧也是一系列愉快活动和行为的引擎,这些活动和行为激发了我们所谓的娱乐恐惧。因此,坐海盗船符合娱乐恐惧的特点。此外,海盗船与第二段中提到的roller coasters(过山车)同属一类娱乐设施。故选C。
9.细节理解题。根据第三段内容,尤其第二句“When an organism plays, it learns important skills and develops strategies for survival. (当一个有机体玩耍时,它会学习重要的技能并制定生存策略)”可知,娱乐恐惧有助于提高生存技能。故选B。
10.推理判断题。根据第四段最后一句“For instance, it was found that people who watch many horror movies exhibited better psychological resilience (承受力) during the first COVID-19 lockdown than people who stay away from scary movies. (例如,研究发现,在第一次新冠肺炎疫情封锁期间,经常看恐怖电影的人比不看恐怖电影的人表现出更好的心理承受力)”可知,该例子是为了解释前一句,也是该段的主题句“In the studies of engagement with recreational fear, we’ve seen it improve people’s ability to cope with stress and anxiety. (在对娱乐恐惧的研究中, 我们发现它能提高人们应对压力和焦虑的能力)”。由此推知,作者举例子的目的是为了证明娱乐恐惧能让我们内心强大。故选C。
11.推理判断题。根据最后一段“With these in mind, we should maybe think twice about protecting kids and young people too zealously (热衷地) from playful forms of fear. They’ll end up in the real world sooner or later, and they will be better equipped if they’ve at least pretended to be there before. (考虑到这些,我们也许应该三思而后行,保护孩子和年轻人免受嬉戏的恐惧。他们迟早会出现在现实世界中,如果他们以前至少假装在那里,他们的装备会更好)”可知,作者建议家长们,不要过于热衷保护孩子和年轻人而不让他们体验娱乐恐惧。由此推知,作者对娱乐恐惧的态度是积极的。故选A。
12.C 13.D 14.D 15.A
【导语】本文是一篇说明文。作者向读者介绍了人们爱吃辣椒不仅是因为喜欢它的味道, 还因为辣椒中的辣椒素具有很多其他功能:白卫、缓解疼痛、减肥、使身体健康等。科学家们对辣椒的研究仍在持续进行中。
12.细节理解题。根据第二自然段“In smaller quantities, capsaicin can relieve pain, help with weight loss and possibly affect microbes(微生物)in the gut(肠道)to keep people healthier. (少量的辣椒素可以缓解疼痛,帮助减肥,并可能影响肠道中的微生物,使人们保持健康。)”可知,辣椒中的辣椒素可以缓解疼痛。故选C。
13.推理判断题。根据第三自然段“But long ago, those appliances weren’t available. Peppers were. Their capsaicin and other chemicals, it turns out, can slow or stop microbial growth. (但很久以前,没有冰箱这类家用电器,但是有辣椒。事实证明,它们中的辣椒素和其他化学物质可以减缓或阻止微生物的生长。)”可知,很久以前,没有冰箱这类家用电器,但是有辣椒。其中的辣椒素和其他化学物质证明可以减缓或阻止微生物的生长。因此,在食物中加入辣椒可以为食物保鲜。故选D。
14.词义猜测题。根据本段内容“His team is now working to create a drug to make the body burn through fat more quickly than usual. A primary ingredient: Capsaicin. In a 2015 study, his group showed that mice that ate a high-fat diet containing capsaicin did not gain extra weight. (他的团队目前正在研制一种药物,使身体比平时更快地燃烧脂肪。主要成分:辣椒素。在2015年的一项研究中,他的团队表明,食用含有辣椒素的高脂肪饮食的小鼠不会增加额外的体重。)”可知,Baskaran Thyagarajan的团队现在正致力于研制一种药物,使人体比平常更快地燃烧脂肪,药物的主要成分为辣椒素。2015年的一项研究表明,食用含有辣椒素的、高脂肪饮食的老鼠不会额外增加体重。由划线词所在的句子中的but可知,另一组只吃高脂肪食物的老鼠情况相反,也就是说会增加体重。故选D。
15.主旨大意题。根据第二自然段“Scientists have discovered many uses for the thing. Called capsaicin(辣椒素), it’s the main ingredient in pepper spray. Some people use this weapon for self-defense. In smaller quantities, capsaicin can relieve pain, help with weight loss and possibly affect microbes(微生物)in the gut(肠道)to keep people healthier. Now how cool is that (科学家们发现了这种东西的许多用途。称为辣椒素(辣椒素), 它是胡椒喷雾的主要成分。有些人用这种武器自卫。少量的辣椒素可以缓解疼痛,帮助减肥,并可能影响肠道中的微生物,使人们保持健康。这有多酷?)”可知,本文主要介绍了科学家们研究发现辣椒中的辣椒素具有很多有益的功能。随着科学研究的进一步发展,辣椒中所蕴含的更多科学将被揭示。因此,选择A项:辣椒中的酷科学。故选A。
16.E 17.A 18.C 19.B 20.G
16.根据上文“Being productive is not working every day 15 hours without any break.(高效工作并不是每天工作15个小时不间断)”可知,高效的工作并不是长时间的工作。由此推知,空处应解释什么是高效工作。E项“It is just being able to spend less time by being efficient.(它是通过提高效率来节省时间)”符合题意,解释什么才是高效的工作,选项中的it指代上文being productive。故选E。
17.根据上文“Make sure to remove any distractions on your desk, including your phone or other things that could ruin your concentration.(确保你的办公桌上没有任何让你分心的东西,包括你的手机或其他可能影响你集中注意力的东西)”和下文“Yes, I’m talking about these people who have so many files that they can’t see their wallpaper anymore.(是的, 我说的是那些有太多文件夹以至于看不到(电脑桌面)墙纸的那些人)”可知,要确保办公桌上没有分心的东西,且下文提到了桌面墙纸。由此推知,空处内容应和电脑有关。A项“That’s the same idea with your desktop.(你的电脑桌面也是如此)”符合题意,指出电脑桌面和办公桌面一样(不要有分心的东西)。故选A。
18.空处为本段主旨句。根据下文“Personally, I like working on different things during my day. Working in a field should not be an excuse to just work in that specific field. There are so many fields to discover on this earth. (就我个人而言,我喜欢在白天做不同的事情。在一个领域工作不应该成为只在特定领域工作的借口。在这个地球上有许多领域可以发现)”可知,我们应该让自己的领域多样化。C项“Diversifying your fields is another action you can take.(使你的领域多样化是你可以采取的另一项行动)”符合题意,下文是对本句的解释。故选C。
19.根据上文“For example, I work in computer science. If I’m only doing programming during my day, I get bored. So I write articles about things that I like.(例如,我从事计算机科学工作。如果我只在白天做编程,我会感到无聊。所以我写一些关于我喜欢的东西的文章)”推知,空处应承接上文陈述这些文章和作者职业之间的关系。B项“They could be about computer but not necessarily.(它们可能是关于、但不必非得是关于计算机的)”符合题意,本句中的They 指代上句中的articles。故选B。
20.上文“If you are feeling overwhelmed, it’s a good way to do something to relax you.(如果你感到不知所措,这是一个让你放松的好方法)”提出要放松自己,下文“Then go back to what you have postponed and you could be more productive.(然后回到你推迟的事情上,你可以更有效率)”指出放松回来后会更高效。由此推知,空处举例说明一些让人放松的事情。G项“Just take a nap, do sport or do whatever makes you feel good.(只要打个盹,做运动或做任何让你感觉良好的事情)”符合题意。故选G。
21.A 22.C 23.D 24.B 25.C 26.B 27.A 28.D 29.C 30.A 31.D 32.B 33.A 34.C 35.A
21.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我省略了他的年纪。A. age年龄;B. name名字;C. competence能力;D. hobby爱好。根据下文中的“A few days before the first practice, I e-mailed the coach to tell him my son’s ____2____ was 83, and in good health.”可知,此处指遗漏了父亲的“年龄”。故选A项。
22.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在第一次训练的前几天,我给教练发了一封电子邮件,告诉他我儿子的爷爷已经83岁了,身体很好。A. cousin堂兄弟;B. uncle叔叔;C. grandpa爷爷;D. nephew侄子。根据上文中的“When my son joined the high-school wrestling team last fall during COVID-19, my 83-year-old dad asked me to inquire if they needed an assistant coach.”可知,作者的爸爸是作者儿子的外祖父。故选C项。
23.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我很紧张。A. delighted高兴的;B. confident自信的;C. overwhelmed被压倒的,不知所措的;D. nervous紧张的。根据下文中的“What if he didn’t____4____ the team ”可知,作者感到很“紧张”,担心父亲进不了摔跤队。故选D项。
24.考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果他没入选呢 A. create创造;B. make制造;C. appreciate感激;D. fit安装。根据下文中的“Dad made the team, but “God, I____7____ I could hear the coach!””可知,此处为make the team“加入摔跤队”。故选B项。
25.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我还指出,他的助听器已经闲置了五年。A. unexpected出乎意料的;B. unfolded打开的;C. unused未使用的;D. undoubted毫不怀疑的。根据下文中的“He just didn’t like wearing them.”可知,作者父亲不愿意戴助听器,所以此处指“未使用的”符合语境。故选C项。
26.考查动词词义辨析。句意:第一次训练时, 爸爸见到并告诉教练, 他愿意做任何需要他做的事, 甚至擦垫子。A. reserve预留;B. wipe擦;C. produce生产;D. apply应用。结合语境可知,“擦垫子”是清理训练场地的一项工作,符合语境。故选B项。
27.考查动词词义辨析。句意:天啊, 我真希望能听见教练所说的话啊!A. wish希望;B. realize意识到;C. assume假设;D. ensure确保。根据下文中的“One day, he realized he forgot his hearing aids as I dropped him and my son ____8____ for their practice. So we ____9____ for them.”可知,他忘带助听器了, 特意返回家里去取。所以可以判断出, 此处表示爸爸“希望”能听到教练的话。故选A项。
28.考查副词词义辨析。句意:有一天,当我送他和我儿子去训练时,他意识到他忘了带助听器。A. out出去;B. back回去;C. in进来;D. off关闭。根据上文中的“One day, he realized he forgot his hearing aids as I dropped him and my son”可知,当我正要让他俩“下车”时, 他发现自己忘了带助听器。drop sb. off意为“让某人下车”符合语境。故选D项。
29.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:于是我们转身去找他们。A. set down写下,记下;B. broke up分手;C. turned back往回走;D. called in派人请。根据上文中的“One day, he realized he forgot his hearing aids”可知,忘了带助听器,所以作者“转回”去取助听器。故选C项。
30.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在空闲时间,爸爸从图书馆借了《傻瓜摔跤》。他仔细研究了不同的招式和计分系统。A. moves动作;B. majors主修课程;C. uniforms制服;D. proverbs谚语。结合语境以及下文中的“They are a lot different from my ____11____ days. I must update them.”可知,此处与摔跤运动相关的知识有关。故选A项。
31.考查名词词义辨析。句意:“它们与我的大学时代大不相同。我必须更新它们。”他告诉我。A. childhood童年;B. work工作;C. glory荣耀;D. university大学。根据上文中的““He wrestled in university, ” I told the coach.”可知,此处指的是父亲觉得与“大学”时代的不同。故选D项。
32.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他认为俱乐部的教练和孩子们都很有礼貌和善良。A. courageous有勇气的;B. polite有礼貌的;C. fun有趣的;D. optimistic乐观的。根据下文中的“One of the ____13____ after each practice approached him and said, “Thank you for being here.””可知,其中一个摔跤手每次训练完都会走向他, 对他表示感谢,说明孩子们很 “有礼貌”。故选B项。
33.考查名词词义辨析。句意:每次训练结束后,都有一个摔跤手走近他说:“谢谢你来这里。”A. wrestlers摔跤手;B. coaches教练;C. parents家长;D. witnesses目击证人。根据语境以及下文中的“COVID-19 has not allowed me to watch any of the ____14____ .”可以推断,在训练场地的人只可能有教练及参加训练的摔跤手,且结合上文介绍,只有一个教练。故选A项。
34.考查名词词义辨析。句意:新冠肺炎疫情使我无法观看这些训练。A. campaigns战疫,运动;B. matches比赛;C. practices训练;D. performances表演。根据语境以及上文中的“COVID-19 has not allowed me to watch”可知,在疫情期间,不允许看儿子的“训练”。故选C项。
35.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我依靠父亲向我详细介绍摔跤室里发生的事情。A. happening发生;B. rising升起;C. working工作;D. fading褪色。根据语境,在疫情期间,不允许作者去看儿子的训练,结合空前的“I relied on my father to give me the play-by-play of”可知,作者是通过父亲的详细介绍了解儿子的在摔跤场“发生”的事情。故选A项。
36.mysteriously 37.coexistence 38.to understand 39.but 40.explaining 41.for 42.which 43.them 44.a 45.described
36.考查副词。句意:在中国西南山脉的高处,成千上万种不同的花神秘地和谐地生活在一起,而不像在其他地区那样为了对它们持续生存至关重要的传粉者而争斗。分析句子结构可知,此处为副词修饰动词live, mysterious的副词为mysteriously意为“神秘地”符合句意。故填mysteriously。
38.考查非谓语动词。句意:一支中国的科学家团队打算去更好地了解这种现象。 分析句子结构可知,此处为固定短语set out to do sth.意为“打算或着手做……”。故填to understand。
41.考查介词。句意:横断山以其生物多样性而闻名,从深江到高峰,以及从亚热带潮湿到寒冷多雪的冬季的气候。分析句子结构可知,此处为固定短语be known for意为“以……闻名”符合句意。故填 for。
44.考查冠词。句意:芝加哥菲尔德博物馆(Chicago Field Museum)的博士后研究员Qin Li在花季花了两个多月的时间参观了100多个景点,以记录它们的开花和其他特征,他曾将山上的这种物种描述为“花的海洋”。分析句子结构可知,此处为QinLi的同位语,说明其身份,故用不定冠词,且空后的postdoctoral第一个音素为辅音。故填a。
45.考查谓语动词。句意:芝加哥菲尔德博物馆(Chicago Field Museum)的博士后研究员Qin Li在花季花了两个多月的时间参观了100多个景点,以记录它们的开花和其他特征,他曾将山上的这种物种描述为“花的海洋”。分析句子结构可知,此处为谓语动词,根据定语从句中的spent及主句中的once可以判断出describe的时态为过去时,且与句子主语之间为主动关系。故填described。
46.adjustments 47.ashamed 48. Occupied 49. assumption 50.Given
51.infected 52.frustration 53. distinguished 54.uncomfortable 55.presentation



