
I’m Xiao Li. I'm tall and thin. I'm quiet. I have long black hair. I have an orange bag. I have two notebooks and many books in it. I have a good friend. Her name is Liu Xue. She is a friendly girl. She is thin. She has short hair. And she has glasses. She has a new bag. It's blue. She likes it very much.
1.Xiao Li has ______. ( )
A.yellow hair B.short hair C.long black hair
2.______ is tall, thin and quiet. ( )
A.Liu Xue B.Xiao Li C.Liu Xue and Xiao Li
3.Liu Xue is ______. ( )
A.tall B.friendly C.quiet
4.What colour is Liu Xue's bag ( )
A.It's blue. B.It's orange. C.It's red.
5.What's in Xiao Lis bag ( )
A.A pair of glasses. B.Two books and many notebooks. C.Two notebooks and many books.
My name is Liu Xi. Welcome to my home. We have two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen and a study in my home. Look, this is my bedroom. It's small but it is so nice. The wall is pink. My bed is green. I have a toy panda on it. There is a desk and a chair near the bed. They are blue. What's on the desk A Chinese book, a maths book, three notebooks and some storybooks. I love my home. I love my little bedroom, too. Do you like my bedroom
6.There are ______ rooms in Liu Xi's home. ( )
A.five B.six C.four
7.Liu Xi's bedroom is ______. ( )
A.nice B.small C.nice and small
8.Liu Xi’s bed is ______. ( )
A.pink B.green C.blue
9.The chair is ______ the bed. ( )
A.near B.on C.in
10.Liu Xi has ______ notebooks on her desk. ( )
A.three B.two C.four
Hello, friends! I'm Mary. I'm a girl. I'm from America. There are four people in my family. Look! They are my parents, my brother and me. I have many friends in China. These are Lily and Mike. Lily has long hair and big eyes. She has a ruler. Where is her ruler Look! It's under the book. These are Sarah and Tom. Tom has many storybooks. Look! Here they are. Today is Sarah's birthday. We have lunch together.
11.______ is Mary's family. ( )
A. B.
12.Mary has ______ friends in China. ( )
A.four B.five
13.______ is Lily. ( )
A. B.
14.Lily's ruler is ______ the book. ( )
A.in B.under
15.______ has many storybooks. ( )
A.Sarah B.Tom
(Amy and Chen Jie are in the classroom.)
Amy: Hi, Chen Jie. I have a new schoolbag.
Chen Jie: Really
Amy: Look! It’s black and white.
Chen Jie: Wow! It’s a panda. What's in your schoolbag
Amy: An English book, a maths book, a Chinese book and three storybooks.
Chen Jie: It’s a fat panda.
16.Where are Amy and Chen Jie ( )
A.In the classroom. B.At Lost & Found.
17.Which one (哪一个) is Amy’s schoolbag ( )
A. B.
18.What colour is Amy’s schoolbag ( )
A.Blue and white. B.Black and white.
19.How many books are in Amy’s schoolbag ( )
A.6. B.5.
20.Amy’s schoolbag is _______. ( )
A.old B.new
There are four people in my family. They are my parents,my brother and me. My father is a doctor. He likes reading books in the study. My mother is a driver. She likes vegetables and milk. My brother is very tall and strong. He is a basketball player. I am a student. I love everyone in my family.
21.There are five people in my family. ( )
22.My father is a doctor. ( )
23.My mother likes reading books. ( )
24.My brother is a basketball player. ( )
25.I am a student. ( )
Yang Ling: Excuse me, what’s that on the desk
Nancy: It’s a toy car.
Yang Ling: Oh, how nice! Can I have a look
Nancy: Sure. Here you are.
Yang Ling: Thank you. I like it very much. Is this your toy car
Nancy: Yes, it is.
26.The toy car is on the desk. ( )
27.It’s a nice toy car. ( )
28.It’s not Nancy’s toy car. ( )
29.Yang Ling likes toy car very much. ( )
We have a new classroom. It's big and nice. There are two computers in our classroom. We have six new lights and many new desks. My desk is near the window. I like our new classroom.
30.We have a new classroom. ( )
31.The classroom is small. ( )
32.We have six new lights. ( )
33.My desk is near the door. ( )
I'm Mike. This is my family. They are my parents. My mother is a doctor. She is tall and thin. My father is a driver. He is strong. My uncle is a farmer. My aunt is a cook. My cousin is a basketball player. I have a baby brother. He has a little puppy.
34.Mike’s mother is a doctor. ( )
35.Mike’s mother is short and thin. ( )
36.Mike’s father is a driver. ( )
37.Mike’s uncle is a cook. ( )
38.Mike’s cousin is a basketball player. ( )
1.C 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.C
【分析】1.题干句意:小丽有______。根据I have long black hair.,可知小丽有长黑头发,A黄头发,B短头发, C长黑头发,故选C。
2.题干句意:______又高又瘦又安静。根据I'm tall and thin. I'm quiet.,可知小丽又高又瘦又安静,故选B。
3.题干句意:刘雪______。根据Her name is Liu Xue. She is a friendly girl.,可知刘雪是一个友好的女孩,A高的,B友好的,C安静的,故选B。
4.题干句意:刘雪的包什么颜色?根据She has a new bag. It's blue.,可知刘雪的包是蓝色的,A它是蓝色的,B它是橙色的,C它是红色的,故选A。
5.题干句意:小丽的包里有什么?根据I have two notebooks and many books in it.,可知小丽的包里有两本笔记本和很多书,A一副眼镜,B两本书和很多笔记本,C两本笔记本和很多书,故选C。
6.A 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.A
6.句意:刘希家有______房间。A五个,B六个,C四个,根据"We have two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen and a study in my home."可知有两个卧室,一个客厅,一个厨房和一个书房。共五个,故选A。
7.句意:刘希的卧室______。A好看的,B小的,C好看,很小,根据"Look, this is my bedroom. It's small but it is so nice. "可知很小但很好看。故选C。
8.句意:刘希的床是______。A粉色的,B绿色的,C蓝色的,根据"My bed is green. "可知是绿色的。故选B。
9.句意:椅子在床的______。A在……附近,B在……上,C在……里,根据"There is a desk and a chair near the bed. "可知是在床的旁边。故选A。
10.句意:刘希的课桌上有_____笔记本。A三,B二,C四,根据" A Chinese book, a maths book, three notebooks and some storybooks. "可知有三个。故选A。
11.B 12.A 13.A 14.B 15.B
11.句意:______是玛丽的家人。根据“There are four people in my family.”可知她家有四口人。故选B。
12.句意:在中国玛丽有_____朋友。A四个,B五个,根据“These are Lily and Mike.These are Sarah and Tom.”可知有四个。故选A。
13.句意:______是莉莉。根据“Lily has long hair and big eyes. ”可知她有长头发和大眼睛。故选A。
14.句意:莉莉的尺子在书的______。A在……里,B在……下面,根据“Where is her ruler Look! It's under the book.”可知在书的下面。故选B。
15.句意:_____有很多故事书。根据“Tom has many storybooks. ”可知是汤姆。故选B。
16.A 17.A 18.B 19.A 20.B
16.题干句意:艾米和陈杰在哪里?根据Amy and Chen Jie are in the classroom.可知在教室,A在教室里。B在失物招领处。故选A。
17.题干句意:哪一个是艾米的书包?根据It’s a panda.可知是熊猫形状的,故选A。
18.题干句意:艾米的书包是什么颜色的?根据It’s black and white.可知是黑色和白色的,A蓝色和白色。B黑色和白色。故选B。
19.题干句意:艾米的书包里有多少本书?根据An English book, a maths book, a Chinese book and three storybooks.可知一共有6本,故选A。
20.题干句意:艾米的书包是______。根据I have a new schoolbag.可知是新的,A旧的,B新的,故选B。
21.F 22.T 23.F 24.T 25.T
21.句意:我家有五口人。根据There are four people in my family.我家有四口人。可知题干与原文不符合,故答案为F。
22.句意:我的父亲是一名医生。根据My father is a doctor.我的父亲是一名医生。可知题干与原文符合,故答案为T。
23.句意:我的母亲喜欢看书。根据He likes reading books in the study. She likes vegetables and milk.可知父亲喜欢看书,母亲喜欢蔬菜和牛奶。题干与原文不符合,故答案为F。
24.句意:我的哥哥/弟弟是一名篮球运动员。根据My brother is very tall and strong. He is a basketball player.我的哥哥/弟弟很高很强壮,他是一名篮球运动员。题干与原文符合,故答案为T。
25.句意:我是一名学生。根据I am a student.我是一名学生。可知题干与原文符合,故答案为T。
26.T 27.T 28.F 29.T
30.T 31.F 32.T 33.F
34.T 35.F 36.T 37.F 38.T
【分析】34.题干意思为:迈克的妈妈是一名医生。根据文中的句子My mother is a doctor. 可知题干与文章相符,故答案为T。
35.题干意思为:迈克的妈妈又矮又瘦。根据文中的句子She is tall and thin. 可知她又高又瘦。题干与文章不符,故答案为F。
36.题干意思为:迈克的爸爸是一名司机。根据文中的句子My father is a driver.可知题干与文章相符,故答案为T。
37.题干意思为:迈克的叔叔是一名厨师。根据文中的句子My uncle is a farmer. 可知我的叔叔是一名农民。题干与文章不符,故答案为F。
38.题干意思为:迈克的堂兄弟是一名篮球运动员。根据文中的句子My cousin is a basketball player.可知题干与文章相符,故答案为T。
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