安徽省六安名校中学2023-2024高一上学期期中考试英语试题(含答案 无听力音频 含听力原文)

时间: 120 分钟 满分:150分
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30分)
第一节(共5小题; 每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
1. What has Sam bought
A. Bread. B. Milk. C. Eggs.
2. What does the man think of J. K. Rowling's new novel
A. It is fantastic. B. It is just so-so. C. It is moving.
3. When will the man leave
A. At 3:30. B. At 3:40. C. At 3:50.
4. Where is the man probably
A. In a taxi. B. At an airport. C. At a bookstore.
5. What did the woman receive
A. A big prize. B. An activity notice. C. A prize trap.
第二节 (共15小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)
6. What did the girl's brother do before
A. He delivered milk.
B. He walked the dogs.
C. He helped kids with studies.
7. Why did the girl refuse to walk the dogs
A. She is impatient with dogs.
B. Someone has taken the job.
C. Dogs make her frightened.
听第7段材料,回答第8至 10 题。
8. Why does the woman need to go to the hospital
A. Her father is ill.
B. Her father had an accident.
C. She needs to look for a policeman.
9. What will Maria do
A. Look after Tony. B. Cook supper for Tony. C. Do the dishes.
10. What is the man like
A. He’s humorous. B. He's warm-hearted. C. He's smart.
听第8段材料, 回答第11 至 14 题。
11. How did Tom go to school that day
A. By bike. B. By bus. C. By car.
12. What did Tom ask a stranger to do
A. Get his bag back.
B. Lend the phone to him.
C. Go to school with him.
13. How long was Tom late for class
A. 5minutes. B. 10 minutes. C. 15 minutes.
14. Who is the woman speaking
A. Tom's mother. B. Tom's neighbor. C. Tom's teacher.
听第9段材料, 回答第15 至 17题。
15. How does the man probably feel now
A. Tired. B. Excited. C. Relaxed.
16. What kind of sport did the man use to play
A. Jogging. B. Basketball. C. Bike riding.
17. What is the man's plan
A. Visiting his grandma. B. Watching the game. C. Doing exercise.
听第10段材料, 回答第18至 20题。
18. What did people use to create art
A. An app. B. A bike. C. A paintbrush.
19. What do people do with the art
A. They take pictures of it.
B. They share it with others.
C. They sell it on the Internet.
20. What does the speaker mainly talk about
A. The influence of COVID-19.
B. A line to connect each other.
C. A way to exercise and create art.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
Four Culturally Diverse Cities
New York City
It is probably not all that surprising to find out that the Big Apple is one of the most diverse cities in the world. It has the largest population of immigrants on the planet. Over35% of its residents are born outside the USA. You can hear over 800 languages in New York City being spoken on a daily basis. Which is the most multicultural district in the city Queens is the largest and also the most ethnically diverse urban(城镇的) area in the world!
London may come in second place behind New York City for percentage of immigrant population. But it is easily the most diverse city in all of Europe. Bangladeshis, Pakistanis, and Indians are a few of the larger immigrant groups, and a walk around the city will uncover that they have definitely brought their culture with them. People from around the world are drawn to London and over 30% of its residents are born outside the UK.
This city-state is not just the main financial center of Southeast Asia, but also one of the most diverse places on the planet. Singapore has four official languages: Mandarin Chinese, English, Malay, and Tamil. It is also a center for international residents. So, you are sure to meet large communities of permanent(永久的) residents who are foreign-born.
Following World War II, Sydney saw a huge inflow of immigrants. This trend has continued into the present day, making Sydney one of the most diverse cities in the world. Although English is the official language spoken in Sydney, this city is home to more than250 languages. Immigrants from places such as Vietnam, India, and South America have made this city their home and brought their cultures with them. You will be spoilt for choice(多得挑花眼) when it comes to Sydney's cultural diversity!
21. What do New York City and London have in common
A. More than 30%of their populations are foreign-born.
B. They make it their mission to attract immigrants.
C. Over 800 languages are spoken daily in both cities.
D. They are suitable for minorities to earn a living.
22. What makes Sydney one of the most multicultural cities
A. World War II. B. Immigration. C. Economy. D. Education.
23. Where can you find the most ethnically diverse district
A. In Singapore. B. In Sydney. C. In New York City. D. In London.
Do you like running enough to make it a habit Tieney Wolfgram does; she has made running a lifelong career and isn't stopping.
In February, the 16-year-old from Woodbury High School, Minnesota, US, competed at the 2020 US Olympic Trials. She finished the marathon with a time of 2:42:47 as the youngest competitor in the race and ranked 76th out of 390 runners. However the cross-country season wasn't held until winter because of the coronavirus pandemic(疫情).So she jumped at the opportunity to train for another race—the Parkway Marathon in California.
In November, Wolfgram, who turned 17, broke the Women's American Junior marathon record with her time of 2:31:49. The old record was 2:34:32, which had stood since 1984."I'm absolutely stunned," said her assistant coach. "I hoped she could break it, but she really made it!" During the run, she once hit a wall pretty hard, but she overcame it to finish. "I guess I can say I gave it my all," she told Runner's World. "When I finished, all I was thinking was that I was super happy," Wolfgram said.
This was only her third marathon. In 2018, when Wolfgram was 15 years old, she ran her first marathon just because she wanted to see if she was able to do it. "I believed that I would get faster as the distances got longer and I'm still glad that I did it."
When preparing for that first marathon, she ran up to 120 miles per week. Although her parents didn't have any background in running, they helped her train. At first, her dad would take her out in the morning and run about 13 miles. The distance would gradually increase each day. On top of her runs in the morning, she would do cross-country practice after school.
After the Parkway Marathon, Wolfgram and her team now prepare for the indoor track and cross-country race this winter. As for the marathon, Wolfgram will consider attending the Olympics Games in 2024 after it's scheduled.
24. Why did Wolfgram train for the Parkway Marathon instead of the cross-country season
A. The two competitions were held on the same day.
B. She was not full prepared for the cross-country season.
C. Only adults could compete in the cross-country season.
D. The cross-country season was put off because of the pandemic.
25. What does the underlined word "stunned" in paragraph 3 probably mean
A. Satisfied. B. Surprised. C. Anxious. D. Interested.
26. What inspired Wolfgram to run her first marathon
A. Her coach's support.
B. Her parents' encouragement.
C. Her desire to prove her ability.
D. Her wish to break the national record.
27. Which of the following words best describes Wolfgram
A. Determined. B. Caring. C. Brave. D. Outgoing
A broken heart. A sad ending to a love affair. That's something most of us have experienced, or probably will. After all, it's part of human life. But no question, the experience can be hard to get over.
But research shows there are pathways through the heartache. Listening to sad music is a major one. It can help you begin to feel joy and hopefulness about your life again. It can arouse the desire to connect with others.
Sad music can help heal and uplift you from your broken heart. A recent study from Germany found the emotional influence of listening to sad music is an arousal of feelings of empathy (共情), and a desire for positive connection with others. That, itself, is psychologically healing. It draws you away from concentration on yourself, and possibly towards helping others in need of comfort.
Another experiment, from the University of Kent, found that when people were experiencing sadness, listening to music that was “beautiful but sad” improved their mood. In fact, it did so when the person first consciously accept the situation causing their sadness, and then began listening to the sad music. That is, when they intended that the sad music might help, they found that it did.
These findings link with other studies that show accepting your sad situation emotionally leads to healing and growth beyond it. It seems unbelievable but it does make sense. For example, research from Cornell University, published in Psychological Science, found that accepting discomfort about a life experience or new situation, and viewing it as a step towards growth and change, encourages people to find a pathway through it, beyond it. As Churchill famously said, “If you're going through hell, keep going.” That discomfort points you towards creating a plan, a new action. It fuels hope.
28. What can we learn from paragraph 3 and paragraph 4
A. Sad music can make people help others.
B. Sad music can make sad people feel better.
C. Sad music can make people believe in themselves.
D. Sad music can make people concentrate on themselves.
29. What does Churchill advise us to do when experiencing discomfort
A. Listen to a sad song. B. Face the discomfort directly.
C. Find support from others. D. Avoid unwise actions.
30. How does the author develop this text
A. By listing figures. B. By giving directions.
C. By comparing examples. D. By presenting research findings.
31. Which is the best title for the text
A. How to Find Pathways through Heartaches
B. How We React to A Broken Heart Matters a Lot
C. What We Can Do to Overcome Discomfort in Life
D. Why Listening to Sad Music Heals Your Broken Heart
People have different ways of dealing with waste paper, specifically used newspapers. Some put them in the recycling area, while others keep them as wrappers(包装纸). While these are both good measures, a Japanese publishing company had a better idea for their end use.
The Mainichi Newspapers Co., Ltd. invented the “Green Newspaper”, which allows people to grow plants with it. This unique newspaper was published on Greenery Day, which is focused on environmental news and made of green paper with seeds placed into it. What makes it even more special is the ink(油墨) used to print words and photos, which is made from plants. The publisher advises readers to tear the used newspaper into small pieces and plant them in a container with soil. They should water them, like they would do for any plant. Within a few weeks, the seeds will grow into plants.
This brilliant concept was invented by Dentsu Inc., one of Japan's most famous advertising agencies, which works with the publishing company on the initiative(倡议). The publisher’s belief is environmental sustainability (持续性). As its mission statement says, “The Mainichi doesn’t take action only through information, but also by solving global issues.” With joint efforts, this initiative has reached the corners of Japan and sold around millions of copies daily. Other such initiatives producing plan table paper are also seen in India and the US.
About 95 million trees are lost for producing newspapers every year. The Internet, the number of whose users stands for 62.5 percent of the population worldwide, has influenced how people read news and the print readership has dropped greatly. However, the reinvention and reimagination of this newspaper will bring about a change in the publishing industry as well as having an environmental influence.
32. What do we know about the “Green Newspaper”
A. It uses high-tech materials.
B. It provides energy for seeds.
C. It's printed with plant-based ink.
D. It's published to celebrate Greenery Day.
33. What message does the publisher's mission statement convey
A. It's easier said than done.
B. Actions speak louder than words.
C. Many hands make light work.
D. Everything comes to him who waits.
34. What's the author's attitude to the “Green Newspaper”
A. Doubtful. B. Supportive. C. Indifferent. D. Negative.
35. What can we learn from the last paragraph
A. About 59 million trees are lost for producing newspapers.
B. The Internet has changed the way people read news totally.
C. The popularity of the Internet leads to the fall of the print readership.
D. The “Green Newspaper” will encourage more people to protect the environment.
第二节 七选五 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
Benefits of Reading to Children
Reading aloud has many positive benefits for children of all ages. There is never a better time to get into the habit than when children are in their babyhood.
Develop good listening habits.
Listening is a skill that requires practice and attention. Reading aloud helps develop good listening habits by teaching children to sit still, listen carefully, and take in what they hear. 36 They get benefits such as improved concept(概念)development and comprehension(理解) strategies.
Increase the vocabulary.
Play the reading readiness activities with your child every day. When you read al oud to your child, he comes across new words. Explain the meaning while reading. 37 He can later use the new words while writing.
Build thinking and comprehension skills.
Reading aloud to your child can help him build thinking skills and comprehension.38 Whether you read books with a moral or a task to solve, your child can do some critical thinking independently.
Learn values and life skills.
Reading aloud with your child also helps teach him important life lessons and values. For example, reading a story about acceptance could help your child understand the importance of respecting people who are different from him. 39
Build a deeper connection with your child.
Reading aloud can be a relaxing activity for both you and your child. It's a great way to relax at the end of the day. When you read together, you give him your full attention. There is a great joy in being present with your child. You are present with your child as you hug, explore the characters’ feelings, and care about their development. 40
A. Make it a routine to read out to your child.
B. This way he will improve his knowledge on new words.
C. This can help child pay attention to the text in front of him.
D. Children who actively listen get greater benefits from reading aloud.
E. You build an emotional and physical connect ion that can last a lifetime.
F. The more you read with your child, the better he will understand as he develops.
G. Books can also teach children to handle different emotions, such as anger, sadness, or fear.
第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
Indu Ma’am was our head teacher whose lectures on morality were the stuff(特质) of legend—the 41 kind. She got a bad name for criticizing you in front of your friends. To avoid being 42 , we behaved perfectly before her.
On 43 11th grade, Indu Ma’am became my political teacher. The first time she walked into class, we 44 ourselves for 35 minutes of boredom(无聊). But we were all 45 .
“How many of you have read today's 46 ”A few students raised their hands.
“You can learn a lot from textbooks, but you'll learn more if you pay attention to the news,” she said. She went on to 47 politicians. “In one political debate I saw, politicians sat like this...”And with that, our 48 head teacher put her feet on her desk. The class erupted into laughter. To our 49 , Indu Ma’am laughed with us. In the end, that half-an-hour period turned out to be 50 but a bore; it was actually both fascinating and informative.
Over the next two years, Indu Ma’am opened our 51 to the world. What never failed to amaze me was how Indu Ma’am walked into class and changed from the mean head teacher to a 52 , wise and inspiring storyteller, 53 the other role at the door.
Two decades have passed since I sat in Indu Ma’am’s class. I have 54 nearly everything in my textbook. But I can still tell you the details of each political event that Indu Ma’am explained to us in class. To me, Indu Ma’am as a teacher, was a legend in the 55sense of the word.
41. A. boring B. irresponsible C. exciting D. important
42. A. worried B. disappointed C. shocked D. embarrassed
43. A. reaching B. ending C. celebrating D. teaching
44. A. arranged B. allowed C. prepared D. changed
45. A. impolite B. calm C. reasonable D. wrong
46. A. newspaper B. document C. text D. report
47. A. chat with B. turn to C. talk about D. reflect on
48. A. generous B. angry C. intelligent D. strict
49. A. regret B. satisfaction C. surprise D. annoyance
50. A. anything B. everything C. nothing D. something
51. A. memory B. mind C. heart D. imagination
52. A. determined B. serious C. careful D. funny
53. A. landing B. leaving C. playing D. finding
54. A. mastered B. finished C. forgotten D. remembered
55. A. real B. wide C. limited D. positive
第二节 语法填空(共10 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分15分)
If you are like most young people, you'll have been online or used a phone at some point today. A bit of screen time is fine especially if you are studying, socializing 56 simply relaxing. Yet too much screen time can be bad for your brain.
A recent study of more than 4,000 57 (child) found that those who played on a screen for more than two hours a day did 58 (badly) in thinking tests than those who seldom used mobile phones. Staring (盯) at things online can also mean that you are missing out on the real world. Every hour looking at a screen 59 (be) an hour you can spend being with your friends or learning a new, 60 (excite) hobby.
If you are worried that you are spending too many hours scrolling(滚动) through social media feeds, glued to the television or 61 (addict) to games, you might want to think about cutting down a bit, or even going cold turkey, 62 means giving up completely, rather than just 63 (cut) back.
See if you can go 64 (total) screen-free for a week, a month or whatever you feel you can manage. If that's too hard, just cut out one thing, such as games. When 65challenge is over, you might even feel differently about your favorite gadgets(小装置).
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
假如你是李华,是你校英语报的特约记者。你校团委(the Communist Youth League)上周末组织了全体学生会成员去附近的一个公园游玩,请根据提示写一篇英文报道,内容包括:
1. 活动目的; 2. 游玩过程; 3. 你的感悟。
注意: 1. 词数 80左右; 2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
A Weekend Trip
第二节 (满分25分)
“Hurry and get dressed, Shelly,” Mom said. “The sun is shining. Let’s go riding!” Her cheerful voice went through the closed door to my room.
Mom knew I was on the phone with one of my friends. The last thing I wanted to do on that Sunday afternoon was ride a horse with my mother. “Why can't she just stay out of my life ” I thought. She came to every one of my volleyball games. She even taught at my school. Wherever I went, there she was. When I was little, I liked it when Mom was protective and when she took part in my activities. But now I didn't like it. I was sixteen years old now! I didn't realize that I came to an age when a teenager could easily rebel(叛逆).
That afternoon after hanging up the phone, I was sitting there thinking, “What is all this horseback-riding business Mom isn't even a horse person! She just wants to know what I'm doing every minute.”
Halfheartedly, I pulled on my riding shoes, and then went over to the bedside table. My hand touched the necklace that Mom had given me for my last birthday. “I'd better wear this, or she’ll ask where it is,” I thought. Although I wasn’t interested in it, I picked up the necklace marked with words: Sweet Sixteen. Then, I put the necklace around my neck.
By the time I got to our farm, Dad had already put a saddle (马鞍) on our horse, Charcey. And Mom was climbing onto the horse's back. “Mom, what are you doing ” I said. “You've never ridden Charcey before! She is a big horse.” “I cannot believe her!” I thought. “She’ll do anything to be part of my life. And I just want her out of it!”
With great efforts, Mom finally climbed onto the horse's back. Before Dad could give her guidance on how to ride, Charcey was out of control and suddenly ra n away. Too frightened and inexperienced, Mom couldn't control Charcey.
1. 续写词数应为 150左右;
2. 请按如下格式作答。
The horse ran faster and faster.
Then, Mom flew high into the air, and landed on the ground.
六安一中 2023年秋学期高一年级期中考试
第一部分 听力
1-5CABAC 6-10ACBAB 11-15CBBCA 16-20 BAABC
第二部分 阅读理解
A 篇
21. A 事实细节题根据New York City部分的“Over 35%of its residents are born outside the USA.”和 London 部分的“People from around the world are drawn to London and over 30%of its residents are born outside the UK.”可知,这两座城市的外国移民均占城市人口的30%以上。
22. B 事实细节题根据 Sydney 部分的“Following World War II, Sydney saw a huge inflow of immigrants. This trend has continued into the present day, making Sydney one of the most diverse cities in the world.”可知, 自二战后至今, 大量移民涌入悉尼,移民潮使其成为一座拥有多元文化的城市。
23. C 事实细节题根据 New York City 部分的“Which is the most multicultural district in the city Queens is the large stand also the most ethnically diverse urban area in the world!”可知,纽约市的皇后区是世界上种族最多样化的城市区域。
B 篇
本文是一篇记叙文。文章分享了 Tieney Wolfram 从15岁开始尝试马拉松的初心,到至今为 the Olympics Games in 2024 备赛的种种经历和收获。
24. D 细节理解题。根据第二段第三句“However the cross-country season wasn't held until winter because of the coronavirus pandemic. So she jumped at the opportunity to train for another race--the Parkway Marathe on in California.”可知, 由于疫情原因, the cross-country season 没有如期举行,为之备赛 the Parkway Marathon 提供时机。故选 D
25. B 词意猜测题。根据第三段第四句话“I hoped she could break it, but she really made it.” ,及第五句话“During the run, she once hit a wall pretty hard, but she overcame it to finish.” 可知,故选B
26. C 细节理解题。根据第四段第二句中“……because she wanted to see if she was able to doit.”,及第三句“I believe that I would get faster as the distances got longer and I'm still glad that I did it.”可知,Tierney 渴望通过参与比赛更多了解自己的实力,同时,她对自己也信心十足。
27. A 推理判断题。通过继续阅读第五段内容可知,Tieney 为备赛马拉松,携手家人们,在课内外付出了艰辛的努力,可见 Tierney 是位有决心且执行力强的人。故选 AC 篇本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了听悲伤的音乐有助于人们治愈坏心情的原因。
28. B 细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“Sad music can help heal and uplift you from your broken
heart.”和第四段第一句中的“listening to music that was ‘beautiful but sad’ improved their mood”可知,听悲伤的音乐能让伤心的人感觉好一些。故选 B。
29. B 推理判断题。根据最后一段倒数第二、三句“As Churchill famously said, ‘If you’re going through hell, keep going.’ That discomfort points you towards creating a plan, a new action.”可知,正如丘吉尔所说:“如果你深陷地狱,那么就继续前行。”这种不适会引导你创建计划并采取新的行动。由此可推知,丘吉尔建议我们在经历不适时要直面困难。故选B。
30. D 写作手法题。通读全文尤其是第三至五段内容可知,第三至五段分别介绍了三项不同的研究,这些研究都证明了听悲伤的音乐有助于改善心情。由此可知,作者是通过介绍研究结果来展开本文的。故选 D。
31. D 标题概括题。通读全文可知,文章主要介绍了听悲伤的音乐可以治愈坏心情的原因。D项“为什么听悲伤的音乐可以治愈你受伤的心”符合本文主旨,适合作本文的标题。故选D。
本文是一篇说明文。废旧报纸的处理方法多种多样,日本株式会社每日新闻社开发了一种嵌入植物种子的环保报纸“Green Newspaper”,把这种报纸种在土壤里就能长出植物。
32. C 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“What makes it even more special is the ink(油墨) used to print words and photos, which is made from plants.”可知,打印文字和照片用的油墨是从植物中提取的。故选C。
33. B 推理判断题。根据第三段中的“As its mission statement says, ‘The Mainichi doesn’t take action only through information, but also by solving global issues.’”可知,这家出版社的宗旨是“每日新闻社不仅仅通过信息采取措施,还通过解决全球问题采取措施”。由此可推断,他们认为行动胜于言语。Information 对应言语,solving global issues对应具体的实际行动。A项“说起来容易做起来难”;;B项“行动胜于言语”;C项“人多好办事”;D项“功夫不负有心人”。故选 B。
34. B 推理判断题。通读全文,尤其根据第一段中的“... a Japanese publishing company had a better—idea for their end use.”,第二段中的“What makes it even more special is ...”以及第三段中的“This brilliant concept ...”可以推断出,作者对于“Green Newspaper”持支持的态度。故选 B。
35. C 细节理解题。根据最后一段第二句“The Internet, the number of whose users stands for 62.5percent of the population worldwide, has influenced how people read news and the print readership has dropped greatly.”可知,互联网的普及导致阅读纸质书读者人数的下降。故选C。
第二节 七选五
36. D 37. B 38. F 39. G 40. E
第三部分 语言知识运用
本文是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了 Indu Ma'am 身兼校长和政治老师二职时的不同形象。作为校长,她对人严苛,毫不通融,让大家敬而远之;而作为一名老师,她却幽默而博学,深受学生爱戴,令作者终生难忘。
41. A 由第二段中的“…we…ourselves for 35 minutes of boredom.”及第四段中的“In the end, that half-an-hour period turned out to be but a bore ...”中 boredom 和 bore 的提示可推断, 作者在第一次听 Indu Ma'am 讲课之前认为她作为校长时的道德说教(lectures on morality)很无聊(boring)。
42. D由上文中的“She got a bad name for criticizing you in front of your friends.”可知, Indu Ma'am因为当着学生朋友的面批评他们而“恶名昭著”,学生们在校长面前尽量表现得完美,主要是为了避免丢面子的尴尬(embarrassed)。
43. A 由下文中的“The first time she walked into class ...”可知, Indu Ma'am 当时是第一次给他们班上课, 由此推断,本句意为:作者刚升人十一年级的时候,Indu Ma'am 成为他的政治老师。reach 意为“进入(某阶段)”;on在此作为介词, 表示“在......的时候”。
44. C 由第一段作者对 Indu Ma'am 作为校长时“刻薄的说教者”印象以及第四段“In the end, that half-an-hour period turned out to be ... but a bore; it was actually both fascinating and informative.”的提示可推断,作者已准备好了(prepared)听 Indu Ma'am 讲 35 分钟无聊的课。
45. D 由第四段中的“In the end, that half-an-hour period turned out to be ... actually both fascinating and informative.”可知,Indu Ma'am 这节课很有趣,作者和同学们之前对她讲课的想法是错(wrong)的。
46. A 由下文中的“…you'll learn more if you pay attention to the news ...”可知,此处指Indu Ma'am问大家有没有看今天的报纸(newspaper)。
47. C 由下文 Indu Ma'am 谈到她曾见过一次政治辩论的经历可知, Indu Ma'am 在继续谈论(talk about)政治家们。
48. D 由上文中的“She got a bad name for cricizing you in front of your friends.”可知, Indu Ma'am批评人时不留情面,由此可推知,她作为校长很严厉(strict)。
49. C 由上文可知,Indu Ma'am 给学生们的印象一直是一名严厉的校长,但她作为老师上课时的风格却完全不同: “…our head teacher put her feet on her desk. The class erupted into laughter …Indu Ma'am laughed with us.”因此, 同学们看到 Indu Ma'am 在课堂上的表现时应是感到惊讶的(surprise)。
50. A 由上文 Indu Ma'am 生动、幽默的讲课风格以及本句分号后内容“..... it was actually both fascinating and informative.”可知, Indu Ma'am 上的半小时课根本不(anything but)无聊。注意区分词块 anything but(决不;根本不)和 nothing but(只有; 只是)之间的区别。
51. B 由下文中的“.... Indu Ma'am walked into class and changed... to a... Wise and inspiring storyteller…”及最后一段“But I can still tell you the details of each political event that Indu Ma'am explained to us in class.”可知,Indu Ma'am 通过其博学多识、生动幽默的课堂开阔了学生们的视野,让他们深受启发,开阔思想(opensb's mind to sth)。
52. D 由上文 Indu Ma'am 生动、幽默的讲课风格可知,虽然作为校长她很严厉,但是在课上她是风趣的(funny)。
53. B 此处指 Indu Ma'am 进教室讲课后,从“刻薄的校长”变身为幽默、睿智、鼓舞人心的故事讲述者般的老师,将她作为校长的另一层身份留(leaving)在了门口。
54. C由下文中的“But I can still tell you the details of each political event that Indu Ma'am explained to us in class.”中的转折词But可推知,与作者清晰记得Indu Ma'am 所有讲课细节不同的是,距当年二十载后,作者已经忘掉(forgotten)课本里的几乎所有内容了。
55. A 联系本文首句中作者对 Indu Ma'am 最初的印象也提到了the stuff of legend(犹如传奇),但当时作者其实是在挖苦刻薄的 Indu Ma'am 校长。而在 Indu Ma'am 开始作为老师给作者上课以后,她的形象最终在作者心中转变成了真正的(real)传奇。
56. or 57. children 58. worse 59. is 60. exciting
61. addicted 62. which 63. cutting 64. totally 65. the
第四部分 写作
A Weekend Trip
Last weekend, the Communist Youth League of our school arranged a trip to the park nearby, which was attended by all the members of the Students’ Union. The activity was intended to strengthen the bond between members.
Members sat in a circle on the lawn, enjoying the beautiful scenery. In the center, there were various snacks and drinks. The chairman of the Students’ Union encouraged everyone to exchange their views of each other. Moreover, members were active in sharing their solutions to challenges in work.
It was an excellent opportunity to promote communication between members. Through this event, everyone is aware that the Students’ Union is a family. Therefore, we should unit e and help each other.
One possible version:
The horse ran faster and faster. Her thick hair on her neck and her tail was flying in the wind. With every powerful step, she gained speed. Frightened and worried, my dad and I tried to catch up with the horse to stop her, as her feet beat at the earth, faster and faster, producing sounds that thundered across the pasture. With lightning speed, Charcey reached a corner of the farm fence. Because it was too high, she didn't jump. Instead, she made a quick ninety-degree turn.
Then, Mom flew high into the air, and landed on the ground. “No!” I yelled as I ran, outrunning Dad towards Mom. When I reached her, I kept screaming worriedly, “Mom, Mom, are you alright!” Finally, I heard a weak reply, “I'm okay, Shelly.”I cried for joy and gently hugged her. Then soon, we sent her to the hospital. Thankfully, just her leg was slightly injured. Carefully, I looked after her. After that accident in which I almost lost her, I began valuing my mom, and didn't take her love for granted.
Text 1
W: Where is the bread, Sam
M: I bought the eggs and the rest of the money was not enough. Give me some more, and I will go and get it. The milk as well.
Text 2
W:Do you like J. K. Rowling's novels
M: Mostly. I don't like her last one The Ickabog, but I couldn't put her new one down until the last page.
Text 3
W: Peter, it's already half past three. You'd better set off now.
M:I will leave in ten minutes. Don't worry. It will take me just twenty minutes to get to the meeting.
Text 4
W:Where are you going, sir
M:I'm going to the airport, but please stop at the Xinhua bookstore to pick up my wife.
W: I see. Then we will take Sunshine Road first.
Text 5
W:I received a message just now. It said I had won a big prize of 10,000 dollars.
M:Really But did you take part in any related activities
W: No. I was asked to offer my bank details.
M:Don't believe it. It's a trap.
Text 6
W:Dad, I need to make some money. Do you have any ideas for me
M: Well, you could go around the neighborhood and see if any kids need help with studies.
W:Well, I have no patience with kids.
M:How about delivering milk I remember your brother did that before.
W:I think Liana, who lives down the street, has already done that for our neighborhood.
M:How about walking the dogs There are quite a lot of dogs in our neighborhood.
W: You must be kidding, Dad. You know I'm afraid of dogs.
Text 7
W: Hi, Jack. I'm sorry to bother you at suppertime.
M:Not at all, Lisa. We just finished eating. Won't you come in
W:I can't. I need to go to the hospital.
M: What happened
W:The police just called and said my father had an accident and is in hospital now.
M: Sorry to hear that. Is there anything I can help with
W: Yes, please. Would you mind keeping an eye on my son Tony while I'm away I can't take him along.
M: We’d be happy to. Maria can go over to your place and stay with him while I do the dishes for her.
W:Thanks for helping us out like this. Sorry for the trouble.
M: It's nothing. That's what neighbors are for.
Text 8
W:Come to my office, Tom. This is the fourth time you've been late for school this month.
M: Sorry, Miss Green. I didn't mean to do that.
W: Was your bike broken again this time
M: No, it was my alarm clock that didn't wake me up. When I got up, the school bus had gone. Luckily, my neighbor Mrs. White gave me a ride in her car.
W:But you were still late for school.
M: The thing is, when I got off, I found I had left my schoolbag in her car. And it was too late to get it back when I realized that. I borrowed a stranger’s phone and gave Mrs. White a call. I waited for a quarter before she drove back.
W:Finally, she gave you your bag and you came to the class and you were already ten minutes late for class at that time. Is that all
M:Miss Green, you seem to have learned about the whole story. Can I go back to class now
Text 9
W:Long time no see, Sam. You look pale. What's wrong with you
M:Nothing serious. I just came back from a long business trip. How are you doing
W: Just the same, unexciting work and life. I joined a jogging team recently and it brings me much fun.
M: Oh, you start to work out.
W: Yeah, I find sports cheering me up. Do you play sports
M: Well, I used to be a member of the school basketball team. But I hardly play it after graduation. Now I go bike riding sometimes.
W:There will be a basketball game in the gym tomorrow morning. Would you like to go with us
M:I'd like to, but I can't. I need to visit my grandma. I haven't seen her for a long time.
W:All right. By the way, pay more attention to your health and do more exercise.
M: Thanks! I will.
Tex t 10
Because of COVID-19, there were fewer cars on the roads, and people had more free time, too. Some runners and bike riders started to create new and unusual art.
Strava is a GPS cycling and running app. Some people started to use it as a paintbrush to create art. They entered some points in the app. And then they followed the points to make a line from them. To make the lines well, bike riders sometimes went tens of kilometers. That's because if they made a mistake, they had to start all over again.
The result is amazing. People make symbols, pictures and even messages with the lines. They share the special art with other people on the Internet. By now there have been more than 18,000pieces of art online. They are created by people from all over the world.
Many people enjoyed the activity. It was a good way to exercise and create art at the same time.



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