
Hi, I'm David. I'm from Wilton school. Today is Tuesday. We have maths, Chinese and computer on Tuesdays. I like computer. My computer teacher is very funny, he is very strong. I like him.
We have eggplant and fish for lunch on Wednesdays. I don't like eggplant. Potatoes are my favourite food. Saturdays are my favourite days. I often play football on Saturdays. Of course, I do my homework too on Saturdays. What about you
1.What day is it today ( )
A.Tuesday. B.Wednesday. C.Friday.
2.What do they have for lunch on Wednesdays ( )
A.Pork and rice. B.Tofu and green beans. C.Eggplant and fish.
3.What is David's computer teacher like ( )
A.He is tall and thin. B.He is active. C.He's very funny. He is strong.
4.What classes do they have on Tuesdays ( )
A.Math, English and computer. B.Math, Chinese and P.E. C.Math, Chinese and computer.
5.What does David do on Saturdays ( )
A.He plays football and does homework. B.He plays computer game.
C.He watches TV and play ping-pong.
My name is Ben. I have 4 new teachers this term. Mr Li is my Chinese teacher. He is tall and kind. Miss Wang is my music teacher. She’s twenty-seven years old. She’s funny and hard-working. My English teacher is Mrs Huang. Is she kind No. She’s strict. My maths teacher is Mr He. What’s he like He’s polite and helpful. I like my new teachers.
6.Ben has ________ new teachers this term. ( )
A.three B.four C.five
7.Mr Li is ________. ( )
A.tall and kind B.short and young C.funny and old
8.Ben’s music teacher is ________. ( )
A.Mr He B.Mrs Huang C.Miss Wang
9.Mrs Huang is ________. ( )
A.kind B.strict C.helpful
10.Ben like his new ________. ( )
A.classroom B.teachers C.friends
This is my new bedroom. There is a big bed in my room. The photo of my family is near the window. There is a beautiful picture on the wall. There are many mountains and white clouds in the picture. The chair is in front of the desk. The computer is on the desk. Look at my shoes. They are under the bed. I clean my bedroom every day. I like my room very much.
11.What's on the desk ( )
A.A computer. B.Many books. C.A ball.
12.The photo is ________. ( )
A.near the window B.on the bed C.on the wall
13.What does the writer (作者) do every day ( )
A.He listens to music. B.He plays football. C.He cleans his bedroom.
14.Is there a picture in the room ( )
A.No, there isn't. B.Yes, there is. C.No, it isn't.
15.Where is the desk ( )
A.It's in front of the bed. B.It's in front of the chair. C.It's behind the chair.
Hello, I’m Jack. I’m a student in International (国际) school. I go to school from Monday to Friday. I get up at 6:30 and go to school at 7 o’clock in the morning. We have three classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon. I love Tuesdays. On Tuesdays, I have PE on Tuesdays. Mr Green is my PE teacher. He’s tall and funny. I often play ping-pong after school. We have three English classes every week (每周). Our English teacher comes from the USA.She is young and kind. We all like her. I have lunch at school. The food is so yummy. I like sweet fruit and salty food. My favourite fruit is bananas and my favourite food is beef. Today is Sunday. I do homework and listen to music at home.
16.Jack goes to school at _________. ( )
A.6:30 B.7:00 C.7:30
17.Jack has _________ classes every day. ( )
A.2 B.3 C.5
18.Mr Green is Jack’s _________ teacher. ( )
A.PE B.English C.Chinese
19.Does Jack have lunch at school ( )
A.Yes, he is. B.Yes, he does. C.No, he doesn’t.
20.—What does Jack do on Sunday ( )
—He _________ at home.
A.listens to music B.does housework C.reads books
I have a new math teacher. He’s from Canada. He’s tall and thin. He’s very funny. We all like him. In school I have seven classes a day. I like Monday. Because I have P.E. and music. We have tomatoes and mutton for lunch on Mondays. After school I can do housework at home. I can empty the trash and set the table.
21.I have a new Chinese teacher.( )
22.My math teacher is tall and funny. ( )
23.I have P.E. and music on Mondays. ( )
24.We have tomatoes and pork for lunch on Mondays. ( )
25.I can empty the trash. ( )
This is my room. Near the window there is a desk. I often do my homework at it. There is a chair in front of the desk. I often sit there and read books. There are many books and a vase(花瓶)on the bookshelf. There are some beautiful flowers in the vase.
On the wall there is a picture. It's a picture of my family. You can see my parents, my grandparents and me in the picture. There is a clock on the wall, too. It's above my bed. It rings every morning. I usually put my football under my bed, because I love playing football very much.
(1). There is a vase on the desk. ( )
(2). There is a clock above the bed. ( )
(3). I often do my homework in my room. ( )
(4). I can play football. ( )
(1). -Where is the picture -It's__________. ( )
A.on the desk B.under the bed C. on the wall
(2). What's under the bed ( )
A.A ruler. B.A football. C. A clock.
(3). What's in the vase ( )
A.There are some flowers. B.There is some water. C. There are some pencils.
(4). What can you see in the picture ( )
A.Family members. B.A cat. C. A book.
Miss White: We’ll have an English party next Tuesday! What can you do for the party, children
Mike: I can sing English songs.
Miss White: Wonderful! How about you, Zhang Peng
Zhang Peng: I can do some kung fu!
Miss White: Thank you, Zhang Peng.
28.They will have an English party next Monday. ( )
29.Mike can sing English songs. ( )
30.Zhang Peng can do some kung fu. ( )
31.They will have a Chinese party. ( )
32.Today is Tuesday. ( )
Mum: Bill.
Bill: Yes, mum.
Mum: Are you reading in the bedroom
Bill: No, I am not.
Mum: What are you doing
Bill: To tell you the truth, I am playing a computer game.
Mum: What game is it
Bill: Driving Car.
Mum: Is it very interesting
Bill: Yes, it is. Oh, my car is broken.(坏了)
Mum: Well, I think you should do some reading.
33.Bill is reading in the classroom. ( )
34.The computer game is very interesting. ( )
35.Bill’s mother is talking with him. ( )
36.Bill’s mother likes playing computer games. ( )
1.A 2.C 3.C 4.C 5.A
1.句意:今天星期几?A星期二。B星期三。C星期五。根据短文中的Today is Tuesday. 可知今天星期二,故选A。
2.句意:星期三他们午饭吃什么?A猪肉和米饭。B豆腐和青豆。C茄子和鱼。根据短文中的We have eggplant and fish for lunch on Wednesdays.可知星期三我们午饭吃茄子和鱼,故选C。
3.句意:大卫的计算机老师长什么样?A他又高又瘦。B他很活跃。C他很有趣。他很强壮。根据短文中的My computer teacher is very funny, he is very strong. 可知大卫的计算机老师很有趣,很强壮,故选C。
4.句意:他们在星期二有什么课?A数学,英语和计算机。B数学,语文和英语。C数学,语文和计算机。根据短文中的We have maths, Chinese and computer on Tuesdays.可知他们在星期二有数学,语文和计算机课,故选C。
5.句意:大卫在星期六做什么?A他踢足球和做作业。B他玩电脑游戏。C他看电视和打乒乓球。根据短文中的 I often play football on Saturdays. Of course, I do my homework too on Saturdays.可知大卫在星期六踢足球和做作业,故选A。
6.B 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.B
6.句意:本这学期有______位新老师。A三,B四,C五,根据“I have 4 new teachers this term.”,可知本这学期有四位新老师,故选B。
7.句意:李老师_______。A又高又友善,B又矮又年轻,C又有趣又老,根据“Mr Li is my Chinese teacher. He is tall and kind.”,可知李老师又高又友善,故选A。
8.句意:本的音乐老师是______。A何老师,B黄老师,C王老师,根据“Miss Wang is my music teacher.”,可知本的音乐老师是王老师,故选C。
9.句意:黄老师很_______。A友善的,B严格的,C有帮助的,根据“My English teacher is Mrs Huang. Is she kind No. She’s strict.”,可知黄老师很严格,故选B。
10.句意:本喜欢他的新_______。A教室,B老师,C朋友,根据“I like my new teachers.”,可知本喜欢他的新老师,故选B。
11.A 12.A 13.C 14.B 15.C
11.句意:桌子上有什么?A一台电脑。B很多书。C一个球。根据The computer is on the desk.,可知桌子上一台电脑,故选A。
12.句意:照片______。A在窗户附近,B在床上,C在墙上,根据The photo of my family is near the window.,可知照片在窗户附近,故选A。
13.句意:作者每天做什么?A他听音乐。B他踢足球。C他打扫他的卧室。根据I clean my bedroom every day.,可知作者每天打扫卧室,故选C。
14.句意:房间里有图画吗?根据There is a beautiful picture on the wall.,可知房间里有图画,答语为肯定回答,故选B。
15.句意:桌子在哪?A它在床前面。B它在椅子前面。C它在椅子后面。根据The chair is in front of the desk.,可知桌子在椅子后面,故选C。
16.B 17.C 18.A 19.B 20.A
16.句意:杰克 ____ 去上学。A六点半,B七点,C七点半。根据“I get up at 6:30 and go to school at 7 o’clock in the morning.”可知我六点半起床,早上七点上学。故选B。
17.句意:杰克一天有 ____ 节课。A二,B三,C五。根据“We have three classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon.”可知早上有三节课,下午有两节课,共有五节课,故选C。
18.句意:格林先生是杰克的 ____ 老师。A体育,B英语,C语文。根据“Mr Green is my PE teacher.”可知格林先生是我的体育老师,故选A。
19.句意:杰克在学校吃午餐吗?A是的,他是。B是的,他在。C不,他不在。根据“I have lunch at school.”可知杰克在学校吃午餐。故选B。
20.句意:—杰克在周日干什么?—他在家 ____。A听音乐,B做家务,C读书。根据“Today is Sunday. I do homework and listen to music at home.”可知周日在家做作业听音乐。故选A。
21.F 22.T 23.T 24.F 25.T
26. F T T T 27. C B A A
【解析】26.1. 由句子There are many books and a vase(花瓶)on the bookshelf.可知花瓶在书架上,不在桌子上,故答案为F。
2.由句子 There is a clock on the wall, too. It's above my bed.可知钟在床的上方,故答案为T。
3.由句子 I often do my homework at it 可知我经常在我的房间里写作业,故答案为T。
4.由句子 because I love playing football very much.可知我足球踢的好,故答案为T。
27.1.问句:画在哪里?由句子On the wall there is a picture.可知画在墙上,故答案为C。
2.问句:在床下是什么?由句子I usually put my football under my bed,可知在床下有一个足球,故答案为C。
3.问句:花瓶里是什么?由句子There are some beautiful flowers in the vase.可知有一些画,故答案为A。
4.问句:在画里你能看到什么?由句子It's a picture of my family.可知是全家福,故答案为A。
28.F 29.T 30.T 31.F 32.F
28.句意:下周一他们将举行一个英语派对。根据We’ll have an English party next Tuesday!,可知下周二他们将举行一个英语派对,故答案为F。
29.句意:迈克会唱英文歌。根据Mike: I can sing English songs.,可知迈克会唱英文歌,故答案为T。
30.句意:张鹏会练功夫。根据Zhang Peng: I can do some kung fu!,可知张鹏会练功夫,故答案为T。
31.句意:他们将举行一个语文派对。根据We’ll have an English party next Tuesday!,可知他们要举行一个英语派对,故答案为F。
33.F 34.T 35.T 36.F
33.题干句意:比尔正在教室里读书。根据Mum: Are you reading in the bedroom Bill: No, I am not.可知他没有读书。故题干错误,故答案为F。
34.题干句意:电脑游戏非常有趣。根据Mum: Is it very interesting Bill: Yes, it is. 可知题干正确,故答案为T。
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