八年级英语上册(牛津深圳版)Module 3 Unit5 Educational exchanges单元测试 (含解析)

Unit 5 Educational exchanges单元测试(广州专用)
1. 答卷前,考生务必在答题卡上用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔填写自己的考生号、姓名、试室号、座位号,再用2B铅笔把对应这两个号码的标号涂黑。
2. 选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需要改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。不能答在试卷上。
3. 非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域的相应位置上;如需要改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案,改动的答案也不能超出指定的区域;不准使用铅笔、圆珠笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。
4. 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁,考试结束,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从1 15各题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
There is a story about Jody. Jody was ten years 1 when he decided he needed a job. He thought it might be 2 to keep worms (虫). He 3 sell them to farmers. So 4 spring, he bought many worms. But that winter the cold weather killed all the worms 5 he had not put them in a warm place.
The next spring Jody 6 again. He bought more worms. 7 winter came, he took them inside so they would stay 8 . Many farmers bought his worms.
One 9 when Jody was twelve, he got 10 letter. It was from State of New York. The letter said, “Everyone that sells things has to pay taxes (税)!” Jody made only one dollar selling worms. But he still had to pay part of that 11 to the state. He told many people in 12 town what had happened. A reporter reported Jody 13 TV. Many people saw it and they began to write letters to the state. The letters said that the law 14 unfair. Finally the law was cancelled (取消) . Children like Jody can now sell things without 15 taxes to the state.
1.A.old B.older C.oldest D.the oldest
2.A.interest B.interested C.interesting D.interestingly
3.A.could B.couldn’t C.must D.mustn’t
4.A.on B.in C.at D.for
5.A.and B.but C.so D.because
6.A.try B.tried C.tries D.trying
7.A.After B.Until C.When D.Unless
8.A.warm B.warmly C.warmer D.warmest
9.A.day’s B.day C.days D.days’
10.A.a B.an C.the D./
11.A.money’s B.the money C.moneys D.money
12.A.he B.him C.his D.himself
13.A.on B.in C.at D.to
14.A.is B.are C.were D.was
15.A.pay B.paid C.paying D.to pay
阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从16 25各题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
The clock struck eleven at night. The whole house was 16 except my room which was as bright as the daytime. Everyone was in bed except me. Under the 17 light, I looked sadly at the huge pile of books. I was going to have my 18 the next day. “When can I go to bed ” I asked myself. I didn’t answer, in fact I dared not.
The clock struck 12. “Oh, dear!” I cried, “ten more books to read before I can go to bed!” We pupils are the poorest creatures in the world. Dad does not 19 me on this. He did not have to 20 so hard when he was a boy.
The clock struck one. I was quite hopeless now. I forgot all I had learnt. I was too 21 to go on. I did the only thing I could. I prayed, “Oh, God. Please help me pass the exam tomorrow. I 22 to work hard next time, Amen.” My 23 were heavy, so heavy that I could 24 open them. A few minutes later, with my head on the desk, I fell 25 .
16.A.busy B.noisy C.dark D.quiet
17.A.weak B.soft C.gentle D.strong
18.A.day-trip B.exam C.activity D.lesson
19.A.agree with B.depend on C.learn about D.think of
20.A.do B.remember C.work D.read
21.A.excited B.hopeful C.tired D.angry
22.A.begin B.say C.learn D.promise
23.A.mouth B.eyes C.ears D.hands
24.A.hardly B.just C.almost D.already
25.A.down B.ill C.over D.asleep
第一节 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
The Sunshine Center has a swimming pool, a park, a cinema, shops and restaurants.
Opening hours:
◇Monday—Friday: 10:00 a. m.—9:00 p. m.
◇Saturday: 9:00 a. m.—8:00 p. m.
◇Sunday: 10:00 a. m.—5:00 p. m.
Inside the center:
All the shops are on the first floor. The swimming pool is also on this floor. On the second floor, you will find a cinema and ten restaurants.
Outside the center:
Make time to visit the park surrounding (环绕) the center. Boats for up to eight people can be hired (被租用) for 12 an hour. Bikes can be rented for 5 an hour.
Transportation (交通):
You can drive to the center. There is free parking (停车位) for 10,000 cars. It’s also easy to visit the center by train. There is a train every 15 minutes from Central London. When you reach Barnwell Station, jump on a No. 19 bus to the center. It takes you 5 minutes and there’s a bus every 10 minutes.
26.You need to pay ________ to hire a boat for an hour.
A. 5 B. 8 C. 10 D. 12
27.What does the underlined word “It” refer to
A.Driving from Central London to the center.
B.Going from Barnwell Station to the center by bus.
C.Driving from Barnwell Station to the center.
D.Going from Central London to Barnwell Station by train.
28.The material may be from a ________.
A.storybook B.guidebook C.dictionary D.diary
When Claire Vlases of Montana was in Grade 7, she learned about plans to modernize her middle school. Claire asked the school board(董事会) to add solar panels(太阳电池板) to the project because, she believed, clean energy would be helpful to a really modern school.
The board liked the idea but said it could offer just $25,000. It was only one-fifth of the cost of the solar panels. So Claire organized a group of kids and grown-ups to try to get the rest(剩余部分). They sold their second-hand books, put on talent shows and asked for donations(捐赠), even going door-to-door for them. One donated more than half the cost! After two years of hard work, the group paid for the solar panels, which now provide one-fourth of the school’s electricity needs—saving thousands of dollars for the neighborhood.
“My favorite part about this project was that one person could start something small and then the project could grow and have a big influence on the community,” Claire said. “There are always going to be hard parts. When there’s a challenge in front of you, you can learn from it and use it as chance to overcome it.”
29.How much money did the solar panels cost
A.$25,000 B.$100,000 C.$125,000 D.$5,000
30.Which picture shows the change of the electricity cost after the use of solar panels
A. B.
C. D.
31.Which is the right order of the following events
a. Claire organized a group of people to get the rest of the money.
b. The board agreed but there was not enough money for adding solar panels.
c. Claire and her group paid for the solar panels.
d. Claire asked the school board to add solar panels to help the school save energy.
A.a-b-c-d B.d-c-b-a C.b-d-a-c D.d-b-a-c
32.What would be the best title for the text
A.A Dependent Girl B.A Modern School
C.Don’t Waste Energy D.Never Give Up
When I was in Grade 8, I had a heated argument(争吵)with my classmate, Tony. I have forgotten what the argument was about, but I have never forgotten the lesson I learned that day.
I believed that I was right and he was wrong, and Tony believed that I was wrong and he was right. Our teacher, a kind and smart lady, decided to teach us a lesson. She brought us to the front of the class and placed him on one side of her desk and me on the other. In the middle of her desk was a large and round object. I could clearly see that it was black. The teacher asked us what color the object was. “White,” Tony answered. I couldn’t believe he said the object was white! “Clearly, it was black!” Another argument started between Tony and me, this time about the color of the object.
The teacher told me to go and stand where Tony was standing and told him to go and stand where I was standing. We changed places, and now she asked me what color the object was. I had to answer, “White.” It was an object with two differently colored sides—from his side it was white, while from my side it was black. “Boys, now, what do you say ” The teacher smiled at us. Tony has been my best friend ever since.
My teacher taught me a very important lesson that day: When you disagree with others, you’d better be in their shoes. That will help you look at the situation through their eyes, and truly understand their ideas and ways of thinking.
33.What did the teacher do at first
A.She shouted at the boys. B.She called the boys’ parents.
C.She walked out of the classroom. D.She brought the boys to her desk.
34.How did the writer feel when Tony answered “white” in paragraph 2
A.Surprised. B.Pleased. C.Afraid. D.Thankful.
35.Why did the writer give two different answers
A.Because he was unfriendly to Tony. B.Because he changed his place with Tony.
C.Because he wanted to have another argument. D.Because he turned around the object.
36.What would the writer probably do after this lesson
A.He would forget the arguments. B.He would sit in the front of the class.
C.He might shake hands with Tony. D.He might listen to the teacher carelessly.
Anna Du was walking along the beach when she noticed plastics (塑料) there. She reached down to pick them up, and quickly realized a problem: there are many more small pieces than she could deal with. It seems impossible to clean them all up.
Du, 12 years old at that time, tried to solve the problem like a good scientist — first, by doing a little research. That’s how she learned that eight million tons of plastics end up in the oceans every year. Then she got to build something that could help solve the problem: a remote-operated vehicle (遥控潜水器) , or ROV. Her ROV could move through water and find plastics on the ocean floor.
The cool part of Du’s invention is its detection system. She uses a camera along with three different kinds of light to find the plastics. She also uses visible light to find unnatural colors that make the plastic stand out.
“She has a very good engineering sense to break down a problem like this, and then go after it, ” says engineer Carsey Machado, “It sounds simple, but it’s a level of thinking that’s really amazing. ”
Du started attending public events and workshops at a university when she was five years old. That was how she picked up the engineering skills necessary to build her ROV. She says actually getting her ROV to move through water well was not easy. She failed many times, but she never gave up trying and testing.
When asked about her future plans, she mentioned wanting to address the effects of climate (气候) change. “I think there are a lot of problems that could be solved with new inventions, ” says Du.
Du thanks her parents who for years have taken her to student outreach activities, for supporting her interest in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) . She says she has been able to meet students and scientists there. “I know I want to be an engineer because I like building things to help solve big world problems. ” says Du, “but I’m not sure what kind of engineer I want to be yet. ”
37.What does the underlined word “It” in Paragraph One refer to
A.To notice plastics on the beach. B.To reach down.
C.To quickly realize. D.To clean up plastics.
38.What can Du’s ROV do
A.It can solve problems like any good scientist.
B.It can move through water and find plastics on the ocean floor.
C.It can help people develop a good engineering sense.
D.It can break down plastics.
39.How did Du get her ROV to move through water successfully
A.By looking up information online. B.By failing and trying again and again.
C.By asking her parents for help. D.By attending workshops at a university.
40.Which of the following is NOT the reason that made Du succeed in building her ROV
A.Her good engineering sense. B.Her persistence (not giving up) .
C.Her parents’ support. D.Help from some engineers.
第二节 阅读填空(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
阅读短文及文后A E选项,选出可以填入41 45各题空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑
English was not my favorite subject at first. 41 When my teacher let me learn English, I just smiled and then ran away. I thought English was not important.
When I was in middle school, my English was really poor. I just knew the word “rain”. 42 When he did not come for a class, he would always say, “Sorry, I could not come for the class because it was raining cats and dogs.” There used to be only 1-2 English classes a week, and that made English difficult for me to learn. 43 However, things turned out to be not easy. 44 Even worse, my problem in English continued until I was in high school. My English teacher was kind and he tried hard to make me learn but I could not. 45 He taught me different ways to learn English and they were really great. I got good grades finally.
A.I spent much time studying English, but it didn’t work.
B.That was because “rain” was my English teacher’s favorite word.
C.Even so, he didn’t stop helping me.
D.I even didn’t do my English homework.
E.As time went by, I knew I should learn English by myself.
第一节 语篇填词(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
Have you ever lived and studied in another country Well, if you are lucky enough to take part in an e 46 exchange program, you will e 47 many new thing. For example, you can learn a new language and make many new friends. At first, however, you may find it hard to understand the daily idioms. But don’t worry. Your host family will help you by having you take part in many l 48 activities. You can also learn much about the c 49 and history of this country at school. Lots of students have a 50 joined our exchange. So, what are you waiting for
第二节 完成句子(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
, he realized his own mistake.
Her outfit is decent the dirty shoes.
It was not a pleasant journey because the train people.
I with my friends by QQ.
Jack America. It can’t be him.
第三节 书面表达(共1题;满分15分)
56.Tony 是一名来自英国的交换生。他在石家庄二中学习已经有一个月了。假如你是Tony,请你根据提示写一封邮件向父母汇报近况。
学习 每周两次阅读课;每周……
交友 新朋友Mike;他比我……;而我更加……
活动 上周六和同学去爬了西山;上周日……
计划 下个月参加才艺表演
Dear Dad and Mom,
How are you going I’m writing to tell you my life here.
1.A 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.A 11.D 12.C 13.A 14.D 15.C
old老的;older更老的;oldest最老的;the oldest最老的。基数词+years old“多少岁”,固定搭配,故选A。
interest使有趣;interested有趣的,修饰人;interesting有趣的,修饰事物;interestingly有趣的是。根据“He thought it might be...to keep worms (虫).”可知,此空缺形容词,且修饰养虫子这件事,故选C。
could可以;couldn’t不可以;must必须;mustn’t禁止。根据“He...sell them to farmers.”可知,此处表示一种可能,故选A。
on加具体某一天;in 加年、月、季节;at加时刻点;for为了。in+季节,固定搭配,故选B。
and和,表并列;but但是,表转折;so所以;because因为。根据“But that winter the cold weather killed all the worms...he had not put them in a warm place.”可知,此处表示因果关系,用because引导原因状语从句,故选D。
try尝试,动词原形;tried尝试,动词过去式;tries尝试,动词三单;trying尝试,动名词/动词现在分词。根据“He bought more worms.”可知,此处为一般过去时,动词用过去式,故选B。
After在……之后;Until直到;When当……时;Unless除非。根据“...winter came, he took them inside so they would stay...”可知,本句为时间状语从句,当冬天来临时,他把它们带到屋里,用when引导,故选C。
day’s天的,单数名词所有格;day天,单数;days天,复数;days’天的,复数名词所有格。根据“One...when Jody was twelve,”可知,此处表示某一天,one day“某一天”,故选B。
a一个,泛指,用于辅音音素开头的单词前;an一个,泛指,用于元音音素开头的单词前;the定冠词,表特指;/没有冠词。根据“he got...letter.”可知,此处表示收到一封信,为泛指,且letter为辅音音素开头的单词,用不定冠词a。故选A。
money’s钱的;the money钱,特指;moneys语法错误;money钱。根据“But he still had to pay part of that...to the state.”可知,此处缺名词,且money为不可数名词,故选D。
he他,人称代词主格;him他,人称代词宾格;his他的,形容词性物主代词/名词性物主代词;himself他自己,反身代词。根据“He told many people in...town what had happened.”可知,此处缺定语,形容词性物主代词作定语修饰town,故选C。
on在……上;in在……里;at加小地点;to表方向。on TV“在电视上”,固定搭配,故选A。
is用于单数名词;are用于复数名词;were用于复数名词的一般过去时;was用于单数名词的一般过去时。根据said可知,本句为一般过去时,且the law为单数,故选D。
pay支付,动词原形;paid支付,动词过去式;paying支付,动名词/动词现在分词;to pay支付,不定式。空前without为介词,所以此空应填动名词,故选C。
16.D 17.D 18.B 19.A 20.C 21.C 22.D 23.B 24.A 25.D
busy忙碌的;noisy吵闹的;dark黑暗的;quiet安静的。根据上一句“The clock struck eleven at night.”可知,晚上十一点整个房子是安静的。故选D。
weak虚弱的;soft柔和的;gentle轻柔的;strong强烈的。根据上文“as bright as the daytime”可知,在强烈的灯光下。故选D。
day-trip一天的旅行;exam考试;activity活动;lesson课。根据下文“the exam”可知,明天我将要考试。故选B。
agree with同意;depend on依靠;learn about学习;think of认为。根据“Dad does not...me on this.”可知,agree with符合语境。故选A。
do做;remember记住;work工作;read读。根据“He did not have to...so hard when he was a boy.”可知,当他还是孩子的时候,他不需要这么努力的学习。故选C。
excited兴奋的;hopeful有希望的;tired疲劳的;angry生气的。根据上一句“I forgot all I had learnt.”可知,“我”忘记了我学的所有的东西。故选C。
begin开始;say说;learn学习;promise许诺。空格后面的词语是 next time可知,“我”许诺下次要努力学习。故选D。
23.句意:我的眼睛是那么沉重, 以至于我睁不开眼了。
mouth嘴;eyes眼睛;ears耳朵;hands手。根据下文的 “open them”可知,“我”的眼睛是那么沉重,以至于我睁不开眼了。故选B。
24.句意:我的眼睛是那么沉重, 以至于我睁不开眼了。
hardly几乎不;just仅仅;almost差不多;already已经。根据前面的“so heavy”可知,“我”的眼睛是那么沉重,以至于我睁不开眼了。故选A。
down下去;ill生病的;over超过;asleep睡觉。空格前面的词语是fell,所以要用asleep,fall asleep固定短语,“ 睡着”。故选D。
26.D 27.B 28.B
26.细节理解题。根据“Boats for up to eight people can be hired (被租用) for 12 an hour.”可知,租船一小时需要支付12英镑。故选D。
27.代词指代题。根据“When you reach Barnwell Station, jump on a No. 19 bus to the center. It takes you 5 minutes and there’s a bus every 10 minutes.”可知,当你到达巴恩韦尔站时,坐19路公共汽车到中心。这要花5分钟,每10分钟就有一班车。此处It指代前面的从巴恩韦尔站坐公交车到中心。故选B。
29.C 30.C 31.D 32.D
29.推理判断题。根据“The board liked the idea but said it could offer just $25,000. It was only one-fifth of the cost of the solar panels. So Claire organized a group of kids and grown-ups to try to get the rest(剩余部分).”可知25000美元仅仅是太阳能电池板成本的五分之一,所以太阳能电池板成本为25000×5=125000美元,故选C。
30.推理判断题。根据“which now provide one-fourth of the school’s electricity needs—saving thousands of dollars for the neighborhood.”可知太阳能电池板现在提供了学校四分之一的电力需求,为社区节省了数千美元,也就是说安装了太阳能电池板以后,费用在逐步降低,结合图示可知C项正确。故选C。
31.细节理解题。根据第一段“ Claire asked the school board(董事会) to add solar panels(太阳电池板) to the project because, she believed, clean energy would be helpful to a really modern school.”,第二段“The board liked the idea but said it could offer just $25,000. It was only one-fifth of the cost of the solar panels”,第二段“So Claire organized a group of kids and grown-ups to try to get the rest(剩余部分).”及第二段“After two years of hard work, the group paid for the solar panels, which now provide one-fourth of the school’s electricity needs—saving thousands of dollars for the neighborhood.”可知,正确的顺序是:Claire建议增加太阳能板来帮助学校节约能源——董事会同意了,但没有足够的资金来增加太阳能电池板——Claire组织人们筹集资金——Claire和她的团队得到了足够的捐款来购买太阳能电池板,故选D。
32.最佳标题题。根据全文内容可知,Claire为了帮助学校安装太阳能电池板,自己组织了一群孩子和成年人,他们坚持不懈,永不放弃,经过两年的艰苦努力以后,太能能电池板成功安装,并为学校和社区节省了大量的资金,所以文章最佳标题为“Never Give Up永不放弃”。故选D。
33.D 34.A 35.B 36.C
33.细节理解题。根据“She brought us to the front of the class and placed him on one side of her desk and me on the other”可知老师先把这两位男孩带到桌子前,故选D。
34.推理判断题。根据“ ‘White,’ Tony answered. I couldn’t believe he said the object was white! ‘Clearly, it was black!’ ”可知作者看到的是黑色,而Tony回答是白色,所以Tony的回答让作者感到惊讶,故选A。
35.细节理解题。根据“It was an object with two differently colored sides—from his side it was white, while from my side it was black.”可知因为作者再次站在不同的方向时,看到这个物体是另一个颜色,所以给出了两个不同的答案,故选B。
36.推理判断题。根据“The teacher smiled at us. Tony has been my best friend ever since.”可知自从那以后作者和Tony成为了好朋友,由此可推断经过这个事情他们会握手言和,故选C。
37.D 38.B 39.B 40.D
【分析】本文是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了Anna Du设计并制作成可以在水中移动,并在海底找到塑料的机器。
37.词句猜测题。根据“She reached down to pick them up, and quickly realized a problem: there are many more small pieces than she could deal with. It seems impossible to clean them all up.”可知,她伸手把它们捡起来,很快意识到一个问题:小碎片太多了,她无法处理。要把它们全部清理干净似乎是不可能的,进一步推知it承前指的是“清理塑料”这件事;而在“It seems impossible to clean them all up.”中,“it”是形式主语,真正的主语应是动词不定式“to clean them all up”,所以推知“it”代指“clean them all up”即清理完塑料。故选D。
38.细节理解题。根据“Her ROV could move through water and find plastics on the ocean floor.”可知,她的水下机器人可以在水中移动,并在海底找到塑料。故选B。
39.细节理解题。根据“She says actually getting her ROV to move through water well was not easy. She failed many times, but she never gave up trying and testing.”可知,她失败了很多次,但她从未放弃尝试和测试。故选B。
40.细节理解题。根据“She has a very good engineering sense to break down a problem like this, and then go after it”可知,她有很好的工程意识去解决这样的问题,然后去解决它;又根据“Du thanks her parents who for years have taken her to student outreach activities, for supporting her interest in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) . She says she has been able to meet students and scientists there.”可知,Du感谢多年来带她参加学生拓展活动的父母,感谢他们支持她对科学、技术、工程和数学(STEM)的兴趣。她说,她在那里见到了学生和科学家。所以文中并没有提及得到工程师的帮助。故选D
41.D 42.B 43.E 44.A 45.C
41.根据“When my teacher let me learn English, I just smiled and then ran away. I thought English was not important.”可知,作者不喜欢学英语,认为英语不重要,选项D“我甚至不做我的英语作业。”是作者不喜欢英语的表现,符合语境。故选D。
42.根据“I just knew the word ‘rain’…Sorry, I could not come for the class because it was raining cats and dogs.”可知,空处前后说明了与作者仅知道的英文单词“rain”有关的内容,选项B“那是因为‘rain’是我英语老师最喜欢的单词。”符合语境。故选B。
43.根据“There used to be only 1-2 English classes a week, and that made English difficult for me to learn.”可知,英语老师不好好教学导致作者英语学习困难,空前是作者学习英语的困难处境,选项E“随着时间的推移,我知道我应该自己学英语。”是作者打算自学的应对方法,符合语境。故选E。
44.根据“However, things turned out to be not easy…Even worse, my problem in English continued until I was in high school.”可知,作者自学英语并没有那么容易,这种问题一直持续到高中,选项A“我花了大量时间学习英语,但是没有作用。”符合语境。故选A。
45.根据“My English teacher was kind and he tried hard to make me learn but I could not…He taught me different ways to learn English and they were really great. I got good grades finally.”可知,作者的高中英语老师一直在教作者学好英语,直到作者取得了好成绩,选项C“即使这样,他没有停止帮助我。”符合语境。故选C。
46.(e)ducational 47.(e)xperience 48.(l)ocal 49.(c)ulture 50.(a)lready
46.句意:嗯,如果你有幸参加一个教育交流项目,你会体验到很多新的东西。根据“if you are lucky enough to take part in an ... exchange program”和首字母可知,此处指一个教育交流项目;educational“教育的”,形容词作定语。故填(e)ducational。
47.句意:嗯,如果你有幸参加一个教育交流项目,你会体验到很多新的东西。根据下文“ For example, you can learn a new language and make many new friends. ...”可知,此处指体验到很多不同的东西;experience“体验”,动词;由空前的“will”可知,后接动词原形。故填(e)xperience。
48.句意:你的寄宿家庭会帮助你参加许多当地的活动。根据“Your host family...help you by having you take part in many ...activities.”及首字母可知,此处指参加当地的活动;结合首字母,应填local“当地的”,形容词作定语。故填(l)ocal。
49.句意:你也可以在学校学到很多关于这个国家的文化和历史。根据“You can also learn much about the ... and history of this country at school.”和首字母可知,此处指学习这个国家的文化和历史;culture“文化”,不可数名词。故填(c)ulture。
50.句意:很多学生已经加入了我们的交流活动。根据“So, what are you waiting for ”可知,很多学生已经加入了该交流项目;结合首字母,already“已经”,副词,与现在完成时连用。故填(a)lready。
51. In the end
【详解】in the end“最后”,是固定短语,位于句首的单词,首字母要大写,故填In;the;end。
52. except for
【详解】“除了”except for,介词短语;指从整体中排除部分。故填except;for。
53. was crowded with
【详解】比较中英文,缺失内容为“挤满了”,其英文be crowded with。由“It was”可知,此处时态为一般过去时。主语为the train,所以谓语动词用was。故填was;crowded;with。
54. keep in touch
【详解】根据汉语提示,“与……保持联系”应用动词短语keep in touch with,本句应用一般现在时表示经常或习惯性的动作,主语I为第一人称单数,谓语动词用原形。故填keep;in;touch。
55. has gone
【详解】have gone to“去了”,表示去了某地,人不在这里,主语是Jack,助动词用has,故填has;gone;to。
56.One possible version:
Dear Dad and Mom,
How are you going I’m writing to tell you my life here. I have reading classes twice a week. And I can go online once a week. I made a good friend called Mike. He is more outgoing and reads more books than me, but I am better at playing tennis than him. Last Saturday, I went to Xishan Mountain with my classmates. It was very beautiful. Last Sunday, I went to Chang’an Park. We had a good time. Next month, I will take part in a talent show. I plan to play the violin.
I enjoy studying here. Miss you and love you.
①twice a week一周两次
②more outgoing更外向
③take part in参加
①He is more outgoing and reads more books than me.(比较级)



