Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?词汇专练(含答案)

Unit 8 词汇篇
1. 勺;调羹 2. 食糖 3. 玉米;谷物
4. 西瓜 5. 食盐 6. 奶酪
7. 机器 8. 孔;洞 9. 摇动,抖动
10. 凿(洞);掘(地) 11. 增加;添加 12. 倒出;倾倒 13. 最后;最终 14. 三明治 15. 片;段;块
16. 秋天;秋季 17. 覆盖物;盖子 18. 温度
19. 黄油;奶油 20. 混合配料 21. 碟子;盘子
22. 庆祝 23. 充满;装满 24. 覆盖;掩盖
25. (使)混合
26. 接待;服务 27. 传统的
28.奶昔 29.把……放进……
30.切碎 31.多少(数量)
32.接通;打开 33.把……倒入……
34.多少(数量、价格) 35.一片(张、块……)
36.用……装满…… 37.一个接一个
38.在这时 39.一杯
40.用……覆盖…… 41.把……切成……
42.传统食物 43.对……表示感谢
45.If you want to eat a banana, you have to p it first.
46.Be careful! Don’t p the water on your hands. It’s very hot.
47.Tomorrow is New Year’s Day. Let’s have a party to c it.
48.He didn’t s hands with me when we met at that time.
49.If you have a sore throat(嗓子疼), you can drink hot tea with h .
50.I need six s of honey to make the cake.
51.The man wanted to d a hole on the ground to plant the tree.
52.Don’t eat too much ice-cream. It is high in fat (脂肪)and s .
53.The restaurant s free apple juice to customers.
54.Leaves turn yellow in a .
55.Americans eat turkey on T Day.
56.The p is empty, so you can put some bread on it.
57.The t is very low in winter here. You should put on more clothes.
58.I didn’t take my umbrella, so I c my head with a piece of paper when it rained yesterday.
59.He likes eating this kind of bread with b .
60.—I plan to go to E with my friends in 2014. It’s famous for the Big Ben.
—That sounds great!
61.We looked for the boy here and there, and f found him in a shop.
62.Linda, don’t drink too much (yogurt).
63.They talked about it for hours. (final), they decided not to go.
64.In most countries, people usually eat (tradition) food on special holidays.
65.Betty, get two (spoon) of chicken soup for your grandpa.
66.My father likes apples, bananas and (watermelon).
67.This pair of socks is full of (hole). I need to buy a new pair.
68.Don’t come here. I’m (pour) hot water into the thermos bottle.
69.I (shake)the medicine bottle before I took the medicine.
70.He is (peel) an apple in the dining hall.
71.—Are you Chinese —No. I come from (English).
72.Jack ate three (tomato) for breakfast this morning.
73.—How many apples do we need
—Let me (think). Maybe fifteen are enough.
74.Amy, it’s too boring! (play) some music for us, please.
75.Could you please tell me how an apple shake (make)
76.They visited two big (factory) last month.
77.I like eating cakes with (cheese).
78.The boys (dig) twenty holes for the trees last Sunday.
79.Don’t forget (take) your homework home.
80. (one), peel some pears, and then cut them up.
81. (not play) computer games, Mike.
82.My sister helped me (pour) the water into the cup.
83.He (put) the books into the desk and sat down.
84.Pass me three (piece) of bread.
85.My brother often (mix)his Chinese books and English books.
86.The Chinese people here always have a party (celebrate) the Chinese New Year.
87.He (shake) his head to tell me that he disagreed.
88.Look! The boy is (fill) the cup with some dirty water.
89.The place is very popular. Look! There are so many (travel) there.
90.Which is the best way (make) turkey
91.King Clothes Store has the best (serve).
92. (not turn) on the popcorn blender.
93.Here are some bananas. Please cut (they) up.
94.Here (be) some milk. Drink it, please.
95.Let’s (plant) more trees and make our city more beautiful.
96.They usually have some (glass) of milk for breakfast.
97.Peter put some (pepper) in the bowl.
98.Some friends of mine like to eat (sandwich) with onions.
99.These (cover) are so dirty. Wash them now.
100. (keep)walking with me, Jim.
101.Don’t (cover)your face with your hands, please.
102.Don’t (be)late for school again, Jack.
103.You should not eat too much (sugar). It’s not good for your teeth.
104.We bought two new (machine) last month.
105.There (be) some water in the bottle. You can have some.
106.Why not put some (salt) in the soup, Jim
107.Both his uncle and his aunt are famous (scientist).
108.How much (honey)is there in the cup
109.I don’ like drinking (orange) juice, but I like eating (orange).
110.I don’t have enough money to pay for the (奶酪).
111.Let’s go to the food store to buy some (黄油) .
112.The (温度) of the water is just right for swimming.
113.The mapo tofu is ready. Please (提供) it to your friends.
114.He is (准备) his speech for the meeting tomorrow.
115.Please take away those (盘子) without any food on the table.
116.Tears (充满)her eyes.
117.If you add some (蜂蜜), it will be sweet.
118.He (挖) holes to plant apple trees yesterday.
119.To make the milk shake, we need three (勺) of honey.
120.Don’t put too much (食盐) in this dish. It’s bad for our health.
121.We practiced dancing over and over again. (最终), we won the competition.
用how much与how many填空。
122. bananas do we need
123. yogurt do we need for the smoothie(冰沙)
124. apples did you put in the salad
125. sugar do we need for this recipe
watermelon, spoon, pour, final, salt
126.Please tell me how you got to that small village .
127.For fruit, I only like bananas and .
128.How much do you need, Maria
129.Give me three of honey, Dad.
130.Just now Henry some milk into the blender.
cut up;turn on;eat;honey;put
131.The Greens like sandwiches with lettuce.
132.Can you help me these tomatoes
133.Next, you need to all these things into the blender.
134.Put two spoons of into the water. It'll be very sweet.
135. the machine(机器)and wait for some time.
1.spoon 2.sugar 3.corn 4.watermelon 5.salt 6.cheese 7.machine 8.hole 9.shake 10.dig 11.add 12.pour 13.finally
14.sandwich 15.piece 16.autumn 17.cover 18.temperature 19.butter 20.mix 21.plate 22.celebrate 23.fill 24.cover 25.mix 26.serve 27.traditional
28.milk shake 29.put…into… 30.cut up 31.how many
32.turn on 33.pour…into… 34.how much
35.a piece of… 36.fill…with… 37.one by one 38.at this time
39.a cup of 40.cover…with… 41.cut…into… 42.traditional food 43.give thanks for 44.at a high temperature
45.(p)eel 46.(p)our 47.(c)elebrate 48.(s)hake
49.(h)oney 50.spoons 51.(d)ig 52.(s)ugar
53.(s)erves 54.(a)uturmn 55.(T)hanksgiving 56.(p)late
57.(t)emperature 58.(c)overed 59.(b)utter 60.(E)ngland
61.(f)inally 62.yogurt 63.Finally 64.traditional
65.spoons 66.watermelons 67.holes 68.pouring
69.shook 70.peeling 71.England 72.tomatoes
73.think 74.Play 75.to make 76.factories
77.cheese 78.dug 79.to take 80.First
81.Don’t play 82.pour 83.put 84.pieces
85.mixes 86.to celebrate 87.shook 88.filling
89.travellers/travelers 90.to make 91.service 92.Don’t turn
93.them 94.is 95.plant 96.glasses
97.pepper 98.sandwiches 99.covers 100.Keep
101.cover 102.be 103.sugar 104.machines
105.is 106.salt 107.scientists 108.honey
109. orange oranges 110.cheese 111.butter
112.temperature 113.serve 114.preparing 115.plates
116.filled 117.honey 118.dug 119.spoons
120.salt 121.Finally
122.How many 123.How much 124.How many 125.How much
126.finally 127.watermelons 128.salt 129.spoons 130.poured
131.eating/to eat 132.(to)cut up 133.put 134.honey
135.Turn on



