福建省福州市晋安区2023-2024高二上学期11月期中联考英语试题 (word版含答案含听力音和原文)

第 I 卷
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)
1. What will the speakers do next
A. Check the map. B. Leave the restaurant. C. Park the car.
【原文】M: We have to find a parking space.Let’s drive around the block one more time. Did you say the restaurant has no street-parking at all
W: None,I checked it. Look, there’s a space.
2. Where are the speakers
A. At a bus stop. B. At home. C. At the airport.
【原文】M: You have to go now,Judy, or you’ll miss your flight. It’s an hour’s drive to the airport.
W: I’m leaving.Don’t forget to water my flowers. Just a minute, where’s my ticket, Dad
3. What did the speakers do last week
A. They had a celebration dinner.
B. They went to see a new born baby.
C. They sent a mail to their neighbors.
【原文】M: Laura, what’s in the mailbox
W: It’s a thank-you note from our neighbor.They thank us for visiting them last week when the baby was born. They also invite us to have dinner next Friday.
M: Are they back home now
W: Should be!
4. Why does the man make the phone call
A. To cancel a weekend trip.
B. To make an appointment.
C. To get some information.
【原文】W:Good afternoon, Paper Museum.
M: Hello,could you tell me your opening hours for Saturday
W: Yeah, we’re open from10 in the morning to 5 in the afternoon.
5. What does the man probably want to do
A. Do some exercise. B. Get an extra key. C. Order room service.
【原文】M: Excuse me, where is the hotel gym, please
W: It’s on the top floor.You can take the lift over there.
M: DoI have to pay extra
W: No,sir, you just need to take your room key with you.
第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)
6. Why does the woman come to the man
A. To ask for permission. B. To extend an invitation. C. To express thanks.
7. When are the students going to the museum
A. On Friday. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday.
【答案】6. A 7. B
【原文】W: MrWilson, students from Class 2 want to visit the museum. Will it be all right if I take them there this weekend
M: How about their revision test Are they through with it
W: Yes, they are.
M: In that caseyou can go ahead. Try to finish it within one day so that the students still have a whole day to rest on Sunday.
W: All right,I’ll manage.
8. What are the speakers talking about
A. Buying groceries. B. Choosing gifts. C. Seeing friends.
9. Who is Clara
A. The man’s wife. B. The man’s sister. C. The man’s daughter.
10. How much did the man spend on the city passes
A. $36. B. $50. C. $150.
【答案】8. B 9. C 10. C
【原文】M: Hi, Linda fancy seeing you here. how long have you been shopping
W: Almost an hour. I have a lot to buy. My daughter Melissa’s birthday is coming. I’m trying to get her a good gift, but I don’t know what to choose. She seems to have everything she loves.
M: Yeah, the same asClara. We’ve already had bags of toys she’s no longer playing with, so this year we didn’t buy her material things. We gave her an experience gift.
W: What’s that
M: Acity pass with which she can visit twelve different attractions, including the NationalHistory Museum, the Science Museum. the zoo, and more.
W: How much is it
M: Fifty dollars per person for a year long pass.I bought three for the whole family.
W: So you can have a different outing every month for the entire year.What a great idea!
11. Why did Tracy bring dogs to the children
A. To teach them to love animals.
B. To help them gain confidence.
C. To protect them from dangers.
12. What is Kevin’s concern about the dogs
A. They may misbehave. B. They may get hurt. C. They may carry diseases.
13. What will Helen do tomorrow morning
A. Give a talk. B. Meet the children. C. Take some photos.
【答案】11. B 12. A 13. A
【原文】M: Helen busy doing anything
W: Oh,Kevin, I’m preparing a presentation for the city library. It’s about a girl named
Tracy Woods.
M: What’s special about her
W: It was an amazing story.She brought specially trained dogs to special education schools and helped children to build confidence. She believes that dogs can help children in ways we can’t. Dogs don’t judge, and they don’t care who you are or what you look like.
M: But putting dogs into a school, aren’t they going to mess up the school
W: Don’t worry, all the dogs are assessed and trained properly.There are now 40 dogs working with children aged from 6 to 18.
M: I hope the children love them.
W: Of course,they do. I’ve got some pictures. I’ll show them at my presentation tomorrow morning.
14. What is the man doing
A. Attending a lecture. B. Hosting a workshop. C. Conducting an interview.
15. Why is Emily doing unpaid work in the new season of the show
A. To follow the latest trend.
B. To help raise the crew’s pay.
C. To support the post-production.
16. What enables Emily to try different things in her field
A. Her college education. B. Her teaching experience. C. Her family tradition.
17. What does Emily think of her work at the Film Centre
A. Boring. B. Rewarding. C. Demanding.
【答案】14. C 15. C 16. A 17. B
【原文】M: Emily, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to answer a few questions.
W: It’s my pleasure.
M: People say you’re doing unpaid work in the new season of My Fair Lady. Is this what the show business has become
W: No, notreally. All of my acting in the new season is unpaid, but the crew is paid. This is to raise money for the post production of the show.
M: Inotice you’ve tried many different kinds of things, film, TV and even theater.
W: Yeah, that’s howI was trained at university. I work on anything that excites me.
M: Tell us about the six months you recently spent at the workshop of the film center.
W: It was an unbelievable experience,teaching young actors and actresses and working with some great acting artists. It was also great to work in various labs such as directors, writers and so on. It’s very helpful for making you a really well-rounded and active member of the film and television industry.
M: Thank you very much, Emily. We look forward to your new season.
18. Who is the speaker talking to
A. Sports club members. B. International tourists. C. University students.
19. Where did Emma work for a rugby team
A. In Manchester. B. In Dublin. C. In Vancouver.
20. What can be a challenge to Emma’s work
A. Competition in the health care industry.
B. Discrimination against female scientists.
C. Influence of the misinformation on the public.
【答案】18. A 19. B 20. C
【原文】Hi, everyone! This is the monthly meeting of our club. We’ve been fortunate to have got good advice from some famous athletes on how to improve our skills and build up our body. Today, we’ll hear something different. We’re honored to have Emma Wilson here. Emma is a health expert and lecturer from UBC, the University of British Columbia. Emma worked for a football team in Manchester, then for a very successful rugby team in Dublin, and finally ended up working here in Vancouver. Emma says it’s challenging to be a health expert because people can be easily influenced by advertisements that lack scientific support. Also, people aren’t willing to change their views about food and nutrition,as there is so much confusing information online. It’s really important to hear what experts say, and that’s why we’ve invited Emma here. She isn’t going to tell us about everything we should eat,but she will teach us to make better choices. Let’s welcome Emma William.
第 II 卷
第二部分阅读(共两节,满分 40 分)
第一节(共 11 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 27.5 分)
【答案】21. D 22. A 23. B
细节理解题。根据标题“A Blind Man Can See How Much I Love You, Amy Bloom”(《盲人能看清我有多爱你》,Amy Bloom)可知“A Blind Man Can See How Much I Love You”这本书是由Amy Bloom写的,故选D项。
细节理解题。根据文章最后一段“My last recommendation is not about mothers at all, but rather about fathers, or rather one father in particular. In Family Man, Calvin Trillin writes about his wife and daughters. He gives what I think is the most useful piece of parenting advice: “Getting advice on the best way to bring up children is like getting advice on the best way to breathe. Sooner or later you’re probably going to forget it and go back to your regular old in-and-out.” Trillin gives the impression of being the best kind of husband.”(我最后的建议根本不是关于母亲的,而是关于父亲的,或者更确切地说是关于一个父亲的。在《居家男人》中,Calvin Trillin写到了他的妻子和女儿。他给出了我认为最有用的育儿建议:“得到关于最好的抚养孩子的方式的建议就像得到关于最好的呼吸方式的建议一样。迟早你可能会忘记这件事,回到你以前的老样子。”Trillin给人的印象是最好的丈夫。)可知,《居家男人》这本书主要讲述的是一位父亲总结出的关于如何抚养孩子的建议,故选A项。
推理判断题。通读全文可知文章主要介绍了三本书,三本书有着不同的故事情节,但都表现了父母亲对于孩子的爱,虽然Family Man讲述的是一个父亲以自己的经验总结出的育儿建议,但同样表达了对孩子的爱,故本文的写作目的是为了介绍这三本能表达对孩子的爱的三本书,故选B项。
【答案】24.B 25.C 26.B 27.D
1.C。推理判断题。根据第一段第四、五句His study shows that within the first four minutes of meeting a stranger, our facial expressions make up 55 percent of the impression we make, In comparison, only seven percent of that impression comes from our actual words, with the rest of the information coming from the tone of voice 可知,根据 Albert Mehrabian 的研究,在我们给陌生人留下的印象中,面部表情占55%,语言仅占7%,而我们的语气占剩下的38%。
2.A。推理判断题。根据第二段第四句But scientists have found body language does have its own rules and can be exactly examined like a book written in your native tongue 可知,肢体语言是可以被系统地研究的,本段中的例子是对这句话的解释说明。
3.B。推理判断题。根据第三段中的Communication expert Carol Kinsey Goman once gave a report ... "he would have gotten up right in the middle of your report and walked out" 可知,在Goman看来,那位CEO在她作报告时双臂交叉,没有微笑和点头给予鼓励,显然对她的讲解不太感兴趣。
4.B。细节理解题。根据最后一段中的 The technique, called mirroring, involves studying the facial expressions, body movements, and the tone of voice used ... in a relaxed and normal way可知,Zagnoli 建议我们在谈话的时候自然地模仿他人的肢体语言。
28.D 29.B 30.A 31.C
【详解】1.细节理解题。根据文章第一段中“But what about those students who cannot see or suffer from vision problems (但是那些看不见或有视力问题的学生怎么办呢?)”和第二段中“A recent paper from Baylor University, led by Katelyn Baumer and Bryan Shaw, was inspired by exactly this problem.(由凯特琳·鲍默和布莱恩·肖为主的贝勒大学最近的一篇论文正是受到了这个问题的启发)”可知,盲人和弱视学生最有可能从该项研究中受益。故选D项。
2.推理判断题。文章第三段内容主要“A 202l paper in Nature found that primates(灵长类动物)showed the same brain circuit activation(激活)when grasping objects with their hands and when moving an object with their tongues.This indicates that there may be underlying similarities of physical manipulations(操纵)of the hand and the mouth.(2021年刊登在《自然》上的一篇论文发现灵长类动物用手抓握物体和用舌头移动物体时会显示同样的大脑回路激活机制。这说明手和嘴的物理操纵方面存在潜在的相似性。)”由此可知,本段主要为研究提供支持信息。故选B项。
3.推理判断题。根据第四段内容“The participants were blindfolded and then divided into two groups, one assigned to manipulate objects by hand, and one to manipulate the objects with only their mouths. Each participant was given a single model protein to study. They then were asked to identify whether each of a set of eight other protein models matched the original they were given.(参与者被蒙上眼睛,然后分成两组,一组被分配用手操作物体,另一组只用嘴操作物体。每个参与者给予一个单一的模型蛋白质进行研究。然后,他们被要求确定另外八种蛋白质模型中的每一种是否与给他们的原始蛋白质模型相匹配。)”可知,本段主要介绍了研究者把受试人员分为两组,分别用手和用嘴操纵物体,每位受试者先学习一个蛋白质模型,然后让他们辨认一组八个模型中哪一个符合他们学习的模型,对比结果得出结论,因此主要采用了对比研究方法。故选A项。
第二节 七选五 (共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)
32.B 33.C 34.D 35.A 36.F
32.根据前句“But recently, some “green truths” have been shown to be only half true, or even completely false.(但最近,一些“绿色真理”被证明只对了一半,甚至是完全错误的)”和下文可知,下文具体介绍一些常见错误的“绿色真理”。所以选择项B“Here are some common ones.(这里有一些常见的错误绿色真理)”符合上下文语境。故选B。
33.根据前句“It seems like common sense: eating local food should be better for the environment, because it does not need to be transported long distances and kept cold during transport. (这似乎是常识:吃当地的食物应该对环境更好,因为它们不需要长途运输,也不需要在运输过程中保持低温)”和后句“It is the production of food, not its transport, that uses most of the energy and produces most of the greenhouse gases.(消耗大部分能源和产生大部分温室气体的是粮食生产,而不是粮食运输)”可知,上文讲“吃当地食物对环境有好处”是一种常见的错误真理,下文作者解释了原因,表明其中道理,上下文表转折,说明事实并非那么简单。所以选择项C“Unfortunately, it is not that simple. (不幸的是,事情并没有那么简单)”符合上下文语境。故选C。
34.根据下文“It depends on how long you spend in the shower and how large your bath is. If you spend more than eight minutes in a shower, you'll use as much water as in a bath—about 50 litres of water. Therefore, the key is to keep your shower time as short as possible. (这取决于你花多长时间洗澡和你的浴缸有多大。如果你花在淋浴上的时间超过8分钟,你就会用掉和泡澡一样多的水——大约50升水。因此,关键是让你的淋浴时间尽可能短)”可知,淋浴比泡澡更节约水的观点是错误的。所以选择项D“It’s better to take a shower than a bath. (洗淋浴比泡澡好)”符合上下文语境。故选D。
35.根据前句“Plastic bags cause litter and are a danger to wild animals. (塑料袋会造成垃圾,对野生动物是一种威胁)”可知,后文应继续陈述塑料袋的缺点,比如它具体如何威胁到野生动物的。所以选择项A“They mistake them for food. (它们误以为塑料袋是食物)”符合上下文语境。故选A。
36.根据前文“However, making a paper bag uses four times as much energy as making a plastic bag and up to three times the amount of water. The process also produces more greenhouse gases. (然而,制作一个纸袋所消耗的能量是制作塑料袋的四倍,水的用量是制作塑料袋的三倍。这个过程也会产生更多的温室气体)”可知,事实上塑料袋和纸袋都污染环境。所以选择项F“In fact, both kinds of bags are bad for the environment. (事实上,这两种袋子都对环境有害)”符合上下文语境。故选F。
第三部分:语言运用(共三节,满分 40 分)
第一节 完形填空 (15 个小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
37.A 38.D 39.B 40.C 41.B 42.A 43.C 44.C 45.B 46.D 47.A 48.A 49.C 50.B 51.D
37.考查副词词义辨析。句意:但是,住在绿湾的75岁的Terry,完全知道该怎么做才能不让悲伤渗入他的内心。A. exactly恰好地,正是;B. immediately立即;C. appropriately适当地;D. slightly轻微地。根据句意分析,Terry恰好,完全知道怎么不让悲伤渗入他的内心。故选A。
38.考查名词词义辨析。句意:但是,住在绿湾的75岁的特里,完全知道该怎么做才能不让悲伤渗入他的内心。A. breast胸部;B. head头;C. eyes眼睛;D. heart心。根据句意可知,悲伤是渗入内心,故选D。
39.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Terry是一名动物爱好者,他内心有一处柔软的地方为猫猫们留着,经常去格林湾的动物收容所,把获救的猫紧紧抱在怀里,和它们睡上一小觉!A. hot热的;B. soft柔软的;C. black黑色的;D. blind盲目的。短语have a soft spot for常表示“喜欢……”。故选B。
40.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Terry是一名动物爱好者,他内心有一处柔软的地方为猫猫们留着,经常去格林湾的动物收容所,把获救的猫紧紧抱在怀里,和它们睡上一小觉!A. blessed 有福的;幸福的B. hunted被追捕的;C. rescued获救的;D. preferred优先的。根据上文“the animal shelter in Green Bay”可知,动物收容所里都是获救的猫,故选C。
41.考查名词词义辨析。句意:老人在一群猫的簇拥下睡了一会儿,这迷人的景象感动了工人们。A. signal信号;B. scene 情景;场面;site 地点;场所;D. sign 标志;迹象。根据后文的“It was such a  7   picture”可知,给这一场景拍照,故选B。
42.考查动词词义辨析。句意:老人在一群猫的簇拥下睡了一会儿,这迷人的景象感动了工人们。A. moved移动,感动;B. pushed推动;C. shocked使震动;D. bothered打扰。上文中用charming一词来形容老人在一群猫的簇拥下睡觉的场景,结合后文工作人员拍了许多老人和猫的照片。由此可知,他们被这一景象所感动。故选A。
43.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这幅画面是如此温暖,工作人员总是拍下Terry和所有的猫的照片,并把它们发布在脸书上。A. awkward令人尴尬的;B. odd奇怪的;C. warm温暖的;D. distinct明显的;不同的。由分析可知,工作人员拍下的这幅画面,Terry和猫簇拥在一起,表现人类和动物的和谐画面,是一副温暖的画面,故选C。
44.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这幅画面是如此温暖,工作人员总是拍下Terry和所有的猫的照片,并把它们发布在脸书上。A. advantage优势;B. care关心;C. photos照片;D. notes笔记。根据后文“one photo with the cat”可知,此处是拍照。故选C。
45.考查副词词义辨析。句意:令人惊讶的是,一张拍下了猫咪Lois的照片吸引了粉丝,获得了超过4.7万个赞和约2.5万次分享!A. Actually实际上;B. Surprisingly惊人地;C. Unluckily不幸地;D. Deliberately故意地。根据语境可知,工作人员只是随手将照片发到了网上,所以获得这么多赞是他们没有想到的,故选B。
46.考查动词词义辨析。句意:令人惊讶的是,一张拍下了猫咪Lois的照片吸引了粉丝,获得了超过4.7万个赞和约2.5万次分享!A. attempted企图;B. predicted预测;C. encountered遇到;D. gained获得。根据后文“over 47,000 likes and about 25,000 shares!”可知,此处指照片得到了4.7万个赞和约2.5万次分享。故选D。
47.考查动词词义辨析。句意:事实上,不到一天,Lois就被一个新的家庭收养了!A. adopted收养;B. evaluated评估;C. exchanged改变;D. deserted抛弃。根据后文“by a new family!”及上文提到猫都是收容所里的,可知此处是被新家庭收养了。故选A。
48.考查名词词义辨析。句意:但除了名气之外,这位老人很高兴得知,他对猫的爱正激励着很多人向动物收容所捐款。A. fame名声;B. vision视力;幻想;C. preference偏爱;D. welcome欢迎。根据上文“Terry has become popular on the Internet”可知,Terry在网上很出名,因此指的是名气。故选A。
49.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但除了名气之外,这位老人很高兴得知,他对猫的爱正激励着很多人向动物收容所捐款。A. permitting允许;B. forcing迫使;C. inspiring鼓舞;D. telling告诉。根据后文“a lot of people to donate to the shelter”可知,此处指老人对猫的喜爱正激励着很多人向动物收容所捐款,给收容所带来了很多帮助。故选C。
50.考查名词词义辨析。句意:Terry很高兴,这背后的秘密并不难理解。A. focus 焦点B. secret秘密;奥秘C. aim目的;D. effort努力。后文“behind which”中which指的是Terry高兴这件事,即指Terry开心背后的秘密并不难理解,故选B。
51.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他的故事恰恰说明了一个小小的动作可以带来很大的不同(产生很大的正面影响)。A. effect效果;影响;B. decision决定;C. impression印象;D. difference差异,不同。结合上文可知,Terry因为出于对猫的喜欢,总是去收容所看望猫,从而鼓舞了更多的人帮助收容所,所以是指他一个小小的举动,带来很大的不同。故选D。
第二节 基础知识(9 个小题,第 52-59 题每小题 1 分,第 60 题 2 分,满分 10 分)
D. founded
C. objectives
E. critical
F. predict
B. potential
A. edge
E. labeled
D. implied
C. demonstrates
第三节 语法填空(10 个小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
61.officially 62.the 63.announcement 64.to 65.its 66.bushes 67.making 68.where 69.to describe 70.are recommended
62.考查冠词。句意:国家公园是指为保护生态系统和自然资源而设立的特殊保护区域。分析句子可知,of conserving the ecosystem and natural resources表示具体的目标,aim前面缺少定冠词。故填the。
64.考查介词。句意:武夷山国家公园是中国多种重要野生动物的家园,吸引着国内外游客。appeal to吸引,为固定短语。故填to。
65.考查代词。句意:由于其独特的自然环境,它具有丰富的多样性。分析句子可知,空处缺少形容词性物主代词its(它的)修饰unique natural environment。故填its。
69.考查非谓语动词。句意:语言无法描述它令人印象深刻的美。fail to do sth.表示:未能做某事,空处缺少不定式作宾语。故填to describe。
70.考查动词时态语态。句意:因此,建议您自行参观。根据语境可知,此处为建议,为一般现在时,主语you和recommend为被动关系,用一般现在时的被动语态。故填are recommended。
第四部分 书面表达(40 分)
第一节 应用文写作(满分 15 分)
Dear Tom,
I’m glad to receive your letter asking for some information about the talented young writer Haihan.
Haihan is a Chinese writer who has won several awards in world science fiction literature, including the Hugo Award and the Nebula Award. He is good at writing historical science fiction. Some of his best-known works are The Flood, Dragon’s Bones, The Flying Dragon and so on. His latest work, "Time and Space Painter", which was awarded the Hugo Prize this year, is a combination of traditional Chinese culture, history, crime fiction and science fiction. It tells a wonderful story based on the creation of the famous painting "The Great Wall" during the Northern Song Dynasty.
In my opinion, Haihan is a talented writer who has made great contributions to the development of Chinese science fiction literature. I believe you will enjoy reading his books.
【导语】本篇书面表达属于人物介绍的信件。要求考生以李华的口吻撰写一篇英语短文简单地向笔友Tom介绍海漄,内容包括:1. 个人介绍; 2. 杰出贡献(例如:获得奖项);3. 对他的评价。
world science fiction literature: 世界科幻文学
crime fiction: 犯罪小说
science fiction: 科幻小说
"I’m glad to receive your letter asking for some information about the talented young writer Haihan."
"Haihan is a Chinese writer who has won several awards in world science fiction literature, including the Hugo Award and the Nebula Award."
"He is good at writing historical science fiction."
"His latest work, 'Time and Space Painter', which was awarded the Hugo Prize this year, is a combination of traditional Chinese culture, history, crime fiction and science fiction."(介绍最新作品的特点和获奖情况,突出其融合了中国传统文化、历史、犯罪小说和科幻元素的创作风格。)
"It tells a wonderful story based on the creation of the famous painting 'The Great Wall' during the Northern Song Dynasty."(进一步描述最新作品的故事情节,强调其基于北宋时期著名画作的创作背景。)
"In my opinion, Haihan is a talented writer who has made great contributions to the development of Chinese science fiction literature."(表达自己的评价,认为他是一位有才华并对中国科幻文学发展做出巨大贡献的作家。)
"I believe you will enjoy reading his books."(推荐读者阅读作品,并表示相信他们会喜欢。)
读后续写(满分 25 分)
“You don’t look happy, Marc. What’s wrong ” she said. Explaining what had happened, especially the bet between him and Huck, he told Lily his decision. He wanted to make careful preparations for the exam, but ran into difficulties with math. He was at a loss what to do next. “Don’t worry! I’ll help you. Just be confident!” replied Lily. The following days, Marc worked very hard and made great progress. Gradually, his confidence grew and he could solve math problems with ease, with the instructions appearing in his brain as if the teacher was standing at his side .
On the day of the exam, Marc went to school with great confidence. He met Huck in the classroom, who looked delighted as if he was bound to win. But Marc didn’t care. When the exam began, Marc answered all the questions as best as he could. Several days later, the result came out. It turned out that Marc did much better than Huck. “Well done,” said Mom. “We could go to see a movie to celebrate, and you can choose one.” “I think Lily should choose,” said Marc. “I would never have gained such a great achievement without her help and encouragement .”
①由第一段首句内容“她说:‘Marc,你看起来不开心。怎么了 ’”可知,本段可以写Marc会告诉姐姐Lily发生了什么事,以及自己遇到的困难,姐姐在得知Marc的困难之后应该会施以援手,帮助Marc复习功课,准备考试。在姐姐的帮助和自己的努力下,Mare在数学上应是有了很大的进步。
选择:choose/make a choice/make an option
增加了信心:grow confidence/build up confidence/double confidence
解决:solve/work out/tackle
充满信心:be confident/be full of confidence
高兴的:delighted/pleased/cheerful/be overcome with delight
感到困惑:be at a loss/be confused/be confounded
Explaining what had happened, especially the bet between him and Huck, he told Lily his decision.(运用了现在分词作状语。)
He met Huck in the classroom, who looked delighted as if he was bound to win.(运用了who引导定语从句。)福州市晋安区2023-2024学年高二上学期11月期中联考
英语 学科
完成时间:120分钟 满分:150分
第 I 卷
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)
听下面 5 段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅 读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1. What will the speakers do next
A. Check the map. B. Leave the restaurant. C. Park the car.
2. Where are the speakers
A. At a bus stop. B. At home. C. At the airport.
3. What did the speakers do last week
A. They had a celebration dinner.
B. They went to see a new born baby.
C. They sent a mail to their neighbors.
4. Why does the man make the phone call
A. To cancel a weekend trip.
B. To make an appointment.
C. To get some information.
5. What does the man probably want to do
A. Do some exercise. B. Get an extra key. C. Order room service.
第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)
听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。
6 Why does the woman come to the man
A. To ask for permission. B. To extend an invitation. C. To express thanks.
7. When are the students going to the museum
A. On Friday. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday.
听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9、10 题。
8. What are the speakers talking about
A. Buying groceries. B. Choosing gifts. C. Seeing friends.
9. Who is Clara
A. The man’s wife. B. The man’s sister. C. The man’s daughter.
10. How much did the man spend on the city passes
A. $36. B. $50. C. $150.
听第 8 段材料,回答第 11、12、13 题。
11. Why did Tracy bring dogs to the children
A. To teach them to love animals.
B. To help them gain confidence.
C. To protect them from dangers.
12. What is Kevin’s concern about the dogs
A. They may misbehave. B. They may get hurt. C. They may carry diseases.
13. What will Helen do tomorrow morning
A. Give a talk. B. Meet the children. C. Take some photos.
听第 9 段材料,回答第 14、15、16、17题。
14. What is the man doing
A. Attending a lecture. B. Hosting a workshop. C. Conducting an interview.
15. Why is Emily doing unpaid work in the new season of the show
A. To follow the latest trend.
B. To help raise the crew’s pay.
C. To support the post-production.
16. What enables Emily to try different things in her field
A. Her college education.
B. Her teaching experience.
C. Her family tradition.
17. What does Emily think of her work at the Film Centre
A. Boring. B. Rewarding. C. Demanding.
听第 10 段材料,回答第 18、19、20题。
18. Who is the speaker talking to
A. Sports club members.
B. International tourists.
C. University students.
19. Where did Emma work for a rugby team
A. In Manchester. B. In Dublin. C. In Vancouver.
20. What can be a challenge to Emma’s work
A. Competition in the health care industry.
B. Discrimination against female scientists.
C. Influence of the misinformation on the public.
第 Ⅱ 卷
第二部分阅读(共两节,满分 40 分)
第一节(共 11 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 27.5 分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Three Books for a More Honest View of Mother
Life Among the Savages, Shirley Jackson
Shirley Jackson, author of one of the most wonderful novels of all time, The Haunting of Hill House, and of the short story The Lottery, also wrote two charming autobiographical (自传的) novels about raising her four children in a farmhouse in rural Vermont. In my favorite, Life Among the Savages, Jackson’s humor is as smart as her horror is scaring and her children seem never to inspire in her anything worse than a fond anger.
A Blind Man Can See How Much I Love You, Amy Bloom
A Blind Man Can See How Much I Love You contains one of the most absolute expressions of a mother’s love in fiction. Much of it takes place in the waiting room of a gender-reassignment surgeon. It’s about a woman who is determined to be the mother her child needs her to be. In this book, ordinary women rise to the occasion demanded by motherhood, they make mistakes but they generally succeed in making up for them.
Family Man, Calvin Trillin
My last recommendation is not about mothers at all, but rather about fathers, or rather one father in particular. In Family Man, Calvin Trillin writes about his wife and daughters. He gives what I think is the most useful piece of parenting advice: “Getting advice on the best way to bring up children is like getting advice on the best way to breathe. Sooner or later you’re probably going to forget it and go back to your regular old in-and-out.” Trillin gives the impression of being the best kind of husband.
21. Which is written by Amy Bloom
A. The Lottery. B. Life Among the Savages.
C. The Haunting of Hill House. D. A Blind Man Can See How Much I Love You.
22. What can we get from Family Man
A. Advice on how to raise children.
B. Advice on how to be a successful writer
C. Advice on how to get along with others.
D. Advice on how to balance between work and family.
23. What is the purpose of the text
A. To educate. B. To introduce. C. To advertise. D. To advise.
We like to think words are what matters. But in communicating with other people, what we do is at least as important as what we actually say. American professor Albert Mehrabian is one of the leading researchers on this topic. His study shows that within the first four minutes of meeting a stranger, our facial expressions make up 55 percent of the impression we make. In comparison, only seven percent of that impression comes from our actual words, with the rest of the information coming from the tone(语气) of voice.
We may also like to think body language cannot be read like a book. It has no systematic grammar like that of a spoken / written language. And it seems less formal and exact. But scientists have found body language does have its own rules and can be exactly examined like a book written in your native tongue. For example, researchers Paul Ekman and Wallace Friesen have identified about 3,000 different expressions and their meanings. They created the Facial Action Coding System (FACS), a tool for collecting meaning from expressions.
But it's also easy to misunderstand body language. The rules may fit most people but not munication expert Carol Kinsey Goman once gave a report at a company in New York. The CEO sat at the table with his arms closely crossed, without smiling or nodding encouragement. In the end, he simply said "thank you” without making eye contact and left the room. Goman was shocked when the man's secretary told her that he'd been favorably impressed by her. If the CEO hadn't liked what he'd heard, the secretary explained to Goman, "he would have gotten up right in the middle of your report and walked out".
You can train yourself to control your body language, and even use it to make your communication more munication expert Theresa Zagnoli, suggests a simple but useful approach. The technique (方法), called mirroring, involves studying the facial expressions, body movements, and the tone of voice used by the person to whom you're talking, and then using them too. But make sure it's done in a relaxed and normal way, Zagnoli says.
24. How much of the impression comes from our tone according to Albert's research
A.7%. B.15%.
C.38%. D.55%.
What does the example in Paragraph 2 show
A. Body language can be systematically studied.
B. It is hard to understand human body language.
C. The grammar of body language is very difficult.
D. Expressions have thousands of different meanings.
What did the CEO’s body language mean in Goman’s eyes
A. He had a lot of work to do at the time.
B. He showed little interest in her report.
C. He was a little surprised at her report.
D. He wanted to give her a good impression.
What does Zagnoli advise you to do when talking
A. Use more body language secretly.
B. Copy others’ body language naturally.
C. Compare your body language with others’.
D. Improve your body language by learning experts’.
The first time that I met a blind scientist. I worked in a program for disabled students interested in pursuing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) research. Until that point, it had never occurred to me how blind students were prevented from receiving science education. My daily experience in classrooms consisted of professors drawing and writing on the board with the assumption that students in the class could see. But what about those students who cannot see or suffer from vision problems
A recent paper from Baylor University, led by Katelyn Baumer and Bryan Shaw, was inspired by exactly this problem.They designed a study to assess whether people could learn to recognize 3D models, like those often used to teach science, with their mouths instead of with their eyes.
A 202l paper in Nature found that primates(灵长类动物)showed the same brain circuit activation(激活)when grasping objects with their hands and when moving an object with their tongues.This indicates that there may be underlying similarities of physical manipulations(操纵)of the hand and the mouth.
Baumer and Shaw found that there was comparable touch recognition with hands to mouth manipulation recognition when using these models. 365 college students and 31 primary school students participated in the study. The participants were blindfolded and then divided into two groups, one assigned to manipulate objects by hand, and one to manipulate the objects with only their mouths. Each participant was given a single model protein to study. They then were asked to identify whether each of a set of eight other protein models matched the original they were given.
The research team saw that both age groups of students were able to successfully distinguish between models. Moreover, the accuracy of recalling the structures was higher in people who only assessed the models through mouth manipulation.
Although this study did not involve blind or low-vision students, it sets the basis for expanding into them next. It may offer a way to have science become more accessible, which is the ultimate goal.
Who will most probably benefit from Baumer and Shaw’s study
A. Professors. B. College students.
C. Primary school students. D. Blind and low-vision students.
29. What does the author intend to do in paragraph 3
A. Explain a concept to readers. B. Provide supporting information.
C. Summarize the previous paragraphs. D. Introduce a new topic for discussion.
30. What method is used in the study
A. Making comparisons. B. Doing surveys.
C. Conducting interviews. D. Reviewing papers.
31. What is the text mainly about
A. A recent paper about STEM education.
B. A protein model used in science teaching.
C. A potential way for disabled students to learn science.
D. An academic program for blind scientists to do research.
第二节 七选五 (共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)
Most of us are aware that we must take care of the environment, and the majority of us take steps to save energy and reduce waste and pollution. But recently, some “green truths” have been shown to be only half true, or even completely false. 32
Eating local food is good for the environment.
It seems like common sense: eating local food should be better for the environment, because it does not need to be transported long distances and kept cold during transport. 33 It is the production of food, not its transport, that uses most of the energy and produces most of the greenhouse gases.
It depends on how long you spend in the shower and how large your bath is. If you spend more than eight minutes in a shower, you'll use as much water as in a bath—about 50 litres of water. Therefore, the key is to keep your shower time as short as possible.
Paper shopping bags are better than plastic ones.
Plastic bags cause litter and are a danger to wild animals. 35 It takes hundreds of years for plastic to break down, but much less time for paper. Because of this, people think paper bags are the better environmental choice.
However, making a paper bag uses four times as much energy as making a plastic bag and up to three times the amount of water. The process also produces more greenhouse gases. 36 So, take a reusable bag with you when you go shopping.
Environmental awareness is now part of daily life. But it’s worth checking common ideas and opinions to see what's really green.
A.They mistake them for food.
B.Here are some common ones.
C.Unfortunately, it is not that simple.
D.It’s better to take a shower than a bath.
E.A paper bag is more environmentally friendly.
F.In fact, both kinds of bags are bad for the environment.
G.When we turn off a machine, it goes into a stand-by state.
第三部分:语言运用(共三节,满分 40 分)
第一节 完形填空 (15 个小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
A lot of people fear getting old, because ageing is often connected with loneliness. But Terry, 75, in Green Bay, knows 37 what to do to keep sadness from seeping (浸入) into his 38 .
Terry, an animal lover whose heart has a very 39 spot for cats, frequently visits the animal shelter in Green Bay to hold the 40 cats close and take a short sleep with them!
The charming 41 of the old man taking a short sleep while surrounded with cats 42 the workers. It was such a 43 picture that the workers always found themselves taking 44 of Terry and all the cats and posted them on the Facebook page.
45 , one photo with the cat, Lois, appealed to the followers of the page and 46 over 47,000 likes and about 25,000 shares! In fact, in less than a day, Lois was 47 by a new family!
Terry has become popular on the Internet. But more than the 48 , the old man is very happy to know that his love for cats is bringing a lot of help to the animal shelter by 49 a lot of people to donate to the shelter.
Terry is happy, the 50 behind which is not difficult to understand. His story just goes to show how a small deed can make a big 51 .
37.A.exactly B.immediately C.appropriately D.slightly
38.A.breast B.head C.eyes D.heart
39.A.hot B.soft C.black D.blind
40.A.blessed B.hunted C.rescued D.preferred
41.A.signal B.scene C.site D.sign
42.A.moved B.pushed C.shocked D.bothered
43.A.awkward B.odd C.warm D.distinct
44.A.advantage B.care C.photos D.notes
45.A.Actually B.Surprisingly C.Unluckily D.Deliberately
46.A.attempted B.predicted C.encountered D.gained
47.A.adopted B.evaluated C.exchanged D.deserted
48.A.fame B.vision C.preference D.welcome
49.A.permitting B.forcing C.inspiring D.telling
50.A.focus B.secret C.aim D.effort
51.A.effect B.decision C.impression D.difference
第二节 基础知识(9 个小题,第 52-59 题每小题 1 分,第 60 题 2 分,满分 10 分)
I. 依语境选择框中的单词替换句中划线部分,使意思一致,框中有两个多余词。
B. potential
C. objectives
founded E.
critical F.
predict G. prohibited
As a novelist, she has established a new relationship with libraries.
53. Personally, I used to try effective methods to achieve my academic goals.
54. Making right career choices is crucial to personal success.
55. It's hard to forecast when driverless cars will be everywhere on our roads.
56. Investigators have studied the possible effects on the health of local people.
II. 请选择下框中的最合适的单词或短语,使句意完整,框中有三个多余词汇。
edge B.
C. demonstrate
D. impl
E. labeled F. appropriate
. leaks
57. I leave my tent and walk over to the mountain ________.
58. My roommate Kate was extremely organized. Each of her objects were _______.
59. The teacher’s smile ________ that she had forgiven me.
60. Jin’an Education attracts a nationwide readership, which _______ that more and more people all over China want to learn about Jin’an District.
第三节 语法填空(10 个小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
It’ s reported that China on Tuesday 61 (official) announced the first group of national parks—the Three-River-Source National Park, the Giant Panda National Park, the Northeast China Tiger and Leopard National Park, the Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park, and the Wuyishan National Park. The national parks refer to special areas put under protection with 62 aim of conserving the ecosystem and natural resources. The 63 (announce) is a practical move related to the drive to continuously promote the building of an ecological civilization.
Home to various key wildlife species in China, the Wuyishan National Park appeals 64 tourists both at home and abroad. It features rich diversity due to 65 (it) unique natural environment. Taking a bamboo raft tour is people’ s favourite. With trees, 66 (bush) and colourful flowers covering every corner of the park, it’ s a natural system for providing clean water and producing oxygen, 67 (make) it the green lungs of Fujian. There are many hiking routes for you to take. What’ s more, there are several viewing platforms 68 you can stop to admire the breathtaking beauty of mountains, waterfalls, and lakes around. Words fail 69 (describe) its impressive beauty. Therefore, you 70 (recommend) to pay a visit by yourself.
第四部分 书面表达(共两节, 满分40分)
第一节 应用文写作(满分 15 分)
1. 个人介绍;
2. 杰出贡献(例如:获得奖项);
3. 对他的评价。
Dear Tom,
第二节 读后续写(满分 25 分)
It was exam time at Marc’s school. Every day, their teachers gave them loads of homework and told them the test was very important and that they ought to spare no effort to perform well in it. Everyone followed the teachers’ instructions and made preparations for it, except Marc. He just turned a deaf ear to it. He thought he would rather play football than study.
His mum and dad repeated the importance of revision for exams over and over again. They told him that he should be working hard preparing for the test. But the weather was sunny and he thought he had better things to do.
“Shall we go to the park ” he said to his friend Huck one afternoon. “It’s a nice day. We could play football and kick around.” Huck shook his head. “I’m supposed to review my lessons,” he said. “I’m going home to do some math.”
Marc was amazed. “You’d rather do math than play football ”
“Math is important. Besides, my mum says she will buy me a mountain bike if I do well in the math exam.”
“That’s crazy,” said Marc. Huck shrugged (耸肩) and replied, “Wait until I beat you in the test and you will watch me riding past on my mountain bike!”
“You won’t beat me,” said Marc.
“Oh yes, I will.”
“Oh no, you won’t! That will never happen. Just wait and see!”
For the first time ever, Marc wanted to perform well. He couldn’t bear it if his friend came top and he did badly. So when he got home, he opened his math book. But there was so much to do. All of a sudden, he felt like he’d forgotten everything he had learned that year! He didn’t know where to start. When his sister Lily came in, he was sitting expressionlessly by the desk, just staring out of the window.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式作答。
“You don’t look happy, Marc. What’s wrong ” she said.
On the day of the exam, Marc went to school with great confidence.




下一篇:河北省石家庄市第四十一中学教育集团2023-2024九年级上学期11月期中物理试题( 含答案)