
高考英语语法填空专练 3(教案版)
Mini Handball is (61) _______ interesting ball game for children. Handball rules nowadays are (62)
_______ (easy) than before so that children can understand, learn and enjoy the game (63) ______ (play) this kind of handball, children aged between 8 and 11 can exercise and improve their basic motor skills as well as organization ability, (64) _______ is just as important as the development of specific game approaches such as "team spirit or "fair play". The game and experience should always be kept in the foreground (前景),the results and (65) __________(achieve) in the back-ground. It is not adults ' handball
The two teams include five or six players, four or five of whom are field players, and there is a goal-keeper. The length of the game depends (66) ________ children’s age, but every player should be involved for (67) _________ (exact) the same time.
In order to make children experience fun and advance the young players, Mini Handball rules are made extremely simple (68) _________(allow) a teacher or coach to make fairer and easier decisions which can (69) ___________ (understand) by children. The general rules are the same as the rules of Handball, ball handling, defending, attacking and scoring (70) _________ (include). The game should always be played in the spirit of fair play, but if players behave unfairly, they will be replaced for two minutes.
61, an 62, easier 63, Playing 64, which 65, achievement(s) 66, on / upon
67, exactly 68, to allow 69, be understood 70, included
In U.S. cities, like New York City and Los Angeles, many people live in small apartments. Despite not having houses (61) _____ big yards, some people still love raising animals, like dogs and cats. They feel that raising a pet, even in a small space, can teach children (62) ____________ (responsible).
However, some landlords (房东) don’t allow (63) _______ (have) pets, especially cats and dogs, because the animals can (64) _________ (possible) damage their carpets and furniture. Many landlords charge tenants (租客) who want to keep pets (65) ____ extra fee, known as a pet deposit. This is to pay for repairs or cleaning (66) ________ (cause) by the pet. Usually turtles and fish (67) _________ (choose) as pets, since they don’t require much space and can be kept in small cages or tanks. Another benefit of these smaller pets is (68) _______ they don’t need to be walked.
Some (69) _______ (city) have laws banning specific animals as pets (70) ____________ (guarantee) public safety. New York City, for example, bans people from keeping ferrets, snapping turtles, pythons, and scorpions as pets. It also seems unlikely that a family would have a polar bear as a pet at home.
61, with 62, responsibility 63, having 64, possibly 65, an 66, caused
67, are chosen 68, that 69, cities 70, to guarantee
With its permanent sunshine, unique wildlife and laid-back lifestyle, Australia has always been at the top of my travel bucket list. Upon (1) ________ (realize) that I could incorporate (将…纳入) an academic exchange into my Public Health degree, it suddenly occurred (2) ______ me that this would be my golden ticket to the land.
While studying at The University of Queensland, I lived in Union College. Being (3) _________ (surround) by mostly Australian students, and attending the (4) _________ (culture) activities organized in the local community really allowed me to get the most out of my experience abroad.
I soon found that like Canadians, Australians are friendly people. A handful of friends gave me some (5) __________ (invite) and introduced me to their families. I (6) ________ (show) around their hometowns. These experiences made it possible for me to learn what it’s (7) _______ (true) like to grow up and live in Australia.
One of the major challenges with (8) _______ I was faced while abroad was understanding Australia s unique slang.
For those students going on exchange, don’t be afraid (9) ________ (step) to the unknown. Go outside of (10) ________ comfort zone and take full advantage of your time abroad!
1, realizing 2, to 3, surrounded 4, cultural 5, invitations 6, was shown
7, truly 8, which 9, to step 10, the / your
Driving in the U.S. can be confusing. It is not just because of all the (1) ______ (rule) and laws that drivers must follow, but also because of its driving customs. In order to drive in the U.S, you have to go to the local Department of Motor Vehicles (2) ________ (take) a written test to get the learner’s permit. The Department has free books (3) _________ are offered to learners to study for the learners permit. To prepare for the road test, you can take classes at a driving school. You cannot, (4) _________, practice C1driving by yourself. If you (5) ________ (catch) driving without a driver’s license, you will get (6) _______ trouble with the law.
Wherever you drive, you will see signs posted along the road (7) _________ (indicate) the speed limit. You can drive (8) _______ (fast) on a highway than on local streets. Local police use special (9) __________ (equip) to detect (监测) your speed. If the police find you are driving over the speed limit, they can give you a speeding ticket. You will have to pay a fine, and some of the fines are more than S100. Generally, the lines (10) ________ (paint) on the road are not just to keep cars in their lanes. They also send a message. For example, a double solid yellow line means that it is against the law to pass another car here.
1, rules 2, to take 3, which / that 4, however 5, are caught 6, into
7, indicating 8, faster 9, equipment 10, painted
I was shopping at the Trader Joe’ s near Union Square in New York City. The line in this place can sometimes be so long that it can be hard for (1) _____________ (customer) to get the things they want. I had only one item (2) _______ my list: eggs. I like to buy a half carton (盒)of eggs because when I buy a full carton, they go bad (3) ________I use them all.
I reached the egg section, but I (4) ________ (be) too far away from the shelf. So I had to be(5) __________(patience)and wait for the line (6) _________ (move).Then I saw a gentleman in front of me open (7) __________ carton of eggs and put a half into his shopping bag. I saw one of (8) ______ (they) was cracked(有裂缝的) but he took it.“Excuse me,”I said."I saw one of those eggs is broken. "Thank you!" he said (9) _________ (polite). "I know it, but it doesn’t matter, I will eat it today. There may be someone who needs the rest half carton. "The gentleman’s words made me deep in thought. Maybe(10) _________(ignore ) some flaws (瑕疵)in our life could do something good for others.
1, customers 2, on 3, before 4, was 5, patient 6, to move 7, a 8, them
9, politely 10, ignoring
Mini Handball is (61) _______ interesting ball game for children. Handball rules nowadays are (62)
_______ (easy) than before so that children can understand, learn and enjoy the game (63) ______ (play) this kind of handball, children aged between 8 and 11 can exercise and improve their basic motor skills as well as organization ability, (64) _______ is just as important as the development of specific game approaches such as "team spirit or "fair play". The game and experience should always be kept in the foreground (前景),the results and (65) __________(achieve) in the back-ground. It is not adults ' handball
The two teams include five or six players, four or five of whom are field players, and there is a goal-keeper. The length of the game depends (66) ________ children’s age, but every player should be involved for (67) _________ (exact) the same time.
In order to make children experience fun and advance the young players, Mini Handball rules are made extremely simple (68) _________(allow) a teacher or coach to make fairer and easier decisions which can (69) ___________ (understand) by children. The general rules are the same as the rules of Handball, ball handling, defending, attacking and scoring (70) _________ (include). The game should always be played in the spirit of fair play, but if players behave unfairly, they will be replaced for two minutes.
In U.S. cities, like New York City and Los Angeles, many people live in small apartments. Despite not having houses (61) _____ big yards, some people still love raising animals, like dogs and cats. They feel that raising a pet, even in a small space, can teach children (62) ____________ (responsible).
However, some landlords (房东) don’t allow (63) _______ (have) pets, especially cats and dogs, because the animals can (64) _________ (possible) damage their carpets and furniture. Many landlords charge tenants (租客) who want to keep pets (65) ____ extra fee, known as a pet deposit. This is to pay for repairs or cleaning (66) ________ (cause) by the pet. Usually turtles and fish (67) _________ (choose) as pets, since they don’t require much space and can be kept in small cages or tanks. Another benefit of these smaller pets is (68) _______ they don’t need to be walked.
Some (69) _______ (city) have laws banning specific animals as pets (70) ____________ (guarantee) public safety. New York City, for example, bans people from keeping ferrets, snapping turtles, pythons, and scorpions as pets. It also seems unlikely that a family would have a polar bear as a pet at home.
With its permanent sunshine, unique wildlife and laid-back lifestyle, Australia has always been at the top of my travel bucket list. Upon (1) ________ (realize) that I could incorporate (将…纳入) an academic exchange into my Public Health degree, it suddenly occurred (2) ______ me that this would be my golden ticket to the land.
While studying at The University of Queensland, I lived in Union College. Being (3) _________ (surround) by mostly Australian students, and attending the (4) _________ (culture) activities organized in the local community really allowed me to get the most out of my experience abroad.
I soon found that like Canadians, Australians are friendly people. A handful of friends gave me some (5) __________ (invite) and introduced me to their families. I (6) ________ (show) around their hometowns. These experiences made it possible for me to learn what it’s (7) _______ (true) like to grow up and live in Australia.
One of the major challenges with (8) _______ I was faced while abroad was understanding Australia s unique slang.
For those students going on exchange, don’t be afraid (9) ________ (step) to the unknown. Go outside of (10) ________ comfort zone and take full advantage of your time abroad!
Driving in the U.S. can be confusing. It is not just because of all the (1) ______ (rule) and laws that drivers must follow, but also because of its driving customs. In order to drive in the U.S, you have to go to the local Department of Motor Vehicles (2) ________ (take) a written test to get the learner’s permit. The Department has free books (3) _________ are offered to learners to study for the learners permit. To prepare for the road test, you can take classes at a driving school. You cannot, (4) _________, practice C1driving by yourself. If you (5) ________ (catch) driving without a driver’s license, you will get (6) _______ trouble with the law.
Wherever you drive, you will see signs posted along the road (7) _________ (indicate) the speed limit. You can drive (8) _______ (fast) on a highway than on local streets. Local police use special (9) __________ (equip) to detect (监测) your speed. If the police find you are driving over the speed limit, they can give you a speeding ticket. You will have to pay a fine, and some of the fines are more than S100. Generally, the lines (10) ________ (paint) on the road are not just to keep cars in their lanes. They also send a message. For example, a double solid yellow line means that it is against the law to pass another car here.
I was shopping at the Trader Joe’ s near Union Square in New York City. The line in this place can sometimes be so long that it can be hard for (1) _____________ (customer) to get the things they want. I had only one item (2) _______ my list: eggs. I like to buy a half carton (盒)of eggs because when I buy a full carton, they go bad (3) ________I use them all.
I reached the egg section, but I (4) ________ (be) too far away from the shelf. So I had to be(5) __________(patience)and wait for the line (6) _________ (move).Then I saw a gentleman in front of me open (7) __________ carton of eggs and put a half into his shopping bag. I saw one of (8) ______ (they) was cracked(有裂缝的) but he took it.“Excuse me,”I said."I saw one of those eggs is broken. "Thank you!" he said (9) _________ (polite). "I know it, but it doesn’t matter, I will eat it today. There may be someone who needs the rest half carton. "The gentleman’s words made me deep in thought. Maybe(10) _________(ignore ) some flaws (瑕疵)in our life could do something good for others.



上一篇:Unit4 Jobs people do B卷·能力提升练 单元测试(含解析)
