Unit 5 Choosing a new flat A卷·知识通关练 单元测试(含解析)

Unit 5(A卷·知识通关练)
1.Elephants are losing their homes, because people ________ too many trees.
A.cut off B.cut up C.cut down D.cut in
2.Our English teacher is friendly and warm-hearted, but she is also ________ with us.
A.good B.happy C.strict D.friendly
3.—Hello, this is Mary speaking. May I speak to Kevin
—He’s not at home. You can leave a ________.
A.letter B.message C.story D.number
4.It’s raining hard outside, but there is only one umbrella left here. We have to _________ it.
A.send B.show C.search D.share
5.There are ________ people in the hall and there is ________ noise in it.
A.too many, too much B.too many, much too C.too much, too many D.too much, much too
6.Linda can’t sing ________ dance, ________ she can play chess.
A.but; or B.or; but C.or; and D.and; or
7.—What do you often do ________ Sundays
—I often go to the library.
A.on B.in C.for D.with
8.Bob can’t ________ ping-pong after school, because he must ________ his homework.
A.plays; does B.played; did C.play; do D.playing; doing
9.He ________ a lot of food and drinks yesterday.
A.buys B.bought C.buy D.to buy
10.Lao Zhang ________ Beijing opera every morning. Listen, he _______ in the garden.
A.sing; singing B.sings; sings C.is singing; sings D.sings; is singing
11.We Chinese often ________ when we meet visitors.
A.smile B.smiled C.will smile D.are smiling
12.— It takes me fifteen minutes ________ to school by bike.
— It’s good exercise.
A.get B.got C.getting D.to get
13.—Would you like another cup of tea.
—Yes, __________.
A.I would B.I do C.please D.I like
14.________ the windows, Tom. There might be a heavy rain tonight.
A.Remember closing B.Remembering to close
C.Remembering closing D.Remember to close
15.—John, _________ hard you are working!
—President Xi always says that the more hard-working we are, the luckier we will be.
A.how B.what C.how a D.what a
A. So B. make many friends C. important D. at E. walk to
I’m Tom and I’m thirteen years old. I usually get up 16 half past seven on weekdays and I have breakfast with my parents and my brother. My mother says breakfast is 17 to us. I like pancakes but my brother likes milk and eggs. My parents like bread for breakfast.
After that, my brother and I usually 18 school. Because our school is not far from our home. It’s only 2 kilometers.
We are busy at school. At 12:00, we have lunch at school. In the afternoon, I draw in the art club. It’s interesting and fun. My brother goes to English class and plays volleyball. They are not difficult. And my brother is interested in them. He can also 19 there.
A. delicious B. quickly C. either D. take a shower E. to visit
After school, we go back home 20 and my mother helps us with the homework. We help her with the housework as well. My brother does the dishes and I clean the living room.
In the evening, my brother either takes a walk or plays chess. I always read books. When we finish these, we 21 and go to bed.
On the weekends, we get up later at around eight o’clock. We play outdoor games in the park or our garden. Then my father drives us 22 my grandmother. She is good with us. I love her very much. She often tells stories and makes us 23 cakes. It’s great fun!
Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子):
24.He is the leader of the team. His often help him a lot. (help)
25.There are a lot of estate on this road. (agency)
26.His father is thinking about a new flat. (choose)
27.Of all the apples, he took the one. (small)
28.Please tell the between the two words. (different)
Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求, 改写下列句子):
29.I’d like to watch TV this evening.(改为一般疑问句)
you to watch TV this evening
30.They have moved to a new flat. It has a big balcony.(合并成一句)
They have moved to a new flat a big balcony.
31.Mary’s room is big and clean.(对划线部分提问)
is Mary’s room
32.We should put the table near the window.(对划线部分提问)
should we the table
33.She’d like a bigger bedroom.(对划线部分提问)
bedroom would she like
Reading isn’t just fun, but it’s good for you!
Reading is like exercise for your mind (头脑). Just like using your muscles (肌肉) keeps them strong and healthy, reading keeps your mind healthy. When you are reading a book, you are thinking. Reading isn’t about learning some new words (单词). It’s about a way of thinking. If you keep reading great books, you will be good at thinking. And you will be an excellent reader.
Reading also makes you intelligent. You will be smart after you read many great books. When you learn new things, you also learn more words. Reading makes it easy for you to remember things. It helps your mind to focus (注意力). People read more books and they may be good writers.
Reading can also keep you quiet. When you are not happy, reading is a good way for you.
34.Reading is like ________ according to (依据) the passage.
A.using your muscles B.playing games C.learning new words D.using your books
35.Reading keeps your ________ healthy.
A.muscles B.mind C.eyes D.feelings
36.The underlined word “intelligent” in Paragraph 3 means ________ in Chinese.
A.可爱的 B.迟钝的 C.漂亮的 D.聪明的
37.Which of the following is NOT true about the passage
A.Reading is good for us.
B.Reading isn’t about a way of thinking.
C.Good readers may be good writers.
D.Reading can help us remember things quickly.
38.What may be the best title (标题) for the passage
A.Reading Is Relaxing B.Reading Is Fun C.Reading Is Important D.Reading Is Easy
从每小题所给的三个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。
My family go camping (野营) often. We drive to the same camping place every 39 . In the camping place, there’s a small river. We go boating on the river a lot. The water is clean. There’re lots of water birds singing songs. It’s just great to be on the water. When we come to the river, we try our best to talk 40 so as not to scare (吓到) the birds.
41 we often see some nasty (不好的) things. Sometimes kids use the slingshots (弹弓) to shoot the birds. They have a good laugh (大笑) when the birds 42 from the trees. When my parents see this, they 43 row the boat to the kids at once. Then my parents tell 44 they can’t hurt the birds. If they’re not 45 to the birds, one day all the birds will go away.
We 46 the place so much that we want to come back every week. So, we need to keep it great.
39.A.day B.week C.year
40.A.quietly B.happily C.noisily
41.A.But B.So C.Or
42.A.come back B.fall down C.get up
43.A.seldom B.never C.often
44.A.it B.us C.them
45.A.friendly B.close C.dangerous
46.A.study B.find C.love
A young man wanted to learn how to be a good f 47 . He went to a teacher. The teacher lived in a small village. Every day, he sat by the teacher. He talked about farming for eight hours. The young man was very bored (无聊的). A month later, he made a decision to l 48 there. After he returned home, he didn’t want to go back to the teacher any longer.
Soon after that he went to a 49 teacher. This time the teacher was d 50 from the first one. He didn’t talk to the boy. The boy sat there next to the teacher for hours. The teacher didn’t look at him, but did his work. The boy became bored and started helping. Every day he worked hard in the f 51 . After two months, when he asked, “Will you teach me ” the teacher answered, “Yes, one day.” So the young man didn’t ask the question for a few months. Then after a year, he asked the same question again. The teacher looked surprised, “But I have taught you almost e 52 I know. You are really hard-working.” The young man thought about it and knew that it was true—he was a good farmer now.
My name is David Johnson. I’m a soccer player and I work for a soccer club. Our soccer games are usually on Saturdays.
On Saturday morning, I get up at half past seven and then exercise for an hour. At about nine o’clock, I have breakfast with my family at home. I usually have bread and eggs. After that, I tell stories to my son. I go to the Sports Center at half past eleven and have lunch with the other(其他的) players at a quarter past twelve. For lunch, we usually eat healthy food like chicken and vegetables.
The game usually starts at three o’clock and finishes at five o’clock. After the game, I go home. The Sports Center is about nine kilometers from my home. I usually get home by subway.
53.Is David a soccer player
54.What time does David get up
55.What does David do first after breakfast
56.What time does the game start
57.How far is the Sports Center from David’s home
58.假如你是 Judy,班级要推荐本学期最佳学生奖得主,有两位候选人,请根据以下要点选择一位你认为最合适的人选,用英语写一封推荐信,并简述理由。
Daniel 心地善良,乐于助人,很有礼貌,热爱音乐,喜欢弹钢琴,各门功课学得很好,数学、地理突出,对中国历史了解很多……
Suzy 英语很出色,作文写得好,做事很仔细,擅长电脑,经常帮同学们解决电脑问题,是学校的“Helping Hands”俱乐部成员……
1. 只能推荐一位候选人;
2. 文中不得出现你的真实姓名和学校名称;
3. 语言通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范;
4. 词数 80 左右。
Dear Sir,
I am writing to recommend...for this year’s Best Student Award.
Yours faithfully,
考查动词短语。cut off切断;cut up切碎;cut down砍掉;cut in插嘴。根据“Elephants are losing their homes”可知,大象正在失去家园,应是很多树木被砍掉了,故选C。
考查形容词辨析。good好的;happy快乐的;strict严格的;friendly友善的。“but”前后转折,前面是友善的,后面应该是严格的,be strict with sb.“对……某人严格要求”。故选C。
考查名词辨析。letter信;message信息;story故事;number数字。根据“He’s not at home.”可知凯文不在家,可给他留言,leave a message“留言”,故选B。
考查动词。send发送;show展示;search搜索;share分享,合用。根据“but there is only one umbrella left here”可知,只有一把雨伞,因此要合用它,故选D。
考查形容词短语。too many很多的,修饰可数名词复数形式;too much很多的,修饰不可数名词;much too太,很,修饰形容词或副词;第一空people是可数名词,因此用too many修饰;第二空noise是不可数名词,因此用too much修饰,故选A。
考查动词时态。根据第一句中“every morning”可知,句子应用一般现在时,且主语为“Lao Zhang”,故动词sing应用第三人称单数形式,A、C选项可排除。根据第二句中“Listen”可知,句子应用现在进行时,应用“is singing”结构,故选D。
考查非谓语动词。本句是“It takes sb +时间+ to do sth” “某人花多长时间做某事”句式,可知此处填不定式,在句中作主语。故选D。
【详解】句意:——你想要再来一杯茶吗? ——好的。
考查一般疑问句的回答。根据句意可知“Would you like+名词”是有礼貌的征求对方的意愿,肯定回答是“Yes, please.”;否定回答是“No, thank you.”。故选C。
【详解】句意:记得关上窗户,汤姆。 今晚可能会下大雨。
考查非谓语动词。根据“…the windows, Tom.”,句子为祈使句,动词用其原形,因此排除B、C选项;remember to do sth.记得去做某事;remember doing sth.记得做过某事,根据“There might be a heavy rain tonight”可知,此处正在提醒Tom记得去关窗户,因此排除A选项。故选D。
16.D 17.C 18.E 19.B 20.B 21.D 22.E 23.A
16.句意:我通常在工作日七点半起床,我和我的父母和我的兄弟一起吃早餐。根据“half past seven”可知,空处需要介词,表达“在……时刻”,应该使用介词at,故选D。
18.句意:在那之后,我哥哥和我通常去上学。空处缺少句子谓语成分,根据空后的“school”可知,吃完早餐应该去学校,结合备选词汇和短语,walk to school“走路去学校”,故选E。
19.句意:他也可以在那里交朋友。根据“He can also”可知,空处需要填写动词原形或是动词原形构成的短语,结合备选单词和短语,make many friends“交很多朋友”符合题意,故选B。
20.句意:放学后,我们迅速回家,妈妈帮助我们做作业。空处缺少副词,作句子的状语,根据上文“Because our school is not far from our home”可知,“我们”可以很快回到家,结合备选单词,quickly“讯速地”,副词,故选B。
21.句意:当我们做完这些,我们洗个澡然后上床睡觉。根据“we…and go to bed.”可知,空处与动词短语“go to bed”并列,也应该是使用动词原形的动词短语,结合备选单词和短语,take a shower“洗澡”,故选D。
22.句意:然后我的父亲开车带我们去看望我的祖母。根据“Then my father drives us…my grandmother.”可知,空处缺少动词不定式作目的状语,结合备选单词和短语,to visit“去拜访”,故选E。
【详解】句意:在这条路上有很多的房地产公司。“a lot of”许多,大量,既可以修饰可数名词也可以修饰不可数名词。修饰可数名词时,名词必须是复数,“agency”机构,是可数名词,故填agencies。
【详解】句意:在所有的苹果中,他拿了最小的一个。根据“of all the apples”可知给出了比较的范围,形容词small要用最高级smallest。故填smallest。
29. Would like
【详解】句意:我想今天晚上看电视。此句是would like to do的陈述句,改为一般疑问句,只需将would提前,句子开头,首字母大写,句末加问号即可。故填Would;like。
31. What like
【详解】句意:玛丽的房间又大又干净。根据划线部分big and clean是形容词,可知应用句型What’s… like 表示“……怎么样”进行提问。故填What;like。
32. Where put
【详解】句意:我们应当把桌子放在窗户附近。对划线部分提问,就是把陈述句改为特殊疑问句;划线部分提问的“near the window”是地点,要用特殊疑问词where引导;put“放”,should为情态动词,后面跟动词原形。故填Where;put。
33. What kind of
【详解】句意:她想要更大的卧室。划线部分“bigger”是形容词,修饰的是单数名词。提问时,应用what kind of表示“哪样”,what位于句首,首字母大写。故填What;kind;of。
34.A 35.B 36.D 37.B 38.C
34.细节理解题。根据“Reading is like exercise for your mind. Just like using your muscles keeps them strong and healthy”可知,阅读就像锻炼你的头脑,就像使用你的肌肉使它们强壮和健康。故选A。
35.细节理解题。根据“reading keeps your mind healthy”可知,阅读使你的思想健康。故选B。
36.词句猜测题。分析“Reading also makes you intelligent. You will be smart after you read many great books.”可知,当你读了许多伟大的书籍后,你会变得聪明。所以此处intelligent的意思是“聪明的”,故选D。
37.细节理解题。根据“Reading isn’t about learning some new words. It’s about a way of thinking.”可知,阅读不是学习新单词,是一种思考方式。故选B。
38.最佳标题题。根据“Reading isn’t just fun, but it’s good for you!”可知,本文介绍阅读不仅是乐趣,而且对你有好处,选项C“阅读是很重要的”符合主题,故选C。
39.B 40.A 41.A 42.B 43.C 44.C 45.A 46.C
day天;week周;year年;根据下文“we want to come back every week”想要每周都来;可知此处指“每周”。故选B。
quietly安静地;happily幸运地;noisily吵闹地;根据“so as not to scare the birds”可知此处指“小声说话以免吓到鸟儿”。故选A。
But但是;So因此;Or或者;上文“我们小声说话以免吓到鸟儿”;根据下文“Sometimes kids use the slingshots to shoot the birds.”可知此处指“我们小声说话以免吓到鸟儿,但也有令人不悦的事情发生”,上下文含有转折意义。故选A。
come back回来;fall down落下;get up起床;根据上文“有时孩子们用弹弓射杀小鸟”可知此处指“鸟儿从树上掉下来”。故选B。
study研究;find找到;love爱;根据下文“that we want to come back every week.”可知此处指“喜欢这个地方”。故选C。
47.(f)armer 48.(l)eave 49.(a)nother 50.(d)ifferent 51.(f)ields 52.(e)verything
47.句意:一个年轻人想学习如何成为一名好农民。根据“He talked about farming for eight hours.”和首字母可知,老师和年轻人长时间谈种田,所以年轻人是想成为农民,farmer“农民”,名词,不定冠词a后面为单数。故填(f)armer。
48.句意:一个月后,他决定离开那里。根据“The young man was very bored (无聊的). ”和首字母可知,年轻人觉得无聊于是决定离开那里。leave“离开”,动词,make a decision to do sth.表示“决定做某事”。故填(l)eave。
49.句意:不久之后,他去找另一位老师。根据“This time the teacher was … from the first one.”和首字母可知,他又找了另一个老师。another“另一个”,不定代词。故填(a)nother。
50.句意:这次老师和第一次的老师不一样。根据“was … from the first one. He didn’t talk to the boy. ”和首字母可知,这次的老师不和这个年轻人说话,和第一个老师不同,be different from sth.表示“和……不同”,固定搭配。故填(d)ifferent。
51.句意:他每天都在地里辛勤劳作。根据“The teacher didn’t look at him, but did his work.”和首字母可知,这个老师也不看年轻人,只管自己在田里干活。field“田”,名词,根据语境应用复数。故填(f)ields。
52.句意:但我已经教会了你我所知道的一切。根据“The young man thought about it and knew that it was true—he was a good farmer now.”可知,老师说已经把所有自己会的都教给了年轻人,年轻人已经变成了一个好农民了。everything“所有事物”,不定代词,符合语境。故填(e)verything。
53.Yes, he is. 54.At half past seven. 55.He tells stories to his son. 56.At three o’clock. 57.About nine kilometers.
53.根据“I’m a soccer player”可知,他是一个足球运动员,故填Yes, he is.
54.根据“On Saturday morning, I get up at half past seven”可知,在7:30起床,故填At half past seven.
55.根据“After that, I tell stories to my son”可知,早餐后跟儿子讲故事,故填He tells stories to his son.
56.根据“The game usually starts at three o’clock”可知,比赛通常是3点开始,故填At three o’clock.
57.根据“The Sports Center is about nine kilometers from my home”可知,体育中心离作者家大约九公里,故填About nine kilometers.
Dear Sir,
I am writing to recommend Daniel for this year’s Best Student Award.
Daniel is good at all his subjects and he knows a lot about Chinese history. His favorite subjects are maths and geography. Daniel is ready to help others and he often helps his classmates with their lessons. He is polite and he often gives his seat to others on the bus. He is very kind and we all love him. He is a fan of music and he likes playing the piano.
I think Daniel has all the qualities to get the award.
Yours faithfully,



