
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分375分)
Bringing Goods into the UK
You are allowed to bring some goods for personal use without paying tax or duty.
Arrivals from EU countries
You can bring goods from EU countries without being charged tax or duty if they are:
●transported by yourself; ●a gift or for personal use; ●bought with tax and duty included
You can bring alcohol and tobacco from EU countries without restriction but an inquiry might be required depending on the amount of your goods.
Arrivals from outside the EU
You will be free of duty or tax on certain amounts of goods brought from outside the EU, as long as they are for your own use. Any goods that are beyond your allowance should be declared.
Alcohol & tobacco allowance
Type of goods Cigarettes Cigars Tobacco Beer Wine (not sparking wine) Spirits Alcoholic drinks
Amount 200 50 250 grams 16 litres 4 litres 1 litres 2 litres
※There are no duty-free allowances for tobacco or alcohol if you're under 17.
Allowance for other goods:
The maximum value of other goods you can bring is 390. Any single item that is worth more than the allowance will be charged duty or tax on its full value.
The rate of duty or tax on items above the allowance is:
●2.5% for goods worth up to 630;
●decided by the type of goods worth above 630-check by calling the VAT, Customs and Excise Helpline.
Inside the UK; 0300 200 3700
Outside the UK: +44 2920 501 261
Working time: 8 am to 6 pm, Monday to Friday,
Banned and restricted goods
Goods banned include:
●illegal drugs; ●offensive weapons; ●endangered animal and plant species;
●meat and dairy products from most non-EU countries.
Food and plant products restricted include;
●products containing pests and diseases;
●products grown outside the EU;
●products not for your own use.
We reserve the right to seize the goods which are on suspicion of violating intellectual property rights.
1. Which of the following products from outside the EU has the largest duty-free allowance
A. Beer. B. Wine (not sparkling wine). C. Spirits. D. Alcoholic drinks.
2. How much tax shall one coming from China pay for a ring bought in America worth 500
A. 2. 75 B. 12.5 C. 110. D. 130.
3. Which of the following items shall be banned or restricted
A. A set of Russian dolls. B. A bottle of French wine.
C. A brick of Australian cheese. D. A package of Spanish cigarettes.
Eugene Newman Parker, a leading figure in heliospheric(日球层的) physics for the past half century, passed away peacefully at his home in Chicago on Mar. 15. He was 94.
Hailed(誉为) as a visionary in the field of heliophysics, Parker revolutionized our understanding of the sun and its effects on Earth and other bodies within the solar system. NASA even stated that “the field of heliophysics exists in large part because of Dr. Eugene Parker. In 2018, Parker became the first living scientist to witness the launch of a spacecraft that was named in his honor.
Parker is best known for his groundbreaking theory on the existence of a phenomenon called “solar wind”, a continuous stream of charged particles that flow off the sun. It can become violent, causing space weather that impacts the Earth. When Parker’s research was published in 1958, his theory was initially met with skepticism(怀疑) and ridicule by the scientific community. The general view at the time was that the space between planets was an absolute vacuum(真空), and was thus completely empty of any matter. But, there were no errors in his study or his calculations, and the theory was later proven to be correct in 1962, when a NASA spacecraft mission to Venus revealed the constant presence of a supersonic wind—exactly as Parker had predicted.
That experience likely led to the advice Parker often gave young researchers: “If you do something new or innovative, expect trouble. But think critically about it because if you’re wrong, you want to be the first one to know that.” Parker never co-authored a paper with his students, thus urging them to be independent.
Parker was humble, straightforward, and wise. His son Eric said, “My sister Joyce and I didn’t get a real feel for what a ‘big dog’ our dad was in the field.” They got an even better sense when a month after Parker’s death, they traveled to Lund, Sweden, to accept on his behalf the Crafoord Prize in Astronomy.
4. What can we learn from the second paragraph
A. A spacecraft was named in memory of Parker.
B. The sun has less effects on Earth than expected.
C. Parker deserved credit for his great contributions.
D. NASA provided new insights into the lunar effect.
5. Why did people view Parker’s theory of “solar wind” skeptically at first
A. It went against the popular opinion at that time.
B. Some mistakes were found in his calculations.
C. The presence of a supersonic wind was proven by NASA.
D. Matter was believed to exist in the space between planets.
6. What did Parker suggest young researchers do
A. seek close cooperation B. avoid high expectations
C. learn by trial and error D. compete against others
7. What words can be used to describe Parker according to the passage
A. straightforward and generous B. responsible and accessible
C. intelligent yet conservative D. distinguished yet modest
From rolling hills to mountain ranges, views make any road trip memorable, but for blin d passengers this is part of the experience they miss. Motor company Ford tries to change that. It teamed up with GTB Rom a and AedoProject—to develop a technology that will give those unfortunate passengers a way to feel nature’s beauty through their car windows.
The prototype (原型) of the smart car window has a device with an outside-facing camera. With just a press of a button, the system takes a picture of the current view. The colorful picture is then turned into an image with different shades of grey through, LED lights, which vibrates (震动) differently. As the finger passes over different regions of the image, its shaking movements provide feedback through the sense of touch to the person using it. The smart window also comes with a voice assistant that uses AI to identify the scene and help the passengers get information on what they’re seeing.
“As the prototype started taking shape, we realized we were giving birth to a completely new language that would give blind people a new chance to visualize and experience traveling,” Federico Russo.-one director of GTBRoma, said. “When the idea was at its first stage, we looked for suppliers all around the world to make it come to life.” He believes the technology can be employed not just in cars. “It could be introduced into schools and in stitutions for blind people as a tool that could be used in multiple ways.”
The technology may show up in a Ford autonomous vehicle. It’s known that the company is testing their technology and future business model and struggling to figure out how an autonomous vehicle gives different passengers the details needed to get from one destination to another. It’s unclear when this technology will be made available. However, the idea of building something for the less advanced is indeed a kind and influential action.
8. How does the smart car window work
A. By sorting shaking movements. B. By recording the view with a camera.
C. By translating scenery into vibrations. D. By presenting different shades of colors.
9. What can we know about the technology according to Federico Russ
A. It will have wide application. B. It will be used in schools first.
C. It will be tested around the world. D. It will understand different languages.
10. What difficulty is Ford facing currently
A. How to explore their future business model.
B. How the technology is applied to everyday life.
C. How to produce autonomous cars in large numbers.
D. How an autonomous vehicle provides route information.
11. Which can be the best title for the text
A. AI-based Window Adds Fun to Road Trips
B. Ford Develops a System for the Blind to Drive
C. Smart Window Lets Blin d Passengers Feel Views
D. Technology Makes Blind People’s Trip Enjoyable
Imagine a future where science has created your twin. Not a flesh-and-blood twin, but one that recreates your flesh and blood, your bones, your heart, your brain — your whole body, in fact — as an extremely complicated computer model.
Your doctors can use this digital twin to work out how you will respond to a particular drug or medical procedure. They can even look further into the future, creating a “healthcast”, to forecast what diseases might happen to you or how your lifestyle will affect your health as you age. It is the ultimate in personalized medicine. This is the bold vision set out in Virtual You: How building your digital twin will revolutionize medicine and change your life by Peter Coveney, director of the Centre for Computational Science, and Roger Highfield, science director of the Science Museum Group, UK.
Digital twins are already in widespread use in industries such as civil engineering. But these model systems are much simpler than the complex human body. Imagine all the parts that come together to make you work: from the 3 billion letters of your genome (基因组), the numerous molecules (分子) that make up your cells, the trillions of cells building your tissues and organs, and the environment having its input too. Now, imagine trying to create a model of this that is made to each unique individual and that predicts the changes that will take place over a lifetime. This is easier said than done. Changes in the systems biologists want to describe are usually different from what mathematicians describe as “non-linear” (非线性的). Another complication is “emergence”: where the whole of a system is greater than the sum of its parts. This complexity challenges mathematics and pushes computing to the limit too.
But getting to the next level — a whole human individual — is going to require yet more data and a revolution in computing technology far beyond what is currently possible. Whether we will get there is an open question, but Virtual You shows us what scientists from different fields can achieve when they all work together.
12. What be learned about your science-made twin according to Paragraph 1
A. Your twin looks just like you.
B. Your twin knows your thoughts.
C. Your twin exists on the computer.
D. Your twin is created out of your DNA.
13. Why is it difficult to build a digital twin
A. Human body is more complicated than models.
B. Digital twins are not widely used in industries.
C. Scientists lack enough data in building it.
D. Mathematicians and biologists hold different opinions.
14. What’s the author’s attitude towards the idea of a digital twin
A. Optimistic.
B. Uncertain.
C. Unconcerned.
D. Skeptical.
15. What is the purpose of this text
A. To stress the necessity of digital twins.
B. To show the effects of digital twins on future health.
C. To explain the building of digital twins in health.
D. To introduce new treatments for diseases in the future.
第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
If you’ve studied biology, you’ve probably learned about blood types. Or perhaps you have learned something about blood types from social media. 16 These letters correspond to two antigens(抗原),A and B. People with AB blood have both antigens, those with A or B have only one, and people with O have no antigens at all.
17 If you’ve had a blood transfusion(输血), you are probably aware that your blood type determines which blood you can receive. Maybe you’ll think that you should plan your meals based on your blood type. 18 This last concept is popular in Asia, particularly in South Korea. Someone with type-A blood is thought to be considerate but shy. People with type-B blood are known for being creative but odd. Type-O individuals are considered to be some of the most sociable people. Those with type-AB are sensible artists, but sometimes calculating or unpredictable.
South Korea is one place where the blood type personality theory catches on. A study released in 2017 suggests that nearly 60%South Koreans believe that blood types serve as an indicator of a person’s personality. 19
But such theory can also cause discrimination. In the above-mentioned study, about half of the respondents said that they like people with type-O blood the best. 20 The general belief was that type-O individuals have a personality that best fits the culture in South Korea, while AB-types don’t suit such a cultural outlook. As a result, in recent years, many media have stopped promoting the theory.
A. Many factors contribute to your blood type.
B. So, what does blood type mean to you personally
C. Meanwhile, only 6%of those surveyed said they like AB-types.
D. They have a large social circle but are very easy to get annoyed.
E. Or perhaps you think your blood type influences your personality.
F. Even those that don’t agree with the concept are familiar with the idea.
G. Either way, you’ll know there are four main blood types: A, B, O, and AB.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
Early on the morning of October 13, LaPierre was heading to the Chicago Marathon on the city’s Blue Line L. The 21 was full of energized marathoners. Before long, LaPierre noticed a man moving from passenger to passenger, asking for spare 22 . His behavior struck LaPierre as “really weird,” especially the way he stared down anyone he felt hadn’t 23 him enough.
At the Cumberland station, most of the passengers suddenly 24 the car. LaPierre rushed out to see what was going on, only to hear 25 people shouting that the man asking for money was, in fact, armed and 26 people.
As the armed man hopped onto the next train car, LaPierre followed him. “I could not 27 knowing there were 28 children and people just trying to get to a race,” he says.
The man turned and saw LaPierre, his head down, bull-rushing him. Although the man was far 29 and younger, LaPierre crashed into him and managed to pin him 30 the closed door. “Once I got a few feet from him, I knew he wouldn’t be able to react fast enough to 31 me,” he told the Chicago Sun-Times. The two men fought for the gun — and their 32 . The man tried pushing past him, but 33 , LaPierre grabbed the gun and handed it to a passenger. Then the police poured into the train, and LaPierre let them 34 . He had a marathon to run.
This was not the first time LaPierre had jumped into a(n) 35 . A few years back, he helped prevent a drugstore robbery. “I just happen to be at the right place at the right moment,” he says.
21. A. coach B. plane C. train D. ship
22. A. seat B. change C. food D. time
23. A. thanked B. paid C. known D. given
24. A. pulled B. fled C. boarded D. started
25. A. encouraged B. disappointed C. panicked D. confused
26. A. begging B. entertaining C. robbing D. dismissing
27. A. walk away B. break in C. step forward D. come along
28. A. careful B. brave C. innocent D. needy
29. A. larger B. thinner C. wiser D. quieter
30. A. off B. against C. beyond D. under
31. A. shoot B. chase C. spot D. miss
32. A. prizes B. funds C. lives D. rights
33. A. naturally B. thankfully C. generally D. unfortunately
34. A. stand by B. back off C. play along D. take over
35. A. race B. fight C. argument D. situation
第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
For people interested in learning more about the ethnic (少数民族) Miao culture, an ideal place to experience it is an ethnic Miao community, called Qianhu, in Guizhou Province. 36 has preserved the distinctive cultural traditions of the Miao ethnic group exhibited in the forms of architecture, arts, and daily lifestyle.
This world’s largest Miao community consists 37 a dozen smaller settlements 38 (spread) over rolling mountains. Singing is 39 essential part of local life. The Miao people begin to learn how to sing as early as they can speak.
The Miao people are also known for making fine embroidery (刺绣). Different from other parts of China, the themes 40 (express) in Miao embroidery are showy, 41 (imagine), and often based on folklores (民俗). Meanwhile, Miao people can 42 (effortless) arrange colors in a way that avoids awkwardness. This is a truly natural gift.
Another fine element of the Miao culture is wearing silver ornaments (装饰). For most of their history, the Miao people 43 (have) no written language, so they had to preserve and pass on their heritage through visual elements, like carving history on silver ornaments. Over time, this craft has evolved into a vehicle 44 represents the Miao culture and spirit.
The Miao songs, embroidery, and silver ornaments all convey the rich, profound history of the Miao people and 45 (symbol) the continuity of their culture and traditions.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
Dear all,
Now let’s welcome our principal to present this award to Mike!
I looked around the crowded waiting room at the hospital and sighed. Would the doctor be able to see my eight-year-old son next I couldn’t stop shaking as the wound in his forehead was deep.
We were at the hospital because another child had thrown a rock at Luke during the break as he was running around the corner.
Luke received four stitches (缝针). I fought back the urge to cry. For the next two days, his eye was swollen shut and black and blue. I felt like I’d had a mini nervous breakdown. Every time I tried to sleep or tend to do some housework, horrible thoughts crept into my mind. What if he’d lost his eye What if he’d had brain damage His doctor assured me he was going to be fine, but the what-ifs kept coming. Fear had taken over, and then the fear turned to anger. I was angry with the child who’d thrown the rock. I just couldn’t shake it. What was she thinking She should have known better.
Several days later, Luke’s teacher called me that evening to see how he was feeling, telling me Katie felt terrible and heartbroken over what had happened. I asked the teacher to make Katie understand she couldn’t do that and remind her of the dangers of throwing rocks. The teacher agreed, which made me feel better.
I noticed that as Luke started to heal physically, I wasn’t as angry. I thought about Katie and Luke. I wanted to stand up for my son, protect him, but I didn’t want to mistreat Katie because I learned from the teacher Katie really was a nice kid and that she was just trying to remove the rock so no other children would trip on it.
Last night, Luke’s teacher stopped by and dropped off a get-well card that Katie had made. Luck and I read it several times, and I couldn’t help but feel a little choked up. It was a sincere apology.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
I wanted this to be a teachable moment for Luke to learn about forgiveness.
The next morning, Luke and I waited for Katie with the letter at the school gate.
1. A 2. B 3. C
1. 细节理解题。根据Alcohol & tobacco allowance 表格中“Beer:16 litres(啤酒:16升)”是所有商品中数额最大的,故“啤酒”这种来自欧盟以外的产品有最大的免税额度。故选A。
2. 细节理解题。根据 “The rate of duty or tax on items above the allowance is: ●2.5% for goods worth up to 630(超过免税额的物品的税率为:●630英镑以下的商品价格为2.5%)”可知,一个来自中国的人在美国买一枚价值500英镑的戒指要交税500*2.5%=12.5英镑。故选B。
3. 细节理解题。根据“Goods banned include: ●meat and dairy products from most non-EU countries.(禁止的商品包括:来自大多数非欧盟国家的肉类和奶制品)”可知,澳大利亚奶酪砖会被禁止带入。故选C。
4. C 5. A 6. C 7. D
4. 推理判断题。根据第二段中“Parker revolutionized our understanding of the sun and its effects on Earth and other bodies within the solar system. (帕克彻底改变了我们对太阳及其对地球和太阳系内其他天体的影响的认识。)”以及“NASA even stated that “the field of heliophysics exists in large part because of Dr. Eugene Parker. (美国宇航局甚至表示,“太阳物理学领域的存在在很大程度上要归功于尤金·帕克博士。”)”可知,帕克对整个日球物理学领域做出了极大的贡献,他是值得赞扬的。故选C。
5. 细节理解题。根据第三段中“ When Parker’s research was published in 1958, his theory was initially met with skepticism(怀疑) and ridicule by the scientific community.(当帕克的研究成果于1958年发表时,他的理论最初遭到了科学界的质疑和嘲笑。)”以及“The general view at the time was that the space between planets was an absolute vacuum(真空), and was thus completely empty of any matter. (当时的普遍观点是,行星之间的空间是绝对真空的,因此完全没有任何物质。)”可知,人们起初对帕克的“太阳风”理论持怀疑态度,因为它违背了当时的流行观点。故选A。
6. 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“That experience likely led to the advice Parker often gave young researchers: “If you do something new or innovative, expect trouble. But think critically about it because if you’re wrong, you want to be the first one to know that.” (这段经历可能导致了帕克经常给年轻研究人员的建议:“如果你做了一些新的或创新的事情,预计会有麻烦。但要批判性地思考,因为如果你错了,你想成为第一个知道这一点的人。”)”可知,帕克给年轻人的建议是从错误和尝试中学习。故选C。
7. 推理判断题。根据第二段中“Hailed(誉为) as a visionary in the field of heliophysics, Parker revolutionized our understanding of the sun and its effects on Earth and other bodies within the solar system. (被誉为作为太阳物理学领域的梦想家,帕克彻底改变了我们对太阳及其对地球和太阳系内其他天体影响的理解。)”以及根据最后一段中“Parker was humble, straightforward, and wise.( 帕克谦逊、直率、睿智。)”可知,帕克是杰出但谦逊的。故选D。
8. C 9. A 10. D 11. C
【导语】本文是一篇说明文。福特公司联合GTB Roma和Aedo Project研发了一款智能车窗,帮助盲人感受旅途中的风景,带给盲人全新的旅行体验。
8. 细节理解题。根据第二段的“The prototype (原型) of the smart car window has a device with an outside-facing camera. With just a press of a button, the system takes a picture of the current view. The colorful picture is then turned into an image with different shades of grey through, LED lights, which vibrates (震动) differently. As the finger passes over different regions of the image, its shaking movements provide feedback through the sense of touch to the person using it.(智能车窗的原型有一个面向外部的摄像头。只需按下一个按钮,系统就会拍下当前视图的照片。然后通过不同震动的LED灯将彩色图像转换成不同灰度的图像。当手指经过图像的不同区域时,它的抖动动作通过触觉向使用它的人提供反馈)”可知,智能车窗通过将风景转化为振动,它的抖动动作通过触觉向使用它的人提供反馈。故选C项。
9. 推理判断题。根据第三段的“He believes the technology can be employed not just in cars. “It could be introduced into schools and in stitutions for blind people as a tool that could be used in multiple ways.”(他认为,这项技术不仅可以应用于汽车。“它可以作为一种工具引入学校和盲人机构,可以以多种方式使用。”)”可知,Federico Russo认为,这项技术不仅可以应用于汽车,还可以作为一种多用途的工具引入盲人学校和为盲人服务的机构。由此可推知,Federico Russo认为这项技术有广泛的应用价值。故选A。
10. 细节理解题。根据最后一段“It’s known that the company is testing their technology and future business model and struggling to figure out how an autonomous vehicle gives different passengers the details needed to get from one destination to another. It’s unclear when this technology will be made available.(众所周知,该公司正在测试他们的技术和未来的商业模式,并努力弄清楚自动驾驶汽车如何为不同的乘客提供从一个目的地到另一个目的地所需的细节。目前还不清楚这项技术何时能投入使用)”可知,福特目前面临的困难是如何为不同的乘客提供从一个目的地到另一个目的地所需的细节,也就是自动驾驶汽车如何提供路线信息。故选D项。
11. 主旨大意题。阅读全文尤其是第一段内容可知,本文主要介绍了福特公司联合GTB Roma和Aedo Project研发了一款智能车窗,这种智能车窗使盲人有可能感受到旅途中的风景,故D项“Smart Window Lets Blin d Passengers Feel Views(智能窗户让乘客感受美景)”作标题最为恰当。故选D项。
12. C 13. A 14. A 15. C
12. 细节理解题。根据第一段中“Not a flesh-and-blood twin, but one that recreates your flesh and blood, your bones, your heart, your brain — your whole body, in fact — as an extremely complicated computer model.(不是血肉之躯的双胞胎,而是将你的血肉之躯、骨骼、心脏、大脑——实际上是你的整个身体——复制成一个极其复杂的计算机模型。)”可知,你的科学双胞胎存在于电脑中。故选C项。
13. 细节理解题。根据第三段中“Changes in the systems biologists want to describe are usually different from what mathematicians describe as “non-linear” (非线性的). Another complication is “emergence”: where the whole of a system is greater than the sum of its parts. This complexity challenges mathematics and pushes computing to the limit too.(生物学家想要描述的系统变化通常不同于数学家所描述的“非线性”。另一个复杂的问题是“涌现”:一个系统的整体大于其各部分的总和。这种复杂性对数学提出了挑战,也将计算推向了极限。)”可知,建立数字双胞胎的困难在于人体远比模型复杂,其中的系统变化和涌现问题非常难以解决。故选A项。
14. 推理判断题。根据最后一段“But getting to the next level — a whole human individual — is going to require yet more data and a revolution in computing technology far beyond what is currently possible. Whether we will get there is an open question, but Virtual You shows us what scientists from different fields can achieve when they all work together.(但要达到下一个阶段——一个完整的人类个体——将需要更多的数据和一场远远超出目前可能的计算技术革命。我们是否能实现这一目标是一个悬而未决的问题,但《虚拟的你》向我们展示了来自不同领域的科学家在共同努力时所能取得的成就。)”可知,作者认为虽然能否创造一个完整的人类个体仍然未知,但是《虚拟的你》这本书已经展示了科学家们在共同努力方面的成就。由此推知,作者对数字双胞胎的想法是积极乐观的。故选A项。
15. 推理判断题。通读全文可知,文章为读者介绍了健康领域的数字双胞胎模型,包括其概念、发挥的作用、建模的难点和未来的发展趋势。因此,文章的目的在于解释健康领域数字双胞胎的构建。故选C项。
16. G 17. B 18. E 19. F 20. C
16. 前文“Or perhaps you have learned something about blood types from social media. (或许,也许你已经从社交媒体上了解了一些有关血型的知识。)”中的关键词“blood types”与G项“Either way, you’ll know there are four main blood types: A, B, O, and AB. (无论哪种方式,你都会知道有四种主要的血型:A,B,O和AB。)”中“four main blood types”为关键词重复出现,且上下文一致,故选G项。
17. 下文“If you’ve had a blood transfusion(输血), you are probably aware that your blood type determines which blood you can receive. Maybe you’ll think that you should plan your meals based on your blood type. (如果你输过血,你可能知道你的血型决定了你可以接受哪种血液。也许你会认为你应该根据自己的血型来计划你的膳食)”可知血型对人意义非凡,与B项“So, what does blood type mean to you personally (那么,血型对你个人意味着什么?)”上下文一致,承上启下,故选B项。
18. 根据下文“This last concept is popular in Asia, particularly in South Korea. Someone with type-A blood is thought to be considerate but shy. People with type-B blood are known for being creative but odd. Type-O individuals are considered to be some of the most sociable people. Those with type-AB are sensible artists, but sometimes calculating or unpredictable. (最后一个概念在亚洲很流行,尤其是在韩国。有A型血统的人被认为是体贴但害羞的。B型血的人以富有创造力但古怪而闻名。O型人被认为是一些最善于交际的人。AB型人是明智的艺术家,但有时是计算或不可预测的。)”可知关键词concept要与本空有所呼应,且要与血型、性格相关,与E项“Or perhaps you think your blood type influences your personality. (或者你认为你的血型会影响你的个性。)”与上下文一致,故选E项。
19. 前文“South Korea is one place where the blood type personality theory catches on. A study released in 2017 suggests that nearly 60%South Koreans believe that blood types serve as an indicator of a person’s personality. (韩国是血型人格理论流行起来的一个地方。2017年发布的一项研究表明,近60%的韩国人认为血型是一个人性格的指标。)”与F项“Even those that don’t agree with the concept are familiar with the idea. (即使是那些不同意这个概念的人也熟悉这个想法。)”与上下文一致,故选F项。
20. 根据前文“But such theory can also cause discrimination. In the above-mentioned study, about half of the respondents said that they like people with type-O blood the best. (但这种理论也会引起歧视。在上述研究中,大约一半的受访者表示他们最喜欢O型血的人。)”及下文“The general belief was that type-O individuals have a personality that best fits the culture in South Korea, while AB-types don’t suit such a cultural outlook. (人们普遍认为,O型人具有最适合韩国文化的个性,而AB型人则不适合这种文化观。)”可知大多数人喜欢O型血的人,AB型占比低,与C项“Meanwhile, only 6%of those surveyed said they like AB-types. (同时,只有6%的受访者表示他们喜欢AB型。)”上下文一致,故选C项。
21. C 22. B 23. D 24. B 25. C 26. C 27. A 28. C 29. A 30. B 31. A 32. C 33. B 34. D 35. B
21. 1. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:火车上挤满了精力充沛的马拉松运动员。A. coach长途汽车;B. plane飞机;C. train火车;D. ship轮船。根据下文中的“As the armed man hopped onto the next train car, LaPierre followed him.”可知,故事发生在一列挤满了要参加马拉松比赛运动员的“火车”上。故选C项。
22. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:没过多久,拉皮埃尔注意到一个男人从一个乘客走到另一个乘客,要零钱。A. seat座位;B. change零钱;C. food食物;D. time时间。根据下文中的“only to hear ___5___ people shouting that the man asking for money”可知,这个人向乘客们要“零钱”。故选B项。
23. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他的行为让拉皮埃尔感到“非常奇怪”,尤其是他盯着那些他觉得给他几个钱的人的方式。A. thanked感谢;B. paid支付;C. known知道;D. given给予。根据上文中的“LaPierre noticed a man moving from passenger to passenger, asking for spare ___2___ .”可知,这个人逐个乘客要钱,有的乘客可能没有给他,所以这人就盯着没有“给”他钱的人。故选D项。
24. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:在坎伯兰车站,大多数乘客突然逃离车厢。A. pulled拉;B. fled逃跑;C. boarded登机;D. started开始。根据下文中的“only to hear ___5___ people shouting that the man asking for money was, in fact, armed and ___6___ people.”可知,车厢的人们看到有人抢劫,所以人们“逃离”这节车厢。故选B项。
25. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:拉皮埃尔冲出去看看发生了什么事,却听到惊慌失措的人们大喊,说这个要钱的人实际上是武装的,正在抢劫。A. encouraged受鼓舞的;B. disappointed失望的;C. panicked惊慌失措的;D. confused迷惑的。根据语境和下文中的“that the man asking for money was, in fact, armed and ___6___ people.”可知,有人抢劫的时候,人们应该是“惊慌失措的”符合语境。故选C项。
26. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:拉皮埃尔冲出去看看发生了什么事,却听到惊慌失措的人们大喊,说这个要钱的人实际上是武装的,正在抢劫。A. begging乞讨;B. entertaining招待;C. robbing抢劫;D. dismissing解散。根据语境和上文中的“At the Cumberland station, most of the passengers suddenly ___4___ the car.”以及“the man asking for money was, in fact, armed”可知,导致人们四处逃散,并且还全副武装好的人很可能是在“抢劫”乘客。故选C项。
27. 考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:他说:“我不能明知那里有无辜的孩子和人们,自己只是想参加比赛就走开。”A. walk away走开;B. break in闯入;C. step forward向前;D. come along走过来。根据语境和下文中的“knowing there were ___8___ children and people just trying to get to a race”可知,这是拉皮埃尔向人们讲述事情的经过,他说他不能知道有一些无辜的人在车上,自己不管不顾就“走开”去参赛。故选A项。
28. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他说:“我不能明知那里有无辜的孩子和人们,自己只是想参加比赛就走开。”A. careful小心的;B. brave勇敢的;C. innocent无辜的;D. needy贫困的。根据语境可知,在有人抢劫的车上,孩子与其他人都是“无辜的”符合语境。故选C项。
29. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:尽管这名男子块头大得多,也年轻得多,但拉皮埃尔还是撞上了他,并把他按在了紧闭的门上。A. larger大的;B. thinner瘦的;C. wiser明智的;D. quieter安静的。根据上文中的although可知,此处应为让步状语从句,结合下文中的“and younger”可知,此处说明抢劫者应该比拉皮埃尔块头“大”而且年轻,由此更表明拉皮埃尔的勇敢无畏。故选A项。
30. 考查介词词义辨析。句意:尽管这名男子块头大得多,也年轻得多,但拉皮埃尔还是撞上了他,并把他按在了紧闭的门上。A. off关闭;B. against紧靠在;C. beyond超越;D. under在……之下。根据语境和上文中的“managed to pin him”以及下文中的“the closed door.”可知,此处指的是拉皮埃尔成功地把抢劫者“紧靠在”关闭的门上按住。故选B项。
31. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他对《芝加哥太阳时报》说:“当我离他几英尺远的时候,我知道他的反应不够快,无法向我开枪。”A. shoot射击;B. chase追逐;C. spot发现;D. miss思念。根据下文中的“The two men fought for the gun — and their ___12___ .”可知,她们两人在争抢手枪,所以此处指的是“射击”符合语境。故选A项。
32. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:两个人为了那把枪和他们的生命而搏斗。A. prizes奖品;B. funds基金;C. lives生命;D. rights权力。根据上文中的“The two men fought for the gun”可知,两个人在为枪而斗在一起,也是为了他们自己的“生命”而斗,因为枪可能造成人命。故选C项。
33. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:那名男子试图推开他,但谢天谢地,拉皮埃尔抓住了枪,递给了一名乘客。A. naturally自然地;B. thankfully感激地;C. generally一般地;D. unfortunately不幸地。根据语境和下文中的“LaPierre grabbed the gun and handed it to a passenger.”可知,拉皮埃尔最终夺下手枪,交给了另外一名乘客,作者为拉皮埃尔感到庆幸,所以此处应是“感谢地,感激地”符合语境。故选B项。
34. 考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:然后警察涌进了火车,拉皮埃尔让他们接管了。A. stand by靠边站;B. back off退缩;C. play along假意顺从;D. take over接管。根据语境和上文中的“Then the police poured into the train”可知,警察到达现场后,应该是将抢劫者移交给警察,所以此处为“接管”符合语境。故选D项。
35. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:这已经不是拉皮埃尔第一次卷入打斗中了。A. race比赛;B. fight打仗,战斗;C. argument辩论;D. situation局面。根据下文中的“A few years back, he helped prevent a drugstore robbery.”可知,拉皮埃尔曾帮助阻止过一次抢劫案,所以此处指的是他不止一次的被卷入“打斗”中。故选B项。
36. It 37. of 38. spreading 39. an 40. expressed 41. imaginative 42. effortlessly 43. had 44. that/which 45. symbolize
36. 考查代词。句意:它以建筑、艺术和日常生活方式的形式保存了苗族独特的文化传统。根据上下文可知,空处指的是上文提到的Qianhu,是一个地点,应用代词it指代,且空处位于句首,首字母需大写。故填It。
37. 考查介词。句意:这是世界上最大的苗族社区,由十几个分布在连绵起伏的山脉上的小定居点组成。根据“consists”并结合句意可知,此处用固定短语consist of,意为“由……组成”,空处需用介词of。故填of。
38. 考查非谓语动词。句意:这是世界上最大的苗族社区,由十几个分布在连绵起伏的山脉上的小定居点组成。分析句子可知,空处是修饰settlements的后置定语,是非谓语动词,spread和settlements逻辑上是主动关系,需用spread的现在分词形式spreading。故填spreading。
39. 考查冠词。句意:唱歌是当地生活必不可少的一部分。分析句子可知,空处是泛指,表示“一个”,且essential以元音音素开头,需用不定冠词an。故填an。
40. 考查非谓语动词。句意:与中国其他地区不同,苗绣所表达的主题是华丽的,富有想象力的,通常基于民间传说。分析句子可知,空处是修饰themes的后置定语,是非谓语动词,express和themes逻辑上是被动关系,需用express的过去分词形式expressed。故填expressed。
41. 考查形容词。句意:与中国其他地区不同,苗绣所表达的主题是华丽的,富有想象力的,通常基于民间传说。分析句子可知,空处作句子的表语,形容苗绣的主题,imagine的形容词形式imaginative“富有想象力的”符合句意。故填imaginative。
42. 考查副词。句意:同时,苗族人可以毫不费力地以一种不笨拙的方式安排颜色。分析句子可知,空处修饰谓语动词arrange,需用effortless的副词形式effortlessly,意为“毫不费力地”,作状语。故填effortlessly。
43. 考查时态。句意:在他们的大部分历史中,苗族人没有书面语言,所以他们必须通过视觉元素来保存和传承他们的遗产,比如在银饰上雕刻历史。分析句子可知,空处作句子的谓语,句子描述的是过去发生的事情,时态用一般过去时,需用have的过去式had。故填had。
44. 考查定语从句。句意:随着时间的推移,这种工艺已经演变成一种代表苗族文化和精神的工具。分析句子可知,空处引导限制性定语从句,修饰先行词vehicle,先行词指物,关系词在从句中作主语,需用关系代词that或which。故填that/which。
45. 考查动词的时态和主谓一致。句意:苗族的歌曲、刺绣和银饰都传达了苗族丰富而深刻的历史,象征着他们文化和传统的连续性。分析句子可知,空处和前面的谓语convey并列,作句子的并列谓语,时态为一般现在时,主语The Miao songs, embroidery, and silver ornaments是复数,谓语复数形式,需用symbol的动词形式symbolize,意为“象征”。故填symbolize。
46. Dear all,
I’m honored to announce that this semester’s “Most popular teacher” goes to Mike!
He gives our grade oral English, encouraging us to speak more. Besides, he is responsible for our Drama Club, where we rehearse together and present marvelous plays under his professional guidance.
Mike is worthy of this award. His exceptional teaching ability has greatly boosted our confidence in expressing ourselves. What’s more, his passion for teaching and friendliness to students make learning with him a really enjoyable experience.
Now let’s welcome our principal to present this award to Mike!
此外:besides → what’s more
精彩的:marvelous →wonderful
增强:boost → improve
愉快的:enjoyable →pleasant
原句:Mike is worthy of this award. His exceptional teaching ability has greatly boosted our confidence in expressing ourselves.
拓展句:Mike is worthy of this award because his exceptional teaching ability has greatly boosted our confidence in expressing ourselves.
【点睛】【高分句型1】I’m honored to announce that this semester’s “Most popular teacher” goes to Mike!(运用了that引导的宾语从句)
【高分句型2】Besides, he is responsible for our Drama Club, where we rehearse together and present marvelous plays under his professional guidance.(运用了where引导的非限定性定语从句)
47. One possible version:
I wanted this to be a teachable moment for Luke to learn about forgiveness. I wanted to let go of my own anger, too. I asked Luke if he was ready to forgive her. After all, his opinion counted the most. He thought about it for a moment, smiled and said, “Yes.” He knew she hadn’t done it on purpose. Children are so resilient and so honest. They don’t hold onto resentment as adults do sometimes. Their hearts are pure, so we wrote Katie a letter together, reading, “We know it was an unfortunate accident. We forgive you, and we hope you forgive yourself.”
The next morning, Luke and I waited for Katie with the letter at the school gate. Finally came Katie. When she spotted us, she paused and forced a smile. Luke trotted beside her with wild little hops, handing her the letter. No sooner had she unfolded it than a relieved and happy smile bloomed on her face, which made Luke feel much better. She skipped to give me a big hug. I hugged her back. We didn’t have to say anything else; we all knew it was forgiveness that was the most important step in healing.
②思考:think about/consider/contemplate/give thought to
③紧紧抓住:hold onto/keep/retain/grasp
【点睛】[高分句型1] I asked Luke if he was ready to forgive her.(连接词if引导名词性从句作asked的宾语)
[高分句型2] No sooner had she unfolded it than a relieved and happy smile bloomed on her face, which made Luke feel much better.(no sooner… than…引导时间状语从句,并引起主句部分倒装)
[高分句型3] We didn’t have to say anything else; we all knew it was forgiveness that was the most important step in healing.(it was… that…是强调句型)




下一篇:云南省昆明市多校2023-2024高一上学期11月期中联考英语试题(含答案 无听力音频 含听力原文)