
第一部 分阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Ever find yourself wondering what it might be like to live in some of TV’s most famous homes Famous homes can become part of the reason you fall in love with a series, so here are some of our favourite houses.
Modern Family: Jay’s house
The two-story contemporary home is bursting with bold colors and animal prints. But it’s the back yard that makes the house so appealing. The huge pool that’s frequently spotted in various episodes is a strong reminder that we need to move to destination with more sunshine.
Big Little Lies: Madeline’s house
Set on the Californian coast in Monterey, Big Little Lies has made us feel jealous over the casts’ desirable wardrobes, and huge beach houses by the sea. But by far the most beautiful beach nest in the series is Madeline’s house, which is actually located in Malibu. The real house boasts seven bedrooms, eight bathrooms, and a balcony surrounded by walls providing some unreal ocean views.
The Sopranos: Tony’s house
The spacious New Jersey home has a huge dining area, four bedrooms, an outside pool, and that famous curved driveway featured in the opening credits. It’s no wonder that the famous house has just gone on the market for a whopping 3.4 million! Research shows that the ma fi a mansion may have more than doubled in value since the show.
American Horror Story: The Coven house
Although taken over by witches in the series and called “Miss Robichaux’s Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies”, the elegant house is actually called Buckner Mansion and is some what of a landmark in New Orleans. The famous home is complete with tall ceilings, impressive chandeliers, and stairs that go on forever.
1. What do the houses in Modern Family and The Sopranos have I n common!
A. Colorful decorations. B. Adequate bedrooms.
C. A swimming pool. D. A broad driveway.
2. Where can you enjoy the ocean scenery
A. In Jay’s house. B. In Madeline’s house.
C. In Tony’s house. D. In the Coven house.
3. In which column of a magazine can you find this text
A. Entertainment. B. Economy. C. Environment. D. Education.
McDonald’s is promising to offer sustainable Happy Meal toys made with dramatically less plastic by the end of 2025. The fast-food giant said that it has already decreased the use of virgin fossil fuel-based plastic in its toys by 30% worldwide since 2018 after starting the process in markets like France, the United Kingdom and Ireland.
More than 100 countries worldwide sell Happy Meals at McDonald’s locations. The burger chain began selling the meals in 1979. In 2018, after widespread concern about children’s meals at fast-food restaurants, the company revamped its options to selections that were lower n calories, sodium, saturated fat and sugar.
Murray said children and parents alike have been asking for more sustainable toys. In 2019,two British school children started a petition (请愿书) that generated international attention asking McDonald’s and Burger King to cancel the plastic toys in their children’s meal deals.
Some toys, like board game pieces, will be made with plant derived (植物提取的) or recycled material. Others will have more significant changes to their appearance. Superheros and movie characters will be 3-D cutouts at her than plastic figurines. The company is also looking into switching from plastic wrapping to plant-based and certified fiber packaging.
“As you can imagine, our entire supply chain has to change with this,” Murray said. “It has been a massive undertaking, and we’re really just changing the way we do our Happy Meals.”
McDonald’s chief sustainability officer Jenny McColloch said the company has already been learning from feedback in France, the UK and Ireland, where the toys have already rolled out. The goal is to make sure they are safe and sturdy enough for children.
According to McColloch, the more sustainable toys will begin rolling out widely in the US by January. The fast-food giant is also looking for ways to recycle the old plastic Happy Meal toys within its restaurants.
4. What does the underlined word “revamped” in Paragraph 2 mean
A. Challenged. B. Offered. C. Adjusted. D. Distributed.
5. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about
A. The switch of plastic wrapping for several toys
B. The changes of materials for toys and packaging.
C. The cost of making 3-D cutouts of superheroes.
D. The significance of using recycled materials.
6. What can we know from Murray
A. The change of the whole chain is a huge task.
B. The massive undertaking is impossible to achieve.
C They are not willing to change their Happy Meals.
D. You can’t imagine the change of the entire supply chain.
7. Which can be a suitable title for the text
A. The Less Use of Plastic Is Required
B. An Eco-friendly Burger Chai n Called McDonald’s
C. The Way That McDonald’s Made Happy Meal Toys
D. McDonald’s Will Offer Greener Happy Meal Toys
To assess protected-area impact on wildlife, a team led by researchers from the UK examined waterbird data from 1,506 protected areas and analyzed more than 27,000 bird populations across the world. They compared waterbird populations before and after the establishment of protected areas and also compared trends of similar populations within and outside of protected areas.
“Our study shows that, while many protected areas are working well, many others are failing to have a positive effect,” lead author Hannah Wauchope of the University of Exeter says in a statement. “In the majority of places we looked at, bird populations were stable or were increasing, but some of them weren’t doing any better than in unprotected areas,” she adds. “That’s disappointing, but not surprising. There seems to be the disconnection between people talking about how much land is protected and whether those areas are actually doing anything positive.”
This study comes ahead of a United Nations meeting in China to discuss biodiversity (生物多样性) goals for the next decade. Several countries have already committed to protecting 30 percent of the planèt by 2030, yet the researchers say this alone does not necessarily guarantee positive outcomes for species.
“An obsession (迷恋) with reaching a certain area-based target—such as 30 percent by2030-without focus on managing existing protected areas appropriately will achieve little.” co-author Julia Jones from Bangor University says. “When world leaders gather in China later this year to set targets for the next decade, I really hope to see a change of their focus rather than simply saying how much surface area they are going to protect.”
According to Thomas Brooks chief scientist at the International Union for Conservation of Nature, who was not involved in the study, waterbirds are a good example of a group facing the consequences of human behaviours that cause biodiversity loss. These animals respond quickly to changes in site quality and are broadly distributed, clearly reflecting the impact of protected areas.
8. What can be learned about protected areas from the study
A. Their bird populations are increasing.
B. Some of them fail to achieve their goal.
C. Their problems went unnoticed at all.
D. They have a negative effect on wildlife.
9. What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph 3 refer to
A. Doing something positive. B. Organizing the meeting.
C. Talking about biodiversity. D. Expanding protected areas.
10. What does Julia Jones call on world leaders to do
A. Face the consequences of human behaviours.
B. Try to set targets for the next ten years.
C. Have a deep understanding of biodiversity.
D. Focus on the effectiveness of protected areas.
11. What does Thomas Brooks think of the study
A. Pioneering. B. Disappointing. C. Convincing. D. Unsatisfying.
Heat waves are becoming more common in parts of the United States —and that means more people running their air conditioners for longer. But those air conditioners can make the problem worse, giving off greenhouse gases as they work that contribute heavily to climate change.
SkyCool Systems is trying to break that cycle, using technology that promises to offer buildings an alternative means to cool town in a similar way to how the planet cools itself. “Our planet naturally cools itself by sending heat out in the form of infrared light (红外线) or radiation,” said Eli Goldstein, SkyCool’s cofounder and CEO. “We do this through rooftop panels which look like solar panels b actually do the opposite, reflecting 97% of the sunlight that hits them and cooling the surface below,” said Goldstein.
SkyCool’s model involves fixing a network of pipes below those panels. These pipes are filled with water, which is kept cool by the panels and then flows into an air conditioning system. This process is designed to take pressure off the system’s cooling mechanism. And because the panels cool naturally and don’t need external power to function, it helps the entire system use less electricity.
A Grocery Outlet store in California, which has been using SkyCool’s system since last year, says it saw a marked drop in its electrical bills lesus Valenzuelz the store manager, estimates that the panels have saved his store roughly $3,000 a month.
But perhaps the biggest barrier to making the technology ubiquitous (无处不在的) is its relatively high cost. Increasing production could help bring the cost down, Goldstein said, particularly for developing countries in Asia and Africa where SkyCool hopes to eventually expand. For now the company is focused on commercial applications of the technology, though it hopes to start setting up panels on the roofs of individual homes. “We’re just excited to be able to use this new technology for good,” Goldstein said.
12. How did Goldstein explain the way their rooftop panels work
A. By citing an expert’s words. B. By making comparisons.
C. By analyzing cause and effect. D. By describing the process in detail,
13. What is the function of the pipes in SkyCool’s model
A. To store cold water to help cool the panels.
B. To help ease the water pressure of the air conditioning.
C To power the panels by making use of flowing water.
D. To feed cold water into the air conditioning system.
14. How might Jesus Valenzuela view SkyCool’s system
A. It’s pretty effective. B. It has increased sales for his store.
C. It will go out of style quickly. D. It will cost too much to set up.
15. What does SkyCool expect of its system
A. It’ll bring in a good profit for the company.
B. It’ll gain popularity in developed countries.
C. It’ll take the place of air conditioners.
D It’ll be accessible to common households.
第二节(共5 小题,每小题2.5分,满分 12.5)
Benefits of Good Habits
Whether you realize it or not, your entire life is a sum of your habits. Some of these habits are good, some are bad, some are healthy, and some are not. 16 But what are the benefits of good habits
Good habits help you to replace bad habits. The first step to enjoy the benefits of good habits is replacing your bad habits. 17 You can find yourself engaging them in without really thinking about them. Then try to kick the bad habits by forming good habits.
Good habits improve your mood. When you feel like you are working towards reaching your goals and bettering yourself, you will notice that your overall happiness level increases. 18 Rather than feeling stressed and anxious, a person who practices good habits becomes amore joyful person.
19 Daily life is filled with never-ending distractions (干扰). These make it hard to focus on important things. Try making small changes like deleting unnecessary apps on your phone. You will see a major positive impact on your productivity and efficiency.
Good habits increase your quality of life. Regularly practicing good habits increases your quality of life by helping you stay physically and mentally healthy. When you are an all-around healthy person, you will find yourself living your best life! And when you live your best life, you feel driven to pursue opportunities for personal growth. 20
Good habits can be tricky because they usually feel harder to start than bad habits. But the benefits show that the hard work is well worth it!
A. Good habits exist in our daily life.
B. When you feel happy, your overall moods change.
C. Good habits increase your productivity and efficiency.
D. Bad habits are all of the automatic negative behaviors.
E. This is the best way to get your life quality improved.
F. It goes without saying that bad habits can be harmful.
G. This will in turn help you feel motivated to achieve your goals.
第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
I never thought that something shared on Facebook would have the power to change my life.
Pictures of what my friends at e for lunch. Pictures of my grandbaby’s latest feats. And maybe a farm game. These were the things that I thought Facebook was. 21 , that was how I spent too much time on it these years.
Then on a March morning, a friend’s post on Facebook caught my 22 , which said, “Let go of anything 23 and all activities that do not mirror your brightest intentions.”
The post kept returning to my mind throughout the day. I knew my life at that point was not authentic. It was at the 24 of my farm-game obsession. I, along with my friends, played FarmVille. I had five different farms in five different games. All in 25 forms, of course. After a day’s 26 on the words, I decided to write them on a piece of paper and taped it on my laptop.
One afternoon, I glanced down at the words taped on my keyboard. Then I 27 , and saw the empty backyard outside the window. Here I was taping away on the 28 , while a half-acre lot outside the window lay 29 . Suddenly, I was struck by a(n) 30 —It was the time to 31 what the words said to my life.
I 32 all inauthentic activities that I used to be obsessed with. FarmVille and the other four farms were left to wither(凋零) away. 33 , I turned ta work in my newly-claimed garden. That 34 I’d copied became a mirror I used to 35 how I spent my time and energy. Thanks to the words, I eventually have a life filled with activities and people that enrich and fulfill me.
21. A. Gradually B. Eventually C. Actually D. Immediately
22. A. breath B. attention C. curiosity D. heart
23. A. useless B. unnecessary C. worthless D. unreal
24. A. edge B. risk C. height D. cost
25. A. unusual B. virtual C. physical D. different
26. A. reflection B. concentration C. experiment D. research
27. A. turned around B. broke up C. hung around D. looked up
28. A. computer B. farm C. desk D. spot
29. A. unreachable B. unattractive C. untouched D. unfinished
30. A. advantage B. idea C. disaster D. fortune
31. A. compare B. limit C. lead D. apply
32. A. rejected B. disliked C. missed D. forgot
33. A. Otherwise B. However C. Instead D. Therefore
34. A. article B. phrase C. principle D. theory
35. A. examine B. interpret C. evaluate D. reveal
A total of 16 Chinese and Italian volunteers, wearing Hanfu an ancient clothing _______ (traditional) worn by ethnic-majority Han Chinese, _______ (participate) in a parade launched in Venice on Feb.17, 2023.
The clothing, transported from the Suzhou Silk Museum, was themed of Han, Tang, Song and Ming _______ (dynasty) respectively and well displayed Jiangnan culture and world-known Suzhou silk.
The show attracted lots of young people, most of _______ decided to participate in this in tiative, thinking it could be a way to get even _______ (close) to Chinese culture.
The 24-year-old Irene Di Maio, _______ (major) in Chinese in Venice, went to Suzhou to attend a dragon boat festival five years ago. “The event was amazing, especially the part from Suzhou, a city I loved very much. This time I would like _______ (know) more about Hanfu.”
In addition to the clothing show, visitors can also enjoy a series of Chinese cultural activities, including the performance of guzheng, _______ traditional Chinese musical instrument, Hanfu try-on s and calligraphy demonstrations.
Suzhou, considered by the Italian explorer Marco Polo in the 13th century _______ “the Venice of the East” became a sister city to Venice in 1980, and since then multiple activities of mutual historical and cultural exchange _______ (carry) forward.
第三部分 写作 (共两节,满分 40分)
第一节 (满分 15分)
假定你是李华,每年12月5日是国际志愿者日(International Volunteer Day)。在这到来之际,请你为校英文报的学生园地写一封倡议信。内容包括:
注意:1.词数 100 左右;
Dear fellow students,
Li Hua
第二节(满分 25分)
Today I was walking along the street when a homeless woman asked me for some change. I gave her some money and stopped to talk to her for a while.
I asked her about how she ended up on the street and if there was a shelter she could go to. She told me about some of her struggles. She told me that she left home at seventeen and had been homeless since then. She said that her bag with all her clothes and possessions was stolen the night before, while she was sleeping outside a church. She said that she went to the day centre every day and they made calls to try to find her a shelter but nothing was available, as all shelters for women were full up. It had been like this for months. I listened to her and said a few kind words to her. After we spoke, I told her that it was really nice to meet her and wished her all the best.
I left feeling really sad and frustrated that there was nothing I could do to ease her situation. I have spoken to a few other homeless people and I have heard about how difficult it is to get a place in a shelter, or sometimes some shelters can be so unsafe that it is better for them to sleep on the streets.
I was on my way to my flower store. While trimming (修剪) these kinds of beautiful flowers, I thought about the lady I had just met and other homeless people I had spoken to. I thought it must be frustrating not to be able to experience so many of the day-to-day things that I and many others take for granted such as a roof over our heads, a bed to sleep in, money to buy food and even money to buy presents for a dear one.
1.续写词数应为 150左右;
I decided that I could do something for her.
She raised her head suddenly, with her eyes full of surprise.
1-3 CBA 4-7CBAD 8-11 BDDC 12-15 BDAD
16-20 FDBCG
21-25 CBDCB 26-30 ADACB 31-35 DACBA
36. traditionally 37. participated 38. dynasties 39. whom 40. closer
41. majoring 42. to know 43. a 44. as
45. had been carried



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