
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
例:How much is the shirt?
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
1.How did Lawrence go to work today?
A.By taxi. B.By car. C.By bus.
2.What will the woman do on Saturday night?
A.Go to a restaurant. B.Watch a film. C.See an art show.
3.Why hasn’t Adam come yet?
A.He was busy with work.
B.He had a fight with the woman.
C.He wasn’t told the meeting time.
4.Whose recorder is the best?
A.Jack’s. B.The woman’s. C.The man’s.
5.When does the conversation take place?
A.At 5:00. B.At 4:30. C.At 4:00.
6.Why won’t the boy’s father go home for lunch
A.He is too tireD. B.He is sick, C.He has to look after someone.
7.What does the boy’s father do
A.He’s a doctor. B.He’s a fireman. C.He’s a policeman.
8.What will the man do this summer?
A.Make a webpage. B.Get a new computer. C.Prepare for a concert.
9.What might the speakers both do?
A.Play some computer games.
B.Take music lessons.
C.Travel to Europe.
10.Where does this conversation probably take place?
A.At a store. B.At the man’s room. C.At an art museum.
11.Where did the woman buy the prints?
A.In New York. B.In Boston. C.In a European city.
12.What is the woman planning to do?
A.Organize an art exhibition.
B.Go on another museum tour.
C.Visit some European painters.
13.How old is the man’s niece?
A.Almost three years old. B.Almost four years old. C.Almost five years old.
14.What did the man buy?
A.A doll. B.A dress. C.Some plastic food items.
15.How much did the man spend?
A.$100. B.$120. C.$150.
16.What will the man do next?
A.Go to his car. B.Go to a birthday party. C.Pay for his items.
17.What was Mrs. Brown doing when she found the bears?
A.Having breakfast. B.Going shopping. C.Going to work.
18.How did Mrs. Brown feel about seeing the bears?
A.Upset. B.Afraid C.Surprised.
19.What did the police do
A.They took some pictures,
B.They woke the bears up.
C.They stopped the bears going anywhere.
20.How did the bears get into the car
A.Through a broken window.
B.Through an open door.
C.Through an open window.
Washington Square Park, Manhattan
Its central fountain(喷泉)and Washington Arch(拱门)are immediately recognizable because they’re often seen in films and on television,and the park serves as the center of the famous Manhattan neighborhood. People of all ages cool themselves off here,while musicians from around the globe play for a crowd. The park,rich in history,remains one of the jewels in the park system,serving local residents,chess players,students,performers and tourists.
Van Cortlandt Park, The Bronx
The park gets visitors from the Bronx seeking a bit of calm,and a place with real nature. It’s home to the country’s oldest golf course as well as the oldest building in the Bronx,the Van Cortlandt House Museum,which hosted George Washington on a few occasions during the Revolutionary War. Facilities include a pool,tennis courts and plenty of spots for baseball,soccer,and music.
Maria Hernandez Park, Bushwick, Brooklyn
The park was renamed after Maria Hernandez. Today it feels like a big party,with shopping,a mix of food and music performances in the central courtyard. It’s a park with a lot of personality,but it’s important to say it’s about the Latinx community first. You’ll find the majority of people here speak Spanish and come from Latin America.
Astoria Park, Queens
It works hard for the people of Queens,offering,as many parks do,a calm,green place. Its location is close to a river. Its facilities strengthen the community feel,with a large public pool,a soccer field and a big piece of grassland that serves as a site for regular events,including movie nights,concerts and fireworks shows. There’s also an annual festival.
21.Why is Washington Square Park well-known?
A.It has valuable jewels. B.It has a place to play movies.
C.It has various activities. D.It has special landmarks.
22.In which park do you meet mostly Spanish-speaking people?
A.Washington Square Park B.Van Cortlandt Park.
C.Mara Herandez Park. D.Astoria Park.
23.What do the four parks have in common?
A.They are friendly to music lovers. B.They hold a festival every year.
C.They’re used to honor Washington. D.They’re located in the same district.
Like any other child growing up, Nicole LaMont was an outgoing, adventurous and free-spirited child with the dream of becoming a scientist. "My childhood was filled with imagination of adventure and curiosity, "Nicole said. She experienced a normal childhood, but when she was 12 years old, a terrible illness led her to lose her hearing in both ears.
"My world was turned upside down," said Nicole. "I went from being a talkative, joyous child to being quiet and depressed. "However, she came to realize she had to fight when it was determined that her hearing would not return. With her family’s help,Nicole began to learn American Sign Language(ASL).
A year later,she received an operation where she was implanted(植入)a hearing device,which brought back some light to her life and she also learned how to adapt to the new life. It wasn’t until she attended Gallaudet,a school for the deaf,that she fully devoted herself to ASL and the deaf community." Becoming fluent in ASL and having total communication allowed me to feel a sense of acceptance again,"said Nicole. “I found my confidence and ‘visual(视觉的)voice’ in the performing arts.”
It was then that she made her first request,demanding subtitles(字幕)for movie theatres in Alabama. After much struggle,Nicole’s efforts proved successful,and today nearly all movie theatres in Montgomery and Birmingham offer subtitles for the deaf. After graduating from Gallaudet University,Nicole continued to use her new found "visual voice" through taking part in several activities,becoming Miss Black Deaf D.C. "By doing this, I want to show that deaf people can achieve much. It’s very important to educate and support hearing families that struggle with making the best decisions for their deaf children’s education." said Nicole.
24.Which of the following best describes Nicole’s childhood?
A.Fruitful. B.Colorful C.Lonely D.Poor.
25.What did Nicole get after she mastered ASL?
A.A sense of belonging. B.A hearing device.
C.A chance of going to college. D.A totally new treatment.
26.What can we know from the last paragraph?
A.Nicole called on all US cinemas to offer subtitles.
B.Nicole was going to donate her invention-visual voice.
C.Nicole was determined to train more deaf kids to go to school.
D.Nicole hoped to promote deaf education in hearing families.
27.What’s the best title for the text?
A.More Self-Control,More Success
B.Keep Going,and You Can Make It
C.Illness Makes One More Confident
D.He Who Laughs Last Laughs Longest
Last week,three wildfires swept through the island of Maui in Hawaii. The fires have claimed at least 111 lives. Many people are still unaccounted for(下落不明).Some of the fires are still burning.
The wildfires began on Tuesday night,August 8.Soon,extremely strong winds caused the fires to grow out of control. There were around 400 alarms used to warn people about dangers like this,80 of them in Maui,but none of them went off. People only found out about the fires when they saw them. The historic area of Lahaina on the west side of Maui was hit worst. The wildfire destroyed over 2,700 buildings around Lahaina,most of them homes. The Lahaina wildfire is the deadliest wildfire in the US since 1918.
The causes of the fires haven’t yet been determined,but the National Weather Service had issued warnings for the Hawaiian Islands for high winds and dry weather-conditions ripe for wildfires. It’s worthwhile mentioning that the wildfires in Hawaii burned through grasslands. About 25%of Hawaii is covered with grasses that originally came from Africa. They grow quickly and push out plants that grow naturally in Hawaii. The grasses created huge amounts of dry fuel(燃料)to feed the fires.
Much of the western part of Maui remains without power. Local officials have also warned against drinking tap water-even if it is boiled. Though some cell services have been restored,authorities have also asked residents to text rather than talk over the phone because of restrained bandwidth(带宽).
There are so many questions that need to be answered by the government. People feel like the warnings came too late,and there hasn’t been enough help after the fire. There’s a bad need for power lines to be restored. Plus,shortages of food,water and fuel are growing. Many local people are working together to solve problems themselves. Fortunately,the government has promised to look into the fire and the way it was dealt with.
28.What made the locals fail to find out about the wildfires in time?
A.The fires spread too fast at night. B.The alarms did not work at all.
C.They ignored the dry weather. D.They were sleeping at that time.
29.What can we know about African grasses from the text?
A.They favor nature protection. B.They enrich the local plants.
C.They fueled the wildfires. D.They blocked the wildfire rescue.
30.What does the underlined word "restrained" in paragraph 4 mean?
A.Developed. B.Damaged C.Limited D.Recovered.
31.What is the author’s attitude to the government’s rescue operations?
A.Positive. B.Proud C.Unclear D.Unsatisfie.
More people will soon be able to enjoy Greece’s clear blue waters as hundreds of beaches in Greece now offer a new way to people with mobility challenges,including those in wheelchairs and the elderly.
This way is called Seatrac, which is a chair on a moving ramp(坡道)that can smoothly carry a disabled(残疾)person into the sea, Once in the sea,the person can either remain in the chair,enjoying the water or go for a swim. The chair is operated by remote control. When. the person is ready to get out of the water,the Seatrac system brings the chair back to the top of the ramp.
The idea for it came when one of the inventors,Ignatios Fotiou, was talking with a friend who used a wheelchair. The friend said he enjoyed the sea,but didn’t like having to be carried into the ocean as if he were a sack of potatoes. Realizing that there must be a way to make it easier for wheelchair users to get into the water,he worked with his partner and a professor at a Greek university to design the system. Later,they formed a company called TOBEA to build the system.
The company worked hard to make the system simple to put in place and easy to run. A wooden walkway allows wheelchair users to reach the Seatrac. This is a solar powered system. It doesn’t require outside power,and can continue to run even if the electricity goes out. The Seatrac system can easily be packed up and stored when swimming season ends.
In 2023, it’s being used at over 220 beaches for free in Greece,Cyprus,Italy,and Latvia. TOBEA soon hopes to offer Seatrac in other countries,as well,including the US. The Greek government hopes that fully accessible beaches contribute to increasing the wealth of the country by attracting visitors with disabilities,as well as visitors with limited mobility, such as elderly people,pregnant women and people with short-term injuries.
32.What can the Seatrac system do
A.Make its users enjoy the sea.
B.Build a special walkway for the elderly.
C.Charge the wheelchairs all the time.
D.Help the disabled to walk normally.
33.What made Fotiou come up with the idea of inventing Seatrac?
A.His friend’s words. B.His love for beaches.
C.TOBEA’s development. D.A professor’s research.
34.What can we infer about TOBEA?
A.It wants to get rich by promoting Seatrac. B.It pursues product excellence.
C.It produces cheaper wheelchairs. D.It attempts to help Seatrac go into the USA.
35.What does Greece expect of Seatrac?
A.It’ll be wheelchair-friendly. B.It’ll reach customers soon.
C.It’ll help increase its economy. D.It’ll be used by tourists for free.
Anyone can father a child,but being a dad takes a lifetime. 36 This role can have a large impact on a child and help shape him or her into the person they hope to become.
Fathers,like mothers,are pillars(支柱)in the development of a child’s emotional well-being. 37 Studies have shown that when fathers are caring and supportive,it greatly affects children’s social development.
38 Fathers not only influence who we are inside,but how we have relationships with people as we grow. The way a father treats his child will influence what his child looks for in other people. Friends and spouses(配偶)will all be chosen based on how the child perceives the meaning of the relationship with his or her father.
A father shows his daughter what a good relationship with a man is like. If a father is loving and gentle,his daughter will look for those qualities in men when she’s old enough to begin dating. 39
Unlike girls,who model their relationships with others based on their fathers’ characters,boys model themselves after their fathers’ characters. 40 If a father is caring and treats people with respect,the young boy will grow up much the same. When a father is absent,young boys look to other male figures to set the "rules" for how to behave and survive in the world.
A.Young girls depend on their own emotions.
B.Fathers set the standard for relationships with others.
C.Fathers’ role helps treat their sons and daughters equally.
D.Boys will seek recognition from their fathers from a very young age.
E.Fathers play a role in every child’s life that cannot be replaced by others.
F.Children look to their fathers to provide a sense of emotional security.
G.If a father is strong and brave,she’ll relate closely to men of the same characters.
I live in Sarasota,Florida,where sudden and terrible rainstorms can often come out of nowhere. People who are not from around here will never 41 to bring an umbrella with them every 42 day.
One beautiful afternoon,my mother and I were heading for our 43 in her car after taking my cat to hospital. Suddenly,as so often 44 ,a heavy rainstorm blew in.
While waiting at a red light,we noticed a 45 over to the side of the road. Someone was crouching(蹲着)at the bus stop. Looking 46 , we came to clearly see this was a young woman,crouching low to 47 her young daughter as they waited for the bus. She got wet all through.
As traffic began to move, my mother felt 48 but was unable to think of what she could do. At the very next light, 49 going home, she turned to the left and then circled back around the block to 50 .
As they came into view 51 , the young mother still covering her child with her own body,my mom 52 .She grabbed her umbrella and ran over to them. Not saying a word,she 53 handed the young mother the umbrella,smiling, and ran back.
I’m so glad I witnessed this 54 on my mother’s part. I’m following my mom’s 55 ,always ready to warm someone else in need.
41.A.afford B.agree C.know D.hesitate
42.A.busy B.sunny C.tiring D.unforgettable
43.A.shop B.office C.hotel D.home
44.A.happens B.reports C.matters D.continues
45.A.car B.figure C.light D.cat
46.A.lower B.longer C.closer D.faster
47.A.free B.save C.educate D.protect
48.A.sorry B.lonely C.awkward D.confused
49.A.due to B.instead of C.as for D.apart from
50.A.follow B.guide C.help D.wait
51.A.recently B.again C.immediately D.once
52.A.pulled over B.gave up C.broke down D.got away
53.A.curiously B.casually C.simply D.actually
54.A.improvement B.courage C.faith D.Kindness
55.A.view B.advice C.plan D.example
English and French tourist guidebooks that introduce the popular attractions along the Yellow River were distributed(发行)on Tuesday in Yuncheng, North China’s Shanxi Province, 56 (promote) international tourism along China’s "Mother River".
The Yellow River Tourism Overseas Promotion Season 2023, 57 includes the distribution of foreign language guidebooks,aims at giving a full picture of the Yellow River,the birthplace of Chinese civilization.
During the opening ceremony,English and French guidebooks containing nine 58 (select)tourism routes were distributed. Zhang Ruirui, 59 official from the Department of Resource Development at the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, 60 say)that there are a total of 40 tour routes along the Yellow River.
As the second 61 (long)river in China and one of the cradles(摇篮)of Chinese civilization,the Yellow River flows through nine provinces in northern China. 62 desert views of the Silk Road in the Hexi Corridor to Confucius’ hometown in Shandong Province in East China,the nine routes chosen 63 (careful)cover the nine provinces which the river runs through, 64 point out the unique attractions worth 65 (visit)in each area.
In addition,five other routes that take tourists deep into villages along the Yellow River are included in the new guidebooks,too.
注意:1.写作词数应为80 左右;
Early in the morning,Abbie,a cleaner,got out of her truck and loaded all the rubbish into her vehicle. She was about to leave when she noticed a stroller(婴儿车)in the middle of the road.
Wondering why a stroller was lying there with nobody around,she decided to approach it. When she looked inside,she jumped back,surprised to find’ twin baby girls sleeping in it.’ Abbie looked around again but didn’t see anyone. She knocked on a few nearby doors,asking if they knew anyone with twin baby girls,but no one did.
Finally, Abbie called the police and the CPS(儿童保护服务局)was called in, and the kids were placed in their care. "You didn’t find anything on the girls, ma’am?"Officer Barton whose wife was an art teacher asked. "No,"she said. "But how can someone just give up such beautiful babies?"The officer said,"Thank you,ma’am. We’ll let you know if we come across anything."
Abbie lived alone and had no children. That night at home,she felt terrible when she thought about the girls. What if something terrible happened to them?
Time flew by, and there was no information about the twins’ parents. Abbie was ready to adopt(收养)them. But when she got to the CPS, Barton told her, "So sorry that they’re deaf. People don’t want disabled children."
"Who said that?"Abbie shouted,jumping to her feet." I will do anything to bring them up!"Hearing this,Barton felt moved.
Abbie named the girls Hannah and Daina. She didn’t even have separate beds for the girls,but Abbie loved them and began working two jobs to support them. Abbie was very happy that Hannah and Daina studied hard at school,and they were good at drawing models and clothes.
12 years later, Abbie received a call from Bethany, the founder of a fashion company. ____________________________
"Thanks for your help, Bethany," Abbie said excitedly. _________________________________________________
Text 1
M: Why was Lawrence late for the meeting this morning Did he have to wait for the bus
W: Yes. He had to wait so long for a bus that he finally had to take a taxi. His car is under repair again.
Text 2
M: What are you doing on Friday There's a new movie I' d like to see.
W: I'm going out to dinner with my parents. I'll be free on Saturday night, though. We can go see it then.
M: Great! I'll pick you up after I stop by the museum for my friend's art show.
Text 3
M: Where is Adam He was supposed to meet us here half an hour ago, but he hasn't come yet.
W: I just talked to him on the phone, and we got into a fight. He was busy with a report and didn't notice the time.
Text 4
W: Your tape recorder is not as good as the one I bought yesterday.
M: Well, mine's better than Jack' s.
Text 5
W: Oh, my God! It's already half past four, and I haven' t finished typing these business letters for my boss.
M: Your watch must be half an hour fast. Take it easy.' You still have one hour to do them.
Text 6
M: Mom, Dad called and said that he wouldn't be home for lunch.
W: Did he say why .
M: Yes, one of his men got sick, and he was going to stay there to look after him.
W: He must be very tired. When will he be home
M: He didn't say. There had been a big fire in town and it had taken him and his fellow workers nearly all morning to put it out.
W: I hope he wasn't hurt.
Text 7
M: Summer vacation is finally here.
w: So, what are you doing this summer
M: I plan to spend a lot of time on my new computer. I just got some new games. I' m also making a webpage. How about you
W: My parents want me to take more piano lessons. My dad says if I go to every lesson, he' II take me to a classical music concert.
M: I don't listen to much classical music. So, what else are you going to do
W: My family always goes somewhere in July. This year, we may go to Spain.
M: Really We' re thinking about going to Europe, too. Maybe I'll see you there.
Text 8
W: The walls in your room were dull and lifeless so I covered them with these prints.
M: Oh, I like this one. Where did you buy it
W: I bought all of them at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. The Art History Department recently organized a special museum tour there.
M: Is this a copy of something in the museum collection
W: Yes, it's a print of a painting by Georgia o' Keffe called “Lake George Window".
M: It looks more like a photograph. Is the Art History Department planning another museum tour
W: Yes, the next one is a special exhibition of European painters at the Museum of Fine Art in Boston. I think I will sign up for that one. Maybe I will even come back with prints to put up on the walls of my room.
Text 9
W: How can I help you today
M: I' m looking for a present for my three-year-old niece. Tomorrow is her birthday.
W: What does she like
M: She likes princesses,dolls , and baking.
W: We have a lot of princess dresses and many dolls. We have a play kitchen, too.
M: The play kitchen looks nice.
W: You can also buy plastic food items for her to cook with.
M: She' d love that. I'll take it. How much does it cost
W: The play kitchen is $ 100, and each plastic food item is $5.
M: Okay, I' II take the kitchen and then these items.
W: Your total comes to $120. Will that be cash or credit card
M: Cash. Here's $150.
W: Thank you. Here' s your change. I'll have someone help you put the kitchen into your car in a second. 'Thanks for shopping with us today, and I hope your niece has a wonderful birthday.
M: Thanks!
Text 10
Three young bears were found in a car earlier this morning. Police officials have said that Linda Brown found the three bears sleeping in her car when she went food shopping earlier this morning. Mrs. Brown said that she was very surprised but not scared by the sleeping bears. “They were so cute that I didn't want to bother them. So, I just took some pictures," she said. After the police arrived on the scene, they shook the car to wake the bears up. Surprised, the bears jumped out of the car and ran into the park next door. The police didn't try to stop the bears as they ran back to the forest. It seemed Mrs. Brown had forgotten to close one of the windows of her car, and the bears climbed in to sleep for the night. When asked what she was going to do, Mrs. Brown said, “I'm late for work, but that's OK. It was fun seeing the bears. Maybe I' II post the pictures online.
1—5 ABABC 6—10 CBACB 11—15 ABACB16—20 ABCBC 21—25 DCABA 26—30 DBBCC 31一35 DAABC 36—40 EFBGD 41—45 CBDAB 46—50 CDABC 51—55 BACDD
56.to promote 57.Which 58.Selected 59. an
60.said 61.longest 62.from . 63.carefully
64.and 65.visiting
One possible version:
Everyone will make mistakes, but realizing and correcting our mistakes is the best policy.
On the subject of being honest,an experience appeared in my mind. It was in my junior high school that I couldn't find my English textbook one day. So I began to look for the book everywhere at home. Unluckily, because of my carelessness, I broke an expensive vase that my mom liked best. I was too frightened to tell the truth when she came
home. So our cat was the scapegoat. After a night of mental struggle, I told my mother the truth the next morning. She forgave me and gave me a hug.
It is not terrible to make mistakes, but we should correct our mistakes after we realize them.
One possible version:
12 years later, Abbie received a call from Bethany, the founder of a fashion company. Bethany told Abbie that her daughters' works impressed her deeply, so she planned to spend $500 ,000 on them, inviting them to draw models and different clothes for her. Abbie thanked Bethany again and again and asked Bethany curiously how she got to know her daughters’ works. Bethany explained that the girls' art teacher appreciated their abilities very much and talked about them with her husband, Barton who recommended them to his good friend Bethany. Learning this, Abbie thanked Barton from the bottom of heart.
“Thanks for your help, Bethany ,”Abbie said excitedly. She hugged her girls as she hung up the phone. In sign language, she told them, “You are the brightest stars in my universe.” Then she told the girls what Bethany said to her. The girls decided to accept the opportunity. Meanwhile, they made up their minds to study hard and go to college to learn more about the industry. The family also planned to go to visit Barton and his wife to thank them for their kind help.



