
The archaeological ruins of Liangzhu in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, which date back 5,300 years, 1_____ (include) onto the UNESCO World Heritage list as a cultural site on July 9, 2019, bringing the total number of the Asian country's sites on the list 2. 55.The ruins,3. core area covers 14.3 square kilometers in the northwest of Hangzhou,are considered as an important 4. (represent) of early urban civilization, with rice-growing agriculture as the economic foundation.
The heritage site includes city ruins with palace 5. (remain), 11 early-stage dams, high-level cemetery sites. The site is also known for its abundance of ceremonial jade, which shows a complicated ritual system and indicates a kingdom with 6. combined authority of god and kingship.
For example, cong -- the jade piece that forms a rectangle tube with a circular inner section--is typical of artifact 7. (earth) in Liangzhu. In 1986, 8. (big) known item of this kind, which weighs 6.5 kilograms and 9. (refer) to as the "King of Cong", was discovered in Fanshan Cemetery in the city ruins.
Found in 2007, walls of the ruins and the surrounding water conservation system combined to display a massive infrastructure base, the construction of which is estimated 10. (take) 4,000 people a decade to accomplish.
Li Xiaodong, Vice President of the Internet Society of China and 1._________(found) of Fuxi Institution, was interviewed by CGTN reporter Zhou Yixin during the World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit on November 9. He 2.________(propose) that the fundamental purpose for 3. _____________(promote) the “people-oriented" development of AI is that it could liberate people 4.___________ complicated, boring and repetitive labor. He said this has the potential 5. __________(create) the space for people to engage in more creative activities that 6. __________ (well) reflect human values.
Zhi Zhenfeng,7.__________ researcher at the Institute of Law at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and a professor at the University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said China has the world's 8.__________(large) number of netizens and 9. __________(be) a global leader in the application of internet technology. This 10.______________ (guarantee) China's position as a front-runner in global internet and AI governance, he added, which is reflected in Beijing's efforts to propose Chinese ideas and solutions.
The government has awarded $5 million to three different local nonprofit organizations. The money will ____1____(distribute) over a four-year period and is aimed at helping approximately 1, 000 homeless people in the county of Arvada.
One agency, ____2____(base) in Woodbridge, is expected ____3____(receive) $1. 5 million. The agency director says that they will focus their resources on ____4____(educate) the homeless. “We will probably build another school-home with this money,” he said. “A school-home is exactly ____5____ it sounds like. It is a school and a home. We have already built four school-homes throughout the county. We get the homeless off the street, ____6____ we educate them so they don’t have to return to the street. We teach them how to be gardeners, painters, carpenters, bricklayers, electricians, and air-conditioning repairmen.”
“You wouldn’t believe ____7____ success that we have had. In fact, a couple of weeks ago, our office air-conditioning went out. My secretary called a repairman. To our surprise, the repairman ____8____(be) one of our first homeless students. He now owns his own air-conditioning business, plus two houses, two cars and a boat! He has a dozen employees. He’s doing better than I am. He fixed our air-conditioning ____9____ free. I think I might sign up for the air-conditioning class _____10_____(I). ”
Thirty-six visually-impaired (视力缺损的) visitors head to the Hulun Buir grassland in north China’s Inner. Mongolia. Li Manshuo is one of the volunteers 1.______(accompany)them. Her “job” is to help three group members “experience” the sights as best they can.
Li is studying 2.______ a master’s degree in tourism management and she’s using her midterm break to undertake the trip. “Visually-impaired travelers get the experience ___3.___(main) through smelling or listening, or touching with their hands,” Li says. “Also, with our 4. ______(describe), they can create a picture of the scene in their minds.”
Guiding instead of taking over, Mei Zhiyu is the director of Zhisu Commonweal Organization, a Suzhou-based non-profit organization that, through 5.______(it) own travel agency, has given more than 1, 000 brave blind and low-vision travelers the chance 6.______(explore) places all over China.
Before a tour sets out, the volunteers, each of _____7___ is normally assigned to two or three travelers, receive safety instructions and basic training. Throughout the trip, their performance _____8___(assess) by Mei on a daily basis. “The most important thing is not to think of them as incapacitated people,” he says.
“Actually, most visually-impaired people have a ____9____(great) capacity to look after themselves than we think, and we try to offer them the same experiences as sighted travelers.”
Mei likes his role to work like a bridge, connecting the visually-impaired to the outside world. “Even though they can’t see,”he says, “they can experience _____10_____ world in other ways.”
Su Mingjuan, the former poster girl for China’s most ___1___ (influence) education charity, has recently come back in the national spotlight as a delegate(代表) to the 20th National Congress of the Community Party of China.
In 1991, a photograph of the then 8-year-old Su, ___2___ a pair of large, bright eyes crying for knowledge, ___3___(touch) the hearts of numerous people. Su was born into ___4___ poor farming family in Jinzhai, East China’s Anhui Province. The image of Su, then a first-grader, was ___5___ (actual) taken by a photographer who went into the remote mountainous areas to see how the Project Hope had helped rural drop-outs.
Su became the poster girl for Project Hope after this image impressed many people in China. Project Hope, which ___6___ (found) by the China Youth Development Foundation in 1989, is devoted to ___7___ (help) poor children get education. Over the past three ___8___ (decade), it has made a difference in the lives of 6 million students from poor families nationwide, among ___9___ is Su. The picture of Su, entitled “I want to go to school”, has been reprinted nationwide in newspapers, magazines and billboards, and has since become a symbol of the country’s efforts ____10____(promote) nine-year compulsory education among all school-age children.
TED Talks are really cool. But do you know what TED stands for and where it comes from In February 1984, a group of technology enthusiasts ___1___(gather) in Monterey, California, to share thoughts on three subjects—technology, ___2___(entertain) and design. It was the start of the acronym (首字母缩略词) and the organisation TED.
Then in 2001, Chris Anderson, ___3___ magazine entrepreneur (企业家) purchased TED through his non-profit foundation from TED co-founder Richard Saul Wurman. The style of TED then went from a closed conference ___4___ an open platform for spreading ideas. Indeed the organisation’s motto is “Ideas worth ___5___(spread)”, and the new website makes that ___6___(true) happen.
The organisation really didn’t assume its current form and its expansive (广泛的) public footprint until 2006. In 2006, TED’s leadership decided to put its collections of ___7___(record) talks online for free. The thinking was ___8___ there were limits to how much impact a talk could have if its audience was only a thousand people, even if those people were influential ones. Back then, it ___9___(consider) a risky and even radical move. But now, TED staff members can give a series of 1.9 million TED Talk video views a day, 1,600 plus TED Talks online, 9,000 TED ___10___(event) in 157 countries.
第一篇:1.were included 2.to 3.whose 4.representative 5.remains
a 7.unearthed 8.the biggest 9.is referred 10.to have taken
第二篇:1.founder 2.proposed 3.promoting 4.from 5.to create
6.better 7.a 8.largest 9.is 10.guarantees
第三篇:1. be distributed 2. based 3. to receive 4. educating 5. what
6. and 7. the 8. was 9. for 10. mysel
第四篇:1. accompanying 2. for 3. mainly 4. description/descriptions 5. its
6. to explore 7. whom 8. is assessed 9. greater 10. the
第五篇:1. influential 2. with 3. touched 4. a 5. actually
6. was founded 7. helping 8. decades 9. whom 10. to promote
第六篇:1. gathered 2. entertainment 3. a 4. to 5. spreading
6. truly 7. recorded 8. that 9. was considered 10. events



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