
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
例:How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
1.What’s the man going to do this evening
A.Clean the house. B.Go swimming. C.Have a party.
2.What promise does the man make
A.To find a roommate for the woman.
B.To rent an apartment for the woman.
C.To share an apartment with the woman.
3.When will the speakers meet
A.At 5:30. B.At 5:45. C.At 6:15.
4.What does the woman mean
A.She’s on a diet. B.She isn’t very hungry. C.She hasn’t had lunch yet.
5.Where does the conversation take place
A.In a library. B.At a cinema. C.On a plane.
6.How does the man feel now
A.Excited. B.Regretful. C.Undecided.
7.What does the man say about the new job
A.It’s challenging. B.It’s well-paid. C.It’s creative.
8.What does the woman want to do
A.Travel along the Silk Road.
B.Organize trips along the Silk Road.
C.Read more books about the Silk Road.
9.What does the woman probably like about Iran
A.Its history. B.Its climate. C.Its art.
10.What does the woman use to make the soup
A.Fresh tomatoes. B.Canned tomatoes. C.Roast tomatoes.
11.Who taught the woman how to make the soup
A.Her aunt. B.Her friend. C.Her mother.
12.Why does the woman replace cream with milk
A.It is much cheaper. B.It makes the soup taste better. C.It was recommended by a friend.
13.How long should the soup be boiled
A.For about 5 minutes. B.For about 10 minutes. C.For about 30 minutes.
14.What does the woman offer to do for the man
A.Clean up his room. B.Make a call to a hotel. C.Change travelers’ checks.
15.What does the man think of the town
A.Large. B.Modern. C.Beautiful.
16.When was the town founded
A.In the 7th century. B.In the 13th century. C.In the 17th century.
17.Where are the speakers probably
A.Near a square. B.In a hotel. C.At a travel agency.
18.What will the government do for the trip
A.Make travel plans. B.Guarantee security. C.Offer financial support.
19.What can be known about Leanne
A.She is fluent in Chinese. B.She hasn’t been abroad. C.She will organize the trip.
20.What is Leanne going to do later
A.Teach kids Chinese. B.Raise questions about trips. C.Share her experiences.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
With over 600 castles, unique cultural traditions and dramatic coastline, it’s shocking that only a small percentage of visitors to the United Kingdom set foot in Wales. Here’s what to know for planning your trip to Wales.
Planning Your Trip
Best Time to Visit: Wales is at its best from the late spring through early summer. You can expect a fair bit of rain, but also beautiful flowers then. Wales’s mild, damp climate means that there’s only a small variation among temperatures throughout the year.
Language: English and Welsh, the latter of which has seen a resurgence (复苏) in recent years. According to a survey conducted by the Welsh government in early 2023, less than 30 percent of the population can speak Welsh. The government aims to have 1 million Welsh speakers by 2050.
Getting Around: Wales is a tiny country—you can drive from Cardiff, along the Southern coast, to Angelsey, an island in the north, in about 4.5 hours. Wales is also supported by an excellent network of cycling and rail connections.
Things to Do
Activities can include everything from visiting the many famous television and film sites to simply lying on one of Wales’s sandy beaches.
● Spend at least a day or two in Cardiff, Wales’s largest city. This university town has excellent nightlife and restaurants and is also home to the National Museum of Wales, which houses one of Europe’s best collections of Impressionist art.
● Wales is a surfing hotspot, with surfers taking to the sea in Whitesands and Freshwater West in Pembrokeshire, Oxwich Bay, and Llangennith in Gower, among others. Want to get your feet wet in a milder environment Adventure Parc Snowdonia has an artificial wave pond, perfect for beginners.
21.What’s an effect of Wales’s climate
A.Late summer is the best time to visit Wales.
B.There is always unexpected rain in Wales.
C.Beautiful flowers can be seen in Wales throughout the year.
D.The temperature in Wales stays relatively stable all year round.
22.Adventure Parc Snowdonia is a good choice for those who ______.
A.want to start learning to surf B.enjoy challenging themselves
C.like surfing in a natural environment D.desire to become professional surfers
23.What can be known from the text
A.Angelsey is a dozen hours’ drive away from Cardiff.
B.The majority of Welsh people are unable to speak Welsh.
C.Wales enjoys a great popularity among visitors to the UK.
D.Europe’s largest collection of Impressionist art is in Wales.
In July 2020, Rex and Britnee Smith realized their two pet dogs, Jack and Jill, were no longer in their fenced backyard in Little Rock Arkansas. They went from door to door in their neighborhood, putting up posters, reaching out to animal shelters and vets’ offices and posting on social media. It was a sad time for the Smiths, especially for their 5-year-old daughter, who had a special bond with the dogs.
Eventually in December, the Smiths and their two children had to relocate about 300 miles away to McKinney, Texas. They still occasionally received calls from shelters or got pictures of dogs that could be theirs, but Jack and Jill were never located. While the Smiths had heard stories about dogs being found and returned to their owners via microchips, they never expected that to happen to them.
Then in late July 2023, the Little Rock Animal Village called Rex to inform him Jill had been found. He immediately called Britnee, who cried tears of joy. Britnee was a little nervous as they drove to pick up Jill, worried that she wouldn’t remember them or had changed to be more aggressive. But that wasn’t the case.
“It’s like she never left us,” Britnee recalled. “She came right into our arms.” The Smiths said they were unsure what happened to Jill in the three years away, although she’d been found just a few blocks away from their old house. “We wish she could talk,” Rex said. “We have so many questions to ask her.” Jill was overall healthy but had suffered some scratches. Her paws were raw, likely from the 100-degree Fahrenheit heat in Arkansas.
The Smiths immediately took her to the vet and dog spa, where Jill had her nails clipped, her teeth brushed and her hair combed.
Now they’re still on the lookout for Jack.
24.What did the Smiths do after the loss of their dogs
A.They added a fence to their backyard. B.They tried every means to look for them.
C.They did their best to comfort their daughter. D.They moved house instantly to avoid sadness.
25.Why was Britnee anxious on the way to picking up Jill
A.Years of separation might make them feel distant.
B.The phone call might end up being fruitless again.
C.Jill might have suffered unimaginable abuse.
D.Her expectation might make her uncontrollable on the scene.
26.How was Jill when she got reunited with her owners
A.She looked sick and weak. B.She was beyond recognition.
C.She was physically injured. D.She was unable to make a sound.
27.What conclusion can be drawn about Jill from the text
A.She was adopted several times. B.She was with Jack in the past few years.
C.She was discovered near Britnee’s new home. D.She was indeed greatly valued by her owners.
Throughout history, technological progress has brought new wealth but hasn’t always improved people’s lives. Economists now say it isn’t clear whether artificial intelligence (AI) will help or hurt society. Simon Johnson teaches economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He said AI has a lot of possibilities. But he added, “We are at a fork in the road.”
Supporters say technology will create wealth and improve living standards. Some go as far as saying AI will increase people’s free time and help them be more creative. But others are worried technology will lead to job losses. They point to Hollywood writers and actors who are worried that they’ll be replaced by technology.
The Internet arrived with a similar promise of more productivity, wealth and jobs. The French bank Natixis noted in its research that most of the wealth has gone to a few billionaires. And many of the jobs don’t require highly paid, skilled workers. The bank warned in its report, “We should be cautious when estimating the effects of artificial intelligence on labor productivity.”
Research of 5,300 workers about AI shows that some workers hope technology will increase pay and job satisfaction. But they’re also concerned that technology could push people to work too hard. History has also shown the economic effect of technological progress is generally uncertain, unequal and even harmful.
Johnson noted that it’s easier to create something new than to make sure it works for everyone. His book, Power and Progress, shows how the arrival of rail travel improved the lives of many people in England in the 1800s. People were able to travel longer distances and eat fresh food because it could move faster from farms to cities. On the other hand, Johnson said self-checkout technology at food stores doesn’t lower the costs or make life easier for people. All it does is reduce the number of workers and help businesses lower labor costs.
As for AI technology, Johnson wonders if it’ll make existing inequalities worse, or help us get back to something fairer.
28.What does the underlined expression “at a fork in the road” in paragraph 1 probably mean
A.In a situation free from pressure. B.In a situation filled with expectations.
C.In a situation where the outcome is uncertain. D.In a situation where choices are extremely few.
29.Why does the author mention Hollywood writers and actors in paragraph 2
A.To show the widespread use of AI. B.To indicate people’s anxiety about AI.
C.To stress people’s high expectation of AI. D.To reveal the wealth-creating function of AI.
30.Which word can best describe people’s concerns about AI in paragraph 4
A.Well-founded. B.Unreasonable. C.Ill-judged. D.Unnecessary.
31.What’s the benefit of self-checkout technology at food stores according to Johnson
A.Adding to the attraction of the stores. B.Bringing down the spending of customers.
C.Speeding up the checkout flow of customers. D.Reducing the operating expenses of the stores.
Plants may tell us when they’re in trouble. Thirsty tomato and tobacco plants make clicking sounds, researchers have found. The sounds are ultrasonic (超声波的), meaning they are too high-pitched for human ears to hear. But when the sounds are transformed to lower pitches, they sound like popping bubbles (爆破的泡泡). Plants also make clicks when their stems (茎) are cut.
“It’s not like the plants are screaming,” says Lilach Hadany, an evolutionary biologist working at Tel Aviv University in Israel. “Plants may not mean to make these noises. We’ve shown only that plants create informative sounds.”
Hadany and her colleagues first heard the clicks when they set microphones next to plants on tables in a lab. The microphones caught some noises. But the researchers needed to make sure that the clicking was coming from the plants. So, the scientists placed plants inside soundproof boxes in the basement, far from the noise of the lab. There, microphones picked up ultrasonic pops from thirsty tomato plants. Though it was outside humans’ hearing range, the clicking made by plants was about as loud as a normal conversation.
Cut tomato plants and dry or cut tobacco plants clicked, too. But plants that had enough water or hadn’t been cut stayed mostly quiet. Wheat, corn and grapevines also made sounds when stressed out.
The researchers don’t yet know why plants click. Bubbles forming and then popping inside plant tissues that transport water might make the noises. But however they happen, pops from crops could help farmers, the researchers suggest. Microphones, for example, could monitor fields or greenhouses to detect when plants need to be irrigated (灌溉).
Hadany wonders whether other plants and insects already tune into plant pops. Other studies have suggested that plants respond to sounds. And animals from pests (害虫), moths to mice can hear in the range of the ultrasonic clicks. Sounds made by plants could be heard from around five meters away. Hadany’s team is now studying what the living things near the plants will do after hearing the sounds.
32.What is the main idea of the first paragraph
A.Interpreting plant sounds isn’t easy. B.Plants sound off when they’re in trouble.
C.It’s interesting to hear the sounds of plants. D.Plants make sounds in a different way from humans.
33.Why did the scientists put plants inside soundproof boxes in the basement
A.To enjoy the sounds made by the plants. B.To have a better conversation with the plants.
C.To find out whether the plants did make sounds. D.To keep the plant sounds within their hearing range.
34.In what way can microphones be used to benefit plants
A.Weed prevention. B.Pest control. C.Temperature monitoring. D.Timely irrigation.
35.What still remains unknown to Hadany’s team
A.Whether the sounds of plants can travel far.
B.Whether animals can hear the sounds of plants.
C.How the neighbors of plants respond to their sounds.
D.How plants and animals communicate with each other.
It is very difficult to maintain a healthy routine while travelling. If you want to stay healthy while travelling and want to increase your immunity (免疫力), then read the tips given in this article carefully.
36 As you know, our immune system helps in keeping us away from diseases. Taking a healthy diet and exercising on a daily basis help in boosting good immunity. While travelling, you can do stretching exercises daily in your hotel room. 37 In addition, you can boost your immunity by taking Vitamins C and D every day.
Have a healthy breakfast. When you go on a trip, it is obvious that healthy food may not work for you. In such a situation, you usually keep eating snacks and fast food. Such food is definitely bad for your health. Therefore, if you feel hungry while travelling, we suggest that you have some light and healthy snacks, such as popcorn and dry fruits. 38
Drink lots of water. We often forget to drink water while travelling. We drink water only when either there is food or we are very thirsty. 39 So drink at least 8 glasses of water throughout the day. Or you can also keep a water bottle with you. Drinking a glass of water before sleeping and after waking up in the morning can also help.
Eat the right amount of food. When we go out for a walk, when we are hungry, we tend to overeat. 40 If you want to keep fit and your immune system strong during travelling, then try to eat something light for dinner.
A.Because of this, our weight increases.
B.Exercise daily and take vitamin pills.
C.Test your immunity prior to your travel.
D.But it is not the right time for drinking.
E.Apart from this, you can also keep a protein bar with you.
F.Due to the lack of water in the body, viruses attack us easily.
G.Also, there are many foods that help in boosting the immune system.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
While visiting Bukhara in 2007, I met a local young lady who seemed amazed to see me there alone taking pictures. We exchanged smiles and after some 41 , she eventually said the magic words: “Do you speak English ” Her name was Maty. She was learning English because she 42 to travel to Europe for her studies someday.
Back then tourists were still a 43 sight in Bukhara. Therefore, she had no 44 to practice her spoken English. After some small talk, she 45 to show me around so that she could practice her English. We spent a couple of hours wandering around the Old Town and visiting some places of interest. And I became 46 with many things about the city. At that time, most of the information boards were in Tajik and Russian, so I would have 47 many interesting things without the help of Maty.
Then Maty 48 me to go to her home for dinner with her family. My 49 in the neighborhood was like a show. By then everybody was 50 that a foreigner from Europe was coming to Maty’s house. And all her neighbors were standing on the balcony 51 me. After the 52 , I learned that Maty’s parents had a small restaurant and her mother had even 53 some special things for me. The meal was really rich and delicious. What a(n) 54 !
The kindness of Maty and her family was 55 the most unforgettable part of my Uzbekistan trip! And we still keep in touch by email!
41.A.investigation B.hesitation C.negotiations D.presentations
42.A.agreed B.afforded C.promised D.desired
43.A.rare B.regular C.typical D.particular
44.A.power B.ability C.opportunity D.intention
45.A.pretended B.managed C.guaranteed D.offered
46.A.bored B.familiar C.content D.patient
47.A.missed B.ruined C.forgotten D.abandoned
48.A.permitted B.reminded C.inspired D.invited
49.A.encounter B.investment C.appearance D.exploration
50.A.aware B.nervous C.awkward D.optimistic
51.A.looking into B.dealing with C.waiting for D.learning from
52.A.adaptation B.introduction C.evaluation D.analysis
53.A.returned B.withdrawn C.rejected D.prepared
54.A.treat B.outcome C.relief D.award
55.A.unavoidably B.unacceptably C.undoubtedly D.unbearably
Many years ago, a dance between clay and fire gave rise to a piece of art: porcelain, an artwork 56 is fine and crisp.
Flames in kilns (窑) around China have been burning since the Xia and Shang dynasties. Along the way, porcelain 57 (create).
Porcelain is ceramic made by heating raw materials, often a mix of china stone and kaolin clay, in a kiln at a temperature as high as 1,200 degrees Celsius. Temperature is key to 58 (make) porcelain. Going through the fire of reinvention at a high temperature gives porcelain greater strength 59 richer colors.
Celadon produced in Longquan, Zhejiang Province, with a technique passed down for more than 1,600 years, is a typical example of craftsmen’s pursuit of the perfect green glint. It takes 72 steps 60 (produce) Longquan celadon’s jade-like green. Plum green and light green, or tianqing (the color of the sky after a rain), are two colors of the best quality. Porcelain has also been a 61 (carry) for cultural exchanges. In addition 62 China’s silk and tea, porcelain was one of the first products to receive worldwide trade.
Porcelain began as a practical utensil (器具) and 63 (gradual) became a form of art. Even when porcelain was broken into 64 (piece) and buried deep in mud, the cultural values 65 (attach) to it would never disappear. As a memory that can be felt with both hands, porcelain is touchable history.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
假定你是李华,外教Mr Smith给你发来邮件,让你推荐一个周末游玩的好去处。请你给他回一封邮件,内容包括:
Dear Mr Smith,
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
Music is my first love. I can sit down at the piano and forget all about time and space, all about my problems. During the lowest moment in my life, music was my comfort.
I’m a veteran (退伍军人). After I got out of the service, I began a career in music, and then became an ironworker. A few years ago, the one-bedroom apartment I rented was sold. The developer planned to tear it down. The apartment manager, Ray Randle, gave me two months rent-free to find a new place to live. It didn’t help because I’d been disabled from an accident at work and was living on Social Security.
In quiet desperation and with the help of two friends, Jackie and Anne, I packed up my belongings and moved everything—including my electronic keyboard and my piano—into storage. I slept in my car, thinking it would only be temporary. But weeks turned into months and then months turned into years. My car had become my home.
The one thing that kept me alive was music. The wonderful manager at the storage unit would let me play my piano anytime, day or night. I would lose myself in music. I hit my real low one Christmas Eve when I was driving down a narrow road to where I would park my car and sleep at night. Another car came around the corner and crashed into mine. My car—my only home—lost its right front end. At that point, I really had no place to live. I moved in temporarily with a friend. I felt as if all hope for me had gone.
Bruce Knight, a retired firefighter, drove down to get me. “Veterans do not live in their cars,” he said. He drove me to the local homeless shelter, where I stayed for 75 days. That was where I met with volunteers of America’s Veterans Services. They helped me move into a place called Huot House.
Ken Darby, manager of Huot House, told me to move towards life and hug it. ____________________________
I’m doing much better these days and I continue to play music for different audiences. _____________________
英语 答案
Text 1
W: Would you like to go swimming with me this evening
M: Oh, I’d like to. But my family are going to clean our house for my brother’s birthday party, and I can’t be absent.
Text 2
W: Well, this apartment is really a must-see. Will you come with me to look at it this weekend
M: Certainly. And if you rent it, I can certainly help you find someone else to share the rent with you.
Text 3
M: Why not leave your home at 6:00 Then I can try to pick you up at 6:15.
W: That may be a little late if we want to get good seats. I’d rather leave my home at 5:30 and meet you a quarter later.
M: OK. See you then.
Text 4
M: A vegetable salad and a tomato soup. That’s all you’re having for dinner
W: I had a late lunch.
Text 5
W: Look at the clouds. They’re so beautiful.
M: I can’t agree more. Well, we’ll have a long flight. Let’s watch a movie to kill time.
W: I’d rather read my book.
Text 6
W: What’s the matter, John You seemed to be troubled today.
M: You see, I’ve been offered a new job. I don’t know whether I should take it or not.
W: Oh, that’s easy. If it’s better than the one you are doing now, go for it.
M: It isn’t that easy. I hate to quit my present job. People around here are very nice and the work itself is challenging.
W: Then what about the salary Would you get more
M: Yes, they say I would get a big sum.
W: Have you discussed it with your wife
M: Yes, but she leaves it to me.
W: As I say it, the work is well worth a try. After all, you can get a higher salary.
M: I have to think about it.
Text 7
W: I am attracted by the ancient Silk Road. I have read lots of books about it.
M: Yes, it’s an interesting subject. China had a connection to the West all those years ago.
W: They should make it into a tourist route and organize trips along the whole length. I would book a ticket.
M: But it goes through different countries besides China—India, Afghanistan, Iran... places like that.
W: Oh, I would love to visit Iran.
M: It’s very hot there, apparently. But some of the buildings look splendid.
W: The art is amazing. It is in India as well.
M: There were a few Silk Road routes and they would all be interesting to see.
Text 8
M: This soup is amazing, Jenny. Do you use fresh tomatoes to make it
W: No, Stephen. I just use a can of tomatoes. Some people think roast tomatoes work best, but that’s too much hard work for me.
M: Who taught you to make it
W: My aunt’s friend gave the instructions to my mother, who changed them a bit and then taught me.
M: It’s not too thin, is it
W: That’s because I don’t use much water. At first, I used four cups, then three, but I think two is best, really.
M: So, what else is in it
W: Some butter, an onion, the tomatoes, salt and pepper, and to make it really nice, a cup of milk. It’s much cheaper than cream, you know.
M: Mmm. How long does it take to make
W: No longer than twenty minutes. You fry the onion for five minutes, and everything else, and then boil them for about ten minutes.
Text 9
M: Excuse me, can you tell me where I can find a cheap hotel
W: Certainly. There are a few around here, but the nearest and one of the nicest is just around the corner. It’s called the Euro Hotel. Would you like me to phone to see if they have a room
M: No, that’s OK. I’ll just wander around there myself. Ah! Another thing. I need to change some travelers’ checks, but I don’t know what time the banks close.
W: They close at 7 o’clock in the evening.
M: Thanks. This is a very pretty town, isn’t it It looks terribly old. Do you have any idea how old this town is
W: Yes. It was founded in the 13th century.
M: Really As old as that Wow! Well, I’d better get going. Oh, I’m not sure if we’re near the center of the town, because I’ve only just arrived.
W: Yes, this square out here is just about the center.
M: Thanks for your help. I’ll go to... Oh, sorry, I can’t remember which hotel you suggested.
W: The Euro Hotel.
M: OK. Thanks. Bye.
Text 10
M: Hello, children and parents. Thank you for coming to this meeting. I’d like to start by confirming that we will receive some money from the government for our school trip to China. We will receive about $1,300 per child, which will reduce your cost. Now that we are sure to get the money, it’s time to do some serious planning. We are sure that the trip will be very exciting for the children, especially if you haven’t traveled overseas before. You can learn a lot about other people and cultures on this trip. Leanne is with us tonight. Leanne, where are you Put up your hand, Leanne, so that people can see who you are. Thank you. Leanne can speak Chinese very well and she went on the trip last year. She will be happy to tell you of her experiences and answer any questions you might have later at the meeting.
We only have five weeks to organize the 10-day trip. From the past experience, I can tell you that this time will pass quickly! So we need to start organizing the trip next week.
1—5 AABBC 6—10 CBACB 11—15 CABBC 16—20 BACAC
21—25 DABBA 26—30 CDCBA 31—35 DBCDC 36—40 BGEFA
41—45 BDACD 46—50 BADCA 51—55 CBDAC
56.which/that 57.was created 58.making 59.and 60.to produce
61.carrier 62.to 63.gradually 64.pieces 65.attached
One possible version:
Dear Mr Smith,
Glad to receive your email, in which you asked me to recommend a good place to you so you can enjoy yourself during the weekend. Thank you so much for your trust!
Personally, I think the Celebrity Sculpture Park is a good destination for you. For one thing, you can have a better understanding of Chinese history and culture by appreciating all those sculptures of ancient celebrities in Chinese history. For another, there are abundant amusement facilities in the park, which are sure to bring you both fun and relaxation.
I hope you can have a good weekend there!
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
One possible version:
Ken Darby, manager of Huot House, told me to move towards life and hug it. One of the first things I did when I got settled was get my electronic keyboard out of storage and set it up in the TV room at Huot House. I would play for hours, totally lost in music. People would gather around me, singing and clapping. It was so nice. Music, a universal medium that had helped me, was a great joy to others as well. These experiences helped me feel connected to them and gave me a sense of belonging.
I’m doing much better these days and I continue to play music for different audiences. My health has improved quickly and I have made some great friends who share my interests. Whenever I think back to what Bruce said about veterans living in their cars, I realize how blessed I’ve been that people stepped up and helped me when I couldn’t see how to help myself. They took me in, put me back on the right path and encouraged me to make music. I was born with a gift, and they helped me share it.




下一篇:Unit 1 My name's Gina.Section B (1a?2e)(同步练习)(含答案)2023-2024度人教版英语七年级上册