
听第 7段材料,回答第 8至 10题。
高 2023级高一上期期中考试 8. Who drew the picture
英 语 试 题 A. The man. B. The woman. C. Jeff.
9. What is the woman good at
(考试时间:120分钟;总分 150分 ) A. Drawing pictures. B. Making up stories. C. Recognizing dinosaurs.
10. What is the man looking forward to seeing
注意事项: A. Works finished by the woman and Jeff.
1.答题前,务必将自己的姓名、班级、考号填写在答题卡规定的位置上。 B. AT-Rex comes to today’s real world.
2.答选择题时,必须使用 2B铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦擦干 C. People live peacefully with the dinosaurs.
听第 8段材料, 回答第 11至 14题。
11. What has the woman been doing for nearly an hour
A. Looking at the apartment ads.
4.考试结束后,将答题卡交回。 B. Writing some house sales ads.
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30分) C. Reading some interesting news.
做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题 12. What does the man think of their present apartment
卡上。 A. Small. B. Fine. C. Modern.
第一节 (共 5小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 7.5分) 13. What would the woman would like to choose
听下面 5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并 A. A new place with an extra bedroom.
标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段 B. A new place with a larger kitchen.
对话仅读一遍。 C. A new place with a big dinning room.
1. What does the woman think of the man’s room 14. What can we know from the conversation
A. Big. B. Untidy. C. Clean. A. Their apartment has a small dining room.
2. How is the man going to travel B. The woman earns a small salary.
A. By train. B. By bus. C. By plane. C. The man got a raise last month.
3. What is the man going to do 听第 9段材料, 回答第 15至 17题。
A. Return the ticket. 15. How does the neighbor ’s son bother the woman
B. Take another flight. A. His music player wakes her kids up.
C. Catch the plane at 8:00. B. He shuts the door with loud noise.
4. Where will the man go to spend his vacation C. He sings loudly at night.
A. To Los Angeles. B. To Seattle. C. To Vancouver. 16. What does the woman think about complaining to her neighbors
5. What does the man think of living in a rented flat A. It’s proper. B. It’s useless. C. It’s stupid.
A. Not bad. B. Not good. C. Not sure. 17. What does the man advise the woman to do
A. Report the matter to the police.
第二节(共 15小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 22.5分)
B. Visit the neighbors with a gift.
听下面 5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出 C. Introduce her kids to the neighbors.
最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 听第 10段材料, 回答第 18至 20题。
秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 18. How many languages are spoken in the USA
听第 6段材料,回答第 6、7题。 A. 30. B. 300. C. 900.
6. How much did the woman pay for the jacket 19. Which language has the third largest speakers in the USA
A. $50. B. $60. C. $120. A. Chinese. B. Spanish. C. French.
7. For whom will the man probably buy a jacket 20. Which is the place Korean speakers mainly live in
A. For himself. B. For his wife. C. For his sister. A. Northern California. B. Texas. C. Washington State.
高 2023级 英语试题 第1页,共 8 页 高 2023 级 英语试题 第 2页,共 8页
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50分) In her free time, Abigail plays hockey and basketball, browses the Internet, reads, cooks and hangs out
第一节(共 15小题:每小题 2.5分,满分 37.5分) with her friends(they are all 17 and 18 years old). She has also studied music. Her mother says that Abigail’s
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 music lessons have helped her to be a normal teen. She believes that Abigail needs to be in a situation where
A she has to fail in order to learn. “She finds playing the piano to be very difficult, but it has made her learn
It’s quite hard to make a list of the most beautiful cities to visit in Italy, as every city in Italy has its own better,” said Nancy. “She can’t always be successful, or she won’t learn anything! People always learn more
look and unique atmosphere. However some of them are more popular than the others. And here is the list of from their failures than from their successes.”
them. 24. Abigail spoke her first word when she was ______.
Venice A. 15 months old B. 22 months old
Venice, a unique city built over the water, is one of Italy's most beautiful and romantic cities. The heart of C. 17 months old D. 18 months old
Venice is Piazza San Marco with its magnificent church, Saint Mark's Basilica. Wandering along Venice's 25. Why does Abigail’s mother think learning to play the piano is good for Abigail
canals and getting lost in its narrow streets must be appealing. Venice is in the northeast of Italy and A. Because Abigail can make new friends.
historically was a bridge between East and West. B. Because Abigail can learn something from failure.
Milan C. Because Abigail can learn to play a musical instrument.
Milan, one of Europe's wealthiest cities, is known for stylish shops, galleries and restaurants 1t also has a D. Because Abigail can be motivated and do things quickly.
rich artistic and cultural heritage. Its Gothic Duomo,with its beautiful marble facade(大理石外墙),is 26. Which of the following statements is TRUE
magnificent. Da Vinci's painting The Last Supper, which is in Santa Maria Delle Grazie, is one of Milan's top
attractions. A. Almost all of Abigail’s classmates are older than her.
Naples B. Abigail’s parents read very difficult stories to her in order to make her a genius.
Naples is one of Italy's most lively cities. It lies on the coast south of Rome and is the most important city C. Abigail started taking classes at an International Baccalaureate program at the age of ten.
in southern Italy. Naples keeps much of its Baroque character and is a staring point for trips to Pompeii, D. Abigail made history because she became the youngest ever to enter an American university.
Herculaneum, and the Amalfi Coast. It holds many historical and artistic treasures, and is famous for its pizza 27. Which of the following titles is the most suitable for the article
and desserts! A. Roads to Success. B.Universities in America.
Bologna C. Abigail — a Genius Girl. D.Difficulty of Making Mistakes.
Bologna is known for its beauty, wealth and food. Its flat streets are lined with arcades(拱廊),making it C
a good walking city in every kind of weather. Bologna is the biggest city in northern Italy's Emilia Romagna One day, King Sisyphus of Corinth was trying to solve the city’s fresh water problem. He happened to
region and its Piazza Maggiore is one of the biggest squares in Europe. Even among Italians, it's considered the look up and saw Zeus fly by. The king of gods was carrying a lovely river spirit (小精灵) in his arms.
cooking capital of the country. “That Zeus,” sighed (叹气) King Sisyphus. “What a trouble-maker!”
21. How does Venice differ from other cities in Italy according to the article
A. Its streets are lined with arcades. B. It’s a city built over the water. Soon after, the river god Asopus flew by. “Sisyphus! Have you seen my daughter ” he asked.
C. It is a starting point for trips to Pompeii. D. It has a rich artistic and cultural heritage. “If you give my city a source of fresh water, I will tell you what I saw,” King Sisyphus shouted back.
22. Where can tourists appreciate The Last Supper Immediately, a clear stream (水流) of fresh water appeared.
A. In La Scala. B. In Gothic Duomo. “Zeus took her that way,” the king pointed.
C. In Saint Mark's Basilica. D. In Santa Maria Delle Grazie. The king knew Zeus would be angry when he found out what he had done. But Corinth badly needed a
23. What do Naples and Bologna have in common source of fresh water. And finally, it had one.
A. They are famous for food. B. They are the capitals of fashion. Sure enough, Zeus was very angry. He told his brother Hades ( the god of the underworld) to take
C. They are located in northern Italy. D. They have famous opera houses. Sisyphus to the underworld immediately!
B “When they tell you I am dead, do not put a gold coin under my tongue,” King Sisyphus said quietly to
She was walking at eight months and completing 100-piece jigsaw puzzles at 15 months. So it is no his wife. As a good wife, she did exactly as the king had told her.
surprise that Abigail Wilson, 15, from Connecticut, U.S.A., recently made history when she became the Because Sisyphus was an important person, Hades himself met him at the River Styx, the entrance to the
youngest black female ever accepted into an American university! “I’m proud of myself for getting in, but I
usually find it hard to get excited. It is pretty cool, I guess,” said Abigail. underworld. Because no gold coin was placed under his tongue(舌头), the king arrived as a poor beggar.
Her mother, Nancy, said that Abigail was a quiet baby, born two weeks late on Christmas Day. She didn’t “Where is your gold coin ” Hades asked. “How can you pay for a trip across the River Styx and arrive in
speak her first words until she was 22 months old. Nancy and her husband thought something must be wrong, the underworld ”
but when she started to talk, it was with perfect speech. Her parents read her normal bedtime stories and they King Sisyphus hung his head in shame. “I had a terrible wife. She didn’t give me anything after I had
didn’t know at the time that she was learning all of it. died.”
Abigail has always been the youngest person in her class. At the age of six, she was in the fourth grade; “Go right back there and teach that woman some manners!” Hades raised his voice. He then sent Sisyphus
at eight, she began taking classes at an International Baccalaureate(国际中学毕业会考)program, and at ten, back to Earth. The king became alive again.
she took her first high school class in Math. She has studied several languages, including Spanish, French, Sisyphus and his wife laughed when he told her about the experience. But he never told it to anyone else.
Chinese, Russian, Arabic and German. You never know when the gods are listening!
Abigail says that she doesn’t usually plan when she studies. She considers herself scatterbrained. And 28. What was Sisyphus was doing when Zeus flew by with a river spirit
she always delays things up to the last minute — this, she says, gives her the motivation to really do A. Rebuilding Corinth. B. Chatting with his wife.
something. C. Asking Asopus for help. D. Looking for a source of water.
高 2023级 英语试题 第3页,共 8 页 高 2023 级 英语试题 第 4页,共 8页
29. What did Zeus decide to do when he knew what Sisyphus had done 33. The underlined word “archeologist” (in paragraph 1) probably means “a person who studies ______.”
A. Zeus decided to destroy Corinth. A. ancient societies B. living things
B. Zeus decided to end Sisyphus’ life. C. human behavior D. the outer space
C. Zeus decided to make Corinth drier. 34. What can we know about the pyramid builders from the last paragraph
D. Zeus decided to kill Sisyphus’ wife. A.The pyramid builders were looking for new friends.
30. What did one need in order to cross the River Styx, according to the article, B. The pyramid builders were very angry with their bosses.
A. A good wife. B. A golden boat. C. The pyramid builders were satisfied with their achievements.
C. Some money. D. Some water. D. The pyramid builders were in trouble because of their bad behavior.
31. Which of the following statements is the most probable ending of the story 35. What part of the magazine is the passage probably taken from
A. Sisyphus lived happily with his wife. A. Sports. B. Fashion.
B. Sisyphus taught his wife some manners. C. Personal Feelings. D. Scientific Research.
C. Sisyphus was sent to the underworld again. 第二节(共 5小题;每小题 2.5分,满分 12.5分)
D. Sisyphus had to find a fresh water source again. 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
D Fun Ways to Learn English Faster
The pyramids of Giz(a 吉萨金字塔)have been timeles(s 永恒的)symbols of Egyptian culture. But who Some people find it easy to learn English while others have trouble learning it. How can you help yourself
actually built them For years, we did not know for sure. But recently an ancient village was discovered near lean English 36
the pyramids. Close by, there was a cemetery(墓地) where pyramid builders were buried. From studying ·Read, read, read.
these places, archeologists are now certain that the pyramids were not built by slaves or foreigners ( or One of the easiest things you can do to learn English faster is to read as much as you can. 37
aliens!). Instead, ordinary Egyptians built them. This will make your vocabulary better and it will also help you learn grammar and slang.
It took about eighty years to build the pyramids. According to archeologists, about 20,000 to 30,000 ·Watch movies.
people took part in the task. The workers had different roles. Some were responsible for digging up the rocks Watching movies will also help you improve your English, by helping you to hear what it sounds like and
that were to be used. Others were tasked with moving them, while another group was given the job of shaping also helping you to learn new words. 38 Once you have a basic vocabulary, try to keep the subtitles
them into blocks. People also worked on different teams, each with its own name. These teams would often (字幕) off and focus on listening for the words you do know and guessing the words you don’t know from
compete against each other to do a job faster. what is happening on the screen.
Life for these workers was hard. “We can see that in their skeletons,” says Azza Mohamed Sarry El-Din, a ·Sing songs.
scientist who has been studying the bodies that were found in the cemetery. The bones show signs of arthritis Learning and singing songs is another good way to make your English better. 39 It will also
( 关 节 炎) , which probably developed as a result of having to carry heavy things for a long time. help increase your vocabulary. Find a song you like, learn it, and learn what the lyrics mean.
Archeologists have also found many female skeletons in the cemetery. The damage to their bones is similar to · 40
that of the men. Their lives may have been even tougher. Male workers would on average live to be between You can also just make friends with English language speakers online and chat, email, and Skype together
the ages of 40 and 45, but women would only live to be between the ages of 30 and 35. However, workers in order to practise your English. You can talk about whatever you want! You can find online friends by joining
usually had enough food, and they also had good medical care when they got sick or hurt. fan communities or through language-learning communities.
The work was hard, but the laborers were proud of their work. On a wall in Khufu’s Great Pyramid, for A. Make a friend.
example, a group of workers wrote Friends of Khufu. “It’s because they were not just building the tomb of B. Join a fan community.
their king,” says Egyptian archeologist Zahi Hawass. “They were building Egypt. It was a national project, and C. Read things all the time.
everyone was a participant.” D. You can start watching with subtitles on.
32. According to the latest discoveries in the text, who built the pyramids in Egypt E. This will help you improve your pronunciation.
A. Some foreigners. B. Some aliens. F. Newspapers are a good way to learn the basics of a language.
C. Some ordinary Egyptians. D. Some slaves. G. Here are several tips to make it a little easier and more interesting to learn English.
高 2023级 英语试题 第5页,共 8 页 高 2023 级 英语试题 第 6页,共 8页
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30分) 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40分)
第一节 (共 15小题,每小题 1分,满分 15分) 第一节(满分 15分)
阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 假如你是高一学生李华,你校英语阅读社 (English Reading Club)正在招募(recruit) 新成员,
I joined a language exchange program online last year and had the chance to meet Lucy, a girl from
England. We gradually became 41 with each other. At first, it was 42 to talk to someone I had 你非常渴望加入。请你用英语写一封申请信,内容包括:
never met before, but as time went by, our conversations continued 43 . 1. 写信目的;
Being a teenager could be challenging, but having someone like Lucy, who 44 me even from 2. 加入英语阅读社的原因;
thousands of miles away, made it easier. However, little did I know that she had been fighting with depression
for many years. When she finally opened up and shared her 45 with me, I was both shocked and 3. 希望获准。
grateful that she 46 me enough to tell me that. 注意:
From that day on, I tried to 47 her regularly and encouraged her to seek professional help. 1.写作词数应为 80个左右;
Finally, Lucy started seeing a doctor, and then she made progress in 48 her condition. But later, with 2.请按照以下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
increased learning tasks, we both became 49 , so our conversations became less frequent. One Sunday
night, I surfed the Internet and found that Lucy had cleaned up all her social media posts. I was anxious and Dear Sir/ Madam,
tried to 50 her, but there was no response. I completely 51 her. Weeks turned into months, and My name is Li Hua, a freshman in our school.
I gave up the 52 of hearing from her again. Surprisingly, Lucy sent me an email one day. In her
message, she apologised and explained her sudden 53 . Also, she thanked me for my help during her Yours,
darkest moments. Her words touched my heart, and I realized the influence our 54 had made on both Li Hua
of us. 第二节(满分 25分)
Even though we are 55 by distance and time zones, our friendship remains strong and continues
to thrive. 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
41. A. angry B. strict C. disappointed D. familiar 注意:1.续写词数应为 150 左右;
42. A. strange B. inspiring C. lucky D. wise 2.请按如下格式在相应位置作答。
43. A. secretly B. naturally C. helplessly D. doubtfully
44. A. supported B. respected C. judged D. surveyed After filling out 50 applications, going through four interviews, I got an offer — a teaching job in a distant
45. A. adventure B. struggle C. suggestion D. performance area in New Jersey. I was still happy when I reminded myself that I would be doing what I had wanted to do
46. A. protected B. satisfied C. trusted D. influenced since I was 14 — teaching English.
47. A. search for B. communicate with C. turn down D. depend on School started, I was teaching English. I worked hard, only taking time off to eat and sleep. And then
48. A. forgetting B. proving C. explaining D. managing there was my sixth-grade class — 17 boys and five girls who were only six years younger than me. I was
49. A. busier B. smarter C. weaker D. safer struggling in my work as a young perfect teacher. I wanted to make literature come alive and to promote a love
50. A. encourage B. praise C. contact D. accept of the written word. The students wanted to play tricks in the back of the room.
51. A. stood for B. kept away from C. took after D. lost track of
52. A. hope B. tradition C. choice D. risk In college, I was taught that a successful educator should ignore bad behavior. As the textbook had said,
53. A. instruction B. absence C. failure D. comment the bad behavior would disappear as I gave my students positive attention. It sounded reasonable, but
54. A. personality B. confidence C. creativity D. connection obviously ignored the fact that teenagers rarely seem reasonable. When my boss, who was said to be the
55. A. warned B. cheated C. separated D. surprised strictest, most demanding(要求高的)and quickest to fire inexperienced teachers, came into the classroom to
第二节(共 10小题:每小题 1.5分,满分 15分) observe me, the students showed very little good behavior to praise.
阅读下面短文,在空自处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 My boss sat in the back of the room. The boys in the class were making animal noises while the girls were
In modern society, many traditional Chinese festivals are becoming less and less popular. However, these reading magazines. I just pretended it all wasn’t happening, and went on lecturing and tried to ask some
traditional festivals are an important part of Chinese culture, 56 teach us a lot about our nation’s
history. So wemust protect and maintain them. The Dragon Boat Festival, for example, 57 celebrate inspiring questions. My boss, sitting there, seemed to be growing bigger and bigger. After 20 minutes, he left( )
in honour of Qu Yuan, 58 great poet living in the Warring States period of ancient China. silently. The scene of unemployment appeared before my eyes. I felt proud that I got through the rest of class
Promoting traditional festivals 59 (help) to spread such knowledge about our national history. without crying, but at my next free period, I had to face him.
Moreover, traditional festivals enable us 60 (learn) more about fine Chinese values. The full Paragraph 1:
moon on the festival is considered to stand for family togetherness and family members will come back home After class, I walked to his office, took a deep breath and opened the door.
even if they live very far away. _________________________________________________________________________________________
By 61 (observe) these festivals, younger generations learn to honour fine Chinese _________________________________________________________________________________________
values. 62 (final), traditional festivals are a source of national pride and help shape our national Paragraph 2:
identity. Traditional festivals tell us who we are and fill us with pride in being Chinese and they have a great Inspired by his advice, I walked toward the classroom, determined to make a change.
impact 63 millions of people who want to learn 64 (much) about China. _________________________________________________________________________________________
Traditional festivals have been passed down to us from previous generations. Every one of us should have a _________________________________________________________________________________________
strong sense of 65 (responsible) to protect them for the future generations.
高 2023级 英语试题 第7页,共 8 页 高 2023 级 英语试题 第 8页,共 8页
1-5BABCA 6-10BCCBA 11-15ABACA 16-20CBBAC
21-23BDA 24-27BBAC 28-31DBCA 32-35CACD
41-45DABAB 46-50CBDAC 51-55DABDC
56.which 57.is celebrated 58.a 59.helps 60.to learn
61.observing 62.Finally 63.on/upon 64.more 65.responsibility
Dear Sir/ Madam,
I’m Li Hua, a freshman in our school. Learning that the English Reading Club is
recruiting new members, I am writing to apply to be one of them.
Reading classics can not only give me a deep insight into history and culture, but broaden
my horizons. The club, therefore, becomes what I’m eager to join. For one thing, challenging to
read books in the original will definitely improve my English level. For another, I can make
more like-minded friends, participate in its activities and contribute my ideas. Understanding the
responsibilities that come with membership, I assure you of my commitment and active
I would appreciate it if you could consider my application. Looking forward to your early
Li Hua
After class, I walked to his office, took a deep breath and opened the door. My boss
was sitting in his chair with a poker face, gazing at me silently. Anxious and ashamed, I said
nothing, wondering if he would fire me right away. He handed me an envelope, which added to
my anxiety at that moment. However, my eyes were wide open when I opened it and read the
letter. It was not an unemployment letter but a letter with several suggestions about my teaching,
one of which was highlighted in red: An educator should respect students’ feelings. Almost
immediately, a surge of warmth rose inside me.
Inspired by his advice, I walked toward the classroom, determined to make a change.
As the bell rang, I stood on the platform, eyes wandering across the classroom. I cleared my throat
and announced, “Boys and girls, let’s begin with what you think about my literature lesson.”
Suddenly, a complete silence fell over the class. Each student lifted their head and cast me a
puzzled look. Flashing a smile, I encouraged, “Anything you’d like to say is welcome!” At this, a
ripple of excitement spread through the classroom. The literature class soon amazingly came to
life thanks to their brilliant voices. It was at that time that I fully understood what my boss taught
me — respecting the students instead of ignoring them will make a difference.
Text 1
W: Oh, Alan. Look at your room. What a big mess! When was the last time you tidied it
M: It was when Linda came over last month. I ' m sorry to tell you that I’m too busy to pay
attention to it.
Text 2
W: If I were you, I would take a plane instead of a bus. Otherwise, it will take you numerous
hours more to get to your destination.
M: But flying makes me nervous. Considering your advice, I ' ll take the fast train.
M: Oh, my God! I missed the flight at 8:00 o’clock.
W: Don’t worry, sir. You can change the ticket for the next one at 11:30.
M: OK, I ' ll do that. Thank you very much.
Text 4
W: Last year I visited Los Angeles. This year I’m thinking of going to Seattle to spend my
vacation. Do you think it’s worth visiting
M: Yes, definitely! I wish I had been there twice.
W: Shall we go there together to spend the coming vacation
M: I’d like to, but my family is going to Vancouver.
Text 5
W: Jack. Have you ever thought of owning your own house
M: I think living in a rented flat isn’t necessarily a bad thing. You don ' t have a huge debt or
loan. I’m sure that’s why some people prefer to rent a flat.
Text 6
M: Tina, you look smart in that red jacket.
W: Thank you,. It was a good bargain, I think.
M: How much did it cost
W: The price tag said 120 dollars, but I got it at a fifty percent discount. Why don ' t you get
one for your wife It’s still on sale today.
M: Well, my wife just bought a jacket for herself last month, so I don’t think she’ll want
another one this winter. Probably my sister Julia may be interested in such a jacket. Where did you
get it, please
W: Linda’s Wardrobe on Fifth Avenue .
M: OK. I will go there to have a look this afternoon.
M: Look at this picture. The animal in it looks vivid. But what is it
W: It ' s a T-Rex, a dinosaur.
M: Did you draw it
W: No. Jeff drew it. Jeff loves dinosaurs and he loves drawing dinosaurs, too. Yesterday, he
talked with me about drawing a dinosaur and I suggested he draw a T-Rex.
M: Why not suggest he tell a story through drawing I think it would be fun if a T-Rex
comes to today ' s world and lives a normal life with us.
W: That will be interesting. But Jeff isn’t good at telling stories.
M : That’s true. But you are good at it.
W: Do you mean I write stories and Jeff draws pictures
M : That’s right.
W: I think that’s really a good idea. I will tell Jeff about that.
M : OK. I ' m looking forward to seeing your vivid pictures with interesting stories.
W: Honey, I’m looking at the apartment ads in the newspaper for nearly an hour. What do
you think if we move to a larger apartment
M: Well, this apartment is fine. It ' s big enough for us.
W: It’s obvious that this apartment is too small. We don’t even have a small dining room.
We’ve lived here since we got married. I think it’s time we moved.
M: But I’d rather stay here. I love this old place. Besides, we don’t need all that extra room.
W: In fact, we do. We need a larger apartment with an extra bedroom. Then it’ll be more
comfortable for our baby.
M: Our baby Are we having a baby
W: Yes, we are going to have a baby in months. I’ve been waiting for the right moment to
surprise you with the news.
M: Oh, my heavens. This is a huge surprise! Why didn’t you tell me earlier I’m happy indeed,
but where can we afford a larger apartment
W: Don’t worry. You got a raise last month and my salary certainly helps.
Text 9
M: How are your new neighbors, Jenny
W: They are kind, but their son is driving me crazy.
M: What do you mean
W: He comes home every night around 10 o’clock with his music player on loudly and then
my kids will be wide awake.
M: Oh, that’s bad.
W: Sometimes it takes me two or three hours to get them to settle down again.
M: Have you tried talking to them
W: We haven’t really known of them yet except to say a quick hello. I feel it’s stupid to
complain to them face to face.
M: But you said it was driving you crazy.
W: Well, I’m just not getting enough sleep and neither are my kids.
M: Maybe you could go over to see your neighbors sometime with a little gift: a plant for the
yard or something like that. Then you could talk about your trouble with them.
W: I’ll have a try.
Text 10
M : Good afternoon, today’s lecture is about different languages spoken in the United States.
The Modern Language Association has put data together on the numbers of the speakers and the
locations of the thirty most spoken languages in the United States. You might be surprised at how
many different languages were reported:300. Yes, 300 different languages are spoken in the
United States. The Modern Language Association focuses on the thirty most spoken languages. Of
course, English is the number one language, Spanish is the second most common, Chinese is the
third, and French is the fourth. Now the Modern Language Association has put all the information
together in different ways. For example, you can look up a particular language, let’s say, Korean,
and see how many speakers there are throughout the United States. The data shows that there are
almost 900,000 Korean speakers in the United States. The data also shows how many Korean
speakers there are in different areas. It can be known that the two main areas for Korean speakers
to live in are Southern California and Washington State.



