
阅读理解 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
(6分)Choose the correct meaning for the following signs.
High speed trains pass platform without stopping Please stand behind the yellow line
↑Way Out & Lifts ← Waiting Room & Toilets Left Luggage →
Taxis over bridge Please cross road for buses to Weston town centre and bus station. Use this stop for buses to Belgrave and Dorstone.
(1)The first notice tells passengers    .
A.where to catch the fast train
B.to stay away from fast trains
C.about a change to the train service
D.to stand in line at train platform
(2)According to the second notice,turn right if you    .
A.want to leave the station
B.are waiting for a train
C.want to store your bag
D.are going to toilet
(3)According to the third notice,stay here if you want to     .
A.get a taxi
B.go to the town centre
C.go to Dorstone
D.cross the road
(8分)In April 2013,an earthquake hit Lushan County in Ya'an,Sichuan Province.It was the first time that 15﹣year﹣old Zeng Qiangfei had experienced an earthquake.At that time(救援者)from all over the country came to help.Zeng remembered seeing them working day and night searching for signs of life.He was grateful to the rescuers and saw them as his heroes.
The experience has led the young boy to his future work—doing his best to help people in danger.And years later,Zeng is also a hero to many.
In 2021,Zeng joined Ramunion,a Chinese rescue team,Lushan County experienced another strong earthquake.Zeng returned to his home town quickly as a rescuer and pulled many people out of danger.Three months later,an earthquake hit Luding County in Sichuan.Zeng and his Ramunion teammates spent six days working in a village.
But Zeng didn't stop there.He also managed to help save lives half a world away.On February 6,2023,big earthquakes hit some parts of Turkey.Several days later
With their rescue skills,Zeng and his teammates in Turkey searched over 170 buildings and rescued nine people.At that moment,he understood the meaning of"global village".
(4)What made Zeng Qiangfei want to become a rescuer?    
A.The advice from others.
B.The dream of being a hero since childhood.
C.The encouragement from earthquake rescuers.
D.The experience in the Lushan County earthquake.
(5)When did Zeng Qiangfei take part in the rescue work in Luding County?    
A.In April 2013.
B.In June 2022.
C.In September 2022.
D.In February 2023.
(6)Paragraphs 4 and 5 talk about    .
A.how many lives Zeng has saved so far
B.Zeng's rescue work in a foreign country
C.how serious the earthquake in Turkey was
D.Zeng's travels to countries around the world
(7)What is the purpose of the article?    
A.To introduce us a Chinese rescue team.
B.To encourage us to become an earthquake rescuer.
C.To tell us the story of a young rescuer from China.
D.To give advice on how to prepare for an earthquake.
(8分)It was late at night.I was home with my father and my brother when my mother was still at work.
When Dad took us to bed,I ran up first to hide behind my bedroom door.Here was my plan:to jump out and scare my brother.My bedroom was just opposite the bathroom and he had to walk past it to get to his room.
However,behind the door were two strange men hiding.One had long hair,and the other was thin and tall.The man with long hair spoke to me in a low voiceThis wasn't uncommon for me on the nights when my mother worked,so he didn't question it.I was so afraid that I didn't tell him what I saw.
We got robbed (抢劫).When Mum came home the next morning,it was a mess downstairs.She ran upstairs immediately and found us all in bed safe and sound.Then she called the police
To my surprise,my parents didn't even point the finger at me.They said what I did was totally right. "You should always keep yourself safe first when you get caught up in something like this," Mum said.
(8)What did the writer run up first for?    
A.Making the bed.
B.Scaring his brother.
C.Going to the bathroom.
D.Opening his bedroom door.
(9)What does the underlined word "This" refer to?    
A.Scaring "my" brother.
B.Seeing strangers at home.
C.Sleeping with "my" father.
D.Running up first to "my" room.
(10)When did the writer tell what he saw?    
A.After he saw the police.
B.Immediately he saw the two robbers.
C.Before his mother came home from work.
D.As soon as he woke up the next morning.
(11)Which of the following is TRUE?    
A.The parents were unhappy with what their son did.
B.The writer saw what the two robbers looked like.
C.One of the robbers told the writer not to tell what he saw.
D.The mother got unhappy when she saw the mess downstairs.
The book that can't wait
A lot of people have one problem with books.It is that they buy them and then never read them.(1)   It printed a book in disappearing ink:The text of the book disappears two months after the special package of the book is opened.It encourages buyers to read it before it goes away.People call this "the book that can't wait".
(2)   The publisher sold out all the first edition at a bookstore in one day,and received thousands of requests(请求) for more copies of the book.It also got a lot of media coverage(媒体报道),the publisher is planning to publish other works in disappearing ink now.
(3)    But here,we have some suggestions:
First,the book should start disappearing after the reader opens the book for the first time.If the books become very popular in the future,readers will need to read them one at a time.They don't want their books to disappear before they read the first page.
Second,the disappeared book should find a good use. (4)   It would be a more environmentally friendly way to do this.
A.The book was a great success.
B.In some ways,the idea is pretty clever.
C.Maybe we can use them as notebooks.
D.It's wrong to throw the books away after reading them.
E.To work out this problem,a publisher(出版社) got a brilliant idea.
语言知识运用 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
(15分)Over the last few years,I have volunteered for different organizations(组织) and carried out different roles.However,I have always loved it,and I would (13)    others to give it a go.Here are my top three (14)    why I think volunteering is so important.
First,it's a chance to get experience and (15)    .By volunteering,you are carrying out a job.Even though you' re not getting paid,you can get (16)    experience and skills which might be helpful to you in the future.For example,many volunteering roles will help you get experience in working as a team.
Second,you can meet new (17)    .One of the best things about volunteering is meeting the other volunteers!They are probably interesting people,and you might become great (18)   with them.
Third,it's a way to get confidence.Many people who do voluntary work say that it has helped them to (19)    more confident.For example,I have always been a shy person,but my volunteering experience has made me not afraid of talking to strangers and (20)    in front of a crowd!
These are just a few of the many reasons why I suggest that you (21)    volunteering opportunities.If you like,you can start with something small!The most important thing to remember is that as well as (22)    others,you can get a great deal out of it too!
(13) A.encourage B.order C.require D.allow
(14) A.rules B.plans C.reasons D.choices
(15) A.actions B.dreams C.hobbies D.skills
(16) A.awful B.musical C.national D.valuable
(17) A.facts B.problems C.people D.family
(18) A.brothers B.pilots C.friends D.scientists
(19) A.feel B.smell C.sound D.taste
(20) A.exactly B.even C.still D.almost
(21) A.care for B.look for C.prepare for D.wait for
(22) A.paying B.warning C.helping D.thanking
Norman Bethune was a (1)C     doctor.In my (2)o    ,he is one of the most famous heroes in China.In 1938,he went to China to help treat the(3)w    soldiers during the Anti﹣Japanese (4)w    .He developed training courses for local doctors and nurses,(5)   (目的是) they could learn about how to treat the sick.He often worked hard without (6)   (照顾)himself.He cut his finger during an (7)o    ,but he continued his work without treating it.Finally,he (8)   (死于……) his wound.
(12分)The 19th Asian Games closed on Oct 8 .Over the 16﹣day Games,around 12,000 athletes from 45 countries shared unforgettable times in Hangzhou.It marks the (1)   
(three) time that China has hosted an Asian event, (2)   (follow) Beijing in 1990 and Guangzhou in 2010.
The Hangzhou Asian Games had 400 sports and 481 events.At the top of the medal tally (奖牌榜),China got 201 golds,111 (3)   (silver) and 71 bronzes.According to the Olympic Council of Asia(OCA),over 60 percent of the teams at the Games won gold medals,while 85 percent reached the podium(领奖台)(4)   (simple) the best.
In the closing ceremony(仪式),the Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Stadium turned into a great garden with AR visual effects.The digital torchbearer(数字火炬手),last seen in the opening ceremony where it lit the cauldron(主火炬)(5)   (say) goodbye.
"We have achieved the (6)   (success) Asian Games in history," said Chen Weiqiang from the organizing committee (组委会).Chen said the Hangzhou Asian Games (7)   (bring)together Hangzhou's history,innovation(创新)and life.It is an important chance for the city to"take off "。
More than three million tickets had been sold as of Oct 7,making more than 600 million yuan,according to Mao Genhong(行业).We are proud of (8)    (we)."Mao said.
翻译句子 用括号内所给的词或短语,将下列句子译成英语。
26.(3分)如果你告诉你朋友真相,他会生你的气。(be angry with)
阅读表达 阅读下面的短文,根据短文后的要求答题。
28.(16分)Does the Dead Sea sound like a place you'd like to go swimming?What do you expect to see in it?Do you believe there are dead things in the Dead Sea?
Lying in southwest Asia,the Dead Sea stretches(绵延)for about 80 kilometres .At its widest point,it is about 400 metres deep.And if you happen to be in the area,you might hear people call it by another name,the East Sea,or the Sea of the Plain.
Even though it's called the Dead Sea,it isn't a sea at all! It's a lake,Different from other lakes you might have seen,the Dead Sea is a very salty lake.In fact,and very little fresh water gets into the Dead Sea each year.
Don't be afraid of the name of the Dead Sea,though.The Dead Sea is an amazing(令人惊叹的)place to visit(盐度),the Dead Sea's waters are denser(密度大的) than ocean water or the water you'd find in a swimming pool.That means that anyone can float(漂浮),perhaps you can see many people floating in its waters.You might even see many of them reading books or magazines!
(1)How long is the Dead Sea?    
(2)Why is it called the Dead Sea?    
(3)Please translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.    
(4)What special things can people do in the Dead Sea?    
(5)The Dead Sea is one of the wonders in the world.Please list another wonder and tell us why people visit it.    
Dear Mike,
How's everything going?
Li Hua
阅读理解 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据表格第1行:High trains platform stopping stand the (高速列车不停地通过站台,第一个通知告诉乘客远离高速列车。
(2)细节理解题。根据表格第2行:Left →(左侧行李→)可知,如果想存放你的包右转。
(3)细节理解题。根据表格第8行:Use stop buses Belgrave Dorstone(去贝尔格雷夫和多斯顿的巴士在这个站下车,按照第三个通知。故选C。
【解答】(4)细节理解题。根据第一段It the time 15﹣year﹣old Qiangfei experienced earthquake.(这是15岁的曾强飞第一次经历地震 experience led young to future his to people danger.(这段经历使这个小男孩决定了他未来的工作——尽最大努力帮助处于危险中的人,让曾强飞想成为救援者的是芦山地震的经历。
(5)细节理解题。根据第三段In 2022 County another earthquake.Three later earthquake Luding in and Ramunion spent days in a ,芦山县再次发生强烈地震,四川泸定县发生地震。)可知。故选C。
(5)段落大意题。根据第四段But didn't there.He managed help lives a world February 6,big hit parts Turkey.(但曾强飞并没有止步于此。2023年2月3日,几天后。)可知、五两段讲述了曾在国外的救援工作。
【解答】(8)细节理解题。根据第二段When took to ,I ran first hide my door.Here my jump and my ,我第一个跑上去躲在卧室门后。)可知。故选B。
(9)代词指代题。根据第三段I went and with dad.This wasn't uncommon me the when mother ,so didn't it.(我平静地走开。在我母亲工作的晚上,所以他没有怀疑,This指代的是"slept my 。故选C。
(10)细节理解题。根据倒数第二段Then called police arrived minutes was until moment I was enough tell ,警察在10分钟后赶到了,我才鼓起勇气说出了一切,作者在见到警察后。故选A。
(11)细节理解题。根据第三段One long ,and other thin tall.(一个留着长发。)可知。故选B。
【解答】(1)细节推理题。根据后文It a book disappearing text the disappear s months the package the is ,在打开特殊包装的2个月后。)可知。结合选项可知,一个出版商想出了一个绝妙的主意。故选E。
(2)细节推理题。根据后文The sold all first at a in day received of more of book.(出版商在一家书店的第一版书一天之内就卖光了。)可知,结合选项可知。"符合语境。
(3)细节推理题。根据后文But ,we some ,我们有一些建议:)可知,结合选项可知,这个想法相当聪明。故选B。
(4)细节推理题。根据后文It be a environmentally way do 。)可知,结合选项可知。"符合语境。
语言知识运用 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
【解答】(13)考查动词辨析。句意:然而,我都一直很喜欢。A.encourage鼓励;C.require要求。根据 ,鼓励他人去尝试一下,故选A。
(14)考查名词辨析。句意:以下是我认为志愿服务如此重要的三大理由;B.plans 计划;D.choices选择,可知先行词是the reason。
(15)考查名词辨析。句意:首先。A.actions 行动;C.hobbies 爱好。根据下文提到Even though you' re not getting paid 即使你没有得到报酬,这对你将来可能会有帮助,获得的是经验和技能。
(17)考查名词辨析。句意:第二。A.facts 事实;C.people 人们。根据One of the best things about volunteering is meeting the other volunteers!)可知,故选C。
(18)考查名词辨析。句意:他们可能是有趣的人。A.brothers兄弟;C.friends 朋友。根据They are probably interesting people(他们是有趣的人)可知,故选C。
(19)考查动词辨析。句意:许多做志愿工作的人说。A.feel 感觉;C.sound 听起来。根据For example,but my volunteering experience has made me not afraid of talking to strangers(例如,但我的志愿服务经历让我不害怕和陌生人说话)可知,故选A。
(20)考查副词辨析。句意:举个例子,但是我的志愿服务经历让我不害怕和陌生人说话!A.exactly确切的;C.still仍然。根据For example,but my volunteering experience has made me not afraid of talking to strangers(例如,但我的志愿服务经历让我不害怕和陌生人说话)可知,甚至在一群人面前说话我也不害怕,故选B。
(21)考查动词短语辨析。句意:这些只是我建议你寻找志愿服务机会的众多原因中的一部分;B.look for 寻找;D.wait for等待,you can start with something small,可以从小事做起!) ,寻找志愿服务的机会。
(22)考查动词辨析。句意:最重要的是要记住,你也可以从中获得很多;B.warning 警告;D.thanking感谢,故选C。
23.【答案】(1)Canadian (2)opinion (3)wounded (4)war (5)so that (6)taking care of (7)operation (8)died of
【解答】(1)考查形容词。句意:诺曼 白求恩是一位加拿大医生,白求恩是加拿大医生。故填Canadian。
(2)考查名词。句意:在我看来。in one's opinion,固定短语。
(3)考查形容词。句意:1938年。根据treat the...soldier(治疗......士兵),wounded受伤的。
(4)考查名词。句意:1938年。根据Anti﹣Japanese 。故填war。
(5)考查短语。句意:他为当地的医生和护士开设培训课程。so that以便。故填so that。
(6)考查短语。句意:他经常不辞辛劳地工作。take care of照顾。故填taking care of。
(7)考查名词。句意:他在手术中割伤手指。根据He his during ...(他在......期间割伤手指)和首字母o推断,operation手术。
(8)考查短语。句意:最终。die of死于......。故填died of。
(5)to say
(6)most successful
【解答】(1)考查序数词。句意:这标志着中国第三次举办亚洲赛事。根据time(时间)以及Beijing in 1990 and Guangzhou in 2010(1990年的北京和2010年的广州,这是第三次举办亚洲赛事,three是基数词,其对应的序数词为third,故填third。
(2)考查介词。句意:这标志着中国第三次举办亚洲赛事。follow是动词,此处表示"继 之后",表示"继 之后"。
(3)考查名词。句意:中国获得201枚金牌。silver是名词,根据"golds (金牌)"以及"bronzes (铜牌)"可知,故填silvers。
翻译句子 用括号内所给的词或短语,将下列句子译成英语。
25.【答案】I didn't go to bed until my mother came back last night.
【解答】根据题干,可知考查句型:not...until...直到……才……;my mother ;last night昨天晚上,用助动词didn't+动词原形。
故答案为:I didn't go to bed until my mother came back last night.
26.【答案】If you tell your friend the truth,he will be angry with you.
【解答】根据所给汉语提示,此处是if引导的条件状语从句,从句用一般现在时;you主句的主语,一般现在时,动词用原形;用一般将来时,be angry with you生你的气。
故答案为:If you tell your friend the truth,he will be angry with you.
27.【答案】Children are easily influenced by their friends.
【解答】根据题干,可知:be easily influenced by很容易受……影响,主语是复数。
故答案为:Children are easily influenced by their friends.
阅读表达 阅读下面的短文,根据短文后的要求答题。
28.【答案】(1)About 80 kilometres.
(2)The Dead Sea is so salty that nothing can live in it.
(4)Many people can float in its waters and you might even see many of them reading books or magazines.
(5)The Great Wall.Because it is the longest wall.
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第二段Lying in southwest Asia,绵延约80公里。)可知约80公里
(2)细节理解题。根据第三段The Dead Sea is so salty that nothing can live in it.That's why it's called the Dead Sea.(死海太咸了。这就是为什么它被称为死海,没有生物能够生存
(3)英译汉题。Even though尽管;the Dead Sea死海;a sea一个海。故答案为:尽管它被称为死海。
(4)细节理解题。根据末段So if you walk on the beach of the Dead Sea on a warm day!(所以,也许你会看到许多人漂浮在水中!)可知
29.【答案】Dear Mike,
How's everything going?I' m glad to receive your letter.From your letter,I know you have the problems of getting adapt to the new environment and making new friends.I have had the same situation.
I'd like to offer you several practical suggestions.You must have a correct understanding of your own shortcomings.Firstly,it's advised that you talk to your classmates and exchange ideas with each other,which may promote your understanding in your school and your classmates.Secondly,you can invite your classmates to participate in activities after school,so that your classmates can know you better.Thirdly,you should be helpful when your friends are in need.Therefore,when you are confronted with difficulties,they will in turn be willing to help you.This would be a good start for a sincere friendship.Finally,you must deal with your parents.When you have problems,be sure to communicate with your parents in time.Now I talk about my opinions on friendship.
When in trouble,we need friends to offer us help,support and encouragement.When achieving success,we also need friends to share our joys.I hope my advice will be helpful to you.May you be happy in your new school!
Li Hua



上一篇:人教版四年级数学上册4 三位数乘两位数练习(无答案)
