Unit 8 It must belong to Carla 素养评估卷(含答案)人教版新目标九年级

Unit 8 素养评估卷
( ) 1. The _____ of this activity is to raise money for a new hospital .
silence B. purpose C. culture D. language
( ) 2. We won ! The honor belongs _____ all the members of our team .
by B. of C. at D. to
( ) 3. The government has already taken action to ____ people driving after drinking .
keep B. protect C. help D. prevent
( ) 4. More and more people have realized that clear water and green mountains are as ____As mountains of gold and silver .
central B . special C. valuable
( ) 5. Many apps now provide ____ service. Through them, you can communicate easily with a doctor far away on your mobile phone .
medical B. silent C . polite D. valuable
( ) 6. -Did Qingdao show _____ to the world during the SCO Summit (上海合作组织峰会)
-Sure . Her beauty , high technology and rapid development .
something special B. anything special
C special something D. special anything
( ) 7. Maria is always full of _____ because she takes exercise every day .
energy B. talent C. humor D. wealth
( ) 8. Holly stayed up so late that she was very ____ in class. She tried to keep her eyes _____ but she couldn’t .
serious ; opened B. sleepy ; opened
C sleepy ; open D. serious ; open
( ) 9. Can you help me _____ the pen It’s under your chair .
ask for B. look for C. pick up D. put up
( ) 10. These old people have difficulties . Let’s try our best ____them
help B. helping C. to help D. helps
“Ladies and gentlemen , the time train has arrived at the terminal (终点)!” After the train had stopped , I realized that I had come to the ___1__2035 .
Suddenly , I heard __2__ calling my name . I turned around and found a robot waving to me . She told me that she would be my tour guide during the trip . “___3_ me and I will show you around the city !” she said .
Lots of criss-cross airlines (纵横交错的空中车道)caught my eye ___4__ I walked out of the train station . The robot explained that the new traffic system was designed by famous engineers and it had solved the traffic problems completely .
I felt a little __5__ then , so we made our way to a restaurant nearby . Just as I realized that there was no menu , a waiter began to __6__ my body with a special instrument . It made me so scared that I jumped out of my seat . Then robot told me to calm down and explained that the machine was able to find out __7__ dish suited my body most .
At the end of the tour , we went to an amusement park . Amazingly , there were no rides at all . __8__ , everything was run through virtual reality (虚拟现实). I put on a VR headset and tried the roller coaster . It was so real that I could __9__ my clothes wet with sweat (汗) by nervousness .
We finally returned to the train station . Just as I got on the train , I heard a familiar (熟悉的)__10__ . I opened my eyes to see my mom standing over me .
“Time to go to school now !” she said .
( ) 1. A. hour B. date C. month D. year
( ) 2. A. everyone B. no one C. someone D. anyone
( ) 3. A. Follow B. Lead C. Stop D. Teach
( ) 4. A. as long as B. in order that C. as soon as D. even though
( ) 5. A. hungry B. thirsty C. relaxed D. excited
( ) 6. A. look after B. take up C. look through D. pick up
( ) 7. A. whose B. which C. where D. when
( ) 8.A. Besides B. Also C. Anyway D. Instead
( ) 9. A. smell B. feel C. seem D. taste
( ) 10. A. sound B. noise C. voice D. ring
Some UFO events can be explained away , but we still don’t know the truth behind these ones.
Florence , Italy , 1954
Two football clubs were playing a game . The crowd suddenly saw a strange egg-shaped thing in the sky . The material that fell from it was the most fascinating part of the event . People didn’t know what it was.
Melbourne , Australia , 1966
Around 350 children and teachers in a highschool saw five planes surround (包围)a plate -shaped UFO in the sky . The planes flew around the UFO for about 20 minutes before it disappeared .
The US and Mexico , 1997
One night form 7:30 p.m. until 10:30 p.m. , thousands of people reported lights across the sky in Arizona and Nevada in America , and Sonora in Mexico . These lights stood still or moved on a V-shaped craft (飞行器). It’s said that it was as big as several football fields .
Rendlesham Forest , the UK, 1980
Two airmen saw a UFO land in Rendlesham Forest . It had three legs , and was about three meters high and three meters wide . The material of it was like glass . Some people even said that they saw the aliens in it .
( ) 1. The UFO reported in Florence is regarded as a mystery mainly because of ______ .
its size B. its shape C. the material from it D. the place it appeared
( ) 2. The UFO reported in Australia was discovered by some _____ .
UFO fans B. reporters C . football fans D. teachers and students
( ) 3. The UFO event in 1997 lasted about ____ hours .
two B. three C. four D. five
( ) 4. The UFO reported in Rendlesham Forest _____ .
was surrounded by planes
appeared the earliest of the four
was moving fast when people found it
was said to have three legs
( ) 5. What can we learn from the reading
The UFO reported in Italy looked like a plate
The UFO reported in the UK was made of glass
A UFO was seen in Australia 57 years ago .
In 1997 , three cities in the US reported UFO events .
根据汉语提示补全句子 (共10分)
I think ______must ______ _______ it _____ .
These days , _______ _____ is happening in our town .
My grandpa _______ ________ ______ _______ up early .
The large stones _______ ________ _____ in a certain way .
He might be running ______ ____ a bus to work .
A: Whose soccer ball is this
B: 1._____ He loves playing soccer.
A: Look ! He is running to us .
B: Why do you think he is running
A: 2. _____
B: I don’t think so . 3. _____
A: He might have some trouble .
B: 4. _____
A: Hi, Andrew . 5. _____
B: When I got home after exercise , I heard something strange in my house .
A: Let’s ask policeman for help .
It can’t be Andrew’s What’s wrong with you He could be running for exercise . It must be Andrew’s . He looks worried . You must be joking . Let’s go and ask him .
test , same , out , refuse , with , heavy , or , health , like , four
There are many colors in nature . But do you think that a color has weight Let’s do a test .
First , put two objects with the 1. _____weight into two boxes . Then cover the boxes . Third , wrap (包裹)one box with a red piece of paper , the other with white . Now hold the boxes 2. ______ your hand one by one . Which one is 3. ______ It is certain that you will think the red one is heavier . Why do you think so A scientist did many 4. _____and found that different colors have different weights in a man’s mind .
Also, scientists say that people accept the colors they like , and 5. _____ the colors they hate . So your body and mind will be 6. ______ by using the colors you like . Or you’ll be nervous 7. _____ even get ill. For example , you 8. ______ blue and hate red . If you stay in a room with red windows and wallpaper for two hours , you’ll feel you have been there for 9. ______ hours . But if the room is blue , you’ll feel you have been there for only an hour . And , if a person walks 10. ______ of a blue room and into a red room , his temperature will rise . That means our body temperature will change with different colors .
VII 阅读表达(共15分)
A few days ago , a strange thing happened in my life . Every night I heard a strange sound outside the window . (1)I was scared and didn’t know what to do . I thought there might be a thief (2) ______ (stand) outside the window . I asked my parents to see what it was . (3)但是他们什么也没有发现。 That lasted for a few days . I couldn’t sleep well . Sometimes I even couldn’t fall (4) _____(sleep) . One day , I bought a flashlight in a market . At midnight , as soon as I heard the strange sound , I jumped out of my bed . With the help of the flashlight , (5) I found a black cat jumping up and down at the window fence . He wanted to make friends with my cat , but couldn’t get into our house . So he had to appear on the window fence every night . Do you think it is strange Have you ever experienced such a kind of strange thing in your life
What happened to the writer a few days ago
I was _______ _________ ______and didn’t know what ______ ____ do .
________________ (4) _____________
将(5) 处画线句子译成汉语。
假如你是Mike ,你的好朋友Lucy的宠物狗Mary走失好几天了,为此她感到很焦虑。请给Lucy写一封信安慰她,并运用“She might...” 和 “It is possible that ...”句式推测Mary可能会在哪里以及在做什么。70词左右
I 1-5 BDDCA 6-10 BACCC
II. 1-5 DCACA 6-10 CBDBC
IV. 1. somebody ; have picked up 2. something unusual 3. is used to getting 4. were put together 5. to catch
V. 1-5 DCEGB
VI. 1. same 2. with 3. heavier 4. tests 5. refuse 6. healthy 7. or 8.like 9. four 10. out
VII. 1. The writer heard a strange sound outside the window every night .
2. afraid of it ; I should
3. (2)standing (4) asleep
4. (1) But they found nothing
(2) But they didn’t find anything
5. 我发现一只黑猫在窗台的围栏处跳上跳下。
Dear Lucy ,
I’m sorry to hear that your pet dog , Mary , has been lost for several days . You needn’t worry about her . She might be trying to find out the way home now . Or she might meet a kind person and be sent to the police station . And it’s also possible that she is playing somewhere with other dogs .
I think she will come back home sooner or later.
Best wishes !
Mike .
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
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