
2023-2024 学年度(上)六校协作体高一联考
考试时间:120 分钟 满分:150 分
第一部分 第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分 30 分)
第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)
听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项
中选出最佳选项。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;
听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话仅读一遍。
1.Where will the woman go
A. The gym. B. The office. C. The garage.
2.What are the speakers talking about
A. The woman’s hometown.
B.A spelling mistake.
C.A travel plan.
3.What do we know about Peter
A. He failed to get into college.
B. He studied very hard.
C. He is quiet.
4.How does Ken usually go to work
A. By train. B. By bus. C. By car.
5.What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Teacher and student.
B. Waitress and customer.
C. Boss and secretary.
第二节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)
听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、
高一英语 共 12 页 第 1 页
C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前你将有时间阅读各个小题,
每小题 5 秒钟;听完后各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两
听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。
6.What does the man want to do
A. Book a room. B. Get a job. C. Interview the woman.
7.When will the man come to the hotel
A. Next Monday. B. Next Friday. C. Next Wednesday.
听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。
8.Why does the woman talk to the man
A. To get a discount. B. To try on a dress. C. To ask for his opinion.
9.What color does the woman dislike
A. Yellow. B. Blue. C. Red.
10.What is the woman’s final decision
A. Take the purple dress. B. Go to other stores. C. Wait for a promotion.
听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。
11.Where are the speakers
A. At a restaurant. B. At a school. C. At a language center.
12. Which course is the woman in
A. The fifth course. B. The fourth course. C. The second course.
13.What is the man dissatisfied with about the class
A. The teacher.
B. The time.
C. The number of students.
听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 17 题。
14.What activity does Meg like most
A. Jogging. B. Hiking. C. Running.
15.Why does Meg like baking
A. She likes desserts.
B. She finds it relaxing.
C. She can share the food with others.
16.What is probably the man
A. A teacher. B.A host. C.A sportsman.
17.What does the man think of running
高一英语 共 12 页 第 2 页
A. Challenging. B. Relaxing. C. Tiring.
听第 10 段材料,回答第 18 至 20 题。
18. What will control the tree house’s temperature
A. The roof. B. The soil. C. The leaves.
19. What is the most important design of a lizard house
A. Producing energy. B. Collecting sunlight. C. Changing colors.
20.Why can the chimney be a useful air conditioner
A. It can protect the house from strong heat.
B. It allows cool air to come in.
C. It is easy for hot air to flow out.
第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分 50 分)
第一节(共 15 小题:每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。
Here's a selection of the strangest races in the world.
Surf Dog Competition
Hundreds of participants from all over the US come to fight for the first prize.
This annual(一年一度的)event is an official dog surfing competition taking place
in Imperial Beach in August and Huntington Beach in September. The attendance
to the event is free of charge, however, donations are welcome.
Bring Your Own Big Wheel Race
If you think wheel toys are designed for kids only, you're wrong. The race was
initiated by JohnBrumit in 2000 when he rode down Lombard Street on his plastic
wheel toy. That day, he was the only participant in the race. He continued his
tradition every year, but few joined him. In 2006, someone posted a video of his
race and as a result, the next year's race featured hundreds of participants though
there was no prize money. Since then, the annual race has been held on Easter
Sunday in San Francisco.
World's Ugliest Dog Contest
It's an annual event held in June in Petaluma, California. But it's not about
making fun of the ugly dogs, but about encouraging them and showing the world
that such dogs can also be happy and adorable. The competition has been held
since the 1970s. The winner gets a check for $1,000.
Fur Rondy
高一英语 共 12 页 第 3 页
Like the famous Spanish Bull fighting Festival, Alaska has its own tradition.
It's a bit transformed. Speedy reindeer run after the participants in the race. This
event is held every February in Anchorage, Alaska. Participants pay a small fee to
attend it. Some of them wear funny dresses, which children enjoy very much.
21. Of the following races, which is held in two places
A. Fur Rondy. B. Bring Your Own BigWheel Race.
C. Surf Dog Competition. D. World's Ugliest Dog Contest.
22.What made Bring Your Own Big Wheel Race popular quickly
A.A video of Brumit in the race. B. Brumit's strange race device.
C. The joy brought by the race. D. The prize money of the race.
23.What do the listed competitions have in common
A. They are free of charge.
B. They are held annually.
C. They have ancient traditions.
D. They are favored by children.
Medha Gupta sometimes felt worried making the 20-minute walk from the
corner where the school bus dropped her off to her home in Herndon,
Virginia—especially during the colder months in winter.
Her mother, Divya Gupta had a suggestion:write an app. She was half-kidding,
but Medha took the challenge seriously. So she went to work.
The result was Safe Travel, an app designed by Medha to help walkers feel
more secure(安全的)when travelling alone. Using the iPhone, a person can
programme it to send a warning to someone he or she trusts if he or she fails to
arrive at a destination within a certain time.
It was the first iOS app that Medha had created. While she didn't think much
would come from the project, her effort caught the eye of judges for the annual
Congressional App Challenge, who selected her as the winner for Virginia's 10th
The App Challenge is designed to encourage students to consider careers in
science, technology, engineering, and maths by experimenting with coding and
computer science. Winning students are invited to attend a reception on Capitol
Hill in April and also received $ 250 in Amazon Web Service credits.
Medha said it took her about 40 hours to design, programme and test the app.
高一英语 共 12 页 第 4 页
As for her next app Medha's not certain. She temporarily has her app-development
tasks on hold because she's busy teaching herself AI(人工智能)to help deal with
improper words on Facebook. Yes, she knows that there are teams of engineers
probably doing the same thing. But she figures it can't hurt her own part, too.
"If we see something wrong with the world, we should do something about it,
"she said. "After all, the only one stopping us from doing something is ourselves. "
24. What did Medha Gupta's mother advise her to do
A. Develop an app. B. Take a bus.
C. Travel with others. D. Walk to school.
25. What can we infer from paragraph 4
A. Medha had expected much of her project.
B. The App Challenge is held every other year.
C. The app can just be applied to iPhone.
D. It's a surprise for Medha to be a winner.
26. What message does Medha seem to express in the last paragraph
A. Never too old to learn.
B. AI leads to a better future.
C. Always be creative in life.
D. Practice makes perfect.
27. Which of the following can be the best title for the text
A. Judges to Eye Talents B. IOS App for iPhone
C. Mother to Offer Help D. Medha for Safe Travel
Do you like to keep fit We’re always told that regular exercise is good for our
body and mind. More and more people are taking up activities that improve their
fitness. But is there a risk that some of us might get obsessed (着迷的) and overdo
Well, for some people, fitness has become an obsession as they aim for
perfection. And fitness trackers and apps can add to this addiction, especially if
someone is driven by achievement and perfectionism. And sharing data on social
media means exercising becomes public and competitive, which could cause
problems in someone who is vulnerable (脆弱的). Experts say this can lead to a
medical condition called orthorexia nervosa, or addiction to healthy eating and
over-exercise. Untreated, it can lead to malnutrition and mental health problems.
高一英语 共 12 页 第 5 页
Too much exercise can also take its toll on someone’s physical health as well.
Symptoms of over-exercising include injuries such as a broken leg and a low
immune system. So how much exercise is too much Researches found the ideal
pace to jog was about eight kilometers per hour--and that it was best to jog no more
than three times a week or for 2.5 hours in total, showing that moderate jogging is
possibly more beneficial than being inactive or undertaking strenuous (剧烈的)
If you’re more of a couch potato than a runner, this might sound like good
news. But for amateu(r 业余的)athletes who can’t help but push their bodies to the
limit, the advice from Martin Turner, a sports and exercise psychologist, is, “It’s all
about letting go, not being obsessed, learning not to control everything, saying,
‘You don’t need to be perfect.’”
28.What is the main reason for people’s addiction to over-exercise according to
paragraph 2
A. Their need for social support.
B. Their addiction to fitness apps.
C. Their pursuit(追求)of perfectionism.
D. Their concern over health issues.
29.What does the underlined phrase “take its toll” in paragraph 3 mean
A. Going hand in hand.
B. Having a bad effect.
C. Making little difference.
D. Playing an important role.
30.What is the passage mainly about
A. The risk of fitness obsession.
B. The importance of mental health.
C. The benefits of moderate jogging.
D. The symptoms of over-exercising.
31.In which section of a newspaper may this text appear
A. Fiction. B. Lifestyle. C. Culture. D. News
When the leaves begin to change their colors and the birds head south, we
know the season is starting to change. On September 7 comes White Dew (白露),
the 15th solar term (节气) of the year. It indicates the beginning of the cool autumn.
高一英语 共 12 页 第 6 页
As the temperature falls, white dew is often seen on the grass and trees at night.
For writers and poets, autumn is a difficult season to describe. It ’s the end of
the summer, and therefore a little sad. The days seem to get shorter, and when you
wake in the morning, there’s mist(薄雾) and it’s cooler. Winter is just around the
American writer Ernest Hemingway wrote in his book A Moveable Feast (《流
动的盛宴》), “You expected to be sad in the fall. Part of you died each year when
the leaves fell from the trees and their branches were bare against the wind and the
cold, wintry light. ”
But on the other hand, autumn has its good side. There are so many changes at
this time of year, such as the colorful leaves and cooler nights. French writer Albert
Camus even thought autumn was a second spring, “when every leaf is a flower.”
This view is also found in the most famous autumn poem in English literature, To
Autumn by John Keats. In that poem, Keats says that autumn has its own songs,
just like spring.
Another theme of this season is wisdom. The arrival of autumn is thought to be
similar to a person becoming mature (成熟的).
The great Irish poet W.B. Yeats used this idea in his poem The Wild Swans at
Coole (《库尔的野天鹅》), writing about the changing seasons in Coole Park in the
west of Ireland. Seeing and counting 59 swans, he remembers first making the
count as a young man. Seeing the swans do the same thing for all those years, he’s
reminded that even though we get older, our hearts always stay the same age.
32. What can be concluded about White Dew
A. It is often ignored by writers and poets.
B. It is the time of year with the most rainfall.
C. It indicates the end of the autumn.
D. It is when the temperature begins to drop.
33.Why is “A Moveable Feast” was mentioned
A. To point out that autumn is very cold.
B. To show that winter will soon come.
C. To present the sad part of autumn.
D. To express sadness about the end of life.
34.What does “this idea” in the last paragraph refer to
A. We can always stay young at heart.
高一英语 共 12 页 第 7 页
B. Autumn is an important season for man.
C. Autumn is related to one’s growing old.
D. Nature is full of lessons to be learned.
35.What’s the focus of the passage
A. The solar term White Dew.
B. Famous writers’ description of autumn.
C. Autumn weather and activities.
D. Why autumn is a sad season.
第二节 (共 5 小题,每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)
There are many theories that suggest different ways of improving memory or
thinking more clearly. One of those is the idea that adding rosemary (迷迭香) to
your food or water, or even breathing in its fragrance, can give your brain a boost.
First, it’s important to understand what rosemary is. 36 It’s a perennial,
meaning that once you plant it, it should re-grow every year when the weather is
warm enough for it to do so. It’s native to Asia and the Mediterranean. ___37
Rosemary is related to the mint (薄荷) family of plants. When it blooms, its
flowers are white, purple, pink or deep blue. It is often used as a flavor in food,
including soups, meat, fish and other Mediterranean food. And it has a somewhat
bitter flavor. Some people also enjoy tea flavored with rosemary. 38
One study that involved 28 older adults found that consumption of a small
amount of dried rosemary powder was associated with statistically significantly
improved memory speed. 39 Researchers found that their memory of images
and numbers improved when the essential oil of rosemary was sprayed in the room.
40 But one theory is that rosemary appears to have some antioxidant
(抗氧剂) properties that may offer some healing for the damage in our bodies.
Another idea is that rosemary appears to lower anxiety, which in turn, may increase
the ability to concentrate.
While rosemary shows some promise for boosting our brain power, it’s
important to check with your doctor before you begin having it.
A. Rosemary is a herb with needle-like leaves.
B. Rosemary is also used as a perfume and added to shampoo and soap.
C. Here’s what research has found about rosemary.
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D. It is unknown if those benefits would apply to humans.
E. Another study was performed with 53 students between 13 and 15 years old.
F. It’s not known for sure why there may be a benefit from rosemary.
G. But it is grown in the United States, as well.
第三部分 语言知识运用(满分 45 分)
第一节 阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入
空白处的最佳选项。(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分.满分 15 分)
When Massachusetts were in the thick of the most violent winter storm, Sam
White was braving the elements to___41___ groceries. She had just tapped “accept”
on her final___42___of the day when the storm started picking up. Sam pushed
through and made it to her customer's home, but then the___43___happened: Her
car was out of control.
With the roads as___44___as they were, her car slid down the driveway.
___45___, it stopped just short of the house.However, it got stuck.The house
owners were both shocked and___46___when Chelsea explained what had
Three of them tried every possible means to___47___her car, but in vain.
That's when the couple___48___ the neighborly next step: They invited her in.
Sam White was___49___coming into a stranger's home. After spending more
time with the couple and realizing the storm made___50___too dangerous,she was
relieved to accept their___51___. Later, they cooked her dinner and ___52___ one
Sam was touched and even more grateful for their___53___when learning her
apartment lost electricity and water as the___54___worsened.
“I'm glad that such wonderful people___55___me.It turned out to be the
best-case scenario (脚本).”
41.A.buy B.deliver C.ship D.give
42.A.decision B.report C.pay D.order
43.A.worst B.favorite C.strange D.best
44.A.dusty B.icy C.empty D.cruel
45.A.Merely B.Actually C.Fortunately D.Rarely
46.A.excited B.satisfied C.eager D.concerned
47.A.lock B.paint C.free D.wash
48.A.examined B.contained C.explored D.took
高一英语 共 12 页 第 9 页
49.A.nervous B.comfortable C.relaxed D.amazed
50.A.shopping B.travel C.comment D.adventure
51.A.offer B.appointment C.request D.award
52.A.decorated B.cleared C.spared D.booked
53.A.creativity B.charity C.benefits D.kindness
54.A.career B.market C.storm D.anxiety
55.A.followed B.sheltered C.cooked D.impressed
第二节语篇填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形
The giant panda is threatened by a very low birthrate both in the
wild___56___ in captivity (圈养).Its range is ___57___ (current) restricted to a
small portion on the western edge of its historical range.
In 2006,scientists reported that the number of pandas___58___(live) in the
wild may have been underestimated at about 1,000.Previous population ___59___
(survey) had used conventional methods to estimate the size of the wild panda
population,but using a new method which analyses DNA from panda droppings,
scientists believe the wild population may be as large as 3,000. ___60___the
species is still endangered,the conservation efforts are thought to be working. In
2006,there were 40 panda reserves in China,compared to just 13 reserves two
decades ago. In the same year, its habitats in Sichuan Province___61___(gain) a
UNESCO World Heritage Site status.
In 2012, Earthwatch, a global non-profit organization,___62___teams
volunteers with scientists to conduct important environmental research, launched a
program based in___63___Wolong National Nature Reserve. This program allows
volunteers to work up close with pandas which___64___(care) for in captivity,and
help___65___adapt to life in the wild.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)
第一节(满分 15 分)
假定你是 Sunshine School 的学生李华,为了帮助同学们提高应急反应能
力,请你代表学校写信邀请国际红十字会代表 Mr Smith 来校开展一次急救知
高一英语 共 12 页 第 10 页
注意:1.词数 80 左右;
参考词汇:心肺复苏 CPR 应急反应 emergency response
Dear Mr Smith,
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
第二节 (满分 25 分)
There was an elderly lady standing in the bone-chilling cold outside the back
of the supermarket.She was holding a basket with bunches of flowers.
“Would you like the flowers They are $3,”she asked me as I was walking
past. I politely responded “No,thank you.” as I walked away and went inside the
I was walking around the supermarket searching for the thing that I was
needing to buy and thinking of that lady,standing in the cold holding her basket of
flowers. Visualizing the beautiful flowers I had admired, her polite quiet voice and
lonely figure, I wondered about her unknown story of standing in the cold with her
basket. Maybe her family was in urgent need of money; maybe she was a lone soul
to earn a living with her own hands.
I had my own personal struggles. I had to budget for everything and I
appreciated that $3 was a lot for me, like many of us all and probably for her too.
But it wasn't my first thought when she had asked me about buying her
flowers.My first thought was that I didn't have the cash but this couldn't be used as
an excuse for not buying those flowers. I had not carried cash with me for a few
years and I thought many of us did the same.
When I went to the register to pay with my card, I asked for $3 cash out.The
staff member questioned me about the $3. I felt anxious about it quickly and tried
to remember the money I had in my account. And at the same time she pressed the
button to process it. I had mentioned that I wanted to buy flowers from the lady
who was selling them outside. A sigh of relief, I was glad to see it all had been
高一英语 共 12 页 第 11 页
accepted by the machine and that the staff member handed me the $3.
注意 1.续写词数应为 150 左右;
I walked away and around the corner of the supermarket to the lady._______
After giving her $3,I was surprised when she handed me the change.______
高一英语 共 12 页 第 12 页
答案:1-5 BAABC  6-10 BCCAB 11-15 AACBC 16-20 ABBCC
Text 1
W: Can you give me a lift My car’s in the garage and I’ll be late for work.
M: Sure. I’ll drop you off on my way to the gym.
Text 2
W: I’m from Danzhou. It’s a city far to the south.
M: I’ve never heard of that place. Could you spell “Danzhou” for me
Text 3
M: I think one can’t achieve anything just by sitting there and talking about it.
W: I can’t agree with you more. That’s why Peter failed to get into college.
M: Yes, Peter is talkative and he should be more hard-working.
Text 4
W: Hi, Ken. Do you fly quite often for your job
M: No, I go to work by bus and drive to different business appointments, but sometimes I take the train to go to the business conferences in other cities or things like that.
Text 5
M: When are you going to give me the schedule
W: I apologize for the delay, Mr. Parker. Arranging this meeting has taken me a long time. I’ll finish everything by next week.
M: All right. But I hope it won’t take any longer than that.
W: I won’t, Mr. Parker. I appreciate your understanding.
Text 6
W: Hello, Casablanca Hotel. Can I help you
M: Yes. I’m interested in a job your hotel posted on the Internet last Monday.
W: We posted several positions. Which position are you looking for
M: It is a position in your H&R Department. Is it available
W: Yes. Applications will be accepted for this position until next Friday.
M: I have no experience but I’m interested in it.
W: All right. If you’re interested in this position, please come to our hotel and have an interview next Wednesday morning.
M: Fine. Thank you.
Text 7
W: Excuse me, sir
M: Yes
W: Can I ask for your opinion on something
M: Sure, what can I help you with
W: Do you think I would look better in the blue or the red dress
M: I don’t think either one is good on you. I think you should try on the yellow dress.
W: But I hate the color yellow.
M: Then maybe the purple dress would look nice, too. And it’s on sale now, so you can get a big discount.
W: I don’t like purple, either.
M: Then I don’t know how to help you.
W: Okay, thank you all the same. I’ll shop around somewhere else.
Text 8
W: The service is really slow here. I’ve been trying to get the waiter’s attention for ten minutes.
M: I hope he can serve us soon. I’m starving, and I have a class at two o’clock.
W: Me, too. I recognize that you are holding an English book. You must be a student at the English Language Center.
M: Yeah, I’m in the fourth course. Are you studying there, too
W: Yes, I’m in the fifth course. I took the fourth course last month.
M: I just came here two weeks ago. Do you like the institute
W: It’s pretty good. I think I’ve made great progress so far.
M: Yeah. I only wish the classes were a little smaller because we don’t get enough chance to talk. I like my teachers a lot.
Text 9
M: Meg, what activity is in your blood
W: Hmm, I would say I like anything with nature, like camping or especially hiking and it’s hard for me to resist if I’m in a place with beautiful nature. I need to go outside.
M: So what about baking Isn’t baking sort of just natural for you
W: I do also love to bake, especially when I can make very creative desserts to share with people, but I don’t like to bake for myself. Do you have any activities or things that are in your blood
M: Well, I think one is just teaching. I love teaching. I just want to teach all the time. Even if I won the lottery, I would be a teacher. And another thing is jogging, even though most people are surprised because I’m a little fat. I’m about 20 pounds overweight, but I run almost every day. It’s the most relaxing thing for me.
Text 10
W: We won’t know what the future house will look like, but we can imagine three kinds of houses. The first one is the tree house. Like a leaf, the surface of the house collects sunlight during the day. The energy can be used to heat water, produce electricity and even create fresh air for the home. The root of the house is deep under the ground. It uses the soil to control the home’s temperature. The second one is the lizard home. Like a lizard, changing colors with the weather is the most important design of a lizard house. When it’s in the bright sun, the cover of the house will turn dark to protect it from strong heat. During the dark days, it turns white and takes in as much light and heat as possible to produce energy. The last one is the chimney house. In such a house, a chimney can be a useful air conditioner because it is easier for hot air to flow out of the chimney.
21.细节理解题。根据 Surf Dog Competition 部分中的“This annual event...taking place in
Imperial Beach in August and Huntington Beach in September.”信息可知,该比赛在两个地方举行。故选C项。
22.细节理解题。根据Bring Your Own Big Wheel Race 部分中的“someone posted a video of his race and as a result, the next year 's race featured hundreds of participants...”信息可知,正是 Brumit 的参赛视频才让这个比赛火起来。故选 A项。
23.细节理解题。四个比赛项目的内容介绍中都有 annual 或 every year信息(前三个比赛项目的内容介绍中都有“annual”,最后一个则有"every February”),由此可知,它们的共同点是:它们每年都要举行。故选B项。
[语篇导读]本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了Medha Gupta因担心回家路上的安全问题,自己独立开发了一款手机应用软件Safe Travel。在路途中遇到危险等,人们可通过该软件向亲人或者朋友发出预警信息。
24.细节理解题,根据第二段“Her mother, Divya Gupta had a suggestion: write an app.(她的母亲Divya Gupta提出了一个建议:编写一个应用程序。)”可知,Medha Gupta的母亲建议她开发一个应用程序。故选A项。
25.推理判断题。根据第四段“While she didn’t think much would come from the project, her effort caught the eye of judges for the annual Congressional App Challenge, who selected her as the winner for Virginia’s10th District.(虽然她认为这个项目不会有太大的收获,但她的努力引起了一年一度的Congressional App Challenge评委的注意,他们将她选为弗吉尼亚州第10选区的获胜者。)”可知,Medha能成为赢家真是个惊喜。故选D项。
26.推理判断题。根据最后一段“If we see something wrong with the world, we should do something about it.(如果我们看到这个世界有什么问题,我们应该做些什么)”可推断,Medha意在强调生活中应积极思考,勇于突破自我,即保持创新。故选C项。
27.主旨大意题,通读全文,尤其是第三段“The result was Safe Travel, an app designed by Medha to help walkers feel more secure (安全的) when travelling alone. Using the iPhone, a person can programme it to send a warning to someone he or she trusts if he or she fails to arrive at a destination within a certain time.(这款名为Safe Travel的应用程序是由Medha设计的,旨在帮助步行者在独自旅行时感到更安全。使用iPhone,用户可以对其进行编程,如果他或她未能在一定时间内到达目的地,就会向他或她信任的人发送警告。)”可知,本文主要介绍Medha Gupta为了解决上学路上遇到的安全问题,在妈妈的鼓励下,开发了一款独特的应用软件Safe Travel,用于保护步行者的人身安全,因此最好的题目是D选项“Medha for Safe Travel(Medha的Safe Travel)”,故选D项。
28.细节理解题。根据第二段“Well, for some people, fitness has become an obsession as they aim for perfection.(嗯,对一些人来说,健身已经成为一种痴迷,因为他们追求完美。)”可知,有些人追求完美导致对健身十分痴迷。故选C项。
29.词义猜测题。根据第三段“Too much exercise can also take its toll on someone’s physical health as well. Symptoms of over-exercising include injuries such as a broken leg and a low immune system.(过多的锻炼也会对某人的身体健康造成损害。过度运动的症状包括腿部骨折和免疫系统低下。)”可知,后句是在分析过度健身带来的危害,由此可知“take its toll”是有坏影响的意思。故选B项。
30.主旨大意题。根据第一段“But is there a risk that some of us might get obsessed(着迷的) and overdo it (但是是否有这个风险?——我们有可能会着迷,甚至过度健身。)”以及最后一段话“It’s all about letting go, not being obsessed, learning not to control everything, saying, ‘You don’t need to be perfect.’”(这是关于放手,不要沉迷,学会不要控制一切,说:“你不需要完美。”)”可知,本文讲述了过度沉迷健身给我们带来的影响。故选A项。
31.推理判断题。根据第一段“Do you like to keep fit (你喜欢健身吗?)”以及结合全文可知,本文是在讲述我们过度健身的影响,应该属于生活方式类。故选B项。
32.推理判断题。根据文章第一段“It indicates (表明) the beginning of the cool autumn. As the temperature falls, white dew is often seen on the grass and trees at night.(它预示着凉爽秋天的开始。随着气温下降,晚上的草地和树上经常会看到露珠。)”可知,白露是气温开始下降的时候。故选D项。
33.推理判断题。根据文章第三段“You expected to be sad in the fall. Part of you died each year when the leaves fell from the trees and their branches were bare (光秃秃的) against the wind and the cold, wintry light.(你在秋天自会感伤。每年当树叶从树上掉下来,它们的枝条裸露在寒风和寒冷的阳光下时,你的某些部分也随之死去)”可推断,提到海明威的《流动的盛宴》是为了呈现秋天的悲伤部分,故选C项。
34.词义猜测题。根据文章最后一段划线词后文“he’s reminded that even though we get older, our hearts always stay the same age.(他提醒我们,即使我们变老了,我们的心永远保持不变的年龄。)”可知,this idea即爱尔兰诗人叶芝所提醒我们的内容:我们可以永远保持年轻的心态。故选A项。
第二节 七选五答案AGBEF
36.从空格处上文“First, it’s important to understand what rosemary is.(首先,了解迷迭香是什么很重要)”可知,空处应是解释迷迭香是什么,分析选项可知 B 项“迷迭香是一种有针叶的草本植物”符合语境。故选A项。
37.空格处上文“It’s native to Asia and the Mediterranean.(它原本生长在亚洲和地中海地区)”是讲述迷迭香的产地,A项“但它也生长在美国”也是讲述迷迭香的产地,且表述与上文之间形成转折,且A项中的“is grown in”与上文中的“is native to”形成对比。故选G项。
38.根据上文“It is often used as a flavor in food, including soups, meat, fish and other Mediterranean food. And it has a somewhat bitter flavor. Some people also enjoy tea flavored with rosemary.(它经常被用作食物的调味剂,包括汤、肉、鱼和其他地中海食物。它有一些苦的味道。有些人还喜欢迷迭香茶)”可知,此处主要介绍了迷迭香在我们日常生活中的用途。F项“迷迭香也被用作香水和添加到洗发水和肥皂”符合语境,F项中的“Rosemary is also used as...”与上文关键词“It is often used as…”相呼应,故选B项。
39.根据上文“One study that involved 28 older adults found that consumption of a small amount of dried rosemary powder was associated with statistically significantly improved memory speed.(一项涉及28名老年人的研究发现,食用少量迷迭香粉能显著提高记忆速度)”可知,本段向我们说明,研究表明迷迭香可以帮助改善人的记忆力。G项“另一项研究对53名13至15岁的学生进行了研究”符合语境,G项中的“Another study”与上文 中的“One study”之间形成并列关系。故选E项。
40.根据下文“But one theory is that rosemary appears to have some antioxidant (抗氧剂) properties that may offer some healing for the damage in our bodies.(但有一种理论认为迷迭香似乎有一些抗氧化的特性,可以为我们身体的损伤提供一些治疗)”可知,此处是讲述迷迭香对人体的益处,空处与下文是转折关系,E项“目前还不清楚迷迭香为什么会有好处”符合语境,与下文之间形成转折关系,且E项中的“there may be a benefit from rosemary”与下文说明的迷迭香对人体的益处相呼应。故选F项。
41-45 BDABC 46-50DCDAB 51-55 ACDCB
语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。Sam White冒着暴风雪去送货,不曾想自己的车在一所房子前被困住了。热心的房主人主动提供帮助,却徒劳无功。于是,他们决定邀请Sam到家里休息住宿,Sam被他们的善举深深打动。
41. B考查语境推断。根据语境和下文中的She had just tapped “accept” on her final __42__ of the day when the storm started picking up. Sam pushed through and made it to her customer's home”可知,暴风雪来临的时候,Sam按下了最后一个订单的“接收”键, 穿越风雪, 成功送到顾客家,所以选B. deliver 送货。
42.D 考查语境推断。根据语境和上文中的“She had just tapped “ accept”和下文中的 “made it to her custom’s home”可知,选D. order 订单
43.A 考查语境推断。根据上文铺垫恶劣天气和下文中的“Her car was out of control.”可知选A. worst
44.B 考查语境推断。根据语境和下文中的“her car slid down the driveway”可知,暴风雪中,道路结冰,她的车滑出了车道。选B. icy结冰的
45.C 考查语境推断。根据语境和下文中的“it stopped just short of the house”可知,尽管她的车滑出了车道,但是幸运的是停在了离一户人家不远的地方。选C. Fortunately
46.D 考查语境推断。根据语境可知,当Sam把情况告诉房主人时,房主人都惊呆了,对她的情况十分担心。选D. concerned
47.C 考查语境推断。根据上文中的“However,it got stuck.”可知,Sam的车被困住了,因此房主人想要帮她把车推出来。选C. free释放,使解脱出来
48.D 考查语境推断。根据下文中的 “the neighborly step”和“They invited her in.” 可知,考固定搭配 take the next step采取下一步 故选D.
49.A 考查常识推断。根据常识可知,贸然进一个陌生人的家里,对一位女士来讲,难免紧张。故选A. nervous 紧张的。
50.B 考查常识推断。根据语境和常识可知,暴风雪让出行变得很难。故选B. travel 旅行,运动,行动。
51.A 考查语境推断。根据语境可知,在意识到暴风雪的威力之后,Sam坦然接受了那对夫妇的好意邀请。故选A. offer 给予;提议。
52.C 考查语境推断。根据语境可知,房主人不仅为Sam做了晚饭,还为她腾出一间屋子。故选C. spare 匀出,抽出。
53.D 考查常识推断。根据语境和常识可知,Sam是因为房主人的慷慨热情非常感恩。选D. kindness.
54.C考查词汇复现。根据上文中的“While Texans were in the thick of their unprecedented winter storm”可知,随着暴风雪的加剧,屋里水电都停了。
55.B考查语境推断。根据语境和上文中的“they cooked her dinner and one bedroom”可知,房主人收留了Sam。选B. sheltered保护,躲避
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述了近年来科学家和社会为保护大熊猫所做的努力及成果。
56. and 考查连词,前后表并列关系
57.currently 考查副词。此处修饰谓语动词restricted,需要用副词
58.living 考查非谓语, living现在分词做后置定语。
59.surveys 考查名词变复数
60. Although/Though/While 考查连词,前后表让步转折。
61.gained 考查时态
62.which 考查非限制定语从句
63.the 考查冠词 Wolong National Nature Reserve是专有名词,特指。
64. are cared 考查时态语态, 大熊猫是被照顾被关爱。
65.them 考查代词 代替上文的pandas。
第一节 参考范文]
Dear Mr Smith,
I am Li Hua from Sunshine School.I'm writing to invite you to give us first aid training to improve our emergency response abilities.
The training will last one hour from 3:30 to 4:30 pm on May 20th in the school hall.Would you please show us how to perform CPR and dress wounds?If time permits,we'd like to have a try under your guidance.
Your training will benefit us a lot.Looking forward to your early reply.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
I walked away and around the corner of the supermarket to the lady.She was standing there,trembling in the cold.No sooner had she noticed my approach than her weather beaten face lit up. I said shyly, “Hi,sorry. I didn't have the cash on me.Yes,I would like to buy some of your flowers.” On hearing that,she instantly put the basket of flowers in front of me, wearing a big and warm smile. The flowers were in full bloom, dancing in the wind. I chose the bunch of flowers I had first sighted.
After giving her $3,I was surprised when she handed me the change.I couldn't help but ask the price of the flowers.“$3 for all!” she explained.Without hesitation,I told her to keep the change.She took the money with shaking hands,tears welling up in her eyes. As I walked away, I hoped someone else could walk up to her and buy the rest flowers.We are all going through our own struggles but no matter how little we can do. it will make a difference.




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