
英语 听力材料
第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。
1. M: Hello! May I speak to Carrie
W: Hello! Speaking.
2. M: Sandy, have you ever been to Qingdao
W: No, never. But my brother has been there twice.
3. M: An American writer has written a book on the environment.
W: I have read the book. It’s popular all over the world.
4. M: What time is it now
W: It’s seven fifty.
M: The meeting will begin in ten minutes.
W: Oh, let’s hurry.
5. M: Morning, Sally. How often do you go to the park
W: Seldom. It’s too crowded there. I hate going to such a place. I usually watch TV at home in my free time.
第二节 听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。
W: It is sunny today. Stop playing computer games, Jeff. How about flying a kite
M: All right. But where shall we go
W: Let’s go to the park near Jane’s house.
M: No, we can’t. The park has gone. Maybe there will be several tall buildings there in the future.
W: What a pity!
M: Hi, Rose. Your grandfather looks strong and healthy.
W: Yes. And he looks young, too.
M: Where was your grandfather born
W: He was born in Scotland in 1944.
M: Does he have any brothers and sisters
W: Yes, he has three brothers and five sisters.
M: Wow, what a big family! When did your grandfather move to Australia
W: When he was 18 years old.
M: Where did your grandfather first meet your grandmother
W: In Sydney. In 1964, my grandfather went to Sydney and met a nice girl there. Then they got married one year later.
My name is Li Qiang. I took part in the Environment Protector activity with my classmates on Sunday. We left for our City Park at 8∶00 in the morning. We went there to do some cleaning. We sang songs happily as we walked to the park. When we got there, we found the public walls were dirty and rubbish was everywhere. So we began to pick up rubbish and clean the walls at once. All of us worked very hard.
听下面一段对话,回答第13至第15 三个小题。
W: Good morning, Mr.Black! How long has the company been open
M: It has been open for five years.
W: How long have you worked here
M: I’ve worked here since it was open.
W: Do you live near the company
M: No. I live quite far from the company. It takes me an hour by subway.
W: Do you have your own house
M: No. I rent a big room with a bathroom and a small kitchen.
W: Thanks a lot.
M: You’re welcome.
第三节 听下面一篇短文。按照你所听内容的先后顺序将下列图片排序。短文读两遍。
As our life is becoming better and better, many people’s hobbies have changed. For example, Marc used to like watching TV very much, but now he likes playing soccer. He says he wants to be a national team player. Teresa used to go to dance classes. Now she likes singing very much. She hopes to be a pop star in the future. Katrina is an outgoing girl. She likes sports very much. She used to like tennis but now she likes ping-pong instead. She wants to be a ping-pong player like Wang Nan. Peter used to collect stamps, but now he likes surfing the Internet. He says the Internet is so interesting. Fred used to play computer games. He often lost himself in them. Now he is on his school basketball team. He says playing basketball makes him not only happy but also healthy.
英语 参考答案
一、1—5 BCABC 6—10 BCCBA
11—15 CBCBA 16—20 DECAB
二、21-25 CBADC 26-30 ADBCC
31-35 DDDAC 36-40 ECDBA
三、41-45 DABAC 46-50 CBAAB 51-55 DCABC
56. easy 57. myself 58. was 59. show 60. away
61. hours 62. took 63. felt 64. encouraged 65. popular
66. have 67. at 68. The 69. that 70. to
五、补全对话。(答案不唯一,只要符合语境, 表达正确均可给分)
71. What did yo do in the library/What did you do there/What did you read/...
72. What is the magazine mainly about/What's it about
73. We should use cloth bags instead of plastic bags when we go shopping We should use both sides of the paper/......
74. Yes/Yes,it does/Of course.
75. It is everyone's duty to take care of protecting the environment/ /Everybody should try their best to do something to protect the environment/I think if everyone makes an effort,our environment will be better/...
Send others roses,and you can leave wonderful taste in your hands.I completely understand this because of my experience of helping others for the last two months.
My classmate Li Jun got an accident.After spending some time in hospital,he came to school.However,he had to sit on his wheelchair.Our teacher asked who was ready to help him.I took the job.I went be-fore school every morning to take him to school and sent him back to his house after school.Besides,I helped him with the schoolwork in my spare time.
The experience lasted two months.I do feel happy and satisfied to be able to help Li Jun.



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