2023-2024河北省秦皇岛市重点中学高一上学期第一次月考英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版无听力音频无听力原文)

说明:1. 考试时间120分钟,满分150分。
2. 将卷I答案用2B铅笔涂在答题卡上,卷II用黑色字迹的签字笔答在答题卡上。
1. What does the man do at home
A. He washes the dishes. B. He does the gardening. C. He sweeps the floor.
2. How many people died in the crash
A. None. B. Two. C. Four.
3. What does the man think of driving to work
A. It is annoying. B. It is satisfactory. C. It is time-wasting.
4. What are the speakers talking about
A. A piece of news. B. Some soldiers. C. The natural environment.
5. When is the man’s flight leaving for America
A. 11:00 a. m. B. 11:20 a. m. C. 1:00 p. m.
第二节(共15小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)
听下面 5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟; 听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
听下面一段对话, 回答第6和第7小题。
6 What is the woman’s worry about the dress
A. Its material. B. Its colour. C. Its style.
7. What will the woman do next
A. Try on a dress. B. Leave the place. C. Find a more stylish dress.
听下面一段对话, 回答第8和第9小题。
8. What is the purpose of the survey
A. To do a market research.
B. To introduce a new product.
C. To ask people to apply for credit cards.
9. What does the man ask the woman to do
A. Pay for his shopping. B. Sign a form. C. Pay his credit card bills.
听下面一段对话, 回答第10至12题。
10. How did the speakers arrive
A. On foot. B. By taxi. C. By car.
11. What are the speakers probably going to watch
A. A car race. B. A tennis game. C. A soccer match.
12. Why did the speakers arrive earlier
A. To find Peter. B. To get a good place. C. To meet the players.
听下面一段对话, 回答第13至16题。
13. When does the conversation probably take place
A. At the end of a term.
B. In the middle of a term.
C. At the beginning of a term.
14. What does the woman suggest doing
A. Watching a famous film.
B. Playing some good music.
C. Asking everyone to dress up.
15. What will the speakers discuss tomorrow
A. What clothes to wear. B. What games to organize. C. What music to play.
16 What food will the speakers prepare
A. Pizza. B. Bread. C. Fried chicken.
听下面一段独白, 回答第18至20题。
17. What is the purpose of the projects
A. To offer jobs from abroad.
B. To let people get higher education.
C. To improve international understanding.
18. How long is the project in Japan
A. Six months. B. Six weeks. C. Three weeks.
19. What will volunteers in the second project do
A. Work with the local people.
B. Do some gardening.
C. Provide medical care.
20. Where will the medical students work
A. In a language school.
B. In a children’s holiday centre.
C. In a centre for disabled children.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节, 满分50分)
第一节(共 15小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。
Golden Gate Bridge
Located in San Francisco, the Golden Gate Bridge started in the year 1933 to connect the San Francisco Peninsula with Marin County. It was finally thrown open to public traffic in 1937. It cost $25.7 million in the construction. Till the year 1957, the Golden Gate Bridge, at a length of 2,737 meters, was the longest suspension bridge in the world.
Brooklyn Bridge
The Brooklyn Bridge is located in Brooklyn. It is one of the oldest suspension bridges in the United States, having been opened in the year 1883. The length of the bridge is 1,843 meters. The bridge has been featured in several Hollywood movies.
George Washington Bridge
Also known as the Hudson River Bridge and the Columbus Bridge, the George Washington Bridge which connects Fort Lee to Manhattan came into use in 1931 after a construction period of almost 4 years. It is a two level suspension bridge that cost about $52 million to build.
Mackinac Bridge
This is the third biggest suspension bridge in the world at a length of 8038 meters. The architect of this bridge was Dr. David B. Steinman, who directed the construction of the bridge which started in the year 1954 and opened to the public in 1958. People using this bridge are charged a certain amount of money.
Navajo Bridge
Located in Arizona, this bridge crosses the Colorado River and is almost 250 meters long. The construction of this bridge started in the year 1927, ending two years later, costing $390,000. In the 1990s, a second bridge was built which was opened to the public in 1994. The first bridge is now used only by pedestrians.
1. What do we know about the Golden Gate Bridge
A. It consists of two bridges.
B. It costs the least of the five bridges.
C. It is the longest suspension bridge in the world.
D. It takes about 4 years to complete the construction.
2. Which of the following bridges was built the earliest
A. Golden Gate Bridge.
B. Brooklyn Bridge.
C. George Washington Bridge.
D. Navajo Bridge.
3. What will you do if you drive across Mackinac Bridge
A. Have to pay some money.
B. Use the second bridge.
C. Cover nearly 250 meters.
D. See the statue of Dr. David B. Steinman.
Matt and his wife lived in the country. Matt was very stingy and hated spending money. One day a fair (交易会) came to the nearby town.
They went to the fair and looked at all the things to buy. Matt’s wife wanted to buy a hat only costing $28, but was refused. Later on, a comb of $5 attracted her attention, but he would not let her spend any money.
Then, in a nearby field, they saw a small airplane. “Fun flight!” the notice said, “$10 for 10 minutes.”
Matt had never been in an airplane and he wanted to go on a fun flight. However, he didn’t want to pay for his wife either. “I’ve only got $10,” he told the pilot. “Can my wife come with me for free ” The pilot wasn’t selling many tickets, so he said, “I’ll make a bargain with you. If your wife doesn’t scream, she can have a free flight.”
Matt agreed, and got into the small airplane with his wife.
The pilot took off and made his airplane do all kinds of things. At one moment it was flying upside down.
When the plane landed, the pilot said, “OK, your wife didn’t make a sound. She can have her ride free.”
“Thank you,” Matt said, “it wasn’t easy for her, you know, especially when she fell out.”
4. Which of the following words has the closest meaning to the underlined word “stingy” in Paragraph 1
A. Mean. B. Kind. C. Strict. D. Thoughtful.
5. The pilot flew the airplane upside down in order to________.
A. throw the wife out of the plane
B. get another $10 by making the wife shout
C. show off his perfect flying skills
D. provide the couple with pleasure of excitement
6. The text is intended to________.
A. teach readers a lesson B. attract tourists
C. make readers laugh D. praise the couple
7. What can we infer from the passage
A. Matt loved money more than his wife.
B. Matt would like to buy everything for his wife.
C. The pilot didn’t mind whether Matt’s wife would pay.
D. Matt’s wife enjoyed her riding in the plane.
Down-to-earth means being honest, open, and easy to deal with. It is a pleasure to find someone who is down-to-earth. A person who is down-to-earth is easy to talk to. He or she accepts others as equals. A down-to-earth person may be an important member of society, of course, but they do not let their importance go to their heads, and they do not consider themselves to be better than others who are less important. Someone who is filled with self-importance and pride, often without cause, is said to have his nose in the air. There is no way a person with his nose in the air can be down-to-earth.
Americans use another expression that is similar in some way to down-to-earth. The expression is both feet on the ground. Someone with both feet on the ground is a person with a good understanding of reality (现实). He has what is called common sense. He may have dreams but he does not allow them to block his knowledge of what is real. The opposite kind of person is one who has his head in the clouds. A man with his head in the clouds is a dreamer whose mind is not in the world. Sometimes such a dreamer can be brought back to reality; sharp words from the teacher, for example, can usually get a daydreaming student to put both feet back on the ground.
The person who is down-to-earth usually has both feet on the ground. But the opposite is not always true. Someone with both feet on the ground may not be as open and easy to deal with as someone who is down-to-earth. When we have both our feet firmly on the ground, we are realistic and we act honestly and openly toward others, and our lives are like the ground below us, solid and strong.
8. If a person has his nose in the air, he________.
A. is down to the earth B. is easy to deal with
C. thinks he is more important than others D. is admired by others
9. If a person has both feet on the ground, he________.
A. is in touch with reality, and doesn’t have any dreams
B. has some dreams but he is realistic
C. is honest, open and easy to deal with
D. is practical but hard to deal with
10. From the second paragraph, we know that sharp words from a teacher can usually_______.
A. help a student get down to the earth B. wake a student up
C. hurt a daydreaming student’s feelings D. make a daydreaming student more realistic
11. From the passage we can infer the person who is_______ is the most popular kind of person.
A. down-to-earth B. standing on the ground
C. with his nose in the air D. with his head in the clouds
I’m attending a weekend workshop. What the leader asked us to follow was simple enough. She was a good teacher—she described what we had to do, then showed us how, then asked us to do it.—that’s a typical teaching method.
But I was finding the do part far more difficult and stressful than I had expected. I was outside my comfort zone, feeling awkward and uncertain. I tried to follow her directions, but I made mistakes in front of the others, and it felt embarrassing (令人尴尬的).
Here’s the thing: Although the act of learning is related to abilities, behaviors and methods, the experience of learning is emotional (激起情绪的). And it’s the emotional experience of learning—of being a beginner and making mistakes, often publicly—that keeps people from even trying to learn.
While learning may not be that hard, being a beginner can be very hard, especially when we see ourselves, and want to be seen by others in a group, as skilled and confident. Being awkward can even feel shameful. But it’s just a stage we have to go through in order to become graceful and competent. And our unwillingness to experience this stage can stop our future growth. This is especially true of areas where you, re already an expert.
Though I have taught leadership programs for 30 years, I still spend at least three weeks every year going to various personal development programs. More often than not, I, like a beginner, tried new skills, feeling awkward and even shame for not being better at a skill. And those are hard feelings to feel. But they are the unavoidable growth pains that come with learning, developing, and becoming better at something.
I wish, by the end of the weekend workshop, I could be completely comfortable and relaxed in all our activities. But that’s not the case. Maybe I’m a little more comfortable. But learning takes time and comfort takes experience.
There is one thing the workshop made me more comfortable doing: staying in the discomfort of learning long enough to learn.
12. How does the author introduce the topic of text
A. By sharing a personal experience.
B. By describing an excellent teacher.
C. By explaining a typical teaching method.
D. By recommending a weekend workshop.
13. What may prevent people from trying to learn according to the text
A. Fear of learning nothing.
B. Fear of making mistakes.
C. Lack of learning methods.
D. Lack of communication skills.
14. What can be learned about the author
A. He knows well how learning feels.
B. He is regarded as a successful leader.
C. He designs various development programs.
D. He can’t bear awkward feelings of learning.
15. What is the best title for the text
A. How to Become a Successful Learner
B. Learning Needs Efforts and Experiences
C. How to Avoid Embarrassment in Learning
D. Learning Is Supposed to Feel Uncomfortable
第二节(共5小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分12.5分)
根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
After entering high school, you must wonder how to study well. Here are some good skills for you.
Go to class
If you want to do well at school, going to class is the first step (步) in studying well. If you miss (错过) classes, you will miss what the teacher thinks is important; as a result, you’ll miss what is the most likely to end up on the test. ____16____.
Take good notes
Try not to write down everything. ____17____. Write down unfamiliar terms (术语). After class, review your notes as soon as possible. You can fill in details that you missed and review the material while it is still fresh on your mind.
If you are struggling (挣扎) in class, talk to your teacher. He or she may be able to give you more help before or after class. Most teachers have little sympathy (同情) for students who just become worried about failing during the last few weeks of the grading period.
Take part in class discussions
In order to learn more in class, it is helpful to take part in class discussions. Asking questions and having eye contact with your teachers and classmates can increase your focus during the class discussion. ____19____. This helps you make your point clear in class.
Form study groups
Get students together who want to do well in class. Make sure that everyone is familiar with the material because you do not want to spend time re-teaching material to people who do not understand it. ____20____! Sometimes group sessions (上课时间) can become chatting sessions.
A. Talk to your teacher if you need help.
B. Don’t be late for your class.
C. But be careful.
D. All you need is to put down (写下) the main points in your own words.
E. If the material is difficult, you’d better read it before class.
F. You should write down all the new terms.
G. So if you want to study well, go to every class.
第三部分 完形填空(共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)
阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
Growing up in coastal Maine, Lynda Doughty spent lots of time out on the sea. There she ____21____ saw whales, seals, and other marine (海洋的) animals. She developed a love for the wildlife living along the coast.
“I remember being so ____22____ them and wondering what was happening in their life,” Doughty said.
She also ____23____ that their life was influenced (影响) by pollution and other human-related activity. She wanted to do something to ____24____ these animals.
She ____25____ a marine biologist and worked with organizations that provided help for sick and injured sea animals. But as many nonprofits (非营利机构) closed their doors, Doughty decided to ____26____ .
Since 2011 her nonprofit, Marine Mammals of Maine, has provided help and medical care for more than 3,000 sea animals.
When COVID-19 struck, they couldn’t afford to ____27____ — the animals still needed their ____28____ .
“We were so ____29____ of how we would survive as a nonprofit in uncertain times,” Doughty said. “Luckily, our team stood strong and we were able to _____30_____ to help animals.”
When another New England-based marine animal rescue program stopped its animal care during COVID-19, Doughty’s work became more _____31_____ than ever.
“We couldn’t _____32_____ any animals to them and there was a shortage of rehabilitation (康复) places for animals. So, we were really _____33_____ and there was more pressure for our center to stay _____34_____ ,” Doughty said.
“I feel this strong _____35_____ to help these animals,” Doughty said. “This is what I was put on this Earth to do.”
21. A. almost B. often C. already D. never
22. A. surprised by B. afraid of C. sorry for D. satisfied with
23. A. proved B. imagined C. doubted D. noticed
24. A. protect B. attract C. train D. keep
25. A. met B. promised C. accepted D. became
26. A. set off B. travel around C. step in D. give up
27. A. go back B. slow down C. move on D. come along
28. A. information B. experience C. help D. behavior
29. A. nervous B. proud C. tired D. careful
30. A. continue B. learn C. remember D. begin
31. A. dangerous B. important C. interesting D. different
32. A. introduce B. return C. show D. bring
33. A. controlled B. encouraged C. needed D. impressed
34. A. popular B. open C. healthy D. silent
35. A. duty B. ability C. reason D. chance
卷Ⅱ(非选择题 共55 分)
注意: 将答案写在答题卡。写在本试卷上无效。
第一节语法填空(共10小题: 每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
One experience will always come to my mind when I think of China. Fifteen years ago, I was in my village in Western Nepal when one of my ____36____ (friend) came to visit us, proudly showing ____37____ brand-new phone. It ____38____ (fix) to his waistbelt in a beautiful case. Clearly, most of the questions targeted at him ____39____ (be) about this expensive-looking and shining mobile phone. His exact words: “Thanks to China and its people, I could afford this phone. I don’t think we could have such cheap and excellent phones ____40____ them.” If not for the cheap Chinese goods, the world’s poor can’t afford ____41____ (buy) many things they badly need.
Over the past 70 or so years, China ____42____ (become) the world leader. This shows that it’s possible for a country to rise from the rubble (废墟) of wars, shame and poverty (贫困). It also shows that a country’s ____43____ (develop) is possible when you have good plans and a strong will.
China has lifted 850 million out of absolute poverty in forty years, ____44____ is a great achievement in the world history. Besides, it is ____45____ (honest) wishing to help other poor countries to develop.
These are the reasons I love China and I want it to prosper forever.
第二节单词拼写(每空1词)(共10小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分)
46. Try and smile. You don’t want to give people the wrong_________(印象)(根据汉语提示单词拼写)
47. Even with her busy________(日程安排)she finds time to watch TV. (根据汉语提示拼写单词)
48. They were very ________(好奇的) about the people who lived upstairs. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
49. The new restaurant near my company is highly________(推荐). (根据汉语提示拼写单词)
50. There is no simple____________(solve) to this problem. (所给词的适当形式填空)
51. The bank refuses to take ________(responsible) for the mistake. (所给词的适当形式填空)
52. Never think that you can talk him out of the habit if he is________(上瘾的). (根据汉语提示拼写单词)
53. My_______(apply) form got lost in the post. (用所给词的适当形式填空)
54. There are special _______________(arrange) for people working overseas.(用单词适当形式填空)
55. She helps in a local school as a ________(志愿者)three days a week. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
第三节单句填空(共10小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分)
56. I’m not ________ so I’m a little anxious right now. (根据句意拼写单词)
57. I really wanted to tell him to please be quiet and leave me ________.(根据句意填空)
58. I believe I will make new friends here, and there’s a lot to________ at senior high. (根据句意拼写单词)
59. Tim writes his parents an email every week and tells them ________ happened on the ship. (用适当的词填空)
60. Studying and doing homework seem much more fun when you are________ sea. (用适当的词填空)
61. Going from junior high school to senior high school is a really big________.(根据句意拼写单词)
62. I know that Chinese is a very difficult language, but I hope to be ________ when I graduate. (根据句意填空)
63. ________ I was unhappy, but I won’t quit. (根据句意填空)
64. I’m a bit worried about________ up with the other students in my advanced course, and it’ll be quite difficult to get used to all the homework. (根据句意拼写单词)
65. Studying hard isn’t always fun, but I’ll be well prepared for university or _______else comes in the future.(用适当的词填空)
第四节书面表达(满分20分; 含5分书写)
66. 假如你是李华,你的美国笔友Alice来信说她因为要参加一次重要考试,最近出现了头晕、睡眠不好的焦虑症状。请根据以下要点,给她写一封书信提一些建议。
Dear Alice,
I have received your letter saying that you are anxious about the coming exam.
Sincerely yours,
Li Hua
听力答案:1-5 BABAC 6-10 BACBA 11-15 CBACB 16-20 ACCBC2023级高一第一学期第一次月考英语试题
说明:1. 考试时间120分钟,满分150分。
2. 将卷I答案用2B铅笔涂在答题卡上,卷II用黑色字迹的签字笔答在答题卡上。
1. What does the man do at home
A. He washes the dishes. B. He does the gardening. C. He sweeps the floor.
2. How many people died in the crash
A. None. B. Two. C. Four.
3. What does the man think of driving to work
A. It is annoying. B. It is satisfactory. C. It is time-wasting.
4. What are the speakers talking about
A. A piece of news. B. Some soldiers. C. The natural environment.
5. When is the man’s flight leaving for America
A. 11:00 a. m. B. 11:20 a. m. C. 1:00 p. m.
第二节(共15小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)
听下面 5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟; 听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
听下面一段对话, 回答第6和第7小题。
6. What is the woman’s worry about the dress
A. Its material. B. Its colour. C. Its style.
7. What will the woman do next
A. Try on a dress. B. Leave the place. C. Find a more stylish dress.
听下面一段对话, 回答第8和第9小题。
8. What is the purpose of the survey
A. To do a market research.
B. To introduce a new product.
C. To ask people to apply for credit cards.
9. What does the man ask the woman to do
A. Pay for his shopping. B. Sign a form. C. Pay his credit card bills.
听下面一段对话, 回答第10至12题。
10. How did the speakers arrive
A. On foot. B. By taxi. C. By car.
11. What are the speakers probably going to watch
A. A car race. B. A tennis game. C. A soccer match.
12. Why did the speakers arrive earlier
A. To find Peter. B. To get a good place. C. To meet the players.
听下面一段对话, 回答第13至16题。
13. When does the conversation probably take place
A. At the end of a term.
B. In the middle of a term.
C. At the beginning of a term.
14. What does the woman suggest doing
A. Watching a famous film.
B. Playing some good music.
C. Asking everyone to dress up.
15. What will the speakers discuss tomorrow
A. What clothes to wear. B. What games to organize. C. What music to play.
16. What food will the speakers prepare
A. Pizza. B. Bread. C. Fried chicken.
听下面一段独白, 回答第18至20题。
17. What is the purpose of the projects
A. To offer jobs from abroad.
B. To let people get higher education.
C. To improve international understanding.
18. How long is the project in Japan
A. Six months. B. Six weeks. C. Three weeks.
19. What will volunteers in the second project do
A. Work with the local people.
B. Do some gardening.
C. Provide medical care.
20. Where will the medical students work
A. In a language school.
B. In a children’s holiday centre.
C In a centre for disabled children.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节, 满分50分)
第一节(共 15小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。
Golden Gate Bridge
Located in San Francisco, the Golden Gate Bridge started in the year 1933 to connect the San Francisco Peninsula with Marin County. It was finally thrown open to public traffic in 1937. It cost $25.7 million in the construction. Till the year 1957, the Golden Gate Bridge, at a length of 2,737 meters, was the longest suspension bridge in the world.
Brooklyn Bridge
The Brooklyn Bridge is located in Brooklyn. It is one of the oldest suspension bridges in the United States, having been opened in the year 1883. The length of the bridge is 1,843 meters. The bridge has been featured in several Hollywood movies.
George Washington Bridge
Also known as the Hudson River Bridge and the Columbus Bridge, the George Washington Bridge which connects Fort Lee to Manhattan came into use in 1931 after a construction period of almost 4 years. It is a two level suspension bridge that cost about $52 million to build.
Mackinac Bridge
This is the third biggest suspension bridge in the world at a length of 8,038 meters. The architect of this bridge was Dr. David B. Steinman, who directed the construction of the bridge which started in the year 1954 and opened to the public in 1958. People using this bridge are charged a certain amount of money.
Navajo Bridge
Located in Arizona, this bridge crosses the Colorado River and is almost 250 meters long. The construction of this bridge started in the year 1927, ending two years later, costing $390,000. In the 1990s, a second bridge was built which was opened to the public in 1994. The first bridge is now used only by pedestrians.
1. What do we know about the Golden Gate Bridge
A. It consists of two bridges.
B. It costs the least of the five bridges.
C. It is the longest suspension bridge in the world.
D. It takes about 4 years to complete the construction.
2. Which of the following bridges was built the earliest
A. Golden Gate Bridge.
B. Brooklyn Bridge.
C. George Washington Bridge.
D. Navajo Bridge.
3. What will you do if you drive across Mackinac Bridge
A. Have to pay some money.
B. Use the second bridge.
C. Cover nearly 250 meters.
D. See the statue of Dr. David B. Steinman.
【答案】1. D 2. B 3. A
细节理解题。根据第一段中的“the Golden Gate Bridge started in the year 1933 to connect the San Francisco Peninsula with Marin County.It was finally thrown open to public in 1937.”可知,金门大桥始建于1933年,连接旧金山半岛和马林县。它于1937年向公众开放。金门大桥的建筑时间约有四年,故D项正确。
考查细节理解。根据Brooklyn Bridge中的“It is one of the oldest suspension bridges in the United States, having been opened in the year 1883. ”可知,它是美国最古老的悬索桥之一,于1883年开放。再根据文中各座大桥的建筑时间可知,布鲁克林大桥是最古老的大桥,故B项正确。
考查细节理解。根据Mackinac Bridge中的“People using this bridge are charged a certain amount of money.”可知,使用麦基诺大桥的人会被收取一定量的钱。故A项正确。
Matt and his wife lived in the country. Matt was very stingy and hated spending money. One day a fair (交易会) came to the nearby town.
They went to the fair and looked at all the things to buy. Matt’s wife wanted to buy a hat only costing $28, but was refused. Later on, a comb of $5 attracted her attention, but he would not let her spend any money.
Then, in a nearby field, they saw a small airplane. “Fun flight!” the notice said, “$10 for 10 minutes.”
Matt had never been in an airplane and he wanted to go on a fun flight. However, he didn’t want to pay for his wife either. “I’ve only got $10,” he told the pilot. “Can my wife come with me for free ” The pilot wasn’t selling many tickets, so he said, “I’ll make a bargain with you. If your wife doesn’t scream, she can have a free flight.”
Matt agreed, and got into the small airplane with his wife.
The pilot took off and made his airplane do all kinds of things. At one moment it was flying upside down.
When the plane landed, the pilot said, “OK, your wife didn’t make a sound. She can have her ride free.”
“Thank you,” Matt said, “it wasn’t easy for her, you know, especially when she fell out.”
4. Which of the following words has the closest meaning to the underlined word “stingy” in Paragraph 1
A. Mean. B. Kind. C. Strict. D. Thoughtful.
5. The pilot flew the airplane upside down in order to________.
A. throw the wife out of the plane
B. get another $10 by making the wife shout
C. show off his perfect flying skills
D. provide the couple with pleasure of excitement
6. The text is intended to________.
A. teach readers a lesson B. attract tourists
C. make readers laugh D. praise the couple
7. What can we infer from the passage
A. Matt loved money more than his wife.
B Matt would like to buy everything for his wife.
C. The pilot didn’t mind whether Matt’s wife would pay.
D. Matt’s wife enjoyed her riding in the plane.
【答案】4. A 5. B 6. C 7. A
词义猜测题。根据文章划线词后文“hated spending money(讨厌花钱)”可以推测,Matt是非常小气吝啬的,stingy与mean(吝啬的)同义。故选A项。
细节理解题。根据文章第四段““I’ve only got $10,” he told the pilot. “Can my wife come with me for free ”(“我只有10美元,”他告诉飞行员。“我的妻子可以免费和我一起去吗?”)”及“I’ll make a bargain with you. If your wife doesn’t scream, she can have a free flight.(我跟你做个交易。如果你妻子不尖叫,她就可以免费飞行)”及“The pilot took off and made his airplane do all kinds of things. At one moment it was flying upside down.(飞行员起飞,让他的飞机做各种各样的事情。有一段时间它是倒着飞的)”可知,飞行员想要赚钱,所以想方设法让Matt的妻子尖叫,因此,他将飞机倒着飞是为了让Matt的妻子大喊大叫,再赚10美元。故选B项。
推理判断题。根据文章最后一段““Thank you,” Matt said, “it wasn’t easy for her, you know, especially when she fell out.”(“谢谢你,”马特说,“你知道,这对她来说并不容易,尤其是她摔下来的时候。”)”可知,Matt的妻子没有大喊大叫,Matt省下了钱,但是妻子摔下去了,所以这是一个笑话,文章是为了让读者发笑。故选C项。
推理判断题。根据文章第一段“Matt was very stingy and hated spending money.(马特很吝啬,讨厌花钱)”及第四段““I’ve only got $10,” he told the pilot. “Can my wife come with me for free ”(“我只有10美元,”他告诉飞行员。“我的妻子可以免费和我一起去吗?”)”结合最后一段Matt宁愿让妻子掉下去也不舍得给她花钱可知,Matt更看重钱而不是他的妻子。故选A项。
Down-to-earth means being honest, open, and easy to deal with. It is a pleasure to find someone who is down-to-earth. A person who is down-to-earth is easy to talk to. He or she accepts others as equals. A down-to-earth person may be an important member of society, of course, but they do not let their importance go to their heads, and they do not consider themselves to be better than others who are less important. Someone who is filled with self-importance and pride, often without cause, is said to have his nose in the air. There is no way a person with his nose in the air can be down-to-earth.
Americans use another expression that is similar in some way to down-to-earth. The expression is both feet on the ground. Someone with both feet on the ground is a person with a good understanding of reality (现实). He has what is called common sense. He may have dreams but he does not allow them to block his knowledge of what is real. The opposite kind of person is one who has his head in the clouds. A man with his head in the clouds is a dreamer whose mind is not in the world. Sometimes such a dreamer can be brought back to reality; sharp words from the teacher, for example, can usually get a daydreaming student to put both feet back on the ground.
The person who is down-to-earth usually has both feet on the ground. But the opposite is not always true. Someone with both feet on the ground may not be as open and easy to deal with as someone who is down-to-earth. When we have both our feet firmly on the ground, we are realistic and we act honestly and openly toward others, and our lives are like the ground below us, solid and strong.
8. If a person has his nose in the air, he________.
A. is down to the earth B. is easy to deal with
C. thinks he is more important than others D. is admired by others
9. If a person has both feet on the ground, he________.
A. is in touch with reality, and doesn’t have any dreams
B. has some dreams but he is realistic
C. is honest, open and easy to deal with
D. is practical but hard to deal with
10. From the second paragraph, we know that sharp words from a teacher can usually_______.
A. help a student get down to the earth B. wake a student up
C hurt a daydreaming student’s feelings D. make a daydreaming student more realistic
11. From the passage, we can infer the person who is_______ is the most popular kind of person.
A. down-to-earth B. standing on the ground
C. with his nose in the air D. with his head in the clouds
【答案】8. C 9. B 10. D 11. A
细节理解题。根据文章第一段“Someone who is filled with self-importance and pride, often without cause, is said to have his nose in the air.(一个充满自负和骄傲的人,通常没有理由,被称为目中无人)”可知,如果说一个人鼻子在空气中(目中无人),这个人是自负的,骄傲的,会认为自己比别人更重要。故选C项。
细节理解题。根据文章第二段“Someone with both feet on the ground is a person with a good understanding of reality (现实).He has what is called common sense. He may have dreams but he does not allow them to block his knowledge of what is real. (一个脚踏实地的人是一个对现实有很好理解的人。他有所谓的常识。他可能会做梦,但他不会让梦挡住他对真实的认识)”可知,一个脚踏实地的人有一些梦想,但他很现实。故选B项。
细节理解题。根据文章第二段“Sometimes such a dreamer can be brought back to reality; sharp words from the teacher, for example, can usually get a daydreaming student to put both feet back on the ground.(有时这样的梦想家可以被带回现实;例如,老师的尖锐言辞通常可以让一个做白日梦的学生重新回到地面上)”可知,来自老师的尖锐言辞可以让做白日梦的学生更认清楚现实。故选D项。
推理判断题。根据文章第一段“Down-to-earth means being honest, open, and easy to deal with. It is a pleasure to find someone who is down-to-earth. A person who is down-to-earth is easy to talk to. He or she accepts others as equals. A down-to-earth person may be an important member of society, of course, but they do not let their importance go to their heads, and they do not consider themselves to be better than others who are less important.(脚踏实地意味着诚实、开放、容易相处。能找到一个脚踏实地的人是一件快乐的事。一个脚踏实地的人很容易交谈。他或她平等地对待他人。一个脚踏实地的人当然可能是社会的重要成员,但他们不会让自己的重要性冲昏头脑,也不会认为自己比那些不那么重要的人优越)”及最后一段“When we have both our feet firmly on the ground, we are realistic and we act honestly and openly toward others, and our lives are like the ground below us, solid and strong.(当我们脚踏实地时,我们是现实的,我们对别人的行为是诚实和开放的,我们的生活就像我们脚下的土地一样,坚实而强大)”可推知,脚踏实地的人有很多优质特点,因此应该是最受欢迎的一类人。故选A项。
I’m attending a weekend workshop. What the leader asked us to follow was simple enough. She was a good teacher—she described what we had to do, then showed us how, then asked us to do it.—that’s a typical teaching method.
But I was finding the do part far more difficult and stressful than I had expected. I was outside my comfort zone, feeling awkward and uncertain. I tried to follow her directions, but I made mistakes in front of the others, and it felt embarrassing (令人尴尬的).
Here’s the thing: Although the act of learning is related to abilities, behaviors and methods, the experience of learning is emotional (激起情绪的). And it’s the emotional experience of learning—of being a beginner and making mistakes, often publicly—that keeps people from even trying to learn.
While learning may not be that hard, being a beginner can be very hard, especially when we see ourselves, and want to be seen by others in a group, as skilled and confident. Being awkward can even feel shameful. But it’s just a stage we have to go through in order to become graceful and competent. And our unwillingness to experience this stage can stop our future growth. This is especially true of areas where you, re already an expert.
Though I have taught leadership programs for 30 years, I still spend at least three weeks every year going to various personal development programs. More often than not, I, like a beginner, tried new skills, feeling awkward and even shame for not being better at a skill. And those are hard feelings to feel. But they are the unavoidable growth pains that come with learning, developing, and becoming better at something.
I wish, by the end of the weekend workshop, I could be completely comfortable and relaxed in all our activities. But that’s not the case. Maybe I’m a little more comfortable. But learning takes time and comfort takes experience.
There is one thing the workshop made me more comfortable doing: staying in the discomfort of learning long enough to learn.
12. How does the author introduce the topic of text
A. By sharing a personal experience.
B. By describing an excellent teacher.
C. By explaining a typical teaching method.
D. By recommending a weekend workshop.
13. What may prevent people from trying to learn according to the text
A. Fear of learning nothing.
B. Fear of making mistakes.
C. Lack of learning methods.
D. Lack of communication skills.
14. What can be learned about the author
A. He knows well how learning feels.
B. He is regarded as a successful leader.
C. He designs various development programs.
D. He can’t bear awkward feelings of learning.
15. What is the best title for the text
A. How to Become a Successful Learner
B. Learning Needs Efforts and Experiences
C. How to Avoid Embarrassment in Learning
D. Learning Is Supposed to Feel Uncomfortable
【答案】12. A 13. B 14. A 15. D
推理判断题。根据第一段中的“I’m attending a weekend workshop. What the leader asked us to follow was simple enough.(我正在参加一个周末研讨会。领导要求我们做的事情很简单。)”和第二段中的“But I was finding the do part far more difficult and stressful than I had expected.(但我发现做的部分比我预期的要困难得多,压力也大得多。)”可知,作者去参加研讨会,从一开始认为学习会很简单,到发现做起来比想象的要难,由此可判断,作者通过自己的经历引出本文话题。故选A项。
细节理解题。根据第三段中的“And it’s the emotional experience of learning—of being a beginner and making mistakes, often publicly—that keeps people from even trying to learn.(正是学习的情感体验——作为一个初学者和犯错误,通常是公开的——让人们甚至不敢尝试学习。)”可知,正是人们的学习的情感体验,也就是怕经常公开犯错误会阻止人们继续学习。故选B项。
推理判断题。根据倒数第三段中的“More often than not, I, like a beginner, tried new skills, feeling awkward and even shame for not being better at a skill. And those are hard feelings to feel. But they are the unavoidable growth pains that come with learning, developing, and becoming better at something.(很多时候,我像初学者一样尝试新技能,为没有在一项技能上做得更好而感到尴尬甚至羞耻。这些都是很难感受的。但它们是学习、发展和变得更好时不可避免的成长痛苦。)”可知,作者通常像一个初学者那样去体验学习所经历的那种因为自及不擅长某种技能而感到的尴尬与羞愧,但又是伴随着学习不可避免的成长痛苦,由此可知,作者很了解学习的感受。故选A项。
主旨大意题。根据最后一段中的“There is one thing the workshop made me more comfortable doing: staying in the discomfort of learning long enough to learn.(有一件事让我更舒服:保持学习的不适感足够长的时间去学习。)”可知,在作者此次研讨会中的体验就是:待在不适区足够长才能去学习,以及全文作者对学习情感体验的描述,作者认为,学习就是要摆脱舒适区,由此可判断,本文的标题为“学习就是要感受不舒适”。故选D项。
第二节(共5小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分12.5分)
根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
After entering high school, you must wonder how to study well. Here are some good skills for you.
Go to class
If you want to do well at school, going to class is the first step (步) in studying well. If you miss (错过) classes, you will miss what the teacher thinks is important; as a result, you’ll miss what is the most likely to end up on the test. ____16____.
Take good notes
Try not to write down everything. ____17____. Write down unfamiliar terms (术语). After class, review your notes as soon as possible. You can fill in details that you missed and review the material while it is still fresh on your mind.
If you are struggling (挣扎) in class, talk to your teacher. He or she may be able to give you more help before or after class. Most teachers have little sympathy (同情) for students who just become worried about failing during the last few weeks of the grading period.
Take part in class discussions
In order to learn more in class, it is helpful to take part in class discussions. Asking questions and having eye contact with your teachers and classmates can increase your focus during the class discussion. ____19____. This helps you make your point clear in class.
Form study groups
Get students together who want to do well in class. Make sure that everyone is familiar with the material because you do not want to spend time re-teaching material to people who do not understand it. ____20____! Sometimes group sessions (上课时间) can become chatting sessions.
A. Talk to your teacher if you need help.
B. Don’t be late for your class.
C. But be careful.
D. All you need is to put down (写下) the main points in your own words.
E. If the material is difficult, you’d better read it before class.
F. You should write down all the new terms.
G. So if you want to study well, go to every class.
【答案】16. G 17. D 18. A 19. E 20. C
根据上文“If you miss (错过) classes, you will miss what the teacher thinks is important; as a result, you’ll miss what is the most likely to end up on the test. (如果你缺课,你就会错过老师认为重要的东西;结果,你会错过最有可能在考试中考查的内容。)”可知,上文介绍了缺课造成的负面影响,G项意为“所以,如果你想学习好,就去上每节课。”选项与上文构成因果关系,因为缺课会造成很多负面影响,所以,如果你想学习好,就去上每节课,呼应小标题“Go to class(去上课)”。故选G。
根据上文“Try not to write down everything. (尽量不要把一切都写下来。)”可知,上文告诉我们做笔记时不要试图把一切都写下来,D项意为“你只需要用你自己的话把要点写下来。”选项能够承接上文,讲做笔记的方法,做笔记时不需要把一切都写下来,只需要用你自己的话把要点写下来即可。故选D。
根据下文“If you are struggling (挣扎) in class, talk to your teacher. (如果你在课堂上很吃力,请和你的老师谈谈。)”可知,本段内容告诉我们如果我们在课堂上很吃力,可以和老师谈谈,向老师寻求帮助,A项意为“如果你需要帮助,请和你的老师谈谈。”选项能够概括段落主旨,下文是对这个方法的具体介绍。故选A。
根据下文“This helps you make your point clear in class. (这有助于你在课堂上阐明自己的观点。)”可知,上文告诉我们一种可以帮助我们在课堂上阐明自己观点的方法,E项意为“如果材料很难,你最好在上课前读一下。”选项能够引起下文,如果材料很难,你最好在上课前读一下,这有助于你在课堂上阐明自己的观点。故选E。
根据下文“Sometimes group sessions (上课时间) can become chatting sessions. (有时小组会议可能变成聊天会议。)”可知,下文告诉我们如果掌控不好,有时小组会议可能变成聊天会议,C项意为“但要小心。”选项能够引起下文,但要小心,如果掌控不好,有时小组会议可能变成聊天会议。故选C。
第三部分 完形填空(共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)
阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
Growing up in coastal Maine, Lynda Doughty spent lots of time out on the sea. There she ____21____ saw whales, seals, and other marine (海洋的) animals. She developed a love for the wildlife living along the coast.
“I remember being so ____22____ them and wondering what was happening in their life,” Doughty said.
She also ____23____ that their life was influenced (影响) by pollution and other human-related activity. She wanted to do something to ____24____ these animals.
She ____25____ a marine biologist and worked with organizations that provided help for sick and injured sea animals. But as many nonprofits (非营利机构) closed their doors, Doughty decided to ____26____ .
Since 2011, her nonprofit, Marine Mammals of Maine, has provided help and medical care for more than 3,000 sea animals.
When COVID-19 struck, they couldn’t afford to ____27____ — the animals still needed their ____28____ .
“We were so ____29____ of how we would survive as a nonprofit in uncertain times,” Doughty said. “Luckily, our team stood strong and we were able to _____30_____ to help animals.”
When another New England-based marine animal rescue program stopped its animal care during COVID-19, Doughty’s work became more _____31_____ than ever.
“We couldn’t _____32_____ any animals to them and there was a shortage of rehabilitation (康复) places for animals. So, we were really _____33_____ and there was more pressure for our center to stay _____34_____ ,” Doughty said.
“I feel this strong _____35_____ to help these animals,” Doughty said. “This is what I was put on this Earth to do.”
21. A. almost B. often C. already D. never
22. A. surprised by B. afraid of C. sorry for D. satisfied with
23. A. proved B. imagined C. doubted D. noticed
24. A. protect B. attract C. train D. keep
25. A. met B. promised C. accepted D. became
26. A. set off B. travel around C. step in D. give up
27. A. go back B. slow down C. move on D. come along
28. A. information B. experience C. help D. behavior
29. A. nervous B. proud C. tired D. careful
30. A. continue B. learn C. remember D. begin
31. A. dangerous B. important C. interesting D. different
32. A. introduce B. return C. show D. bring
33. A. controlled B. encouraged C. needed D. impressed
34. A. popular B. open C. healthy D. silent
35. A. duty B. ability C. reason D. chance
【答案】21. B 22. A 23. D 24. A 25. D 26. C 27. B 28. C 29. A 30. A 31. B 32. D 33. C 34. B 35. A
【导语】这是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了Lynda Doughty从小热爱海洋野生动物,在成为海洋生物学家后,她成立了非营利机构救助海豹的故事。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:在那里她经常看到鲸鱼、海豹和其他海洋动物。A. almost几乎;B. often经常;C. already已经;D. never从不。根据上文“Growing up in coastal Maine, Lynda Doughty spent lots of time out on the sea.”可知,Lynda Doughty在缅因州海边长大,她在海上度过了很多时光;由此可知,在那里,她经常看到鲸鱼、海豹和其他海洋动物,因此喜欢上了生活在海岸边的野生动物。故选B项。
考查形容词短语辨析。句意:我记得我被它们惊呆了,想知道它们的生活中发生了什么。A. surprised by对……感到惊讶;B. afraid of害怕;C. sorry for对……感到惋惜;D. satisfied with对……满意。根据下文“wondering what was happening in their life”可知,Lynda Doughty对海洋动物独的生活感到惊讶,充满好奇。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:她也注意到它们的生存受到污染和其他人类活动的影响。A. proved证明;B. imagined想象;C. doubted怀疑;D. noticed注意到。根据下文“their livelihood was influenced by pollution and other human-related activity”可知,Lynda Doughty注意到海洋生物受到污染和其他人类活动的影响的生存现状,决定有所行动。故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:她想采取行动,保护这些动物。A. protect保护;B. attract吸引;C. train训练;D. keep保持。根据下文“Luckily, our team stood strong and we were able to____10____to help animals.”可知,Lynda Doughty目睹海洋生物生存环境日益严峻,决定采取行动,保护这些可爱的海洋动物。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:她成为了一名海洋生物学家,并与为生病和受伤的海洋动物提供帮助的组织一起工作。A. met遇到;B. promised承诺;C. accepted接受;D. became变成,成为。根据空后“worked with organizations that provided help for sick and injured sea animals”可知,Lynda Doughty立志保护海洋动物,于是长大后成为一名海洋生物学家。故选D项。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:但是因为很多非营利机构都关闭了,所以Lynda Doughty决定介入。A. set off启程;B. travel around环游;C. step in介入,援之以手;D. give up放弃。根据空前“But as many nonprofits (非营利机构) closed their doors”以及下文“Since 2011, her nonprofit, Marine Mammals of Maine, has provided help and medical care for more than 3,000 sea animals.”可知,很多与合作的海洋动物保护机构倒闭了,Lynda Doughty决定介入,继续推进动物保护工作,她的非营利组织为海洋动物提供了帮助和医疗服务。故选C项。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:当COVID-19来袭时,他们不能放慢速度——动物们仍然需要他们的帮助。A. go back返回;B. slow down慢下来;C. move on继续进行;D. come along跟随。根据下文“the animals still needed their ____8____”可知,尽管爆发新冠疫情,但是动物们仍然需要他们的帮助,Lynda Doughty海洋动物保护机构的动物保护工作无法慢下来。故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:当COVID-19来袭时,他们不能放慢速度——动物们仍然需要他们的帮助。A. information信息;B. experience经验;C. help帮助;D. behavior行为。根据句中“When COVID-19 struck, they couldn’t afford to ____7____”以及下文“Luckily, our team stood strong and we were able to ____10____ to help animals.”可知,尽管疫情爆发,动物们仍然需要他们的帮助,Lynda Doughty的非营利机构在疫情期间也一直为保护海洋动物提供帮助。故选C项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“我们非常紧张,不知道在不确定的时期作为一个非营利组织我们该如何生存下去。”Doughty说:A. nervous担忧的;B. proud自豪的;C. tired疲惫的;D. careful小心的。根据空后的“how we would survive as a nonprofit in uncertain times”可知,Lynda Doughty对她的非营利组织如何能在疫情影响下的充满不确定的时期存活下来感到忧虑。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:“幸运的是,我们的团队很坚强,我们能够继续帮助动物。”A. continue继续;B. learn学习;C. remember记得;D. begin开始。根据上文“Since 2011, her nonprofit, Marine Mammals of Maine, has provided help and medical care for more than 3,000 sea animals.”以及句中“Luckily, our team stood strong”可知,即便新冠疫情肆虐,Lynda Doughty的非营利机构仍然继续为海洋动物提供帮助。故选A项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当另一个新英格兰的海洋动物救援项目在COVID-19期间停止了动物救助时,Doughty的工作变得比以往任何时候都更加重要。A. dangerous危险的;B. important重要的;C. interesting有趣的;D. different不同的。根据句中“When another New England-based marine animal rescue program stopped its animal care during COVID-19”以及下文“there was a shortage of rehabilitation (康复) places for animals”可知,当另一个新英格兰的海洋动物救援项目在COVID-19期间停止了动物救助时时,海洋动物康复救助机构数量不足,Doughty的工作变得更加重要。故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:“我们不能给他们带来任何动物,而且动物康复场所也很短缺。所以,我们真的很被需要,我们的中心保持开放的压力更大。”Doughty说。A. introduce介绍;B. return返回;C. show表明;D. bring带来。根据上文“When another New England-based marine animal rescue program stopped its animal care during COVID-19”可知,另一个新英格兰的海洋动物救援项目在COVID-19期间停止了动物救助,因此,Doughty不能把任何动物带给他们。故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:“我们不能给他们带来任何动物,而且动物康复场所也很短缺。所以,我们真的很被需要,我们的中心保持开放的压力更大。”Doughty说。A. controlled控制;B. encouraged鼓励;C. needed需要;D. impressed给某人留下印象。根据上文“there was a shortage of rehabilitation (康复) places for animals.”可知,考虑到海洋动物康复机构短缺,Lynda Doughty的非营利机构更加被需要。故选C项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“我们不能给他们带来任何动物,而且动物康复场所也很短缺。所以,我们真的很被需要,我们的中心保持开放的压力更大。”Doughty说。A. popular受欢迎的;B. open开放的;C. healthy健康的;D. silent寂静的。根据上文“We couldn’t _____12_____ any animals to them and there was a shortage of rehabilitation (康复) places for animals.”可知,当别的动物保护机构关闭,面临动物康复场所短缺,Lynda Doughty的非营利机构继续保持开放面临很大的压力。故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:“我感到有责任帮助这些动物。”Doughty说,“这就是我来到这个世界上要做的事情。”A. duty责任;B. ability能力;C. reason原因;D. chance机会。根据下文“This is what I was put on this Earth to do.”可知,Lynda Doughty认为保护海洋动物是她的责任。故选A项。
卷Ⅱ(非选择题 共55 分)
注意: 将答案写在答题卡。写在本试卷上无效。
第一节语法填空(共10小题: 每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
One experience will always come to my mind when I think of China. Fifteen years ago, I was in my village in Western Nepal when one of my ____36____ (friend) came to visit us, proudly showing ____37____ brand-new phone. It ____38____ (fix) to his waistbelt in a beautiful case. Clearly, most of the questions targeted at him ____39____ (be) about this expensive-looking and shining mobile phone. His exact words: “Thanks to China and its people, I could afford this phone. I don’t think we could have such cheap and excellent phones ____40____ them.” If not for the cheap Chinese goods, the world’s poor can’t afford ____41____ (buy) many things they badly need.
Over the past 70 or so years, China ____42____ (become) the world leader. This shows that it’s possible for a country to rise from the rubble (废墟) of wars, shame and poverty (贫困). It also shows that a country’s ____43____ (develop) is possible when you have good plans and a strong will.
China has lifted 850 million out of absolute poverty in forty years ____44____ is a great achievement in the world history. Besides, it is ____45____ (honest) wishing to help other poor countries to develop.
These are the reasons I love China and I want it to prosper forever.
【答案】36. friends
37. a 38. was fixed
39. were 40. without
41. to buy 42. has become
43. development
44. which 45. honestly
考查名词。句意:15年前,我在尼泊尔西部的一个村庄里,我的一个朋友来拜访我们,自豪地展示了一部全新的手机。one of后用名词复数,friend对应的名词形式为friends。故填friends。
考查动词时态语态。句意:它被装在一个漂亮的盒子里,固定在他的腰带上。根据前文Fifteen years ago可知,此句描述过去发生的事情,用一般过去时,It指代手机,与fix构成逻辑上的被动关系,此处用一般过去时的被动语态,It为人称代词单数。故填was fixed。
考查介词。句意:我认为如果没有他们,我们不可能拥有如此便宜和优秀的手机。根据Thanks to China and its people可知,此处them指代中国和中国人民,结合句意,没有中国和中国人,就不会有这么好的手机,空处缺少介词,without没有,符合题意。故填without。
考查非谓语动词。句意:如果不是廉价的中国商品,世界上的穷人买不起他们急需的很多东西。afford to do sth.意思为:负担得起做某事。故填to buy。
考查动词时态。句意:在过去70年左右的时间里,中国已经成为世界的领导者。根据Over the past 70 or so years可知,句子为现在完成时,China为单数。故填has become。
第二节单词拼写(每空1词)(共10小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分)
46. Try and smile. You don’t want to give people the wrong_________(印象)(根据汉语提示单词拼写)
47. Even with her busy________(日程安排)she finds time to watch TV. (根据汉语提示拼写单词)
48. They were very ________(好奇的) about the people who lived upstairs. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
【详解】考查形容词作表语。句意:他们对住在楼上的人很好奇。分析句子成分可知,空格处应填入形容词作表语,结合汉语提示可确定应使用形容词curious,be curious about“对......感到好奇”。故填curious。
49. The new restaurant near my company is highly________(推荐). (根据汉语提示拼写单词)
50. There is no simple____________(solve) to this problem. (所给词的适当形式填空)
【详解】考查名词。句意:这个问题没有简单的解决办法。所填词在句子中是主语,应该是名词;solve是动词,名词形式为solution;短语the solution to…“……的解决方法”。故填solution。
51. The bank refuses to take ________(responsible) for the mistake. (所给词的适当形式填空)
【详解】考查名词。句意:银行拒绝为这一错误承担责任。take responsibility for“ 为......负责任”为固定短语。故填responsibility。
52. Never think that you can talk him out of the habit if he is________(上瘾的). (根据汉语提示拼写单词)
53. My_______(apply) form got lost in the post. (用所给词的适当形式填空)
【详解】考查名词。句意:我的申请表在邮寄过程中丢失了。分析句子可知,form为句子的主语,apply对应的名词application,作定语修饰名词form,application form意思为:申请表。故填application。
54. There are special _______________(arrange) for people working overseas.(用单词适当形式填空)
【详解】考查名词。句意:海外工作的人有特别安排。分析句子可知,本句为there be句型,设空处为主要,应用名词,根据前面的系动词是are,可知名词应变复数,故填arrangements。
55. She helps in a local school as a ________(志愿者)three days a week. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
第三节单句填空(共10小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分)
56. I’m not ________ so I’m a little anxious right now. (根据句意拼写单词)
【详解】考查形容词。句意:我不是一个外向的人,所以我现在有点焦虑。设空处在句中作表语,根据句中的“so I’m a little anxious right now”可知,形容词outgoing“外向的”符合句意。故填outgoing。
57. I really wanted to tell him to please be quiet and leave me ________.(根据句意填空)
【详解】考查形容词。句意:我真想告诉他安静点,让我一个人静一静。固定短语leave sb. alone“不干涉某人,留下某人一个人”。故填alone。
58. I believe I will make new friends here, and there’s a lot to________ at senior high. (根据句意拼写单词)
【详解】考查动词。句意:我相信我会在这里交到新朋友,高中还有很多值得探索的地方。分析句子可知,空处缺少动词原形构成不定式作后置定语,结合at senior high可知,在高中还有很多值得探索的地方,explore探索,符合题意。故填explore。
59. Tim writes his parents an email every week and tells them ________ happened on the ship. (用适当的词填空)
【详解】考查名词性从句。句意:Tim每周给他的父母写一封电子邮件,告诉他们船上发生的事情。“____ happened on the ship”为名词性从句作动词tells的宾语,设空处引导名词性从句,在从句中作主语,表示“船上发生的事情”,设空处应填连接代词what。故填what。
60. Studying and doing homework seem much more fun when you are________ sea. (用适当的词填空)
【详解】考查介词。句意:当你在海上时,学习和做作业似乎更有趣。分析句子可知,空处缺少介词,at sea意思为:在海上。故填at。
61. Going from junior high school to senior high school is a really big________.(根据句意拼写单词)
【详解】考查名词。句意:从初中到高中是一个很大的挑战。根据句意并结合Going from junior high school to senior high school可知,从初中到高中是一个很大的挑战,a后用名词单数作表语,challenge挑战,符合题意。故填challenge。
62. I know that Chinese is a very difficult language, but I hope to be ________ when I graduate. (根据句意填空)
63. ________ I was unhappy, but I won’t quit. (根据句意填空)
64. I’m a bit worried about________ up with the other students in my advanced course, and it’ll be quite difficult to get used to all the homework. (根据句意拼写单词)
【详解】考查动名词。句意:我有点担心在高级课程上跟不上其他同学,而且要适应这么多的作业也很难。空处与up with构成动词短语,且about为介词,空处用动名词,结合with the other students in my advanced course可知,此处表示“跟上”用keep up with。故填keeping。
65. Studying hard isn’t always fun, but I’ll be well prepared for university or _______else comes in the future.(用适当的词填空)
【详解】考查连词。句意:努力学习并不总是有趣的,但是我会为大学或者将来的任何事情做好准备。分析句子结构可知,“__________else comes in the future”做介词for的宾语,是宾语从句,根据句意可知,此处表示“无论什么”,连词在从句中做主语,应用whatever来引导,故填whatever。
第四节书面表达(满分20分; 含5分书写)
66. 假如你是李华,你的美国笔友Alice来信说她因为要参加一次重要考试,最近出现了头晕、睡眠不好的焦虑症状。请根据以下要点,给她写一封书信提一些建议。
Dear Alice,
I have received your letter saying that you are anxious about the coming exam.
Sincerely yours,
Li Hua
【答案】Dear Alice,
I have received your letter saying that you are anxious about the coming exam.
In my opinion, it’s important for you to have a right attitude towards exams. They are only a means of checking how you are getting along with your studies, so there is no need to worry too much about the results. You should study hard every day and make good preparations for exams. In this way you can avoid suffering from the pressure of exams.
Besides, you’d better go out for a walk or do some outdoor exercise so that you can keep yourself relaxed and then concentrate yourself on exams. What’s more, having enough sleep can make you energetic and enable you to perform well in an exam.
I wish you success in the exam.
Li Hua
第三步:确定关键词汇和短语:be anxious about, get along with ,make good preparations for,
suffer from ,keep yourself relaxed and then concentrate yourself on exams.
第四步:确定较为高级的句子:it做形式主语In my opinion, it’s important for you to have a right attitude towards exams.so that引导的目的状语从句 Besides, you’d better go out for a walk or do some outdoor exercise so that you can keep yourself relaxed and then concentrate yourself on exams.
第五步:连句成文,注意使用恰当的连接词进行过渡衔接: In my opinion,Besides,What’s more.
【点睛】文章思路清晰,语言规范,段落整齐,语篇连贯,层次清晰。使用了较为高级的句式:it做形式主语In my opinion, it’s important for you to have a right attitude towards exams. so that引导的目的状语从句 Besides, you’d better go out for a walk or do some outdoor exercise so that you can keep yourself relaxed and then concentrate yourself on exams.
听力答案:1-5 BABAC 6-10 BACBA 11-15 CBACB 16-20 ACCBC



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