2022-2023甘肃省张掖市某重点校高一上学期期中考试英语试题(线上班)(原卷版+ 解析版无听力音频无听力原文)

高2025届 2022-2023学年度上期半期考试
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A 、B、 C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1. How will the speakers go back to London
A. By air. B. By train. C. By car.
2. When will the speakers meet
A. On Monday. B. On Tuesday. C. On Wednesday.
3. What will the man do tonight
A. Attend a meeting. B. Stay at home. C. Go to a club.
4. What will the weather be like this weekend
A. Snowy. B. Stormy. C. Fine.
5. What is wrong with the man
A His feet hurt. B. His shoes don’t fit him. C. He missed a long walk yesterday.
第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6. Where is the accounting office
A. On the 4th floor. B. On the 5th floor. C. On the 6th floor.
7. Where will the woman go first
A. The Thai restaurant. B. The accounting office. C. The shipping department.
8. When is the man’s flight leaving
A. Next Friday. B. Next Saturday. C. Next Sunday.
9. How much will the man have to pay for all tickets
A. $ 580. B. $1,160. C. $ 1,740.
10. How long does it take Jenny to write her paper altogether
A. Two weeks. B. Three weeks. C. One week.
11. Which part is the most difficult for Jenny
A. Writing the paper. B. Preparing an outline. C. Doing the research.
12. What does Stan think Jenny should do
A. Copy his outline. B. Make an outline before writing. C. Use her outline from last semester.
13. What is the relationship between the speakers
A. Driver and passenger. B. Club owner and customer. C. Interviewer and interviewee.
14. What can the guests do on the bus
A. Drive the bus. B. Have cold drinks. C. Cook food.
15. What are guests expected to do for parties
A. Get dressed smartly. B. Bring their VIP cards. C. Book clubs in advance.
16. What does the man suggest guests do before a fancy-dress party
A. Control the number of people.
B. Inform him of the booking time.
C. Avoid wearing jeans and sports shoes.
17. Where does the speaker come from
A. Australia. B. England. C. America.
18. What do English people think of Americans
A. Self-centered. B. Humorous. C. Cool.
19. What did the speaker like to do in the afternoon in England
A. Have a cup of tea. B. Watch comedy shows. C. Play with his friends.
20. What did the speaker find amazing in England
A. The TV program. B. The tea shop. C. The old buildings.
Are you looking to load up your e-reader with some new books to promote your career Well,look no further. Here are four best sellers for you!
The Boss of You by Lauren Bacon & Emira Mears
This book is a goldmine for women looking to start their own business. As a freelance writer (自由撰稿人), I read it several times when I decided to begin a career. I've folded so many pages in this book, and found some sections especially helpful, like the ones on figuring out start-up costs, drawing up a budget, and the ways to market yourself.
Suggested by Steph Auteri
The Path from Motherhood to Career by Diane Lang
I have used this book professionally myself after having my first child. Ms. Lang gives several choices that have worked for the women. At 62 pages long, every word counts. For moms that are still weighing choices, this book will help them decide if indeed it is time to go back to work.
Suggested by Anne Newton
Minding Her Own Business by Jan Zobel
Taxes are the same for women as are for men. Yet many women seem to have number anxiety that makes them feel they can’t deal well with their money. As a tax expert, I've seen this among my clients (客户) over the years. This book is designed for one-person businesses. Read it, and you’ll know what taxes to pay and what you needn’t.
Suggested by Jan Zobel
The Relationship Edge in Business by Jerry Acuff
For most women, the biggest challenges in our lives are the relationships we build and develop with our family and friends. Jerry explains how we can use those same relationship-building skills to build good relationships with our customers and co-workers that will help our business to grow soundly.
Suggested by Cyndy Kryder
1. What do we know about Steph Auteri from her recommending words
A. She was out of employment. B. She was the author of the book.
C. She's read the book carefully. D. She's made a fortune by writing.
2. What is Minding Her Own Business intended to do
A. To help readers manage taxes. B. To tell readers how to start business.
C. To advise readers to get on with colleagues. D. To assist readers with re-employment.
3. What do the four books have in common
A. They are written by the same author. B. They are recommended by experts.
C. They are intended for women. D. They are free to download.
When my old dog developed major health problems, I knew that watching him fail would be painful, but I wasn’t prepared for the powerful lessons he’d offer in the last year of his life.
Chance was 14 when the problems started. First, he developed a cancer that left him whistling for breath. Then came cataracts(白内障)in both eyes, arthritis(关节炎)in his legs, and a series of mini-strokes(小中风)that threw off his balance. Any one of these misfortunes would have left me begging for relief, but Chance became calmer as the disabilities piled up.
When leg pain left him frozen on the floor, unable to rise for a quick pat as I came home, he didn’t complain. He just lay there patiently, signaling me with his hammering tail, each movement spelling out the value of waiting for the things you want. When his cataracts made steering impossible after dark, he’d stand calmly until I could guide him inside, proving how easy it is to find happiness if you let go of your pride and insecurities and learn to lean on those who love you. When mini-strokes had him walk unsteadily like a drunk, he taught the value of persistence. For days after each attack, he’d fall as he moved about. Yet again and again he’d try to walk, each day moving a few more steps until finally he was able to get outside and back by himself.
There were lessons in so much of what he did, but the key one surely was the importance of obtaining all the joy possible from each experience whether it’s a day lazing under a warm sun or a few minutes appreciating a favorite meal.
For most of our life together, Chance was always rushing ahead, searching out new adventures, then circling back to let me know what lay around the next turn. As an old dog, he did the same thing, using his attitude, instead of his once - fast legs, to show the way.
4. Chance suffered very much from all the diseases he had except for _______.
A. having problem with breath B. walking around awkwardly
C. having trouble drinking D. losing his eyesight in darkness
5. _______ is the most important lesson the author learned from Chance.
A. Living in the present and enjoying what we have
B. Learning to depend on those who we love and trust
C. That we should expect good things to happen patiently
D. That we should persevere in what we believe is worth trying
6. It is implied in the passage that _______.
A. people might suffer from different diseases when they grow old
B. people could face aging with courage and dignity
C. pets would become calmer for lack of energy in their last days
D. pets and masters should stick together helping each other in difficulty
7 Which of the following words best describes the author’s feelings to Chance
A. Bitter. B. Appreciative.
C. Proud. D. Sympathetic.
There's a new frontier in 3D printing that's beginning to come into focus: food. Recent development has made possible machines that print, cook, and serve foods on a mass scale. And the industry isn't stopping there.
Food production
With a 3D printer, a cook can print complicated chocolate sculptures and beautiful pieces for decoration on a wedding cake. Not everybody can do that---it takes years of experience, but a printer makes it easy. A restaurant in Spain uses a Foodini to" re-create forms and pieces" of food that are" exactly the same,” freeing cooks to complete other tasks. In another restaurant, all of the dishes and desserts it serves are 3D-printed, rather than farm to table.
The global population is expected to grow to 9.6 billion by 2050, and some analysts estimate that food production will need to be raised by 50 percent to maintain current levels. Sustainability is becoming a necessity. 3D food printing could probably contribute to the solution. Some experts believe printers could use hydrocolloids( 水解胶体)from plentiful renewables like algae(藻类) and grass to replace the familiar ingredients(烹饪原 料). 3D printing can reduce fuel use and emissions. Grocery stores of the future might stock "food" that lasts years on end, freeing up shelf space and reducing transportation and storage requirements.
Future 3D food printers could make processed food healthier. Hod Lipson, a professor at Columbia University, said, "Food printing could allow consumers to print food with customized nutritional content, like vitamins. So instead of eating a piece of yesterday 's bread from the supermarket, you' d eat something baked just for you on demand."
Despite recent advancements in 3D food printing,the industry has many challenges to overcome. Currently, most ingredients must be changed to a paste( 糊状物)before a printer can use them, and the printing process is quite time-consuming, because ingredients interact with each other in very complex ways. On top of that, most of the 3D food printers now are restricted to dry ingredients,because meat and milk products may easily go bad. Some experts are doubtful about food printers, believing they are better suited for fast food restaurants than homes and high-end restaurants.
8 What benefit does 3D printing bring to food production
A. It helps cooks to create new dishes.
B. It saves time and effort in cooking.
C. It improves the cooking conditions.
D. It contributes to restaurant decorations.
9. What can we learn about 3D food printing from Paragraph 3
A. It solves food shortages easily.
B. It quickens the transportation of food.
C. It needs no space for the storage of food.
D. It uses renewable materials as sources of food.
10. What is the main factor that prevents 3D food printing from spreading widely
A. The printing process is complicated.
B. 3D food printers are too expensive.
C. Food materials have to be dried.
D. Some experts doubt 3D food printing.
11. What could be the best title of the passage
A. 3D Food Printing: Delicious New Technology
B. A New Way to Improve 3D Food Printing
C. The Challenges for 3D Food Production
D. 3D Food Printing: From Farm to Table
Amazon sells 1,161 kinds of toilet brushes. I know this because I recently spent an evening trying to choose one of them for the bathroom in my new apartment. Nearly an hour later, after having read countless contradictory (矛盾的) reviews and considering far too many choices, I felt tired and simply gave up. The next day, I happily bought the only toilet brush the local dollar store offered.
Too many choices exhaust us, make us unhappy and lead us to sometimes flee from making a decision altogether. Researcher Barry Schwartz calls this “choice overload”. And it's not just insignificant details like which brush to wipe the inside of the toilet with - having too many choices in our creative and professional lives can lead us to avoid making important decisions.
Understanding how and why we make decisions can perhaps help us make better choices down the line. We make poorer decisions when we are tired. It's caused by decision fatigue (疲劳). The mind can only sort through so many choices and make so many choices before it starts to rum out of steam. That's why impulse buys like candy bars and magazines at the checkout aisle in the grocery store can be hard to resist. We've exhausted all our good decision -making skills.
The same goes for our workday. Making lots of decisions not only exhausts us;it can put us in a bad mood. That's why it's necessary to make your most important decisions in the morning rather than at the end of an exhausting day when your energy has been used up. The idiom “sleep on it” is indeed effective when it comes to making big decisions.
When we're tired, we lend to conserve our energy by making choices based on a single factor like price, rather than considering all the other determinants that go into making the best decision. When you're doing this, you are acting as what researchers call a cognitive miser (小气鬼).
To conclude, letting yourself have fewer choices to choose from can help you arrive at a more creative answer.
12. Why did the author go to the local dollar store in the end?
A. She saw no good toilet brushes in Amazon.
B. She had got tired of the choices.
C. She read good reviews about brushes there.
D. She wanted to save some money.
13. What can we lean about“ choice overload”?
A. It can benefit our creative thinking.
B. It means learning too much at a time.
C. It was first discovered by Barry Schwartz.
D. It can stop us from making good decisions at work.
14. What does the underlined idiom “sleep on it” in Paragraph 4 mean?
A. To make a big decision regardless of sleepiness.
B. To make decisions at the end of the day.
C. To put off making big decisions until the next day when you are not tired.
D. To think carelessly about making a big decision.
15. What is the text mainly about?
A. Having fewer choices may benefit us more.
B. Reading reviews before shopping online is important.
C. Getting enough sleep every day is helpful.
D. Considering many factors to make a choice is unnecessary.
“Don’t judge a book by its cover”, the popular saying goes. “All that glitters is not gold” is another.
____16____is a third. What do they have in common?They remind us that something’s appearance should not be the most important thing when determining its value. The message is that we should value ourselves for who we are—accept our shortcomings and stop judging ourselves against our imperfections.
But it’s easier said than done. Many people still feel insecure about themselves and their appearance because it may not measure up to the standard of perfection. ___17___
Learn to accept praise. ___18___ Don’t push it away or play it down. And praise others too. If you think someone looks nice,or someone has a good idea,tell them. It can lift them up.
____19____We’re surrounded by these perfect images of what it is to be beautiful That comparing only creates,a standard we think we need to pursue and leads to feelings of disappointment if we aren't up to the standard.
Appreciate your body for what it can do—walking, yoga, playing sport or otherwise. You can be an incredible human regardless of your shape or size. Attend the gym and realize how strong and capable your body is, even though it may be fat.
Finally, the only person who can truly affect your body positivity is you. Becoming comfortable with yourself is unlikely to be accomplished overnight, but don't give up. Remember that everyone is insecure sometimes. ___20___Love what you look like.
A. “Birds of a feather flock together.”
B. “Fine feathers do not make fine birds”
C. When someone says something nice, embrace it
D. So there are some ways to help you to be more popular
E. Be certain about who you are and what you want as a person.
F. Don’t compare your body to others', particularly celebrities.
G. So what can a person do to improve their own body positivity
第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
After the birth of my second child, I got a job at a restaurant. Having worked with an experienced waitress for a few days, I was ___21___ to wait on tables on my own. All went well that first week. When Saturday night came, I was luckily ___22___ the table not far from the kitchen. ___23___, I still felt it a little hard to carry the heavy trays (托盘).
Before I knew it, the ___24___ was full of people. I moved slowly, ___25___ every step. I remember how ___26___ I was when I saw the tray stand near the tables; it looked different from the one I was ___27___ on. It had nice handles (手柄), which made it ___28___ to move around. I was pleased with everything and began to ___29___ I was a natural at this job.
Then an elderly man came to me and said, “Excuse me, dear, my wife and I loved ____30____ you work. It seems your tray stand has been very useful to you, but we are getting ready to ____31____, and my wife really needs her walker back.
At first his ____32____ did not get across. “What was he talking about! Then, I got it. I had set my trays on his wife’s orthopedic walker (助步器). I stood frozen as ice, but my face was ____33____ . I wanted to get into a hole and ____34____.
Since then, I have learned from many mistakes such as the one I just described. I have learned to be more ____35____and not to be too sure of myself.
21. A. intended B. invited C. allowed D. advised
22. A. left B. given C. brought D. shown
23. A. However B. Therefore C. Otherwise D. Finally
24. A. kitchen B. street C. restaurant D. table
25. A. minding B. changing C. saving D. rating
26. A. astonished B. stressed C. embarrassed D. happy
27. A. fixed B. trained C. loaded D. waited
28. A. quieter B. lighter C. easier D. slower
29. A. believe B. regret C. pretend D. ignore
30. A. getting B. respecting C. watching D. making
31. A. rest B. order C. eat D. leave
32. A. idea B. praise C. message D. issue
33. A. lit up B. full of joy C. in pain D. on fire
34. A. lie B. hide C. defend D. stay
35. A. careful B. responsible C. generous D. patient
第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
For five years, the most famous clock tower in Britain was hidden behind an ugly fortress of scaffolding (脚手架) for restoration. This summer, a sound familiar ___36___ Londoners for more than a century and a half will again ring out across the British capital — Big Ben is back.
The clock tower stands tall over the Palace of Westminster ___37___ houses the British Parliament (议会). It is officially known as the Elizabeth Tower but commonly called by ___38___ nickname of the enormous bell in the belfry (钟楼): Big Ben. The bell’s bong is ___39___ (instant) recognizable to Britons.
The size of Big Ben, ___40___ (weigh) a little over 15 tons, is impressive, as is the complexity of a clock mechanism based on the most ___41___ (advance) technology available to its 19-century creators. Nobody had ever attempted ___42___ (build) a clock that size to the accuracy demanded.
During the restoration, the clock was serviced for the first time since it started ticking in 1859, when crowds lined the streets to greet Big Ben’s___43___ (arrive). More than 3500 parts ___44___ (remove) from the 316-foot tower, including much of its iron roof. Now freshly ____45____ (paint), the tower stands as a monument to what can be achieved by modern restoration.
第四部分 词汇运用(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
It was the final part of the 2016 World Triathlon ___46___ (系列赛) in Mexico. With just 700 meters to go, Alistair Brownlee was in third place and his younger brother, Jonny, was in the ___47___ (领先). Alistair was ___48___ (接近) the finish line in the burning heat, but as he came round the corner, he saw his brother about to fall onto the ___49___ (跑道). Alistair had to choose — brotherly love, or a chance to win the race For Alistair, the choice was clear. His brother was in trouble. He had to help. The rescue put Jonny in second place and Alistair himself in third. It was an ___50___ (出乎意料的) end to the race.
The Brownlee brothers have been doing triathlons since they were children. “___51___ (显然), when your older brother is doing it, you think it’s a cool thing to do,” says Jonny. Despite ___52___ (争论) over “stupid things” now and then, Alistair agrees that having a brother is an advantage.
Watched by millions, the ending to the race has divided opinions: should the brothers have been ___53___ (取消……的资格) or highly praised But for Alistair, at that ___54___ (具体的,特定的) moment of the race, he was no longer an ____55____ (运动员) aiming for a medal — he was just a brother.
Nowadays, we can move around the world and still stay in ___56___ with (保持联络) the people that we want to remain friends with. Social media tools let us see what our friends are up to and maintain friendships. The ___57___ (数码的) age also enables us to find people who share our interests or have ___58___ (独一无二的,独特的) talents. Whatever our hobbies, the Internet can connect us with others who also enjoy doing them, even if they live on the other side of the world.
But when you “friend” people online, does this mean that they really are your friends It depends. If people always ___59___ (交流信息,想法等) true personal information online, then yes, these friendships can be real and meaningful. But we need to ___60___ in mind (记住) that what we see on social media is often not the whole ___61___ (真相,实情) about a person. On social media sites, people tend to post only positive ___62___ (最新消息) that make them appear happy and friendly. But smiling photos can hide real problems. This doesn’t mean that we should throw the baby out with the bathwater. Although technology has changed the way we acquire friends, the meaning of friendship remains the same.
Here are some qualities that a true friend possesses. He accepts who you are and trust you with his authentic self. He stands by you and offer words of ___63___ (安慰,慰藉) when you feel upset. He wants what’s really good for you and is willing to share ___64___ (资源). If you want to find such a friend, be one yourself. Your friend is a ____65____ (反映,映射) of your own personality.
第五部分 书面表达(满分20分)
66. 假定你是李华。你的外教John对你的高中生活感到好奇。请写邮件给他,简要介绍你的高中生活,内容包括:
1. 对高中生活的整体感受;
2. 初高中生活的差异;
3. 你的目标。
注意: 1. 词数100左右;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
_______________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
听力 1-5 BCBCA 6-10 CBACB 11-15 ABCBA 16-20 BCAAC高2025届 2022-2023学年度上期半期考试
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A 、B、 C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1. How will the speakers go back to London
A. By air. B. By train. C. By car.
2. When will the speakers meet
A. On Monday. B. On Tuesday. C. On Wednesday.
3. What will the man do tonight
A. Attend a meeting. B. Stay at home. C. Go to a club.
4. What will the weather be like this weekend
A. Snowy. B. Stormy. C. Fine.
5. What is wrong with the man
A. His feet hurt. B. His shoes don’t fit him. C. He missed a long walk yesterday.
第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6. Where is the accounting office
A. On the 4th floor. B. On the 5th floor. C. On the 6th floor.
7. Where will the woman go first
A. The Thai restaurant. B. The accounting office. C. The shipping department.
8. When is the man’s flight leaving
A. Next Friday. B. Next Saturday. C. Next Sunday.
9. How much will the man have to pay for all tickets
A. $ 580. B. $1,160. C. $ 1,740.
10. How long does it take Jenny to write her paper altogether
A. Two weeks. B. Three weeks. C. One week.
11. Which part is the most difficult for Jenny
A. Writing the paper. B. Preparing an outline. C. Doing the research.
12. What does Stan think Jenny should do
A. Copy his outline. B. Make an outline before writing. C. Use her outline from last semester.
13. What is the relationship between the speakers
A. Driver and passenger. B. Club owner and customer. C. Interviewer and interviewee.
14. What can the guests do on the bus
A. Drive the bus. B. Have cold drinks. C. Cook food.
15. What are guests expected to do for parties
A. Get dressed smartly. B. Bring their VIP cards. C. Book clubs in advance.
16. What does the man suggest guests do before a fancy-dress party
A. Control the number of people.
B. Inform him of the booking time.
C. Avoid wearing jeans and sports shoes.
17. Where does the speaker come from
A. Australia. B. England. C. America.
18. What do English people think of Americans
A. Self-centered. B. Humorous. C. Cool.
19. What did the speaker like to do in the afternoon in England
A. Have a cup of tea. B. Watch comedy shows. C. Play with his friends.
20. What did the speaker find amazing in England
A. The TV program. B. The tea shop. C. The old buildings.
Are you looking to load up your e-reader with some new books to promote your career Well,look no further. Here are four best sellers for you!
The Boss of You by Lauren Bacon & Emira Mears
This book is a goldmine for women looking to start their own business. As a freelance writer (自由撰稿人), I read it several times when I decided to begin a career. I've folded so many pages in this book, and found some sections especially helpful, like the ones on figuring out start-up costs, drawing up a budget, and the ways to market yourself.
Suggested by Steph Auteri
The Path from Motherhood to Career by Diane Lang
I have used this book professionally myself after having my first child. Ms. Lang gives several choices that have worked for the women. At 62 pages long, every word counts. For moms that are still weighing choices, this book will help them decide if indeed it is time to go back to work.
Suggested by Anne Newton
Minding Her Own Business by Jan Zobel
Taxes are the same for women as are for men. Yet many women seem to have number anxiety that makes them feel they can’t deal well with their money. As a tax expert, I've seen this among my clients (客户) over the years. This book is designed for one-person businesses. Read it, and you’ll know what taxes to pay and what you needn’t.
Suggested by Jan Zobel
The Relationship Edge in Business by Jerry Acuff
For most women, the biggest challenges in our lives are the relationships we build and develop with our family and friends. Jerry explains how we can use those same relationship-building skills to build good relationships with our customers and co-workers that will help our business to grow soundly.
Suggested by Cyndy Kryder
1. What do we know about Steph Auteri from her recommending words
A. She was out of employment. B. She was the author of the book.
C. She's read the book carefully. D. She's made a fortune by writing.
2. What is Minding Her Own Business intended to do
A. To help readers manage taxes. B. To tell readers how to start business.
C. To advise readers to get on with colleagues. D. To assist readers with re-employment.
3. What do the four books have in common
A. They are written by the same author. B. They are recommended by experts.
C. They are intended for women. D. They are free to download.
【答案】1. C 2. A 3. C
推理判断题。根据The Boss of You by Lauren Bacon & Emira Mears 部分的As a freelance writer (自由撰稿人), I read it several times when I decided to begin a career. I've folded so many pages in this book, and found some sections especially helpful, like the ones on figuring out start-up costs, drawing up a budget, and the ways to market yourself.(作为一个自由撰稿人,当我决定开始一个职业时,我把这本书读了几次。在书里我折叠了很多页,并且发现了一些特别有帮助的部分,例如那理清创业开支的、拟定预算的、以及推销自己的)可推测,Steph Auteri阅读很仔细,勾画出了很多她觉得有帮助的部分。C. She's read the book carefully.(她仔细地阅读了这本书)符合以上推测,故选C项。
细节理解题。根据Minding Her Own Business by Jan Zobel部分的This book is designed for one-person businesses. Read it, and you’ll know what taxes to pay and what you needn't.(这本书是专门为个人商务设计的。读这本书,你会知道需要支付哪些税以及不需要支付哪些税)可知,这本书的目的是帮助读者处理税务的。A. To help readers manage taxes.(为了帮助读者处理税务)符合以上说法,故选A项。
细节理解题。根据The Boss of You by Lauren Bacon & Emira Mears部分的This book is a goldmine for women looking to start their own business. (这本书对于打算自己创业的女性来说是一个宝藏),The Path from Motherhood to Career by Diane Lang部分的For moms that are still weighing choices, this book will help them decide if indeed it is time to go back to work.(对于还在权衡选择的妈妈们来说,这本书将帮助她们决定现在是否是重回工作的时刻),Minding Her Own Business by Jan Zobel部分的Yet many women seem to have number anxiety that makes them feel they can't deal well with their money.(但是,很多女性看起来似乎有数字焦虑症,这让她们觉得她们管理不好自己的钱)和The Relationship Edge in Business by Jerry Acuff部分的For most women, the biggest challenges in our lives are the relationships we build and develop with our family and friends.(对于大多数女性来说,我们生活中最大的挑战是和家人及朋友间建立的关系)可知,这四本书的共同点是它们都是写给女性的。C. They are intended for women.(它们是专门写给女性的)符合以上说法,故选C项。
When my old dog developed major health problems, I knew that watching him fail would be painful, but I wasn’t prepared for the powerful lessons he’d offer in the last year of his life.
Chance was 14 when the problems started. First, he developed a cancer that left him whistling for breath. Then came cataracts(白内障)in both eyes, arthritis(关节炎)in his legs, and a series of mini-strokes(小中风)that threw off his balance. Any one of these misfortunes would have left me begging for relief, but Chance became calmer as the disabilities piled up.
When leg pain left him frozen on the floor, unable to rise for a quick pat as I came home, he didn’t complain. He just lay there patiently, signaling me with his hammering tail, each movement spelling out the value of waiting for the things you want. When his cataracts made steering impossible after dark, he’d stand calmly until I could guide him inside, proving how easy it is to find happiness if you let go of your pride and insecurities and learn to lean on those who love you. When mini-strokes had him walk unsteadily like a drunk, he taught the value of persistence. For days after each attack, he’d fall as he moved about. Yet again and again he’d try to walk, each day moving a few more steps until finally he was able to get outside and back by himself.
There were lessons in so much of what he did, but the key one surely was the importance of obtaining all the joy possible from each experience whether it’s a day lazing under a warm sun or a few minutes appreciating a favorite meal.
For most of our life together, Chance was always rushing ahead, searching out new adventures, then circling back to let me know what lay around the next turn. As an old dog, he did the same thing, using his attitude, instead of his once - fast legs, to show the way.
4. Chance suffered very much from all the diseases he had except for _______.
A. having problem with breath B. walking around awkwardly
C. having trouble drinking D. losing his eyesight in darkness
5. _______ is the most important lesson the author learned from Chance.
A. Living in the present and enjoying what we have
B. Learning to depend on those who we love and trust
C. That we should expect good things to happen patiently
D. That we should persevere in what we believe is worth trying
6. It is implied in the passage that _______.
A. people might suffer from different diseases when they grow old
B. people could face aging with courage and dignity
C. pets would become calmer for lack of energy in their last days
D. pets and masters should stick together helping each other in difficulty
7. Which of the following words best describes the author’s feelings to Chance
A. Bitter. B. Appreciative.
C. Proud. D. Sympathetic.
【答案】4. C 5. A 6. B 7. B
细节理解题。由第二段中的“First, he developed a cancer that left him whistling for breath. Then came cataracts(白内障)in both eyes, arthritis(关节炎)in his legs, and a series of mini-strokes(小中风)that threw off his balance.”可知,他先是因癌症呼吸急促,然后两只眼都患上了白内障,腿上有了关节炎,一系列的中风让他失去了平衡。因此,Chance患的病有呼吸问题,走路困难和黑暗中看不见,没有喝水问题。故选C。
推理判断题。由倒数第二段中的“There were lessons in so much of what he did, but the key one surely was the importance of obtaining all the joy possible from each experience whether it’s a day lazing under a warm sun or a few minutes appreciating a favorite meal.”可知,在他做的事情里能学到很多,但是最重要的是从每一个经历里获得所有可能的快乐,不管是暖阳下慵懒的一天还是享受美食的几分钟。因此作者从Chance身上学到的最重要的是活在当下,享受我们有的。故选A。
推理判断题。由第三段中的“For days after each attack, he’d fall as he moved about. Yet again and again he’d try to walk, each day moving a few more steps until finally he was able to get outside and back by himself.”可知,每一次被疾病侵袭后,他走路时都会摔倒。但是一次又一次的,他努力走,每一天多走几小步,直到最后他能自己出去和回来。由此可以看出,Chance在面对年迈带来的问题时勇敢面对且有尊严。所以可以推断出,人们也应该勇敢和有尊严的面对年老。故选B。
推理判断题。由最后一段中的“For most of our life together, Chance was always rushing ahead, searching out new adventures, then circling back to let me know what lay around the next turn. As an old dog, he did the same thing, using his attitude, instead of his once - fast legs, to show the way. ”可知,对我们在一起的大部分时间而言,Chance总是冲在前面,寻找新的冒险,然后绕回来让我知道接下来前面是什么。作为一只老狗,他也做了相同的事情,用他的态度,而不是他曾经快过的腿,给我指路。因此,作者对他的狗应该是感激的(appreciative),故选B。
There's a new frontier in 3D printing that's beginning to come into focus: food. Recent development has made possible machines that print, cook, and serve foods on a mass scale. And the industry isn't stopping there.
Food production
With a 3D printer, a cook can print complicated chocolate sculptures and beautiful pieces for decoration on a wedding cake. Not everybody can do that---it takes years of experience, but a printer makes it easy. A restaurant in Spain uses a Foodini to" re-create forms and pieces" of food that are" exactly the same,” freeing cooks to complete other tasks. In another restaurant, all of the dishes and desserts it serves are 3D-printed, rather than farm to table.
The global population is expected to grow to 9.6 billion by 2050, and some analysts estimate that food production will need to be raised by 50 percent to maintain current levels. Sustainability is becoming a necessity. 3D food printing could probably contribute to the solution. Some experts believe printers could use hydrocolloids( 水解胶体)from plentiful renewables like algae(藻类) and grass to replace the familiar ingredients(烹饪原 料). 3D printing can reduce fuel use and emissions. Grocery stores of the future might stock "food" that lasts years on end, freeing up shelf space and reducing transportation and storage requirements.
Future 3D food printers could make processed food healthier. Hod Lipson, a professor at Columbia University, said, "Food printing could allow consumers to print food with customized nutritional content, like vitamins. So instead of eating a piece of yesterday 's bread from the supermarket, you' d eat something baked just for you on demand."
Despite recent advancements in 3D food printing,the industry has many challenges to overcome. Currently, most ingredients must be changed to a paste( 糊状物)before a printer can use them, and the printing process is quite time-consuming, because ingredients interact with each other in very complex ways. On top of that, most of the 3D food printers now are restricted to dry ingredients,because meat and milk products may easily go bad. Some experts are doubtful about food printers, believing they are better suited for fast food restaurants than homes and high-end restaurants.
8. What benefit does 3D printing bring to food production
A. It helps cooks to create new dishes.
B. It saves time and effort in cooking.
C. It improves the cooking conditions.
D. It contributes to restaurant decorations.
9. What can we learn about 3D food printing from Paragraph 3
A. It solves food shortages easily.
B. It quickens the transportation of food.
C. It needs no space for the storage of food.
D. It uses renewable materials as sources of food.
10. What is the main factor that prevents 3D food printing from spreading widely
A. The printing process is complicated.
B. 3D food printers are too expensive.
C. Food materials have to be dried.
D. Some experts doubt 3D food printing.
11. What could be the best title of the passage
A 3D Food Printing: Delicious New Technology
B. A New Way to Improve 3D Food Printing
C. The Challenges for 3D Food Production
D. 3D Food Printing: From Farm to Table
【答案】8. B 9. D 10. C 11. A
推理判断题。由第二段“Not everybody can do that---it takes years of experience, but a printer makes it easy”可知,3D打印节省了烹饪的时间和精力。故B选项正确。
推理判断题。由第三段“some experts believe printers could use hydrocolloids( 水解胶体)from plentiful renewables like algae(藻类) and grass to replace the familiar ingredients(烹饪原 料). ”可知,它使用可再生材料作为食物来源。故D选项正确。
细节理解题。由最后段“On top of that, most of the 3D food printers now are restricted to dry ingredients,because meat and milk products may easily go bad.”可知,阻碍3D食品印刷广泛传播的主要因素是3D食品打印机现在只限于干配料。故C选项正确。
Amazon sells 1,161 kinds of toilet brushes. I know this because I recently spent an evening trying to choose one of them for the bathroom in my new apartment. Nearly an hour later, after having read countless contradictory (矛盾的) reviews and considering far too many choices, I felt tired and simply gave up. The next day, I happily bought the only toilet brush the local dollar store offered.
Too many choices exhaust us, make us unhappy and lead us to sometimes flee from making a decision altogether. Researcher Barry Schwartz calls this “choice overload”. And it's not just insignificant details like which brush to wipe the inside of the toilet with - having too many choices in our creative and professional lives can lead us to avoid making important decisions.
Understanding how and why we make decisions can perhaps help us make better choices down the line. We make poorer decisions when we are tired. It's caused by decision fatigue (疲劳). The mind can only sort through so many choices and make so many choices before it starts to rum out of steam. That's why impulse buys like candy bars and magazines at the checkout aisle in the grocery store can be hard to resist. We've exhausted all our good decision -making skills.
The same goes for our workday. Making lots of decisions not only exhausts us;it can put us in a bad mood. That's why it's necessary to make your most important decisions in the morning rather than at the end of an exhausting day when your energy has been used up. The idiom “sleep on it” is indeed effective when it comes to making big decisions.
When we're tired, we lend to conserve our energy by making choices based on a single factor like price, rather than considering all the other determinants that go into making the best decision. When you're doing this, you are acting as what researchers call a cognitive miser (小气鬼).
To conclude, letting yourself have fewer choices to choose from can help you arrive at a more creative answer.
12. Why did the author go to the local dollar store in the end?
A. She saw no good toilet brushes in Amazon.
B. She had got tired of the choices.
C. She read good reviews about brushes there.
D. She wanted to save some money.
13. What can we lean about“ choice overload”?
A. It can benefit our creative thinking.
B. It means learning too much at a time.
C. It was first discovered by Barry Schwartz.
D. It can stop us from making good decisions at work.
14. What does the underlined idiom “sleep on it” in Paragraph 4 mean?
A. To make a big decision regardless of sleepiness.
B. To make decisions at the end of the day.
C. To put off making big decisions until the next day when you are not tired.
D. To think carelessly about making a big decision.
15. What is the text mainly about?
A. Having fewer choices may benefit us more.
B. Reading reviews before shopping online is important.
C. Getting enough sleep every day is helpful.
D. Considering many factors to make a choice is unnecessary.
【答案】12. B 13. D 14. C 15. A
推理判断题。根据第一段“Nearly an hour later, after having read countless contradictory reviews and considering. far too many choices, I felt tired and simply gave up. The next day, I happily bought the only toilet brush the local dollar store offered.”可知,作者在亚马逊上阅读了无数矛盾的评论,考虑了太多的选择之后,觉得太累放弃了,最后去当地的一元店买了店里唯一的一只马桶刷。由此推知,作者厌倦了过量的选择才去了当地的一元店。故选B项。
细节理解题。根据第二段“Too many choices exhaust us, make us unhappy and lead us to sometimes flee from making a decision altogether. Researcher Barry Schwartz calls this ‘choice overload’.”可知过量选择让我们疲惫不堪,不开心,有时会让我们逃避做决定。再根据第二段“having too many choices in our creative and professional lives can lead us to avoid making important decisions.”可知,在职业生活中选择过量会导致我们不能做出重要的决定。由此可知,过量选择会阻止我们在工作中做出好的决定。故选D项。
词义猜测题。根据第四段“That's why it's necessary to make your most important decisions in the morning rather than at the end of an exhausting day when your energy has been used up.”可知,在早上做重大决定胜过在一天筋疲力尽时做重大决定,即建议我们把重大决定推迟到第二天不累的时候。再根据画线词语所在句“The idiom ‘sleep on it’ is indeed effective when it comes to making big decisions.”可知,在做重大决定时“sleep on it”确实有效,“sleep on it”指的就是上文提到的考虑一晚上后,把问题留到第二天解决。故选C项。
主旨大意题。文章开头通过作者自己买马桶刷的例子,引出了过量选择现象。后续介绍了过量选择会让我们疲惫不堪,有时会让我们逃避做决定,建议我们第二天不累的时候把再做重大决定,让自己有更少的选择可以帮助我们得到更有创意的答案。再结合最后一段“To conclude, letting yourself have fewer choices to choose from can help you arrive at a more creative answer.最后,让自己有更少的选择可以帮助你得到一个更有创意的答案”可知,本文的主题是:选择越少,对我们越有好处。故选A项。
“Don’t judge a book by its cover”, the popular saying goes. “All that glitters is not gold” is another.
____16____is a third. What do they have in common?They remind us that something’s appearance should not be the most important thing when determining its value. The message is that we should value ourselves for who we are—accept our shortcomings and stop judging ourselves against our imperfections.
But it’s easier said than done. Many people still feel insecure about themselves and their appearance because it may not measure up to the standard of perfection. ___17___
Learn to accept praise. ___18___ Don’t push it away or play it down. And praise others too. If you think someone looks nice,or someone has a good idea,tell them. It can lift them up.
____19____We’re surrounded by these perfect images of what it is to be beautiful. That comparing only creates,a standard we think we need to pursue and leads to feelings of disappointment if we aren't up to the standard.
Appreciate your body for what it can do—walking, yoga, playing sport or otherwise. You can be an incredible human regardless of your shape or size. Attend the gym and realize how strong and capable your body is, even though it may be fat.
Finally, the only person who can truly affect your body positivity is you. Becoming comfortable with yourself is unlikely to be accomplished overnight, but don't give up. Remember that everyone is insecure sometimes. ___20___Love what you look like.
A. “Birds of a feather flock together.”
B “Fine feathers do not make fine birds”
C. When someone says something nice, embrace it
D. So there are some ways to help you to be more popular
E. Be certain about who you are and what you want as a person.
F. Don’t compare your body to others', particularly celebrities.
G. So what can a person do to improve their own body positivity
【答案】16. B 17. G 18. C 19. F 20. E
根据前文““Don’t judge a book by its cover”, the popular saying goes. “All that glitters is not gold” is another.(俗话说:“不要以貌取人”。“闪光的未必都是金子”是另一句。)”以及后文“They remind us that something’s appearance should not be the most important thing when determining its value.(它们提醒我们,在决定某物的价值时,外观不应该是最重要的因素。)”可知,划线句仍是关于不能凭外观决定价值的谚语。B选项““Fine feathers do not make fine birds””(“人不可貌相。”)符合题意,故选B项。
根据结合下文提到的几种提高的方法可知,划线句目的是引出下文提高身体积极性的方法。G选项“So what can a person do to improve their own body positivity ”(那么一个人可以做些什么来提高自己身体的积极性呢 )符合题意,可以引出下文。故选G项。
根据前文“Learn to accept praise.(学会接受表扬。)”可知,本段讲述的是要接受别人的夸赞。C选项“When someone says something nice, embrace it”(当有人说好话的时候,拥抱它)符合题意,故选C项。
根据下文“That comparing only creates,a standard we think we need to pursue and leads to feelings of disappointment if we aren't up to the standard.(这种比较只会创造一个我们认为需要追求的标准,如果我们达不到标准,就会感到失望。)”可知,本段是讲我们不能和完美身材的人作比较。F选项“Don’t compare your body to others', particularly celebrities.”(不要拿自己的身材和别人比较,尤其是名人。)符合题意,故选F项。
根据前文“Finally, the only person who can truly affect your body positivity is you.(最后,唯一能真正影响你身体积极性的人是你自己。)”以及下文“Love what you look like.(爱你自己的样子)”可知,我们要了解自己,并就自己想成为什么样的人做出决定。E选项“e certain about who you are and what you want as a person.”(确定你是谁,你想要什么样的人。)符合题意,故选E项。
第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
After the birth of my second child, I got a job at a restaurant. Having worked with an experienced waitress for a few days, I was ___21___ to wait on tables on my own. All went well that first week. When Saturday night came, I was luckily ___22___ the table not far from the kitchen. ___23___, I still felt it a little hard to carry the heavy trays (托盘).
Before I knew it, the ___24___ was full of people. I moved slowly, ___25___ every step. I remember how ___26___ I was when I saw the tray stand near the tables; it looked different from the one I was ___27___ on. It had nice handles (手柄), which made it ___28___ to move around. I was pleased with everything and began to ___29___ I was a natural at this job.
Then, an elderly man came to me and said, “Excuse me, dear, my wife and I loved ____30____ you work. It seems your tray stand has been very useful to you, but we are getting ready to ____31____, and my wife really needs her walker back.
At first his ____32____ did not get across. “What was he talking about! Then, I got it. I had set my trays on his wife’s orthopedic walker (助步器). I stood frozen as ice, but my face was ____33____ . I wanted to get into a hole and ____34____.
Since then, I have learned from many mistakes such as the one I just described. I have learned to be more ____35____and not to be too sure of myself.
21. A. intended B. invited C. allowed D. advised
22. A. left B. given C. brought D. shown
23. A. However B. Therefore C. Otherwise D. Finally
24. A. kitchen B. street C. restaurant D. table
25. A. minding B. changing C. saving D. rating
26. A. astonished B. stressed C. embarrassed D. happy
27. A. fixed B. trained C. loaded D. waited
28. A. quieter B. lighter C. easier D. slower
29. A. believe B. regret C. pretend D. ignore
30. A. getting B. respecting C. watching D. making
31. A. rest B. order C. eat D. leave
32. A. idea B. praise C. message D. issue
33. A. lit up B. full of joy C. in pain D. on fire
34. A. lie B. hide C. defend D. stay
35. A. careful B. responsible C. generous D. patient
【答案】21. C 22. B 23. A 24. C 25. A 26. D 27. B 28. C 29. A 30. C 31. D 32. C 33. D 34. B 35. A
考查动词词义辨析。句意:在和一位经验丰富的女服务员一起工作了几天后,我被允许独自在餐桌上服务。A. intended打算;B. invited邀请;C. allowed允许;D. advised建议。根据上文内容可知,作者在生完第二个孩子后,在餐馆里找到了一份服务员的工作。根据前文“Having worked with an experienced waitress for a few days”,并结合常识可知,作者在和一位经验丰富的女服务员一起工作了几天后才被允许独自在餐桌旁服务。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:星期六晚上,幸运的是,我被安排在离厨房不远的桌子上。 A. left离开;B. given给;C. brought带来;D. shown展示。根据空后的宾语“the table not far from the kitchen.”可知,作者一人负责一张餐桌,被安排在离厨房不远的桌子上。故选B。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:不过,我还是觉得拿这些沉重的托盘有点吃力。A. However然而;B. Therefore因此;C. Otherwise否则;D. Finally最终。根据空前内容“When Saturday night came, I was luckily ___2___ the table not far from the kitchen.”可知,作者感到被安排在距离厨房不远的地方服务感到很幸运;而下文“I still felt it a little hard to carry the heavy trays (托盘).”指的是作者觉得举着托盘有点吃力。由此可知,两句之间存在转折关系。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我还没反应过来,餐厅里就挤满了人。A. kitchen厨房;B. street街道;C. restaurant餐厅;D. table桌子。根据上文“After the birth of my second child, I got a job at a restaurant.”可知,作者是在餐馆里工作,由此可知,空处指的是餐厅里挤满了人。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我走得很慢,小心翼翼地走着每一步。A. minding介意、留心;B. changing改变;C. saving挽救;D. rating估价、定等级。根据上文“the ___4___ was full of people”以及“I moved slowly”可知,由于此时餐厅里挤满了人,作者走得很慢,由此可知,作者此时应该是留心着每一步。故选A。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我记得,当我看到桌子旁边的托盘架时,我是多么高兴;它看起来和我训练时用的不一样。A. astonished吃惊的;B. stressed紧张的;C. embarrassed尴尬的;D. happy开心的。根据上文“I still felt it a little hard to carry the heavy trays”以及“I moved slowly, ___5___ every step.”可知,作者此时觉得托盘很累,而且餐厅人多,很难行走。由此可推测,此时看到托盘架,作者应该是感到高兴。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我记得,当我看到桌子旁边的托盘架时,我是多么高兴;它看起来和我训练时用的不一样。A. fixed修理;B. trained培训;C. loaded负载;D. waited等待。根据上文可知,作者在独立服务前,先跟着一个有经验的服务员一起工作,也就是所谓的培训。由此可推测,作者此时看到的托盘架和训练时所使用的托盘架不一样。故选B。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:它有很好的手柄,这使得它更容易移动。A. quieter更安静;B. lighter更轻;C. easier更轻松;D. slower更慢。根据上文“It had nice handles (手柄),”可知,手柄让在托盘架移动更容易。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我对一切都很满意,并开始相信自己是这份工作的天生之材。A. believe相信;B. regret遗憾、后悔;C. pretend假装;D. ignore忽视。根据上文“I was pleased with everything”可知,此刻作者对一切都感到满意。由此可推断,空后内容是作者所认为的。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:这时,一位老人走过来对我说:“对不起,亲爱的,我和我妻子都很喜欢看你工作。看来你的托盘架对你很有用,但我们正准备离开,我妻子真的很想要回她的助步器。”A. getting得到;B. respecting尊重;C. watching看;D. making制作。根据下文“It seems your tray stand has been very useful to you, but we are getting ready to ___11___, and my wife really needs her walker back.”可知,作者其实是拿了老人的助步器,而老人并没有点明这一切,只是静静看着。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:这时,一位老人走过来对我说:“对不起,亲爱的,我和我妻子都很喜欢看你工作。看来你的托盘架对你很有用,但我们正准备离开,我妻子真的很想要回她的助步器。”A. rest休息、依靠;B. order命令;C. eat吃;D. leave离开。根据下文“my wife really needs her walker back.”可知,两位老人准备离开餐厅,这才来问作者索要助步器。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:起初我没有听懂他的意思。A. idea想法;B. praise表扬;C. message信息;D. issue议题、问题。根据下文“What was he talking about!”可知,作者一开始并没有听懂老人的话中所含的意思。故选C。
考查动词或介词短语辨析。句意:我站在那里冻得像冰一样,但我的脸却像火一样。A. lit up照亮;B. full of joy充满欢乐;C. in pain痛苦地;D. on fire着火。根据上文“I stood frozen as ice”以及常理推测,作者此时非常尴尬。由此可知,作者的脸应该是像着火了一样。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我想找个洞躲起来。A. lie说谎、躺;B. hide躲藏;C. defend防护、辩护;D. stay保持。根据上文“I stood frozen as ice, but my face was ___13___ .”可知,作者此时非常尴尬,难为情,所以作者是想找个洞躲起来。故选B。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我学会了更加小心,不要太自信。A. careful谨慎的;B. responsible负责任的;C. generous慷慨的;D. patient有耐心的。根据上文“I was pleased with everything and began to ___9___ I was a natural at this job.”以及全文内容可知,作者指的是不要太自信,也就是遇事要更小心。故选A。
第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
For five years, the most famous clock tower in Britain was hidden behind an ugly fortress of scaffolding (脚手架) for restoration. This summer, a sound familiar ___36___ Londoners for more than a century and a half will again ring out across the British capital — Big Ben is back.
The clock tower stands tall over the Palace of Westminster ___37___ houses the British Parliament (议会). It is officially known as the Elizabeth Tower but commonly called by ___38___ nickname of the enormous bell in the belfry (钟楼): Big Ben. The bell’s bong is ___39___ (instant) recognizable to Britons.
The size of Big Ben, ___40___ (weigh) a little over 15 tons, is impressive, as is the complexity of a clock mechanism based on the most ___41___ (advance) technology available to its 19-century creators. Nobody had ever attempted ___42___ (build) a clock that size to the accuracy demanded.
During the restoration, the clock was serviced for the first time since it started ticking in 1859, when crowds lined the streets to greet Big Ben’s___43___ (arrive). More than 3500 parts ___44___ (remove) from the 316-foot tower, including much of its iron roof. Now freshly ____45____ (paint), the tower stands as a monument to what can be achieved by modern restoration.
【答案】36. to 37. which##that
38. the 39. instantly
40. weighing
41. advanced
42. to build
43. arrival
44. were removed
45. painted
考查介词。句意:今年夏天,伦敦人一个半世纪以来熟悉的声音将再次在英国首都响起——大本钟回来了。分析句子可知,此处为固定短语familiar to“为……所熟悉”,满足句意要求。故填to。
考查定语从句。句意:钟楼高高耸立在英国议会所在地威斯敏斯特宫之上。分析句子可知,此处引导限制性定语从句,先行词the Palace of Westminster在从句中作主语成分,因此用关系代词which/that引导的定语从句。故填which/that。
考查副词。句意:英国人一下就能听出大本钟的嘡嘡声。由副词修饰动词可知,此处为副词instantly作状语修饰动词短语be recognizable to。故填instantly。
考查非谓语动词。句意:大本钟的重量有15吨多一点,它的大小令人印象深刻,同时它的复杂机械装置也令人印象深刻,它采用了19世纪最先进的技术。分析句子可知,此处为非谓语动词作后置定语修饰the size of Big Ben,the size of Big Ben和weigh为主动关系,所以为现在分词形式。故填weighing。
考查形容词。句意:大本钟的重量有15吨多一点,它的大小令人印象深刻,同时它的复杂机械装置也令人印象深刻,它采用了19世纪最先进的技术。由空前the most以及空后technology为名词可知,此处为形容词比较级形式修饰该名词。故填advanced。
考查动词不定式。句意:从来没有人试图制造出如此大、如此精确的钟。分析句子可知,此处为动词短语attempt to do“试图做某事”,所以此处为动词不定式形式。故填to build。
考查名词。句意:在修复期间,大本钟自1859年开始滴答作响以来第一次进行维修,当时人们站在街道两旁迎接大本钟的到来。由空前Big Ben’s为名词所有格可知,此处为名词形式。故填arrival。
考查动词时态和语态。句意:这座316英尺高的塔上有3500多个部件被拆除,其中包括大部分铁屋顶。分析句子可知,此处为谓语动词的填入,主语3500 parts为复数名词,和动词remove为被动关系,结合上下文时态可知,此处应为过去时,所以为一般过去时的被动语态结构。故填were removed。
考查非谓语动词。句意:这座塔现在刚刚粉刷一新,是现代修复所能取得的成就的纪念碑。分析句子可知,此处为非谓语动词作状语,paint和逻辑主语the tower为被动关系,所以为过去分词形式。故填painted。
第四部分 词汇运用(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
It was the final part of the 2016 World Triathlon ___46___ (系列赛) in Mexico. With just 700 meters to go, Alistair Brownlee was in third place and his younger brother, Jonny, was in the ___47___ (领先). Alistair was ___48___ (接近) the finish line in the burning heat, but as he came round the corner, he saw his brother about to fall onto the ___49___ (跑道). Alistair had to choose — brotherly love, or a chance to win the race For Alistair, the choice was clear. His brother was in trouble. He had to help. The rescue put Jonny in second place and Alistair himself in third. It was an ___50___ (出乎意料的) end to the race.
The Brownlee brothers have been doing triathlons since they were children. “___51___ (显然), when your older brother is doing it, you think it’s a cool thing to do,” says Jonny. Despite ___52___ (争论) over “stupid things” now and then, Alistair agrees that having a brother is an advantage.
Watched by millions, the ending to the race has divided opinions: should the brothers have been ___53___ (取消……的资格) or highly praised But for Alistair, at that ___54___ (具体的,特定的) moment of the race, he was no longer an ____55____ (运动员) aiming for a medal — he was just a brother.
【答案】46. Series
47. lead 48. approaching
49. track 50. unexpected
51 Obviously##Apparently
52. argument##arguments##arguing
53. disqualified
54. specific/particular
55. athlete
考查介词短语。句意:还剩700米时,阿利斯泰尔·布朗利名列第三,他的弟弟约翰尼领先。根据该句汉语意思提示可知,此处为介词短语in the lead“处于领先地位”,满足句意要求。故填lead。
考查动词语态。句意:在数百万人的注视下,这场比赛的结局引发了意见分歧:这对兄弟是应该被取消资格,还是应该受到高度赞扬?根据该句汉语意思提示可知,此处为动词disqualify“取消……的资格”,满足句意要求,结合brothers和disqualify为被动关系,结合前文的have been,可知这里是现在完成时的被动语态。故填disqualified。
Nowadays, we can move around the world and still stay in ___56___ with (保持联络) the people that we want to remain friends with. Social media tools let us see what our friends are up to and maintain friendships. The ___57___ (数码的) age also enables us to find people who share our interests or have ___58___ (独一无二的,独特的) talents. Whatever our hobbies, the Internet can connect us with others who also enjoy doing them, even if they live on the other side of the world.
But when you “friend” people online, does this mean that they really are your friends It depends. If people always ___59___ (交流信息,想法等) true personal information online, then yes, these friendships can be real and meaningful. But we need to ___60___ in mind (记住) that what we see on social media is often not the whole ___61___ (真相,实情) about a person. On social media sites, people tend to post only positive ___62___ (最新消息) that make them appear happy and friendly. But smiling photos can hide real problems. This doesn’t mean that we should throw the baby out with the bathwater. Although technology has changed the way we acquire friends, the meaning of friendship remains the same.
Here are some qualities that a true friend possesses. He accepts who you are and trust you with his authentic self. He stands by you and offer words of ___63___ (安慰,慰藉) when you feel upset. He wants what’s really good for you and is willing to share ___64___ (资源). If you want to find such a friend, be one yourself. Your friend is a ____65____ (反映,映射) of your own personality.
【答案】56. touch##contact
57. digital
58. unique 59. exchange
60. keep##bear
61. truth 62. updates
64. resources
65. reflection
考查固定短语。句意:如今,我们可以在世界各地移动,仍然与我们想要保持朋友关系的人保持联系。根据该句汉语意思提示可知,此处为动词短语stay in touch/contact with“与……保持联系”,满足句意要求。故填touch/contact。
考查动词短语。句意:但我们需要记住,我们在社交媒体上看到的往往不是一个人的全部真相。根据该句汉语意思提示可知,此处为动词短语keep/bear in mind“记住”,满足句意要求,结合空前to不定式可知,为动词原形。故填keep/bear。
第五部分 书面表达(满分20分)
66. 假定你是李华。你的外教John对你的高中生活感到好奇。请写邮件给他,简要介绍你的高中生活,内容包括:
1. 对高中生活的整体感受;
2. 初高中生活的差异;
3. 你的目标。
注意: 1. 词数100左右;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
_______________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
【答案】Dear John,
I hope this email finds you well. I'm glad to hear that you are curious about my high school life. Let me give you a brief introduction.
Overall, my high school life has been both challenging and rewarding. As soon as I started high school, I immediately noticed a big difference between my middle and high school years. In high school, the courses are more advanced and require a lot more effort and dedication. It was a big adjustment for me. However, the teachers and classmates were friendly and supportive, which helped me feel more comfortable.
As for my goals, I am determined to do well academically and maintain a good GPA. I’m also involved in extracurricular activities like the debate team and volunteering at the local hospital. I hope to excel in these areas too.
Thank you for asking about my high school life. I’d be happy to share more with you if you’re interested.
Li Hua
高兴的:glad→ happy
总的来说:Overall → To sum up
目标:goals→ aims
参加:be involved in→ take part in/participate in
原句:In high school, the courses are more advanced and require a lot more effort and dedication.
拓展句:In high school, the courses are more advanced, which requires a lot more effort and dedication.
【点睛】【高分句型1】However, the teachers and classmates were friendly and supportive, which helped me feel more comfortable.(运用了which引导非限制性定语从句)
【高分句型2】As soon as I started high school, I immediately noticed a big difference between my middle and high school years.(运用了As soon as引导的时间状语从句)
听力 1-5 BCBCA 6-10 CBACB 11-15 ABCBA 16-20 BCAAC



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