
滨江 城东 2023学年第一学期期中测试
What does Rick like to watch
A. Talent shows. B. Sports shows. C. Game shows.
2. What role does Jack play in the movie
A. An actor. B. A farmer. C. A teacher.
3. What does Helen like playing
A. The piano. B. The violin. C. The drums.
4. What does Rosa usually do on weekends
A. She does her homework.
B. She does the housework.
C. She does some shopping.
5. Where did Amy go on vacation
A. To Shanghai. B. To Nanjing. C. To Hangzhou.
第二节:听较长对话,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选择正确的选项,回答问题。
听下面一段较长对话,回答第 6~7 两个小题。
6. Who is the tallest in Greg’s class
A. Greg. B. Dennis. C. Lucy.
7. When was the talent show
A. Last Monday. B. Last Tuesday. C. Last Thursday.
听下面一段较长对话,回答第 8~10 三个小题。
8. What did Sam and his parents do yesterday afternoon
A. They visited museums.
B. They went to the mountains.
C. They went to the movies.
9. What did Sam’s mother eat for lunch
A. Some bread. B. Two hamburgers. C. A sandwich.
10. How often does Sam drink milk
A. Once a week. B. Three times a week. C. Every day.
第三节:听下面一段独白,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选择正确的选项,回答问题。
11. What is Wu Dong like
A. Hard-working. B. Lazy. C. Strict.
12. What does Wu Dong need to do on Saturday morning
A. To practice drawing. B. To play the piano. C. To study math.
13. What does Wu Dong think of drawing
A. He doesn’t mind it. B. He doesn’t like it. C. He loves it.
14. When does Wu Dong go to the English club
A. On Saturday afternoon. B. On Sunday morning. C. On Sunday afternoon.
15. How are the weekends for Wu Dong
A. Relaxing. B. Interesting. C. Boring.
第二部分 笔试部分
二、完形填空(本题有10 小题;每小题 1 分;共计 10 分)
阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
One day a little boy asked his father, "What does the word 'great' mean Who are great people and _16_ to become great "
The father asked his son to bring two plants and then told him to plant one of them 17 the house and the other outside the house. The boy did as his father said.
The father asked his son, "Which one of the two plants do you think will be 18 and bigger?" The boy replied, "The plant inside the house will be safer, 19 it will grow bigger,while the plant outside the house is not safe at all. No one will be there to 20 it. It may be eaten by animals."
The father smiled and said, "Let's wait patiently. We will know the answer." Then the boy left for study and after four years he came back to his house. He said to his father, "Look, 21 happens to this plant inside the house and it is safe."
When the boy went outside,he was very 22 to see a big tree. The boy couldn't believe his eyes. He couldn’t understand how the plant outside was able to grow much bigger than the plant inside.
"The plant outside the house faced four seasons and many difficulties!" the father 23 to his son why the plant outside was bigger. "The plant inside was safe, it didn't face weather changes, and it didn't get proper sunlight, so it didn't become big."
Here is the 24 to the question about being great: 25 a great person,one must have failed many times, experienced many difficulties and overcome those difficulties. After that, he is able to become great.
A.how B.why C.when D.where
A.besides B.opposite C.behind D.inside
A.stronger B.safer C.nicer D.weaker
A.but B.or C.so D.because
A.look after B.come across C.take away D.cut down
A.something B.nothing C.everything D.anything
A.excited B.satisfied C.pleased D.surprised
A.smiled B.agreed C.turned D.explained
A.result B.answer C.way D.reason
A.To choose B.To save C.To find D.To become
阅读理解(本题有15 小题,每小题 2 分;共计 30 分)
Last year, some groups of students in their community made a survey(调查) about "How do people spend their free time " The following diagrams(图表) show some results(结果) of it:
Diagram (1): Hours for people of different ages who surf the Internet in a week.
Diagram (2): Different days people go to the library. (library attendance)
Diagram (3): Different programs people like.
26.People aged ________ spend the most time surfing the Internet every week.
A.7—16 B.17—30 C.31—55 D.over 56
27.How many people go to the library on Saturdays
A.About 20%. B.About 40%.
C.Over 60%. D.More than 80%.
28.The three diagrams show us the results of a survey about ________.
A.what people do every day B.people's different habits
C.people's different lifestyles D.how people spend their free time
One day, an owner of a boat asked a man to paint a boat for him. When the man was painting, he found there was a hole and repaired (修理) it. When he finished painting, he got his money and left.
The next day, the owner of the boat came to the painter and gave him a nice check (支票) and it was much higher than the money for painting.
"You have paid me for painting the boat!" he said in surprise.
"But this is not for the paint job. It's for repairing the hole in the boat," answered the owner of the boat.
"It was just a small service. You don't have to pay me such a high price!"
Then the owner told the man what happened. When he asked the man to paint the boat, he forgot to tell about the hole. After the paint was dry, his children took the boat to fish but they didn't know the hole. The owner wasn't at home at that time. So when he came back and heard they had taken the boat, he was worried. Luckily, his children came back soon from fishing. He was excited.
Then he checked the boat and found that the man had repaired the hole!
"You saved the lives of my children! I don't have enough money to pay your ‘small' good deed," said the owner.
29.The owner of the boat asked the man ________.
A.to paint his boat B.to take his children fishing
C.to repair his boat D.to go fishing with him
30.What did the man do when he found the hole in the boat
A.He just finished his paint job.
B.He asked the owner for some money to repair it.
C.He repaired it by himself and didn't tell the owner.
D.He didn't want to paint the boat.
31.How did the man feel when the owner gave him the check
A.Excited. B.Unhappy. C.Worried. D.Surprised.
32.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The man was kind and he did his work very carefully.
B.After the paint was dry, the man went fishing with his children.
C.The owner asked the man to paint the boat and repair the hole.
D.The nice check was enough to pay for what the man did.
A lot of people play sports, but very few people become sports professionals (专家). If sports aren't going to be your future, then why should you play them Why should you train every day Why should you work hard and feel sore (酸痛的) the next day Wouldn't it be better to forget sports and only pay attention to your lessons In fact, there are a lot of reasons to play sports.
First of all, sports are a great way to exercise. Exercising keeps you healthy and strong. It also helps you stay in a good condition. When you exercise, your body makes endorphins (安多芬) which give you more energy and make you feel happier.
Also, sports teach young people how to communicate and work as a team. They teach young people to respect (尊重) their coaches, teammates and players from the other team. Many reports say that sports help young people stay out of trouble. If a young person plays sports, he or she may have fewer problems. This is because sports teach people about rules. They also teach people that if they work hard, they might succeed.
Another good way of sports is that they make people leave their houses. These days, a lot of people spend too much time watching television and playing video games. When you play sports, you go outside and exercise in the sun. You take in fresh air. All of these things are important.
Maybe you're not going to become a sports professional, but that doesn't matter, sports will help you become a better and happier person.
33.According to the text, which of the following is true about sports
A.When endorphins are made in our body, we will get angry easily.
B.If young people do more sports, they will have more problems.
C.When doing sports, we should respect everyone in the game.
D.More indoor exercise can bring people happiness and health.
34.What does the underlined word "They" in Paragraph 3 refer to
A.Reports. B.Sports. C.Problems. D.Rules.
35.What is the best title for the text
A.Sports Are Just For Professionals.
B.Sports Teach People To Work Hard.
C.Sports Are Good For Everyone.
D.Sports Make People Go Outside.
36.Which of the following shows the structure (结构) of the passage (P = Paragraph)
B. C. D.
Do you have true friends Do you want to know better between you and your friends There are three different kinds of friends: “pest friends”, “guest friends”, and “best friends”.
The first kind of friends is simply an acquaintance. All you usually know about them is their names. You may meet this kind of friends at school, at work, or on the bus, but you don’t miss them when they’re not around. When this kind of friends does something bad, you don’t tell them. That is why they are called “pest friends”.
The second kind of friends could also be called “social partners”. They are closer than acquaintances, but not as close as true friends. You know their names, a little of what they like or dislike, and a little of their family histories. You usually have a few things in common, but you don’t talk about anything deep, such as your wishes or fears, and they don’t open up to you how they really feel.
The last kind of friends, the “best friend”, is the one you know the deepest. You’re like family, and know everything about each other. You have no problem staying at each other’s houses, and you share your deepest feelings and thoughts. They will correct you when you’re wrong. Sometimes they may not be perfect, but at least they will always care about you, and never do anything on purpose (故意地) to hurt you.
We all have our pest, guest, and best friends. We should value all friendships and remember, all best friends start out as just acquaintances.
What does the underlined word “acquaintances” in Paragraph 1 mean in Chinese
A.同学 B.熟人 C.邻居 D.同事
38.If you and John are neighbors and classmates, and do things together, but don’t share your feelings, you are “________”.
A.pest friends B.guest friends C.best friends D.true friends
39.The fourth paragraph mainly tells us ________.
A.how to make a best friend
B.how to learn from your best friends
C.what a best friend is
D.a best friend can correct you when you are wrong
40.From the passage, we can learn that ________.
A.pest friends are more important than guest friends
B.we miss our best friends when we’re not with them
C.a best friend hardly does anything bad to you on purpose
D.a pest friend will never become your best friend
A) 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次。
serious, famous, unlucky, something, as long as
41.Pollution is a big problem. We must take it ___▲_ __.
42.She was ____▲ __ to get a cold on the first day of her holiday.
43.There was ____▲_____ much to do in the evening. It was so boring.
44.You will make your dream come true   ▲   you work hard.
45.Garth Brooks is one of _______▲_______ musicians in American history.
Have you ever heard that some animals do not need any sleep Butterflies and fish are 46 (例子). We usually see them not move, but this doesn’t mean that they are sleeping. Their body temperatures 47 (变得)low, and as a 48 (结果), they can’t move. Is it surprising
Do you think that we can live without any sleep One woman in England 49 (打破)the world record(记录)by not sleeping for eighteen days and seventeen hours. According to doctors, people may 50 (死亡)if they don’t sleep for more 51 (比)five days. If we don’t get 52 (足够的)sleep, we will feel tired and even be sick. You can find that sleep plays an important 53 (作用)in our health. So, children, please be clever and go to bed much 54 (早)from now on.
Let’s look at the following ways to help us get good sleep.
Firstly, exercise. Running, riding bikes or swimming will get you tired. After that, you will sleep better and faster. But don’t do exercise right before going to bed!
Secondly, keep your room only for sleeping. Don’t eat, watch TV programs, use the 55 (因
特网), use your computer and so on.
Larry was a funny student. He loved watching comedies best and hoped 56 (be) a comedy actor one day.
There was 57 talent show at school and Larry wanted to join the show. But one of his classmates said to him 58 (loud), “You are not funny at all. You can’t be 59 (success).” Hearing this, Larry was so sad 60 he sat in his seat quietly. When his teacher heard about this, she encouraged him to prepare for the show, “ You are good 61 telling jokes. We all like your jokes. You are 62 (funny) in our class. Believe in 63 (you).” At last, Larry joined the show and did a great job. Everyone loved his acting, and he 64 (win) the first prize!
To make his dream come true, he practiced much 65 (hard) than before. Now Larry is a great comedy actor. Lots of people love him and his comedies.
I fell down (摔倒) and broke my arm last year on my way home after school. Anna was walking near me at that time. She ran to me and took me to the hospital. In the following days, she told me jokes and helped me with study. We talked about everything. We became good friends soon.
Anna is very beautiful. She is tall and quite thin. She has curly hair. It's long and blonde. She usually wears a pair of red glasses and she always wears cool clothes. Sometimes I wish I could be as beautiful as she is. Anna could play the piano very well when she was just five years old. She is good at singing, too. She sings beautifully and clearly. She won many singing competitions. She started learning to play the guitar last month. Now she can play many pieces of music well. Anna is good at math. She does lots of math exercises every day and she goes to math class on weekends. I was afraid of math and I always failed (不及格) in math test. But now my math is better with the help of Anna. She spends three hours helping me with my math every day.
Every one of us, rich or poor, should have one or more good friends. Friends are very important in our lives because they are always there when we need them.I am truly happy to have a friend like her.
My best friend Anna
66.   why we became friends I broke my arm and Anna took me to the hospital. Anna made me 67.   , helped me with study and talked about everything with me.
Characters of Anna Appearance She is a tall and thin girl with long blonde curly hair and red glasses and wears cool clothes.
    She is good at music.
Study She is good at math.
My feelings Friends are very important because they 69.    about us. Every one of us should have 70.    one good friends. I am truly happy to have a friend like Anna.
Dear Li Hua,
How is everything going I heard that you went to the countryside with your parents last weekend. What did you do there Do you like living in the city or in the countryside Why Recently,I'm busy doing a survey about students' favorite TV shows. Could you tell me your favorite TV show and why you like it best
Please write back to tell me.
Dear Bob,
Thank you for your letter. Everything goes well these days.____________________________________
Li Hu
滨江 城东 2023学年第一学期期中测试卷
1 . W: Do you like to watch talent shows, Rick
M: No, I just like to watch sports shows.
2. W: Who do you like best in this movie
M: Of course Jack . He acts a farmer in the movie. He is a really good actor.
3. M: Helen, do you have the same interest as your brother
W: No. He likes playing the violin but I like playing the drums.
4. M: Rosa, what do you usually do on weekends
W: I usually help my mom with the housework.
5. M: Where did you go on vacation, Amy
W: I went to Shanghai and I had a good time there.
第二节:听较长对话,从题中A, B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,每段对话读两遍。
W: Are you the tallest in your class, Greg
M: No, Dennis is the tallest. But I dance better than him.
W: Did you win a prize in the talent show last Thursday
M: Yes, Lucy. I danced with my dog. We won the prize for the funniest performers.
W: That sounds interesting.
W: What did you do yesterday afternoon, Sam
M: I went to the mountains with my parents, Nelly.
W: Sounds interesting. What did you have for lunch
M: I had some bread and milk. My father had two hamburgers and drank a cup of coffee. My mother ate a sandwich and drank some water.
W: Do you like milk
M: No, I don’t. But my mother says it’s good for my health. So I drink it every day.
第三节:听独白,从题中的A, B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,独白读两遍。
Wu Dong is hard-working, but sometimes he seems very unhappy. Yesterday, he told me, “I can’t stand the strict family rules.”
 “Weekends should be fun and relaxing, but they’re not for me, ” Wu Dong said. On Saturday morning, he goes to a piano class. “I don’t mind, ”He said, “but I don' t want to play the piano for many years. ” On Saturday afternoon, he has to practice drawing. In fact, he doesn’t like that at all. He loves playing basketball. He hopes to play it on Sunday morning, but he can’t. His parents want him to study math. In the afternoon, he would like to watch TV, but he has to go to the English club.
16-20 ADACA 21-25 BDDBD
41. seriously 42. unlucky 43. nothing 44. as long as 45. the most famous
46. examples 47. become 48. result 49. broke 50. die
51. than 52. enough 53. role 54. earlier 55. Internet
56. to be 57. a 58. loudly 59. successful 60. that
61. at 62. the funniest 63. yourself 64. won 65. harder
66. Reasons; 67. laugh; 68. Talent; 69. care; 70. at least
Dear Bob,
Thank you for your letter. Everything goes well these days. Last weekend, I went to the countryside with my parents. We fed the chickens, milked the cow and had a great time.
Comparing with living in the city, I would like to live in the countryside, because I like rural creek and field. I like the castle peak running water. I like rural environment and fresh air in the countryside. There is too much pollution in the city. I can plant fruit and vegetables in the countryside and they are green and pollution-free. And they are good for my health.
As for TV shows, my favorite TV program is Animal World. I can learn a lot about nature. What about you Looking forward to hearing from you.
Li Hua



上一篇:湖北省武汉市东湖高新区2023-2024八年级上学期物理期中考试(图片版 含答案)
