
英 语 试 题
(满分: 100 分 考试时间: 100 分钟)
本试卷分为第 I 卷(1-60 题)和第 II 卷(61-81 题)两部分。
卷 I(1-55 题)的选择题用 2B 铅笔在答题卡选择题答题区域内填涂。
卷 I(56-60 题)和卷 II(61-81 题),请按题号顺序,用黑色签字笔在答题卡各题指定的答题区域内作答。
第 I 卷 客观题(65分)
第一部分 听力部分
第一节 听句子 听下面五个句子,从每小题所给的A、B、C、三幅图中选出与句子内容相关的选项。(每个句子读两遍)
(  ) 1 A. B. C.
(  ) 2. A. B. C.
(  ) 3. A. B. C.
(  ) 4. A. B. C.
(  ) 5. A. B . C.
6. What are the two speakers doing
A.They are cheering. B.They are making a telephone call. C.They are having a meeting.
7. When does the man often get up
A. At 6:00. B. At 6:20. C. At 6:40.
8. What does Tina think of the new TV show about exercise
A. Interesting. B. Surprising. C. Boring.
9. Who does Susan plan to go for a picnic with
A. Andy. B. Her parents. C. Julia.
听第 5段对话,回答第 10、11 小题。
10. What is the conversation (对话) about
A. Study plans. B. Beautiful places. C. School sports meet.
11. Which sport will Judy take part in
A. Rowing. B. Running. C. High jump.
听第6段对话,回答第 12、13 小题。
12. What team does Leo join
A. A basketball team. B. A skating team. C. A cycling team.
13. How often do they have the activity
A. Once a day. B. Once a week. C. Once a month.
听第7段对话,回答第 14、15 小题。
14. What's wrong with the boy
A. He has a sore throat. B. He has a sore back. C. He has a cold.
15. What does the doctor advise the boy to do
A. Take the medicine. B. Take his temperature. C. Drink more water.
第三节 听下面短文,根据你所听到的内容,完成以下表格,每空填一词。短文读三遍(每小题1分,共5分)
How to Protect(保护)Teeth
Purpose(目的) To have 56 teeth.
Ways Start with a healthy 57 Brush your teeth 58 a day. Use a tool(工具) to 59 the food between your teeth. See a 60 every year.
注意:请将该题的答案书写在答题卡的第二部分第 56 — 60 小题上。
第二部分 笔试部分
I. 单项选择。(每小题1分,共10分)
16.You don't look well. You may have______ headache.
A.a B.the C. /
17. The box is too heavy. Michael can't lift it by ______.
A. he B.himself C.him
18. There _______ an Art Festival next week.
A.are going to be B. is going to have C. is going to be
19. I have too much homework. I need ______ 2 hours to finish it.
A. at once B. at last C. at least
20. I'd like to read the book over there. Could you pass it ______ me, please
A. for B. to C. at
21.—What are you going to be when you grow up
—I plan to be a ______like Yuan Longping.
A. scientist B.musician C.pilot
22. All of us felt very ______ when we watched the exciting basketball game on TV.
A. excited B. angry C. afraid
23.—______is the bridge
—55 kilometers
A. How high B. How long C. How many
24.—I feel tired these days to prepare for our coming sports meet.
—Why not ______ and have a rest
A. lying down B. to lie down C. lie down
25.—Sorry, I’m busy today. I can’t go shopping with you.
—______. I can ask Bill to go with me.
A. No problem B. Never mind C. Of course
II. 完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)
Long long ago, there were some sheep on a farm. Some wolves(狼) walked around outside the farm every 26 . They wanted to eat the sheep.
The farmer kept some dogs on the farm.They protected (保护) the sheep. When they 27 the wolves, they 28 barked(狗叫) loudly. When the farmer heard their barking, he would
29 and drive the wolves away.
One night, a 30 said to the dogs ,“We look the 31 . We all have long noses and tails(尾巴). You are so strong. Why do you listen to the weak farmer Please join 32 . We can share the sheep together. They are very delicious !”
The dogs thought for a while and agreed(同意) with the wolf. They didn't bark that night.
33 , the wolves killed all the sheep, but they didn’t share them 34 the dogs.
The dogs realized(意识到) that it was not 35 of them to believe the wolf. But it was too late.
26.A. night B. week C. morning
27.A. looked B. saw C. heard
28.A. never B. seldom C. always
29.A. stay up B. put up C. get up
30.A. wolf B. sheep C. farmer
31.A. different B. same C. like
32.A. us B. you C. them
33.A. At first B. For example C. In the end
34.A. in B. to C. with
35.A. kind B. clever C. nice
III. 阅读理解 (共30分)
(一) 阅读以下A、B、C三篇短文,根据短文内容,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳答案。(A篇每小题1分,B、C篇每小题2分,共25分)
36.What can we learn in this school
About food. B. About sports. C. About science. D. About health.
37.When does the school begin
A. September. B. October. C. November. D. December.
38.Who can go to the soccer school
A. Tom,11years old. B. Dave,13years old. C. Jack,15years old. D. Eric,17years old.
If you want to go to the soccer school with your two friends, you should pay(付费) for one day.
A.£2.5 B.£5 C.£7.5 D.£10
40.We can read this poster(海报)in .
A. a story book B. a math book C. a history book D. a newspaper
Up to two thirds of children don't get enough sleep as they should do, and this can make them worried and slow at school, scientists say.
So how long should children sleep each night The answer is between 8 and 10 hours. If they don't get enough sleep at night, they'll have less energy the next day. Even losing one hour's sleep a night can mean that children do less well at school.
But the scientists say many children have missed out on 4500 hours of sleep by the time they are seven years old. They say that children miss sleep because they have TVs and computers in their rooms, and busy parents don't read to their younger children at night. The traditional(传统的)“bedtime story”helps children relax and sleep peacefully(平静地). Children with TVs and computers in their bedrooms are more likely to sleep badly, and to get less than eight hours’ sleep.
Scientists think that your brain(大脑)keeps working while you're sleeping.To show that they were right, they gave two teams of people a problem to work out.One team went to sleep, and the other team stayed awake. The result(结果) The people who slept worked out the problem fast, suggesting that their brains was trying to find the answer while they were sleeping.
So, make sure you get enough sleep tonight, and you'll be at your best tomorrow!
41.How long should children sleep each night according to (根据)the text
A. 8 hours. B. 8 to 10 hours.
C.10 hours. D.10 to 12 hours.
42.If children don't get enough sleep, they will at school.
A. listen more carefully B. watch more TV
C. walk more slowly D. do less well
43.According to the text, many children miss sleep because .
①they have too much homework to do
②their parents ask them to go to sleep late
③their parents don't read to them at night
④they have TVs and computers in their rooms
①② B. ②③ C.③④ D. ①④
44.How does a bedtime story help children get a good sleep
A.It makes children get to sleep later.
B. It helps children do better at school.
C. It makes children feel relaxed and excited.
D. It helps children relax and sleep peacefully.
45.What did the scientists' experiment(实验)show
A. Sleep helps children learn to read.
B. Parents should read bedtime stories to children.
C.Your brain is working while you are sleeping.
D. Losing sleep means children don’t learn well.
The year 2023 is a big year for sports in China. That's because it held the 19th Asian(亚洲的) Games in Hangzhou.
On Aug.6th,2018, the emblem (会徽) for the Hangzhou Asian Games was released (发布). The city won the hosting rights(权利) for the 2023 Asian Games in 2015. It was the third Chinese city to host the Asian Games after Beijing and Guangzhou in 1990 and 2010.
The first Asian Games was held in 1951, the Asian Games is the largest sports games in Asia.It also means a lot to China. The Beijing Asian Games was the first largest International sports games hosted by China. To make the Games successful, Chinese people worked hard to prepare. Beijing built a lot of roads and gyms. The Games helped the world see China and its achievements(成就).
For the 2023 Asian Games, Hangzhou started building 33 sports gyms. All the 19th Asian Games' buildings are good for the environment(环境). The themes of the Hangzhou Asian Games are “green, smart, economical(节俭的) and civilized(文明的)”.
46. Which city hosted the 2023 Asian Games
A. Hangzhou. B.Guangzhou. C.Shanghai. D.Beijing.
47. What does the underlined word “themes" mean in the last paragraph(段落)
A.主题 B. 内容 C.内涵 D.标题
48. According to the passage, what are the Beijing Asian Games good for China
A. Hangzhou started building 33 sports gyms.
B. More tourists(游客)came to China.
C. Guangzhou built a lot of roads and gyms.
D. It helped the world see China and its achievements.
49.Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage
A. The first Asian Games was held in 1951.
B. Guangzhou held the Asian Games in 1990.
C. China hosted the Asian Games three times.
D. All the 19th Asian Games' buildings are good for the environment.
50.What is the main idea of the passage
A. How to prepare for the Asian Games.
B.The development(发展) of the Asian Games in China.
C.Why China wants to host the 19th Asian Games.
D.What the 19th Asian Games emblem was.
Singapore is a very beautiful and clean country. There are 63 islands(岛屿) in Singapore. About 23% of Singapore's area is forest(森林). The highest hill in Singapore is Bukit Timah Hill.
Do you know what the weather is like in Singapore There is lots of rain in Singapore. 52 The temperature is often between 22℃ and 34℃. June and July are hot, and November and December are wet. From August to October, there is often foggy. 53
54 There will be a festival every several(几个) days. Everyone can feel happy because of these interesting festivals.
Singapore has the world's largest bird park-Jurong Bird Park. It was opened in 1971. 55 In the park you can see all kinds of special birds from all over the world.
Singapore has many festivals. It is only about 164 meters high. There are about 4, 600 birds in it. So people should be careful when they go out. E. The weather is very humid(湿润的) all year round.
51. _________ 52. _________ 53. _________ 54. _________ 55. _________
第 II 卷 主观题(30分)
61.你想知道对方更喜欢茶还是咖啡,可以这样问:_____________________, tea or coffee?
62.你想和朋友定在七点半见面,可以这样说:_____________________________________ .
63.你打电话想找Michael, 可以这么说:Hello, I’d____________________________, Michael.
64.你想请别人帮忙关门,可以这样说: Would you mind ____________________________?
65.你想请教吴老师几个问题,可以这样问他: _______________________questions, Mr Wu?
66 67 68 69 70
66.not, read______________________________________________________________
68.flu, yesterday__________________________________________________________
69.necessary, give up ______________________________________________________
70.three times a week ______________________________________________________
Lily is a little girl at school. She is quiet and unpopular. But she enjoys 71 (play) soccer. Her classmates always laugh at(嘲笑) her for her 72 / ntr st/ in soccer. But Lily just wants to play her favorite sport. She wants to become 73 great soccer player.
Every day, after coming back from school, Lily finishes her homework right away and goes out to 74 / pr kt s/ soccer. Her mother knows her love for the sport 75 always encourages(鼓励) her to play it.
One day, the school said there would be a soccer game. Lily wanted to give it a 76 /tra /. She took part in the game and her classmates laughed at her once again. Lily did not give up. She did her 77 to score goals one after another.
The other students were surprised to see how well Lily played. Their team did well 78 her help. Finally they even 79 (win) the game.
With her hard work, Lily proved(证明) herself to others. If you're hard-working and determined(意志坚定的) like 80 (she), you can make your dream come true (实现) one day.
71._______ 72._______ 73._______ 74._______ 75._______
76._______ 77._______ 78._______ 79._______ 80._______
VII. 书面表达。(10分)
81.假如你校来了一个英文外教Kathy,他想了解你的业余活动,请以"My Free Time Activities”为题,根据思维导图写一篇英语短文,向他介绍一下你的业余活动。
参考词汇: knowledge(知识)
My Free Time Activities
I have lots of activities to do in my free time.___________________________
八年级英语试卷 第1页 共8页
七年级英语试卷 第6页 共8页2023-2024八上半期听力材料
第一节 听下面五个句子,从每小题所给的ABC 三幅图中选出与句子内容相关的选项。(每个句子读两遍)
1. Jenny often plays baseball on the weekend.
2. The boy does exercise in the morning every day.
3. He had a stomachache yesterday.
4. The 24th Winter Olympics was held in Beijing in 2022.
5. Washing hands before meals is a good way to keep healthy.
第二节 听下面七段对话,从每小题所给的A BC三个选项中选出正确答案。(每段对话读两遍)
M: Hello, this is Jack speaking. Who’s that
W: This is Jenny. Jack, would you like to cheer Amy on together
M:Sure, let’s meet at my home at 4:00.
听第 2段对话,回答第7小题。
W: I get up at 6:40 every day. When do you usually get up
M: I often get up at 6 :20 and help my mom do something.
M: Tina, I am surprised at the new TV show about exercise. What do you think of it
W: It makes my bad feelings away when I watch it, and I think it is very interesting.
M: Susan. It's sunny and warm these days. Would you like to go shopping with me and Julia this Sunday
W: Sorry, Andy. I have to go for a picnic with my parents.
M: That's OK. We can go together next time.
听第5段对话,回答第 10、11小题。
M: Judy, I heard your school will hold a sports meet.
W: Yes. It is on next Saturday.
M: Sounds wonderful. Which sport will you take part in
W: I want to join in the high jump. I am good at it.
M: That's great. If I have time, I will cheer for you
W: That's very nice. Thank you , Dad.
M: Just enjoy yourself.
听第6段对话,回答第 12、13 小题。
W: Hi, Leo. You are in the skating team, aren't you
M: Yes , I am.
W: What do you usually do in the team
M: We learn and practice skating. Sometimes we also change our good ideas with each other.
W: Wonderful! How often do you have the activity
M: Every Wednesday afternoon.
W: OK. I’ll go there with you next time.
听第7段对话回答第14、15 小题。
W: What's wrong with you
M: I don't feel very well and I've got a bad cold
W: Have you got a fever
M: No, I have taken my temperature. It's OK.
W: What did you do these days
M: I stayed up late these days because I feel worried for the coming exam.
W: I see. That's the problem. Well, first, you need to take the medicine after each meal. Then you can have a warm bath before going to bed. It's good for your sleep.
M: Thank you.I will follow your advice.
Do you often have good habits to protect your teeth To have strong teeth, you need to take good care of them.
First of all, you can start with a healthy habit. Think about what you eat. Candies may hurt your teeth. Then, you should brush your teeth twice a day. Brush all of your teeth not just the front ones. And use a kind of useful tool to clean the food between your teeth that a toothbrush can not reach. Finally, you can see a dentist every year . They can help keep your teeth better at home.
第一部分 听力部分
1 — 5CBABA 6 — 10 BBABC 11 — 15 CBBCA
56. strong 57. habit 58. twice 59. clean 60. dentist
(每小题1分,共20分。56 — 60评分建议:每空一词,与答案符合才给分。)
第二部分 笔试部分
I. 单项选择。(每小题1分,共10分)
16 — 20 ABCCB 21 — 25 AABCB
II. 完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)
— 30 ABCCA 31 — 35 BACCB
III. 阅读理解(一):(36-40每小题1分,41-50每小题2分,共25分)
(A) 36 — 40BCACD (B) 41 — 45BDCDC (C) 46 — 50AADBB
阅读理解(二):(每小题1分,共5分) 51 — 55BEDAC
IV. 情景交际。(每小题1分,共5分)
61.Which do you prefer/like better, tea or coffee
62. Let’s make it half past seven/7:30.
63. Hello, I’d like to speak to Michael.
64. Would you mind (helping me)closing the door
65. May/Can... I ask you some questions, Mr Wu
VI. 看图写话。(每小题1分,共5分)
66. Don’t read in the sun./She shouldn’t/mustn’t/... read in the sun.
67. He will play tennis tomorrow.
68. She had the flu yesterday.
69. It’s necessary to give up smoking/Giving up smoking is necessary .
70. He swims/goes swimming three times a week.
V. 短文填词。(每小题1分,共10分)
(评分建议:每空一词,与答案符合才给1分) 。
71. playing 72. interest 73. a 74. practice 75. and
76. try 77. best 78.with 79. won 80. her
VII. 书面表达。(10分)
第一档(8 — 10分) 能写出全部要点并适当拓展,行文连贯,语言基本无误,完全达到写作要求。
第二档(6 — 7分)能写出基本要点,语言虽有较多错误,尚能达意。
第三档(1 — 5分)只能写出二、三个与要点相关的句子,语言错误多未达到写作要求。
参考范文: My Free Time Activities
I have lots of activities to do in my free time. I usually do exercise after school every day. It can help build me up. I often listen to music for a while because it is a good way to relax myself after learning. When I get tired, I would like to sit down and read some books. Reading can help me learn more knowledge and open my mind to the world.Of course, I also help my parents with the housework three times a week. I hope it can make them enjoy themselves.
I love my free time activities.2023-2024八上半期听力材料
第一节 听下面五个句子,从每小题所给的ABC 三幅图中选出与句子内容相关的选项。(每个句子读两遍)
1. Jenny often plays baseball on the weekend.
2. The boy does exercise in the morning every day.
3. He had a stomachache yesterday.
4. The 24th Winter Olympics was held in Beijing in 2022.
5. Washing hands before meals is a good way to keep healthy.
第二节 听下面七段对话,从每小题所给的A BC三个选项中选出正确答案。(每段对话读两遍)
M: Hello, this is Jack speaking. Who’s that
W: This is Jenny. Jack, would you like to cheer Amy on together
M:Sure, let’s meet at my home at 4:00.
听第 2段对话,回答第7小题。
W: I get up at 6:40 every day. When do you usually get up
M: I often get up at 6 :20 and help my mom do something.
M: Tina, I am surprised at the new TV show about exercise. What do you think of it
W: It makes my bad feelings away when I watch it, and I think it is very interesting.
M: Susan. It's sunny and warm these days. Would you like to go shopping with me and Julia this Sunday
W: Sorry, Andy. I have to go for a picnic with my parents.
M: That's OK. We can go together next time.
听第5段对话,回答第 10、11小题。
M: Judy, I heard your school will hold a sports meet.
W: Yes. It is on next Saturday.
M: Sounds wonderful. Which sport will you take part in
W: I want to join in the high jump. I am good at it.
M: That's great. If I have time, I will cheer for you
W: That's very nice. Thank you , Dad.
M: Just enjoy yourself.
听第6段对话,回答第 12、13 小题。
W: Hi, Leo. You are in the skating team, aren't you
M: Yes , I am.
W: What do you usually do in the team
M: We learn and practice skating. Sometimes we also change our good ideas with each other.
W: Wonderful! How often do you have the activity
M: Every Wednesday afternoon.
W: OK. I’ll go there with you next time.
听第7段对话回答第14、15 小题。
W: What's wrong with you
M: I don't feel very well and I've got a bad cold
W: Have you got a fever
M: No, I have taken my temperature. It's OK.
W: What did you do these days
M: I stayed up late these days because I feel worried for the coming exam.
W: I see. That's the problem. Well, first, you need to take the medicine after each meal. Then you can have a warm bath before going to bed. It's good for your sleep.
M: Thank you.I will follow your advice.
Do you often have good habits to protect your teeth To have strong teeth, you need to take good care of them.
First of all, you can start with a healthy habit. Think about what you eat. Candies may hurt your teeth. Then, you should brush your teeth twice a day. Brush all of your teeth not just the front ones. And use a kind of useful tool to clean the food between your teeth that a toothbrush can not reach. Finally, you can see a dentist every year . They can help keep your teeth better at home.



