
2023-2024 学年度光谷实验中学九年级上学期 10 月月考
第 1卷(选择题 共 85 分) 一、听力测试(共三节,满分 25 分)
第一节(共 4 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 4 分)
听下面 4 个问题,每个问题后有三个答语,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每个问题后,你有 5 秒钟的时间作答和阅读下一小题。每个问题仅读一遍。
A. One by one. B. It’s difficult. C. By wearing masks.
A. Throw water at each other. B. Watch dragon boat races. C. Enjoy the moon and mooncakes.
A. No, I didn’t. B. That’s a good idea. C. Don’t worry.
A. To Lichuan. B. With my friends. C. Watch videos.
第二节(共 8 题,每小题 1 分,满分 8 分)
听下面 8 段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你有 10 秒钟的时间作答和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
How is David feeling today
Happy. B. Nervous. C. Sad.
Where might the two speakers be
In a museum. B. In a bookstore. C. In an amusement park.
How soon will Nancy be back
In 10 minutes. B. In 20 minutes. C. In 30 minutes.
What’s the girl’s report probably about
A. B. C.
What dream did the woman use to have
A. To be a soldier. B. To be a teacher. C. To be a computer programmer.
What was the chemistry test like according to Jane
A. It was difficult. B. It was easy. C. It was interesting.
Who has NOT been to the Great Wall
A. Nancy. B. David. C. Maria.
Can Bill pick the flowers
A. Yes, he can. B. No, he can’t C. He can pick them for his mother.
第三节(共 13 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 13 分)
听下面 4 段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话和独白前,你有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完
后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
听下面一段材料,回答 13 至 15 题。
What does the woman think of the cheese
A. Its package is ugly. B. It’s not fresh enough. C. It’s too expensive.
How does the man like the taste at first
A. Normal. B. Special. C. Terrible.
What will the man do next
A. Throw the cheese away. B. Put the cheese on the shelf. C. Go to the supermarket.
听下面一段材料,回答 16 至 18 题。
Where are the speakers talking
A. In a store. B. At a cinema. C. At home.
What would the man like to watch
A. A football game. B. A TV film. C. News about shopping.
What’s the relationship between the speakers probably
A. Salesman and customer. B. Teammates. C. Husband and wife.
听下面一段材料,回答 19 至 22 题。
What does the man want to do
A. Find out where Jimmy is. B. Make friends with Jimmy. C. Borrow money from Jimmy.
What do we learn about the man who came to see the woman yesterday
He wanted to express thanks to Jimmy.
He was working on a project with Jimmy.
He wanted to invite her to join in a project.
What did Jimmy say
A. He broke his car. B. He had a traffic accident. C. He was punished by the police.
Why did Jimmy borrow money according to the man
He must pay the cost of a difficult project.
He wanted to hide something from his parents.
He wanted to buy a gift for his mother’s birthday.
听下面一段材料,回答 23 至 25 题。
What did Jonas Hanway like
A. Travelling. B. Dreaming. C. Inventing.
What did people think of Jonas when they saw his umbrella
A. He was silly and funny. B. He was brave. C. He was outgoing.
What can we know about umbrellas
There were no umbrellas in Japan 250 years ago.
It was unusual to see them in London 250 years ago.
Jonas invented umbrellas after travelling around the world.
二、选择填空(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
—Li Lei came late again and was punished by our headteacher.
— . Yesterday I told him to arrive early.
It serves him right B. It doesn’t matter
C. All right D. A piece of cake
—Thanks so much for helping me a lot. — .
A. It’s very nice of you to say so B. That’s right
C. With pleasure D.Don’t mention it
Diana used to a bus to school, but now she is used to .
A. take, ride B. take, riding C. taking, ride D. taking, riding
Sam his foot in anger when he knew someone stole his car.
A. went B. stepped C. stamped D. walked
—You are by law to wear a seat belt, lady! —I’m sorry, sir.
A. required B. requested C. wanted D. told
A bicycle is often more than a car in rush hours in big cities.
A. normal B. convenient C. impolite D. central
—Jane, what’s the problem
—The difficulty in the fact that we’re short of money.
A. deals B. forms C. lies D. lists
It should be generally and warm for the next few days. I think we can go out camping.
A. windy B. foggy C. fair D. rainy
—The plane was off and crashed into a mountain.
—What bad news!
A. level B. method C. line D. course
The actions and words of online celebrities (网红) can have a great because many young people may follow them.
A. change B. influence C. progress D. surprise
—Are you alone I just want to have a discussion with you.
—Yes. My study may be a good place and nobody else will come.
A. personal B. public C. private D. careful
The shirt made cotton are widely made Xinjiang.
A. from, at B. of, at C. from, in D. of, in
—Mom, what should I do next
—Please help me all the clothes on the bed.
A. come out B. run out C. work out D. lay out
—How many students are there in the classroom
— . All of them are out on the playground.
A. None B. Everybody C. Nobody D. Neither
—What did Ms. Tong say to you
—She wondered .
A. if she was invited to the party B. that she was the best
C. when Mary hands in his homework D. who did I turn to for help
三 、完形填空 (每小题 1 分,共 15 分)
Different countries have different cultures and customs. Do you know about 41 The following will tell you a lot.
In both China and some Western countries, the rose is regarded as a 42 of love. People think the rose stands for 43 , peace, courage and friendship.
In some Asian countries, standing very 44 to the person you are talking with is quite common. However, if you do this in Europe, some people 45 feel uncomfortable.
In China, if someone says something good about you, it is 46 to answer“No,not at all!”
In Britain or America, a person answers “Thank you!”with a big 47 .This may not be common in China, but is good 48 in Britain or America.
In Korea, it is polite to pass something to an older person 49 both hands. In Italy, you don’t make the OK sign with your 50 .In Thailand, you don’t 51 a child on the head.
In Britain, it’s not polite to ask people“How much money do you 52 a month ” And
53 don’t mind this so much. But in both Britain and America, it is not polite to ask people
54 they are.
In a word, it’s very helpful and 55 to know something about cultures and customs from different countries.
41. A. them B. it C. that D. these
42. A. sign B. symbol C. footprint D. situation
43. A. honor B. silence C. love D. honesty
44. A. closest B. far C. closely D. close
45. A. must B. might C. should D. need
46. A. kind B. rude C. polite D. impolite
47. A. smile B. cry C. shout D. surprise
48. A. request B. rule C. manners D. order
49. A. in B. by C. towards D. with
50. A. head B. fingers C. hand D. toes
51. A. feel B. smell C. touch D. see
52. A. have B. earn C. give D. sell
53. A. Chinese B. Japanese C. Germans D. Americans
54. A. how tall B. how old C. how far D. how long
55. A. useful B. mouthful C. careful D. awful
四、阅读理解(本题共 15 小题,每小题 2 分,共 30 分)
阅读下面三篇材料,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。
Teens Help Students in Remote Areas
Luo, a Chinese university student, only turned 18 in January, but he

s already made a big difference to the lives
of many poor young people living in China

) areas. His online English lessons have offered them a
chance to know a world they could only imagine before. Many have achieved university dreams.
Luban Lock: Magic Chinese Puzzle
2,000 years ago, a famous Chinese
工 匠
) named Luban created a magic Chinese puzzle called
“Luban Lock
”, which is an educational toy he used to test how smart his son was. Watch as Rachel learns to make this Chinese puzzle work and tries to solve it! Do you want to have a try
China has made progress in public health over the past years. In 1949,
average life expectancy
) was 35. It reached nearly 77 in 2019, much higher than the world average of 72. In 1949, there were just 3,670 medical and health organizations in the whole country. The number increased to nearly 1 million at the end of 2018.
) in China has also benefited over 95 percent of the population.
What did Luo do for the young people in the remote areas
He made a small difference to the lives of them.
He improved their living conditions.
He helped them choose their dream universities.
He gave them online English lessons.
What does Rachel want to know
Why Luban created Luban lock.
How old Luban Lock was.
Whether Luban’s son was smart.
How Luban Lock works.
What would be the best heading for the third piece of news
Public Health Problem B. China’s Healthcare
C. A Chinese Survey D. Health Insurance 59.Why are the numbers given in the third piece of news
To show China’s progress in healthcare.
To introduce the government’s plan.
To describe the present situation of China’s healthcare.
To compare different medical and health organizations. 60.What’s the theme of the three passages
A. For a better future. B. East meets West.
C. Great Chinese, great China. D. Past and future.
This story took place during the Warring States period(战国).At that time, kings would often exchange each other’s sons as hostages(人质)to protect their kingdoms.
Now it was the prince of Wei’s turn. He was going to serve as a hostage in Handan, the capital of Zhao. Pang Cong, a high-ranking official, was going with him.
Before they left, Pang Cong said to the king of Wei, “If someone comes to report that he has seen a tiger in the market, will Your Majesty ( 陛 下 ) believe it ”“Of course not,” the king answered.
“If a second man comes to say the same thing, will Your Majesty believe it ” “I’ll start to think about it.”“Then, what if a third man comes with the same report, Your Majesty ”“I think I will accept it as true.”
“Well, we all know that no tiger dares to go to the market. But since three men have said the same thing, everyone now believes that there is a tiger there. Handan is much further from our capital than the market is from the court(朝廷), and more than three people will talk against me behind my back when I’m away. Your Majesty will not fail to judge what you hear, will you ”“I know how to judge,” the king said impatiently.
Then Pang Cong said goodbye to the king and left Daliang, the capital of Wei, with the prince. But as soon as he had left, the king’s ears were filled with words against him.
When the hostage period was over, Pang Cong returned to Wei with the prince. ★
So, “three liars make a tiger” is used to say that if a lie is repeated often enough, people may start to believe it, even though it is false.
The underlined word it in paragraph 3 refers to .
A tiger from the forest B. Someone saw a tiger in the market
C. The market where people found a tiger D. Someone came to report
How was the attitude of the people in the court towards Pang Cong
A.friendly B. caring C. hostile D. indifferent
What did Pang Cong worry about after he went to the State of Zhao
The tiger would appear in the market.
The king would believe those people who talked against him.
He was not able to come back to the State of Wei.
People in the court would believe him.
Which sentence can be put in ★
The king gave another important task to Pang Cong..
As a result, the king trusted him more than before.
However, he was no longer trusted by the king.
The king was grateful for Pong Cong’s help in accompanying the prince.
What can we infer from the passage
The king of Wei made decisions according to opinions instead of facts.
Pang Cong was a wise man but not brave enough to talk to the king.
The prince of Wei trusted Pang Cong and protected him very well.
The king of Wei decided to do things based on facts.
When I married my wife Mary, it was the most beautiful day of my life. Halfway through the reception, my mom tapped me gently on the shoulder and whispered, “Will you dance with me, sweetheart ”
“Sure!” I said, smiling, when some guests pulled me off in their direction. An hour later, she tried again. And again I readily agreed, smiling and reaching for her with a hand but letting some old college friends place a beer there instead.
Then my wife and I were off on our honeymoon. When we finally returned to our new home, we got our pictures from the photographer’s. Hours later, after we’d examined each with fond memories, I held one out and looked at it quietly.
It was a picture of two happy guests, sweaty in their dancing. But it wasn’t the couple I was focusing on. There, in the background, I saw a familiar figure—my dear mom who was weeping.
And I didn’t think they were tears of joy. I then drove to her apartment a few miles away. “I’m sorry! I never danced with you, Mom!” I said.
Mom looked at me and said something I’d never forget, “Nonsense, dear! You’ve danced enough with me in my lifetime. And while you were being the perfect host and making all of your guests feel so special, I watched you and felt nothing but pride. That’s what a wedding is, honey. Something old, something new! Something borrowed, something blue!”
“Well, this old woman, who was wearing blue, watched you dance with your beautiful bride, and I knew I had to give you up, because I had you so many years to myself, but I could only borrow you until you found the lady of your dreams.”
Both of our tears covered her sofa that day. And after the talk, I asked Mom for a dance.
Unlike me, she didn’t refuse...
When Mom asked the author for a dance, he .
was so busy that he didn’t take her words seriously
agreed but failed to satisfy her wish
was dragged off by his wife to receive their guests
invited her to have a drink with his old college friends
The word “weeping” in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to “ ”.
A. complaining B. dancing C. cheering D. crying
The author drove to his mom’s apartment because he .
wanted to share those great photos with her
couldn’t understand her unusual behavior in that picture
felt guilty about leaving her out at the wedding
hoped to hold a dancing party there for her
What can we infer from the passage
Mom felt so blue when the author refused her twice.
The author held that picture out for it was just the reminder of his greatest moment.
Mom let her son go and pursue his own life though she loved him deeply.
Mom now had to get the author’s wife’s agreement when she borrowed him.
The best title of the passage could be “ ”.
Dancing with Mom
The Big Wedding Day
The Lady of Your Dreams
A Magic Picture
第 II 卷(非选择题 共 35 分) 五、词语短语填空(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)
仔细阅读下面 5 个句子,然后用下面方框中所给的单词或短语填空,使每个句子在结构、句意和逻辑上正确。(提示:方框中有两个单词或短语是多余的)
put up / there / took up / avoid / here / directly / sign
Americans can hardly buying products made in China.
Candy told me that she used to be really shy and singing to deal with the shyness.
The says a rock band plays here every evening.
It might seem more difficult to speak politely than .
It's very important for parents to be for their children.
六、阅读理解填词 (本题共 10 分,每小题 1 分)
In 1971 a young man was traveling across the country, Along the way he had run out of money and had to s 76 the night in his car.
This c 77 until one morning, after a week of sleeping in his car, he walked nervously into a diner and ordered a big breakfast.
After eating his first good meal in weeks, he found himself 78 (lie) to the waiter, telling him he had lost his wallet. The waiter came up with a﹩20 bill that looked as if it had f 79
on the floor.“Sir,you must have dropped this, ”the waiter said.The young man couldn’t believe his ear! He quickly paid for the breakfast, left a tip, bought gas with the c 80 , and headed West.
On the way out of town, he understood.“ Maybe nobody dropped the money at all. Maybe
that man just knew I was in t 81 and he helped me in a way that I would not be
embarrassed(尴尬).” The young man was so 82 (thank) to the waiter that he just made a p 83 to help other people if he could.
84 (late) he worked very hard and became a rich man. Now, he lives near Kansas City. Each year he give away thousands of dollars. He is k 85 as the “Secret Santa”. 七.书面表达(本题共 15 分)
What were you like and how have you changed Who have helped you How
What do you plan to do in the following months
Dear Jim,
How time flies! I’m going to graduate from junior high school in a few months.
Looking back at the past three years, I remember many things.
Hope to see you soon.
Yours, Li Hua




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