2023-2024河北省邢台市邢台部分高中高三上学期11月期中英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版)

本试卷满分150分,考试时间 120分钟。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. Which season does the woman like best
A. Spring. B. Autumn. C. Winter.
2. Whom is the woman talking to
A. A buyer. B. A guide. C. A house-owner.
3. What does the woman think of the watch
A. Great. B. Average. C. Terrible.
4. What is the woman showing
A. How to spell a word.
B. How to consult a dictionary.
C. How to use a learning method.
5. How long did it take the plane to get to Guangzhou
A. 2 hours. B. 3 hours. C. 4 hours.
6. What are the speakers talking about
A. A holiday plan.
B. A travel budget.
C. An enjoyable experience.
7. What is their final decision
A. Going to Italy. B. Staying at home. C. Going to Sweden.
8. What time does the gym end on Saturday
A. At 8 p. m. B. At 10 p. m. C. At 11 p. m.
9. Why does the woman want to do sports
A. To lose weight. B. To get in shape. C. To increase muscle.
10. What will the woman do next
A. Have a shower.
B. Go back to work.
C. Buy a membership card.
11. What is the relationship of the speakers
A. Neighbors. B. Colleagues. C. Relatives.
12. How does the woman go to work
A. By bus. B. By car. C. On foot.
13. What is the woman best at making
A. Cakes. B. Wine. C. Salads.
14. When does the man usually eat out
A. When he hates home-made meals.
B. When a new restaurant opens.
C. When his wife is busy.
15. What is the man doing
A. Having an interview.
B. Talking about a film.
C. Making an appointment.
16. What is the woman
A. A student. B. A writer. C. An actress.
17. Where is the woman in the afternoon
A. At home. B. In the gym. C. In the studio.
18. What does the speaker want to do
A. To call on students to help others.
B. To introduce some volunteer projects.
C. To offer students chances to earn money.
19. What is needed in the first project
A. A good command of Spanish.
B. An eagerness for the country life.
C. Work experience with local people.
20. Where will the medical students work
A. In a language school.
B. In a children’s holiday center.
C. In a center for disabled children.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Group Study Rooms Policy
The Library’s group study rooms are for current students, academic use only.
Reserving Rooms
*Reserve a room at https://biblio.csusm.edu/groupstudy.
*5th floor rooms open to reservations 2 weeks in advance; 3rd & 2nd floor rooms open to reservations 1 week in advance; 4th floor rooms open to reservations 24 hours in advance.
*Rooms can be reserved for a maximum of 3 hours per visit and up to 12 hours total per week. Rooms can be reserved once per day per person.
*Rooms not occupied within 10 minutes of the reservation time are no longer available, and can be occupied by another group until the next reservation for that room.
*Reservations can be deleted. Please do so if the room is no longer needed. To delete your reservation, go to the calendar and click the room, date and time, then select Delete Entry.
*If the room you reserved is occupied, you may ask the group to leave or request assistance from staff at the Media Desk (2nd floor).
Use of rooms
*Drinks in covered containers and small individual snacks are allowed.
*Doors should be kept closed when in use.
*Sound travels, even with the door closed-respect those studying around you by keeping the volume at a reasonable level.
*Visibility of the space is not to be blocked. Windows are not to be covered in any way.
1. Which rooms can be booked 2 weeks earlier
A. Those on the second floor. B. Those on the fifth floor.
C. Those on the fourth floor. D. Those on the third floor.
2. What happens if students show up 10 minutes later than the set time
A. The reservation will be canceled automatically.
B. They will be contacted by staff at the Media Desk.
C. The reservation must be deleted online immediately.
D. They have to make another reservation for the day.
3. What are students banned from doing while staying in a group study room
A. Having some bottled drinks. B. Keeping the door closed.
C. Covering the windows. D. Whispering to other students.
【答案】1. B 2. A 3. C
细节理解题。根据Reserving Rooms部分中第二点“5th floor rooms open to reservations 2 weeks in advance(5楼房间可提前2周预订)”可知,5楼的房间可以提前两周预定,故选B。
细节理解题。根据Reserving Rooms部分中第四点“Rooms not occupied within 10 minutes of the reservation time are no longer available, and can be occupied by another group until the next reservation for that room.(预订时间后10分钟内未被占用的房间将不再可用,可由另一个团体占用,直到该房间的下一次预订)”可知,如果学生比定好的时间晚10分钟到,房间会自动取消预订,故选A。
细节理解题。根据Use of rooms部分中最后一点“Windows are not to be covered in any way.(窗户不得以任何方式盖上)”可知,学生在团体自习室时禁止覆盖窗户,故选C。
I look forward to my half hour train ride to work every morning. I can look out of the window as it twists and turns itself through neighborhoods with the sun casting its strong lighting on the floor of the train car. I sometimes get lost in thought while following the light. But the reason I love this ride is that it’s a reminder of how neighborhoods can change from block to block.
For almost a year now I have been riding this train as I head into the office where I work as a reporter for a local magazine. I am one of 13 journalists who help report community news in areas that are often forgotten. And for me, that means covering areas like the one I grew up in.
Last week, as I was on the way to my office, I started wondering how neighborhoods have changed since the 2008 housing crisis. I searched addresses on the city’s southwest side, a neighborhood that has seen a significant number of residential homes pulled down, I scanned the street views recorded on my phone and saw how the neighborhood looked in 2007. Then I set out to visit the city block, and that’s when I met 3-year-old Harmony.
Harmony loved collecting rocks for me to hold as I walked down the street with her mother, Marquita. I already knew what the neighborhood looked like in the past, but Marquita shared more details of the people who once lived on her block, who were really friendly to each other. However, people today in the neighborhood are busy with life and seldom say hello to each other. Marquita has lived on this block her entire life, and Harmony has for most of her short life as well. But the neighborhood that Marquita grew up in will be one obviously different than the one Harmony will grow to know.
In the end, they smiled at my camera. And then I got back on the train and headed back to the office to tell their stories.
4. What makes the author love his train ride to work
A. Being lost in thought. B. Admiring the outside views.
C. Enjoying the warm sunshine. D. Knowing the change of blocks.
5. How did the author find out what the city’s southwest side looked like in the past
A. By reading earlier reports. B. By interviewing local people.
C. By watching past street views. D. By searching his memories.
6. How might Marquita feel when she talked with the author
A. Sad. B. Nervous. C. Touched. D. Confused.
7. What is the main purpose of the text
A. To share a pleasant train ride with us.
B. To tell us the work of a news reporter.
C. To show us a crowded community.
D. To introduce a new neighborhood.
【答案】4. D 5. C 6. A 7. B
细节理解题。根据文章第一段“But the reason I love this ride is that it’s a reminder of how neighborhoods can change from block to block.(但我喜欢这个旅程的原因是,它提醒我,街区之间是如何变化的。)”可知,作者喜欢坐火车去上班是想了解街区的变化。故选D。
细节理解题。根据文章第三段“Last week, as I was on the way to my office, I started wondering how neighborhoods have changed since the 2008 housing crisis. I searched addresses on the city’s southwest side, a neighborhood that has seen a significant number of residential homes pulled down, I scanned the street views recorded on my phone and saw how the neighborhood looked in 2007.(上周,在去办公室的路上,我开始思考自2008年房地产危机以来,社区发生了怎样的变化。我搜索了纽约市西南侧的地址,那里有大量住宅被拆除,我浏览了手机上记录的街景,看看这个社区2007年的样子。)”可知,作者通过浏览手机上记录的过去的街景来发现城市的西南处在过去的样子。故选C。
推理判断题。根据文章第四段“I already knew what the neighborhood looked like in the past, but Marquita shared more details of the people who once lived on her block, who were really friendly to each other. However, people today in the neighborhood are busy with life and seldom say hello to each other.(我已经知道这个社区过去是什么样子了,但Marquita分享了更多关于曾经住在她那个街区的人的细节,他们彼此非常友好。然而,今天附近的人都忙于生活,很少互相打招呼。)”可知,Marquita在和作者分享这些的时候感到有点悲伤。故选A。
推理判断题。根据文章第三段“Then I set out to visit the city block, and that’s when I met 3-year-old Harmony.(然后我出发去参观城市街区,就在那时我遇到了3岁的Harmony。)”、第四段作者和Marquita母女的聊天以及最后一段“In the end, they smiled at my camera. And then I got back on the train and headed back to the office to tell their stories.(最后,她们对着我的相机笑了。然后我回到火车上,回到办公室,讲述他们的故事。)”可知,文章的目的是主要讲述了一个新闻记者的工作。故选B。
In the 1950s, British historian Northeaster Parkinson came up with a concept which was later known as Parkinson’s Law of Triviality. It states that the amount of time spent discussing an issue in an organization is oppositely associated with its actual importance.
Parkinson’s Law of Triviality is also known as “bike-shedding (车棚)”, after the story Parkinson uses to illustrate it. He asks readers to imagine a financial committee meeting to discuss a three-point agenda. The points are as follows: A proposal for a f10 million nuclear power plant; A proposal for a f350 bike shed; A proposal for a f21 annual coffee budget.
What happens The committee ends up running through the nuclear power plant proposal in little time. It’s too advanced for anyone to really dig into the details. The discussion soon moves to the bike shed. Here, everyone’s an expert. In the end, the committee runs out of time and decides to meet again to complete their analysis.
Bike-shedding happens because the smaller a matter is, the more people will have an opinion on it, even when there is no real value to add. When something is outside of our circle of competence, like a nuclear power plant, we don’t even try to express an opinion. But when something is understandable everyone wants to show that they know about the topic at hand.
How can we avoid bike-shedding The main thing you can do is to have a clear purpose. Priya Parker, the author of The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why It Matters, says that any successful gathering needs to have a focused purpose. “Specificity,” she says, “is a key element.”
When it comes to choosing your list of invitees, Parker writes, “if the purpose of your meeting is to make a decision, you may want to consider having fewer cooks in the kitchen.” Getting the result you want—a thoughtful, educated discussion about that power plant—depends on having the right people in the room.
8. What is Parkinson’s purpose of presenting the imaginary meeting
A. To state a fact. B. To clarify a concept. C. To make a prediction. D. To introduce a new point.
9. What can be inferred from Paragraph 4
A. The more you know, the less you speak.
B. What is simple for you may be tough for others.
C. What requires more work may get less attention.
D. The more you put in, the better your result will be.
10. Which is the author’s suggestion for a successful meeting
A. Planning before the meeting. B. Getting the right people to the table.
C. Spending less time on the minor issues. D. Taking different opinions into account.
11. What can be a suitable title for the text
A. Purpose: The Key to an Effective Meeting
B. Talent: A Crucial Element in Organizations
C. The Bike Shed Effect: Avoiding Small Matters
D. Nuclear Power Plant: The Less-known Proposal
【答案】8. B 9. C 10. B 11. C
【导语】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍的是20世纪50年代,英国历史学家Northeaster Parkinson提出的Parkinson’s Law of Triviality概念,也称为bike-shedding。
推理判断题。根据第二段的“Parkinson’s Law of Triviality is also known as “bike-shedding (车棚)”, after the story Parkinson uses to illustrate it. He asks readers to imagine a financial committee meeting to discuss a three-point agenda.(Parkinson’s Law of Triviality也被称为bike-shedding,以帕金森用来说明它的故事命名。他让读者想象一个财务委员会开会讨论三点议程。)”可知,Parkinson提出假想会议的目的是澄清一个概念。故选B。
推理判断题。根据第四段的“Bike-shedding happens because the smaller a matter is, the more people will have an opinion on it, even when there is no real value to add. When something is outside of our circle of competence, like a nuclear power plant, we don’t even try to express an opinion. But when something is understandable everyone wants to show that they know about the topic at hand.(Bike-shedding会发生,是因为事情越小,就会有越多的人对它发表意见,即使没有什么真正的价值可言。当事情超出我们的能力范围时,比如核电站,我们甚至不会试图表达意见。但是当某件事是可以理解的时候,每个人都想表明他们了解手头的话题。)”可知,需要付出更多努力的事情可能得到的关注更少。故选C。
推理判断题。根据最后一段的“Getting the result you want—a thoughtful, educated discussion about that power plant—depends on having the right people in the room.(想要得到你想要的结果——一场关于电厂的深思熟虑的、有知识的讨论——取决于是否有合适的人在场。)”可知,作者对会议成功的建议是把合适的人请到会议桌前。故选B。
主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第四段的“Bike-shedding happens because the smaller a matter is, the more people will have an opinion on it, even when there is no real value to add.(Bike-shedding之所以会发生,是因为事情越小,就会有越多的人对它发表意见,即使没有真正的价值可言。)”可知,本文主要介绍的是20世纪50年代,英国历史学家Northeaster Parkinson提出的Parkinson’s Law of Triviality概念,也称为bike-shedding,因此最好的题目是C选项“The Bike Shed Effect: Avoiding Small Matters(The Bike Shed Effect:避免小事)”。故选C。
We are living in an age in which data is strongly favored, especially when it’s reported in the media. “Big Data” is considered even more reliable as it consists of very large amounts of information. Percentiles are considered hard evidence, even if the conclusions drawn from the data don’t mean a whole lot. For example, “40 percent of adults say they use Instagram and about three in ten report using Pinterest or LinkedIn,” a Pew Research Center survey reported in April 2021. Is that a lot or a little I don’t know, but the numbers are seemingly presented as being significant in some way.
Meanwhile, unless an argument is “data-based”, it is considered flimsy. One might repeatedly see something with his/her own eyes, but ironically (讽刺地), in this era of data, it matters little. Observations and any conclusions drawn, even by experts in a relevant field, have been downgraded to “personal perspectives”, even though they are based on real, documented behavior.
In short, if something is published in a journal with quantitative support, it carries much weight. If a cultural anthropologist (人类学家) with a Ph.D. reports a particular trend from field research, however, it is considered a short amusing story that may complement the “real” data-based studies. People want to know the “sample size” of cultural research, not understanding that valuable insights into human behavior can be gained without metrics (度量学) and analytics.
The many weaknesses associated with quantitative research should not be ignored, either. There are numerous ways to design a study and gather findings, each one likely to produce different results. The move to online research has made findings much more questionable, as nothing got from the Internet should be taken too seriously. Besides, how questions are both asked and answered is highly subjective and dependent on many variables.
Why do we love data so much Words are imprecise and have multiple meanings, while numbers are precise and definitive, a big reason why we put so much faith and trust in data regardless of its source. To legitimize (证明……有理) this post, note that 88.6 percent of what I’ve said is true.
12. What does the author think of the 2021 survey reported by the Pew Research Center
A. It leads to some confusion. B. It has much scientific value.
C. It impresses him with the numbers. D. It contains some factual inaccuracies.
13. What does the underlined word “flimsy” mean in paragraph 2
A. Professional. B. Interesting. C. Unfriendly. D. Unpersuasive.
14. What is the last but one paragraph mainly about
A. The practicality of online research.
B. The disadvantages of quantitative research.
C. The widespread popularity of online research.
D The significance of quantitative research findings.
15. How does the author end the text
A. By writing ironically. B. By referring to experts.
C. By providing a solution. D. By making a prediction.
【答案】12. A 13. D 14. B 15. A
推理判断题。在第一段中“‘Big Data’ is considered even more reliable as it consists of very large amounts of information. Percentiles are considered hard evidence, even if the conclusions drawn from the data don’t mean a whole lot. For example, ‘40 percent of adults say they use Instagram and about three in ten report using Pinterest or LinkedIn,’ a Pew Research Center survey reported in April 2021. Is that a lot or a little I don’t know, but the numbers are seemingly presented as being significant in some way.(‘大数据’被认为更可靠,因为它包含了大量的信息。百分位数值被认为是确凿的证据,即使从数据中得出的结论并不意味着很多。例如,皮尤研究中心在2021年4月的一项调查显示,‘40%的成年人说他们使用Instagram,大约十分之三的人说他们使用Pinterest或LinkedIn。’这是多还是少 我不知道,但这些数字似乎在某种程度上很重要。)”作者以皮尤研究中心在2021年4月的一项调查结果为例,说明尽管百分位数值被认为是确凿的证据,但是从数据中得出的结论并没有多大意义,对于这项调查结果中所给出的数据在某种程度上似乎很重要,但是作者不清楚这些数字是多还是少;由此可知,作者认为皮尤研究中心2021发布的调查结果会造成一些困惑,人们不清楚里面的数字意味着什么。故选A。
词义猜测题。根据第一段第一句“We are living in an age in which data is strongly favored, especially when it’s reported in the media. (我们生活在一个数据非常受欢迎的时代,尤其是在媒体报道数据的时候。)”可知在这个数据时代,数据特别受欢迎;由第二段中划线词的下文“One might repeatedly see something with his/her own eyes, but ironically (讽刺地), in this era of data, it matters little. Observations and any conclusions drawn, even by experts in a relevant field, have been downgraded to ‘personal perspectives’, even though they are based on real, documented behavior.(一个人可能会反复地亲眼看到一些东西,但讽刺的是,在这个数据时代,这已经无关紧要了。观察和得出的任何结论,即使是由相关领域的专家得出的,也被降级为‘个人观点’,即使它们是基于真实的、有记录的行为。)”可知,在这个数据时代,人们亲眼反复看到的东西都不重要,即使是由相关领域的专家基于真实的、有记录的行为观察和得出的任何结论,也会被认为是“个人观点”,作者认为这非常具有讽刺性;由此可推知,划线词所在句“Meanwhile, unless an argument is “data-based”, it is considered flimsy.(与此同时,除非一个论点是“基于数据的”,否则它被认为是flimsy。)表述的意思是在这个大数据时代,如果一个论点不是以数据为基础,就会被认为不可信,没有说服力;划线词flimsy指“没有说服力的,不可信的”,与unpersuasive“没有说服力的”意思一致。故选D。
主旨大意题。文章倒数第二段“The many weaknesses associated with quantitative research should not be ignored, either. There are numerous ways to design a study and gather findings, each one likely to produce different results. The move to online research has made findings much more questionable, as nothing got from the Internet should be taken too seriously. Besides, how questions are both asked and answered is highly subjective and dependent on many variables.(与定量研究相关的许多弱点也不应被忽视。设计研究和收集发现的方法有很多,每一种方法都可能产生不同的结果。转向网络研究使得研究结果更加可疑,因为从互联网上得到的任何东西都不应该太当真。此外,如何提问和回答问题是高度主观的,取决于许多变量。)”指出定量研究有许多不应忽视的缺点,多种研究方法会产生不同的结果、基于网络的研究结果也不可靠、提问和回答问题是高度主观的,取决于许多变量;由此可知,倒数第二段主要阐述了定量研究的缺点。故选B。
推理判断题。在最后一段“Why do we love data so much Words are imprecise and have multiple meanings, while numbers are precise and definitive, a big reason why we put so much faith and trust in data regardless of its source. To legitimize (证明……有理) this post, note that 88.6 percent of what I’ve said is true.(为什么我们如此热爱数据 文字是不精确的,有多种含义,而数字是精确的,明确的,这是我们如此信任数据的一个重要原因,而不管它的来源是什么。为了证明这篇文章有理,请注意我所说的88.6%是真的。)”中作者首先阐述了我们如此热爱信任数据是因为数字是精确的、明确的;文章是一篇驳论文,批驳了当前的唯数据论,作者在结尾时却运用数据(强调文章中所说的88.6 %是真的)来为了证明所写的这篇文章有理;作为说理类文章,如何能给出一个确切的关于真实性的数字,因此作者在结尾运用了反讽的写作手法。故选A。
The degree to which you leave traces (or data) of your online activities is referred to as your digital footprint. ____16____ What you usually leave behind include the remains of a campfire, your dinner scraps, and the path you carved in the woods while hiking.
In some cases, there’s a legal use for your digital footprint, such as website owners and advertisers collecting information about your online habits and purchasing preferences to better accommodate your needs. ____17____ Perhaps the biggest risk people face online is having their identity stolen. Besides identity theft, criminals can gather enough information about a person to target him for fraud (欺诈).
____18____ Here are some steps you can take to minimize it.
Don’t use your primary email address when creating online accounts. You can create one-off email addresses to make it harder for someone to develop a picture of all the sites and services you use. Another step for you is not to over-share. ____19____ So you can restrict your social media posts to friends or close contacts only. Finally, don’t let websites sell your data. Increasingly, websites are adding privacy tools that prevent you from having your personal information sold to advertisers or shared with partners. ____20____
A. You’re leaving an “active” digital footprint or a “passive” one.
B. You’ll need to look for these controls right now, if they exist at all.
C. You probably don’t need your personal life to be completely public.
D. It’s similar to the evidence you might leave behind after going camping.
E. In the case of your digital footprint, the evidence you leave behind is data.
F. It’s inescapable to leave some sort of digital footprint after your online activity.
G. But the data can also be used by hackers, criminals and other immoral actors.
【答案】16. D 17. G 18. F 19. C 20. B
根据上文“The degree to which you leave traces (or data) of your online activities is referred to as your digital footprint.(你留下的在线活动的痕迹(或数据)的程度被称为你的数字足迹。)”可知,空处应该继续解释什么是数字足迹。D项:It’s similar to the evidence you might leave behind after going camping.(这和你去露营后留下的证据很相似。)符合语境。故选D。
根据上文“In some cases, there’s a legal use for your digital footprint, such as website owners and advertisers collecting information about your online habits and purchasing preferences to better accommodate your needs.(在某些情况下,你的数字足迹有合法的用途,比如网站所有者和广告商收集关于你的在线习惯和购买偏好的信息,以更好地满足你的需求。)”和下文“Perhaps the biggest risk people face online is having their identity stolen. Besides identity theft, criminals can gather enough information about a person to target him for fraud (欺诈).(也许人们在网上面临的最大风险是身份被盗。除了身份盗窃,犯罪分子还可以收集到足够的个人信息,以进行诈骗。)”可知,上文提到数字足迹带来的好处,下文提到在网上留下数据面临的风险,空处和上文形成转折关系。G项:But the data can also be used by hackers, criminals and other immoral actors.(但这些数据也可能被黑客、罪犯和其他不道德的行为者利用。)符合语境。故选G。
根据下文“Here are some steps you can take to minimize it.(这里有一些你可以采取的步骤来减少它。)”可知,上文提到上网时留下足迹是不可避免的,F项中的“some sort of digital footprint”和下文中的“it”对应。F项:It’s inescapable to leave some sort of digital footprint after your online activity.(上网后不可避免地会留下一些数字足迹。)符合语境。故选F。
根据上文“Another step for you is not to over-share.(另一个步骤是不要过度分享。)”和下文“So you can restrict your social media posts to friends or close contacts only.(所以你可以限制你的社交媒体帖子只有朋友或亲密的联系人。)”可知,空处解释说明不要完全公开个人生活,从而达到不要过度分享的目的。C项:You probably don’t need your personal life to be completely public.(你可能不需要把你的个人生活完全公开。)符合语境。故选C。
根据上文“Increasingly, websites are adding privacy tools that prevent you from having your personal information sold to advertisers or shared with partners.(越来越多的网站正在添加隐私工具,以防止你的个人信息被出售给广告商或与合作伙伴共享。)”可知,此处是说要使用这些工具。B项:You’ll need to look for these controls right now, if they exist at all.(你需要马上寻找这些控件,如果它们存在的话。)符合语境。故选B。
第三部分 语言运用(共三节,满分30分)
On August 23rd, my son was out mountain biking with his teacher and friends. ____21____, we were waiting at home with lunch ready. At 12:15, he still hadn’t ____22____ . Then, we got the call that he was badly hurt.
We ____23____ up the mountain in the car. He was in the kind of ____24____ you never want to see. We got him to the hospital for X-rays to be told his collarbone(锁骨) was broken. Collarbones are incredibly ____25____ to treat, as you can’t just put them in a cast(石膏).
We got him a“figure-of-8”support that keeps both his shoulders aligned(成一直线). It was the best ____26____ for making sure the bone grew back straight. Sleeping was very painful for him, and in the next few months everything came ____27____ . No sports. No activity. ____28____birthday party plans. We got into a new ____29____ at home. We found other things for him to do that weren’t _____30_____, such as reading and making artwork.
I would never _____31_____ an injury on anyone; yet, it is an _____32_____ way to learn how to be patient with life, with the _____33_____ , and with each other. My _____34_____ lesson has been that my child may have learned more from this injury than anything else he’s gone through this year, and, _____35_____, it will serve him for life.
21. A. In short B. As usual C. Right away D. By chance
22. A. got through B. turned about C. set out D. shown up
23. A. walked B. raced C. rode D. flew
24. A. anger B. stress C. pain D. shame
25. A. tricky B. likely C. ready D. rapid
26. A. evidence B. goal C. option D. reward
27. A. running out B. crashing down C. connecting D. working
28. A. Canceled B. Mentioned C. Designed D. Threatened
29. A. normal B. treatment C. environment D. conversation
30. A. original B. behavioral C. spiritual D. physical
31. A. base B. focus C. blame D. wish
32. A. interesting B. adventurous C. immediate D. affordable
33. A. training B. body C. lesson D. party
34. A. worst B. rarest C. biggest D. easiest
35. A. hopefully B. regretfully C. randomly D. suddenly
【答案】21. B 22. D 23. B 24. C 25. A 26. C 27. B 28. A 29. A 30. D 31. D 32. C 33. B 34. C 35. A
考查短语词义辨析。句意:像往常一样,我们在家里等着,午饭也准备好了。A. In short简言之;B. As usual像往常一样;C. Right away立即;D. By chance偶然。根据下文“At 12:15, he still hadn’t ____2____”可知,作者的儿子经常如此做,所以时间到了,儿子没有出现才引起作者的注意。由此可知,作者在家做好饭等待儿子回来时一贯如此。故选B。
考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:12点15分,他还没有出现。A. got through通过、完成;B. turned about回头;C. set out开始、出发;D. shown up出现。根据下文“Then, we got the call that he was badly hurt.”可知,在12点15分时作者的儿子并没有出现。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们开车向山上赶去。A. walked走;B. raced赛跑、全速前行;C. rode骑、乘;D. flew飞。根据常识可知,作为父母,得知自己的儿子受伤,自然是全速赶去。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:他的痛苦是你永远不想看到的。A. anger生气;B. stress压力;C. pain痛苦;D. shame羞愧。根据下文“We got him to the hospital for X-rays to be told his collarbone(锁骨) was broken.”可知,作者的儿子遭受了极大的痛苦。故选C。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:锁骨的治疗非常棘手,因为你不能直接打石膏。A. tricky狡猾的、棘手的;B. likely有可能的;C. ready准备好的;D. rapid迅速的。根据下文“as you can’t just put them in a cast(石膏).”可知,锁骨的治疗非常棘手。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:这是确保骨头长直的最佳选择。A. evidence证据;B. goal目标;C. option选择;D. reward奖励。根据上文“We got him a“figure-of-8”support that keeps both his shoulders aligned(成一直线).”可知,由于锁骨不能直接打石膏,所以作者只能做了一个“8字形”支架,让他的双肩保持一条直线,而这是让骨头长直的最佳选择。故选C。
考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:睡觉对他来说是非常痛苦的,在接下来的几个月里,一切都崩溃了。A. running out耗尽;B. crashing down朝下猛撞、崩溃;C. connecting连接;D. working工作。根据上文“Sleeping was very painful for him”以及下文“No sports. No activity.”可知,作者的儿子遭受了极大的痛苦,所以是让人崩溃的。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:取消的生日派对计划。A. Canceled取消;B. Mentioned提及;C. Designed设计;D. Threatened威胁。根据上文“No sports. No activity.”可知,作者的儿子不能从事任何事,由此可推测,生日派对计划也被取消了。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们的家庭生活进入了新常态。A. normal常规、标准;B. treatment对待、治疗;C. environment环境;D. conversation谈话。根据下文“We found other things for him to do that weren’t ____10____, such as reading and making artwork.”可知,作者的一家由于儿子受伤,开始进入了新常态。故选A。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们为他找到了其他非体力活动,比如阅读和创作艺术品。A. original起初的;B. behavioral行为的;C. spiritual精神上的;D. physical身体上的。根据下文“reading and making artwork”以及上文作者的儿子受伤可知,作者的儿子不能从事体力活动。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我从不希望任何人受到伤害;然而,这是一种学习如何对生活、对身体、对彼此有耐心的直接方法。A. base以……为基础;B. focus专注于;C. blame责备;D. wish希望。根据空后“an injury on anyone”可知,作者并不希望任何人受伤。故选D。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我从不希望任何人受到伤害;然而,这是一种学习如何对生活、对身体、对彼此有耐心的直接方法。A. interesting有趣的;B. adventurous冒险的;C. immediate立即的、直接的;D. affordable支付得起的。根据上文“We found other things for him to do that weren’t ____10____, such as reading and making artwork.”可知,由于身体受伤,作者的儿子选择了非体力活动,也就是说,受伤是一种学习如何对生活、对身体、对彼此有耐心的直接方法。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我从不希望任何人受到伤害;然而,这是一种学习如何对生活、对身体、对彼此有耐心的直接方法。A. training培训;B. body身体;C. lesson课、教训;D. party聚会。根据上文可推测,躺在床上的日子可以对自己的身体不能从事体力活动这件事有了耐心。故选B。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我最大的教训是,我的孩子从这次受伤中学到的东西,可能比他今年经历的任何事情都要多,希望这能让他终生受益。A. worst最糟糕的;B. rarest最罕见的;C. biggest最大的;D. easiest最轻松的。根据下文“that my child may have learned more from this injury than anything else he’s gone through this year”可知,这是作者得到的最大的教训。故选C。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:我最大的教训是,我的孩子从这次受伤中学到的东西,可能比他今年经历的任何事情都要多,希望这能让他终生受益。 A. hopefully有希望地;B. regretfully遗憾地;C. randomly任意地;D. suddenly突然地。根据空后内容“it will serve him for life”可知,这是作者对儿子的期望。故选A。
About 800 meters above sea level and next to the picturesque Taiping Lake, Houkeng village in Huangshan, a region in the south of Anhui Province, seems ____36____ (bless) by nature and is home to the handmade tea variety Taiping Kowkui. Every spring ____37____ foggy days moisten the emerald hillsides, villagers know their harvest will come. “____38____ any of three key factors—proper location, plant variety, or processing technique—the perfect Kowkui will not be born,” Fang Jifan, the fifth-generation tea farmer says. “It’s ____39____signature of our home”.
Kowkui’s exceptionally large ____40____ (leaf) often lead to its being ____41____(mistake) for “vegetable” by first-time viewers, but this “king” of green tea in Fang’s eyes beats other varieties at more than just size. “Its fragrance and flavor also stand out, thanks to the time-consuming work to process them.” Fang says.
Last November, traditional tea processing techniques and associated social practices in China ____42____ (add) to the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. “The tea culture not only reflects a refined taste in life, it also shows the beauty of craftsmanship ____43____ people’s creativity.” says Zheng Yi, deputy head of Anhui Tea Culture Research Society. “For centuries, the scent of tea ____44____ (offer) nutrition to this land. This intangible cultural heritage of tea processing techniques is deeply rooted in people’s everyday life. This _____45_____ (whole) handmade version of this famous tea showcases its soft and clean-flavored heirloom cultivar with a sea mineral aftertaste and signature fresh bamboo aroma. ”
【答案】36. to be blessed
37. when 38. Without
39. a 40. leaves
41. mistaken
42. were added
43. and 44. has offered##has been offering
45. wholly
考查非谓语动词。句意:位于安徽省南部的黄山后坑村海拔约800米,毗邻风景如画的太平湖,这里似乎受到了大自然的庇佑,是手工茶“太平猴魁”的故乡。这里为非谓语动词担当动词“seem”的表语,用动词不定式形式;和主语“Houkeng village”之间为被动关系。故填to be blessed。
考查定语从句。句意:每年春天,当雾气笼罩着翠绿的山坡时,村民们知道他们的丰收就要到来了。这里为定语从句的关系词,先行词为“every spring”,在定语从句中担当时间状语,用关系副词when。故填when。
考查介词。句意:第五代茶农方吉凡(音)说:“没有合适的位置、品种和加工技术这三个关键因素,就不会有完美的猴魁。这是我们家茶叶的标志。”根据句意可知,没有空后的“any of three key factors—proper location, plant variety, or processing technique”,就不会有完美的猴魁。由此可知,空处为介词,意为“没有”,用without。出现在句首,首字母大写。故填Without。
考查固定搭配。句意:猴魁茶的叶子特别大,经常让第一次观看的人误认为是“蔬菜”,但在方看来,这种绿茶“王”胜过其他品种的不仅仅是大小。固定短语be mistaken for被误认为是,故填mistaken。
考查时态语态。句意:去年11月,中国传统茶叶加工技术及相关社会实践被列入联合国教科文组织《人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录》。这里为本句谓语动词,根据时间状语“Last November”可知,本句时态为一般过去时;主语为“traditional tea processing techniques and associated social practices in China”,复数,和动词“add”之间为被动关系,所以用被动语态。故填were added。
考查连词。句意:茶文化不仅反映了一种精致的生活品味,也展示了工艺之美和人们的创造力。空前“the beauty of craftsmanship”和空后“people’s creativity”之间为并列关系,用连词and连接。故填and。
考查时态。句意:几个世纪以来,茶的香味一直为这片土地提供营养。考查本句谓语动词,根据时间状语“For centuries”可知,本句时态为现在完成时或现在完成进行时;主语为“the scent of tea”,单数,谓语动词用has。故填has offered或has been offering。
46. On Monday, their experimental approach to alleviating _________ (poor) won them the2019 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science.(所给词的适当形式填空)
47. Generally, humans are pretty _________(flexible). When routines get altered, this can unnerve people. (所给词的适当形式填空)
【详解】考查形容词。句意:一般来说,人类是非常不愿意改变现有的生活模式的。当日常生活被改变时,这可能会让人们感到不安。作表语,结合后文When routines get altered, this can unnerve people.可知表示“不灵活的、不愿意做出改变的”为inflexible,故填inflexible。
48. “Passion of Sports” demonstrated the occasion where young university students run _________(energetic) with all their might to express the joy and passion brought about by physical sports. (所给词的适当形式填空)
49. The 20th century saw the Palace Museum’s ________(expand) through new acquisitions, transfers from other museums, and new archaeological discoveries. (所给词的适当形式填空)
50. Chinese organizations dedicated to rare disease research and advocacy are making_________(remark) strides in addressing the unique challenges faced by patients with rare diseases. (所给词的适当形式填空)
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
51. 假定你是李华,某国际学校学生会主席。你校学生会正在向全体学生征集以“中国科学家精神”(The Spirit of Chinese Scientists)为主题的短视频。请你用英文拟一则征稿启事,
Contributions Wanted
The Student Union
【答案】Contributions Wanted
Hello, everyone! I am Li Hua, president of the Student Union of our school. Our school is collecting some short videos on the theme of “The Spirit of Chinese Scientists”. Here is some useful information about this activity.
The purpose of this activity is to spread the spirit of perseverance to people. In addition, the most important thing is that the submitted work should include a scientist. Finally, if you want to submit a short video, please send it to our school website, and note that the deadline is October 1st.
I hope you can actively participate in our school activities.
The Student Union
【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文。假定你是李华,某国际学校学生会主席。你校学生会正在向全体学生征集以“中国科学家精神”(The Spirit of Chinese Scientists)为主题的短视频。请你用英文拟一则征稿启事,内容包括:1.活动目的;2.作品要求;3.投稿方式及截止时间。
此外:besides → what’s more→/in addition
最后:finally→in the end→at last
参加:participate in→take part in
原句:Our school is collecting some short videos on the theme of “The Spirit of Chinese Scientists”.
拓展句:Our school is collecting some short videos which should be on the theme of “The Spirit of Chinese Scientists”.
【点睛】【高分句型1】The purpose of this activity is to spread the spirit of perseverance to people.(运用了动词不定式作表语)
【高分句型2】In addition, the most important thing is that the submitted work should include a scientist.(运用了that引导的表语从句)
52. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
The other day, I was driving home, a little upset because I hated working at the weekend. On the way, I decided to grab some veggies in the nearby greengrocer's. Since there was still thin ice on the road, I took a glance at the rear mirror to make sure no pedestrians or vehicles came close, and slowly steered the wheel to the right. Then out of any of my expectancy my car bumped into an electric bike, giving out a harsh metallic clash. I collected myself and saw out of the window screen a teenager lean on one side of the bike, one foot off the ground.
All of a sudden a familiar scene flashed across my mind.
When I was in high school, I had fun riding my bike along the country road on sweltering and boring afternoons during summer holidays. Sometimes I carried my little brother to the only grocery store in the neighborhood where we could buy our favorite ice cream. Once we had an argument about what to buy. Seeing him leave the store in a temper, I jumped on the bike and tried to talk him into going back. Suddenly, he gave me a push and I inclined towards the middle of the road when a motorbike came in my face. I fell on the ground before I could see anything clearly. Luckily, I didn't get hurt but still couldn’t rise to my feet. The motorist, a middle-aged man, ignoring his torn jeans, shed to check on me, “Are you okay Your leg Your foot "
“I am all right, but..."I stared at him, terrified because I was sure he would ask for "big" sum of money for compensation. Instead, he just let me go despite his wife's protests. Guilty as I was, I was happy that I was spared. I was really grateful to the man for pardoning a silly kid who had made such a big mistake involuntarily.
Paragraph 1
Seeing the same fright in the boy's eyes, I quickly got out of my car.
Paragraph 2
The boy offered to give me some money for the damage.
【答案】Paragraph 1
Seeing the same fright in the boy's eyes, I quickly got out of my car. “Are you okay Your leg Your foot ” I asked the same questions. The boy leaning on the bike shook his head nervously and spoke nothing. He just looked at me with his blue eyes wide open. I could see why. My car was badly damaged at the rear, which obviously would cost me lots of money to repair it. I just smiled and turned to check my car. Suddenly, the boy said something behind me.
Paragraph 2
The boy offered to give me some money for the damage. I turned around and looked at him in the eyes and smiled again. “No worries, kid,” I said, “It is not a big deal. I can handle it myself.” The boy was puzzled. “I experienced the same things when I was as your age and I was forgiven, so are you now. Just go home and be careful.” I explained to him. An obvious surprise flashed across his face but was quickly replaced by great relief. He got off his bike and bowed deeply, saying, “Thank you, sir.” I smiled again, knowing that: A seed of kindness and forgiveness was planted.
②.转身:turned around/turn to leave
③.闪现:flashed across
①.疑惑:puzzled /confused/bewildered
【点睛】[高分句型1]. He just looked at me with his blue eyes wide open.(with复合结构)
[高分句型2]. My car was badly damaged at the rear, which obviously would cost me lots of money to repair it.(由which引导的定语从句)
[高分句型3]. He got off his bike and bowed deeply, saying, “Thank you, sir.”(现在分词短语作伴随状语)
听力答案:1~5 BCABB 6~10 AABAC 11~15 BCACA 16~20 CCBAC英语试卷
本试卷满分150分,考试时间 120分钟。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. Which season does the woman like best
A. Spring. B. Autumn. C. Winter.
2. Whom is the woman talking to
A. A buyer. B. A guide. C. A house-owner.
3. What does the woman think of the watch
A. Great. B. Average. C. Terrible.
4. What is the woman showing
A. How to spell a word.
B. How to consult a dictionary.
C. How to use a learning method.
5. How long did it take the plane to get to Guangzhou
A. 2 hours. B. 3 hours. C. 4 hours.
6. What are the speakers talking about
A. A holiday plan.
B. A travel budget.
C. An enjoyable experience.
7. What is their final decision
A. Going to Italy. B. Staying at home. C. Going to Sweden.
8 What time does the gym end on Saturday
A. At 8 p. m. B. At 10 p. m. C. At 11 p. m.
9. Why does the woman want to do sports
A. To lose weight. B. To get in shape. C. To increase muscle.
10. What will the woman do next
A. Have a shower.
B. Go back to work.
C. Buy a membership card.
11. What is the relationship of the speakers
A. Neighbors. B. Colleagues. C. Relatives.
12. How does the woman go to work
A By bus. B. By car. C. On foot.
13. What is the woman best at making
A. Cakes. B. Wine. C. Salads.
14. When does the man usually eat out
A. When he hates home-made meals.
B. When a new restaurant opens.
C. When his wife is busy.
15. What is the man doing
A. Having an interview.
B. Talking about a film.
C. Making an appointment.
16. What is the woman
A. A student. B. A writer. C. An actress.
17. Where is the woman in the afternoon
A. At home. B. In the gym. C. In the studio.
18. What does the speaker want to do
A. To call on students to help others.
B. To introduce some volunteer projects.
C. To offer students chances to earn money.
19. What is needed in the first project
A. A good command of Spanish.
B. An eagerness for the country life.
C. Work experience with local people.
20. Where will the medical students work
A. In a language school.
B. In a children’s holiday center.
C. In a center for disabled children.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Group Study Rooms Policy
The Library’s group study rooms are for current students, academic use only.
Reserving Rooms
*Reserve a room at https://biblio.csusm.edu/groupstudy.
*5th floor rooms open to reservations 2 weeks in advance; 3rd & 2nd floor rooms open to reservations 1 week in advance; 4th floor rooms open to reservations 24 hours in advance.
*Rooms can be reserved for a maximum of 3 hours per visit and up to 12 hours total per week. Rooms can be reserved once per day per person.
*Rooms not occupied within 10 minutes of the reservation time are no longer available, and can be occupied by another group until the next reservation for that room.
*Reservations can be deleted. Please do so if the room is no longer needed. To delete your reservation, go to the calendar and click the room, date and time, then select Delete Entry.
*If the room you reserved is occupied, you may ask the group to leave or request assistance from staff at the Media Desk (2nd floor).
Use of rooms
*Drinks in covered containers and small individual snacks are allowed.
*Doors should be kept closed when in use.
*Sound travels, even with the door closed-respect those studying around you by keeping the volume at a reasonable level.
*Visibility of the space is not to be blocked. Windows are not to be covered in any way.
1. Which rooms can be booked 2 weeks earlier
A. Those on the second floor. B. Those on the fifth floor.
C. Those on the fourth floor. D. Those on the third floor.
2. What happens if students show up 10 minutes later than the set time
A. The reservation will be canceled automatically.
B. They will be contacted by staff at the Media Desk.
C. The reservation must be deleted online immediately.
D. They have to make another reservation for the day.
3. What are students banned from doing while staying in a group study room
A. Having some bottled drinks. B. Keeping the door closed.
C. Covering the windows. D. Whispering to other students.
I look forward to my half hour train ride to work every morning. I can look out of the window as it twists and turns itself through neighborhoods with the sun casting its strong lighting on the floor of the train car. I sometimes get lost in thought while following the light. But the reason I love this ride is that it’s a reminder of how neighborhoods can change from block to block.
For almost a year now I have been riding this train as I head into the office where I work as a reporter for a local magazine. I am one of 13 journalists who help report community news in areas that are often forgotten. And for me that means covering areas like the one I grew up in.
Last week, as I was on the way to my office, I started wondering how neighborhoods have changed since the 2008 housing crisis. I searched addresses on the city’s southwest side, a neighborhood that has seen a significant number of residential homes pulled down, I scanned the street views recorded on my phone and saw how the neighborhood looked in 2007. Then I set out to visit the city block, and that’s when I met 3-year-old Harmony.
Harmony loved collecting rocks for me to hold as I walked down the street with her mother, Marquita. I already knew what the neighborhood looked like in the past, but Marquita shared more details of the people who once lived on her block, who were really friendly to each other. However, people today in the neighborhood are busy with life and seldom say hello to each other. Marquita has lived on this block her entire life, and Harmony has for most of her short life as well. But the neighborhood that Marquita grew up in will be one obviously different than the one Harmony will grow to know.
In the end, they smiled at my camera. And then I got back on the train and headed back to the office to tell their stories.
4. What makes the author love his train ride to work
A. Being lost in thought. B. Admiring the outside views.
C. Enjoying the warm sunshine. D. Knowing the change of blocks.
5. How did the author find out what the city’s southwest side looked like in the past
A. By reading earlier reports. B. By interviewing local people.
C. By watching past street views. D. By searching his memories.
6. How might Marquita feel when she talked with the author
A. Sad. B. Nervous. C. Touched. D. Confused.
7. What is the main purpose of the text
A To share a pleasant train ride with us.
B. To tell us the work of a news reporter.
C. To show us a crowded community.
D. To introduce a new neighborhood.
In the 1950s British historian Northeaster Parkinson came up with a concept which was later known as Parkinson’s Law of Triviality. It states that the amount of time spent discussing an issue in an organization is oppositely associated with its actual importance.
Parkinson’s Law of Triviality is also known as “bike-shedding (车棚)”, after the story Parkinson uses to illustrate it. He asks readers to imagine a financial committee meeting to discuss a three-point agenda. The points are as follows: A proposal for a f10 million nuclear power plant; A proposal for a f350 bike shed; A proposal for a f21 annual coffee budget.
What happens The committee ends up running through the nuclear power plant proposal in little time. It’s too advanced for anyone to really dig into the details. The discussion soon moves to the bike shed. Here, everyone’s an expert. In the end, the committee runs out of time and decides to meet again to complete their analysis.
Bike-shedding happens because the smaller a matter is, the more people will have an opinion on it, even when there is no real value to add. When something is outside of our circle of competence, like a nuclear power plant, we don’t even try to express an opinion. But when something is understandable everyone wants to show that they know about the topic at hand.
How can we avoid bike-shedding The main thing you can do is to have a clear purpose. Priya Parker, the author of The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why It Matters, says that any successful gathering needs to have a focused purpose. “Specificity,” she says, “is a key element.”
When it comes to choosing your list of invitees, Parker writes, “if the purpose of your meeting is to make a decision, you may want to consider having fewer cooks in the kitchen.” Getting the result you want—a thoughtful, educated discussion about that power plant—depends on having the right people in the room.
8. What is Parkinson’s purpose of presenting the imaginary meeting
A. To state a fact. B. To clarify a concept. C. To make a prediction. D. To introduce a new point.
9. What can be inferred from Paragraph 4
A. The more you know, the less you speak.
B. What is simple for you may be tough for others.
C. What requires more work may get less attention.
D. The more you put in, the better your result will be.
10. Which is the author’s suggestion for a successful meeting
A. Planning before the meeting. B. Getting the right people to the table.
C. Spending less time on the minor issues. D. Taking different opinions into account.
11. What can be a suitable title for the text
A. Purpose: The Key to an Effective Meeting
B. Talent: A Crucial Element in Organizations
C. The Bike Shed Effect: Avoiding Small Matters
D. Nuclear Power Plant: The Less-known Proposal
We are living in an age in which data is strongly favored, especially when it’s reported in the media. “Big Data” is considered even more reliable as it consists of very large amounts of information. Percentiles are considered hard evidence, even if the conclusions drawn from the data don’t mean a whole lot. For example, “40 percent of adults say they use Instagram and about three in ten report using Pinterest or LinkedIn,” a Pew Research Center survey reported in April 2021. Is that a lot or a little I don’t know, but the numbers are seemingly presented as being significant in some way.
Meanwhile, unless an argument is “data-based”, it is considered flimsy. One might repeatedly see something with his/her own eyes, but ironically (讽刺地), in this era of data, it matters little. Observations and any conclusions drawn, even by experts in a relevant field, have been downgraded to “personal perspectives”, even though they are based on real, documented behavior.
In short, if something is published in a journal with quantitative support, it carries much weight. If a cultural anthropologist (人类学家) with a Ph.D. reports a particular trend from field research, however, it is considered a short amusing story that may complement the “real” data-based studies. People want to know the “sample size” of cultural research, not understanding that valuable insights into human behavior can be gained without metrics (度量学) and analytics.
The many weaknesses associated with quantitative research should not be ignored, either. There are numerous ways to design a study and gather findings, each one likely to produce different results. The move to online research has made findings much more questionable, as nothing got from the Internet should be taken too seriously. Besides, how questions are both asked and answered is highly subjective and dependent on many variables.
Why do we love data so much Words are imprecise and have multiple meanings, while numbers are precise and definitive, a big reason why we put so much faith and trust in data regardless of its source. To legitimize (证明……有理) this post, note that 88.6 percent of what I’ve said is true.
12. What does the author think of the 2021 survey reported by the Pew Research Center
A. It leads to some confusion. B. It has much scientific value.
C. It impresses him with the numbers. D. It contains some factual inaccuracies.
13. What does the underlined word “flimsy” mean in paragraph 2
A. Professional. B. Interesting. C. Unfriendly. D. Unpersuasive.
14. What is the last but one paragraph mainly about
A. The practicality of online research.
B. The disadvantages of quantitative research.
C. The widespread popularity of online research.
D. The significance of quantitative research findings.
15. How does the author end the text
A. By writing ironically. B. By referring to experts.
C. By providing a solution. D. By making a prediction.
The degree to which you leave traces (or data) of your online activities is referred to as your digital footprint. ____16____ What you usually leave behind include the remains of a campfire, your dinner scraps, and the path you carved in the woods while hiking.
In some cases, there’s a legal use for your digital footprint, such as website owners and advertisers collecting information about your online habits and purchasing preferences to better accommodate your needs. ____17____ Perhaps the biggest risk people face online is having their identity stolen. Besides identity theft, criminals can gather enough information about a person to target him for fraud (欺诈).
____18____ Here are some steps you can take to minimize it.
Don’t use your primary email address when creating online accounts. You can create one-off email addresses to make it harder for someone to develop a picture of all the sites and services you use. Another step for you is not to over-share. ____19____ So you can restrict your social media posts to friends or close contacts only. Finally, don’t let websites sell your data. Increasingly, websites are adding privacy tools that prevent you from having your personal information sold to advertisers or shared with partners. ____20____
A. You’re leaving an “active” digital footprint or a “passive” one.
B. You’ll need to look for these controls right now, if they exist at all.
C. You probably don’t need your personal life to be completely public.
D. It’s similar to the evidence you might leave behind after going camping.
E. In the case of your digital footprint, the evidence you leave behind is data.
F. It’s inescapable to leave some sort of digital footprint after your online activity.
G. But the data can also be used by hackers, criminals and other immoral actors.
第三部分 语言运用(共三节,满分30分)
On August 23rd, my son was out mountain biking with his teacher and friends. ____21____, we were waiting at home with lunch ready. At 12:15, he still hadn’t ____22____ . Then, we got the call that he was badly hurt.
We ____23____ up the mountain in the car. He was in the kind of ____24____ you never want to see. We got him to the hospital for X-rays to be told his collarbone(锁骨) was broken. Collarbones are incredibly ____25____ to treat, as you can’t just put them in a cast(石膏).
We got him a“figure-of-8”support that keeps both his shoulders aligned(成一直线). It was the best ____26____ for making sure the bone grew back straight. Sleeping was very painful for him, and in the next few months everything came ____27____ . No sports. No activity. ____28____birthday party plans. We got into a new ____29____ at home. We found other things for him to do that weren’t _____30_____, such as reading and making artwork.
I would never _____31_____ an injury on anyone; yet, it is an _____32_____ way to learn how to be patient with life, with the _____33_____ , and with each other. My _____34_____ lesson has been that my child may have learned more from this injury than anything else he’s gone through this year, and, _____35_____, it will serve him for life.
21. A. In short B. As usual C. Right away D. By chance
22. A. got through B. turned about C. set out D. shown up
23. A. walked B. raced C. rode D. flew
24. A. anger B. stress C. pain D. shame
25. A. tricky B. likely C. ready D. rapid
26. A. evidence B. goal C. option D. reward
27. A. running out B. crashing down C. connecting D. working
28. A. Canceled B. Mentioned C. Designed D. Threatened
29. A. normal B. treatment C. environment D. conversation
30. A. original B. behavioral C. spiritual D. physical
31. A. base B. focus C. blame D. wish
32. A. interesting B. adventurous C. immediate D. affordable
33. A. training B. body C. lesson D. party
34. A. worst B. rarest C. biggest D. easiest
35. A. hopefully B. regretfully C. randomly D. suddenly
About 800 meters above sea level and next to the picturesque Taiping Lake, Houkeng village in Huangshan, a region in the south of Anhui Province, seems ____36____ (bless) by nature and is home to the handmade tea variety Taiping Kowkui. Every spring ____37____ foggy days moisten the emerald hillsides, villagers know their harvest will come. “____38____ any of three key factors—proper location, plant variety, or processing technique—the perfect Kowkui will not be born,” Fang Jifan, the fifth-generation tea farmer says. “It’s ____39____signature of our home”.
Kowkui’s exceptionally large ____40____ (leaf) often lead to its being ____41____(mistake) for “vegetable” by first-time viewers, but this “king” of green tea in Fang’s eyes beats other varieties at more than just size. “Its fragrance and flavor also stand out, thanks to the time-consuming work to process them.” Fang says.
Last November, traditional tea processing techniques and associated social practices in China ____42____ (add) to the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. “The tea culture not only reflects a refined taste in life, it also shows the beauty of craftsmanship ____43____ people’s creativity.” says Zheng Yi, deputy head of Anhui Tea Culture Research Society. “For centuries, the scent of tea ____44____ (offer) nutrition to this land. This intangible cultural heritage of tea processing techniques is deeply rooted in people’s everyday life. This _____45_____ (whole) handmade version of this famous tea showcases its soft and clean-flavored heirloom cultivar with a sea mineral aftertaste and signature fresh bamboo aroma. ”
46. On Monday, their experimental approach to alleviating _________ (poor) won them the2019 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science.(所给词的适当形式填空)
47. Generally, humans are pretty _________(flexible). When routines get altered, this can unnerve people. (所给词的适当形式填空)
48. “Passion of Sports” demonstrated the occasion where young university students run _________(energetic) with all their might to express the joy and passion brought about by physical sports. (所给词的适当形式填空)
49. The 20th century saw the Palace Museum’s ________(expand) through new acquisitions, transfers from other museums, and new archaeological discoveries. (所给词的适当形式填空)
50. Chinese organizations dedicated to rare disease research and advocacy are making_________(remark) strides in addressing the unique challenges faced by patients with rare diseases. (所给词的适当形式填空)
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
51. 假定你是李华,某国际学校学生会主席。你校学生会正在向全体学生征集以“中国科学家精神”(The Spirit of Chinese Scientists)为主题的短视频。请你用英文拟一则征稿启事,
Contributions Wanted
The Student Union
52. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
The other day, I was driving home, a little upset because I hated working at the weekend. On the way, I decided to grab some veggies in the nearby greengrocer's. Since there was still thin ice on the road, I took a glance at the rear mirror to make sure no pedestrians or vehicles came close, and slowly steered the wheel to the right. Then out of any of my expectancy my car bumped into an electric bike, giving out a harsh metallic clash. I collected myself and saw out of the window screen a teenager lean on one side of the bike, one foot off the ground.
All of a sudden, a familiar scene flashed across my mind.
When I was in high school, I had fun riding my bike along the country road on sweltering and boring afternoons during summer holidays. Sometimes I carried my little brother to the only grocery store in the neighborhood where we could buy our favorite ice cream. Once we had an argument about what to buy. Seeing him leave the store in a temper, I jumped on the bike and tried to talk him into going back. Suddenly, he gave me a push and I inclined towards the middle of the road when a motorbike came in my face. I fell on the ground before I could see anything clearly. Luckily, I didn't get hurt but still couldn’t rise to my feet. The motorist, a middle-aged man, ignoring his torn jeans, shed to check on me, “Are you okay Your leg Your foot "
“I am all right, but..."I stared at him, terrified because I was sure he would ask for "big" sum of money for compensation. Instead, he just let me go despite his wife's protests. Guilty as I was, I was happy that I was spared. I was really grateful to the man for pardoning a silly kid who had made such a big mistake involuntarily.
Paragraph 1
Seeing the same fright in the boy's eyes, I quickly got out of my car.
Paragraph 2
The boy offered to give me some money for the damage.
听力答案:1~5 BCABB 6~10 AABAC 11~15 BCACA 16~20 CCBAC



