Module 6 Animals in danger 模块测试 B卷·能力提升 (含解析)

Module 6(B卷·能力提升)
班级________ 姓名________ 学号________ 分数________
(时间:60分钟, 满分:100分)
一、单项选择(本题共10小题, 每小题1.5分, 共15分。)
1.I went to see my aunt ______ my stay in Shanghai. B.during C.on
2.—What did you buy in the shop yesterday
—I bought ______ because I couldn't find anything I like.
A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything
3.I was watching a TV play ______ a friend came into my room.
A.while B.when C.after D.before
4.They want to _________ some schools for the poor children in this area.
A.set up B.try on C.pick up D.take away
5.My father asked me _________ football in the street. It's dangerous. B.not to play play D.not play
6.The stone is in the way. Please _________.
A.take it away B.take away it C.take it out D.take out it
7.What about _________ the radio or reading newspapers in English?
A.hear B.listen to C.listening to D.hearing
8.Many animals don't have a safe place _________. live C.lives
9.Bill,do you have anything_______
A.say B.saying say D.said
10.—Li Ming, you should come to school earlier next time.
—______ I will never be late again.
A.I see! B.You're welcome! C.Go on! D.I don't believe it!
二、完形填空(本题共10小题, 每小题1.5分, 共15分。)
We sometimes call the lion "the king of the jungle (丛林)" because it is stronger and more dangerous than other animals. It can run faster than many animals and it can hunt (捕猎) the best. It is the highest animal in the 11 food chain (食物链).
In the sea, the shark is one of the animals at the 12 of the food chain. It can swim faster than most other sea animals, and it can use its big teeth to eat them.
What is at the top of the world's food chain 13 are! We are not the biggest or fastest, but we are the 14 . We could not run faster than cheetahs (猎豹), so we 15 cars and now we can move the fastest. We could not 16 better than lions, so we invented guns (枪). Now we can hunt the best.
People's inventions are clever, but they can be dangerous, too. For example, people invented 17 , and now they make the air and rivers dirty. This can make 18 changes. Dirty rivers kill fish. Then bears cannot eat the fish and the bears die. If we kill one part of the food chain, 19 also die. Remember that we are a part of the food chain, so we are in danger too! If we protect animals, we are protecting 20 ! We should and we could do something for the world! B.sea C.mountain D.desert
12.A.front B.end D.beginning
13.A.People B.Lions C.Sharks D.Cheetahs
14.A.strongest B.cleverest C.most special D.most important
15.A.used B.had C.made D.invented
16.A.fight B.escape C.kill D.catch B.schools C.factories D.hospitals
18.A.great B.terrible C.wonderful D.complete part B.another part C.other parts D.the other parts
20.A.ourself B.yourselves C.themselves D.ourselves
三、阅读理解(本题共10小题, 每小题2分, 共20分。)
People and animals have worked together for thousands of years. Some dogs protect sheep from wolves, while others help cows find their way back home. Cats hunt mice, stopping them from eating people’s food. People also train some animals to help in other ways.
Specially-trained monkeys can help people who can’t use their arms or legs. The monkeys can change CDs, get food and even brush hair for their owners (主人).
Pigs use their noses to find delicious truffles (松露) that grow as deep as three feet underground. Truffles are one of the most expensive mushrooms in the world.
Pigeons can usually return to their homes from any places, so people have used them to carry messages for thousands of years.
You may know that some dogs can help their owners to see. But did you know that hearing dogs can help their owners to hear, making them notice the doorbells and people calling them Dogs can also help policemen in a manhunt (追捕). Some are trained to find missing people.
21.How many kinds of helpful animals are mentioned in the passage
A.Four. B.Five. C.Six. D.Seven.
22.According to the passage, the trained monkeys can’t ________.
A.get food B.change CDs
C.carry messages D.brush hair
23.The ________ can help people find truffles.
A.dogs B.cats C.pigeons D.pigs
24.The ________ can help people in more ways according to the passage.
A.cats B.pigs C.dogs D.pigeons
25.Which is the best title of the passage
A.Life of Animals
B.Training of Animals
C.Animals in Danger
D.Animals Ready to Help
Do you know that animals have love for each other and their children just like us humans?Let me tell you some moving stories of great animal parents.
Several years ago a heavy rain hit a town and made the river go up. When the rain stopped,people found that a dog swam to an island in the river twice a day for two weeks. Why did she do so?Her four children were there. The mother swam there every day to feed her babies. This true story moved many people.
Another story is about chimpanzees(猩猩).A scientist named Jane Goodall spent 4 years living with chimpanzees in Africa. She found that chimpanzees also cared for those that were hurt or got lost. “It is not only humans who have duties,animals also do,” she said.
Two birds in Chengdu also showed their parental(父母的)love. Their baby was hurt and fell on the street in the center of the city. Cars were driving past but the brave parents rushed down to the road and took the little bird away with their claws(爪子).
26.After the heavy rain,the mother dog swam to the island _________. look for food feed her babies move some people carry things to her owner
27.The scientist found chimpanzees _________.
A.cared for the hurt or lost ones B.often left for a far place
C.always stayed in the same place D.didn't care about each other
28.The two birds rushed down and took the little one away because _________.
A.they didn't like their baby B.they were not kind enough
C.they wanted to teach their baby D.they wanted to save their baby
29.From the passage we know _________.
A.dogs like to swim across the river in a heavy rain
B.mother birds don't want to save their children
C.animal parents love their children a lot
D.all animals want to move people very much
30.The word “moving” in the first paragraph means _________ in Chinese.
A.移动的 B.搬动的 C.感动的 D.感人的
四、阅读填表(本题共5小题, 每小题2分, 共10分。)
Animals in danger
Many animals are in danger around the world. Here are some examples.
The blue whale lives in oceans around the world. It is the largest animal in the world, but it feeds on the smallest animals. Some people kill the whales. And the sea water is polluted. There may be only about 3,000 blue whales left.
South China tigers live in the South China forests and mountains. The area of their home is becoming smaller for many different reasons, so they have less and less land to live on. South China tigers don't have many babies, and their babies often die. The situation is becoming very serious. Our government is working hard to save South China tigers. They have built 3 nature reserves (自然保护区) to protect South China tigers.
Pandas live in the forests and mountains of Southwest China. There are only about 1,600 pandas in the wild today. Zoos and research centers are looking after about 340 pandas. Pandas do not have many babies, and baby pandas often die. The situation is getting very difficult. Scientists are doing a lot of research to help pandas produce more babies and help baby pandas live. Each panda needs to eat a lot of bamboo every day.The bamboo forests are getting smaller, so pandas are losing their home.
In order to protect pandas in the wild, the government is setting up nature parks and developing other plans. The nature parks will be big and there will be more bamboo to feed the pandas. Pandas born in zoos may go back to live in the nature parks.
Information Card
The number of the blue whales left now 31
The thing our government has done for South China tigers 32
The situation of the bamboo forests today 33
The same problem of pandas' and South China tigers' babies 34
The best place for pandas to live in 35
五、补全对话(本题共5小题, 每小题2分, 共10分。)
A: Hi,David. What did you do last night?
B: I saw a film last night. It's about pandas.
A: 36
B: Wonderful. But it made me sad.
A: Did you learn a lot from the film?
B: Yes,I did 37 And there are not many pandas left.
A: 38
B: I think we should protect them.
A: I agree with you. 39
B: Hmm,I think we should give them a warm home,and don't hurt them.
A: 40
B: Good idea. The club must be interesting.
A.Let's join the Love Animal Club first.
B.But what should we do to protect them?
C.I learnt pandas are in danger now.
D.What a pity!
E.How was it?
F.What's the film about?
G.Where do most animals live?
六、句型转换(本题共5小题, 每小题2分, 共10分。)
41.Everyone needs to protect our environment.(对画线部分提问)
everyone to do
42.Sally has interest in playing the violin all the time.(改为同义句)
Sally playing the violin all the time.
43.Tony didn't catch the early bus. His alarm didn't work this morning.(合并为一句)
Tony didn't catch the early bus his alarm didn't work this morning.
44.Mrs Wang passed the college exam in the end.(改为同义句)
Mrs Wang passed the college exam .
1. 熊猫的外貌、食物等;
2. 熊猫喜爱的活动(爬树、和同伴玩耍等);
3. 给游客的参观建议。
1. 词数80左右,内容可以适当发挥;
2. 文中不得出现真实人名及学校名;
3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
Dear friends,
Welcome to Bifengxia Panda Base. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Hope you will have a nice tour here.
考查不定代词用法。something某事;anything任何事;nothing没有什么事;everything每件事。根据句意because I couldn’t find anything I like可知,说话人没有找到自己喜欢的东西,所以什么也没有买,故应选C。
【详解】句意:我正在看电视剧这时一个朋友来到了我的房间。考查状语从句。while当…时候;when正在这时;after在…之后;before在…之前。这里是一个固定句型be doing sth. when….正在做某事这时…。故应选B。
根据some schools for the poor children可知是设立,创办学校;set up设立,try on试穿,pick up捡起,take away带走;故选A。
根据It's dangerous可知不要在街上踢足球,ask sb not to do sth要求某人不要做某事,不定式做宾补;play动词原形,not to play否定不定式,to play不定式;not play否定原形;
根据The stone is in the way可知是拿走,take away拿走,take out拿出;动词和副词组成的词组代词放在中间;故选A。
考查非谓语动词用法。固定搭配listen to意为听某物或者某人;hear指“听见”的结果,排除D;作介词about的宾语用动名词,所以排除A和B,故选C。
考查非谓语动词用法。live.是动词原形;to live是动词不定式; C. lives一般现在时态动词的单三形;D. living是动名词。在同一个简单句中不能同时出现两个行为动词,排除A和C;动词不定式作后置定语,修饰名词place,表示生活习惯,这里是描述很多动物的生活习惯,故选B。
【详解】试题分析:句意:Bill,你有什么要说的吗?have do的意思是有什么事情要去做,强调说话人要做某事。故选C。
考查情景交际用语。I see!我明白了;You’re welcome.不客气,用来回答感谢;Go on!继续;I don’t believe it.我不敢相信。根据对话的意思可知,李明明白了老师的话,故应选A。
11.A 12.C 13.A 14.B 15.D 16.A 17.C 18.B 19.C 20.D
考查名词,根据上文“the king of the jungle”(丛林之王)和下文的“In the sea, the shark is one of the animals at the   2   of the food chain.”(海洋中位于食物链顶端的动物是鲨鱼。)可知,狮子应该属于陆地食物链上的最高级别,故选A。
根据上一题目可知,狮子是陆地食物链的顶端,由本段开头“In the sea”可知鲨鱼是海洋中对位狮子的动物,应处在海洋食物链的顶端;A选项“前面”,B选项“结尾”,C选项“顶端”,D选项“开头”,故选C。
由本题后文“We could…”一系列内容可知,一直在说明人类用发明超越了食物链顶端的其他动物,故全世界食物链的最高级生物应是人类,故选A。
根据下文内容“we invented guns (枪). Now we can hunt the best.”来推断,人类发明了枪支和汽车来让自己变得更厉害,因此是“发明”,选D。
由此句“we invented guns (枪). Now we can hunt the best.”来推断,人类在发明了枪支后,狩猎比狮子厉害了。由此可知前半句是在说人类不如狮子。A选项“打斗”;B选项“逃走”;C选项“杀死”;D选项“抓住”。根据后文“Now we can hunt the best.”推断,人类现在狩猎本领最强,选A。
根据后文“Dirty rivers kill fish. Then bears cannot eat the fish and the bears die.”等内容可知,环境污染造成生存环境发生恶劣变化,食物链上的一环缺失便会殃及其余的各个环节。A选项“伟大的”;B选项“糟糕的”;C选项“美妙的”;D选项“彻底的”。根据句意,变化是负面的,故选B。
根据前文“Dirty rivers kill fish. Then bears cannot eat the fish and the bears die.”可知,食物链结构有一处发生变化,其他环节也受到影响。这种影响是一环扣一环的,所以选“其他的所有环节”,能表达这一含义的只有C选项,A选项“一部分”;B选项“另外一部分”;D选项的“the other”与“one”构成“one…the other”结构,表示“一个……另一个”,为二者选其一的关系,故选C。
21.B 22.C 23.D 24.C 25.D
21.细节理解题。根据第一段“Cats hunt mice”,图表一“Specially-trained monkeys can help people ...”,图表二“Pigs use their noses to find delicious truffles ...”,图表三“Pigeons can usually return to their homes ...”,图表四“some dogs can help their owners to see ...”可知,这篇文章主要提及了猫,猴子,猪,鸽子以及狗这五种有用的动物。故选B。
22.细节理解题。根据图表一“The monkeys can change CDs, get food and even brush hair for their owners”可知,受训的猴子不能够传递信息。故选C。
23.细节理解题。根据图表二“Pigs use their noses to find delicious truffles (松露) that grow as deep as three feet underground.”可知,猪能够使用它们的鼻子帮助人们找到松露。故选D。
24.细节理解题。根据图表四的内容“some dogs can help their owners to see ... find missing people.”可知,狗能够帮助主人看,听,追捕,因此狗能够以更多的方式帮助人们。故选C。
25.标题归纳题。根据第一段“People also train some animals to help in other ways.”及全文可知,本文主要是讲有用的动物是如何为人们提供帮助的,因此最佳标题是“准备好提供帮助的动物”。故选D。
26.B 27.A 28.D 29.C 30.D
26.细节理解题。根据The mother swam there every day to feed her babies.可知是去喂她的宝宝;故选B。
27.细节理解题。根据She found that chimpanzees also cared for those that were hurt or got lost.可知关爱受伤的和迷路的猩猩;故选A。
28.细节理解题。根据Cars were driving past but the brave parents rushed down to the road and took the little bird away with their claws(爪子)可知是救他们的宝宝;故选D。
29.主旨大意题。根据Do you know that animals have love for each other and their children just like us humans?Let me tell you some moving stories of great animal parents和文章中的故事,可知动物父母非常爱他们的孩子;故选C。
31.About 3,000. 32.Having built 3 nature reserves. 33.Getting smaller. 34.They often die. 35.The nature parks.
31.根据短文第二段最后一句话“There may be only about 3,000 blue whales left.”可知,现在大约只剩下了3,000只蓝鲸。故这里填about 3,000.
32.根据短文第三段最后两句话“Our government is working hard to save South China tigers. They have built 3 nature reserves (自然保护区) to protect South China tigers.”可知,我们的政府修建了三个自然保护区来保护华南虎。由此可知这里应填Having built 3 nature reserves。
33.根据短文第四段中“The bamboo forests are getting smaller”可知,竹林变得更小了。由此可知这里应填Getting smaller。
34.根据短文第三段中“South China tigers don't have many babies, and their babies often die.”以及第四段中“Pandas do not have many babies, and baby pandas often die”可知,华南虎和熊猫的幼崽都经常死亡,这是他们共同的问题。故这里填They often die。
35.根据短文最后一句话“Pandas born in zoos may go back to live in the nature parks.”可知,熊猫可能要生活在自然公园里。故这里填The nature parks。
36.E 37.C 38.D 39.B 40.A
36.根据下文的句子Wonderful. But it made me sad. 精彩的。但这让我伤心。可知,上文应该是询问对所看电影的评价。结合所给的选项可知,选择How was it?怎么样?符合语境。故选E。
37.根据下文的句子And there are not many pandas left. 熊猫也不多了。可知,前句话应该是知道了熊猫现在处于危险中。结合所给的选项可知,选择I learnt pandas are in danger now. 我知道熊猫现在很危险。符合语境。故选C。
38.根据上文的句子And there are not many pandas left. 熊猫也不多了。可知,下文应该是表示真遗憾。结合所给的选项可知,选择What a pity!真可惜!符合语境。故选D。
39.根据下文的句子Hmm, I think we should give them a warm home, and don't hurt them. 嗯,我想我们应该给他们一个温暖的家,不要伤害他们。可知,上文应该问做什么来保护它们。结合所给的选项可知,选择But what should we do to protect them?但是我们应该做些什么来保护他们呢?符合语境。故选B。
40.根据下文的句Good idea. The club must be interesting. 好主意。俱乐部一定很有趣。可知,上文应该是建议加入俱乐部。结合所给的选项可知,选择Let's join the Love Animal Club first. 让我们先加入热爱动物俱乐部。符合语境。故选A。
41. What does need
【详解】句意:每个人都需要保护我们的环境。划线部分“protect our environment”表我们需要做的事情,故用what引导特殊疑问句;由“Everyone needs…”可知,本句为一般现在时,不定代词everyone作主语,且句中含实义动词“需要”,故在疑问句中应将助动词does提前,谓语动词need用其原形。故填What;does;need。
42. is interested in
【详解】句意:莎莉一直对拉小提琴感兴趣。be interested in意为“对……感兴趣”,和have interest in同义;主语Sally是第三人称单数,谓语用第三人称单数形式,故填is; interested; in。
44. at last
【详解】句意:王太太最终通过了大学考试。此处需要替换的是“in the end”,表示“最后”,英语还可以表达为“at last”,故填at last。
45.I don't think it's right to kill animals for their meat.
【详解】分析所给的词可知,此处是含有宾语从句的复合句,且从句表达的是否定,主句的主语和动词分别是I think,所以此处要用否定转移,宾语从句的it是形式主语,真正主语是动词不定式to kill animals,故填I don't think it's right to kill animals for their meat.“我认为为了肉而杀动物是不对的。”
Dear friends,
Welcome to Bifengxia Panda Base. I’m your guide Li Hua. Look, these pandas are so cute.
They are black and white with two big eyes. They like eating bamboo best, but they also eat something else, such as apples and carrots. In their daily life, they like climbing trees in the park and playing games with their friends.
But I hope you will not be so noisy when you watch them. And please don’t feed them with anything you bring. Because it’s dangerous for the pandas.
Hope you will have a nice tour here.
【详解】1. 题干解读:该题目属于材料写作,根据所给提示写一篇解说词。在写作时应承接短文开头;第二段介绍熊猫的外貌、食物以及喜好;第三段提出游客的参观建议,最后表达期待大家的到来并有一个很好的旅游体验。
2. 写作指导:本文应该用第三人称来叙述内容(大熊猫);时态采用一般现在时为主,用一般将来时提出建议;要将材料所给提示充分利用,提建议的时候注意措辞不要太生硬,采用多样的句型结构,保证条理清晰。



