Module 12 Help 模块测试 B卷·能力提升 (含解析)

Module 12(B卷·能力提升)
1.-Linda,you hurt your leg yesterday. Are you still in __________ pain now
-Much better.
A.a C.the D./
2.Wang Ming has some trouble ________ spelling some English words. B.on C.for
3.—Whose notebook is this
—It ________ be Tom’s. It has his name on it.
A.must B.can’t C.can D.could
4.It’s too dangerous. You must ________ the fire.
A.keep away from B.lift up
C.look after D.prepare for
5.Celina opened the box. To her surprise, ________ it was a gold watch made in Switzerland.
A.outside B.inside C.beside D.behind
6.—In China, we use red paper for hongbao because red means good luck.
—That’s interesting! I want to know all the Chinese ________.
A.traditions B.sentences C.notices D.problems
7.Mary’s car is ________, so she has to take a bus to work. B.old C.nice D.broken
8.An __________ happened last night. Many houses fell down and many people died in it.
A.earthquake B.activity C.accident D.electricity
9.__________ in bed. It's bad for your eyes.
A.Not to read B.Don't read C.Don't to read D.Not read
10.I saw a wallet __________ on the ground.
A.lies B.lying C.lied D.ling
Being safe at school and in your everyday life needs knowledge (知识). If you remember the following information, your life will be much 11 .
*Always 12 the environment around you. You shouldn’t walk alone outside. 13 you know where the public phones are. If 14 dangerous happens, you can find them quickly.
*Don’t use earphones when running in the schoolyard or on the street. You will keep yourself away from the outside world and it 15 be dangerous.
*Schoolbags should be carried towards the 16 of your body instead of putting them on your back. When buses are crowded, it is easy enough for thieves to steal (偷) the things in your bags on your back.
*If you are followed by a stranger, 17 the street and go in the other direction (方向). Let the 18 know that you know he or she is there. Next, go and get help from others if it is necessary. Don’t go home directly (直接地). You are safer in the street than you are in your home or in a lift.
*If you have to take a bus to a place far away, try to get to the stop a few 19 before the buses leave. This prevents a stranger 20 following you. On buses, don’t sit alone. Sit behind the driver or with friends. Don’t sleep.
11.A.easier B.earlier C.safer D.happier
12.A.listen B.notice C.see D.look
13.A.Make up B.Make it C.Make out D.Make sure
14.A.something B.nothing C.everything D.anything
15.A.can B.should C.shall D.need
16.A.back B.front D.bottom
17.A.go B.come C.cross D.get B.girl C.stranger D.lady
19.A.hours B.minutes C.days D.weeks
20.A.from B.on D.for
If you saw someone lying in the street in pain or bleeding, would you stop to help him Or would you just walk by for fear of being scammed (欺诈)
Wu Wei (China)
I think you should trust the others. Different situations will call for different reactions (反应). Maybe if you are afraid of being scammed, you can bring a few stranger witnesses (证人) with you. Get about four or five people together around you and go to help the person together.
Tony (The UK)
I have seen an old man fall down in the cold winter in Harbin last year. I couldn’t get him up on my own because he was very fat and I asked the others to help me carry him to the hospital. He had no money so I spent over 500 pounds on him. Later that evening his son came and thanked me very much.
Mike (Malaysia)
It happens but not all the time. I once helped a guy falling from his bike. He was crashed (撞击) by the rear (后部) of a taxi. The driver went off and the bike guy was left alone in the middle of the street. Two weeks’ later, he wanted to thank me for my help. I had already gone home.
21.Wu Wei may _____ when he helps the injured people.
A.take some photos
B.ask a few people to witness it the police
D.give some money
22.How much did Tony spend on the old man
A.500 pounds.
B.3,000 pounds.
C.5,000 pounds.
D.More than 500 pounds.
23.Mike comes from _____.
A.China B.Thailand
C.the UK D.Malaysia
24.Who saved the man crashed by the rear of a taxi
A.Wu Wei. B.Tony.
C.Mike. D.Mike and Tony.
25.What’s the best title of the passage
A.Would you stop to help
B.Would you protect others
C.How to help others
D.How to protect yourself
A 7-magnitude (震级) earthquake hit Ya’an, Sichuan at 8:02 on 20th April, 2013, and it killed at least 196 people and injured more than 11,000.
Together with other students, Yang Xuelan ran out to the playground. She was safe. But all her textbooks and exercise books were buried in the teaching building.
What can we do when an earthquake happens In fact, there’s a little we can do to stop natural disasters such as earthquakes happening. But some methods can reduce (减少) the harm they cause. The American Red Cross introduced the “Drop, Cover & Hold on” method.
Drop down onto your hands and knees. This way can protect you from falling.
Cover your head under a strong table or desk. You can also stay along a wall, and cover your head with your arms and hands.
Hold on to your shelter (遮蔽物) until the shaking stops. Be prepared to move with your shelter if the shaking continues.
Schools can normally take the earthquake drills (训练) to help students stay alive.
26.How many people lost their lives in the earthquake in Ya’an
A.At least 196. B.More than 11,000. C.Less than 196. D.About 11,196.
27.When the earthquake happened in Ya’an, Yang Xuelan was _____. home school
C.on her way to school
D.playing in the playground
28.What does the underlined word “buried” mean in Chinese
A.挖 B.烧毁 C.偷窃 D.埋
29.According to the writer, we can _____ to reduce the harm natural disasters cause. nothing B.stay at home
C.take some methods out of the house
30.Which of the following can help you stay alive in an earthquake
A.Dropping down onto your hands and knees.
B.Covering your head under a strong table or desk.
C.Holding on to your shelter until the shaking stops.
D.All the above.
Most people don’t take first aid training because they are busy. Some even think only doctors need to learn first aid. But in fact, it is useful. Here are the good sides of learning first aid.
Save lives
First aid helps save lives. Giving someone first aid can help him or her get better fast. First aid training teaches how to keep calm in emergencies.
Help someone feel better
Not every accident or injury needs a visit to the hospital. But it doesn’t mean you should not try to help someone injured, even though the injury isn’t very serious. You can use first aid to help anyone in need, for example, a person who doesn’t feel well because of a fever.
Keep a situation from getting worse
Sometimes, if a person doesn’t get first aid in time, his or her situation will get worse soon. If you give him or her simple care, you will help him or her feel better and keep things from getting worse.
31.Many people don’t take first aid training because they don’t have ________. B.plans C.friends D.time
32.What does the underlined word “emergencies” mean in Chinese
A.紧急情况 B.轻松时刻 C.安全状态 D.美好瞬间
33.Who can’t benefit from first aid training
A.A 3-year-old boy who doesn’t feel well.
B.A 28-year-old man who has a fever.
C.A 17-year-old girl who is not happy.
D.A 45-year-old cook who is injured.
34.The material mentions ________ good sides of learning first aid.
A.two B.three C.four D.five
35.What’s the best title for the text
A.How to Save Lives B.How to Give Aid
C.Reasons for not Giving First Aid D.The Good Sides of Learning First Aid
Ⅲ. 根据材料内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,使材料意思完整、通顺,有的需要变换形式,每词限用一次。
possible, move, bad, situation, you, do, attention, outside, allow, afraid
Did you meet any problems when you used a lift Being trapped (使落入险境) in a lift can be one of the 36 experiences in one's life. Some people may be too 37 to use the lift again. In fact, there are some things 38 when people are in trouble in a lift.
Firstly, keep calm. Being afraid will make you too nervous to think clearly. Tell yourself to be calm and believe that everything is 39 .
Secondly, use the emergency (急救) call inside the lift or your mobile phone to let people 40 know you are in trouble.
Thirdly, using Wechat is also a good idea 41 more people to know you are in need of help. If help doesn't arrive, knock the door to get 42 from other people in the building.
Finally, 43 less and try to relax. Even if the workers know your 44 , it may take them some time to repair (修理) the lift. So, keep quiet and relax 45 as much as possible.
Recently thieves(小偷)broke into many houses and many things got lost, I would like 46 (give)you some advice about how 47 (keep)your house safe from thieves.
First, let’s 48 (talk)about lighting. We should turn on the outside lights at night, Inside the house,it's a good idea 49 (put)automatic timers (自动定时器)on lights. When you are out, it will still look like someone is at home, If you live in an apartment building, 50 (make) sure that there's good lighting in the garage and in the hallways.
Next, let's talk about locks. First of all, cheap locks are not safe. You should buy special locks to lock your doors and windows. Remember 51 (lock)your doors and windows, even when you leave for just a minute. Half of the thieves break in through 52 (locked)doors and windows.
My next advice is 53 (not keep)lots of money in the house. It's wise 54 (put)your money in a bank. You should put marks on your other expensive things, like television, stereos and cameras, so that the police can return them to you if they are found.
Believe it or not, if. you follow all of these suggestions above, your house 55 (be)safer.
1. 游泳有益健康,但在一些地方游泳不安全;
2. 不要独自到河中或湖中游泳,应有父母或朋友陪伴;
3. 游泳前做好准备工作,不要仓促下水;
4. 游泳时相互关照,时间不要太长;
5. 写一至两点个人建议。
1. 词数:80左右,发言稿的开头已给出,不计入总词数。
2. 参考词汇:in a hurry 仓促
Fellow students,
a 一个,修饰辅音音素开头的单数名词;an一个,修饰元音音素开头的单数名词;the那个,表示特指;be in pain疼痛,故选D。
考查介词辨析。in在……里面;on在……上面;for为了;at在。根据“Wang Ming has some trouble ... spelling some English words.”可知,have trouble in doing sth.“在做某事时有困难”,固定搭配。故选A。
考查情态动词。must一定;can’t不可能;can能;could能。根据“It has his name on it.”可知笔记本上有汤姆的名字,说明这一定是汤姆的,故选A。
考查动词短语辨析。keep away from远离;lift up举起;look after照顾;prepare for准备。根据“It’s too dangerous. You must…the fire”可知,要远离火,故选A。
考查词义辨析。outside在外面;inside在里面;beside在旁边;behind在后面。根据“Celina opened the box. ”及“it was a gold watch made in Switzerland”可知,盒子里面是一块金表,故选B。
考查形容词辨析。new新的;old旧的;nice好看的;broken破损的/出了毛病的。根据下文“so she has to take a bus to work”,可知是车坏了,故选D。
A. earthquake 地震;B. activity 活动;C. accident 事故;D. electricity 电。根据后半句“Many houses fell down and many people died in it. ”(许多房屋倒塌,许多人死在里面。),可知应该是发生了地震,故选A。
根据题中“It's bad for your eyes”(这对你的眼睛不好),可知是命令不要躺在床上看书。表示请求和命令的句子为祈使句,祈使句的肯定形式以动词原形开头,否定形式在句首加Don't,后跟动词原形。故选B。
lies躺,是第三人称单数;lying躺,是现在分词;lied撒谎,是过去式;lie的现在分词是lying,故排除D项。see sb / sth doing sth看见某人/某物正在做某事,故用现在分词,故选B。
11.C 12.B 13.D 14.A 15.A 16.B 17.C 18.C 19.B 20.A
easier更容易的;earlier更早的;safer更安全的;happier更快乐的。根据上文“Being safe at school and in your everyday life needs knowledge (知识)”可知,此处指生活更安全。故选C。
listen听;notice注意;see看到;look看。根据“Always...the environment around you”可知,此处指要注意身边的环境。故选B。
Make up编造;Make it成功做到;Make out理解;Make sure确保。根据“ know where the public phones are”可知,此处指要保证自己知道公用电话在哪里。故选D。
something一些事情;nothing没有事情;everything一切事情;anything任何事情。根据“If...dangerous happens”可知,此处指一些危险的事情发生了。故选A。
can可能;should应该;shall将要;need需要。根据“You will keep yourself away from the outside world and dangerous”可知,此处指可能会是危险的。故选A。
back后面;front前面;top顶部;bottom底部。根据“instead of putting them on your back”可知,此处指书包应该背在身体的前面。故选B。
go去;come来;cross穿过;get得到。根据“the street and go in the other direction”可知,此处指要穿过街道。故选C。
man男人;girl女孩;stranger陌生人;lady女士。 根据上文“If you are followed by a stranger”可知,此处指让陌生人知道你知道他/她在哪里。故选C。
hours小时;minutes分钟;days天;weeks星期。根据“try to get to the stop a few...before the buses leave”可知,此处指应早到几分钟。故选B。
from自从;on在……上面;in在……下面;for为了。根据“prevents a stanger”可知,此处考查“prevent sb. from doing”“防止某人做某事”。故选A。
21.B 22.D 23.D 24.C 25.A
21.细节理解题。根据文章第二段第三句“Maybe if you are afraid of being scammed, you can bring a few stranger witnesses (证人) with you”可知选B。
22.细节理解题。根据文章第三段第三句“He had no money so I spent over 500 pounds on him”可知选D。
23.细节理解题。根据“Mike (Malaysia)”可知选D。
25.主旨大意题。根据文章内容尤其是第一段第一句“I you saw someone lying in the street in pain or bleeding, would you stop to help him ”可知,A项最能体现文章大意。
26.A 27.B 28.D 29.C 30.D
26.题意:在雅安的地震中有多少人失去了生命?考查细节理解题。A. At least 196. 至少196个;B. More than 11,000. 超过11000; C. Less than 196. 不到196 ;D. About 11,196. 大约11196。根据第一段中的“and it killed at least 196 people”可知答案为A。
27.题意:在雅安发生地震时,杨雪兰_____。考查细节理解题。A. at home在家;B. at school在学校;C. on her way to school在去学校的路上;D. playing in the playground在操场上玩耍。
根据第二段第一句的Together with other students, Yang Xuelan ran out to the playground(与其他学生一起,杨雪兰跑到操场。)可知“她在学校”,故选B。
28.题意:下画线的单词“buried” 的汉语意思是什么?考查词义猜测题。A. 挖;B. 烧毁;C. 偷窃;D. 埋。根据上文She was safe.(她安全了。)结合地震情景可知此句But all her textbooks and exercise books were buried in the teaching building.意思是“课本和作业本被埋在了教学楼里。”结合句意可知buried意思是“埋”;选D。
29.题意:根据作者的观点,我们可以_____减少自然灾害造成的危害。考查细节理解题。A. do nothing什么也不做;B. stay at home呆在家里;C. take some methods采取一些方法 ;D. run out of the house从房子里跑出去。根据第三段第三句“But some methods can reduce (减少) the harm they cause(但是一些方法可以减少它们造成的伤害。)”结合题意可知选C。
点睛:首先,通过粗读,了解文章大意。其次,通过细读,理解全文。在粗读的基础上,仔细阅读题后所给的题目,根据题目要求,再有重点的返回来仔细阅读。在阅读理解的题目中,所设问题主要有以下几种方式:找主题或概括文章的中心思想、就文中的具体事实和情节进行提问、根据文章的表层意思进行深层次的推理判断等,在细读时,要根据设问的方式,进行有侧重点地阅读。1、概括文章中心思想。1)文首呈现主题句。 2)文尾出现主题句。3)首尾呼应展现主题。4)文中表述主题。前面提出问题,文中的主题由随之陈述的细节或合乎逻辑的引申在文中导出,而后再做进一步的解释。5)文章没有主题句。在这种情况下,考生要把所有的细节综合起来。进行逻辑推理,概括归纳出文章的主题句。2.掌握文章的具体事实和重要情节。在考题中,经常会见到就文章中某一具体事实和重要情节进行测试的题目。 这就要求考生在阅读时要注意辨认和记忆具体事实,重要情节,事物的起因、过程、结果及发生的地点、时间等,这些都有可能作为测试点。还有一些测试题,要求考生在理解的基础上,通过自己的思维将理解的内容系统化,比如计算、排序等题型。还有些细节理解题是通过语句的同义转换来考查学生的理解力。
31.D 32.A 33.C 34.B 35.D
31.细节理解题。根据“Most people don’t take first aid training because they are busy”可知很多人没有时间参加急救训练,故选D。
32.词义猜测题。根据“First aid training teaches how to keep calm in...”以及下文举例可知急救主要是用于紧急情况,故选A。
33.推理判断题。根据“Not every accident or injury needs a visit to the hospital. But it doesn’t mean you should not try to help someone injured, even though the injury isn’t very serious. You can use first aid to help anyone in need, for example, a person who doesn’t feel well because of a fever.”(并非所有事故或伤害都需要到医院就诊。但这并不意味着你不应该帮助受伤的人,即使伤势并不严重。你可以使用急救来帮助任何需要帮助的人,例如,因为发烧而感觉不舒服的人。)结合选项可知C选项“一个不开心的17岁女孩。”不能从急救中获益,故选C。
34.细节理解题。根据“First aid helps save lives.”、“Help someone feel better”以及“Keep a situation from getting worse”可知文章一共提到了三个急救的好处,故选B。
35.最佳标题题。根据“Here are the good sides of learning first aid.”并结合全文可知,本文主要讲述了学习急救的好处,故选D。
36.worst 37.afraid do 39.possible 40.outside allow 42.attention 43.move 44.situation 45.yourself
36.句意:被困在电梯里可能是人这辈子最糟糕的经历了。根据文中“Being trapped (使落入险境) in a lift”可知,这是不好的经历,所以用形容词bad来修饰experiences; 又根据句式“one of the +形容词最高级+复数名词”,故填worst.
37.句意:一些人可能很害怕,就不会再用电梯了。“ 太...而不能...”,此处应填形容词;此外根据语境,应填afraid.
38.句意:其实,人们被困电梯的时候,是有一些事情可以做的。根据语境,可知句子要表达有一些事情 “要做”,所以选择动词do; 又因为动作发生在将来,to do不定式表示将来,故填to do.
41.句意:用微信也可以,好让更多的人知道你需要帮助。根据语境,应该是“让,允许”更多的人知道你需要帮助,所以选择allow, 又因为整个句子已经有系动词is, 所以这里用to do不定式作a good idea的定语的,故填to allow.
43.句意:最后,少走动,尽量放松。根据文中“try to relax”, 可知这里要表达少 “走动”,故填 move.
45.句意:保持安静,尽量的放松你自己。根据语境,应该是要表达尽量的放松“你自己”,故填yourself. give keep put 50.make lock 52.unlocked 53.not to keep put 55.will be
give给,是一个动词。空前是would like,意为“想要”,常用于句型would like to do sth.想要去做某事,故这里应填动词不定式to give。
keep保持,保存,是一个动词。根据句子结构可知,这里是用疑问词how后跟动词不定式,在句中作介词about的宾语。故这里填to keep。
talk谈论,是一个动词。这句话使用了句型Let’s do …“让我们…”,表示提建议,故这里填动词原形talk。
put 放,是一个动词。这句话中使用了句型it is a good idea to do sth.“做某事是一个好主意”,故这里应填动词不定式to put。
make sure是固定短语,意为“确保,保证”。根据句子结构可知,句子If引导的是条件状语从句,空格后为主句,是一个祈使句的句式,故这里填动词原形make。
lock锁,是一个动词。空前remember意为“记得”,常用于句型remember to do sth.记得去做某事;或者remember doing sth.记得做过某事。根据句意可知,这里表示“记得去做”,故填不定式to lock。
locked锁着的,是一个形容词。根据上文和句意Half of the thieves break in through…可知,这个建议作者提醒我们锁好门窗,因此这里列举的事实是很多人都没有注意这个事情,所以小偷进去了。故这里填反义词unlocked,“没有上锁的”。
keep保持,保存,是一个动词。根据句子结构可知,这里应用动词不定式在句中作表语,否定形式在to前加not,故填not to keep。
put放置,是一个动词。这句话中使用了句型It is +形容词+to do sth.“做某事是…的”,故这里填动词不定式to put。
根据句子结构可知,这句话中if引导条件状语从句,从句中用一般现在时,主句应用一般将来时,故这里填will be。
【点睛】这是一篇说明文,短文作者对如何保证我们的房子安全,不被小偷盗窃提出了一些好的建议。短文主题明确,层次清晰。文章第一段点明主旨,下面每一段围绕一个主题提建议。题型是用所给单词的适当形式完成短文,考查单词在具体语境中的使用。做题时,应先通读短文,了解大意;然后根据句意、单词在句中的作用以及句中使用的句型等,变化单词的形式。这个题目主要考查了动词的用法,有九个题目涉及动词,一个题目考查形容词词形的变化。动词的考点有非谓语动词、动词的时态和祈使句。例如第1小题,give给,是一个动词。空前是would like,意为“想要”,常用于句型would like to do sth.想要去做某事,故这里应填动词不定式to give。再如第10小题,考查了动词的时态,if引导的条件状语从句用一般现在时,主句用将来时。第7小题考查了词形的变化,locked锁着的,是一个形容词。根据上文和句意Half of the thieves break in through…可知,这个建议作者提醒我们锁好门窗,因此这里列举的事实是很多人都没有注意这个事情,所以小偷进去了。故这里填反义词unlocked,“没有上锁的”。
Fellow students,
As we know, swimming is a nice sport and a good way to keep us fit. But remember some places are not safe enough for us to swim in. Don't go to rivers or lakes alone. It's better to go with our parents or friends. Before swimming, get ready for it and don't get into the water in a hurry. While swimming, try to look after each other. We'd better not stay in the water too long. And don't swim too far. Enjoy it when you go for a swim.
亮点说明:这是一篇优秀的作文,很好地完成了试题规定的任务,语言表达符合英语习惯,准确运用时态,主谓一致,运用了祈使句,特别使用一些亮点词句,如a good way to keep fit、It's better to…、We'd better…等。增强逻辑关系,增加上下文意思连贯,句子通顺,行文连贯。
【点睛】中学生英语写作主要考查学生的语言运用能力、思维能力和书写能力。而同学们主要存在的问题是:跑题、遗漏要点、语法错误、单词拼写错误和层次不清等。因此,在操练时应注意以下环节:1)审题目:看到作文题不要急于动笔,要认真审题,仔细看清题目的要求;2)圈要点:为了防止写作过程中遗漏要点,要充分发挥自己的观察力,把情景中给出的各个要点逐条列出;3)定基调:定出时态、人称、顺序、开头、结尾。文中的亮点句型: But remember some places are not safe enough for us to swim in.句子涉及到enough的用法,注意和形容词副词连用时,enough需要后置。



上一篇:江苏省扬州市江都区第三中学2023-2024八年级上学期物理期中试卷( 无答案)

下一篇:【核心素养】人教版小数六年级上册-5.2 圆的周长(一)课件(共30张PPT)+教学设计(表格式)+分层作业+导学案(共4份打包)