
第一节 (共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)
听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
例:How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
答案是 C。
1. Who made the call
A. The woman’s workmate. B. The man’s assistant. C. The man’s boss.
2. What is the woman dissatisfied with about the restaurant
A. The food. B. The price. C. The service.
3. How soon will the train leave
A. In ten minutes. B. In fifteen minutes. C. In thirty minutes.
4. Where does the conversation take place
A. At a clothing store. B. At a bookstore. C. At the cleaner’s.
5. What are the speakers talking about
A. Heroes. B. Festivals. C. Countries.
第二节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)
听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6. What does the woman think of this year’s singing competition
A. It’ll be intense. B. It’ll be boring. C. It’ll be relaxing.
7. What is the woman’s role in the competition
A. A participant. B. An audience. C. An organizer.
听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。
8. What led to the postponement of the match
A. The occupation of the field.
B. The absence of some players.
C. The result of the bad weather.
9. What do the speakers hope to do
A. Watch a match. B. Help the organizers. C. Play football.
听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。
10. What is e-friends
A. A chat site. B. A learning site. C. A blog site.
11. Why does the man dislike e-friends
A. It charges too much.
B. There’re too many advertisements.
C. He prefers face-to-face communication.
12. What is the woman trying to do
A. Share her photos.
B. Make more new friends.
C. Persuade the man to use e-friends.
听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。
13. What will the woman be busy doing in April
A. Working in a station. B. Preparing for her business. C. Opening a new school.
14. What will the woman do tomorrow
A. Visit the man. B. Call the man. C. Go to her office.
15. What is the woman care most about renting the place
A. The location. B. The rent. C. The size.
16. Which place may the woman choose
A. The one close to the newly-opened shop.
B. The one near the Longwood Station.
C. The one on 1200 Mason Boulevard.
听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。
17. Who are the listeners most likely to be
A. New employees. B. Electronic engineers. C. Senior sales representatives.
18. What will be talked about first
A. Sales records.
B. Company handbooks.
C. Department policies and procedures.
19. What will the listeners do in the afternoon
A. Meet the colleagues. B. Do group activities. C. Make work plans.
20. What is the main purpose of the talk
A. To adjust the schedule.
B. To do a self-introduction.
C. To make today’s arrangements.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
The books written and published in the 1920s remain on the “best ever” lists. Here are 4 books that everyone should read.
“The Great Gatsby”
The themes in the novel reflect the sudden change in the character of America itself, and in some ways it’s among the first major modern novels produced in this country. The novel also makes a new and powerful concept clear at the time: The American Dream, the idea that self-made men and women could make themselves into anything in this country.
“A Farewell to Arms”
The story is one of a love affair interrupted and dogged by events beyond the lovers’ control, and a central theme is the pointless struggle of life — that we spend so much energy and time on things that finally don’t matter. Hemingway masterfully combines a realistic description of war with some abstract literary techniques, which is one reason this book endures as a classic.
When people make lists of the most difficult novels, “Ulysses” is almost certainly on them. The one thing almost everyone knows about “Ulysses” is that it employs “stream of consciousness”, a literary technique that seeks to show the inner monologue of a person. James Joyce wasn’t the first writer to use this technique, but he was the first writer to attempt it on the scale as he did.
“Mrs. Dalloway”
It takes place on a single day in the life of the main character, and it employs a dense and tricky stream-of-consciousness technique, roaming(漫游) around to other characters and points-of-view. “Mrs. Dalloway” is concerned with using these techniques to make the characters clear and definite. The use of stream-of-consciousness is deliberately disorienting in the way it skips through time.
21. Which book shows us the truth of daily life conflicts
A. Ulysses. B. Mrs. Dalloway.
C. The Great Gatsby. D. A Farewell to Arms.
22. What do “Ulysses” and “Mrs. Dalloway” have in common
A. They share the same literary technique.
B. They show a new and powerful concept.
C. They describe the daily life of the character.
D. They are on the list of the most difficult novels.
23. Where can the text be found
A. In a biography. B. In a history book.
C. In a travel brochure. D. In a literature magazine.
Some people get more averse to risk as the years go by. Not so Gail MacCallum, who at age 40 quit a secure job and left the city to explore more possibilities of life.
MacCallum moved quite a bit in childhood and spent her formative years outside Canberra in a farmhouse without electricity, where she enjoyed the freedom of the natural world. In her teens, she and her family moved into the heart of inner-city Sydney, and she found she adored that too.
In 2015, MacCallum and her then partner had a daughter, Amelia. They wanted to make sure that despite being a city kid, Amelia had plenty of natural encounters so they sought out places to climb trees, watch lizards and spot turtles. But one day MacCallum realised her little girl was more at ease with busy streets than bushland. “When she was about seven, we were visiting a friend whose place had a beautiful lawn. Amelia called out to me and said, ‘I can’t go into the wild!’ We decided we had to let her experience a wider world and two months later we were in a camper van heading off around Australia.”
MacCallum admits she felt worried. “I thought we’d need to know some basic things but the trip was like a leap in the dark. ” As it happened, the van they’d bought broke down just 90 minutes into the trip. But after repairs they set off again and travelled the country for six months, during which Amelia became an enthusiastic adventurer. “That trip helped me understand that success doesn’t have to be assured,” MacCallum says. “I realised that you can start something and just work it out as you go along.”
24. What does the underlined word in paragraph 1 mean
A. Motivated. B. Confident. C. Unwilling. D. Regretful.
25. What do we know about MacCallum
A. She is a person in favor of stability.
B. She preferred the inner city to the rural area.
C. Her love for nature was rooted in her childhood.
D. She knew much about long-distance travelling.
26. What can be inferred from paragraph 3
A. Amelia was raised in a casual way.
B. Amelia was a nature enthusiast just like her parents.
C. MacCallum and her partner planned the trip separately.
D. MacCallum expected her daughter to be close to nature.
27. Which words can best describe their trip
A. Costly but satisfying. B. Eventful but educational.
C. Boring but meaningful. D. Difficult but romantic.
Late nights, early starts, nightmares, anxiety, children ... there are so many things that can cut into our shut-eye. When does that threaten our health — and what can we do about it
To start with the basics: if you are getting anywhere from seven to nine hours a night, you’re probably fine. But you should certainly get concerned with consistently sleeping less than seven hours a night, and really concerned if it dropped to six or below. “If you are waking up a lot in the night, this will impact the quantity and quality of your sleep, which can lead to harm in your immune system, impairment in gut (肠道) health and many other side-effects,” says Christopher Barker, a personal trainer and sleep management adviser. “It may be an indicator of a sleep disorder or another underlying health condition — if you’re concerned about any of these issues, it’s worth talking to your doctor.”
So what is your best bet for catching some quality Zs Well, start during the day. Try to expose yourself to sunlight during the day to keep your circadian rhythms on track. Physical activity can also help: sleep and exercise have a bidirectional relationship. In a 2022 poll, participants who undertook vigorous physical activity tended to fall asleep faster, woke up less during the night and woke up feeling refreshed, compared with non-exercisers.
When it’s time for bed, make sure you turn in at a reasonably consistent hour, and keep your sleep hygiene in shape. “You should try to keep your weekend routine within one to two hours of your weekday one, and keep them highly consistent,” says Barker. “I’d also suggest keeping your bedroom free of electronics, and keep it cool and dark. I often work with athletes, and one of the first things I ask them to do is activate their devices’ night mode, which cuts down on the emission of blue light that can impede sleep. Ideally, stay off all of your devices for an hour before bed.”
Oh, and taking a deep breath really can work: there is evidence that it activates your parasympathetic nervous system (副交感神经系统) and winds you down.
28. Why does the author mention “so many things” in the first paragraph
A. To introduce the topic. B. To make comparisons.
C. To support his/her argument. D. To seek opinions.
29. What may be an indicator of a sleep disorder
A. Deep breath. B. Gut discomfort.
C. Sufficient bedtime. D. Sleep consistency.
30. How can we get quality Zs
A. Exercise regularly. B. Work with athletes.
C. Keep weekends busy. D. Activate digital devices.
31. What’s the text mainly about
A. Stress from a poor sleep.
B. Trend of sleeping less at night.
C. Bad habits that threaten our health.
D. Ways to get a consistent good sleep.
Imagine you’re out for an evening stroll in a foreign city, looking to find a restaurant for dinner. If you’re like most people, you will look for the busiest restaurant with the most diners because its popularity is bound to reflect on the quality of food and service. But is this true
Naturally copying other people’s thoughts or choices or simply going with the crowd is often referred to as “herd behaviour”. It is a frequent occurrence among humans as well as many other animals, a common example being sheep. Herding can appear to make a lot of sense. After all, there’s “safety in numbers”.
Psychology research suggests that the phenomenon relies on the existence of social connections or patterns between individuals as well as specific mechanisms of passing on information. A key prerequisite (前提) is the human ability to “mentalise”, which means being able to read and interpret someone else’s mental state and using the information to explain their choices.
Contrary to the so-called “wisdom of crowds”, which emerges when the judgement of individual group members are independently collected to produce an average opinion, herd behavior typically rely on so-called “information cascades (信息瀑布) ”, where people take on others’ beliefs or copy their choices without critically assessing the underlying reasons. This frequently leads to the imitation of irrational (不理性的) or simply stupid behaviors. Consequently, herding can have many undesirable outcomes, including unfavorable influences on consumer choices, like in the restaurant example above.
However, it seems there is no quick and easy fix to resist the lure of herd behaviour. Instead, long-term attitude changes may be necessary, which could involve individuals adopting more critical approaches towards their peers’ opinion, and questioning others’ behavior as opposed to blindly following them.
32. Which of the following can be called “herd behaviour”
A. Choosing the most crowded restaurant to dine in.
B. Asking friends for suggestions when in confusion.
C. Running out immediately when the fire bell rings.
D. Analyzing a product carefully before buying it.
33. An important condition for herd behaviour lies in _______.
A. explaining life patterns
B. understanding social connections
C. comprehending others’ mental state
D. sharing information among individuals
34. What leads to the herd behaviour
A. Wisdom of crowds.
B. Uncertain outcomes.
C. Lack of rational analyses.
D. Enough individual opinions.
35. How can people avoid the the herd behaviour
A. Never follow the trend.
B. Keep a questioning mind.
C. Say no to any popular events.
D. Stand opposite against the public.
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
New animals
In northern Vietnam, in thick forests in the North Annamite Mountains, there is a wildlife park called Vu Quang. In 1986, the area was made an official forest reserve. In 2002, 550 square kilometers of the area were declared a National Park. 36 . It is in an area that is hard to get to, for one thing. And it’s an area that’s difficult to walk through because the rocks are covered with algae and are very slippery.
37 . In the last twenty years, several new species of animals that have never been seen anywhere in the world before have been discovered there. Some of them are so new that scientists haven’t given them official names yet!
The new animals discovered at the park include the Vu Quang ox or Saola, a “slow” deer, a giant muntjac (the world’s largest, in fact), a black deer and a “holy” goat. 38 , as well as two species of amphibians and 15 species of reptiles.
The Saola was the first new species of large mammal to be discovered in more than fifty years, so it caused a lot of excitement in the scientific world. It is a strange goat-like creature that looks as if it is somehow related to cattle. It has horns that can be between one and two feet long, and that seem to come out of the animal’s head at slightly different angles. 39 .
The creature had hidden safely for generations in the Vu Quang area. But once it was discovered, it was in danger. 40 . Sadly, the Saola is now being hunted and may well end up as another endangered species.
A. That’s why it attracts hunters
B. Vu Quang is no ordinary park, though
C. Hunters have no respect for new species
D. But that’s not all that is unusual about Vu Quang
E. Five new species of fish have also been found there
F. This was the first time so many new species had been found in this area
G.That’s why it is called “Saola”, meaning “spinning wheel posts” in Vietnamese
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
Life, as I know, has changed. My beloved nanny, a stand-in parent in the absence of my father, had cancer. It was terminal.
As she watched Getaway on television, she talked to me that she’d never 41 Australia and that she would never later. I 42 the sadness, tears streaming down my face. Overwhelmed with much grief, I 43 the power of Facebook and the collective strength of human empathy. I raced from work to 44 strangers on the internet. “My nanny was ill and she will never see the world. Please send her postcards so she can see the world from her armchair. I can offer nothing but 45 .”
Surprisingly, one afternoon, a postcard from the United States arrived in our letterbox. That simple postcard was to me a beacon of light in a lonely and 46 chapter. I held it in my hands, read and re-read the words, feeling something I hadn’t felt in a while— 47 . From that day, our letterbox became the 48 for postcards from all over the world. Tears of happiness mixed with 49 fell onto those postcards.
My dream of armchair travels became a 50 . We travelled the world together. Her living room became a departure hall; Her bed became an airport lounge and our flights 51 daily. Whatever she shared became 52 . Our very last flight departed on a warm morning in early August in 2018. My dearest travel companion 53 on in another time and place.
Among the hushed memories, the 54 , over 100 of them, made their final journey to Nanny’s farewell. My nanny, a woman who worried she would never see the world, but did it without regret.
I have recovered from great loss knowing that life consists of first greetings and final partings. Flights arrive and then depart. People are 55 to us, and taken away.
41. A. admired B. left C. defended D. honored
42. A. ate B. drank C. chewed D. swallowed
43. A. considered B. pounded C. expected D. imagined
44. A. pick up B. see off C. turn to D. hand over
45. A. apology B. gratitude C. sympathy D. regret
46. A. boring B. available C. blank D. pleasant
47. A. despair B. disappointment C. embarrassment D. hope
48. A. destination B. purpose C. principle D. spot
49. A. anger B. confusion C. fear D. sorrow
50. A. goal B. coincidence C. reality D. brand
51. A. departed B. disappeared C. continued D. transported
52. A. limitless B. priceless C. useless D. valueless
53. A. relied B. spent C. journeyed D. turned
54. A. flights B. postcards C. airports D. letterboxes
55. A. showed B. pushed C. offered D. brought
第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
A short video showing a member of the cleaning staff at the Summer Palace in Beijing explaining Buddhist scenic spots drew a lot of traffic on different social media platforms recently, with netizens 56 (impress) by his mastery of traditional Chinese culture.
In the video, the worker, Zhang Xu, 40, explains the cultural connotations of the sites 57 several tourists, who were doing research.
58 makes it special is his recitation of a list of dozens of Buddhist sites, which are hard 59 (pronounce). He speaks with 60 ease and confidence that it seems he is doing a tongue twister. People thought he must be a tour guide or expert, 61 he was wearing the uniform of a janitor and holding a broom. After his 62 (explain), Zhang smiled and returned to his work as though nothing had happened. The video 63 (post) by the researchers on social media platforms on Oct 7 and immediately became a trending topic online. Zhang was even given the name of “the most powerful cleaning monk” by netizens, one of the 64 (character) in Louis Cha’s (金庸) novel Tianlong Babu.
Zhang said 65 never occurred to him that he’d become famous online, as he only wanted to help the tourists who seemed puzzled. Zhang joined the cleaning staff at the palace in late 2021 and walks about 40,000 steps inside the palace every day, so he knows a lot about it.
第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
杭州第19届亚运会(The 19th Asian Games)完美收官。假如你是李华,请为某英文网站写一则简讯,主要内容包括:
The 19th Asian Games Concludes
第二节 (满分25分)
阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
James Selton was one of the naughtiest boys in the village. He would rarely pass people in the street without being guilty of some sort of abuse. If a person were well dressed he would cry out, “Dandy(花花公子)!” If a person’s clothes were dirty or torn, he would throw stones at him to annoy him .
One afternoon, a stranger passed through the village. His dress neat and clean, he carried a cane in his hand, on the end of which was a bag, and he wore an elegant hat. Spotting the stranger, James winked to his playmates, and said, “Now for some fun!” He then silently reached the stranger from behind, and, knocking off his hat, ran away. The man turned and saw him, but James was out of hearing before he could speak.
The stranger put on his hat, and went on his way. Again James approached; but this time, the man caught him by the arm, and held him fast. However, he contented himself with looking James a moment in the face, and then pushed him away. Free again, he began to throw at the stranger with dirt and stones. But he was frightened when he saw the man struck on the head by a brick, and badly hurt.
All the boys now ran away, and James sneaked across the fields to his home.
As he drew near the house, his sister Caroline came out to meet him, holding up a delicate gold chain and some new books for him to see. She told James, as fast as she could talk, that their uncle, who had been away several years, came home, and was now in the house with beautiful presents for the whole family; that he had left his carriage at the hotel a mile off, and walked here to surprise his brother, their father. She said that on his way some wicked boys threw stones at him, and hit him just over the eye, and that mother had bound up the wound.
1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Para 1: “But, James, what makes you look so pale ” asked Caroline, changing her tone. ____
Para 2: His uncle went up, kindly saying, “James, will you not welcome me ”



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