Unit 5 Wild animals A卷知识通关练 单元测试题(含解析)

Unit 5(A卷·知识通关练)
1.English is important to us. We should try ________ it hard.
A.study B.studies C.not to study D.to study
2.Paul wants ________ an actor because he likes acting.
A.to be B.be C.being D.to being
3.—I plan ________ a boat trip to New York next month.
—That’s great! Enjoy yourself.
A.take B.taking C.to take D.to taking
4.I’d love to ________ my grandparents with my parents and I look forward to ________ them.
A.visit;meet B.visiting;meeting C.visit;meeting D.visiting;meet
5.A headache is not a ________. Don’t worry about it.
A.disease B.illness C.wrong D.matter
6.—Would you mind ________ your bike
—________. I’ll put it under the tree right away.
A.move; Sorry B.to move; Yes
C.moving; Of course not D.moving; Sorry
7.— Don’t worry, Madam. Your daughter will be ________ soon.
— Thank you, Doctor.
A.nice B.good C.well D.free
8.—If traveling by space is not too expensive (昂贵的), everyone ________ travel in space.
—So traveling by space must be expensive.
A.could B.may C.had to D.must to
9.—Would you like ________ shopping with me
—Sorry, I feel like ________ the book at home.
A.to go; read B.to go; reading C.going; to read D.going; reading
10.I have problems with my friend. Can you help me _______ our relationships
A.expect B.lose C.improve D.question
11.He always breaks his promises. ________, nobody wants to make friends with him.
A.In fact B.For this reason C.For example D.However
12.The girls practiced ________ and lost track of time. They promised not ________ late again.
A.to sing; to arrive B.singing; to arrive
C.to sing; arriving D.singing; arriving
13.—Claire, I haven’t got any water in the bottle. Have you got any
—Sorry, I have got ________ left, either. Let’s go to the store for some.
A.no one B.none C.nothing
14.This question is too hard and ________ of the two students can answer it.
A.all B.neither C.both D.none
15.I ran after Disney characters and _________ photos.
A.could stop taking B.couldn't stop taking C.could stop to take D.couldn't stop to take
What kind of monkey lives longer, the thin or the fat
Scientists found that monkeys 16 less may live longer and are not easy to get 17 .
Richard Weindruch of the University of Wisconsin in Madison and his team studied about it. They 18 seventy-six monkeys over twenty 19 . They let half of the monkeys eat as 20 as they wanted and made the other half eat less food. And they gave them vitamins and minerals(矿物质)to have 21 nutrient(营养). Twenty years later they found that 37% of the monkeys who ate as much as they wanted 22 , while only 13% of the monkeys that ate less died.
When monkeys live with people and don’t live in the wild, they can 23 about twenty-seven years. Misteer Weindruch says scientists do not know why fewer calories(卡路里)can make 24 longer. But they believe it is helpful to their body. 25 of the monkeys that ate less had heart disease. The thin monkeys can remember things easily. They also look younger and healthier than the fatter ones who ate too much.
16.A.moving B.eating C.sleeping D.drinking
17.A.sad B.tall C.sick D.strong
18.A.studied B.asked C.checked D.looked
19.A.hours B.days C.months D.years
20.A.quickly B.much C.good D.little
21.A.a lot B.small C.enough D.no
22.A.died B.went C.left D.won
23.A.run B.climb C.hide D.live
24.A.hair B.life C.legs D.tails
25.A.Fewer B.More C.Less D.Further
In the past 300 years, more than 130 kinds of animals have become extinct. One of these extinct kinds is the passenger pigeon (旅鸽). At one time there were millions of these birds in North America, but now there are none. The last one died in the Cincinnati Zoo in 1914. Another extinct animal is the cape lion(西非狮). The animal has been extinct since 1860. What causes animals to become extinct Too much hunting is one cause; pollution is another. Governments around the world have begun to protect wild animals in danger. In the United States, the US Fish and Wildlife Service is responsible for(承担义务)endangered animals. It has listed nearly 200 kinds of endangered animals in North America.
26.The underlined word “extinct” in the first sentence probably means “_______”.
A.ill B.dying out C.becoming D.changing
27.There were many cape lions in North America _______.
A.last century B.in the twentieth century
C.more than two hundred years ago D.in 1914
28._______ isn’t the reason for the extinction of wild animals in North America.
A.Pollution B.Too much killing
C.Too much hunting D.The war
29.There are _______ kinds of wild animals in danger listed by the US Fish and Wildlife Service.
A.less than 130 B.less than 200 C.over 200 D.nearly 300
30.The best title of this passage should be “_______”.
A.A Sad Story B.Endangered Animals in North America
C.Wild Animals D.The US Fish and Wildlife Service
At church, Mrs Thatcher talked to Mrs Harper and found out that Becky had not slept there last night. Where was she Then Aunt Polly said Tom had not come home either. They asked if anybody had seen them on the boat. Nobody could remember.
“They must still be in the caves!” said somebody.
A large group of men went to the caves to search for the two children. They searched all day. They searched for three days, but they did not find Tom or Becky. Where could they be
At the picnic, Tom and Becky went into the caves with the other children. They took their candles and walked down a small tunnel. Then Tom saw a small opening he had never seen before. He decided to explore. Becky came with him. They made some marks on the wall. This would help them find their way back. They found a large cave with a spring in it. There were a lot of bats hanging on the roof. The bats did not like the candlelight and attacked the children. Tom and Becky ran. They did not watch where they were going. They escaped from the bats and found a lake. They sat down to rest.
“We haven’t heard the other children for a long time,” said Becky.
“We’d better go back,” suggested Tom.
They tried to find a way back without going through the cave with bats. They were soon lost. They didn’t know how to get back. They began to shout. Nobody answered.
—From The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
31.A group of men went to the caves ________.
A.to look for Tom and Becky B.to have a picnic
C.to attack the children D.to sleep in the caves
32.What does the word “spring” mean in the passage
A.春天 B.树枝 C.泉水 D.湖
33.What did the two children take with when they went into the caves
A.Some bats. B.Some candles. C.Some knives. D.Some food.
When my son, Justin, was 4, he found a caterpillar(毛毛虫) and put it in a jar. Each day he fed it fresh grass and leaves. In a few weeks, the caterpillar was fat and ready to go to sleep. One morning we found the caterpillar was in a cocoon(茧).
He took me to his room. The cocoon had become clear and we could see wings inside. A few days later, a beautiful black moth(蛾子) broke free from its cocoon and began to lay eggs(产卵) on the grass. Justin was excited. He knew a moth or butterfly was about to be born.
The next day, Justin decided to set the moth free. He took the jar outside, opened it, and the little moth flew out. It circled(盘旋) the yard twice, came back, and landed(降落) on Justin's arm. Justin picked it up, threw it in the air, and it came back. He tried over and over to set it free, but each time it would return to his arm. After a few return flights(飞行) to his arm, the moth finally flew off into the tall grass.
I believe the moth, like a person, was afraid to leave what it was comfortable with. It wanted to stay with something familiar(熟悉的), and was afraid to move on and experience(经历) new things. I was once like that little moth. I was once afraid to move. But if I hadn't moved, I wouldn't have been able to watch my wonderful son experience the cycle of life.
34.What did Justin find and put in a jar
A.A moth. B.A butterfly. C.A caterpillar. D.A cocoon.
35.Why did the moth come back to Justin again and again
A.Because it was afraid to leave a familiar place. B.Because it was too tired to moved on.
C.Because it couldn't find the tall grass. D.Because it loved Justin and didn't want to leave.
36.Which of the following sentences is TRUE
A.Justin's mother didn't let him feed any pets. B.The moth wasn't afraid to leave what it was comfortable with.
C.Justin's house was too small for the moth to live in. D.The moth flew away in the end.
37.What does the writer want to tell us
A.If we move on, we will not feel scared. B.Everyone will experience the cycle of life.
C.It's not necessary to leave a comfortable place. D.We should be brave and try new things.
The elephant is another animal that lives in groups. An elephant group usually has from twenty to forty members. The elephants in the group help each other when in trouble.
The leader of the group is usually a wise and strong female(雌性 ). She travels at the head of the group and the other females and their young follow her. The bull elephants(公象) follow last. When danger comes, the bulls make a circle around the weaker animals
and protect them. The members of the group are friendly to each other. The group will not leave the sick elephants to die. If an elephant is sick, the whole group stops travelling until it gets well. When an elephant is hurt, two others walk on both sides of it and support it with their bodies. A member of the group may be in a trap(陷阱). Then the others try to free it.
Elephants give the young special care. They help young animals swim when crossing a river because the young can’t swim well. They work together to save a calf that has walked into a dangerous place.
A female elephant that is going to give birth to her young leaves the group for a short time. However, she takes another female along to act as “aunt”. The aunt helps the mother with her new-born calf. In this way, the whole group protects its newest member.
38.What is a baby elephant called
A.A calf. B.A group. C.An “aunt”. D.A bull.
39.In time of danger, the bull elephants make a circle around .
A.the enemies (敌人) B.the females C.the weaker animals D.the leader of the group
40.Why does a female elephant take along an “aunt” when she gives birth
A.The aunt teaches the baby elephant to swim.
B.The aunt takes away the baby elephant to the group.
C.The aunt is the only one that will go with the mother.
D.The aunt tries to protect the female elephant and her baby.
41.Which of the following is TRUE
A.Baby elephants can swim well.
B.The group will leave the sick elephants to die
C.Other elephants always try to free the one in the trap.
D.Most elephant groups have over a hundred members.
Do you want to feel happy and know how great you are Here are five ways to make you feel good about yourself.
Encourage yourself. I look in the mirror and say to yourself, "I am a special person and there's no one in the world like me. I can do anything. " It may not sound so good, but it really works!
Helping others. Do something nice for someone and that always makes you feel good.
Smile! Be friendly to people you meet. No one can refuse a big smile. Look for the good things in your friends and family.
Learn something new! Trying new things may be great, and when you fall in love with them or get some progress, you'll be very happy.
Stay with your family. We all need our family time. Talk with your mom or dad or maybe even your cousin. This can make you live a warm life and give you confidence to get on well with others.
42 to feel good about yourself
Encourage yourself "I'm 43 and there's no one in the world like me. There's 44 I can't do. "It may really work.
Helping others Doing something nice for someone always 45 you feel good.
Smile Try to be 46 to people when you meet them . 47 can refuse your smile.
Learn something new You can 48 some new things. 49 in love with something will work. Get some progress, and you will be very happy.
Stay with your family 50 time with your family will make you live 51 .
According to some scientists, dinosaurs are cold-blooded, like snakes. Cold-blooded animals cannot keep themselves w 52 . Because of this, dinosaurs are not very active when it is c 53 . In the early morning they do not move much. When it gets warm, the dinosaurs become a 54 . When the sun goes down in the e 55 , they slow down again for the night. The sun warms the dinosaurs and gives t 56 the energy they need to move around.
There were many k 57 of dinosaurs long ago but there aren’t any now. What a p 58 ! So some people learn to build m 59 of dinosaurs. The models are imitations(仿制品), of course. But they are life-size and they look real! The people who build them must know the dinosaurs inside and out. First they build a skeleton(骨架). T 60 they cover it with fake “skin”. Finally they paint it. Some models have motors in them. The motors can make the dinosaurs’ head or tail m 61 . Have you ever seen a life-size model of a dinosaur
to my house if you the day after tomorrow.
It was sunny and hot, so we to the beach near our hotel.
64.I’m going to write articles and them magazines and newspapers.
You can a lot from the talk shows.
I a reporter one day.
Dear Man,
I'm a tiger in the northeast of China. I'd like to have a talk with you. We lived in the forest happily for thousands of years, and then you came! And now we are in danger. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
考查动词的用法。根据语境可知,第二句话已有谓语动词“should try”,故空格处应填非谓语动词。排除选项A和B。根据“English is important to us.”可知,英语对我们很重要,故我们应该要努力学习英语,这里是肯定句。故选D。
考查动词不定式作宾语。want后可跟动词不定式作宾语,want to do sth.“想要做某事”,固定搭配。故选A。
考查非谓语。根据“I plan ... a boat trip to New York next month.”可知,plan to do sth“计划做某事”,此处应该用动词不定式作宾语。故选C。
考查非谓语动词。表达“想要做某事”用“would love to do”,表达“拜访”用“to visit”。表达“盼望着做某事”用短语“look forward to doing”,表达“见到”,用动名词“meeting”。故选C。
考查名词辨析。disease疾病;illness疾病;wrong错误;matter时间。根据“A headache is not a ”可知,头痛不是一种疾病,此处指具体的疾病,应用disease,故选A。
考查非谓语动词和情景交际。move“移动”,mind doing sth“介意做某事”;Sorry对不起;Yes是的;Of course not当然不;根据“I’ll put it under the tree right away.”可知,我不介意搬一下我的自行车,故选C。
考查形容词辨析。nice好的;good好的;well身体健康的;free有空的。根据“Your daughter will be …soon”及“Doctor”可知,医生说很快就会康复,故选C。
考查情态动词。could可以,表示过去的能力;may可能,可以;had to不得不;must to错误表达。根据“traveling by space is not too expensive (昂贵的), everyone...travel in space.”可知太空旅行不贵的话,每个人都可以进行太空旅行。故选B。
考查非谓语动词。固定短语would like to do sth“想要做某事”;固定短语feel like doing sth“想要做某事”,故选B。
考查动词辨析。expect期望;lose丢失;improve改善;question提出问题。根据“I have problems with my friend.”可知,此处指朋友之间出了问题,应是改善关系。故选C。
考查介词短语。In fact事实上;For this reason正因如此;For example例如;However然而。根据“He always breaks his promises...nobody wants to make friends with him.”可知因为他总是食言,所以没有人愿意和他交朋友。故选B。
考查非谓语动词。practice+doing表示“练习做某事”,第一空为动名词形式;promise to do sth“承诺做某事”,第二空为不定式形式作宾语。故选B。
考查代词辨析。no one没有人;none没有;nothing没什么。根据“I have got...left”可知,此处指没有水了,强调数量,故选B。
考查代词辨析。all三者及以上都;neither两者都不;both两者都;none三者及以上都不。根据“This question is too hard”及“the two students”可知,问题太难了,两个学生都回答不出,两者都不应用neither,故选B。
考查固定搭配。根据“I ran after Disney characters”可知是我喜欢迪士尼人物,所以后面是忍不住地拍照,而不是停止拍照,因此排除A和C。“忍不住做某事”的结构为can’t stop doing sth,时态为一般过去时,因此是couldn’t stop doing sth。故选B。
16.B 17.C 18.A 19.D 20.B 21.C 22.A 23.D 24.B 25.A
moving移动;eating吃;sleeping睡;drinking喝;根据“What kind of monkey lives longer, the thin or the fat ”以及下文描述的实验结果可知,此处表达的是“吃”,故选B。
sad伤心的;tall高的;sick生病的;strong强壮的;根据前句“Scientists found that monkeys…less may live longer”以及后文的描述“of the monkeys that ate less had heart disease.”可以推知,这些猴子也不容易生病。故选C。
studied研究;asked问;checked检查;looked看;根据前一句“Richard Weindruch of the University of Wisconsin in Madison and his team studied about it.”可知,此处指的是“研究”,故选A。
hours小时;days天;months月份;years年;根据下文中“Twenty years later they found...”可知,他们研究了二十年。故选D。
quickly快速地;much多;good好的;little几乎没有;根据后半句“and made the other half eat less food”可以推知,空格处应表示食物的数量,与后半句形成对比,表示“想吃多少就吃多少”,故选B。
a lot许多;small小的;enough足够的;no无;没有;根据“gave them vitamins and minerals”可知,此处指的是“足够的营养”,故选C。
died死亡;went去;left离开;won赢;根据后半句“while only 13% of the monkeys that ate less died”可知,只有13%的吃得少的猴子死了,由此可推断,此处表示有37%的吃得多的猴子死了。故选A。
run跑;climb爬;hide隐藏;live居住;根据前半句“When monkeys live with people and don’t live in the wild”可以推知,此处指的是“它们能活……”,故选D。
hair头发;life生命;leg腿;tail尾巴;根据“Twenty years later they found that 37% of the monkeys who ate as much as they wanted…, while only 13% of the monkeys that ate less died.”及上文描述可知,科学家研究的是吃得多和寿命长短的关系,所以此处指的是“寿命”,故选B。
Fewer更少的;More更多的;Less较少的;Further更近一步的;根据“Scientists found that monkeys…less may live longer and are not easy to get”可知,吃得少的猴子中的心脏病的比较少,因为monkeys是可数名词复数,不能用less修饰,应用fewer,故选A。
26.B 27.C 28.D 29.B 30.B
26.词义猜测题。根据“In the past 300 years, more than 130 kinds of animals have become extinct.”可知,在过去的300年里,有130多种动物灭绝了,所以extinct的意思是“灭绝”,与dying out语意相同,故选B。
27.细节理解题。根据“Another extinct animal is the cape lion(西非狮). The animal has been extinct since 1860.”可知,另一种灭绝的动物是西非狮,这种动物自1860年以来就灭绝了,距离现在有两百多年,故选C。
28.细节理解题。根据“Too much hunting is one cause; pollution is another.”可知,狩猎过多和污染是动物灭绝的主要原因,没有提到战争,故选D。
29.细节理解题。根据“It has listed nearly 200 kinds of endangered animals in North America.”可知,它列出了北美近200种濒危动物,故选B。
31.A 32.C 33.B
31.细节理解题。根据第三段中“A large group of men went to the caves to search for the two children. They searched all day. They searched for three days, but they did not find Tom or Becky.”可知,一队人去洞穴中是为了寻找汤姆和贝基。故选A。
32.词义猜测题。画线词所在句中的“They found a large cave”并结合四个选项可知,洞穴是泉水的发源地,则画线单词spring意为“泉水”。故选C。
33.细节理解题。根据第四段中“At the picnic, Tom and Becky went into the caves with the other children. They took their candles and walked down a small tunnel.”可知,他们进入洞穴时拿着蜡烛。故选B。
34.C 35.A 36.D 37.D
34.细节理解题。根据第一段中“he found a caterpillar and put it in a jar”可知Justin发现了一只毛毛虫并把它放进一个罐子里。故选C。
35.细节理解题。根据最后一段中“It wanted to stay with something familiar, and was afraid to move on and experience new things.”可知,蛾子一直飞回来是因为它害怕离开熟悉的环境。故选A。
36.推理判断题。根据第三段中“After a few return flights to his arm, the moth finally flew off into the tall grass.”可推知蛾子最后飞走了,D项正确。故选D。
37.主旨大意题。通读全文并根据最后一段中“I was once afraid to move. But if I hadn't moved, I wouldn't have been able to watch my wonderful son experience the cycle of life.”可知作者想要告诉我们应勇敢向前,努力尝试新的东西。故选D。
38.A 39.C 40.D 41.C
38.题意:小象叫什么 考查细节理解题。根据The aunt helps the mother with her new-born calf.“阿姨”帮助象妈妈带着她刚出生的幼崽,可知选A。
39.题意:在危险的时候,公象会围着弱小的动物转一圈。考查细节理解题。根据When danger comes, the bulls make a circle around the weaker animals当危险来临公象会围着弱小的动物转一圈,可知选C。
40.题意:为什么母象生孩子时要带上“阿姨” 考查细节理解题。A. The aunt teaches the baby elephant to swim. 阿姨教小象游泳。B. The aunt takes away the baby elephant to the group. 阿姨把小象带到象群里。C. The aunt is the only one that will go with the mother. 阿姨是唯一和妈妈一起去的人。D. The aunt tries to protect the female elephant and her baby.阿姨试图保护母象和她的孩子。根据The aunt helps the mother with her new-born calf. In this way, the whole group protects its newest member.“阿姨”帮助象妈妈带着她刚出生的幼崽以保护象群的新成员,可知选D。
41.题意:下列哪项是正确的 考查细节理解题。A. Baby elephants can swim well. 小象游泳游得很好;B. The group will leave the sick elephants to die这个团体将让生病的大象等死;C. Other elephants always try to free the one in the trap. 其他的大象总是试图释放陷阱中的那一只;D. Most elephant groups have over a hundred members.大多数大象群有一百多名成员。根据A member of the group may be in a trap. Then the others try to free it. 团队中的一个成员可能会陷入陷阱,然后其他的大象尝试释放它,可知C项说法正确,故选C。
42.Ways 43.special 44.nothing 45.makes 46.friendly 47.Nobody 48.try 49.Falling 50.Spending 51.warmly
42.句意:自我感觉良好的方法。根据文中的句子Here are five ways to make you feel good about yourself. 这里有五种让你自我感觉良好的方法。可知,应该是"方法",为复数,故答案填Ways.
43.句意:我是一个特别的人,世界上没有人像我这样。根据文中的句子I am a special person and there's no one in the world like me.可知,此处句意为“我是一个特别的人。”系表结构,用形容词"特殊的"special,故答案填special.
44.句意:没有什么我不能做的。根据文中的句子I can do anything. 可知我能做任何事,也就是没有什么我不能做的。故答案填nothing.
45.句意:为别人做好事总是让你感觉很好。根据文中的句子Do something nice for someone and that always makes you feel good.可知,为别人做好事总是让你感觉很好,这里是动名词作主语所以谓语动词用单数,故答案填makes.
46.句意:当你遇到别人时,尽量对他们友好。根据文中的句子Be friendly to people you meet.可知,当你遇到别人时,尽量对他们友好。前面有系动词be,所以此处应用形容词形式“友好的”friendly,故答案填friendly.
47.句意:没人能拒绝你的微笑。根据文中的句子No one can refuse a big smile. 没有人能拒绝一个大大的微笑,可知no one“没人”,可以表达为Nobody,故答案填Nobody.
48.句意:你可以尝试一些新的东西。根据文中的句子Trying new things may be great,z可知此处句意为你可以尝试一些新的东西,“尝试”try,前面有情态动词can,所以这里用动词原形,故答案填try。
49.句意:爱上某件事会有用的。根据文中的句子and when you fall in love with them or get some progress,可知,爱上某件事会有用的,fall in love with“爱上…”,这里是在句中作主语,所以应用动名词形式,表示正在发生或者习惯发生的事情,填空处位于句首,首字母应该大写,故答案填Falling。
50.句意:和家人呆在一起。根据文中的句子Stay with your family. We all need our family time. 以及  9   time with your family可知,spend time with sb.和某人一起度过时间,此处是动词在句中作主语,所以应用动名词形式,而且填空处位于句首,首字母应该大写,故答案填Spending.
51.句意:和家人呆在一起会让你生活得很温暖。根据文中的句子This can make you live a warm life,可知,应该是和你的家人呆在一起会让你生活得很温暖,设空处修饰前面的动词所以应用副词形式“温暖地”warmly,故答案填warmly.
52.warm 53.cold 54.active 55.evening 56.them 57.kinds 58.pity 59.models 60.Then 61.move
52.句意:冷血动物不能自己保暖。根据前句“According to some scientists, dinosaurs are cold-blooded, like snakes.”以及常识可知,此处指的是“暖的”,英语是形容词warm,构成“keep sth+adj”结构,在句中作宾补,故填warm。
53.句意:正因为如此,恐龙在寒冷的时候不太活跃。根据“dinosaurs are cold-blooded, like snakes. Cold-blooded animals cannot keep themselves…”及“In the early morning they do not move much.”及首字母提示可知,此处指的是“冷的”,英语是形容词cold,在句中作表语,故填cold。
54.句意:当天气变暖时,恐龙就会活跃起来。根据“Because of this, dinosaurs are not very active when it is…”及首字母提示可知,此处指的是“活跃的”,英语是active,是一个形容词作表语,故填active。
55.句意:当太阳在傍晚下山时,它们又放慢速度过夜。根据“the sun goes down”以及首字母提示可知,此处指的是“傍晚”,英语是evening,故填evening。
56.句意:太阳温暖了恐龙,给了它们移动所需的能量。此处指的是“它们”,指代的是前句的“the dinosaurs”,所以要用复数代词,空格在句中作宾语,所以用宾格,故填them。
57.句意:很久以前有很多种恐龙,但现在没有了。此处表达的是“许多种”,英语是many kinds of,后接复数名词,故填kinds。
58.句意:真可惜!此处是对前句所说的内容表示惋惜,表达的是“真可惜”,英语是What a pity,故填pity。
59.句意:所以有些人学习建恐龙模型。根据“The models are imitations(仿制品), of course.”及首字母提示可知,此处指的是“模型”,英语是model,此处指的是很多模型,所以要用复数形式,故填models。
60.句意:然后他们用假“皮肤”覆盖它。根据“First they build a skeleton(骨架).”及“Finally they paint it.”及首字母提示可知,此处是描述顺序,指的是“然后”,英语是then,句首首字母要大写,故填Then。
61.句意:这些马达可以使恐龙的头或尾巴移动。根据首字母提示及常识可知,发动机可以让机器动起来,所以此处指的是“移动”,此处是结构make sb do,所以空格用动词原形作宾补,故填move。
62. Come are free##available
63. decided to go
【详解】decide to do sth.意为“决定做某事”,根据上文“It was sunny and hot”提示,此处应用一般过去时,动词decide应用过去式。故填decided;to;go。
64. send to
【详解】send“发送,寄给”,send sth. to ... “把某物寄给……”;根据汉语意思可知,“写文章”和“寄给杂志”是递进关系,因此此处的动宾结构与“write articles”是并列的,应用动词原形。故填send;to。
65. expect to learn
【详解】expect to do sth“期待做某事”,是固定短语,can后接动词原形,learn“学习”,故填expect;to;learn。
66. hope to be
【详解】hope to be“希望成为”,句子主语是I,动词用原形,故填hope;to;be。
Dear Man,
I'm a tiger in the northeast of China. I'd like to have a talk with you. We lived in the forest happily for thousands of years, and then you came! And now we are in danger. Just because you cut down trees and forests for buildings and farms. Our food is becoming less and less. Our living areas are getting smaller. Also you kill us for our bones to make medicine and our fur to make clothes. Our life is hard. So we hope you can make Tiger Reserves larger and protect us and let tiger and man live peacefully together.



