
听力部分 ( 30分)
( )1. What did she do
A. She's reading a letter. B. She learned English.
( )2. Did she finish her homework
A. Yes, she did. B. Yes, she does.
( )3. What did Chinese people invent
A. They invented paper. B. bicycle.
( )4. Where did he go last Sunday
A. He went to the Great Wall. B. He ate apples.
( )5. Where does she live
A. She lives in London. B. Yes, she does.
( )1. Daming usually plays football in the park on Sundays.
( )2. Daming didn't play football yesterday because it was snowing.
( )3. Daming stayed at home and helped his parents yesterday.
( )4. Daming didn't finish his homework.
( )5. Yesterday was Saturday.
Yesterday was Sunday. Daming was at home. He_____his shirt. He_____meat. He____his room. And he_____TV. He helped his mum, so she 5._____happy.
笔试部分 (共十大题 70分)
Dad:Did you go on a school trip yesterday
A.And we saw some beautiful plants. B.Thank you, boys. C.And we saw lots of mountains. D.And we bought you a present. E. Yes. We went to the Great Wall.
Daming: .
Sam:It took us fifty minutes to climb to the top.
Daming: .
Daming:We ate candies.
Sam: .
Dad:So you had a good time!
Daming: Yes. .
Dad: .
Daming: It`s a picture of the Great Wall.
二. 阅读短文,填入所缺单词(10分)
________(Chinese/China) people are very clever. We invented many important______ (things/thing). We ______(invents/invented) paper.And we invented_______ (printing/print). So, people can______(printing/print) books and newspapers today. Are you proud of being a Chinese
help clean finish is wash
Yesterday, I my room. I my homework. My trousers were very dirty. I them. Then I my mum. She very happy.
Yesterday, Daming was very happy. In the morning, he cleaned his rooms .Then he finished his homework. In the afternoon, he washed his trousers. They were very dirty. Then he helped his mother cook dinner. His mother was very happy. She said (说) Daming was a good boy.
( ) 1. Daming was very sad yesterday.
( ) 2. Daming cleaned his room in the morning.
( ) 3. He finished his homework in the morning.
( ) 4. He helped his mother cook lunch.
( ) 5. Daming washed his shoes in the afternoon.
Dear Lucy
Thank you for your letter.
Happy birthday to you! I'm eleven now. I will be twelve next year. Shanghai isn't cold now. It's warm.
I've got a new friend, too. Her name is Lingling. She's got short hair. She's very clever. She likes music. I like dancing. We can sing and dance. Yesterday I read a Chinese story. It is about Ma Liang. He had a magic paintbrush. He helped people. An old woman didn't have food. Ma Liang painted food. Then the food became real. It was interesting.
( )1. Zara is years old now.
A.10 B.11 C.12
( )2. It is in Shanghai.
A. cold B. cool C. warm
( )3 is Zara’s new friend.
A. Lingling B. Ma Liang C. Lucy
( )4. Zara likes .
A. music B. dancing C. painting
( )5. What does the Chinese story tell us
A. Ma Liang had a magic paintbrush.
B. Ma Liang painted food and became real.
六、阅读短文, 回答问题。 (10 分)
Last Sunday, it was cloudy. Mum cleaned the room. She cooked noodles. Dad watched TV at home. I didn't play football with my friends. I did my homework and helped mum at home. That evening, we danced at home.
What did Dad do last Sunday
2. What did Mum do last Sunday
七.小练笔。请你用英语写一写你过去做过的事情。 (共10分)
Where did you go What did you see What did you eat What did you buy
washed cooked cleaned watched was
Chinese things invented printing print
cleaned finished washed helped was
He watched TV at home.
She cleaned the room and cooked noodles.




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