
2022-2023学年上学期期中考试 二、对话理解(每小题1分,共5分)
初二英语试卷 题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。
6.A. To the Great Wall. B. To the beach. C. To the park.
Ⅰ 20 7.A. Lucy. B. Lily. C. Tina.第 卷 听力部分(共 分)
8.A. Once a month. B. Once a week. C. Once a year.
一、情景反应(每小题1分,共5分) 9.A. Playing baseball. B. Playing tennis. C. Playing basketball.
本题共5个小题,每小题你将听到一组对话。请你从每小题所给的A、 10.A. She doesn’t like game shows.
B、C三幅图片中,选出与你所听到的信息相关联的一项。 B. Game shows are interesting.
C. She wants to watch game shows tonight.
1.A. B. C. 三、语篇理解(每小题1分,共5分)
11. What is Mary like
A. Shy. B. Quiet. C. Outgoing.
2.A. B. C.
12. What do Mary and Tina both like
A. Reading. B. Running. C. Singing.
13. What does the movie theater have
3.A. B. C. A. The biggest screens.B. The best service.C. The most comfortable seats.
14. What did they think of the movie
A. Boring. B. Funny. C. Exciting.
15. How often do they go to the bookstore
4.A. B. C.
A. Twice a month. B. Once a week. C. Twice a week.
The Speaker’s Favorite Sport-Swimming
5.A. B. C.
When he began to learn swimming At the age of ____16____.
1 2
It is interesting and can make him A.farther and farther B.closer and closer C.the closer
Why he likes swimming ( ) 30. — Could you hang out with us on Saturday night
____17____ and happy. —_________ . I have to study for the math test.
A. I don’t mind it B. Sure, I’d love to C. Sorry, I’m afraid I can’t.
Who he usually goes swimming with His ____18____. 六、补全对话(每小题1分,共5分)
About twice a week, and take it
How often they swim 项中有两项为多余项。
A talk about TV shows
The result of the swimming match The speaker ____20____ the first prize.
第Ⅱ卷 书面测试(共100分) @Helen @ Jenny Hello! ___31___
五、单项选择(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) @ Peter Hello, Peter! What show do you like best
( ) 21. Many people want to go to Shanghai Tower, because it’s the tallest
_________ in China.
A.building B. paragliding C. trader @ Helen My favorite is sports shows for sure. ___32___
( ) 22. Lily expects to ___________ the competition, then as the winner, she can
play the main role for the school show. @Helen What about you I want to know about you.
A. try B. lose C. win
( ) 23. After the game show I am a Singer, more _________ programs came out @Jenny You should know it. ___33___
A. necessary B. different C. similar
( ) 24. Tom is very careful. He takes all learning problems _______ and tries his @Helen ___34___
best to solve them.
A.seriously B. cheaply C. loudly @Jenny I watch them at least three times a week. It’s so wonderful. @ Peter
( ) 25. — _________ Alice only went to China once, she seems to know Chinese
culture well. What do you usually do on weekends
— She likes the country and reads a lot of books about it.
A.Because B. Although C. So @Helen I usually do some shopping with my mother. ___35___ When I get
( ) 26. The doctor asked the patient ______rich food after the operation.Becuse
that’s bad for his health. home, I always feel very tired.
A.to eat B.not to eat C.eating
( ) 27. — I don’t know how to be successful. I see. Many thanks.
—__________ you work hard, your dreams will come true.
A. As long as B. As soon as C. As far as
( ) 28. CCTV-10 often plays_______around the world. It can help us learn You’re welcome.
more about not only nature but also different cultures and customs.
A.new something B.something new C.anything new A. I always love music, so I like music shows.
( ) 29.The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI, “一带一路”倡议) celebrated the10th B. What do you think of them
anniversary (周年) in Beijing on October 18. The relationship between China and
the BRC countries are getting_______. C. Let’s have a talk about our favorite TV shows.
3 4
D. I think it’s very boring. (A)
E. You know I like sports a lot. 阅读下列五名同学的情况说明, 将与其适合的5门课程(course)名称相匹配, 并
F. How often do you watch them 将其字母标号填入题后的横线上。有一项为多余选项(每小题2分,共10分)
七、完形填空 (每小题 1分,共 10分) A. Chinese Learning B. The Way of Speaking C. American and British
What would the life be like in Antarctica (南极) Todd Heery’s experiences in
Antarctica give us much information.Todd Heery's life 36 a lot after he travelled
to Antarctica, the coldest and driest_37 on the earth. Todd Heery, a worker in
Australia, loves travelling and wants to experience the wild weather in Antarctica.
Finally he got the job on the station there. He 38 thought he could get to D. The Art of Taking E. HowtoRecordLife ina F. Useful Writing skills
Antarctica one day! But his dream came true. Photos CoolWay
It took Todd three weeks to get to the station. He saw amazing views along the
way. 39 , Todd had many wonderful moments there, too. He saw the Southern
Lights,_ 40__ into icy water and had Antarctica holiday called the mid-winter
celebrations. Another 41 thing was visiting the Emperor penguin's living places. 46. Ben likes reading books by British and American writers. Next term he will
He tried to stay away from the penguins, but they often came close to him. He become a senior student. He thinks it is time that he reads more of their books
and learns to write about them.
enjoyed 42 with them and had a good time. 47. Joseph is good at the language arts, and in his free time he likes to write short
Todd would remember his 43 forever. It was 44 to live there because stories. So he is thinking about learning something to develop his writing
the sun doesn't rise for three weeks over the middle of the winter. During that time, skills.48. Anna likes to take part in activities. She is trying to make videos to record
he really ___45 the warmth of summer and his hometown.All in all, Todd what she sees and hears. But few of them are enjoyed by people because of
thought living in Antarctica was cool and unforgettable. her poor skills. She feels the need to improve her skills of making videos next
( )36.A.stayed B.changed C.improved 49. Mike visited many places with his parents when he was very young. He is
( )37.A.place B.river C.forest interested in taking photos. He hopes to take more beautiful photos for
( )38.A.sometimes B.often C.never something during his journey. So next term, he will choose a course about his
( )39.A.Sadly B.Slowly C.Surprisingly interest.
( )40.A.turned B.played C.jumped 50. Susan comes from America. As a junior, she is greatly interested in Chinese
( )41.A.interesting B. sad C boring history and often watches some Chinese movies after school. Her parents. suggest she should learn Chinese to know the country better. So she is going
( )42.A.talking B.sleeping C.playing to take a language course next term.
( )43.A.trip B.holiday C.story
( )44.A.easy B.difficult C.enjoyable
( )45.A.imagined B.missed C.liked (B)
和E题每小题1分,共55分) 阅读短文,判断对错,(每小题1分,共5分)
5 6
On Sept 24, at the 19th Asian Games in as "kick volleyball."
Hangzhou, people burst into thunderous (雷 55.The Asian Games include more countries than the Olympic Games.
鸣般的) cheers after China’s Tong Xin
finished a difficult move. For the move, she (C)
had to make a 540-degree turn. In the end, 六选五(每小题2分,共10分)
she won the women’s taijiquan and taijijian
all-round gold ( When I was a kid, I was afraid of water. However, my brother and sister女子太极拳太极剑全能金
牌) at the sports event. loved water so much. Every time I got close to water, my body shook with fear .
Tong Xin competes in the taijijian event at the 19th Asian Games. XINHUA
Tong’s slow but strong actions with her sword (剑 ) showed perfectly
____56____ However, I just couldn’t stop shouting and crying. Finally, my
parents said I could stay at home when my brother and sister learned how to
Chinese wushu’s beautiful mix of soft and hard moves. As a sport showing
regional (区域的) culture, wushu was included in the Asian Games in 1990.
Then, when I was ten, I spent my summer vacation with my grandparents
Apart from wushu, many other special sports from different Asian areas
in the countryside. ____57____ I loved that horse, but there was one problem.
were also seen at the sports event, making it a party of folk cultures. Kabaddi
Each day, I had to take it down to the river for a drink of water. But when I led
(卡巴迪) and sepak takraw (藤球) are two examples. it to the river, my old fear got the best of me. I went back and Grandpa said,
Kabaddi (卡巴迪) is a folk sport from India and has a history of more than “____58____ I’ll take the horse to the river.”
4,000 years. As the athletic form (竞技版) of the game “eagle (老鹰) catching The next morning after breakfast,Grandpa told me to wear a pair of shorts.
chickens”, kabaddi needs nothing but an area that is 13 meters long and 10 He took me down towards the river. He said, “I’m going to teach you to swim.
meters wide. ____59____.” He held my hand as we got close to the water.
Sepak takraw first became popular in Southeast Asia. It is similar to the For some strange reasons, I wasn’t afraid. First, we sat by the water and
traditional Chinese game of shuttlecock kicking (踢毽子). Players need to use just talked. ____60____ Then, holding tightly (紧紧地 ) to my grandfather’s
their feet, head, knees and other parts of their body to move the ball. It is also hand, I walked into the water.
called “kick volleyball”. After a few days, I was in the water, swimming with my grandfather. I had
Although the Asian Games don’t include as many countries as the Olympic so much fun.
Games, they have even more events, especially the ones born out of the Asian A. That’s okay.
region. This makes it really unique. B. You have nothing to fear.
51.Tong Xin won the gold medal in women's wushu at the 19th Asian Games in C. I found swimming easy to learn.
Hangzhou. D. I slowly got used to (习惯) the water.
52.Wushu was just included in the Asian Games this year. E. They had pigs, chickens and best of all—a horse.
53.Kabaddi is a folk sport from India with a history of over 4,000 years. F. Once my parents took us all for swimming lessons.
54.Sepakt akraw is similar to the game of shuttlecock kicking and is also known
7 8
(D) 61.The writer mentions ________ in this passage.
阅读短文,选出最佳选项(每小题2分,共10分) A.2G let us make calls for the first time
Take a look at your parents’ mobile phones. Can you see a small “5G” at B.3G made people start using the Internet
the top Do you know what it is 5G means “5th generation mobile network (第 C.4G helps download a movie in seconds
五代移动通信技术)”. 62.The underlined word “ones” in Paragraph 3 means “_______”.
Each mobile network generation is faster and more powerful than the one A.classes B.homes C.phones
before it. In 1980s, with 1G, we made phone calls for the first time. Around ten 63.From the passage, we can ________ with 5G.
years later, 2G let us send messages. Then in 2000s, using the Internet listening ①have online classes outside
to music and sending emails appeared in people’s life for 3G. Later, we could
②have self-driving cars
watch films and even buy things in 2010s with 4G. To our surprise, 5G is
③see a doctor at home
coming now.
④study better
Do you have online classes at home With 5G, you can have classes
outside your home. The class can go as well as the ones you have at home. ⑤make video calls clearer
Students from poor areas can have the chance to study just like you do. A.①②③ B.②④⑤ C.①②⑤
In some movies, you might see cars that can drive by themselves—you tell 64.To show how 5G changes our lives, the writer mainly ________.
them where you want to go, and they take you there as fast as possible. With 5G, A.tells stories B.gives examples C.gives numbers
cars like this may appear in our life. It makes self-driving cars safer. These cars 65.If we put this passage into three parts which of the following is best?
can send messages to each other. They can also “talk” to traffic lights. 5G will
make cars move even faster than human drivers.
A.①②/③④⑤/⑥ B.①/②③/④⑤/⑥ C.①②/③④/⑤/⑥
5G networks are about 100 times faster than 4G. This means you can
download (下载) a movie in seconds using 5G, and makes your video calls (E)
clearer. What’s more, VR games will become more popular with 5G. It will 请阅读下面非连续性文本,按要求完成所给任务。(每小题2分,共10分)
make the games feel even more real. Short videos are popular with people of different ages.
All in all, 5G will change the way people live and make our life more Short videos usually last (持续) from 15 seconds to 5 minutes. A survey
comfortable and convenient than ever before. You won’t have to wait too long says that 20% of young people from 13 years old to 19 years old watch short
to enjoy it. Now you can buy a new mobile phone to use 5G networks. 5G videos in their free time. About 10% of them use short video apps like Douyin
phones cost about 8,000 yuan right now. But experts say that about one and a and Kuaishou on their mobile phones (手机) a few times a day.
half years later, the price could go down to around 2000 yuan. Why not try 5G
9 10
friend cheaply from visit choose quiet theater
Zhang Lu is a middle school student. She loves watching short videos on study ride they popular because
her mobile phone. She meets a Chinese vlogger (视频博主) living in the US
My lovely hometown (家乡) is Greenwood. I would like to call it an old
on Douyin. “The vlogger does lots of funny things, like selling pancakes on
town ____71____ there are many old buildings. And people here are trying to
the street and asking people to watch The Wandering Earth. His videos teach
keep the history and culture. The ____72____ place in Greenwood is
me a lot,” she says.
Greenwood Village. It has many good ____73____, museums, shops and
Sun Yao, also a student, says he likes short videos because they are restaurants. Most people plan ____74____ Greenwood village.
interesting. “It’s the best thing to do when I am free,” he says. I love Greenwood because the life here is easy and people are ____75____.
_(_______ ), Zhang says she sometimes spend too much time I grew up in Greenwood and my parents grew up here, too. Growing up in
watching short videos. Once, Zhang just wanted to take a short break when she Greenwood was fun and exciting. I ____76____ at Franklin Primary School
was doing her homework, so she opened the app Douyin on her phone. She was when I was young. I had many friends here. They are ____77____ different
lost in the short videos and spent half an hour. countries. So I could learn different kinds of languages from ____78____. We
As students, we should not spend too much time on short videos. We loved to do different activities together. We usually ____79____ bicycles,
should know clearly that study must come first. climbed mountains or visited museums on weekends.
66. Who is Zhang Lu Living in Greenwood is never boring though Greenwood is a place you
__________________________________ stay ____80____. I love my hometown.
67. What funny things does the vlogger do on Douyin Give one or two 九、书面表达(20 分)
examples. 假如你是Mark,你和最要好的小学同学Larry毕业后就没再见面了,请给他
__________________________________ 写一封信聊聊你的近况。
68. Fill in the blanks with a word in the underlined sentence.
69. Why shouldn’t students spend too much time on short videos 2.描述你这一年多的变化(外表,性格,爱好......)
__________________________________ 3.(适当结尾,期待回复......)
70. What do you think of the app Douyin 注意:
__________________________________ 1.括号里的内容仅供参考,也可以自己发挥。
(F) 2.文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。
请根据语篇内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文意思通顺、正 词数要求:不少于 80 字,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数
11 12



