
第一部分 听力(共两节, 每题1.5分,满分30分)
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1. What does the woman say about the dress
A. It's out of date. B. It's cheap. C. It's beautiful.
2. Who is the woman probably talking to
A. Her friend. B. Her coach. C. Her brother.
3. What does the woman plan to do
A. Handle her work. B. Go home. C. Pick up Mark.
4. When will the speakers see the film
A. At 6:30 p. m. B. At 7:00 p. m. C. At 8:00 p. m.
5. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. The man's sister. B. A pet. C. An accident.
听第6段材料, 回答第6、7题。
6. What do we know about Jane
A. She lost her umbrella. B. She can't go to the party.C. She is fine now.
7. How did Jane go home last night
A. By bus. B. By taxi. C. On foot.
听第7段材料, 回答第8至 10题。
8. In which country did the man attend university
A. Canada. B. Australia. C. America.
9. Where does the man's mother probably work
A. At an engineering firm. B. In a hospital. C. At a university.
10. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Interviewer and interviewee. B. Co-workers. C. Schoolmates.
听第8段材料,回答第 11 至 13题。
11. Where does the conversation take place
A. On the phone. B. In the man's house. C. In the company.
12. How much will the woman pay for the rent per month
A.$650. B.$700. C.$750.
第 1 页 共 9 页
13. For what does the woman have to pay herself
A. The TV. B. The furniture. C. The water and electricity.
听第9段材料, 回答第14至 16题。
14. What is Linda going to do this afternoon
A. Go to the dentist. B. Date with the man. C. Go to the supermarket.
15. What day is it today
A. Monday. B. Thursday. C. Friday.
16. What does Linda ask the man to do
A. Have his teeth examined. B. Brush his teeth twice a day. C. Eat less dessert.
听第10段材料, 回答第17至 20题。
17. Who is probably the speaker
A. A reporter. B. A teacher. C. A writer.
18. What did the coachman do outside the theater
A. He read a book. B. He looked after the horse. C. He enjoyed the snow.
19. How did the young lady feel about the coachman's situation
A. Sad. B. Moved. C. Casual.
20. What does the speaker want to tell us
A. Help those around us as much as we can.
B. Read as many books as we can.
C. Be grateful for what we have.
第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分 50分)
第一节 (共 15 小题: 每小题 2.5 分, 满分37.5 分)
阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项, 并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。
A book club is a small group of persons that are reading the same book in order to share different feelings and opinions about the book.
The book club meets once a month for an hour of lively discussion. All students (3+), teachers and parents are welcome! Here you can discover a new world, learn new ideas and make new friends!
What you should do:
You will read the book on your own and then discuss your reading in the book club.
★You must keep up with your reading so that you can join as a part of your group. The book club will decide what pages or chapters(章节) you will read.
★You should take down notes and thoughts as you read. More tips:
★Everyone in the book club is expected to join in the discussion. Keep our place clean. No pets and no smoking.
★Take good care of books and return them on time.
第 2 页 共 9 页
★You must ask for leave if you cannot join in the discussion. Fees:
Kids from 3-7:Free;
Kids from 8-18:10 dollars a month;Adults:15 dollars a month.
If you are interested, call 487-256-656 or 487-266-545, send an email to hopebook@orvisitourwebsiteatwww..
21. How much should a couple with a 6-year-old son pay for being in the club for two months
A.60 dollars. B.75 dollars. C.30 dollars. D.90 dollars
22. How many ways are mentioned here to get more information about the club
A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.
23. Which of the following is true according to the text
A. Books aren't allowed to be taken out of the club.
B. Joining in the discussion is encouraged in the club.
C. You can choose your favourite books to read in the club.
D. The members in the club don't have to finish what they need to read.
Whether it be a person, an animal, or even an insect, a mother's instincts(本能) are never wrong. This idea rings true for a mother cat who acted fast and sought out help when her kittens were in trouble. This mother cat's quick thinking may have just saved her babies.
In the urban district of Izmir in western Turkey, a cat walked into a regular hospital holding a kitten in her mouth. As the mother cat moved through the hospital, people were surprised to see such a sight, but let her pass. The mother cat asked for help, crying for a long time. She was familiar to the hospital staff, who had been leaving her food and water outside, but they were unaware that she had given birth to kittens.
The mother cat was concerned for her young because they weren't able to open their eyes.After the doctors looked at the kittens, they noticed that they were suffering from eye infections.One of the doctors recalls,“We consulted with vets(兽医) and gave medicine as described. When the kittens opened their eyes a short time later, we were excited.”Later, they were sent to an animal hospital for further care. The cats are now up for adoption and will hopefully find loving forever homes.
When it comes to mother cats and kittens, kittens completely depend on mothers for the first few months of their lives. Because they are blind and almost deaf until about two or three weeks old,the mother cat must protect them from any threat or danger. Without the mother cat's help, the kittens may not make it to adulthood.
As shown by the mother cat in Turkey, a mother's love and protection knows no bounds.Whether the mom is a human or a cat, mothers will always look out for their babies and make sure they are safe and healthy.
第 3 页 共 9 页
24. Why did the mother cat show up in the hospital
A. To seek out food. B. To express thanks.
C. To get her babies treated. D. To give birth to her babies.
25. How did the doctors help the baby cat
A. They built them a home. B. They adopted all of them.
C. They gave them right medicine. D. They operated on them immediately.
26. What makes newly-born cats dependent on their mothers
A. Their physical state. B. Their eating habit.
C. Their appearance. D. Their behavior.
27. What can we learn from the story
A. A cat has nine lives. B. Love makes a difference.
C. One good turn deserves another. D. God helps those who help themselves.
British chip maker Walkers is being flooded with mail deliveries of its own packaging. An online petition(请愿) with more than 312,000 signatures so far encourages those who signed to mail their empty chip plastic bags to Walkers as an act of protest against the bags' non-recyclable design.
As petition organizer Geraint Ashcroft explained, the majority of chip packets, made from plastic coated with metal, are not recyclable and have been found fully undamaged up to 33 years after consumption. The UK alone consumes 6 billion bags of chips a year, and Walkers turns out 11million bags daily. Ashcroft wrote,“At today’s consumption rate in 33 years’time, there will be 200billion packets either se nt to landfill or polluting our oceans. Many will be eaten by fish or birds,leading to a slow death.”
Mailing the bags to Walkers is a way to hold the company accountable for its packaging and to pressure it to come up with a better design. But it is controversial. Because the Royal Mail postal service isn't happy about the sudden in flow of packages, asking people calm down to help with ease of delivery. Critics on Twitter also question the logic of buying a product in order to protest against its producer and suggest that giving up chips altogether would improve one's health as well as the environment.
Walkers issued a statement on Wednesday, saying it will make its packaging plastic-free by2025.“We have received some returned packets and recognized the efforts being made to bring the issue of packaging waste to our attention. The returned packets will be used in our research as we work towards our commitment of improving the recyclability of our packaging.”
28. Why do people mail their empty chip bags to Walkers
A. To oppose Walkers'plastic packaging.
B. To exchange them for some new chips.
C. To make Walkers use them once more.
D. To appeal to people for not using the bags.
第 4 页 共 9 页
29. What does the second paragraph mainly show
A. The production of plastic bags.
B. The cause of animals' death.
C. The potential harm of chip bags.
D. The opinion of Geraint Ashcroft.
30. What is the underlined word“accountable”in paragraph 3 probably mean
A. Explainable B. Responsible C. Significant D. Anxious
31. How does Walkers react to the campaign
A. Doubtfully B. Indifferently C. Positively D. Cautiously
A teenager needs to have a sense of independence in their life to feel secure(安全的). To som teenagers independence means a lot to them, and I think that some parents don't allow the teenagers enough independence.
Independence has something to do with freedom. Some kids are not allowed to go anywher alone, and the only thing their schedule includes is going to school, coming home, going to sleep and repeating the process the next day. Parents tend to be afraid that their kids can get hurt if the go outside into the world. But if parents control their kids too much, they may never learn to live o their own. The best way for a teenager to learn lesson is through experience. I think it is beneficia for teenagers to have freedom.
Teenagers' lack of freedom can also stop them from having good friendship at school. Som might say this is a good thing, because it helps them focus more on their school work. I argue tha this can only discourage them not to do their school work. Some parents do not allow their childre:to be around their friends outside the school, thinking that this will get them into trouble. But I don'think so. Instead, isn't this a good reason for parents to get their children a cellphone Cellphone allow teenagers to stay in touch with their parents, and communicate with friends.
Privacy is another issue between parents and their teenagers. Teenagers tend to enjoy relaxation by themselves in their own room. This also gives them a sense of independence. It often annoys teenagers when their parents enter their room when they are not home. I know that my mon always goes in my room when I'm not home, and this has brought me to the point where I have asked many times to get a lock on my door.
32. What is the main idea of the second paragraph
A. Kids have a dull routine every day B. Some parents allow their kids no freedom.
C. Kids know how to live independently. D. It benefits teenagers to have freedom.
33. In the opinion of the author, .
A. it is unnecessary for a kid to have a cellphone
B. kids should focus on the schoolwork
C. parents should make it easy for kids to communicate with their friends
D. good friendships between kids harm their schoolwork
第 5 页 共 9 页
34. How do teenagers usually feel when their parents enter their rooms in their absence
A. Calm B. Lucky C. Angry D. Disappointed
35. The author hopes to have her door locked in order to .
A. prevent her mother entering her room
B. stop thieves from going in
C. protect herself from any harm
D. keep her father from reading her dairy
第二节(共5小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分 12.5分)
Many students want to know the best ways to improve their learning. 36
One of the best ways to organize your study session is to use the Pomodor o Technique. 37The idea is to use a timer(计时器). For example, you set the timer for 20 minutes, and focus only on your studies during that time. You cannot check email, or do anything aside from your task. When the timer goes off, you can reward yourself by listening to some music or having a drink of tea.
Test yourself
When you are studying, you should test yourself often. 38 Yo u can also find all kinds of online tests for many subjects.
39 For example, while studying maths, you could mix multiplication(乘法) and division(除法) problems. It may be better for long-term learning.
Teaching is also a powerful way to learn. Researchers compared different groups of students.Some did not expect to have to teach information, while others did. When they actually teach a lesson, they develop a deeper understanding of the material.
In a word, you can create your own plan based on what you need to learn. You might organize your study periods with the Pomodor o technique. Then, you can test yourself and mix different topics. There are many choices. 40
A. Here are a few useful methods.
B. In other words, they only study one topic at a time.
C. This method is a technique that means you mix different topics.
D. All of these methods can be put together to make a powerful study plan.
E. It is a powerful, but simple method that helps people focus on a task.
F. When you focus and do tasks that are at the right difficulty level, your brain will become tired.
G. If you are using a textbook, then you can do practice questions from the end of each chapter to test yourself.
第 6 页 共 9 页
第三部分 语言运用 第一节 完形填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
I was said to be the worst student in my class and my family thought I was hopeless. I had to 41 sixth grade. At that time a new teacher, Miss Sadia, came to our school.
One day after class, she 42 that I was staying alone during the lunch break. She came to me and began to talk to me. It was just a normal conversation. After that day, she gave me particular 43 and it made me feel special. I started to work hard because she gave me the feeling that someone believed me. So my 44 started to improve in her subject.
Months later, she moved into a house near my 45 . We would walk home together after school. Her constant support helped me, 46 in my studies. I knew she would check my grades both in her subject and the other subjects. So I tried my best and finally 47 second in my class.
Then, after sixth grade, she started to drift apart(逐渐疏远) 48 still kept a constant check on me. By the time I was in seventh grade, we hardly spoke. But by then I had become the 49 in my class. When I left school, I lost 50 with her. As she never answered the 51 when I called her.
Then I graduated and went to a good university. One fine day, our paths 52 again. I met her at a wedding. I could not 53 asking her,“Why did you stop talking to me ”
“You are a clever boy. I wanted you to be a tree 54 on your own roots, not depending on others. Now here you are and I feel 55 of you. You are your inspiration and do not need to look for a shoulder,”she said. I could not say anything, but I smiled. I'll always thank her.
41. A. jump B. attend C. copy D. repeat
42. A. heard B. noticed C. agreed D. disliked
43. A. attention B. invitation C. explanation D. examination
44. A. words B. things C. classes D. grades
45. A. home B. school C. hotel D. company
46. A. generally B. actually C. especially D. usually
47. A. received B. came C. caught D. held
48. A. but B. as C. or D. so
49. A. oldest B. strongest C. best D. cleverest
50. A. touch B. heart C. face D. weight
51. A. letter B. e-mail C. phone D. machine
52. A. missed B. stopped C. added D. crossed
53. A. finish B. help C. prevent D. keep
54. A. standing B. flying C. growing D. sitting
55. A. sad B. proud C. good D. ashamed
第 7 页 共 9 页
Meng Kun became a senior high student today. In the morning, he woke up 56 (early)than usual and rushed to the new school in his eagerness. 57 campus, Meng Kun was looking at the noticeboard 58 a white-haired man came up and talked to him. And later he was 59 (surprise) to find the white-haired man was his English teacher. In the firstEnglish class, the teacher asked them to introduce 60 (they) to the class. Before that, the teacher introduced himself first. Meng Kun was too nervous 61 (notice) this. When he began to introduce his name, everyone burst out 62 (laugh) because he had 63 same name with his teacher.
Then Mr Meng told them it wasn't easy to learn English well and he also encouraged them to be prepared for 64 (challenge). Hearing the teacher's words, Meng Kun 65 (feel)a bit more confident about his future school life.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
假定你是李华 ,你的英国笔友John因不善于和别人交流,感到非常苦恼,于是来信向你求助 。请你给他写一封回信 ,内容包括:
1.词数80左右; 开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数;
2.可以适当增加细节 ,以使行文连贯。
Dear John,
Li Hua
第 0 页 艹 八 25
第二节 (满分 25分)
阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Long ago, there was a big apple tree. A little boy loved to come and play around it every day.He climbed to the top of the tree, ate the apples, and took a nap under the shadow.... He loved the tree and the tree also enjoyed playing with him.
As time went by, the little boy grew up and he no longer played around the tree. One day, the boy came back to the tree, looking sad.“Come and play with me,”the tree asked the boy gently.“Iam no longer a kid;I won't play around trees anymore,”the boy replied,“I want toys. I need money to buy them.”
“Sorry, but I don't have money. However, you can pick all my apples and sell them. Then, you will have money.”The boy was so excited that he picked all the apples on the tree and left happily.The boy didn't come back after that. The tree was upset.
One day, the boy returned and the tree was so joyful.“Come and play with me,”the tree said.“I don't have time to play. I have to work for my family. We need a house for shelter. Can you help me ”“Sorry,I don't have a house. But you can cut off my branches(树枝) to build your house.”So the boy cut all the branches of the tree and left with delight.
The tree was glad to see him happy but the boy didn't appear since then. The tree was again lonely and sad.
One hot summer day, the boy returned and the tree was delighted.“Come and play with me!”the tree requested.
“I am sad and becoming old. I want to go sailing to relax myself. Can you give me a boat ”“Use my trunk(树干) to build the boat. You can sail and be happy.”So the boy cut the tree trunk to make a boat. He went sailing and did not show up for a long time.
Paragraph 1:
Many years later, the boy finally returned.
Paragraph 2:
The apple tree is our mother.



上一篇:衡水名师卷2023-2024度高三分科检测提分卷 理综(全国卷空心菱形)(二)2试题
