苏州市2023-2024八年级上册Unit5 Wild animals 单元提优卷(无答案)

2023-2024学年第一学期8A Unit5 单元提优卷
Ever since "Mother Nature" gave me life, I expected to grow tall and big.
As a young 1 , I was well protected in the forest. I used to 2 a good time with my friends under the blue sky and 3 the river. Our only purpose(目的)was to stand high. My pal, Tim often said, "All I ask for is to be happy the whole day."
More than 300 days 4 and we grew straight. Until one day, our 5 birthday, people came, moved us from the 6 and put us on their trucks. "I don't want to go!"Tim cried.
After a long journey, we arrived in a completely different place with 7 green. Here we were planted in a line. 8 the wind blew strongly, I could not even open my eyes to see Tim 9 beside me. So we needed enough 10 to grow thicker and higher to stop the wind.
As time went by, we finally 11 much stronger. I could keep my eyes open in the wind! I even found the blue sky was back!
This was no longer a no-man’s-land, and hundreds of visitors came here. A man took a picture of us with his 12 and said, "Thank you. We can enjoy clear days 13 worrying about sand storms." A young girl jumping up and down came over and 14 me. "Thank you," she said. "It's you that have turned the desert into a green land!"
Tim and I smiled at each other, feeling 15 . The sun was shining brightly in the bluer sky.
(  )1. A. tree B. fish C. girl D. boy
(  )2. A. choose B. forget C. have D. miss
(  )3. A. in B. along C. under D. on
(  )4. A. cut down B. passed by C. flew away D. lived on
(  )5. A. first B. second C. third D. fourth
(  )6. A. beach B. lake C. house D. earth
(  )7. A. all B. nothing C. anything D. everything
(  )8. A. Though B. Unless C. Because D. Until
(  )9. A. clearly B. greatly C. kindly D. widely
(  )10. A. desert B. wind C. sand D. water
(  )11. A. became B. smelt C. sounded D. remained
(  )12. A. radio B. keyboard C. backpack D. camera
(  )13. A. from B. about C. without D. of
(  )14. A. asked B. hugged C. invited D. kicked
(  )15. A. tired B. bored C. proud D. surprised
ZOO HOURS: 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
Weather may affect(影响) some activities.
× Do not cross safety lines to take photos.
× Do not touch or feed any animals.
√ Keep children in sight at all times.
WARNING: It is against the law to feed or disturb any animals in the zoo. Violators will be required to leave the zoo, and could pay fines up to $300.
Thank you for treating animals and their living space with respect!
For more information, please contact the visitor centre (825-202-* * 02) or visit
newcity .
(  )16. At 2:45 p.m., visitors can have a close look at _____.
A. elephants B. bears C. wolves D. monkeys
(  )17. The underlined word "Violators" in the material means "people who _____".
A. visit the zoo regularly B. look after the animals
C. feed or disturb the animals D. want to return the zoo tickets
(  )18. The main purpose(目的) of the material is to _____ in the zoo.
A. protect the wild animals B. stress(强调)the importance of safety
C. provide choices of transportation D. introduce the activities and rules
When Juliet was a child, she often went to the city park and played with her friends. On a sunny
morning, when Juliet came to the park with her mum, she looked around and felt very unhappy.
"What's the matter, dear What's wrong with you " asked her mum.
Juliet replied, "Mum, how beautiful and clean it used to be! But now there's so much trash on the ground."
Juliet's mum looked around. There were scraps(碎片)of paper, boxes, glass bottles and a lot of other trash everywhere.
"What can we do " asked Juliet sadly.
"I'm sure you will think of something," said her mum.
As soon as Juliet and her mum went home, Juliet painted a picture of the park and wrote a sign in large black letters at the top of the picture. The sign read "PLEASE KEEP OUR PARK CLEAN". Later, she took plenty of bags and went back to the park with her mum. Juliet put up her picture on a big trash can(垃圾桶).
"Will you help me pick up the trash, Mum "Juliet said as she handed her mum a bag.
"I surely will," replied her mum smilingly.
The children at the park ran over to see what was going on. Juliet handed them each a bag.
"Let's clean this place up," said Juliet. Then they began to pick up the trash, talking and laughing.
Soon all the bags were full.
"We need to come back another day. There's still some trash on the ground, but the park looks much better," said Juliet.
Her mum said, "So it does. I knew you would think of a way to help."
(  )19. Why was Juliet sad
A. Because the weather was bad.
B. Because she couldn’t find her mum.
C. Because there was too much trash at the park.
D. Because her friends were not at the park.
(  )20. Juliet drew the picture to _____.
A. show off her painting skills B. give her mum a big surprise
C. show people how beautiful the park was D. encourage people to keep the park clean
(  )21. What can we learn about Juliet's mum from the underlined sentence
A. She was proud of Juliet. B. She was angry with Juliet.
C. She thought Juliet was lazy. D. She thought Juliet was outgoing.
(  )22. Which of the following is TRUE about the children at the park
A. They laughed at Juliet.
B. They joined Juliet in picking up the trash.
C. They had an awful and tiring day.
D. They bought some bags from Juliet.
Mary was in bed, feeling sleepy. She read the first few words of her book, "The dodo(渡渡鸟)
was a bird that couldn't fly…", and soon she fell fast asleep.
Whoosh! The window flew wide open. Mary sat up, and through the window she saw a dodo, an unusual dodo, right there in her yard!
"I lived over three hundred years ago," the dodo said. "But then terrible things happened.
People cut down the forests, so we had nothing to eat. We all died."The dodo felt sad.
Suddenly, a mammoth(猛犸象) rushed in. It said, "I’ve been looking for you, Dodo! I lived thousands of years ago, but not now."It added, "Scientists think the weather changed the environment where we lived. We ate grass, but as the weather grew warmer, forests spread and there was less grass to eat."
Seconds later, an elephant bird came. It said proudly, "I'm the heaviest bird that has ever lived. I weigh half a ton. But we lived on the Earth over three hundred years ago."
The animals all looked sad. Before they had time to say another word, a tiger came in. "My friends," it said, showing its big teeth."I hear what you are talking about. We tigers are lucky. Now there are some special places for us animals who are in danger. We are safe and no one can hurt us there."
"Sounds great!" thought Mary. "Animals should have more of this kind of places!"
The window blew shut, and Mary woke up with a start. There was no one and nothing to see, except the book in her hand.
(  )23. Which of the animals lived thousands of years ago
A. Dodos. B. Elephant birds. C. Tigers. D. Mammoths.
(  )24. Why are tigers lucky
A. They have big teeth. B. They live in safe places.
C. The environment changed. D. The weather grew warmer.
(  )25. What can we know from Paragraphs 3-5
A. The mammoth mainly lives on grass.
B. The mammoth is the same age as the dodo.
C. The elephant bird is the biggest bird in the world.
D. Because of the weather changing, the dodo doesn't have enough food to eat.
(  )26. Which question could best help us find out the writer's purpose
A. Did the writer want us to have fun B. Did the writer want us to raise animals
C. Did the writer want us to protect dodos D. Did the writer want us to learn something
There are about 1.5 million kinds of living things on the Earth, but how many do you see every day You often see the big colourful animals, like birds, rabbits, and fish. But look more closely. Can you see the small ones too Insects make up 80 per cent of all the world’s living kinds. Look on the ground. Imagine you could look under the ground too. Many small living things with one cell(细胞) live there. Life is everywhere around us, in every cubic(立方的) foot(a foot=12 inches).
David Liittschwager is a photographer who wanted to find out how many living things lived in one cubic foot. So he made a 12-inch cube with a green metal frame. And then he put it in five habitats(栖息地). He chose a tropical rainforest(Costa Rica), a coral reef (Pacific Ocean), the Table Mountain (South Africa), a freshwater river(the USA), and a small park(New York). Three weeks were spent at each place. He watched, counted, and took photos of everything down to 1 millimetre in size---that crawled(爬)or flew into the cube.
The results were amazing. Liittschwager found both common and rare living things. He discovered many new living kinds, like a strange transparent octopus that is the size of a fingernail!
In total, more than a thousand living things were photographed. Liittschwager said the One Cubic Foot experience was like "finding treasure". David Liittschwager also found that the highest biodiversity(生物多样性) in the reef was in the coral skeleton(珊瑚遗骨). These coral skeletons are suitable for sea living things of all sizes to grow. Although the coral reef had the widest range of biodiversity, all the other habitats were full of life. Even the city park!
(  )27. What does the underlined part "one cubic foot" in Paragraph 2 mean
A.1inch×1inch. B.1inch×1inch×1inch.
C.12inches×12inches. D.12 inches × 12 inches × 12 inches.
(  )28. What did Liittschwager think of the One Cubic Foot experience
A. It was useful. B. It was different. C. It was simple. D. It was difficult.
(  )29. Which habitat has the most biodiversity
A. The tropical rainforest. B. The coral reef.
C. The Table Mountain. D. The city park.
(  )30. Which of the following is the best title for the passage
A. Life Is Everywhere B. Find Treasure in Nature
C. Five Habitats to Live in D. A Story of David Liittschwager
Mention the word "shark" to someone on the beach and you are sure to get a reaction(反应). Sharks have been the most feared predator of ocean. Sharks are fish. 31. _____ They can be found in oceans all over the world, and they have also been found in some rivers and lakes. One difference between most other fish and a shark is that most fish have bones and a shark has cartilage(软骨).32. _____ Another difference is that a shark is only able to swim forwards, while most fish can swim forwards and backwards. Fish also generally have slippery scales(滑溜的鱼鳞), while a shark has tough(硬的) scales that feel like sandpaper.
33. _______ In fact, there are about 368 different types. The differences include colour, habitat, behaviour(行为), and size. Sharks are also known for their very sharp teeth. 34. _____ Instead they swallow large chunks of food. They have five rows of teeth. If a tooth is broken, it is replaced by another tooth.
Sharks are carnivores(食肉动物), meaning that they eat meat. 35. _____ It seems like sharks attack(攻击) people a lot, but chances of getting stung by a bee or getting hit by lightning are greater.
Even so, experts say it is important to keep an eye out for sharks when swimming in the ocean.
A. Sharks do not normally attack people.B. There are many different types of sharks.C. They do not use their teeth to chew their food.D. Cartilage is tough, but it is not as strong as bones.E. They have been around since the time of dinosaurs.F. However, the sharks are in great danger now.G. But none of them has been reported to have attacked people
第一节 根据所给汉语注释或首字母提示,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。每空限写一词。
36. Mr Smith will give us a _____(报告) on Chinese history this Friday morning.
37. For a healthy diet, you should eat _____(主要地) rice, bread, vegetables and fruit.
38. Most people think animals are helpful to _____ (人类) and we should live in harmony.
39. My little brother Tommy likes to pull the cat's _____(尾巴) and was punished many times for it.
40. His friend gave a nice present to him for his kind help and he _____(接受) it happily.
41. The disabled don’t only need p_____. They need people's help more than just feelings.
42. The little boy cried s_____ when his best friend moved to another city.
43. Please wait for a w______. I will finish my work right away.
第二节 请认真阅读下面短文,从方框中选择适当的单词或短语,填入其正确形式。每个单词或短语仅用一次。
Catch touch however less than be born
Some animals are the most dangerous animals in the world. 44. _____, most of them are also in danger.
Great White SharksThe great white sharks are famous for their size and their sharp teeth. These allow them 45. _____more food like fish. People call them the king of the sea. They are white and black. The adult sharks can be 4 m---5.2m and 680 kg---1,100 kg.
Polar BearsThe adult polar bears can be 350 kg---700kg. They are all white and has thick fur. Their fur can keep them warm. Most polar bears 46. _____ on land, but they spend most of their time in the sea.
Poison Dart Frogs(箭毒蛙)Poison dart frogs live in South America. They often have beautiful colours. Most of them are small, sometimes 47. ____ 1.5 cm. A poison dart frog has enough poison to stop the heart of a large animal from beating. The poison is on their skin, so don't 48. ____ them.
Jane Goodall’s love for animals started from her childhood. 49. _____ she was a girl, she loved to watch birds and insects. She took notes about how they 50. _____(act). She dreamed of going to Africa and doing the same thing there.
She got her chance when she was 23 years old. A childhood friend 51. _____ (invite) her to a farm in Kenya. There, she met Louis Leakey who is well known as 52. _____ anthropologist (人类学家). Goodall was good at 53. _____(work) alone. That made her perfect for one of Leakey's special projects(课题)---studying chimpanzees(黑猩猩)54. _____ the wild. Goodall began to study a group of chimpanzees in Tanzania. Her methods were not common. She lived with the chimpanzees so that she could make a 55. _____ (care) study of their daily lives. She even joined a group of chimpanzees. So she knew 56. _____(exact) how the chimpanzees live and hunt. Because of Goodall’s work, people find out that chimpanzees are more intelligent than they thought before. Sadly, 57. _____(they) homes and lives are in danger. Goodall thinks that humans should protect them. She 58. _____(hope) that all animals will be treated with respect. Goodall wants people to remember that we are members of the animal world too.
Thanks to her pet cat, an old woman got saved after she fell into a deep ravine(沟壑).
An 83-year-old woman went missing in Cornwall, England. The search team, including her neighbours, were about to give up when someone heard miaowing and found a black cat. The cat was at the edge of(在……边缘) the ravine that the woman had fallen into.
Piran, the woman's black cat, helped lead a neighbour right to its owner. Then the old woman was taken to hospital by ambulance(救护车). Police said the woman survived(幸免于难) a fall into a 70-foot ravine near her home. "Piran saved the lady!" the neighbour, Tamar Longmuir said. "It was Piran's calling that helped us find the lady. Now she is in the hospital. She is in good spirits(精神) and is being well looked after."
Usually, black cats are considered signs of bad luck. However, the search team think of the black cat Piran as a hero. Thanks to the cat's calling, they were able to locate(定位) the woman and send her to the hospital in time.
All the people gave a big like to Piran. And they also showed their thanks to Piran. "It did a really good job," they said. "Without the cat, the result could have been a lot worse."
59. What helped the search team find the old woman finally
60. What are black cats usually considered as
61. What do the search team think of the black cat Why
My Favourite Wild Animal
WATCHING STARTING TIME LENGTH GUIDED BUS TOUR(10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.)A round-trip in the zoo with a busticket, 1-Day Pass or a yearly card.
Elephant 10:00 a.m. 25 mins
Lion 11:00 a.m. 15 mins
Bear 2:30 p.m. 25 mins
Wolf 4:00 p.m. 25 mins MINI-TRAIN(10:30 a.m. -4:30 p.m.)Get a hand stamp at the gate of the zoo,and you can get on and off the mini-trainunlimited times on the same day.
Monkey 4:30 p.m. 20 mins
To have a close look at the animals, please check the time listed above.




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