浙江省杭州北斗联盟2023-2024高一上学期期中考试英语试题卷(含答案 含听力音频及听力原文)

第一部分 听力(共两节,每小题 1.5分,满分 30分)
1-5 BBCAA 6-10 BCBAC 11-15 ACBAC 16-20 CBACB
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40分)
第一节(共 15小题;每小题 2分,满分 30分)
21-23 ADB 24-27ABAD 28-31 CBCA 32-35 DACB
第二节(共 5小题;每小题 2分,满分 10分)
36-40 FCBDA
第三部分 语言知识运用 (共 15小题;每小题 1分,满分 15分)
41-45 CAABD 46-50 DCABB 51-55ADCDB
第一节 语法填空(共 10小题;每小题 1分,满分 10分)
56. first 57. lectures 58. recommended 59.called 60. to collect
61. which 62. addicted 63. the 64. confidently 65. on
第二节 单词拼写(共 10小题;每小题 1分,满分 10分)
66. exploring 67. athletes 68. determination 69. prefer 70. recognized
71. designed 72. obviously 73. sense 74. senior 75. apply
第三节 应用文写作(满分 15分)
My favorite sport is long-distance running, which deserves to be recommended.
Long-distance running is a kind of exercise which is of great benefit. After a day of study, what fun it
is to dash to the playground to run with a few partners!It is really relaxing and enables us to relieve stress
from schoolwork. Besides, running also helps to strengthen our body and reduces the risk of health
However, it is necessary for us to raise the awareness of self-protection. Before running, we should get
started by a pair of comfortable running shoes and do warm-up exercise to avoid injuries.
Text 1
M: Alice, you fed the parrot this morning, didn’t you
W: No, I didn’t. I did that last night.
M: Oh, no. I fed it yesterday afternoon.
Text 2
W: I feel dizzy and sick.
第 1 页 共 4 页
M: Did you see a doctor
W: No, I have to ask for sick leave first.
M: Alright. I’ll ask Selena to handle your project.Would you like me to call a taxi for you later
Text 3
M: I can’t fix these machines until tomorrow, I’m afraid.
W: That’s okay. Take your time. There’s no hurry.
M: Thanks!
Text 4
W: Hello, I like that white dress in the window. Do you have a size 12
M: Sorry, there’s only a blue one in size 12.
W: It’s a pity. I just want a white one to match my pink hat.
Text 5
M: I saw your son playing the violin at the contest yesterday. He has a talent for music, I have to say.
W: Thank you. He has been learning musical instruments since primary school. His teacher often
praises him for his efforts.
Text 6
M: ⑥Did you enjoy the movie last night, Caroline
W: ⑥No, it was rubbish. I couldn’t put up with those silly tricks; they weren’t my cup of tea, but I
had to stick it out because I was with two of my friends. However, they were excited from start to
M: Really I thought you’d be satisfied with that.
W: No.⑦I’m going to write a negative review on the Internet.
Text 7
W: Quentin, your hair and clothes are wet. Didn’t you bring an umbrella when you left home Here’s a dry
M: Thanks. I didn’t bring an umbrella. I just rode a shared bike.
W: Are you kidding ⑧It’s raining hard at present.
M: I thought it would be sunny like yesterday.
W: The weather has been very mixed recently. Who knows
M: You’re right. ⑨How do you usually go to work
W: ⑨I usually drive here, but I guessed the traffic would be terrible due to the bad weather, so I
took the subway today.
M: A wise decision. I still prefer riding a shared bike. It’s convenient. Besides, it is good for the
W: ⑩But there are too many shared bikes on the roads without helmets. You may get injured if you
第 2 页 共 4 页
don’t wear a helmet.
Text 8
W: Nice party, isn’t it
M: Yes, it is. I’m a new student at the university, so it’s really nice to have a chance to meet some
friendly people.My name is William, by the way.
W: I’m Jane, a junior here. Can you tell me what your major is
M: I’m majoring in History.
W: What a coincidence! I’m a History major, too! What are your favorite courses
M: Influenced by my teacher, ancient Indian history is my favorite. And I also enjoy history of art.
W: Those were two of my favorite courses in the last two years as well! I’m fascinated by history and
politics in Latin America now.
M: Great. Jane, we should get together for a meal this weekend. We can share our ideas about history.
W: I’m afraid not. My paper is due next Monday. So I’m not available this weekend.
Text 9
M: Goodwell Property Agency. Hello, I’m Oscar. May I help you
W: Yes, I want a one-bedroom flat with an open kitchen on King Street.
M: OK. Did you see our advertisements in the newspaper or on the Internet
W: Neither, my colleague recommended your agency to me.
M: I see. But I have to tell you the rent on King Street is a bit high and flats there can be noisy at
night, because King Street is near the financial center. Can you accept that
W: Yes, as long as it’s only a short walk to my office.
M: I got it. Do you have any idea of your budget
W: Maybe $500 a month.
M: Let me check. Oh, I found one for you but it’s $100 more than your budget. If you rent it, you
have to pay 3 months’ rent in advance.
W: Alright.
M: Would next Tuesday be convenient for you to tour the flat
W: I’m going to have meetings next Tuesday. And I will be away on business next Wednesday. How
about 2:00 p.m. next Thursday
M: Deal.
Text 10
M: Emerging from the Antarctic deep, the world’s most famous undiscovered shipwreck
Endurance is now found. It’s the first time anyone has seen it in more than 100 years. Endurance,
perfectly preserved, is 3,000 meters beneath the ice.
“I knew that this was probably either the first or second most strongly-built ice ship ever, and
第 3 页 共 4 页
I was just amazed at its construction. It held together beautifully.” said a British explorer.
The condition is astonishing. The exploring team spent weeks searching the deep until Endurance was
at last found. The team found that Endurance was in trouble from the start—becoming stuck in thick sea
ice just weeks after setting off from South Georgia. It floated for months before an order was eventually
given to the crew to abandon the ship.
The ship won’t be raised and nothing will be removed. When the team left, it was just as it was
found, resting in the darkness of this most remote corner of the world.
第 4 页 共 4 页
2023 学年第一学期杭州北斗联盟期中联考
高一年级英语学科 试题
1.本卷共 8 页满分 120 分,考试时间 100 分钟。
2.答题前,在答题卷指定区域填写班级、姓名、考场号、座位号及准考证号并填涂相应数字。 3.所有答案必须写在答题纸上,写在试卷上无效。
第一部分听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
第一节(共 5 小题:每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)
听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出 最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题, 每段对话仅读一遍。
1. When did Alice feed the parrot
A. This morning. B. Last night. C. Yesterday afternoon.
2. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Doctor and patient.
B. Colleagues.
C. Taxi driver and passenger.
3. How does the woman sound
A. Anxious. B. Thankful. C. Understanding.
4. What color dress does the woman want
A. White. B. Pink. C. Blue.
5. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. The woman’s kid. B. The man’s teacher. C. A violin contest.
第二节(共 15 小题:每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)
听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最 佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。
6. What does Caroline think of the film
A. Just so-so. B. Quite disappointing. C. Very satisfactory.
7. What does Caroline intend to do
A. Drink a cup of tea. B. Call her friends. C. Make a negative comment.
听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。
8. What is the weather like now
A. Sunny. B. Rainy. C. Cloudy.
9. How did the woman go to work today
高一英语学科 试题 第 1页(共 8 页)
A. By underground. B. By bike. C. By car.
10. What does the woman say about shared bikes
A. They are convenient.
B. They are good for the environment.
C. It may be unsafe to ride them without helmets. 听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。
11. Who is Jane probably talking to
A. A schoolmate. B. A teacher. C. A close friend.
12. Which course does Jane like now
A. History of art.
B. Ancient Indian history.
C. History and politics in Latin America.
13. What is Jane likely to do this weekend
A. Go to a party. B. Work on a paper. C. Have a meal with the man.
听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 17 题。
14. How did the woman know about the agency
A. From a colleague. B. From the newspaper. C. From the Internet.
15. Why does the woman want to rent a flat on King Street
A. The rent there is low.
B. The street is quiet at night.
C. The street is near her company.
16. How much does the woman have to pay in advance if she rents the flat
A. $1,500. B. $1,600. C. $1,800.
17. What will the woman do next Wednesday
A. Have meetings. B. Go on a business trip. C. Tour the flat.
听第 10 段材料,回答第 18 至 20 题。
18. Where is the ship
A. 3,000 meters beneath the ice.
B. 1,000 meters beneath the ice.
C. 300 meters beneath the ice.
19. How did the British explorer feel about the ship
A. A little frightened. B. A bit dissatisfied. C. Very surprised.
20. What did the exploring team do to the ship
A. They lifted it from the deep sea.
B. They left it in the deep sea.
C. They took away some parts of it.
第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)
第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Instead of working overtime in hopes of getting a pay rise, maybe you should go to the gym, as it
高一英语学科 试题 第 2页(共 8 页)
could make you just as happy as that extra money.
An interesting new study shows people who are physically active have a greater sense of well-being(幸福) than those who are inactive, and that active people feel as good as inactive people who earn$25,000 more per year.
Researchers from Oxford and Yale Universities used data collected from 1.2 million Americans. They were asked, "How many times have you felt mentally unwell in the past 30 days, for example because of stress, depression, or emotional problems " They were also asked about their exercise habits, choosing from 75 different physical activities, including mowing the lawn, doing housework ,running, weightlifting, and cycling.
The researchers found that people who exercised often felt bad for an average of 35 days per year while inactive people felt bad for an additional 18 days. All exercise types had a good influence. Social physical activities, for example team sports, were considered to have a better influence although cycling ranked highly.
However, it is possible to get too much exercise. According to a study, the mental health of those who exercised for more than three hours a day suffered more than that of those who weren't physically active.
The proper amount seems to be three to five times per week, lasting 30 to 60 minutes each. 21. What’s mainly talked about in the first two paragraphs
A. Doing exercise brings happiness. B. Working overtime is bad for our health.
C. Going to the gym can help get a pay rise. D. Exercising can make us healthy. 22. What does the underlined word “They ”in Paragraph 3 refer to
A.Oxford and Yale Universities B. the physical activities
C. the researchers D. 1.2 million Americans
23. In which part of a newspaper can we find the passage
A. Problems and Advice B. Sports and Health
C. Sports and Wealth D. Education and Health
Children are excited to find brightly wrapped(包装的) presents under the tree on Christmas morning. They can't wait to open the wrapping and get the toys that were on their wish lists, such as toy cars. But after the excitement wears off, those toys are usually left to the corner of the toy box and the kids are searching for something else to do. But it doesn't have to be that way.
A study from the University of Toronto found that giving your child experiences as a gift, instead of toys, improves your child's intelligence and makes stronger parent-child bonds. “Often the focus is only on whether someone likes a gift rather than focusing on a fundamental purpose of gift giving. Knowing that will foster(培养) relationships between the giver and the receiver,” said lead researcher Cindy Chan.
Chan suggested that when you are buying a holiday gift or birthday gift, you should buy something that kids can experience with you. This can be movie or concert tickets, a CD from a performance you already saw to keep the memory alive. For example, for kids, a trip to a museum, going ice-skating or a book that the family can read together over and over again are valuable gifts.
It is found that giving your kids too many toys can be counterproductive(适得其反) and make kids at a loss. The best way to make kids happy is to spend time together.
So, if you want happy and intelligent kids, spending time with them and making memories are the best
高一英语学科 试题 第 3页(共 8 页)
gifts you can give them. That's not to say that there shouldn't be any toys but change the focus from getting things to making lasting memories.
24. How do children usually deal with toys after the excitement disappears
A. They put them aside. B. They give them to their friends.
C. They add them to the wish lists. D. They throw them into the rubbish bin. 25. What should people focus on when buying gifts according to Cindy Chan
A. The advantage of giving toys. B. The purpose of giving gifts.
C. The excitement caused by toys. D. The gift receiver's hobby.
26. What did Cindy Chan advise parents to do in Paragraph 3
A. Do something together with kids. B. Give kids well-wrapped presents.
C. Buy kids as many toys as possible. D. Encourage kids to do sport in school.
27. What is the best title for the text
A. A lesson from kids at Christmas B. The pleasure of giving and receiving
C. Valuable gifts: popular among kids D. Move over toys, and make room for memories
When Clara Harlowe Barton was 11 years old, her older brother was seriously injured in a fall. Barton spent two years nursing him back to health until he fully got well. Although she had this early nursing experience, Barton would not work as a nurse until later in life.
At the age of seventeen, Barton worked as a teacher in Massachusetts. Twelve years later, she opened the first free public school in New Jersey. The school grew from only six students on the first day of classes to more than 200 students by the end of the school year. When the school opened in the fall of 1853, Barton was surprised to learn that a man had been hired as the school’s head teacher, being paid twice her salary ( 工 资) to run the school that she had set up and made successful. Outraged at this news, she quit her teaching position. “I may sometimes be willing to teach for nothing, but if paid at all, I shall never do a man’s work for less than a man’s pay,” she said.
In 1861, the Civil War began; Barton began collecting supplies ( 补 给 ) and got passes from the government to send her supplies and services to the front line and field hospitals. And then she became known as the “Angel of the Battlefield” .
In 1869, Barton took a trip to Switzerland where she learned about the International Red Cross. Later, Barton set up the American Red Cross. Under Barton’s leadership, the American Red Cross helped thousands of people in need.
During her lifetime, Barton gave her life and effort to the service and the care of others as a teacher, a Civil War nurse, and founder of the American Red Cross.
28. What does the underlined word “Outraged” in Paragraph 2 mean
A. Sad. B. Moved. C. Angry. D. Frightened.
29. Why was Barton called the “Angel of the Battlefield”
A. She set up a field hospital. B. She provided supplies for soldiers.
C. She did a man’s work in the front line. D. She helped thousands of people in need. 30. What made Barton set up the American Red Cross
A. Her brother’s serious injury. B. Her dream to become a nurse.
C. Her experience in Switzerland. D. The soldiers ’ encouraging praise.
高一英语学科 试题 第 4页(共 8 页)
31. What is the text mainly about
A. Barton’s life of service to people in need.
B. Barton’s rich experiences at different ages.
C. Why Barton set up the American Red Cross.
D. How Barton opened the first free public school.
If you expect to work in the future in the travel industry, you should begin learning Chinese.
That's because Chinese people spent nearly $258 billion in total on international travel last year. That's more than twice the combined amount spent on international travel by people from the United States and Germany, the next two biggest-spending nations. The Chinese are relative(相对的)newcomers when it comes to traveling beyond their nation's borders and only a small percentage of them travel outside of China each year. Given the size of that nation's population, even that small percentage represents well over 100 million Chinese travelers to foreign destinations.
Yet Chinese citizens flew, on average, just 65 miles last year vs. the 227 miles flown on average by US residents(居民), the 285 miles flown on average by Germans, the 271 miles flown on average by those from the United Kingdom, and the 632 miles flown by the average Canadian last year.
China's high total spending on international travel and its low average number of miles flown on international travel may show that while only a small percentage of China's residents actually travel outside their homeland, those who do spend a lot of money don't go that far. But there are reasons for China's low average of miles travel on international trips. A small percentage of Chinese now have enough money to travel internationally, while the number of people who do travel outside of China is growing fast every year. Besides, a large percentage of Chinese people traveling abroad stay close to home.
However, as more and more Chinese gain the financial ability to travel internationally and as Chinese become more and more interested in visiting destinations farther and farther away from home, their
spending on international travel and the average distances flown will both rise rapidly.
32. Why is it important to learn Chinese for the future work in travel industry
A .Because being good at Chinese is a must for future work.
B .Because Chinese is most commonly used in travel industry.
C .Because, travel industry requires employees to learn Chinese.
D .Because China will probably be a big-spending nation in international travel
33 .What can we infer from Paragraph 2
A. There is indeed great potential in Chinese travel market.
B. People from different countries have different preferred destinations.
C. Chinese people are more willing to travel abroad compared with Canadians.
D. People going on a journey around the world hate taking international planes.
34 .In what countries may many Chinese people choose to travel at present
A. North America. B. Developing countries.
C. Southeast Asia. D. European countries.
35 .Which of the following words can best describe the future of Chinese people's traveling abroad A. Hopeless. B. Bright. C. Confusing. D. Unclear.
高一英语学科 试题 第 5页(共 8 页)
第二节(共 5 小题:每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)
Protecting Your Eyesight
Nowadays most people have bad eyesight. Don’t take your eyes for granted. Here are some tips on protecting your eyesight.
Eat for good vision.
Protecting your eyes starts with the food on your plate. Nutrients such as vitamin C and vitamin E may help avoid vision problems. 36. You can choose green vegetables, eggs, beans and other non-meat protein sources.
Wear sunglasses for good vision.
37. Choose sunglasses that block 99% to 100% of both UVA and UVB rays. If you wear contact lenses, choose the ones that offer UV protection. It’s still a good idea to wear sunglasses for more protection.
Quit smoking.
Smoking makes you more likely to get cataracts, optic nerve damage, and macular degeneration (黄斑 退化). If you have tried to quit smoking before and started smoking again, keep trying. The more times you try to quit smoking, the more likely you are to succeed.
Staring at a computer screen can cause so many problems: dry eyes, headaches and neck, back and shoulder pain. To protect your eyes, you can position your computer so that your eyes are level with the top of the monitor. This allows you to look slightly down at the screen. Try to avoid glare on your computer from windows and lights. Use an anti-glare screen if needed. Every 20 minutes, rest your eyes by looking 20 feet away for 20 seconds. 39.
Visit your eye doctor regularly.
Everyone, even young children, should get their eyes examined regularly. 40. They can also find some eye diseases, such as glaucoma (青光眼). The earlier diseases are found, the easier they are to be treated.
A. Eye exams help you protect your sight and see your best.
B. Look away from the computer for good eye health.
C. Use safe sunglasses.
D. At least every two hours, get up and take a 15-minute break.
E. Wear glasses when examined under the guidance of your doctor.
F. Regularly eating nutritious foods can lead to good eye health.
G. It will cause your eyesight to fail.
第三部分语言运用(共 15 小题:每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
It's strange, but I don't really remember the hurricane (飓风)itself. It all happened so 41 . I was sitting in my room when the roof (屋顶) just 42 . All of a sudden, there was the sky where the roof had been and I was very 43 . Without a roof, staying inside was really 44 . It was August, so it was really hot and it smelled so 45 everywhere because much rotten food was thrown on the streets! Living
in the 46 air, we became breakfast, lunch and supper for the mosquitos(蚊子). We had lost our home
高一英语学科 试题 第 6页(共 8 页)
and everything in it. But Mom kept on 47 us that whatever happened, we should always try to see the good side of things. Anyway, we were all together and safe. Mom's words made us feel 48 . I remember us all lying under the midnight 49 and looking up at the stars. Even though we had lost a lot, moments like those gave us 50 for the future.
Although it was only a few days before we were 51 , it felt like months. We were taken to another town in a faraway county. Now, one year has 52 and I'm back home in New Orleans. We are working together to 53 our home and our lives. Now we have another chance to look up at the 54 of New Orleans, their beauty inspiring us and giving us 55 to move on.
41. A.frequently B.recently C.quickly D.regularly
42. A.flew off B.went off C.calmed down D.turned up
43. A.frightened B.pleased C.curious D.impressive
44. A.confusing B.hard C.unique D.encouraging
45. A.sweet B.wet C.powerful D.bad
46. A.fresh B.dirty C.cold D.open
47. A.watching B.improving C.reminding D.ignoring
48. A.better B.worse C.hotter D.harder
49. A.bed B.sky C.atmosphere D.site
50. A.money B.hope C.time D.safety
51. A.rescued B.requested C.recommended D.remembered
52. A.taken B.come C.approached D.passed
53. A.organize B.decorate C.rebuild D.arrange
54. A.buildings B.roofs C.houses D.stars
55. A.comfort B.confidence C.challenge D.direction
第一节(共 10 小题:每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
On the 56. (one) day of my high school life in the USA, I showed a great interest in one of the 57. (lecture), marketing lecture. My teacher, Mrs.Tolman, 58. (recommend) that I should register a national marketing club 59. (call) DECA which attracts many students with interest in business. So I did. The biggest challenge was 60. (collect) money for the marketing competition later in the year by selling candles. Mrs.Tolman said the competition was due in a week and that 40 percent of the income would go into my personal account, 61. made me 62. (addict) to the selling. At 63. beginning, I tried to sell some candles to my host mom. She said that if I could show the candles 64. (confident) and do a wonderful sales presentation, she would certainly buy some. I started my topic with a firm handshake. Then I focused 65. all the different kinds of candles and the special sales I could offer and convinced her that our candles were the best choice for gifts and home decorations. Finally she bought three candles.
第二节 单词拼写(共 10 小题:每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)
66. People have always wanted to learn more about space, so countries around the world are spending much time and money e space.
高一英语学科 试题 第 7页(共 8 页)
67. Over 10,000 a from 45 countries and regions in Asia took part in the 19th Asian Games. 68. Sports teach us to accept challenges and face difficulties with d .
69. ---Coffee or tea
--- I’d p tea,thanks.
70. The film star wears sunglasses. Therefore, he can go shopping without being r .
71. It is said that the early European playing-cards were d for entertainment and education. 72. Her face was wet with tears and o she was very upset.
73. Who would spend 5000 dollars on a bag It makes no s .
74. Nearly half of the freshmen think that their schedule is too tight at s high school, which is totally different from junior school.
75. I am writing to a for the post of volunteer for our school English association . 第三节 应用文写作(共 1 小题,满分 15 分)
假设你是高一学生李华,应学生会的邀请,写一篇文章向同学们推荐一项在校的课外体育运动, 旨在激发同学们的运动热情,内容包括:
1. 运动的名称;
2. 推荐的理由;
3. 温馨的提示。
1. 词数 80 左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
高一英语学科 试题 第 8页(共 8 页)



上一篇:河北省廊坊市广阳区2023-2024九年级上学期11月期中物理试题( 无答案)
