人教版九年级上册Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.随堂练习(含答案)

From the very beginning of our studies,we have been aware that many Chinese characters can change their
pronunciations in different contexts.
But how will you feel if you're told that many of the pronunciations we learned in textbooks will be
considered incorrect
Last month,an article titled "Chinese characters whose pronunciations have changed"caused heated
discussions on Sina Weibo.The article claimed that some pronunciations,which were previously considered to
have been misread,are now deemed correct.They include the characters in well-known sentences from ancient
One example is by Du Mu from the Tang dynasty."L go by slanting stony path to the cold hill;Where rise
white clouds,there appear cottages and bowers."
Many interet users disagreed with the changes.They argued that altering pronunciations would"change the
rhyme of the sentences in poems,ruining the beauty of Chinese literature".
According to CGTN,supporters of the change say "This is how language advances,and the pronunciations
should adapt to the needs of society,rather than remain in the past."
An official from the Ministry of Education responded,saying that most of the so-called "new"
pronunciations have not yet been confirmed.However,according to the fifth and sixth editions of the Modern
Chinese Dictionary,quite a few pinyin spellings have already been changed:(dai,first tone,ai,second
tone)and确凿(zao,second tone,.原zuo,fourth tone)
"In some sense,pronunciation is a choice between the most popular version and the version with the longest
history,"professor Zhang Yiwu told China Daily.
1.Many Chinese characters will change their
based on different contexts.
A.structures B.meanings C.spellings
2.The article which was heatedly discussed talks about
A.some misread pronunciations are right now
B.Chinese characters can change their meanings in the contexts
C.many false pronunciations in Chinese
D.some well-known sentences in ancient poems
3.Which is the correct translation of the underlined poems in the passage
4.Why do people support the change
A.Because they want to make a new language
B.Because they think the old language should be replaced.
C.Because they think the language should fit the needs of society
D.Because they don't like ancient poems.
5.According to the last paragraph,what is Zhang Yiwu's attitude
I was not a confident person before.That's because I was fat and others often1me.As a result,I
became very shy.I was scared to say hello to strangers,let alone talk or hang out with them.I was afraid to ask
simple questions and speak loud 2others.It seemed that I felt afraid of 3 in my life.I used to believe
that I would be like this all my life.
But one day,my friend Paul's words changed my mind.He4 me to change myself.He said,"If you can
give it a try,you still 5 make a change.But if you 6 try,your life is only going to get worse."I was
blown away by what he said.After all,I had nothing to lose.Why not have a try
一、1-5 DACCD
二、1-5 CDADB 6-10 BACCD
1.widely 2.a 3.Finding 4.chances 5.have traveled/have travelled
6.which/that 7.third 8.to 9.are 10.better
Dear Mary,
How is everything going with you I am writing to tell you the changes in my hometown.
Great changes have taken place in my hometown. In the past, there were only narrow dirty roads with rubbish everywhere, but now there are wide and clean streets with trees. And we used to live in small old houses, but now we have new flats in tall buildings. We used to go out on foot or by bike and we seldom went out. But now we can go out by taxi, by car, by air, by train or by subway, and we can go abroad and travel on line. We used to write letters to each other, but now we communicate by mobile phones. In our spare time, we used to listen to radio or watch TV, but now we have computers and the Internet.
Li Hua



