吉林省吉林市2023-2024高三上学期第一次模拟考试 英语(含答案 含听力音频及原文)

英 语 试 题
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
1. Where did the woman probably go on vacation
A. In a town. B. In the mountains. C. On some beaches.
2. What does the man advise the woman to do
A. Put on safety equipment.
B. Ride her bike more slowly.
C. Drive to another park.
3. What will the speakers probably do next
A. Visit the woman’s mother.
B. Learn to cook noodles.
C. Go to a restaurant.
4. Why does the woman apologize to the man
A. She lost his bags. B. She ran into him. C. She forgot his name.
5. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. How to treat others.
B. How to support a family.
C. How to find a great job.
6. How does the woman suggest the man travel
A. By car. B. By bus. C. By subway.
7. Why will the man go to the city center
A. To find a job. B. To take a class. C. To meet his friend.
8. Where are the speakers
A. In the man’s house.
B. In a clothing store.
C. In a design company.
9. What does the woman say about her business
A. It focuses on personal needs.
B. It only provides formal clothing.
C. It attracts mainly young customers.
10. When will the wedding take place
A. In one week. B. In four weeks. C. In one year.
11. Who is the man
A. A manager. B. A secretary. C. An interviewee.
12. Which line of business is the company in
A. Clothing. B. Education. C. Electronics.
13. How does the woman respond to the man’s lack of work experience
A. It might be an issue.
B. It won’t be a problem.
C. She needs more information.
14. Why is the woman nervous about meeting the man’s sister
A. Because his sister doesn’t invite her.
B. Because she’s never met his sister before.
C. Because she doesn’t know how to talk to strangers.
15. What does the man offer to do for the woman first
A. Introduce her to others.
B. Prepare some food for her.
C. Show her around the room.
16. What is the man’s attitude towards the people at the party
A. Positive. B. Negative. C. Indifferent.
17. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Friends.
B. Brother and sister.
C. Father and daughter.
18. What does the man give the speech for
A. To introduce the sales and marketing director.
B. To congratulate the employees on their achievement.
C. To express his gratitude for everyone’s hard work.
19. What will the listeners receive today
A. More vacation days.
B. Three new products.
C. An extra payment.
20. What is the speaker most proud of
A. The teamwork of the employees.
B. The development of their product.
C. The performance of the team.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
第1节(共 15 小题;每小题2.5分,满分 37.5分)
Love hiking but don’t want to have a heavy backpack for days on end We’ve found four great walks around Australia.
● Three Capes Walk
Where: Tasmania
Length: Three days
The pièce de résistance of a hike in this remote southeast corner of Tasmania has to be a flight over, or cruise(航行) underneath, Cape Pillar–the tallest sea cliffs in the Southern Hemisphere. Here you’ll find 300-metre-high sea columns rising from the ocean. The equally impressive Cape Raoul – only accessible by hikers – will also give you a taste of the dramatic, raw beauty to come.
● Great Ocean Walk
Where: Victoria
Length: Three days
The 243-kilometre long Great Ocean Road is an Australian National Heritage – listed area famed for its surf beaches and the Twelve Apostles – limestone(石灰岩) stacks rising out of the Southern Ocean. It takes more than a week to walk the full length, but this hike ensures you see the best bits over three days.
● Larapinta Trail &Red Center Walk
Where: Northern Territory
Length: Nine days
If you haven’t experienced the beating heart of Australia, this is the way to do it. Walk part of the Larapinta Trail, a 231-kilometre path that follows the rocky spine of the West MacDonnell Ranges from Alice Springs Telegraph Station to Mount Sonder.
● Light to Light Walk
Where: New South Wales
Length: Four days
The Sapphire Coast was named after a gem because of its deep blue sparkling waters. A hike here takes you deep into this dramatic landscape from striking 320-million-year old red rocky outcrops to coastal forests. Glide along its dynamic waters on a cruise to take in the birdlife, and if you’re lucky, you might even spot a dolphin or, from May to November, a migrating whale.
21. What can you appreciate in “Three Capes Walk”
A. The Twelve Apostles. B. The Larapinta Trail.
C. Cape Pillar. D. The Sapphire Coast.
22. What can you do while hiking in New South Wales
A. Appreciate the birdlife along the dynamic waters.
B. See limestone stacks rising out of the Southern Ocean.
C. Spot a dolphin or a migrating whale from March to November.
D. Walk a 231-kilometre path to experience the beating heart of Australia.
23. Which of the following has the longest length of a visit for the tourists
A. Victoria. B. Northern Territory.
C. New South Wales. D. Tasmania.
Phebe Cox grew up in what might seem an unlikely mental health danger zone for a kid: tony Palo Alto, California. But behind its surface of family success and wealth, she said, is an environment of heavy pressure on students to perform. By 2016, when Cox was in middle school, Palo Alto had a teen suicide(自杀) rate four times the national average.
Cox’s family lived by the railroad tracks where many of the suicides occurred. She got counseling(咨询). But that choice is not always easily available to teens in crisis – and she and her peers regarded school mental health services as their last choice because of concerns about privacy.
A new program provides an alternative. Called Allcove, it offers unattached health and wellness sites to those ages 12 to 25. Although Allcove is built to support a wide range of physical, emotional and social needs, its main goal is to deal with mental health challenges before they develop into deeper problems.
Cox said,“I felt pretty helpless as a young teenager, but Allcove is all about the students and the students' needs.”
About half of all lifetime mental illness begins by age 14 and 75% before age 25, according to researchers. Yet access to mental health care in the U.S. is lacking. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, some 30 million adults and children with mental health conditions go without treatment, and 129 million people live in areas with shortages of mental health professionals.
Allcove provides fully staffed safe spaces for teens and young adults to discuss and deal with their health, both mental and physical.
Dr. Steven Adelsheim, a psychiatrist, who created the Allcove in 2014, said,“There is a crying need in the U.S. to reach kids with early intervention and help.”Sometimes a kid may come in with a physical complaint, and only after a few visits is the mental suffering brought out into the open. When that happens, Alcove can make a“warm handoff”to a mental health specialist onsite.
Success, say Adelsheim and Cox, would mean the establishment of hundreds of Allcove centers up and down the state and, eventually, around the country.
24. Why did Cox and her peers regard school mental health services as their last choice
A. They were indifferent to the program.
B. They were concerned about their health.
C. They were upset about the occurrence of the suicides.
D. They were worried about their personal information leak.
25. How does the author prove the lack of mental health care in the US
A. By giving examples.
B. By listing data.
C. By showing comparison.
D. By analyzing cause and effect.
26. What does the underlined word “that” in paragraph 7 mean
A. The sense of mental suffering.
B. Involvement of health experts.
C. Complaints about physical suffering.
D. The pressing call for assistance.
27. Which of the following best describes the impact of the program
A. Predictable. B. Short-lived. C. Unidentifiable. D. Significant.
A revolution has recently taken place in behavioural biology. Its consequences are far-reaching, both for our self-image as humans and for our relationship with animals. Just a few decades ago, behavioural science was guided by two key beliefs: animals cannot think, and no scientific statements can be made about their emotions. Today, the same discipline holds both ideas to be false and assumes the very opposite: animals of some species are capable of insight – they can recognize themselves in a mirror and exhibit at least a basic sense of self-awareness – and they have rich emotional lives that seem to be amazingly similar to those of humans.
Indeed, the transformation of the concept of the animal in modern behavioural biology has been fundamental. This has been confirmed by the death of a third belief: for decades, it was taught that animals behave for the good of their species. Today we know this is not the case. Rather, animals do everything to ensure that copies of their own genes are passed to the next generation with maximum efficiency and, when necessary, they will also kill conspecifics. Clearly, they are not, as Jane Goodall had once famously hoped, ‘like us, but better’.
The border between humans and animals is also beginning to blur in other areas. Certain aspects of the social environment can cause stress for both humans and animals, while other similar factors can relieve it. Indeed, animal behaviour does not develop in a fixed manner: environmental influences, socialisation, and learning can change an animal from the prenatal phase(胎儿期) through adulthood. Like humans, animals ultimately appear individualised upon closer inspection.
However, such similarities across genes, brain structure, and the endocrine(内分泌的) system do not automatically imply similarities concerning thoughts, feelings, and behaviour. To better understand these characteristics, we need to look at specific studies in both animals and humans. In the case of animals, such studies take place within the field of behavioural biology, which was properly defined by one of the fathers of the discipline, the Nobel Prize winner Nikolaas Tinbergen, as ‘the study of behaviour by biological methods’.
28. According to the new research, some animals___________.
A. possess rich emotions.
B. can hardly recognize themselves.
C. can show little self-awareness.
D. are incapable of understanding.
29. It can be inferred that animals’ behavioural actions are mainly driven by __________.
A. their desire to protect their species.
B. their ability to recognize themselves in mirrors.
C. their urge to guarantee the gene transmission.
D. their eagerness to be socially interacted.
30. Which of the following statements is true according to Paragraph 3
A. There’s a clear distinction between humans and animals.
B. Social environment may have an impact on animal behavior.
C. Animals will eventually become standardized.
D. Learning alone can shape animal behaviour altogether.
31.Which of the following titles best summarizes the article
A. Evolution of Views in Behavioral Biology: Typical Human, Typical Animal
B. The Emotional Lives of Animals: A Study of Similarities and Differences with Humans
C. Understanding the Blurred Boundaries: The Human – Animal Connection in Modern Science
D. Past and Present: How Behavioral Biology Views Animals
Behind the Mask
Wearing the face of Patih Manis, a character in Bali’s dance dramas, means more than simply putting on a tapel, or mask.
“When you dance with a tapel and perform its character, you undergo a transformation,”says I Made Bandem, a scholar and teacher of Balinese arts – and a dancer for seven decades. “You must‘marry’that mask and make ritual(仪式) offerings to create unity between yourself and the tapel. Many dancers will sleep with the mask beside them, so that they can learn its true character.”
Hand – carved tapel are essential to Topeng Pajegan and Topeng Panca, dance dramas often held at temple festivals and family rituals across this Indonesian island. The masks, along with delicate costumes, music that makes you sleep, and staccato movements – sometimes only of the fingers – have attracted Balinese audiences since the 17th century. The stories staged in Pajegan and Panca tell the history of the Balinese people, and the characters never change: Their appearance, movements, roles, and even the order in which they emerge remain the same. Yet in spite of this structure, topeng leave room for a great deal of artistic freedom. With no written text and no required musical arrangement, the entire performance which can last around four hours will be an improvisation – dancers and musicians drawing signals from one another.
It’s believed that every mask used for performance has a spirit. And if the correct offerings and taboos have been observed and the dancers have devoted themselves to mental, physical, and spiritual training, then during a dance drama their bodies will become a medium for the tapel’s spirit.
“A dancer strives to achieve taksu, which is a combination of presence, power, and passion, ”says Bandem.“This is what we pray for before we perform; it is through taksu that we bring the ancestors and their stories to life.”
32. What can we learn about tapel from the first two paragraphs
A. Tapel refers to a character’s name.
B. Tapel is supposed to be with the dancers all along.
C. Tapel builds a bridge between the dancer and the true character.
D. Tapel experiences dramatic changes when worn by a dancer.
33. All the following can attract the audience at the dance dramas mentioned except________.
A. Well-designed costumes.
B. Balinese stories.
C. Uplifting music.
D. Artistic freedom.
34. Which one can better explain the meaning of “improvisation” in the third paragraph
A. A performance created casually.
B. A performance with full preparation.
C. A performance given perfectly terribly.
D. A performance without deliberate preparation.
35. What is the main idea of the last paragraph
A. Taksu is a Balinese dancer’s pursuit.
B. The story behind the mask.
C. Tapel’s spirit is impossible to overlook.
D. Taksu is a medium to connect the past and the present.
The Habits of Recovering Procrastinators(拖延者)
We all procrastinate (拖延) occasionally. Procrastination can be defined as delaying a project, a task or an intended course of action, despite expecting to feel the guilt or shame of the delay. I have developed some habits that will allow you to live in the present, be much more productive and remove the procrastination that no longer serves you.
Manage yourself in Time. Becoming a recovering procrastinator requires developing a much greater sense of time — one hour, one day, one week, one month, one year. 36
You then gain a better understanding of how to manage your time effectively and make steady progress towards your goals.
Set small goals. _ 37 They desire to have a half-a-million-dollar year in their first year as a business owner or to make a remarkable leap from a high-school actor to winning an Oscar. Instead, what typically happens is that they fall apart emotionally. Those breakdowns lessen the emotional energy necessary to progress toward their goals.
38 If you tend to procrastinate, keeping an organized list helps you develop much more focus. By actively committing your tasks to writing, you break free from the aimless spinning and equip yourself to overcome procrastination.
Rank tasks by importance. Develop the habit of organizing your tasks based on their significance. 39 This way, you’ll prevent yourself from getting overwhelmed and ensure that essential work gets done.
Don’t be too hard on yourself. Overcoming procrastination is a journey filled with ups and downs. 40 Remember to be kind and patient with yourself along the way. You’ve got this, and I believe in you.
A. Document your tasks and thoughts.
B. It’s common for procrastinators to aim high.
C. You can establish a daily or weekly timetable.
D. Overcome procrastination with organized focus.
E. Identify the most critical ones and tackle them first.
F. This is breaking down tasks into manageable time frames.
G. You’ll encounter roadblocks and experience moments of frustration.
第三部分 语言知识运用 (共两节,满分30分)
第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
If the plant could thrive(茁壮成长), maybe I could too, even with cancer.
After my cancer diagnosis (诊断), my friend gifted me a lucky bamboo plant in a deep-green pottery bowl. Despite my physical limitations, 41 the green plant became an achievement during a time when I felt 42 .
As a family physician used to 43 care, now I was the one relying on others. The
44 change left me feeling unsettled. Watering the plant, as small an act as it was, 45
me to my old identity and taught me I could still be a caregiver and be 46 .
Through surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy (化疗), I 47 looking after the plant, and it thrived, so did my 48 .
But then, 49 , its leaves kept browning and dropping to the floor. The 50 of its struggles made me frustrated and uneasy. I seemingly related its struggle to my own health, fearing it 51 the return of my tumor (肿瘤).
As my anxiety eased, I 52 guidance online to figure out how to better take care of the poor little thing. Following the 53 found, I transplanted it to a larger pot, allowing more room and nutrients it required. When it returned to the sunny window, we both began to thrive again!
Now, the lucky bamboo was not just a 54 item in my home but a representation of life, and the ability to find 55 even in challenging circumstances.
41. A. looking for B. picking up C. digging up D. caring for
42. A. useless B. painless C. selfless D. desireless
43. A. respecting B. persuading C. showing D. providing
44. A. gradual B. positive C. enormous D. complex
45. A. connected B. recommended C. added D. sent
46. A. focused on B. brought up C. picked up D. depended on
47. A. delayed B. continued C. avoided D. considered
48. A. optimism B. career C. opportunity D. lesson
49. A. originally B. possibly C. mysteriously D. approximately
50. A. attitudes B. signs C. meanings D. outcomes
51. A. affected B. mirrored C. tested D. prevented
52. A. exchanged B. shared C. appreciated D. sought
53. A. instructions B. commands C. schedules D. trends
54. A. flexible B. sustainable C. decorative D. sensitive
55. A. company B. hope C. aid D. creativity
First-time visitors to Chengdu may find it to be a city with rich cultural heritage. The emblem(标志) of a gold leaf, 56 (feature) four flying birds surrounding the sun, can be seen everywhere in the city. The emblem, which represents Chengdu, 57
(choose) as the symbol of China Cultural Heritage by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage in 2005.
After the discovery of the Sanxingdui Ruins in the city of Guanghan in 1929, 58
was believed to be one of Sichuan’s most important archaeological finds, a 3,000-year-old gold-leaf sunbird was unearthed at the Jinsha Ruins in 2001. In 2018, Chengdu made the decision 59 (become) a world cultural city. In recent years, Chengdu’s efforts to globalize have accelerated, 60 a series of major international cultural and sports activities have been held, laying the foundation for it to build 61 into a world-famous tourist city.
Chengdu’s 62 (attract) range from giant pandas 63 the poetic legacy of the Du Fu Thatched Cottage. Hidden in thick greenery, the Temple of Marquis Wu was built as 64 memorial hall in honor of Zhuge Liang and now China’s personification of loyalty and wisdom. The city also offers a museum including a cottage modelled after the poetic descriptions of Du Fu, one of China's 65 (great) poets, emphasizing his influence on Chinese literature.
第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
1. 对格言进行解释;
2. 结合个人经历谈论意义或启示。
3.题目已为你写好My Favourite Proverb。
参考内容: 1. A thousand-mile journey begins with the first step. –Laozi
2. Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.
My Favourite Proverb
第3节 (满分25分)
I was nineteen years old the first time I saw my own true character. At least I can say that my true character changed that day.
For about a year, my voyage to and from work each day included a ten-minute walk through the heart of downtown Toronto. As with most large cities, the homeless population of Toronto often gathered on down-town corners, asking pedestrians (行人)for their spare change. Like most busy citizens, I learned to ignore the nameless faces who begged me for money each day. In my eyes, they are on the streets because they choose to be.
I remember how particularly cold the weather had been that day. I passed the usual crowd of homeless beggars, ignored all of them, and continued walking. As I crossed an intersection (交叉路口), I saw him sitting against a building, holding a white cup in front of him. I heard his shaky voice target me as I sped past him.
“Spare some change ” he asked.
I didn’t even bother looking up at his nameless face. “I have no money on me,” I said quickly.
Looking back now, I feel as though fate had set out that day to teach me a lesson. Just a few feet past him, I slipped on the icy road. I lay on the ground for several moments wondering if I had broken my leg. Then I heard a familiar voice only inches above me.
“Are you all right ” he asked.
I knew immediately that this was the man I had just rushed past. I saw the smooth, sympathetic look in his eyes.
I held his hand as I struggled to get to my feet. He held my arm as I hobbled(跛行)to the nearby bus stop. The pain in my leg told me that I needed an X-ray.
“My name is Mike,” he said. “You really shouldn’t try walking on that leg. You really need to get it checked by a doctor,” he said with deep concern.
“This bus goes past the hospital,” I said quickly, pointing to the bus sign above me.
Mike paused and a sudden look of realization crossed his face. ________________
I turned away from his offering hand and reached for my purse.________________
★ 保密·启用前 ★
高三英语试题 第1页 (共12页)吉林市2023-2024学年度高中毕业年级第一次模拟测试参考答案
1-5 BACBA 6 -10 CCBAB 11-15 CCBBA 16-20 AABCA
A篇:21-23 CAB
B篇:24-27 DBAD
C篇:28-31 ACBA
D篇:32-35 CCDA
七选五:36-40 FBAEG
41-45 DADCA 46-50 DBACB 51-55 BDACB
56.featuring 57.was chosen 58.which 59.to become 60.and
61.itself 62.attractions 63.to 64.a 65.greatest
五、写作 应用文参考范文
My Favourite Proverb
My favourite proverb is “A thousand-mile journey begins with the first step.”, which means we should take the first step with courage to pursue our dream rather than just shout empty slogans without taking any action.
My personal experience is a case in point. At senior 1, I had difficulty keeping up with others in English. At that time, I had two choices. I could choose to give up and also I could choose to find out the root of the problem and seek solutions. I chose the latter. I took immediate steps and made determined efforts to improve my English step by step. I began with reciting words and reviewing them several times. To others, it was seemingly too easy to mention. But to me, it was a key step for me to improve my English. If excelling at English is my long journey, I am glad that I took the first step bravely and determinedly in senior 1.
This proverb can serve as a reminder that long and arduous as the journey ahead is, we can be closer to our dream as long as we are brave enough to take action.
Mike paused, and a look of sudden realization crossed his face. He quickly reached into his pocket and pulled out his small white cup. After counting the mere change carefully in it, he held all out toward me, his eyes brimming with care and sincerity. At that moment, an embarrassed silence struck for a moment. I looked up at him in shock. “I know you have no change,” he said with a smiling face, “but I think there’s just enough here for you to take the bus.” I was overwhelmed with guilt as I remembered the lie I had told him.
I turned away from his offering hand and reached for my purse. I felt Mike’s eyes fixed on me. I counted out enough money for me to take the bus to the hospital and then offered him the rest. “Thank you,” he said quietly. It was by far the most heartfelt “thank-you” I had heard in my life. He clung to his cup of change, cherishing it as if it were the first gift he had received. Despite his gratitude, I didn’t feel relieved. A half cup of change seemed too small a gift for the man who gave a name to every nameless face I’ve ever seen.
Text 1
W: Hey, Bill. Did it feel great to travel somewhere warm
M: Oh, yes. I love New Year’s celebrations in the city, but visiting small island beaches was perfect.
W: That sounds great. I left town to go skiing — the weather in the mountains was so snowy and cold! (1)
Text 2
M: To ensure your safety, please wear protective equipment when riding bicycles in this park. (2)
W: You’re right. I’ll put on something to protect my head and knees.
Text 3
W: I miss the food in my hometown. My mom cooks noodles and dumplings very well.
M: There are some pretty good restaurants in Chinatown. Why don’t we try the dishes there
W: Good idea! I’ll book a table! Let’s go now! (3)
Text 4
W: Oh, my. I almost made you drop your bags! I didn’t see you turning the corner — I’m so sorry for crashing into you! (4)
M: That’s all right, Miss. Accidents happen. At least no one is hurt!
Text 5
W: Tim, never consider anyone as an enemy. Whether they’re your friends, family or even strangers, forgiving others is always better.
M: That’s a great lesson. I first learned this at my job. I learned never to hold things against co-workers.
W: Exactly! (5)
Text 6
M: This afternoon, I must get to Jacob’s house on 14th Street in the city center. (7) But I don’t want to drive in the rush hour.
W: Oh, it’s easy! Go to the 96th Street station and take the subway downtown. (6) You’ll arrive at the 14th Street station in 20 minutes. And you won’t even have to change to a bus.
M: That’s the new subway line.
W: Indeed. Was Jacob your friend from school (7)
M: Yes. (7) He was my classmate in high school. Now, he wants to tell me about his new job.
W: Cool. Have fun!
Text 7
M: Excuse me. I need formal clothing for an event. Can you help me select something (8)
W: Of course, sir. We have a wide range of clothing for you to choose from. (8)
M: OK. I’ve heard your clothing store is the best one in the neighborhood! (8)
W: We’ve been in business for only one year. (9) We can’t serve as many customers as large companies, but we care more about individual needs. (9)
M: Great. I’m invited to my younger brother’s wedding. (10) And I’ll be on stage at the party.
W: I see — this suit looks perfect. But it could take a week to make some changes to fit you.
M: That’s fine. They are going to have the wedding in a month, (10) so I’ll have plenty of time.
Text 8
M: Good morning, madam. I have an interview at 9:00 a.m. with Ms. Thompson. (11)
W: Oh, yes. She’s the hiring manager for our company. I’ll call you into her office when she comes back a few minutes later. For now, please wait in this seating area.
M: Great, thanks. By the way, is there any person like me interviewed for this position today (11)
W: Not really. Our company carefully chooses new staff members to interview. We look closely at their education and work history.
M: I only worked in clothing stores and restaurants when I was in college. This would be my first job after graduation and my first position at an electronics company. (12) Would this be an issue
W: Oh, no. We accept many recent graduates.(13) Unfortunately, the other secretaries and I can’t offer much more specific information on this subject.
M: I see. Thanks for your advice.
Text 9 (第17题为推断题)
M: Thanks for accepting the invitation to my sister’s birthday party, Melissa. (17)Would you like to go and wish her a happy birthday
W: Sure. But she might be surprised to see me since we’ve never met before. So, I feel slightly nervous about talking to her. (14)
M: Relax. She has heard a lot about you from me. She’s really looking forward to seeing you.
W: Oh, that’s so sweet.
M: Let me introduce you to everyone first. (15) Then I’ll show you around the room and we’ll get some food.
W: Great. So, could you introduce me to your sister first
M: Absolutely! She’s just over there with my dad. I know it’s a little crowded here and it might be hard to talk as the music is being played loudly. But don’t worry, everyone will love you!
W: I hope so.
M: Trust me. By far, the best thing about this party is the people here. Everyone is so nice and friendly! (16)
Text 10 (18为归纳总结)
May I have your attention, please I know it’s the end of the day, and everyone is eager to begin your holiday. But I want to give a short speech about the past year. Since the summer, we all have been focusing our efforts on the goal of creating three new products by Chinese New Year. Now, it’s just before Christmas, and we’ve already achieved this goal. So, as this office’s general manager, I’d like to congratulate you all first.
Second, I’ve communicated with the board members over the last few days, and we have decided that everyone will be going home with a holiday gift. I still remember the extra vacation days we got last year. But by the end of today, everyone will receive a significant holiday bonus. (19) It will be twice as much as last year. We all should be proud of our product development and sales figures. This extra payment is given for your excellent performance. But more than the money, (19) my greatest honor was watching everyone work well together as a team. (20)
So, before we all leave for the day, our sales and marketing director will say a few words. Please, put your hands together for her…



上一篇:人教版2023-2024七年级数学上学期第三次月考模拟卷 (原卷+解析卷)
