
2023. 11
第一部分 听对话回答问题。
1. What is Sandy's animal sign
A. B. C.
2. Which way does the girl like best to learn about the world
A. B. C.
3. What does the boy think the girl can be
A. B. C.
4. What is Simon doing now
A. B. C.
5. Who gave the girl a dog for her birthday
A. Her parents. B. Her aunt. C. Her uncle.
6. What color does Tara probably like best
A. Pink. B. Yellow. C. Purple.
7. Where is Susan probably now
A. At home B. In the school. C. In a hospital.
8. When does the next bus come
A. At about 5: 00. B. At about 5: 15. C. At about 5: 30.
9. Why did Jane refuse to go to the party
A. Because she disliked Joey. B. Because she had to attend a meeting.
C. Because she had to buy some medicine.
10. What does the girl mean
A. Ben can't be trusted. B. Ben always keeps his promises.
C. Ben will go on a trip with others.
第二部分 听对话和短文回答问题。
11. How does Jenny improve her English
A. By listening to English news. B. By reading English newspapers.
C. By talking with her foreign friends.
12. What is Jenny
A. A college student B. A middle school student. C. A primary school student.
The Youth Center
Location Next to the Ocean Park
Open hours 13 .
Clubs Hip-hop Club, 14 and so on.
Cost Free for teenagers.
Contact Call Miss Lee on 15 .
13. A. 7: 00 a. m. -9: 00 p. m B. 8: 00 a. m. -9: 00 p. m. C. 9: 00 a. m. -10: 00 p. m.
14. A. Art Club B. Music Club C. Sports Club
15. A. 88586676 B. 88856676 C. 88586776
16. What did the girl want for her birthday
A. A table tennis DVD. B. Table tennis rackets. C. A computer game about sports.
17. What docs the girl say about Malong
A. He never seems to fall ill. B. He never loses a match. C. He never seems to get tired.
18. How many international competitions has Malong won
A. 15. B. 25. C. 35.
19. Who does the girl play table tennis for
A. Her class team. B. Her school team. C. The table tennis club in the city.
20. What did the girl's parents do for her birthday
A. They gave her a special DVD. B. They invited Malong to her party.
C. They took her to watch a table tennis match
If you love reading books, you must know about the book The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain. The book is quite interesting and popular among kids. Even if I am an adult now, the book is 21 one of my favorites. After re-reading the book recently, I have 22 an important lesson from Tom Sawyer.
In our daily lives, we are often given some boring or tiring 23 . What's in your mind when your mother 24 you to do some chores (琐事) Have you ever wanted to complain (抱怨) I think most people have.
Tom Sawyer, however, had a different thought when he was given a boring task. One day, Aunt Polly told Tom to 25 the fence (篱笆) . Tom was doing his job when his friend Ben Rogers happened to pass by. Instead of complaining, Tom told Ben that he felt “ 26 ” about the task. “Only one in a thousand— maybe even two thousand— boys can do this!”
Tom said Tom's words made Ben interested in the task. He even gave Tom his apple so that he could have a 27 to paint the fence. If Tom had thought about 28 but complaining, he would have had a bad day painting the fence.
This story teaches me a valuable lesson: Complaining is 29 . The next time you are given a boring or tiring task, don't complain. Unlike what happens in the story of Tom Sawyer, it is unlikely that someone will come and do the work for you. So, don't complain, 30 you'll feel better and perhaps even do a better job!
21. A. just B. still C. even D. hardly
22. A. learned B. taught C. given D. attended
23. A. stories B. words C. tasks D. lessons
24. A. trusts B. allows C. helps D. asks
25. A. paint B. repair C. examine D. cross
26. A. bored B. excited C. unexpected D. disappointed
27. A. method B. hobby C. dream D. chance
28. A. everything B. anything C. nothing D. something
29. A. useless B. endless C. powerful D. wonderful
30. A. if B. or C. but D. and
How can I help you
Dr. Know will try her best to help with all your problems.
Dear Doctor, I am a sixteen -year -old student and I've been experiencing lots of back pain and headaches lately. I'm unsure about the cause. Like some of my friends, I spend my evenings playing computer games and surfing the Internet. What's more, I carry a heavy schoolbag to school daily. I'm just an ordinary (普通的) student, but these health problems are starting to worry me. What can I do Adam
Dear Adam, I'm unable to tell you exactly what's wrong, but I can offer some advice. First of all, don't spend too much lime on your computer, and stop using it late at night. It's important for teenagers to get enough sleep Also, you get headaches from looking at computer screens for a long time. If you sit on a chair for long, it can make your back ache too. As for your schoolbag, it's important to manage its weight. Take anything you don't need out of your schoolbag. If possible, leave some books or materials at school. I hope my advice is helpful. Anyway, I strongly recommend you visit a local doctor for that. Dr. Know
31. How does Adam probably (可能) feel about his situation
A. Angry. B. Excited. C. Happy. D. Worried.
32. Which of the following is Dr Know's advice for Adam
A. To see a local doctor. B. To leave all books at school.
C. To take some medicine. D. To stop using his computer.
33. In which section of a newspaper may this passage appear
A. Science Study B. Sports News C. Teenagers' Life D. Travel Stories
Do you do team projects at school I do a lot. I enjoy team projects because I like sharing ideas with other people. Of course, team activities aren't always easy. You need to know how to work well together.
Here are some suggestions to make team work easier.
1. Know the goals
Make sure everyone understands the goal of the project. If you're doing a class project, you need to check the teacher's instructions carefully and ask questions whenever something isn't clear. There's a popular saying
If you don't know where you're going, you probably won't get there.
2. Assign (指派) roles
Everyone should have a role in the team. For example, there should be a leader who helps everyone make decisions. There might be a note-taker who writes down the team's ideas during meetings, and a time- keeper to control the time. There might also be a fact -checker or a group speaker.
3. Divide the work
For large projects, the work can be divided into smaller tasks. Then you can choose tasks that you do well or enjoy. Of course, you shouldn't always do the same task. It's good to try new things, even if they're difficult!
4. Make a plan
After you divide the work, write down a plan on paper. You can use a calendar to help you. List all the tasks and think about when each one must be finished. It's important for everyone to follow the plan. And if you can't finish your part on time, tell the others as soon as possible.
Try to be positive (积极的) . Everything is easier when you're enjoying yourself in the team.
34. How does the writer begin the story
A. By telling a story. B. By asking a question.
C. By showing a saying. D. By sending a message.
35. What is the leader's main job in the team
A. Controlling the activity time. B. Writing down the team's ideas.
C. Making speeches for the team. D. Helping the others make decisions.
36. What should you do after dividing the work
A. Set a clear goal. B. Work out a plan.
C. Decide everyone's role. D. Check the project.
37. What is the writer trying to do in the passage
A. Introduce the teacher's instructions. B. Give information about smaller tasks
C. Explain the method to do team projects. D. Describe the importance of creative ideas.
(An excerpt of After Twenty Years)
There was now a cold rain falling and the wind was stronger. The few people walking along that street were hurrying, trying to keep warm. At the door of the shop stood the man who had come a thousand miles to meet a friend, Jimmy Wells Twenty years ago, they agreed to meet here tonight. Such a meeting could not be certain. But he waited.
About twenty minutes he waited, and then a tall man in a long coat came hurrying across the street. He went directly to the waiting man.
“Is that you, Bob ” he asked, doubtfully.
“Is that you, Jimmy Wells ” cried Bob.
The new man took Bob's hands in his. “It's Bob! It surely is. I was certain I would find you here if you were still alive. Twenty years is a long time. The old restaurant is gone, Bob. I wish it were here, so that we could have another dinner in it. Has the West been good to you ”
“It gave me everything I asked for. You've changed, Jimmy. I never thought you were so tall.”
“Oh, I grew a little after I was twenty.”
“Are you doing well in New York, Jimmy ”
“Well enough. I work for the city. Come on, Bob. We'll go to a place I know, and have a good long talk about old times.”
The two men started along the street, arm in arm. Bob, the man from the West, was beginning to tell the story of his life. The other, with his coat up to his ears, listened with interest.
At the corner stood a shop bright with electric lights. When they came near, each turned to look at the other's face.
The man from the West stopped suddenly and pulled his arm away. “You're not Jimmy Wells,” he said. “Twenty years is a long time, but not long enough to change the shape of a man's nose.”
“It sometimes changes a good man into a bad one,” said the tall man. “You've been under arrest for ten minutes, Bob. Chicago policemen thought you might be coming to New York. They told us to watch for you. Are you coming with me quietly That's wise. But fust here is something I was asked to give you. You may read it here at the window. It's from a policeman named Wells.”
38. Where did the story happen
A. In a restaurant. B. In Chicago. C. In the West. D. In New York.
39. How did Bob find out that the new man wasn't his real friend
A. From his height and his voice B. From the shape of his nose.
C. From their talking about old times. D. From their meeting place
40. In which order did the following events take place
a. Bob found out his new man wasn't his friend
b. The tall man gave Bob a note from Wells.
c. Bob waited at the door of a shop.
d. They had a talk about Bob's life in the West.
e. The new man came to meet him.
A. c-e-d-a-b. B. e-b-c-a-d. C. c-d-a-e-b. D. e-c-a-b-d.
41. The underlined phrase “under arrest” means “__________”.
A. 监视 B. 逮捕 C. 休息 D. 离开
42. What can we infer (推断) from the story
A. Time may change a good man into a bad one.
B. The police would make some notes on Bob.
C. Bob came from the far West to meet his friend.
D. They promised to meet each other 20 years ago.
Scientists have developed a way to read minds, translating unspoken thoughts into written words. It's the first time it's been done without having to put anything into the brain. 'They used artificial intelligence (AI) (人工智能) . It is the name given to a computer system that is able to “think” for itself and carry out tasks that usually require human intelligence.
Scientists used a special scanner (扫描器) . The machine can see where blood runs, which shows the parts of the brain that are most active. People taking part in the experiment (实验) listened to the radio for 16 hours as their brains were scanned. The AI tool learned to join certain brain activity to words they heard. After that, each person was asked to think of a story, and the Al tool managed to pick up these thoughts as they happened.
The results had about a 50% accuracy rate (准确率) , though the AT found it hard to work out the meaning of pronouns, such as he or she, her or him. For example, it turned “I don't have my driver's license yet” into “She has not even started to learn to drive yet.” It could usually understand the meaning of what someone was thinking rather than the exact words. The AI was personalized, so when it had learned from one person but it was tested on another, it couldn't understand their thoughts.
The scientists, who have been working on the technology for 15 years, say they understand the risks of it being used badly. Scientists Jerry Tang told a newspaper, “We want to make sure people only use these types of technologies when they want to, and that it helps them.” The scientists hope it will help people with certain medical conditions, who are still awake but have lost the ability to speak, to communicate once again.
43. What does the underlined word “It” in Paragraph I refer to (指代)
A. A way. B. Anything. C. The brain. D. AI
44. What is the main purpose of Paragraph 2
A. To describe the process (过程) of the experiment.
B. To explain the results of the experiment.
C. To offer some opinions about the experiment.
D. To list the difficulties with the experiment.
45. What does the example in Paragraph 3 show
A. The AT is much cleverer than people
B. The AT didn't start the work as it was ordered
C. The AI couldn't understand the exact words of what people thought
D. The AI will be well developed according to people's special needs
46. Which of the following about AI is true
A. It is not difficult to take AI under control
B. AI will not be used in a proper way in the future.
C. Al is so wise that it can treat people with medical problems.
D. It's expected that Al will help those speechless exchange ideas.
47. What can be the best title for the text
A. High Risks of Using AI B. Mind-Reading Development
C. Importance of Human Brain D. Ways of Improving Technology
Daily newspapers in Britain and the United States
Newspapers in Britain can be divided into the quality newspapers (more serious newspapers) and the popular newspapers. Quality newspapers are for readers who want full information on public things. 48 They also carry sports, cultural events, travel news and book reviews.
49 People who want funny news prefer reading them. They have large headlines (标题) , a lot of big photos, and news about famous people.
The Times is the most famous of the quality newspapers. It began in 1785. 50 The Sun, founded in
1964, is the most successful of the popular newspapers. It sells more than any other daily newspaper. 51
In the United States, you can find the quality newspapers like The New York Times and The Washington Post. 52 You can buy the bigger ones all over the country. The US also has a lot of tabloids, such as The New York Daily Neus, which are similar to British tabloids.
A. Around four million people read it every day. B. Popular newspapers are also known as tabloids (小报) . C. In Britain, there are also other quality newspapers. D. They usually have the name of the city where they are produced. C. They have home and. international news, and financial (金融的) reports. F. It is read by important people such as officers, lawyers and businessmen. G. People can carry newspapers everywhere.
第一节 根据下列句子所给汉语注释、音标或首字母,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。
53. I'd like to decorate my house in an American style to ___________ /kri'e t/ a relaxing feeling.
54. Life is like a marathon. What ___________ /'m t z/most is that we never give up
55. The cars on the side of the road are those ___________ /' :m nz/.
56. I have nothing but ___________ (美) for the volunteer doctors.
57. The letter “b” in the word “climb” is not p___________.
58. She is such a ___________ (活泼的) girl that she never feels tired with different kinds of activities
59. President Xi Jinping's (讲话) are of great importance and we all feel excited.
60. Another railway c___________ Shanghai to Nanjing was put into use the other day.
61. Never stop trying a___________ you may fail over and over again.
62. Tests and exams are set to check whether we make p___________ in our study
63. The problem he's mentioned at the meeting is w___________ discussing
64. To make a living, the poor man had no c___________ but to leave his hometown.
65. My mother is ___________ (严格) with me than my father
66. What difficulty do you have ___________ (处理) with the problem of stress
67. Anyone who is ___________ (违反) the law will be punished.
第二节 请认真阅读下面短文,从方框中选择适当的单词或短语,填入其正确形式。每个单词或短语仅用一次。
in danger because of attention fun drop
World Animal Day falls on October 4th. It is to make the world a better place for all animals.
Protecting animals has go: much 68 all over the world. Every year IUCN (国际自然保护联盟) reports some important information about the plants and animals 69 . The giraffe is one of them. Over the last 30 years, the number of giraffes 70 by 40%. There are now fewer than 100 000 giraffes in the world today! Things are getting worse. Many animals are losing their lives 71 human activities. Animals are often killed for their meat, teeth or even just for 72 .
Animals will get more help if everyone starts to do something.
In Chinese culture, twelve different animals are used to stand 73 the Chinese birth years. 2023 is the Chinese Year of the Rabbit. At the 74 (begin) of 2023, rabbits have been used for artistic themes around the world. As 75 cultural image (文化意象) , rabbits have been in different forms of art worldwide, including stamps, 76 (color) lights and exhibitions (展览) .
The worldwide popularity of the Chinese Rabbit might have something to do with Western culture. For people in Europe, rabbits mean new life and prosperity (繁荣) 77 they can give birth to maty young ones So the image of a rabbit is 78 (easy) accepted by people in the West.
Through the Chinese Year of the Rabbit, people from other countries can get a 79 (close) look into Chinese culture than before. On January 21, y exhibition. 80 (hold) in a museum in the US to celebrate the Year of the Rabbit. 16 excellent Chinese artworks on rabbits were on show. It showed visitors that rabbits have 81 (be) a popular artistic theme in China since ancient times. The museum has also explained the meaning behind rabbits in China to visitors. People could also learn about the stories of the rabbit and the moon in China.
Images of the 12 Chinese animals are fun to everyone. They can help with communication between different 82 (culture) .
A yearbook is a tradition in some high schools. The book contains (包含) the name and the picture of each student in your final year, so that you can remember who you went to school with.
A 15 -year-old schoolgirl Catherine Cook and her brother David, 16, wanted more than this. They thought, "We don't really know our classmates from just a picture, so why not have a yearbook online You could learn about people's musical tastes, the movies they like, and so on. “With their hard work, a website named my Yearbook was set up, which soon became popular among schoolmates.”
On the website, members can connect with each other by sharing movies, music, photos and study guides
Some students feel that they don't fit in at school, be can make friends more easily online. My Yearbook users can also make virtual (虚拟的) “Lunch Money” by completing activities on the website. They then give it away to charities (慈善机构) in the my Yearbook “causes” programme, which has sent 22 000 books to Africa, and bought 20 000 kilos of rice for people without enough food.
Running the website did not stop Catherine and David from completing their schoolwork successfully. Now, they go on to university, but still manage to put in 50 hours a week developing the website.
83. Is my Yearbook a book or a website
84. Why did Catherne and David set up my Yearbook
85. Which form of yearbook do you prefer, a traditional one or my Yearbook And why
有效控制愤怒能帮助我们恢复理智,找回方向,解决问题。你校English Comer将进行“Control Your Anger and Solve Your Problem”的成长分享。请你写一篇发言稿,讲述你通过有效控制愤怒,成功解决某一问题的小故事,并分享你的感悟。
Control Your Anger and Solve Your Problem
Have you ever controlled your anger and solved a problem better
Thanks for listening.
1-5 BCACC 6-10 CCBBA 11-15 BBBAA 16-20 ACBBC
21-25 BACDA 26-30 BDCAD
31-33 DAC 34-37 BDBC 38-42 DBABB 43-47 DACDB
48-52 EBFAD
第一节 根据下列句子所给汉语注释,音标或首字母,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。
53. create 54. matters 55. Germans' 56. praise 57. pronounced
58. lively 59. speeches 60. connecting 61. although 62. progress
63. worth 64. choice 65. stricter 66. dealing 67. against
第二节 请认真阅读下面短文,从方框中选择适当的单词或短语,填入其正确形式,每个单词或短语仅用一次。
68. attention 69. in danger 70. has dropped 71. because of 72. fun
73. for 74. beginning 75. a 76. colorful 77. as/because
78. easily 79. closer 80. was held 81. been 82. cultures
83. It is a website.
84. They wanted to know more about their classmates. /To know more about their classmates.
85. I prefer a traditional yearbook because I think it is very special and valuable in the Internet age.
I prefer my Yearbook because I can not only make more friends but also help people in need.
Control Your Anger and Solve Your Problem
Have you ever controlled your anger and solved a problem better I was once so angry with my best friend because he said something bad behind me. I shouted at him. However, it didn't make me feel better. “Anger doesn't help.” The words rang in my head. Then I calmed down. l decided to have a talk. So I did. We found out what really happened, said sorry to each other and became best friends again.
Anger hurts. When you are angry, take a deep breath to clear your mind. When anger dies down, think carefully about the problem and try to understand others. When you are ready to talk, communicate properly and find a way out. Controlling anger helped me to win my friend back.
And it will help you too.
Thanks for listening.



