
二、完形填空(本题有 10 小题,每题1分,共10分)
阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。
Grandma knitted Dad a sweater for his birthday. It was PURPLE. Glow-in-the-dark purple!
Dad ___16___it. He wore the sweater all the time. even when he came to my school.
“But it’s so... purple!” I said to Dad. He didn’t care.
I was___17___when spring arrived because he stopped wearing it. But once the weather cooled again, that purple sweater came out of hiding.
“Don’t you want to wear your other sweaters ” I asked. “The purple one looks like it’s from
outer space.”
“That’s why I love___18___!” he said, smiling.
One day, we visited Uncle Bill’s farm. Dad tore his sweater on a fence and a hole appeared. I thought he would not wear the sweater anymore___19___he decided to wear it around the house. Several days later, the hole got bigger. One night, at dinner, he twisted the noodles and the purple yarn (纱线) onto his fork. Then he opened his___20___.
“Look out. Dad! I shouted. “You’re about to eat your sweater.”
Dad laughed, but knew it was time to throw away the sweater. He just stood there, looking
It made me sad too. I___21___the day he got it, all the days he wore it, the day he tore it, and even the day he almost ate it, and that gave me a(n)___22___for this year’s art show at school.
“Wait, Dad! May l have it ” I asked.
“___23___ ” Dad asked.
“You’ll see.”
I used the purple yarn___24___the sweater and the art materials that I have already had to make my work of art. To my surprise (惊喜;惊讶), I won first prize!
“It’s the___25___ending for my sweater,” said Dad.
( )16.A. showed B. loved C.made D.chose
( )17.A. pleased B bored C. interested D. relaxed
( )18. A.it B. you C. her D. them
( )19. A.so B.of C.but D.and
( )20. A. eyes B. arms C. mouth D. hands
( )21. A. talked about B. waited for C.worried about D. thought of
( )22. A. idea B.answer C. lesson D. promise
( )23.A. How B.Why C. When D. Where
( )24.A. by B.for C. with D. from
( )25.A. sad B. natural C.perfect D. usual
阅读理解 (本题有 10小题,每小题2分,共 20分)
Would you like to choose a wise way to connect yourself with your kids Here is the best family-friendly game for you.
Exploding Kittens Card Games What We LikeWhat We Don’t Like●Easy to learnMay be frustrating (令人沮丧的) for young kids●Exciting●Travel-friendly
Exploding Kittens is a great family game—it’s easy to learn, competitive (竞争的), and it brings lots of silly fun. What's more, it’s light enough to take with. In the game, players take turns to-pick out a card. The player who takes the exploding kitten card will be a loser. The game will go on until there is only one player left He or she will be the winner. Clearly, the player wins the game because of luck. However, it is still super exciting. Players always have great fun. For young players, it's easy to make them frustrated because it takes a few rounds for them to remember what the graphic on each card means. That’s why the game’s creators advised ages seven and up. Price: $20 Type: Card | Age Range: 7 and up | Number of Players: 2-4 Playing Time: 15 minutes
( )26. What kind of game is it
A. Card game. B.Music game C. Computer game. D. Word game
( )27. What do people like about the game
①It is easy to carry. ② It brings people good luck.
③it makes people happy. ④It is interesting for people of all ages
( )28. In which part of a website can you read the passage
A.Study. B.Sales C.Travel D.News
When Carolyn McDaniel gets up, his cat Buddy often comes in and meows. If McDaniel doesn’t understand him immediately, Buddy will be angry. McDaniel works at the animal research centre in New York. He is studying cats’ meow these days.
Listen to cats, and you'll hear lots of sounds. Purring is a sign of a contented (满意的) cat, But cats purr when they’re in danger, too, Cats that hiss are not contented. They make the sound if they’re looking for food. However, chirr is a friendly greeting. Mother cats also chirr to call their children.
To understand cats’ language, McDaniel taped hundreds of cats’ meows in different situations. Then humans listened through headphones. People who were more familiar (熟悉的) with cats did better in understanding the meows. But even the cat owners got the right answers only about 30% of the time.
Why is it so difficult to understand cat’s meow Sam, who belongs to 15-year-old Jenna, makes a sound Meh-Meh when he sees birds outside. But 17-year-old Nick’s cat, Kitty, goes Mrak-Mrak in the same situation. Meows differ in the same situation. Still, cats themselves do all right at communicating their general feelings because they also use body language.
Now, McDaniel thinks that people would probably do much better in understanding cats meow with the help of videos, because we can see cats communicate (交流) a lot with body language: head position, eye contact, and even tail movement. “Body language can also be difficult to understand, but glad that we have found a new way at least,” says McDaniel.
29. When a cat is hungry, it may make the sound____________.
A. purr B.hiss C.chirr D.meh
( )30. What can we know from the passage
A.Cats owners can understand most of cat’s meows.
B.Cats have trouble communicating with each other.
C.Different sounds from cats may have the same meaning.
D.Body language makes it more difficult to understand cats’ meows.
( )31. The passage is mainly about__________.
A.a scientist who studies cats’ meow B. a study on understanding cats’ meow
C.a story between McDaniel and his cat D. a way to understand cats’ body language
“Could you play with me You’d promised me! Amber cried. But Cooper was always wearing his video game headset and shouting to someone in the screen. “I’m coming for you, dude!”
Mum and Dad heard Amber’s crying. They looked at Cooper and the screen angrily, but they walked away without a word.
The next day, when Cooper came back home Mum was wearing his video game headset and staring at the TV screen.
“Mom What are you doing ” he asked.
“What’s up ... NO! Look out! The creeper is right behind you.” Cooper’s mum spoke to him without moving her eyes away from the screen. “He’s such a noob.”
Cooper felt the goosebumps all over his arms, “A noob Mom, when do you know what noob is, or a creeper And who are you talking to ”
“Daaaad!” he called and rushed into the kitchen, but stopped dead. The screen of his dad’s phone showed Candy Crunch-a new mobile game.
“What are you doing, Dad ”
“I don’t know how to tell you, dude. But your old man is pretty OP at this game.”
Dude OP Cooper stood back against the wall, afraid that he might fall to the ground. His sister’s cries could suddenly be heard from her bedroom. “Mo-o-mm, I bit my head!” Cooper felt his goosebumps return as the silence grew. His mother wasn’t answering.
“Amber, shouldn’t you be at piano class ” Cooper asked as he entered Amber’s bedroom.
“Mommy said not today,” she said, rubbing her head with tears.
Cooper’s fears (恐惧) grew further. “I must do something to stop Mum and Dad!” He said to himself.
He entered the room, took away the controllers and headsets from his parents.
“Oh, my game!...” Mum shouted.
“Are you going to play for a bit before dinner, dude ” asked Dad.
“No,” Cooper said. “I promised Amber I’d play with her.”
As Cooper left, he heard his parents say together, “Nice work!”
( )32.Mum and Dad were angry with Cooper because he________.
didn’t do his homework B. made some noise in the room
C.lost himself in computer games D. played computer games with Amber
( )33. From the underlined sentence, we know Cooper felt__________.
A.angry B.surprised C.excited D.lonely
( )34. What did Cooper’s parents mainly want him to know
A.It is not easy to look after children.
B.Family are more important than games.
C. It is natural for children to make mistakes.
D.Parents need to relax themselves sometimes.
( )35. What is the best title of the passage
A.Poor Cooper B.Worried Parents C.A Difficult Promise D.A Perfect Plan
四、任务型阅读(本题有 5小题,每小题1分,共 5分)
请阅读下面的采访对话,从方框中所给的 A-E五个选项中选出正确的选项,完成 36-39小题,并回答 40小题。
A: How did you get the job B: Was it easy to be a volunteer C: What did you do in the stadium D: Do you want to be a volunteer again E: Did you meet your favourite players
Reporter: Hello, Li Lin! You did a good job during the Hangzhou 19 Asian Games. Could I ask you some questions
Li Lin: Sure! It’s my pleasure to share my experiences as a volunteer (志愿者) of the 19 Asian Games.
Li Lin: I read a notice “Volunteers Wanted” on the Internet. I sent my personal information to the host. I think they chose me mainly because I am good at English and I can speak Japanese and Korean.
Li Lin: I was very busy during the games. I had to arrive at least three hours before the games began. I helped people find their seats and answered their questions. I also made sure they were safe. Sometimes I helped the players after the games.
Li Lin: Not really. We trained for three months before we took a test to see if we could be a good volunteer.To pass the test, we had to remember a lot of things about the stadium, the games and the players. It was really a difficult job!
Li Lin: Of course. I hope so. Being a volunteer taught me a lot, I met people from different countries and experienced different cultures. I also learned how-to-communicate and work with others.
Reporter: I’m sure you’ll make more progress in the volunteer work, Thanks for your sharing.
What do you think of being a volunteer of the l9th Asian Games
语法填空 (本题有 10小题,每小题 1分,共 10分)
In the town of Willowbrook, there was a girl called Alina. One day, on the way home, she saw___41___sad, homeless little dog. Alina thought she needed to help. She telephoned a friendly group called Best Friends. They were experts (专家) at animals.
With their help, Alina saved the dog and___42___(name) him Buddy. She raised the dog___43___(careful), and they became best friends. Alina was happy about the help she got, ___44___she decided to help other animals too. Soon, she became a volunteer at Best Friends and met more animal___45___(friend).
Alina and Buddy visited school with Best Friends, teaching kids about love for animals. I always want to do something helpful, so why not___46___(work)for animals ” said Alina, “And for me, volunteering with Best Friends is___47___(good) way to do that. The workers there are really helpful, and it’s nice to find forever homes___48___animals.”
Alina helped the animals with___49___(she) hard work, and her story showed that anyone can do a job___50___(make) a big difference.
词汇运用 (本小题有 15 个小题,每小题 1分,共 15分)
A.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。 (每词限用一次)
against book twenty umbrella wide
The closer we get to the grassland, the___________it looks.
When it suddenly began to rain, people opened their_________.
It is Mr Smith’s___________ year of teaching at Cambridge University.
On October 5, 2023, China’s Women’s Basketball won the match_______Japan.
55. In order to save money, Diana always_________plane tickets early for her summer vacation.
Last weekend, I had a wonderful time trying rock climbing for the first time. Everything was new to me when I walked into a___56___(拥挤的) gym. The tall climbing wall was so exciting that I couldn’t wait to have a go!
Not knowing where to start with, I sat there, watching others climbing with longing eyes. A.___57___(教练) came and asked if I needed help. I happily___58___(同意)and started my first climbing lesson with him. He gave me some a___59___on how to climb as a beginner. With his help, I learned___60___(热身) myself up and put on my special climbing clothes. At the beginning, climbing was really hard for me. For many ties, I was just about to give up. I even___61___(使......受伤) my legs, and my hands were too wet to hold onto the rocks. Luckily, I wore special clothes so that I could___62___(保护) myself from falling onto the ground. Some people also cheered me on l___63___even though they didn’t know me. Their cheers kept me going. Every time I tried, I became___64___(自信的) than before. Finally, when I arrived at the top, looking down at the gym below I felt like I was on top of the world!
Now, when I think about the climbing, I find myself waiting for another___65___(机会) to try it again! I can get through any problems, no matter it’s on climbing wall or in my everyday life.
七、书面表达(本题 15分)
进入八年级以来,同学们在学习、运动、社会责任感等方面都有明显的变化。我校公众号英语栏目“Voice of English”下期的主题是“向美行动者”。请你结合自身情况,选择其中一个方面,写一篇短文,谈谈你的变化与收获并向公众号投稿。
词数:约 90词(开头已给出,不计入总词数)。
As a student of Grade 8, I have a lot of changes.____________________________________
挑战题 (本题有 10小题, 每小题 2分,共 20分)
When we look up at the night sky, we see the twinkling stars. But what we don’t see is the space junk (垃圾) floating up the space. Now there may be as many as 170 million pieces of space junk in Earth’s orbit (轨道). If they bit our satellites or spaceships they can destroy them and make them stop working.
Facing the big danger by space junk, scientists are working hard on its cleanup although it’s really a tough job and takes long time. The European Space Agency (ESA) plans to use a “junk truck”, Clear Space-l, in 2025. It’s a spaceship that can find its target and move close to it, then catch it with its four “arms”. This is not going to be an easy job because even the smallest junk circles Earth as fast as 8 kilometers a second. Once it catches the junk, the spaceship will carry it back to Earth. This is because the junk will burn up when traveling through the atmosphere (大气层), so there won’t be much left when it reaches Earth. However, the spaceship itself will burn up at the same time.
Since the original cleanup plan will cause huge loss, scientists are trying to work out other plans. One new plan is to send a spaceship carrying special tools, which are used to shoot to stick into the space junk, moving it away from the orbit and throwing it into Earth’s atmosphere.
Space junk is a huge threat which endangers our satellites or spaceships, but why haven’t space agencies around the world done anything yet One reason is the cost. To catch one piece of space junk larger than 10cm wide would cost between $4,000 and $60,000 (about 30,000 to 436,000yuan) per kilogram.
With space traffic increasing, all nations have to work together to find out more ways to reduce space junk, or there will be more in-space accidents.
SOME INFORMATION ABOUT SPACE CLEANING PLAN: ◇Scientists are trying to work out space cleaning plans because space junk is___1___to satellites and spaceships. ◇ESA plans to use ClearSpace-1, a___2___, to clean up pieces of space junk by catching them and taking them to Earth’s atmosphere. ◇The space junk travels so___3___that it’s difficult for Clear Space-I to catch it. ◇In the new space cleaning plan, a spaceship is used to___4___the space junk into Earth’s atmosphere but not to carry it there. ◇Although the___5___of space cleanup is very high, it is something that all nations must do.
B. 用篇章中划线词汇的适当形式补全以下句子。(有一个多余选项)
destroy tough target original threat reduce
6.The police hid in the dark and waited for their______________to come up.
7.The big fire_________my house and made me lose all of my happiness.
8. Over-fishing is a big____________to the sea animals and we must try our best to stop it.
9. Their______idea was to buy a new car, but now they decide to buy a second-hand one.
10. Students hope that teachers ________their homework so that they’ll have more time to relax.
阅读理解: A篇: ABB B篇: BCB C篇:CABD
任务型阅读: ACBD Being a volunteer is a difficult but interesting and meaningful job.
语法填空: a; named; carefully; and; friends; work; the best; for; to make
词汇填空: A: wider; umbrellas; against; books
B: crowded; coach; advice; agreed; to warm; hurt; protect; loudly; more confident; chance
挑战题: A: hitting; spaceship; fast; stick ; cost
B: target(s); destroyed; threat; original;reduce



上一篇:必考专题 统计表和条形统计图(二)(含答案)数学五年级上册苏教版
