2024外研版高中英语选择性必修第二册同步练习--Unit 1 Part 4 Writing(含答案与解析)

Part 4 Writing
1.马克·吐温(Mark Twain),美国作家。他出生于密西西比河(the Mississippi River)河畔的小城镇。
2.他的代表作之一是《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》(The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn)。该作品讲述了白人小孩Huckleberry Finn从家中逃走,和黑奴Jim在密西西比河流浪的故事。
3.Huckleberry Finn遇见的人物涵盖了社会各个阶层(a walk of life),因此这部小说生动地反映了当时的社会现状。
主题 关于马克·吐温及其作品《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》的评论 体裁 议论文
布局 第一段:简要介绍马克·吐温 第二段:概括介绍其代表作《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》 第三段:对《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》的评价
人称 第三人称 时态 以一般现在时为主
1.    n.代表作,杰作
2.    adj.各种各样的
3.    n.结论
4.     长大
答案 1.masterpiece 2.varied 3.conclusion
4.grow up
Mark Twain is an American writer. He                               on the banks of the Mississippi River.
                         is The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
(3)这部小说讲述了白人小孩Huckleberry Finn离开家,和名叫Jim的黑奴四处流浪的故事。
The novel tells the story of a white child Huckleberry Finn who                                    with a black slave named Jim.
(4)Huckleberry Finn遇见的人物涵盖了社会各个阶层。
The people Huckleberry Finn encountered covered                     of the society.
The novel           the social scene at that time.
         , The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn has           one of the greatest works in the history of American literature.
答案 (1)grew up in a small town
(2)One of his greatest masterpieces
(3)was away from home and wandered around
(4)varied walks of life
(5)vividly reflects
(6)In conclusion;been considered
答案 (7)Mark Twain is an American writer, growing up in a small town on the banks of the Mississippi River.
(8)One of his greatest masterpieces is The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, which tells the story of a white child Huckleberry Finn who was away from home and wandered around with a black slave named Jim.
(9)The novel vividly reflects the social scene at that time because the people Huckleberry Finn encountered covered varied walks of life of the society.
Mark Twain is an American writer, growing up in a small town on the banks of the Mississippi River.
One of his greatest masterpieces is The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, which tells the story of a white child Huckleberry Finn who was away from home and wandered around with a black slave named Jim. The novel vividly reflects the social scene at that time because the people Huckleberry Finn encountered covered varied walks of life of the society.
In conclusion, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn has been considered one of the greatest works in the history of American literature.
2.总结:be considered as; be regarded as; fall in love with; be worth reading; have a great effect on
①The new book is written/published by...
②This month, I finished reading the book, which describes...
①The book...has been considered the greatest work in...
②The writer aims to convey the message that...throughout the book.
③The book is well worth reading, as it carries the main idea that...
④As I have expected, I find the novel to be enjoyable and informative.
《圣诞颂歌》(A Christmas Carol)是英国小说家查尔斯·狄更斯(Charles Dickens)写的一部著名小说。请根据下列要点写一篇关于《圣诞颂歌》的英语书评。
Emily White was born seventeen years ago with so many birth problems in her body. Some of her organs, bones and muscles were out of shape. No one expected her to survive. She did make it but with her strange body figure, everyone could recognize her, even from a distance.
In Emily White’s hometown, there was a yearly outdoor performance in the school auditorium(礼堂). It had been performed for so many years and actually had become one of the most important events of the Christmas season for many of the town’s people. Many people tried out each year for it but so many were turned away. It could only include the most excellent people in the field.
Emily had a beautiful singing voice. Last year she went to Mrs. Owens—her music teacher—to ask to join in the performance. Without letting her sing, Mrs. Owens took a look at Emily’s body and said, “Child, you just don’t fit. Everyone would stare at you and that would make you uncomfortable. It would make them uncomfortable, too.”
Without singing a single note, Emily was sent back through the door of the choral(合唱队的) room. Hurt and upset, she decided never to try out again. But Mrs. Owens then retired.
This year, there came a new music teacher, Mr. Butler. He heard about Emily and suggested that she have a try.
Emily didn’t want to be rejected again, so she hesitated a little about it. As Emily struggled, the door was pushed open and Mr. Butler called, “Emily, you’re next.” Although kind of nervous, Emily did as Mr. Butler told her to do. Mr. Butler sat by the piano to accompany Emily. When Emily finished her testing performance, she thanked Mr. Butler and knew the result would be posted on the door of the choral room the next day.
Emily couldn’t sleep that night. She was suffering from the feelings that she didn’t fit and the great need to be accepted. By the next morning, her stomach was even in pain because of stress.
Paragraph 1:
The next day, Emily nervously glanced at the list on the door of the choral room.                        
Paragraph 2:
Finally, the day of the performance came.
1.out of shape变形的;不健康,身体不好
2.make it幸免于难,渡过难关
3.recognize v.认出
4.performance n.表演
5.try out for...参加……选拔(或试演)
6.turn away把……拒之门外
7.reject vt.拒绝接受,不予考虑
8.hesitate vi.犹豫,迟疑不决
9.struggle vi.挣扎
10.suffer from...因……受苦
11.in pain感到疼痛
accompany vt.为……伴奏
原句 She did make it but with her strange body figure, everyone could recognize her, even from a distance.
分析 该句是一个并列复合句,but连接两个并列分句。第二个分句中with her strange body figure作原因状语。
译文 她的确活了下来,但由于她奇怪的体形,每个人甚至从远处都能认出她。
第一段:第二天,Emily焦虑地看合唱室门上的名单(首句信息)→Emily被选上→Emily心情复杂,兴奋之余流露出不自信→Mr. Butler对Emily说了一番话,引导Emily接下来坚定信心,刻苦训练
(1)to one’s    让某人惊讶的是
(2)   adj.神秘的
(3)remain    保持冷静
(4)with all one’s    全心全意地
(5)come    遇到
(6)be used     sth.习惯于某事
(7)    one’s breath 屏息
(8)break    突然开始
答案 (1)surprise (2)mysterious
(3)calm (4) heart (5)across (6)to
(7)hold (8)into
She was     but    .
She hit her hand hard             she wasn’t dreaming.
(11)然后Mr. Butler带着笑容从房间里走了出来。
Then Mr. Butler walked out of the room           .
Emily was        , and she         and promised to practice hard for the performance.
    appearing on the stage, she was         scornful eyes.
The audience        thunderous applause.
(15)Mr. Butler被感动了,他给了Emily一个大大的拥抱。
Mr. Butler was moved,and he gave Emily           .
Then he knew that Emily had        .
答案 (9)overjoyed;doubtful
(10)only to find
(11)with a smile
(12)greatly encouraged;nodded determinedly
(13)Upon/On;greeted with
(14)broke into
(15)a big hug
(16)overcome herself
答案 (17)Overjoyed but doubtful, she hit her hand hard only to find she wasn’t dreaming
(18)Then out of the room walked Mr.Butler with a smile
(19)Greatly encouraged, Emily nodded determinedly and promised to practice hard for the performance
(20)Mr. Butler was so moved that he gave Emily a big hug
(21)It was then that he knew that Emily had overcome herself
Paragraph 1:
The next day, Emily nervously glanced at the list on the door of the choral room.            
Paragraph 2:
Finally, the day of the performance came.
Paragraph 1:
The next day, Emily nervously glanced at the list on the door of the choral room. To her surprise, on top of the list was her name! Overjoyed but doubtful, she hit her hand hard only to find she wasn’t dreaming. Then out of the room walked Mr. Butler with a smile. “Emily, we had another good news for you,” he said in a mysterious voice. “We choose you to be the lead singer. Do you believe in yourself ” Greatly encouraged, Emily nodded determinedly and promised to practice hard for the performance.
Paragraph 2:
Finally, the day of the performance came. Upon appearing on the stage, she was greeted with scornful eyes. But remaining calm, she began to sing with all her heart. Who knew how many such situations she had come across She was really used to it. When she finished her song, there was a moment of silence, as if the world was holding its breath. Suddenly, the audience broke into thunderous applause. Mr. Butler was so moved that he gave her a big hug. It was then that he knew that Emily had overcome herself.
1.脸上激动的表情:an expression of excitement on one’s face
2.坚定的眼神:a determined look
3.满足的微笑/神情:a smile/look of satisfaction
4.灿烂的微笑:a brilliant smile
5.拉着长脸:pull a long face
6.怒视某人:glare at sb.
7.极度愤怒的一眼:a look of burning anger
8.因愤怒而颤抖:tremble with anger
9.一丝微笑浮上她的脸庞。A smile floated on her face.
10.她眼含泪水。Her eyes were filled with tears.
Part 4 Writing
One possible version:
  A Christmas Carol is a novel written by Charles Dickens.
It tells the story of mean Scrooge who regards money as important as his own life. On Christmas Eve, three spirits show Scrooge how happy he was in the past,how greedy he is now and how he regrets what he has done in the future. Then he understands that money is not the only thing that is worth reserving. Love and care are important,too.
After the novel came out, it enjoyed great popularity among readers with its humorous language and profound meaning. The novel plays a critical role in redefining the importance of Christmas and the way of celebrating the holiday.
①sth. be worth doing某事值得做
②come out出版,发行;开花
③popularity n.流行,普及,受欢迎
④profound adj.深远的;理解深刻的
①On Christmas Eve, three spirits show Scrooge how happy he was in the past,how greedy he is now and how he regrets what he has done in the future. (三个how引导三个并列的宾语从句,作show的宾语;what引导宾语从句,作regrets的宾语) 在平安夜,三个精灵向斯克鲁奇展示了他过去是多么幸福,现在是多么贪婪以及未来他对自己所做的事情是多么后悔。
②Then he understands that money is not the only thing that is worth reserving.(第一个that引导宾语从句;第二个that引导定语从句)然后他就明白了钱不是唯一值得保留的东西。
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



