2024外研版高中英语必修第三册同步练习--Unit 2 Making a difference(含答案与解析)

Unit 2 Making a difference
1.     v.为……提供资金,资助
2.     v.再利用,回收利用
3.     v.挣(钱)
4.     n.职责;使命
5.     n.疾病,病
6.     adj.敏感的,容易生气的
7.     v.帮助,援助
8.     adj.短期的,短暂的;临时的
9.     adj.最高级别的,首席的
10.     v.获得,得到
11.     adj.更多的,附加的
1.internal adj.     
2.fountain n.     
3.foundation n.     
4.insight n.     
5.perseverance n.     
6.territory n.     
7.cancer n.     
8.royal adj.     
9.institution n.     
10.Jewish adj.     
11.military n.     
12.drug n.      
13.certificate n.     
14.ministry n.     
1.    n.贡献→    v.贡献;捐献;投(稿)→    n.作出贡献者;捐助者;投稿者
2.    n.减轻,缓解→    vt.减轻,解除→    adj.感到宽慰的
3.    n.短缺,不足,缺乏→    adj.短的;矮的;短缺,紧俏→    v.缩短,(使)变短
4.    adj.有效的,产生预期效果的→    n.效果;作用
5.    v.捐赠,捐献→    n.捐赠;赠送;捐赠物
6.    n.真实,现实→    v.实现;意识到;领会→    adj.现实的;逼真的
7.    v.持续;延伸→    n.扩大;延伸→    adj.广阔的;广大的;大量的
8.    n.残疾,残障→    adj.丧失能力的;有残疾的
9.    adj.慷慨的,大方的→    n.慷慨;大方;宽宏大量
10.    v.迟疑,犹豫→    n.犹豫,踌躇
11.    n.帮助,援助→    v.帮助;协助→    n.助手;助理
12.    n.登记,注册→    v.登记,注册
13.    n.证实,证明→    v.证实,确认
14.    n.成绩,成就→    v.达到;完成
15.    adj.重要的,主要的→    n.大部分;大多数
16.    n.治疗;疗法→    v.对待;治疗
1.      有影响
2.      挣钱
3.      处于控制之下
4.      建立
5.      同时
6.      感激某人
7.      原来是;结果是;出席;在场
8.      突然笑起来
9.      从……中获益
10.      开始从事;占用,占据
11.      想出,提出(计划、想法等)
12.      使某人振奋起来,使某人高兴起来
e across      
14.play an important role in     
15.in spite of     
16.be in danger     
17.transport...to safety     
18.keep records of      
19.for the most part      
20.take in      
21.rise to one's feet     
22.bring...to public attention     
23.pass away     
24.be nominated for     
As a six-year-old Canadian schoolboy, Ryan              the words spoken by his teacher that many people in developing African countries couldn't get enough clean water.
And why is the water               it makes them sick
              was a well dug near their homes.
              you dig,          the world will be.
              , Winton worked in banks in Germany and France.
In Prague, Winton saw people                     and whose lives were in danger.
Unit 2 Making a difference
Ⅰ.(A)1.fund 2.recycle 3.earn 4.mission 5.disease 6.sensitive
7.aid 8.temporary 9.chief 10.obtain 11.further
(B)1.内部的 2.喷水池 3.基金会 4.顿悟,猛醒 5.不屈不挠,坚持不懈 6.地区,地方 
7.癌症 8.王室的,皇家的 9.机构,团体 10.犹太人的,犹太教的 11.军队 12.药物,药材 
(C)1.contribution;contribute;contributor 2.relief;relieve;relieved
3.shortage;short;shorten 4.effective;effect 5.donate;donation
6.reality;realize;realistic 7.extend;extension;extensive 8.disability;disabled
9.generous;generosity 10.hesitate;hesitation 11.assistance;assist;assistant 12.registration;register 13.confirmation;confirm 14.achievement;achieve 15.major;majority 16.treatment;treat
Ⅱ.1.make a difference 2.earn money 3.be under control 4.set up 5.at the same time 6.be grateful to sb. 7.turn out 8.break into a smile
9.benefit from 10.take up 11.come up with 12.cheer sb. up 13.偶然遇见 
14.在……中起重要作用,在……中扮演重要角色 15.尽管;不管 16.处于危险之中 
17.把……转移到安全处所 18.记录…… 19.多半;大多 20.收留;吸入;理解,领会;欺骗 
21.站起身来 22.使公众注意到…… 23.去世 24.被提名为……
Ⅲ.1.had trouble believing 2.so dirty that 3.What they needed 4.The more wells;the better 5.On leaving school 6.living in terrible conditions
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



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