
21.C 22.A 23.D
21.细节理解题。根据February-Deadline for submission.部分“The completed nomination forms must reach the Nobel Committee no later than 31st January of the following year. (填写好的提名表格必须在次年1月31日之前送达诺贝尔委员会。)”可知,填写好的提名表格必须在次年1月31日之前送达诺贝尔委员会,即早于二月送达诺贝尔委员会。故选C。
22.细节理解题。根据December-Nobel Prize laureates receive their prize.部分“The Nobel Prize award ceremony takes place on 10 December in Stockholm, where the Nobel Prize laureates receive their Nobel Prize (诺贝尔奖颁奖典礼将于12月10日在斯德哥尔摩举行,诺贝尔奖获得者将在那里领取诺贝尔奖)”可知,诺贝尔奖获得者在斯德哥尔摩领取诺贝尔奖。故选A。
23.细节理解题。根据December-Nobel Prize laureates receive their prize.部分“the Nobel Prize laureates receive their Nobel Prize, which consists of a Nobel Prize medal and diploma(证书), and a document confirming the prize amount. (诺贝尔奖获得者将获得他们的诺贝尔奖,其中包括一枚诺贝尔奖奖章和证书,以及一份确认奖金金额的文件。)”可知,诺贝尔奖包括一枚诺贝尔奖奖章和证书,以及一份确认奖金金额的文件,没有纪念品。故选D。
24.D 25.D 26.C 27.C
24.细节理解题。根据第二段中“Instead, she had to do the washing all by hand in the local river, and then carefully carry everything back to her home — a task that took several hours.(相反,她不得不在当地的河里手洗衣服,然后小心翼翼地把所有东西搬回家——这项任务要花几个小时。)”可知,艾米要解决的问题是洗衣服要花太多的时间和精力。故选D项。
25.细节理解题。根据第三段中“She started studying electric washers to learn how they worked. Amy then designed a machine with bicycle pedals (踏板) and chain. To get those, she went to a local shop. Workers there not only gave her the parts, they also helped her make the machine!(她开始研究电动洗衣机,了解它们是如何工作的。然后艾米设计了一台带有自行车踏板和链条的机器。为了买到这些,她去了当地的一家商店。那里的工人不仅给了她零件,还帮她制造了机器!)”可知,艾米解决问题的过程是:先研究,再设计,然后去商店获取材料,最后制造出机器。故选D项。
26.细节理解题。根据第四段中“As Amy pushed the pedals with her legs, the cylinder cleaned the clothes just like a regular washing machine.(当艾米用腿踩踏板时,滚筒就像普通洗衣机一样开始清洗衣服。)”可知,机器的动力源于艾米用腿蹬踏板。故选C项。
27.词句猜测题。根据最后一段中Jeanine Thomas的话“Amy’s invention saves time and money for the world’s poor (艾米的发明为世界上的穷人节省了时间和金钱)”可推知,Jeanine Thomas说“she made a difference.(她带来了影响。)”是指艾米的发明给世界上穷人的生活带来影响,她的创造力改善了许多穷人的生活。故选C项。
28.D 29.B 30.B 31.A
28.推理判断题。根据第一段“We always had about a dozen of them at any given time and whenever one died off – taken away by hawk or fox or by some unknown chicken illness – my father would replace the lost hen. (在任何时候,我们总是有十几只这样的母鸡,每当有一只死了——被鹰、狐狸或某种未知疾病带走——我父亲就会替换掉那只母鸡。)”可知,作者家里鸡的数量一直是稳定的。故选D项。
29.推理判断题。根据第二段“What you must do instead is to slip the new bird into the chicken farm in the middle of the night while the others are asleep. (相反,你必须在午夜,在其他鸡都睡着的时候,把这只新鸡带到养鸡场。)”以及第三段“My arrival in India does likewise. (我来到印度时也是如此。)”可知,作者到印度时应该是凌晨,就像在凌晨把新鸡带到养鸡场时一样。故选B项。
30.词义猜测题。根据第二段“What you must do instead is to slip the new bird into the chicken farm in the middle of the night while the others are asleep. Place her beside the flock and tiptoe away. (相反,你必须在午夜,在其他鸡都睡着的时候,把这只新鸡带到养鸡场。把他放在鸡群旁边,踮起脚尖悄悄走开。)”可知flock在此句中意为“鸡群”。划线词所在句子“And awaking within this flock, the newcomer herself doesn’t even remember that she’s a newcomer, thinking only, “I must have been here the whole time…” (在鸡群中醒来,它甚至都不记得自己是新来的,只想着,“我一定一直都在这里…”)”,flock意为“鸡群”符合句意。故选B项。
31.推理判断题。根据最后一段“My arrival in India does likewise. (我来到印度时也是如此。)”可知,作者前面讲养鸡的故事,是为了引出最后一段刚到印度的经历。故选A项。
32.A 33.B 34.C 35.C
32.细节理解题。根据第二段“Then there are gestures, often unconscious: raising the eyebrows, rubbing the nose, raising the shoulders, tapping the fingers, nodding and shaking the head.(还有一些姿态,通常是无意识的:扬起眉毛、揉鼻子、耸肩、轻敲手指、点头和摇头)”可知,点头和摇头是一种姿态。故选A。
33.细节理解题。根据第四段“Take dogs for example. They show their teeth to warn, shake their tails to welcome, and stand firm with hair upright to fight.(以狗为例。它们露出牙齿表示警告,摇尾巴表示欢迎,竖起毛发表示战斗)”可知,狗摇尾巴表示欢迎。故选B。
34.细节理解题。根据倒数第四段“And mating itself is commonly done after a special dance which both partners take part in.(交配本身通常是在双方都参加的特殊舞蹈之后进行的)”可知,C选项“一种特殊的舞蹈通常在交配前进行”正确。故选C。
35.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“With body movements alone they can tell other bees the direction and distance of a newly discovered food.(仅凭身体动作,它们就能告诉其他蜜蜂新发现食物的方向和距离)”可知,蜜蜂用身体动作告诉其他蜜蜂要去哪里,要走多远。故选C。
36.B 37.E 38.F 39.D 40.G
36.由本空前一句:“Before bringing a dog into your family, it is important to know how to take care of it.”(在把狗带回家里之前,知道如何照顾它是很重要的。)可知,下文要写如何照顾。因此,B选项“You need to provide for its needs, both physical and emotional.”(你需要满足他的生理和情感需求。)衔接自然,上下文呼应。故选B。
37.由本空前一句“Knowing how to take care of a dog involves proper attention to your dog's diet.”(知道如何照顾一只狗需要包括适当注意你的狗的饮食。)推断出本空是与狗的饮食有关。E选项意为“便宜的劣质狗粮会对你的狗的健康产生负面影响。”承接上文,符合语境。故选E。
38.由本空后一句“Dogs that are properly trained are much easier to manage, and can adapt more easily to new training programs.”(经过适当训练的狗更容易管理,也更容易适应新的训练项目。)可知,本空与狗的训练有关。又根据文中第二段和第四段可知,本段的中心句应以“Knowing how to ……”形式出现。因此,推断出F项“Part of knowing how to take care of a dog involves knowing how to train a dog.”(知道如何照顾狗的一部分包括知道如何训练狗。)引出下文,符合语境。故选F。
39.由本空前一句“Knowing how to take care of a dog also involves an adequate level of exercise.”(知道如何照顾狗还需要适合的锻炼。)可推断出,本空与锻炼有关,以及本空后文“If you truly care about how to take care of dog, it' s important that you incorporate exercise into your dog's' daily routine.”(如果你真的在乎如何照顾狗狗,把锻炼纳入你的狗的日常生活中是很重要的。)可知,本空应是锻炼的原因。因此,D选项(每年都有成千上万的狗遭遇与肥胖相关的问题),承接上文,引出下文,符合语境。故选D。
40.由空后一句“Pet insurance can cover some or all of your veterinary bills, and will usually also cover emergency procedures.”(宠物保险可以支付你的部分或全部兽医费用,通常还可以支付急救措施的费用。)推断出前句应该是不想出太多钱来看兽医。G项“If you're worried about costs, you may want to invest in pet insurance for your dog.”(如果你担心费用,你可以为你的狗投资保险。)承接上文,引出下文,符合语境。故选G。
41.A 42.C 43.D 44.D 45.C 46.C 47.A 48.B 49.D 50.C 51.B 52.A 53.D 54.B 55.D
【导语】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了70岁的老人Peter Robson在临终前终于得到医院的许可,见到了自己心爱的狗Shep,就在他们团聚几个小时后,Peter去世了。她的孙女在网上表达了对医护人员的感激之情。
41.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:你想参观一个对你很重要的地方吗?A. specific特别的;B. permanent永久的;C. abstract抽象的;D. universal普遍的。根据上文“If you were given one final wish, what would you wish for (如果给你最后一个愿望,你会许什么愿?)”可知,许愿应该是参观一个很重要的地方。故选A。
42.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:对于70岁的彼得·罗布森来说,这是一个简单的问题——他想最后一次见到他的宠物狗Shep。A. regular定期的;B. unexpected意外的;C. easy容易的;D. helpful有益的。根据后文“he wanted to see his pet dog, Shep, one last time.(他想最后一次见到他的宠物狗Shep)”可知,这个问题彼得·罗布森已经有了答案,所以是很简单的问题。故选C。
43.考查名词词义辨析。句意:鉴于他的病情,医院的工作人员问他的家人,他是否有什么最后的愿望,至少让他舒服一点。A. position位置;B. stage舞台;C. status地位;D. condition身体情况,条件。根据后文“staff at the hospital asked his family”提到了医院工作人员,所以是身体情况不好。故选D。
44.考查副词词义辨析。句意:不幸的是,他的愿望几乎不可能实现,因为医院严格禁止携带任何类型的宠物,因为可能会发生感染问题。A. Similarly相似地;B. Naturally自然地;C. Eventually最后;D. Unfortunately不幸地。后文提到医院禁止携带宠物进入,他的心愿无法实现,所以是不幸地。故选D。
45.考查动词词义辨析。句意:不幸的是,他的愿望几乎不可能实现,因为医院严格禁止携带任何类型的宠物,因为可能会发生感染问题。A. permitted允许;B. expected期待;C. forbidden禁止;D. required需要。根据上文“it’s almost impossible for his wish to be granted”可知,愿望无法实现是因为医院严格禁止携带任何类型的宠物,故选C。
46.考查动词词义辨析。句意:不幸的是,他的愿望几乎不可能实现,因为医院严格禁止携带任何类型的宠物,因为可能会发生感染问题。A. enter进入;B. escape逃走;C. occur发生;D. rush急忙。根据上文“due to possible issues with infection that may”可知,宠物可能会导致发生感染。故选C。
47.考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,彼得的护士们想尽办法让彼得的最后愿望成真。A. However然而;B. Therefore因此;C. Otherwise否则;D. Instead相反。结合前后文语境可知为转折关系,应用however。故选A。
48.考查名词词义辨析。句意:就在彼得的家人告诉工作人员他最后的愿望20分钟后,他们得到了他们意想不到的批准:他们现在可以把Shep带到医院了。A. friends朋友;B. family家庭;C. doctor医生;D. nurses护士。根据后文“told the staff about his last wish”指彼得的家人把他的最后愿望告诉工作人员。故选B。
49.考查动词词义辨析。句意:就在彼得的家人告诉工作人员他最后的愿望20分钟后,他们得到了他们意想不到的批准:他们现在可以把Shep带到医院了。A. accepted接受;B. sought寻找;C. admitted承认;D. received收到。根据后文“the go-ahead they didn’t expect to come”可知,此处指愿望得到了医院的许可。故选D。
50.考查名词词义辨析。句意:就在彼得的家人告诉工作人员他最后的愿望20分钟后,他们得到了他们意想不到的批准:他们现在可以把Shep带到医院了。A. shelter收容所;B. house房子;C. hospital医院;D. company公司。呼应上文“by the hospital due to possible issues with infection”老人在医院,所以是把狗带到医院里。故选C。
51.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:彼得和谢普的重聚既美丽又令人心碎。A. funny有趣的;B. beautiful美丽的;C. horrible可怕的;D. strange奇怪的。根据后文“and heartbreaking to watch”狗和主人终于重逢,所以是美丽又心碎的场面。故选B。
52.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:彼得很高兴再次见到谢普,很明显,谢普也有同样的感觉。A. happy快乐的;B. sad悲伤的;C. interested感兴趣的;D. disappointed失望的。彼得最后的心愿就是见到自己的狗,如今重逢了,所以是开心的。故选A。
53.考查动词词义辨析。句意:彼得很高兴再次见到谢普,很明显,谢普也有同样的感觉。A. gave给予;B. made制作;C. took带走;D. felt感觉。根据后文“the same way”可知,此处指狗见到主人也很开心。故选D。
54.考查动词词义辨析。句意:就在一人一狗团聚几个小时后,彼得去世了。A. combined结合;B. united团聚;C. linked连接;D. trapped被困。呼应上文“Peter and Shep’s reunion”,此处指狗和人团聚。故选B。
55.考查动词词义辨析。句意:彼得在妻子死后养了一条宠物狗。A. left留下;B. sacrificed牺牲;C. held举行;D. got得到。根据后文“the pet dog after his wife died”可知,此处指彼得在妻子死后养了一条宠物狗。故选D。
56.to journey 57.who 58.held 59.A 60.protection 61.meaningful 62.has walked 63.highest 64.from 65.planning
56.考查非谓语动词。句意:近日,一名来自北京的盲人徒步40天来到西安,作为“一带一路”徒步旅行的第一步。step前面有序数词first,应用不定式,作后置定语。故填to journey。
57.考查定语从句。句意:在1100公里的旅程中,8岁时因一次车祸失明的男子曹盛康穿过了三个省的40个城市和县。此处是非限制性定语从句,先行词为the man,在从句中作主语,应用关系代词who引导。故填who。
58.考查非谓语动词。句意:受到在北京举行的“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛的启发,曹决定徒步穿越这条路线,以向古代丝绸之路致敬。动词hold意为“举行”,和谓语之间没有连词,和逻辑主语“the Belt and Road Forum”之间构成被动关系,且动作已完成,应用过去分词,作后置定语。故填held。
62.考查动词时态。句意:在过去的五年中,曹穿越了六大洲的34个国家,2016年,他到达了乞力马扎罗山顶,这是非洲最高的山峰。根据时间状语in the last five years可知,此处应用现在完成时,主语Cao为第三人称单数,助动词用has。故填has walked。
64.考查介词。句意:9月20日,他从4700公里外的西安飞到了喀什,计划在五个月内徒步回到西安。根据句意和Xi’an to Kashgar可知,此处表示“从西安飞往喀什”,应用介词from,固定搭配from…to…表示“从……到……”。故填from。
第三部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)
Dear David,
Delighted to know your interest in my voluntary work in the Asian Games held in Hangzhou. I’m writing to share my experience.
Challenging as the work was, it was a glorious moment for me to be a volunteer in Hangzhou. I was totally impressed by the charm of different sports and the sportsmanship spirit within. As a volunteer, it would help if you are familiar with the rules of the game and wear a warm smile whenever you are needed for help.
Go ahead and sign up! I bet you’ll find it rewarding.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
文章来源 30 Teen Stories for Reflection & Reproduction by Shengliver and his students
Hearing Peter’s complaint, I got extremely angry. I criticised him mercilessly for a while. I told him that we should cherish each exam as an opportunity to learn and improve rather than treat it mindlessly. At this, Peter flushed. I could see a look of shame and embarrassment creeping across his face. I also asked Peter to be honest and consistent throughout the exam. Hopefully, his integrity would not be compromised by external forces. Having listened to my instructions, Peter nodded repeatedly. He promised that he would not misbehave himself in the tests.
The day came when the results were out. As usual, some students were happy while others were worried. Strangely enough, this time those who got worried included a couple of classmates who had made it to the very top of the league table. They felt uneasy for lack of a clear conscience. Even though neither Peter nor I had earned impressive grades in the exam, we learned a lot from it. The exam helped us to see not only where we were weak in our lessons but also the importance of staying true to our hearts.四子王旗实验学校2023-2024学年高二上学期期中考试
年级 姓名 考号
阅读 (共俩节,满分50分)
Below is a brief description of the process involved in selecting the Nobel Prize laureates (获奖者) in physics.
September-Nomination (提名) forms are sent out.
The Nobel Committee sends out confidential forms to around 3,000 people-selected professors at universities around the world, Nobel Prize laureates in physics and chemistry, and members of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, among others.
February-Deadline for submission.
The completed nomination forms must reach the Nobel Committee no later than 31st January of the following year. The Committee screens the nominations and selects the preliminary candidates. About 250-350 names are nominated as several nominators often submit the same name.
March-May-Consultation with experts.
The Nobel Committee sends the names of the preliminary (初步的) candidates to specially appointed experts for their assessment of the candidates’ work.
Jun-August-Writing of the report.
The Nobel Committee puts together the report with recommendations to be submitted to the Academy. The report is signed by all members of the Committee.
September-Committee submits recommendations.
The Nobel Committee submits its report with recommendations on the final candidates to the members of the Academy. The report is discussed at two meetings of the Physics Class of the Academy.
October-Nobel Prize laureates are chosen.
In early October, the Academy selects the Nobel Prize laureates in physics through a majority vote. The decision is final and without appeal. The names of the Nobel Laureates are then announced.
December-Nobel Prize laureates receive their prize.
The Nobel Prize award ceremony takes place on 10 December in Stockholm, where the Nobel Prize laureates receive their Nobel Prize, which consists of a Nobel Prize medal and diploma (证书), and a document confirming the prize amount.
21.When should nomination forms be sent back to the Nobel Committee in the following year
A.Later than March. B.Later than April.
C.Earlier than February. D.Later than August.
22.Where does the Nobel Prize laureates receive their Nobel Prize
A.In Stockholm. B.In New York. C.In Canberra. D.In London.
23.The Nobel Prize is NOT made up of_________.
A.A medal. B.A diploma. C.A document. D.A souvenir.
When she was 14 years old, Amy’s life was turned upside down by a family trouble.
Amy lived in a small village in India. Her mother fell ill and her father had to spend his time caring for her. As a result, she had to do most of the housework — including washing clothes. What’s worse, her family couldn’t afford an electric washing machine. Instead, she had to do the washing all by hand in the local river, and then carefully carry everything back to her home — a task that took several hours.
Interested in engineering, Amy wanted to make a washing machine which could be used without electricity. She started studying electric washers to learn how they worked. Amy then designed a machine with bicycle pedals (踏板) and chain. To get those, she went to a local shop. Workers there not only gave her the parts, they also helped her make the machine!
Here’s how the machine works: Amy used a cylinder (圆筒) to hold the clothes and put it in a cube (立方体). Next, she connected the bicycle pedals and the chain to the cylinder. As Amy pushed the pedals with her legs, the cylinder cleaned the clothes just like a regular washing machine.
Amy’s invention worked! She had created her own human-powered washing machine — and now a task that used to take several hours took only 30 minutes. Amy’s washing machine was chosen as India’s best invention! And the story of this young woman’s creative invention spread around the world.
“Amy’s invention saves time and money for the world’s poor,” said Jeanine Thomas of the Borden Project, “she made a difference.”
24.What problem did Amy try to solve
A.Her mother suffered from illness.
B.Her family was too poor to afford her education.
C.It was a long way to get water from the river.
D.It took too much time and effort to wash clothes.
25.How did Amy solve the problem
A.designing→studying→getting materials→making the machine
B.designing→getting materials→studying→making the machine
C.studying→getting materials→designing→making the machine
D.studying→designing→getting materials→making the machine
26.How does the machine get powered
A.By turning the cylinder around with hands.
B.By pulling the chain with machines.
C.By pushing the pedals with legs.
D.By turning on the machine with electricity.
27.What does the underlined phrase “made a difference” mean here
A.Amy changed the way a washing machine works.
B.Amy won a big prize and improved her family’s life.
C.Amy improved many poor people’s lives with her creativity.
D.Amy encouraged many young inventors among the poor.
When I was growing up, my family kept chickens. We always had about a dozen of them at any given time and whenever one died off – taken away by hawk or fox or by some unknown chicken illness – my father would replace the lost hen.
He’d drive to a nearby chicken farm and return with a new chicken in a sack. The thing is, you must be very careful when introducing a new chicken to the general flock. You can’t just toss it in there with the old chickens, or they will see it as an invader. What you must do instead is to slip the new bird into the chicken farm in the middle of the night while the others are asleep. Place her beside the flock and tiptoe away. In the morning, when the chickens wake up, they don’t notice the newcomer, thinking only, “She must have been here all the time since I didn’t see her arrive.” And awaking within this flock, the newcomer herself doesn’t even remember that she’s a newcomer, thinking only, “I must have been here the whole time…”
My arrival in India does likewise. My plane lands in Mumbai on December 30. I find my luggage, and then find the taxi that will take me hours and hours out of the city to the destination, located in a remote rural village. I doze on the drive through streets, sometimes waking to look out the window, where I can see strange haunted shapes of thin women walking alongside the road with bundles of firewood on their heads. Buses with no headlights pass us, and we pass oxcarts. The banyan trees spread their elegant roots throughout the ditches.
28.What do we know from the first paragraph
A.The author was good at keeping chickens.
B.The author’s father could treat chickens’ diseases.
C.Chickens were more valuable than hens.
D.The number of the chickens was kept steady.
29.When did the writer probably arrive in India
A.8:00 P.M. B.1:00 A.M. C.7:00 A.M. D.3:00 P.M.
30.What does the underlined word “flock” in the second paragraph mean
A.The chicken farm. B.The group of chickens.
C.The nearby chickens. D.The new chickens.
31.The writer wrote the passage to _________.
A.tell the readers how he quickly got integrated into Mumbai
B.describe how a newcomer usually feels on a new land
C.persuade the readers to get accustomed to the new environment quickly
D.reflect upon his childhood and his eventful travel to Mumbai
Do Animals Communicate
When we think of communication, we normally think of using words — talking face to face, writing messages and so on. But in fact we communicate far more in other ways. Our eyes and facial expressions usually tell the truth even when our words do not.
Then there are gestures, often unconscious: raising the eyebrows, rubbing the nose, raising the shoulders, tapping the fingers, nodding and shaking the head. There is also the even more subtle (微妙的) body language of posture: Are you sitting or standing with arms or legs crossed Is that person standing with hands in pockets, held in front of the body or hidden behind Even the way we dress and the colors we wear communicate things to others.
So, do animals communicate Not in words, although a parrot might be trained to repeat words and phrases which it doesn’t understand. But, as we have learnt, there is more to communicate than words.
Take dogs for example. They show their teeth to warn, shake their tails to welcome, and stand firm with hair upright to fight. These signals are surely the equals of the human body language of facial expressions, gestures and posture.
Color can be an important means of communication for animals. Many birds and fishes change color, for example, to attract partners during the mating (交配) season. And mating itself is commonly done after a special dance which both partners take part in.
Here, again, there are striking similarities to young men and women who dress up to meet partners at parties, where the music is often too loud for word communication. Communication there takes place through appearance and movement.
The most carefully planned dances in the animal kingdom are those that bees use to communicate. With body movements alone they can tell other bees the direction and distance of a newly discovered food.
All these examples may suggest instinctive (本能的) rather than intelligent communication. But human body language is largely instinctive, too. And, in many ways, body language says far more than intelligent word communication ever can.
32.Nodding and shaking the head is a ________.
A.gesture B.facial expression C.posture D.language
33.Dogs’ shaking their tails means ________.
A.warning B.welcoming C.fighting D.laughing
34.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text
A.Color is not a way of communication for animals.
B.Many birds and fishes change color to show that they don’t want to mate.
C.A special dance often takes place before mating.
D.Word communication is better at parties where music is so loud.
35.Bees use body movements to ________.
A.attract partners to communicate B.communicate where they have been
C.tell other bees where to go and how far it is D.show their victory
Before bringing a dog into your family, it is important to know how to take care of it. 36 Caring for a dog is a big responsibility, and dog ownership is not something to enter into lightly, however this work will help you to successfully build a bond of love and trust with an important new member of your family.
Knowing how to take care of a dog involves proper attention to your dog's diet. 37 So it's strongly recommended that you feed your dog a high-quality, nutrient-rich dog food formula that is balanced enough to ensure proper digestion.
38 . Dogs that are properly trained are much easier to manage, and can adapt more easily to new training programs. Proper dog training should ideally be started as soon as you bring a dog into your home.
Knowing how to take care of a dog also involves an adequate level of exercise. 39 . If you truly care about how to take care of dog, it' s important that you incorporate exercise into your dog's' daily routine. Exercise can be a brisk 30 minute walk, or an extended session of playtime.
Proper veterinary(兽医的) care is extremely important when understanding how to take care of dog. It's best if you bring your dog in for veterinary checkups at least once year. 40 Pet insurance can cover some or all of your veterinary bills, and will usually also cover emergency procedures.
A.Dogs are very expensive to keep if you want them happy.
B.You need to provide for its needs, both physical and emotional.
C.You should know training is very important for a domestic animal.
D.Each year, thousands of dogs experience obesity-related health problems.
E.Inexpensive low-quality dog food can negatively affect your dog's health.
F.Part of knowing how to take care of a dog involves knowing how to train a dog.
G.If you're worried about costs, you may want to invest in pet insurance for your dog.
第三部分 语言运用(共俩节,满分30分)
If you were given one final wish, what would you wish for Would you wish to visit a 41 place important to you Perhaps wish to talk to someone very dear to you
For the 70-year-old Peter Robson, it was a(n) 42 question — he wanted to see his pet dog, Shep, one last time. Peter was dying because of a serious lung disease. Due to his 43 , staff at the hospital asked his family if he had any last wish to make him at least comfortable.
Peter’s last wish was to see his dog for the last time. 44 , it’s almost impossible for his wish to be granted (准许) because bringing pets of any kind is strictly 45 by the hospital due to possible issues with infection that may 46 . Peter’s family knew that the dying man’s last wish wouldn’t be granted.
47 , Peter’s nurses went out of their way to make Peter’s final wish come true. Just 20 minutes after Peter’s 48 told the staff about his last wish, they 49 the go-ahead they didn’t expect to come: they can now bring Shep to the 50 .
Peter and Shep’s reunion was both 51 and heartbreaking to watch. Peter was very 52 to meet Shep again, and it was obvious that Shep 53 the same way. Just hours after the two were 54 , Peter passed away. Ashley Stevens, Peter’s granddaughter, said that Shep has been with Peter for eight years now. Peter 55 the pet dog after his wife died.
The efforts of the nurses in charge didn’t go unnoticed. Ashley posted on a social website about her entire family’s gratefulness for the nurses.
41.A.specific B.permanent C.abstract D.universal
42.A.regular B.unexpected C.easy D.helpful
43.A.position B.stage C.status D.condition
44.A.Similarly B.Naturally C.Eventually D.Unfortunately
45.A.permitted B.expected C.forbidden D.required
46.A.enter B.escape C.occur D.rush
47.A.However B.Therefore C.Otherwise D.Instead
48.A.friends B.family C.doctor D.nurses
49.A.accepted B.sought C.admitted D.received
50.A.shelter B.house C.hospital D.company
51.A.funny B.beautiful C.horrible D.strange
52.A.happy B.sad C.interested D.disappointed
53.A.gave B.made C.took D.felt
54.A.combined B.united C.linked D.trapped
55.A.left B.sacrificed C.held D.got
阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式.
A visually-challenged man from Beijing recently hiked (徒步) 40 days to Xi’an, as a first step 56 (journey) the Belt and Road route (路线) by foot.
On the 1,100 kilometer journey, the man Cao Shengkang, 57 lost his eyesight at the age of eight in a car accident, crossed 40 cities and counties in three province. Inspired by the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation 58 (hold) in Beijing, Cao decided to cover the route by hiking as a tribute (致敬) to the ancient Silk Road. 59 friend of his, Wu Fan, volunteered to be his companion during the trip.
Cao and Wu also collected garbage along the road, in order to promote environmental 60 (protect). Cao believes this will make the hiking trip even more 61 (meaning). The two of them collected more than 1,000 plastic bottles along the 40-day journey.
In the last five years. Cao 62 (walk) through 34 countries in six continents, and in 2016, he reached the top of Kilimanjaro, Africa’s 63 (high) mountain.
Now, Cao has started the second part of his dream to walk along the Belt and Road route. He flew 4, 700 kilometers 64 Xi’an to Kashgar on Sept. 20, 65 (plan) to hike back to Xi’an in five months.
写作(共两节,满分 40 分)
(满分 15 分)
假定你是李华,刚刚参加了第 19 届杭州亚运会的志愿者工作。你的新加坡好友 David 想申请下一届 亚运会志愿者,写信向你询问相关情况,请你用英语给他写一封回信,内容包括:
2. 如何准备;
3. 表达祝愿。
注意: 1. 写作词数应为 80 词左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear David,
Yours sincerely,
(满分 25 分)
As a senior student in high school, I committed myself to active preparation for the upcoming college entrance examination. My days were filled with studying textbooks, practicing exam questions, and making constant revisions. It felt like I was going through the motions, with the weight of pressure and expectations weighing heavily on me. The atmosphere in our class was charged with anxiety. Classmates gathered to discuss study strategies and shared last-minute tips. Teachers provided additional classes and mock exams (模拟考试) to copy real exam conditions. Everyone desired to achieve their best in the exams to boost their confidence.
Last Thursday, a surprise exam was given to us. We were to complete all the four tests in a single day, Chinese, Maths, English and the Sciences. We had been kept completely in the dark about the exam until the very last minute. Many classmates felt upset at taking it at such short notice. As a veteran (I am repeating the last year of high school), I was used to such a surprise as our dear teachers had in store for us. It was no secret that many other schools had already done the tests. Therefore, it would be a piece of cake to get the answers online. This term I am paired with Peter by our class director in a tutor-pupil relationship. I am the tutor (老师); Peter my pupil. We are supposed to help each other. Since I am more experienced, I am expected to offer tips and tricks to Peter on studies and life. When word came that the surprise exam was in place, Peter intended to cheat. He complained to me that he would be too worn out to complete all the four tests in such a short time. He added, “The exam is not that vital. Many schoolmates have got the keys anyway.
Hearing Peter’s complaint, I got extremely angry.
The day came when the results were out .



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