
全卷满分120分 考试用时100分钟
第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
STEM is short for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. These camps provide the skills needed to succeed in our technological society.
Steve & Kate's Camp
Steve & Kate's Camp was founded in the belief that when you trust kids, they learn to trust themselves, and develop creative confidence that will help them unleash(释放)their true potential. It offers a safe, judgment-free environment where kids can be themselves, explore their passions, and make a few mistakes along the way. Phone: 415-389-5437
App Camp
Asheville School is offering a unique app camp experience to teenagers across the U.S. and abroad who are interested in learning how to make exciting new apps for the iPhone and iPad. Students will learn about Apple's Swift Programming Language and learn about Apple's new AR technology. Phone: 828-254-6345
Game Camp Nation
Harness(利用)your child's energy for video games to fuel their future, strengthen self-confidence and make new friends. Creativity, Critical Thinking & Communication: we emphasize the 3Cs needed for success in today's media-driven world. Hands-on projects spark curiosity. Our groups are intentionally kept small, and our staff encourage peer interaction so it's easy to make friends. Phone: 619-446-6495
Camp Motorsport
For the camper who loves to hear those famous words “Start your engines!”, Camp Motorsport offers the exciting motorsport focusing on summer camp programs to girls and boys aged 9 to 17. In addition to gaining valuable seat time, campers get hands-on experience with the STEM aspects of automotive design. In addition to driving, Camp Motorsport still has all the fun summer camp activities campers expect including a private lake with swimming and boats, and a barbecue just to name a few. Phone: 888-836-1212.
1.Which camp will you choose if you want to take program courses
A.Steve & Kate's Camp.
B.Game Camp Nation.
C.Camp Motorsport.
D.App Camp.
2.What number will you call if you want to have much fun after taking part in the camp
A.619-446-6495.   B.828-254-6345.
C.888-836-1212.   D.415-389-5437.
3.What do Steve & Kate's Camp and Game Camp Nation have in common
A.They both appeal to learners full of curiosity.
B.They both make learners become confident.
C.They are both free of charge for teenagers across the U.S.
D.They are both popular with programming language learners.
An 82-year-old Chinese female pilot has set a record in the country's airline industry after flying a small plane for 40 minutes in Beijing. Miao Xiaohong, one of China's second batch(一批)of female pilots, controlled the Tecnam P2010 plane to take off, turn, climb, dive and land safely at the Shifosi Airport in Pinggu District of Beijing.
In 1956, Miao Xiaohong, who graduated from a high school in Jinan, won a position in the second batch. She graduated from the flight school in 1958. In the following years, she flew many important missions(任务). In 1963, she undertook a mission to airdrop materials for the flood-stricken areas in Hebei Province. Poor visibility (能见度)prevented her locating the target areas as the clouds were about 100 meters above the ground, but she managed to finish the task.
In 1989, she retired and started her writing career. When she collected material for her books, she found that many aged pilots in other countries still flew, and she had the idea of returning to the sky. To prepare for the flight, she walked 3,000 steps every day and moved her arms to meet the requirements for the high-altitude flight. Different from past flights for missions, this time her goal was to enjoy the flight. She said that it was exciting and fresh.“Seeing the boundless blue sky unfold in front of me, I feel it is very open,” she said.
The trainer said that Miao Xiaohong could finish the 30-hour flight to get a license for commercial flights. She said,“My physical condition is good enough to finish the 30-hour flight but it is not so important for me to get such a license. After achieving my dream of returning to the sky, I hope to encourage young women to join the airline industry. I'm 82 years old and I can fly again. You, the young people, can fly and will fly better than me.”
4.What can we learn from the airdrop mission carried out by Miao Xiaohong
A.She was a very beautiful pilot.
B.She had excellent flying skills.
C.She suffered from poor eyesight.
D.She usually completed hard tasks.
5.What made Miao Xiaohong have the idea of flying a plane at the age of 82
A.Her deep love for flights.
B.Her wish to set a flying record.
C.The requirements of her books.
D.The influence of other aged pilots.
6.Which of the following words can best describe Miao Xiaohong
A.Faithful.   B.Energetic.
C.Determined.   D.Enthusiastic.
7.What could be the best title for the passage
A.Returning to the blue sky
B.Coming to join in the flight
C.Managing to finish difficult tasks
D.Improving yourself to set a record
On the side of a busy road leading into Dundee, on the east coast of Scotland, the blades (叶片) of a small wind turbine (涡轮机) move in the wind of passing cars and trucks. It is charging a battery that is below the ground. This is an invention by Sanwal Muneer, a young engineer from Pakistan.
Muneer was inspired to create the turbine as he stood on the side of a racetrack several years ago. “At first, the light wind from the cars was just a welcome relief from the heat,” he says. “Then I started to think about how we could use that energy.”
The turbine stands 2.5 metres tall. Made of recyclable carbon fibres, it weighs just nine kilogrammes, making it easy to transport and set up. The fully-charged battery can hold a kilowatt of electricity, enough to run two lamps and a fan for around 40 hours. The idea is that this could be a source of electricity for rural communities in developing countries, or could power traffic lights or road signs in urban areas.
Dundee City Council is the first local authority to allow Muneer's company, Capture Mobility, to test the turbine beside its roads. “We want to help engineers create something inventive which is also beneficial to the city,” says Neil Gellatly, head of roads and transportation for Dundee City Council. Capture Mobility moved to Scotland from Pakistan in 2015. The Scottish government is investing in cleaner-energy technologies. Wind is also strong and plentiful all year round here. This makes it a good location for Muneer's company.
Production costs remain the company's biggest challenge. The turbines must be affordable in developing countries, but achieving this will depend on commercial (商业的) scale (规模). Capture Mobility is now analysing data from the turbine. Later this year, the company plans to send the next stage of the design to the producers. “I am passionate about engineering,” Muneer says. “But engineering is only a success if it improves lives.”
8.How does the author introduce the topic of the text
A.By sharing opinions about turbines.
B.By offering the definition of turbines.
C.By introducing the inventor's experience.
D.By describing the scene of a wind turbine at work.
9.What can we learn about Muneer's turbine
A.It is fixed to the ground.
B.It turns traffic into energy.
C.It has been used to power traffic lights.
D.It is inspired by a rechargeable fan.
10.Why did Capture Mobility move to Scotland
A.To make full use of its wind with the Scottish government's permission.
B.To work with its inventive engineers.
C.To help solve its energy shortage.
D.To answer its government's invitation.
11.What will Capture Mobility do in the future
A.Make the turbine out of recyclable materials.
B.Invest in cleaner-energy technologies.
C.Test the turbine in Dundee.
D.Mass-produce the turbine.
Nowadays, more stores and restaurants are not accepting cash as a means of payment. Instead, customers must pay with a credit card, or by smartphone apps.
Many business owners say that being cashless has helped them streamline the way their businesses run. Staff members don't have to think about having enough money in the cash register to give change or taking bills and coins to the bank.
However, according to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, more than 8 million households in the United States don't have bank accounts. Also, many people, including kids, don't meet the requirements of a credit card.
“A cashless economy is not an inclusive economy. There are consumers who can't get a credit card because of low income. When stores refuse to accept cash, they exclude low-income or homeless people,” says Tazra Mitchell, a policy director at the DC Fiscal Policy Institute.
Plus people who do have credit cards might prefer to pay in cash. “Cash is used by almost eight in ten people in the US every month. That's more than the percentage of any other payment type,” says Nick Bourke, a director at the Pew Charitable Trusts' consumer finance project.
Lawmakers in several places have taken steps to ban cashless stores. A handful of major cities—including New York City and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania—have already passed laws to address the problem. In San Francisco, California, a law banning cashless stores was passed last May. It says most stores in the city must allow customers to pay in cash. Derek Remski helped make the San Francisco law. Remski says, “The fact remains that not everyone has equal access to things.”
12.What does the underlined word“streamline” in Paragraph 2 probably mean
A.Record.   B.Understand.
C.Redevelop.   D.Simplify.
13.What does Tazra Mitchell think of a cashless economy
A.It is unfair to some people.
B.It is enjoyed by bank workers.
C.It is advantageous to customers.
D.It is the result of the marketplace.
14.What can we learn from Paragraph 5
A.Cash payment is still very popular with consumers.
B.Cashless stores will be driven out of the market.
C.Stores should allow more than one payment type.
D.Paying with credit cards has its own disadvantages.
15.What is some cities' attitude towards going cashless
A.They encourage it.
B.They fight against it.
C.They care little about it.
D.They are hopeful about it.
Meeting and getting acquainted (熟悉的) with new friends can be challenging.  16  However, if you are connected with intellectual (智力的) interests, it will be easier for you to make smart friends. The following are some useful tips that may help you meet intellectually excellent friends.
 17  When you hope to meet smart friends, it's important to identify what kind of interest you're searching for. For example, some individuals have a good knowledge of cooking or community volunteering. After you identify what you need, join the group among new people to learn from them and develop the interests.
Expand your professional circles.  18  If you are working in a company without intellectual persons, why not join a club of your field or discussion group related to your profession For example, if you are working in the IT industry and would like to make smart friends involved, join a group related to IT to meet with the industry elite (精英).
Invite new persons to social activities. Once you meet with a new person, make an effort to develop a friendship by inviting the person to take part in some daily activities, such as having coffee, taking a walk, having lunch or playing tennis.  19 
Arrange group events together with smart individuals. This works well with groups that share common interests, such as artistic creation, scientific research, or literary appreciation.  20  If you do so, you are likely to make more social connections with a wider variety of intellectual individuals.
A.Identify the interests you are to develop.
B.Continuing education will lead you to smart people.
C.The person shares the same age and location with you.
D.Involve a variety of well-educated people in your events.
E.Find something that you both enjoy and try to get better acquainted.
F.Connecting with a group of knowledgeable friends may be more difficult.
G.Communicating with those of the same profession may connect you with smart friends.
16.    17.    18.    19.    20.   
第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
  A single tremble shook beneath my feet. The trees above me began to sway (摇 摆) hard. Then came the deadly  21  that could only mean one thing, destruction. Every house and every object was now  22 . My vision blurred (模糊) even more when I saw the remains of my house. The house that used to 23  all the happiness in the world was now 24  a pile of ruined pieces. I  25  all the times I played with my little brother and sister. Images of them were  26  in my mind, so I let the darkness sweep over me completely so I could see them vividly one last time. I regained a bit of my  27  after lying on the ground for some time. My eyes viewed different things, but I walked on mindlessly, with no 28  to anything around me at all.
Years have passed since the disaster that  29  me years ago. I never thought I would be okay again after this 30  event.
Today I am going on a trip to California to help  31  of a recent earthquake. Then, I see her. A young girl is weeping. I walk toward her. Losing family was 32 , but because of my life-changing experience, I am strong, and I can  33  the lives of those who are suffering as I was. When I reach the girl, she stares at me with sad eyes, and I gently stick out my hand for her to hold. One day, she may  34  others the way I did for her. She holds my hand tightly, and together, we look for a brighter future where we can help those around us and 35  the world after a disaster.
21.A.silence   B.power
C.emergency   D.extinction
22.A.under pressure   B.on hand
C.in ruins   D.at war
23.A.promote   B.supply
C.contain   D.measure
24.A.extremely   B.simply
C.actually   D.obviously
25.A.adapted to   B.thought of
C.made out   D.looked through
26.A.designed   B.buried
C.carved   D.observed
27.A.balance   B.memory
C.impression   D.strength
28.A.request   B.comparison
C.path   D.reaction
29.A.struck   B.attacked
C.approached   D.pressed
30.A.amazing   B.frightening
C.exciting   D.challenging
31.A.professionals   B.volunteers
C.survivors   D.experts
32.A.painful   B.anxious
C.awkward   D.unique
33.A.appreciate   B.possess
C.exchange   D.improve
34.A.affect   B.regard
C.recommend   D.contact
35.A.establish   B.change
C.remove   D.define
Last Friday a storm swept through two villages in the New Territories, 36 (destroy) fourteen homes. Seven others were so badly damaged 37 their owners had to leave them, and fifteen others had broken windows or roofs. One person was killed, several were 38  (serious) hurt and taken to hospital, and a number of other people received smaller damage. Altogether over two hundred people were homeless after the storm.
A farmer, Mr. Tan, said that the storm began early 39  the morning and lasted for over an hour.
“I 40  (eat) with my wife and children,” he said, “when we heard a loud noise. A few minutes later our house fell down on top of us. We tried our best 41 (climb) out but then I saw that one of my children was 42  (miss). I went back inside and found him, safe 43 very frightened.”
Mrs. Wu said that her husband had just left for work when she 44  (feel) that her house was moving. She ran outside at once with her children.
Soldiers helped to take people out of the flooded area and the welfare department brought 45  (they) food, clothes and shelter.
36.    37.    38.    39.    40.   
41.    42.    43.    44.    45.   
第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
Dear Peter,
  Looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua
A few years ago, a child was lost in the woods. He was out with his brothers and sisters to gather berries, and was accidentally separated from them, and lost. The children, after looking in vain(徒劳地) for the little wanderer, returned, just in the evening, telling their parents that their brother was lost and could not be found.
The woods, at that time, were full of bears. The darkness of a cloudy night was rapidly coming on, and the concerned father, gathering a few of his neighbors, hurried to search for the lost child. The mother remained at home and looked pretty upset.
As the clouds gathered, and the darkness increased, the father and neighbors with highly excited fears went across the woods in all directions and raised loud shouts to attract the attention of the child.
But their search was in vain. They could find no trace of the wanderer and as they stood under the branches of the tall trees and listened, they wished they could hear his weak voice. However, no sound was brought to their ears, except the strong wind as it swept through the thick branches of the forest.
The gathering clouds threatened an approaching storm, and the deep darkness of the night had already enveloped them. It was difficult to imagine what the feelings of that father were. And who could imagine how deep the worry is, which filled the heart of that mother, as she heard the wind and looked at the darkness in which her child was wandering
The search was continued in vain till nine o'clock in the evening. Then, one of the parties was sent back to the village, to collect the villagers for a more extensive(广泛的) search. Every heart sympathized with the sorrow of the anxious parents. Soon groups of the people were seen climbing the hill. Before long, the rain began to fall, but no news of the lost child came back to the village. Hardly anyone slept that night, and there was not a mother who did not feel for the parents.
Paragraph 1:
The night passed, and the morning dawned, and yet no news came.
Paragraph 2:
About seven in the morning, villagers made arrangements for a final search
1.D 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.D 6.C 7.A
8.D 9.B 10.A 11.C 12.D 13.A 14.A
15.B 16.F 17.A 18.G 19.E 20.D 21.A
22.C 23.C 24.B 25.B 26.C 27.D 28.D
29.A 30.B 31.C 32.A 33.D 34.A 35.B
36.destroying 37.that 38.seriously 39.in 40.was eating 41.to climb 42.missing 43.but 44.felt 45.them
第一部分 阅读
  ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇应用文,介绍了几个适合青少年参加的训练营。
1.D 推理判断题。根据第三段第一句可知Asheville School为青少年提供一个独特的应用程序营地体验,因此,如果想学习编程课程,应选择App Camp。
2.C 细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“In addition to driving, Camp Motorsport still has all the fun summer camp activities campers expect including a private lake with swimming and boats, and a barbecue just to name a few. Phone: 888-836-1212.”可知,Camp Motorsport可以提供游泳、划船和户外烧烤等有趣的活动,适合放松和玩耍。因此,如果你想加入训练营后玩得开心,你应拨打888-836-1212。
3.B 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Steve & Kate's Camp was founded...their true potential.”以及第四段中的“Harness your child's energy...and make new friends.”可知,Steve & Kate's Camp培养孩子建立创造力自信,Game Camp Nation利用孩子玩电子游戏的精力增强自信。因此可知,Steve & Kate's Camp和Game Camp Nation的共同之处是它们都能使学习者变得自信。
  ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了一位挑战自我、重新上天的退休女飞行员的故事。
4.B 推理判断题。根据第二段中“In 1963, she undertook a mission to airdrop materials...but she managed to finish the task.”可知,尽管空投任务困难重重,但她还是出色地完成了任务。由此可以判断出,她的飞行技术很棒,故选B项。
5.D 细节理解题。根据第三段中“...she found that many aged pilots in other countries still flew, and she had the idea of returning to the sky.”可知,她有重新上天的想法是受到国外上了年纪的飞行员还在飞行的影响,故选D项。
6.C 推理判断题。根据第三段中“To prepare for the flight, she walked 3,000 steps every day...flight.(为了准备这次飞行,她每天要走3,000步,并活动双臂,以满足高空飞行的要求。)”可以判断出,她是一个非常坚定的(Determined)人,故选C项。A.忠诚的;B.精力充沛的;D.热心的。
7.A 主旨大意题。根据第一段中“An 82-year-old Chinese female pilot has set a record...in Beijing.”及第三段中“When she collected material for her books...returning to the sky.”可知,本文主要叙述了一位挑战自我、重新驾驶飞机上天的退休女飞行员的故事,因此本文最佳标题为A项(重返蓝天)。
  ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了一个新的发明,可以利用道路上的汽车等交通工具驶过时带来的风能,将其通过风力涡轮机转变成电能,从而成为社区的电力来源。
8.D 推理判断题。根据第一段前两句“On the side of a busy road leading into Dundee...It is charging a battery that is below the ground.(在通往苏格兰东海岸的邓迪的一条繁忙道路的一侧,一台小型风力涡轮机的叶片在驶过的汽车和卡车的风中移动。它正在为地下的电池充电。)”可推断,作者通过描述一台风力涡轮机在工作的场景来引出主题。故选D项。
9.B 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“‘At first, the light wind from the cars was just a welcome relief from the heat,’ he says. ‘Then I started to think about how we could use that energy.’”可知,他所设计的涡轮机是将交通工具产生的风能变成电能。故选B项。
10.A 推理判断题。根据第四段中的“Capture Mobility moved to Scotland...Wind is also strong and plentiful all year round here. This makes it a good location for Muneer's company.(2015年,Capture Mobility从巴基斯坦迁至苏格兰。苏格兰政府正在投资清洁能源技术。这里一年四季的风也很大、很充沛。这使它成为Muneer的公司的一个好地点。)”可推断,搬到苏格兰的原因是在苏格兰政府的支持下,该公司可以充分利用风能。故选A项。
11.C 推理判断题。根据第四段中的“Dundee City Council is the first local authority to allow Muneer's company, Capture Mobility, to test the turbine beside its roads.(邓迪市议会是第一个允许Muneer的公司Capture Mobility在路边测试涡轮机的地方当局。)”以及最后一段中的“Capture Mobility is now analysing data from the turbine.(Capture Mobility现在正在分析来自涡轮机的数据。)”可推断,接下来该公司将在邓迪测试涡轮机。
  ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇议论文。文章主要说明了如今的无现金化的社会现象,指出了人们对此的不同看法和态度。
12.D 词义猜测题。根据画线词后文可知,工作人员不用考虑现金出纳机里有足够的钱来找零,也不用考虑把钞票和硬币拿到银行,说明无现金化帮助他们简化了经营方式,提升了效率。D项Simplify 表示“简化”,符合句意。
13.A 推理判断题。根据第四段Tazra Mitchell说的话“无现金经济不是包容性经济。有些消费者因为收入低而拿不到信用卡。当商店拒绝接受现金时,他们就将低收入者或无家可归的人排除在外了”可知,Tazra Mitchell认为无现金经济对某些人是不公平的,故选 A。
14.A 细节理解题。根据第五段第二句中的“在美国,每10个人中就有差不多8个人每月使用现金”可知,现金支付仍然很受消费者欢迎,故选A。
15.B 推理判断题。根据最后一段内容可知,一些地方的立法者已经采取了措施禁止无现金商店,几个大城市已经通过了法律来解决这个问题。由此可知,一些城市对无现金化持反对态度。故选 B。
  ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了几种结交有聪明才智、学识渊博的朋友的方法。
16.F 空前句提到“遇见并且结识新朋友是有挑战性的”,F项“与一群学识渊博的朋友建立良好关系可能更加困难”承接上文,是对上一句内容的深化。F项中的 more difficult呼应前文中的challenging。
17.A 设空处位于本段开头,结合第三、四、五段开头语可知,本空应选祈使句作为本段的主旨句。空后句提到“当你希望遇到聪明的朋友时,重要的是要确定你在寻找什么样的兴趣”,A项“确定你正打算培养的兴趣”概括了本段的主要内容,即要结识有智慧的朋友,首先要分辨清楚自己正寻求哪方面的知识或者兴趣。
18.G 根据空前句“Expand your professional circles.(拓展你的职业圈)”可知,G项“与那些相同职业的人交流可能会将你与聪明的朋友联系起来”与本段的主旨句“拓展你的职业圈”呼应,并且下文“related to your profession”也提到了同一职业或者同一领域。
19.E 空前句提到“一旦你接触到一个新认识的人,尽量通过邀请这个人参加一些日常活动来发展友谊”,此处承接上文,E项“找到你们俩都喜欢的东西,尽量让你们变得更熟悉”符合语境。E项中的“get better acquainted”与上文中的“develop a friendship”呼应。
20.D 根据段首句“Arrange group events together with smart individuals.(与聪明的人一起安排团体活动)”可知,D项“让各种受过良好教育的人参与你的活动”符合语境,且与下文“如果你这样做,你可能会与更广泛的聪明人建立更多的社交联系”语意衔接。
第二部分 语言运用
  ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者经历了一次灾难性的地震后,人生发生了改变,并以志愿者的身份去帮助像他一样的人,同时希望人们能够在经历灾难和痛苦之后,同样挺身而出帮助其他人,使世界有所不同。
21.A 根据前文“A single tremble shook beneath my feet. The trees above me began to sway hard.”可知,作者描述了地震特别强烈的时候的感受,而后文“destruction (毁灭)”则提示这里讲述地震过后的感受,因此结合常识可知,该句讲述的是地震过后的“安静(silence)”,与前文的强烈感受形成对比。power力量;emergency突发事件,紧急情况;extinction灭绝。
22.C 后文“My vision blurred even more when I saw the remains of my house.”提及了“房屋废墟”,说明房屋和物品成了废墟(in ruins)。under pressure在压力之下;on hand在手头,在近旁;at war在交战中。
23.C 后文“I  25  all the times I played with my little brother and sister.”提到作者以前总是和弟弟妹妹在房子里玩耍,因此,这所房子承载了(contain)以往所有的欢乐时光。promote提升,促进;supply提供,供应;measure测量,判定。
24.B 分析语境可知,这里的副词起到强调作用,强调曾经充满欢乐的房子在地震过后就只是(simply)一片废墟。extremely非常,极其;actually实际上,事实上;obviously明显地,显而易见地。
25.B 根据空后的“all the times”可推知,作者想起(thought of)以往和弟弟妹妹一起玩耍的时光。adapt to适应;make out理解;look through浏览。
26.C 根据前文“I  25  all the times I played with my little brother and sister.”可知,作者面对废墟时能够想起以往的欢乐时光,弟弟妹妹的形象深深地刻在(carved)脑海里。design设计;bury埋葬;observe观察。
27.D 根据后文“after lying on the ground for some time”可知,作者在地上休息了一会儿,恢复了一点力气(strength)。balance平衡;memory记忆;impression印象。
28.D 根据前文“I walked on mindlessly”可知,经历过大地震,失去了一切之后,作者此时漫无目的,什么东西都不能引起他的反应(reaction)。request要求;comparison比较,对比;path小路,道路。
29.A 分析句子可知,“that  29  me years ago”为定语从句,修饰先行词the disaster,关系代词that指代the disaster,在从句中作主语,其对应的动词应是“袭击,爆发”,用在句中表达“发生在我身上”。strike侵袭,爆发;attack攻击;approach靠近;press按,压。故选A。
30.B 句意:我从没想过在经历了这件可怕的事情之后,我还会好起来。根据前文中的“Then came the deadly...”可知,此处应选B项“frightening(令人害怕的)”。amazing令人诧异的;exciting令人激动的;challenging具有挑战性的。
31.C 根据后文“When I reach the girl, she stares at me with sad eyes, and I gently stick out my hand for her to hold.”可知,这个女孩是地震幸存者,因此可推知,作者作为“过来人”去帮助这里的地震幸存者(survivors)。professional专业人员;volunteer志愿者;expert专家。
32.A 句意:失去家人是痛苦的,但因为我的改变人生的经历,我变得坚强,我可以改善那些和我一样遭受痛苦的人的生活。painful疼痛的,痛苦的;anxious焦急的;awkward令人尴尬的,棘手的;unique独特的,独一无二的。故选A。
33.D 此处与后文“where we can help those around us”中“help”相呼应,应选D项“improve(提高,改善)”,表达作者希望用自己的力量帮助改善和他拥有相同经历的人的生活。appreciate欣赏,感激;possess拥有,具有;exchange交换。
34.A 根据后文“the way I did for her”可推知,作者认为这个女孩或许以后也会像作者一样,用“过来人”的身份做志愿者,去帮助和影响(affect)其他人。regard看待;recommend推荐;contact联系。
35.B 根据前文“Today I am going on a trip to California to help  31  of a recent earthquake.”可知,作者作为一个“过来人”,用志愿者的身份去帮助其他人,这是他在经历灾难后作出的改变世界的行为,因此可推知,作者希望在更美好的未来可以帮助身边的人,改变(change)灾难后的世界。establish建立,设立;remove移开,去除;define给……下定义。
  ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇新闻报道。上周五,一场暴风雨席卷了新界的两个村庄,文章讲述了受损情况和几个家庭的遭遇。
36.destroying 考查现在分词。句中已有谓语动词swept,故此处应用非谓语动词。destroy与其逻辑主语a storm之间是主动关系,此处指自然而然的结果,因此用现在分词。故填destroying。
37.that 考查状语从句。此处指“另外7座房屋严重受损,主人不得不离开”。 so...that...表示“如此……以至于……”,引导结果状语从句。故填that。
38.seriously 考查副词。设空处修饰were hurt,应用副词形式。故填seriously。
39.in 考查介词。in the morning在上午。故填in。
40.was eating 考查时态。此处指“他说:‘我和太太、孩子们正在吃饭,这时我们突然听到一声巨响……’”。be doing sth. when...正在做某事这时……,为固定句式。表示过去某个时刻正在发生的动作应用过去进行时。故填was eating。
41.to climb 考查不定式。try one's best to do sth.尽某人最大的努力做某事。故填to climb。
42.missing 考查形容词。was为连系动词,设空处作表语,此处表示“丢失的;找不到的”,应用形容词missing。
43.but 考查连词。此处指“我回到屋里,发现了他,虽然安全但非常害怕”。空前后两个形容词是转折关系,故填but。
44.felt 考查时态。比较动作先后,发生较早的动作用了过去完成时had just left,发生较晚的动作用一般过去时。故填felt。
45.them 考查代词。bring sb. sth.给某人带来某物,代词作宾语应用宾格形式。故填them。
第三部分 写作
One possible version:
Dear Peter,
You asked me about the Chinese painting exhibition to be held in your last letter and the following is a brief introduction.
The exhibition, whose theme is “Amazing China”, will take place from next Monday to Friday in the exhibition hall located on the third floor of the City Museum. Some extraordinary Chinese paintings created by the middle school students will be displayed.
By the way, visitors are not permitted to take photos during the exhibition. It is also bad manners to talk loudly in the museum.
Looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua
One possible version:
Paragraph 1:
The night passed, and the morning dawned, and yet no news came. The mum kept pacing up and down in the room, looking out of the window anxiously and nervously. At the thought of her little boy who might be threatened by wild bears, she felt a lump in her throat. Outside of the window, a howling storm was sweeping crazily, with the loud shouts from all parties echoing in every corner of the village. Villagers' coats and helmets were all wet through with rain and sweat. Exhausted as they were, none of them ever paused for a rest.
Paragraph 2:
About seven in the morning, villagers made arrangements for a final search. This time, they found themselves walking on an unfamiliar path. All at once, a man shouted with wild excitement as he found berries on the ground. Following the berries, they soon found the little wanderer in the dark corner of a dark cave, shivering and weeping in fear. The father sprang to his feet and dashed towards the boy, holding him into his arms tightly. At the sight of his father and all the familiar villagers, the boy eventually beamed a relieved and tired smile, with tears blurring his vision.
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