
1.(10分)It is true that hard workers are always fighting against the attraction of sleep.The allusion(典故) xuan liang ci gu,which means tying one's hair to the house beam(房梁)(大腿) with a sharp tool,tells (1)    stories about the hard experience of keeping awake.
In the Eastern Han Dynasty,there was a (2)    politician named Sun Jing,who really enjoyed studying,even in the (3)   .In case he fell asleep when reading at night,Sun (4)    a special way that would help him.He tied his hair to the beam while (5)   .Then,if he felt sleepy,his hair would be pulled upward by the rope and the (6)    would wake him up.
Before you are (7)    by Sun's action,the story of Su Qin,another celebrated man who lived in the Warring States Period(《战国策》),when Su was young,he (8)    so many times to get a governmental position that he even let his family down.So he (9)   to work harder.When he felt sleepy at night,he used a sharp tool to stab at his thigh so that he would become awake and focus on reading again.
(10)   ,Su's hard work were rewarded.Finally,he realized his dream and became successful.Then,people joined Su's story with Sun's and created the allusion xuan liang ci gu.At present,their amazing spirits are still meaningful and encouraging.
(1) A.two B.three C.four D.five
(2) A.lucky B.famous C.polite D.poor
(3) A.morning B.afternoon C.evening D.daytime
(4) A.joined in B.heard from C.thought of D.made sure
(5) A.sleeping B.reading C.eating D.resting
(6) A.sound B.hair C.pain D.light
(7) A.excited B.satisfied C.moved D.surprised
(8) A.failed B.cried C.tried D.fell
(9) A.planned B.decided C.agreed D.preferred
(10) A.Directly B.Correctly C.Exactly D.Certainly
Ⅱ.阅读理解(40分) 第一节阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。(每小题1.5分)
2.(7.5分)There are growing facts that fast food is one of the worst parts of modern life.Studies have shown that burgers and fried chicken can cause health problems.
However,fast food restaurants are still attractive.The most important reason is that their service is fast.Their staff are friendly and very smart﹣looking in their tidy and bright uniforms.Moreover,most fast food restaurants are near places that people often pass by.It is so easy to just grab a burger and eat on the way to work.
Fast food is often so conveniently packed that it will not cause a mess even if you stand and eat it.Fast food restaurants are also very clean.A lot of clever ads have made them the coolest places,but none of them has ever told and will never tell you that too much fast food is not good for your health.
Such attractive places are selling junk food!Isn't it a pity?Is there a way to change the fast﹣food restaurants into special places where you get the best possible,healthy and fresh food?As people realize the health problems that fast food causes,it is quite likely that fast food restaurants may go out of date sooner or later.
Therefore,instead of saying no to fast food restaurants,a better idea may be to persuade(说服)
(1)What is the most important reason for fast food restaurants being so attractive?    
A.The delicious food.
B.The fast service.
C.The friendly staff.
D.The clean places.
(2)What does "them" in Paragraph 3 refer to?    
A.Fast food restaurants.
B.Clever Ads.
C.Fast food.
D.Yummy burgers.
(3)What may NOT be included in ads about fast food restaurants?    
A.Clean environment.
B.Tasty food.
C.Good service.
D.Health problems.
(4)Why are fast food restaurants likely to go out of date sooner or later?    
A.Because the ads are not clever enough to attract people.
B.Because people realize fast food causes health problems.
C.Because fast food restaurants don't change their menus.
D.Because fast food is not healthy or delicious any more.
(5)What is the writer's attitude(态度) towards fast food restaurants?    
3.(7.5分)Deng Jiaxian was a Chinese physicist,known as the Father of China's Atomic Bomb(原子弹).Born in Anhui Province
After Deng's graduation,he didn't accept the high﹣paid positions and superb research conditions provided by the American government or universities.Instead,he returned to Beijing in 1950 to work on nuclear research(核能研究).
Deng faced great difficulties at that time because there was no such research information to learn from and few scientists.He worked with a group of recent college graduates and used abacuses for calculation.It took about a month to finish a stage of calculation and about a year to calculate it nine times.
For about eight years Deng worked very hard at the Gobi Desert nuclear testing site in northwest China.
In October 1964,under Deng's leadership,China successfully tested its first atomic bomb.In June 1967,a parachute failure happened during one experiment,which caused an atomic bomb to crash to the ground but it did not set off.Deng knew the danger in cleaning up the crashed bomb. "You are young," Deng said to his colleagues.So he picked up the broken pieces of the bomb himself instead of sending his team.
Deng's wife,a doctor,learned that Deng had touched the broken pieces of the atomic bomb(辐射).However,he still chose to return to the test site and continued to solve the problem himself.
In 1986,at age 62,Deng passed away because of the radiation.As a national hero
(1)When was Deng Jiaxian born?    
A.In 1941.
B.In 1924.
C.In 1920.
D.In 1950.
(2)What does the underlined word "superb" mean in Paragraph 2?    
(3)Which of the following is the correct order according to the passage?    
①China successfully tested its first atomic bomb.
②Deng returned to Beijing and work on nuclear research.
③Deng studied in the USA.
④Deng was exposed to deadly nuclear radiation.
A. ②③①④
B. ②①③④
C. ③②①④
D. ③②④①
(4)What can we infer from the passage?    
A.Deng used abacuses for calculation because they made less mistakes.
B.Deng's nuclear research was based on many scientists' hard work.
C.Deng's wife was greatly worried about Deng's health condition.
D.Deng never took safety measures when picking up the broken pieces of the bomb.
(5)What can be the best title for the passage?    
A.A Chinese physicist who achieved his dream with hard work
B.A national hero who gave his whole life to China's nuclear program
C.The history and development of China's nuclear program
D.The greatest hero winning a Merit Medal in Chinese history
4.(7.5分)The mascots of the19th Asian Games﹣Lianlian,Congcong,and Chenchen﹣have made their global debut(亮相)
The three robotic figures represent three different facets of Hangzhou's rich heritage.Lianlian is a mirror of the West Lake,Congcong shows the Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City,while Chenchen characterizes the Beijing﹣Hangzhou Grand Canal.
The mascot Lianlian takes on the colour of nature,green,as its main tone to represent the West Lake,Zhejiang Province.The popular scenic spot is famous for its picture﹣like scenery,amazing buildings,temples,pagodas(佛塔)
As a symbol of Hangzhou,the West Lake keeps impressive views and historic relics that have influenced many poets and painters throughout Chinese history.It was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2011.Surrounded by plenty of trees,various plants and flowers,the blooming lotus flowers of summer offer an unbelievable picture﹣like scene.The mascot Lianlian's name comes from the beautiful lotus leaves found there.Also,the lotus is a symbol of purity
Lianlian's lotus leaf﹣shaped cap looks like scenic view of the West Lake.Its pure,lively and elegant image show a graceful,harmonious and open mindset﹣a spirit the mascot aims to express.
(1)What colour is the main tone of Lianlian?    
(2)When can visitors see the lotus flowers?    
A.In spring.
B.In summer.
C.In autumn.
D.In winter.
(3)What can we learn about the West Lake from Paragraphs 3 and 4?    
A.It is a saltwater lake in Hangzhou City,Zhejiang Province.
B.Its views and historic relics have affected singers and dancers.
C.It is known for its modern temples,pagodas and gardens.
D.It became a UNESCO World Heritage twelve years ago.
(4)What spirit does Lianlian express?    
A.A graceful,enthusiastic and pure attitude.
B.A graceful,noble and peaceful attitude.
C.A graceful,harmonious and open attitude.
D.A graceful,lively and elegant attitude.
(5)What will the article probably talk about in the following paragraphs?    
A.Introduction to the sporting spirits of the 19th Asian Games.
B.Introduction to other facets of Hangzhou's rich heritage.
C.Introduction to the Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City.
D.Introduction to Congcong and Chenchen in detail.
A.There are over three hundred chemicals in chocolate.B.Let's separate the truth from the facts about this popular food.C.That's why dark chocolate is the healthiest choice.D.In fact,cocoa beans are full of antioxidants(抗氧剂) that are good for health.E.And it's believed that cocoa butter covers our teeth.F.The following are some advantages of eating chocolate.
Is chocolate harmful to your health? (1)   
Chocolate makes you happy.
(2)    They make our brain active and enable us to feel happy.For example,theobromine(可可碱) can help increase feelings of happiness and makes you feel less stressed.The caffeine(咖啡因)
Chocolate makes you fat.
Chocolate is commonly seen as a kind of fattening food. (3)    However,a lot of antioxidants are removed during the production to clear up their bitterness(苦涩).Most chocolates have high sugar and fat and only a little cocoa.Eating these and other chocolate desserts like cakes and cookies can really increase your weight.
Chocolate causes bad teeth.
It's not chocolate itself that causes tooth decay(腐烂),but the sugar in chocolate and bad teeth﹣brushing habits. (4)    This might actually protect instead of hurting them.
Chocolate only becomes a danger when you eat it too much.It's important to remember that most of the advantages of chocolate come from cocoa. (5)   
Therefore,choose your chocolate wisely,eat it properly
A.Set a time limit for the things you do.When you reach it,move on to the next thing.
B.Make a habit of practising Maths every day and ask your teacher for help if necessary.
C.Try your best to get along with people around you and try to explore different hobbies.
D.You don't have to follow the crowd.Find a private place and work hard during break time.
E.Focus on one subject at a time.Write notes so that you can remember things better.
F.Make a detailed plan for all the homework and set a time limit for each homework.
(1)   Alice finds it difficult to learn so many subjects in junior middle school.
(2)   Tom feels upset because nobody likes to talk about the same topic as he does.
(3)   Peter continues to study during break time,but his friends don't let him do this.
(4)   Lily really likes Maths and feels sad every time she does badly in the Maths exam.
(5)   Lucy does her homework very slowly.Her study efficiency is really low.
I have five children,so my house is always noisy. (1)   (lucky),I love gardening and my garden helps me relax.
In the past few years,I (2)   (consider) it was necessary to keep the garden peaceful and quietly children were not expected to follow me into it.But during a recent spring,while I was working in it,my son Josiah picked (3)   a tool and began helping.We finished the job quickly.I realized that I didn't mind (4)   (work) with him.
The same thing happened﹣one or two children would join in the gardening from time to time.Each time,I would feel happy that the work was much (5)   (light) because of their help.
One day,while I(6)   (pick)the beans,Abby came to me.I put several beans into(7)   (she) mouth."Mama,I want the others to try them,too,I'd try to keep the(8)   (please) of gardening to myself,and here was a child who couldn't wait to share (9)    others.
From my children,I know that everything is better when shared.Although my garden is a little noisy now,I really enjoy (10)    gardening with them brings to me.We share sweat and smile together.
参考词汇:cuisine(菜系) categorize(将……归类) character(特色)(起源)
Dear Peter,
I'm glad to hear that you are interested in Chinese food.____________
Li Hua
【解答】(1)考查数词。句意:告诉两个关于保持清醒的艰难经历;B三;D五 Jing Qin.(孙敬。)"可知,故选:A。
(3)考查名词。句意:即使是在夜里;B下午;D白天 case fell when at ,(万一他晚上看书时睡着了,他是在夜里看书。
(4)考查动词短语。句意:孙想出了一个特别的方法来帮助他;B收到...的来信;D确信 tied hair the while...(他....时把头发绑在横梁上,他想出了这个办法。
(5)考查动词。句意:他读书时把头发绑在横梁上;B阅读;D休息 case fell when at ,(万一他晚上看书时睡着了,他是为了读书。
(6)考查名词。句意:疼痛会把他叫吵醒;B头发;D光线 hair be upward the 。)"可知,故选:C。
(7)考查形容词。句意:在你对孙的举动惊讶之前;B满意的;D惊讶的 celebrated who in Warring Period more 。)"可知,故选:D。
(8)考查动词。句意:在苏年轻的时候。A失败;C尝试。根据"he let family 。)"可知他多次失败。
(9)考查动词。句意:所以他决定要更加努力;B决定;D更喜爱 even his down.(他甚至让家人失望了,故选:B。
(10)考查副词。句意:当然。A直接地;C准确地。根据"he his and successful.(他实现了自己的梦想并取得了成功,他的努力是有回报的。故选:D。
Ⅱ.阅读理解(40分) 第一节阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。(每小题1.5分)
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第二段The important is their is 。)可知。故选B。
(2)代词指代题。根据第三段A of ads made coolest ,them(它们)指的是快餐店。
(3)细节理解题。根据第三段never you too fast is good your ,广告不会说健康问题。
(4)细节理解题。根据第四段As realize health that food ,it quite that food may out date or ,所以快餐店可能迟早会过时,快餐店会过时的原因就是人们意识到了快餐引起的健康问题。
(5)推理判断题。根据第五段If could healthy together their of and tastes will the best on for !(如果他们能把健康的食物和他们的服务速度,那将是地球上的下一个最好的事情,作者建议快餐店将健康的食物和服务速度以及可口的味道结合起来。故选C。
【解答】(1)推理判断题。根据最后一段In ,at 62 passed because the ,邓因辐射去世。)可知。故选B。
(2)词义猜测题。根据第二段After graduation didn't the positions superb research conditions by American or ,he to in to on research(核能研究).(邓毕业后。相反。)可猜测出。故选B。
(3)细节理解题。根据第一段Born Anhui ,Deng the Southwestern University 1941 went America a further in ,1941年就读于国立西南联合大学。)可知。根据第二段Instead returned Beijing 1950 work nuclear ,他在1950年回到北京从事核研究,然后邓回到北京从事核研究工作 October ,under leadership successfully its atomic ,在邓的领导下。)可知。根据邓暴露在致命的核辐射中 knew danger cleaning the bomb. are ;you go do ," Deng to colleagues.So picked the pieces the himself of his 。邓对他的同事们说:"你们还年轻。"因此,而不是派他的团队,最后邓暴露在致命的核辐射中。故选C。
(4)细节理解题。根据倒数第二段Deng's ,a doctor that had the pieces the bomb ordered to to for a body ,是一名医生,命令他返回北京进行全身检查,邓的妻子非常担心邓的健康状况。
(5)标题归纳题。通读全文 1986 age ,Deng away of radiation.As a hero was the Bombs One Merit in ,邓因辐射去世。作为民族英雄。)可知。故选B。
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第三段The Lianlian on colour nature,as main to the Lake is a lake Hangzhou ,Zhejiang ,代表浙江省杭州市的西湖。故选C。
(2)细节理解题。根据第四段In ,the lotus of offer unbelievable scene.(尤其是夏天盛开的荷花。)可知游客在夏天能看到荷花。
(3)段落大意题。根据第四段It listed a UNESCO Heritage in ,它被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产,西湖被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产。
(4)细节理解题。根据最后一段Lianlian's leaf﹣shaped looks scenic of West pure and image a graceful and mindset﹣a the aims express.(莲莲的荷叶帽,其纯净、典雅的形象、和谐,是吉祥物所要表达的精神、和谐。故选C。
(5)推理判断题。根据最后一段Lianlian's leaf﹣shaped looks scenic of West pure and image a graceful and mindset﹣a the aims express.(莲莲的荷叶帽,其纯净、典雅的形象、和谐,是吉祥物所要表达的精神。故选D。
【解答】(1)细节推理题。根据上文Is harmful your ?(巧克力对你的健康有害吗,提到"巧克力是否对健康有害"。"符合题意。
(2)细节推理题。根据下文They our active enable to happy...The in can you energy is found coffee tea.(它们使我们的大脑活跃起来。……巧克力中的咖啡因可以给你更多的能量。)可知,此处应说"巧克力中有三百多种化学物质。故选:A。
(3)细节推理题。根据下文However,a of are during production clear their ,在生产过程中会去除大量抗氧化剂以消除苦味,提到"抗氧化剂",可可豆富含抗氧化剂。"符合题意。
(4)细节推理题。根据上文 not itself causes decay the in and teeth﹣brushing ,而是巧克力中的糖分和不良的刷牙习惯,提到"蛀牙"。"符合题意。
(5)细节推理题。根据上文It's to that of advantages chocolate from ,巧克力的大部分优点都来自可可,提到"巧克力的大部分优点"。"符合题意。
【解答】(1)细节推理题。根据Alice it to so subjects junior school.( 爱丽丝发现在初中学习这么多科目很困难。E项"一次只关注一个主题,这样你就能更好地记住事情。故选E。
(2)细节推理题。根据Tom upset nobody to about same as does.(汤姆感到不安。)可知汤姆感到不安。C项"尽你最大的努力与周围的人相处。"符合题意。
(3)细节推理题。根据Peter to during time his don't him this.( 彼得在休息时间继续学习。)可知彼得在休息时间继续学习。D项"你不必随大流,在休息时间努力学习。故选D。
(4)细节推理题。根据Lily likes and sad time does in Maths ,每次数学考试考得不好都会感到难过,每次数学考试考得不好都会感到难过,必要时向老师寻求帮助。故选B。
(5)细节推理题。根据Lucy her very study is low.(露西做作业很慢。)可知露西做作业很慢。F项"为所有的家庭作业制定一个详细的计划。"符合题意。
(2)考查现在完成时。句意:在过去的几年里,不希望孩子们跟着我进去 the few ,句子时态为现在完成时。主语I为非第三人称单数主语;consider认为。过去分词为considered。
(3)考查副词。句意:但在最近的一个春天,我的儿子约西亚拿起一个工具开始帮忙 tool began ,作者的一个儿子拿起工具帮助作者。up向上。故填up。
(6)考查过去进行时。句意:有一天,艾比向我走来,根据下文谓语动词使用了come的过去式came。构成为:was/were doing,pick摘。现在分词为picking。
(9)考查介词。句意:很长一段时间以来,而这是一个迫不及待地与他人分享的孩子 try keep gardening myself.(我一直试图把园艺的快乐留给自己,作者的一个儿子是一个喜欢与他人分享快乐的孩子。with和。故填 with。
(10)考查代词。句意:虽然我的花园现在有点嘈杂。根据空前I enjoy with brings me(和他们一起园艺给我带来的)可知。what任何……的事物。故填what。
There are eight major cuisines in Chinese cuisine:each with its own unique characteristics based on regional division.中国烹饪有八大菜系:每一种菜系都有其独特的地域特色。There be句型。
It is also known for its unique cooking methods and rich local flavors.它还以其独特的烹饪方法和丰富的当地风味而闻名。be known for以......而闻名。
【解答】Dear Peter,
I'm to that are in food.There are eight major cuisines in Chinese cuisine:each with its own unique characteristics based on regional division. 【高分句型一】(中国菜有八大菜系:根据地域划分;Sichuan cuisine is famous for its wide range of ingredients,diverse dishes,and excellent use of spicy seasoning.It is also known for its unique cooking methods and rich local flavors. 【高分句型二】Representative dishes:delicious fish flavored shredded pork,Twice cooked pork,etc. (最喜欢的菜系) I invite you to my house as a guest to celebrate the Spring Festival together.(邀请他春节到你家做客)
Li Hua



