
五、语法俱空(本题有10小烟,母小心】'叮,方0 ,
Each day Zheng Changgui lives, he sets a ncw record as the longest-living paticnt in Asia. It has been20 years since Zheng had a heart and lung transplant(心肺移植).
Zheng Changgui was borm in_61__villngc in Hunan provincc.Atthe agc of 12.he was diffeHlt to breathc (呼吸) during PE class. Two years later, he
was diagnosed (诊断)__62__heart problcm._63_(lucky).after four years
of waiting for a suitablc organ donor (器官捐献者). he had an opcration in 2003.Ten excellent doctorsfrom the hospital _ 64 _(cary) out the operation on him. The operation lasted for over seven hours and
i was_65_ (success).
Two ycars after his opcration, the hospital offered to let him work at its library so it would bc much66_(casy) for him to get checkup.
"Thanks to thc hospital and doctors. I can still live in the world. 1 feel so thankful tp what they havcdonc for me" Zheng Changgui said. His story encourages other paticnts __6 _ (smile) at the world.
Whenever he is asked for_ 68_(suggest). he often iells thcm not to lose hopc. In November.Zhengregistered(登记) to bccome an organ donor _69_ (he). "When I die and _70 ._ thcrc is any
uscful organ. 1 will be glad to help othcrs in nced." hc said.
71,作为第十九届亚运会的协办城市,温州走进了国际友人的视野。假如你是李华,你校公众号计划向国际友人推送“Bcautiful Wenzhou”的系列专题。请你结合个人经历,并从名胜古迹、历史名



