
时量 100分钟,满分 100分
2.选择题部分请按题号用 2B铅笔填凃方框,修改时用橡皮擦擦干净,不留
3.非选择题部分请按题号用 0.5毫米黑色签字笔书写,否则作答无效;
本试卷共 8页,分四个部分,共 61小题。
第一部分 听力技能(共两节,满分 20分)
第一节 对话理解(共 16小题;每小题 1分,满分 16分)
听下面的对话,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。
听下面五段对话,每听完一段对话后,回答 1个小题。
( ) 1.Where did Mandy go last weekend
A. B. C.
( ) 2.What did Wendy buy in the gift shop last week
A. B. C.
( )3.How long does Jack plan to play basketball every day
A.For 20 minutes. B. For 30 minutes. C.For 40 minutes.
( )4.What does Jason like to do on weekends
A.Play the piano. B. Listen to music. C.Watch TV.
( )5.What TV shows does Mark like
A.Game shows. B.Sports shows. C.Talent shows.
听第六段对话,回答第 6、7小题。
( ) 6.What did Lily do in the school talent show
A. She danced. B.She sang songs. C. She told jokes.
( )7. What does Anna say about Lily
A. She is smart. B. She is outgoing. C. She is hard-working.
听第七段对话,回答第 8至 10小题。
( )8.What does Jenny plan to buy this afternoon
A.A dress. B.A T-shirt. C. A pair of jeans.
( )9. When is Laura's birthday party
A.Next Tuesday. B.Next Wednesday. C. Next Thursday.
( )10.What does Jenny say about Dream Clothes
A. It is a new store. B.It sells cheap clothes.
C.It has good service.
听第八段对话,回答第 11至 13小题。
( )11.Who lives in Sanya
A. Rick's aunt. B. Rick's brother. C.Rick's friend.
( )12.What did Rick think was the most interesting activity in Sanya
A. Playing soccer. B. Tasting the food. C.Going paragliding.
( )13. How long did Rick stay in Sanya
A.For a week. B.For two weeks. C.For a month.
听第九段对话,回答第 14至 16小题。
( )14. Who runs fastest in Bill's class
A.Bill. B.Bob. C. Alan.
( ) 15.What is Lily good at
A.Dancing. B.Drawing. C.Singing.
( )16. Where did Bill go on the school trip
A.To a fire station. B. To a pear farm.
C.To a science museum.
第二节 短文理解(共 4小题;每小题 1分,满分 4分)
你将听到一篇短文,短文后有四个问题。请根据短文内容,从每小题所给的 A、
( ) 17.How old is Cathy
A.13. B.15. C.17.
( )18.What color clothes does Linda like to wear
A.Blue. B. Orange. C.Red.
( )19. What food do Linda and Cathy cook together once a week
A.Beef noodles. B.Beef soup. C.Tomato soup.
( )20. What do Linda and Cathy think of the computer lessons
A.Useful. B.Interesting. C.Relaxing.
第二部分 知识运用 (共一节,满分 15分)
第一节 完形填空(共 10小题,每小题 1.5分,满分 15分)
通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选
Sally Seaman is an American writer. She tells young people some
smart(21)_____ to find friends. In Sally's eyes,(22)______ friendship is just like
planting(种植 ) a tree. You plant the seed(种子) and take care of it to (23)_____ it
(24)______makes a good friend It is not because a person has money or good
looks. A good friend should be kind and patient(耐心的). (25)_____, if you have a
bad day,a good friend could listen to your story and do his or her best to help you. To
make friends, you can't be too (26)______.You should make each other happy and
(27)_____your life.
But things can’t always be good . Even the best friends have fights. What should
you do when you have a(n)(28)______with your friend You have to talk to him or
her. (29)_____ he or she doesn't want to talk, you can write to him or her. You can
say (30)_____in the letter.
Care about your friends. Remember that friendship is one of the most important
things in your life.
( ) 21. A.movies B.symbols C.ways
( ) 22. A.finding B.using C.watering
( ) 23. A.ask B.tell C.make
( ) 24. A.Where B. How C.What
( ) 25. A. For example B. At first C.In the end
( ) 26. A. funny B.shy C.outgoing
( ) 27. A. share B.teach C.give
( ) 28. A. activity B.party C.fight
( ) 29. A. Though B. If C. After
( ) 30. A. goodbye B.sorry C.thanks
第三部分 阅读技能 (共三节,满分 40分)
第一节 阅读选择 (共 10小题;每小题 2分, 满分 20分)
阅读下面的材料,从每题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答问题
阅读下面的图表,完成 31-32小题。
Supermarket Survey
Supermarket D.W. A.Q. H.M.
Size 200㎡ 350㎡ 150㎡
Freshness of food
*survey 调查; freshness 新鲜度
( ) 31.Which is the largest of the three supermarkets
A. H.M. B. A.Q. C. D.W.
( ) 32.What do we know about H.M.
A. It has the best service.
B. It is the most popular.
C. It has the freshest food.
阅读下面的图表,完成 33-35小题。
Xianghua Movie Theater
Xianghua Movie Theater is a good place to watch some old but wonderful
movies at a very good price.
Weekly Movie Schedule (时间表)
November 6, 2023— November 12, 2023
Friday— Monday— Ticket
Movie Kind Time Sunday Thursday price
Ice Age Comedy 81 mins 6:50 p.m. 5:05 p.m. $6
Mary and the Adventure
Witch’s Flower (冒险) 103 mins 4:40 p.m. 7:10 p.m. $5
The King’s
Speech History 118 mins 2:10 p.m. 2:40 p.m. $7
( ) 33. How long is Ice Age
A.81 mins. B.103 mins. C.118 mins.
( ) 34.What kind of movie is The King's Speech
A. Adventure. B.History. C.Comedy.
( ) 35. Tom likes watching comedies, and he is free on Saturday. What time can he
choose to see the movie
A. At 5:05 p.m B. At 4:40 p.m. C. At 6:50 p.m.
Do you like traveling If you don't know where to go on vacation,here are some
great places for you to choose(选择) from.
Do you know the small town Wuzhen It has a history of over 1,300 years with
around 87,000 people living there. And it is a beautiful place with many travelers. If
you travel there for the first time,you may get lost because there are lots of rivers and
bridges in the water town.
Hailing Island is the second place I want to talk about.It is a wonderful place for
a relaxing holiday. The beaches there are so great. There are not so many people
there,so you can live quietly and comfortably there.
Chongqing is a place that many people like to visit. It has a history of over 3,000
years. It is a city surrounded by mountains.You can see mountains everywhere
around the city. And this city is also famous(出名的) for its tasty food.
( )36. How long is the history of Wuzhen
A.Over 1,300 years. B. Around 300 years.
C.Over 3,000 years.
( )37. What does the underlined (画线的) word “surrounded”mean in Chinese
A. 拥有 B.环绕 C.填充
( )38.Where can you travel if you like quiet places
A.ToWuzhen. B.To Hailing Island. C.To Chongqing.
( )39.Which is TRUE according to the passage
A.It is difficult to find the way in Wuzhen.
B. We can taste fresh fish in Hailing Island.
C. Food in Chongqing is not delicious.
( )40.Where is the passage probably(很可能)from
A. A traveling magazine. B. A storybook.
C. The CCTV news.
第二节 语篇补全(共 5小题;每小题 2分, 满分 10分)
Many children like to go hiking(徒步旅行).Why Because they can be free from
school and homework. (41)______________ If you want to have a happy hike,you
must pay attention to(注意) the following.
First,find a good day. (42)_________ If the weather is good,you can do a lot of
things,like riding horses,going bike riding,swimming in the river,flying kites and
playing ball games.
Second,go with people you like.If you go hiking with people you don't like,you
will not have a great time. (43) ______________.
Third, find the right place. Different people have different ideas about the places.
(44 )_________ I like to walk along the beach, listen to the sound of the sea(海洋)
and watch children play.
(45) ___________ To have a nice hike,you must have comfortable shoes,
enough water and some food. Now you can go hiking.
A. So,find the person who has the same interest as you.
B. For me,I like to go to the beach for a hike.
C. They can enjoy beautiful nature(大自然) and play with friends or family.
D. Finally, think of what you need to get ready before going hiking.
E. Fine weather is the most important for a happy hiking.
第三节 任务型阅读(共 5小题;每小题 2分, 满分 10分)
Nick is a 14-year-old schoolboy. His life is full of exams and studies on
weekdays. He has little free time. He thinks playing computer games is the best way
to relax. When he has free time, he sits in front of the computer. Just like that, he
doesn't eat or drink for several(几个) hours.
Last weekend,he played games in front of the computer again.He was too excited
and didn't want to move. He didn't have anything for six hours. When he had to go to
the bathroom,he found he could not move. He was taken to the hospital. The doctor
told him he should do some different kinds of activities. In other words,he needs more
exercise to have a healthy body.
After coming back from the hospital, Nick follows the doctor's advice(建议).He
often plays soccer with his friends. Sometimes he still plays computer games on
weekends,but he never does it for long. Now, he lives a happy and healthy life.
46. What does Nick like doing in his free time
47. 请把下划线部分的句子翻译成“中文”。
48. How long did Nick play computer games and didn't have anything last weekend
49. Why was Nick taken to the hospital
50. Did Nick follow the doctor's advice to take more exercise
第四部分 写作技能 (共两节,满分 25分)
第一节 语法填空 (共 10小题;每小题 1分, 满分 10分)
It's Monday afternoon. The students in Class Three are(51) ______ (talk) about
their favorite TV shows in class. Here are three (52)_______ (student) ideas.
John: I'm interested in talent shows. I think they're (53)__________(education)
and interesting. I watch them at least twice a month. In talent shows, I can see many
talented people and (54)_______ (they) great performances. However, I can't stand
soap (55)_______(opera) because they're really boring.
Jeff: My brother likes sports shows very much. He often (56)______ (watch)
them on the Internet. I have (57)_______same interest as him. My favorite sport is
basketball, and I always watch basketball games on TV. On weekends,I often teach
my brother (58)________ (play) basketball on the playground. It's really exciting.
Gina: I don't like watching the news,(59)_______ my father does. He likes
watching it on TV or reading it on his smartphone. He loves many kinds of news,
such (60)____ the sports news and the world news.
第二节 书面表达(共 1小题; 满分 15分)
61. 好朋友应该一样还是不一样?请先发表你的看法并根据表格中提供的信
息,以“My best friend and I”为题,写一篇短文来介绍你和你的好朋友 Jim 之间
的相同之处和不同之处。可适当发挥,不少于 70 词。
人物 不同点 相同点
1. 比我矮,但是跑得比我快;
篮球打得比我好。 1. 喜欢听音乐;
Jim 2. 比我外向,比我搞笑。
2. 学习一样努力。
我 1.更稳重,喜欢待在家里看书。
My best friend and I



上一篇:人教版九年级化学下册《第11章 盐 化肥》单元测试卷(含答案)
