2023-2024外研版英语八年级上册 Module7 Unit1 Alice was sitting with her sister by the river(含解析)

Module7 Unit1
(1)The little girl is sitting by her grandmother.
(2)I usually go to school by bus.
(3)We had learned more than over 1,000 words by the end of last year.
(4)The novel was written by Mark Twain.
I like playing basketball with my friends on weekends.
Tom bought a big house with three bedrooms.
The old man likes writing with a pen.
①with the help of sb./sth. “在某人/某物的帮助下”
With the help of the teacher,I made much progress with my English.在老师的帮助下,我在英语方面取得了巨大的进步。
②have trouble with sth. “在……方面有麻烦”
The boy always has much trouble with his maths.
A big rabbit with pink eyes ran past.
My home town has changed a lot in the past few years.
—What’s the time now 现在几点?
—It’s half past eight.八点半。
常用于follow sb. to do sth. “跟着某人做某事”。
The students followed the teacher to read the article.
—Mr Zhang,could you please speak a little more slowly
— I’m sorry.I thought you could follow me.
I can’t follow your words.我听不懂你说的话。
As students, we should follow the school rules.
All of us should follow the traffic rules.
Tom returned the dictionary to me the following day.
①fall down (from) “(从……上)摔下来”
The little boy fell down from the tree,and was badly hurt.
②fall off “从……上摔下来”
The little boy fell off his bike,but luckily,he didn’t hurt badly.这个小男孩儿从自行车上摔下来,但是幸运的是,伤的不严重。
③fall into (water/the river) “掉进水里/河里”
The woman fell into the river just now.
④fall in love with sb. “爱上某人”
The young man fell in love with the girl last year.
Fall is my favourite season.
①fall asleep “睡着”
I was just falling asleep when someone suddenly knocked at the door.我刚要入睡,这时候有人突然敲门。
②fall ill “生病”
The old man fell ill yesterday.老人昨天生病了。
6.辨析:in a/the tree & on a/the tree
in a/the tree 意为“在树上”,强调外来人或物在树上。 一言辨异:Look!There are many peaches on the tree and there is a monkey eating a peach in the tree.看!树上有很多桃子,有一只猴子正在树上吃桃子。
on a/the tree 意为“在树上”,指树本身开的花、结的果等。
We’ll go fishing if it doesn’t rain tomorrow.
=If it doesn’t rain tomorrow,we’ll go fishing.
I wonder if he will come tomorrow.
1.Look, the sakura petals(樱花花瓣) are f________ down from the trees.
【详解】句意:看,樱花花瓣从树上掉下来了。根据“...down from the trees.”结合首字母可知是指花瓣从树上掉下来了,fall down“落下”,根据“are”可知应该用现在分词形式构成现在进行时,故填(f)alling。
2.My T-shirt got a h________ in it, so I don’t want to wear it today.
【详解】句意:我的T恤上有个洞,所以我今天不想穿了。根据“My T-shirt got a … in it, so I don’t want to wear it”及首字母可知,T恤上有个洞,所以不想穿了,hole“洞”,a修饰名词的单数形式,故填(h)ole。
3.Suddenly, they found a dog lying on the g________.
【详解】句意:突然,他们发现一只狗躺在地上。根据“Suddenly, they found a dog lying on the”和首字母可知,应填ground,表示“地面”;on the ground“在地上”。故填(g)round。
4.A r________ in the wild can seldom live for more than a year.
【详解】句意:一只兔子在野外很少能活过一年。根据“in the wild can seldom live for more than a year”及首字母可知,此处介绍兔子在野外的存活时间,rabbit“兔子”,a修饰名词的单数形式,故填(r)abbit。
5.There are too many people in the market. You must f________ your parents closely.
【详解】句意:市场上的人太多了。你必须紧紧跟随你的父母。根据“There are too many people in the market”结合首字母可知是指人太多了,要紧紧跟随你的父母,不然会走失,follow“跟随”,动词,空前有情态动词,动词用原形,故填(f)ollow。
6.It ________ hard when I left home.
A.rains B.rained C.was raining D.rain
考查动词的时态。根据“when I left home”,可知句子表达过去的时间点正发生的事,用过去进行时,表达“下雨”,动词用“was raining”。故选C。
7.This is a black cat ________ brown eyes and we are all afraid of it.
A.with B.in C.for D.on
考查介词词义辨析。with和,用,有,和……在一起,表示人或物的特征,意为“带有”、“具有”;in在……内,在(某段时间)内,在(某段时间)之后,穿着;for对于,为了;on在……上,在(某一天)。a black cat“一只黑猫”; brown eyes“棕色的眼睛”。 “棕色的眼睛”是“一只黑猫”的特征。故选A。
8.The peaches are ________ the tree and the birds are ________ the tree too.
A.in;in B.on;on C.in;on D.on;in
考查介词辨析。on上面;in里面。长在树上的花、叶、果实等用on the tree;而外来的人或物在树上用in the tree,结合题目可知,桃子是长在树上的,所以第一空介词用on,排除选项A和C;而鸟儿是外来之物,所以第二空介词用in。故选D。
9.—Will Amy go skiing with us this Saturday
—Sorry, I don’t know if she ________.
A.will go B.goes C.went D.was going
考查时态。根据“Will Amy go skiing”可知是对一般将来时语境的答语,因此也是发生在未来。故选A。
10.The bookshelf is so high that I can’t ________ the books on it.
A.find B.reach C.arrive D.land
考查动词辨析。find找到;reach到达,能伸到(及物动词,后直接跟宾语);arrive到达(不及物动词,需搭配介词in/at);land着陆。根据“The bookshelf is so high”可知书架太高了因此我够不着上面的书,即“能伸到”。故选B。
【答案】David bought a book without pictures.
【详解】buy“买”;a book“一本书”;without pictures“没有图片”,描述过去发生的事情,句子用一般过去时,故填David bought a book without pictures.
【答案】Maths is too difficult for many students to learn.
【详解】too...to do“太……而不能”;be difficult for sb.“对某人来讲困难”。主语为maths“数学”,宾语为many students“许多学生”。故填Maths is too difficult for many students to learn.
【答案】We often hear him sing in the classroom after class.
【详解】根据汉语意思可知,该句时态为一般现在时。we“我们”,作主语;often“经常”,频度副词放在实义动词前;hear“听见”,作谓语;him“他”,作宾语;根据hear sb. do sth.“听见某人做某事”可知,此处要用不带to的不定式作宾补,即sing“唱歌”为宾补;in the classroom“在教室里”,地点状语;after class“下课后”,时间状语,位于地点状语后。故填We often hear him sing in the classroom after class.
【答案】Look! The little boy is running after his brother.
【详解】根据语境可知是现在进行时态,结构为be doing;主语为The little boy,因此be用is的形式;run after“追赶”。故填Look! The little boy is running after his brother.
【答案】She saw a cat smiling at her in the tree.
【详解】she“她”,作主语;see“看见”;see sth doing sth“看见某物正在做某事”,现在分词作补足语;smile at her“朝她微笑”;in the tree“在树上”,外来的事物在树上要用介词in,描述过去发生的事情,句子用一般过去时,故填She saw a cat smiling at her in the tree.
One day, the animals found a set of scales (磅秤) in the forest. They all took turns to ____16____ themselves. At first this was a big game. Every day each animal would see how much weight they ____17____ or lost. But soon, many animals began to ____18____ their weight. The first thing they would do each day would be to run to the scales, weigh themselves and ____19____ the rest of the day with unhappy faces. This is because, whatever the scales said, they always weighed more than they wanted.
As months passed, the animals treated the scales ____20____. So, one day the scales decided to ____21____.
That morning, the first to run to weigh itself was the zebra. However, as soon as it was onto the scales, the scales began to tickle (挠痒) the zebra’s ____22____. The zebra couldn’t ____23____ laughing. This was so much fun for the zebra that from that day on it no longer worried about its weight. The same thing ____24____ to the other animals that day. So, before long, instead of worrying about their weight the whole day, they all started to talk about how ____25____ the scales’ tickling was.
As the months and the years passed, the scales stopped reading weight and began reading good humor instead.
16.A.see B.understand C.tell D.weigh
17.A.got B.wanted C.gave D.forgot
18.A.look after B.worry about C.think about D.turn around
19.A.spend B.describe C.enjoy D.welcome
20.A.badly B.well C.carefully D.politely
21.A.leave B.move C.accept D.change
22.A.heads B.legs C.ears D.feet
23.A.start B.stop C.advise D.miss
24.A.sent B.rose C.happened D.finished
25.A.interesting B.boring C.useless D.terrible
16.D 17.A 18.B 19.A 20.A 21.D 22.D 23.B 24.C 25.A
see看见;understand理解;tell告诉;weigh重。根据“Every day each animal would see how much weight”可知,轮流称体重,故选D。
got得到;wanted想要;gave给;forgot忘记。根据“or lost”可知,此空应添加lost的反义词got,表示增加了多少体重,故选A。
look after照顾;worry about担心;think about考虑;turn around转身。根据下文“no longer worried about its weight”可知,开始担心自己的体重,故选B。
spend花费;describe描述;enjoy喜欢;welcome欢迎。根据“the rest of the day with unhappy faces”可知,此处指度过剩下的一天,故选A。
badly糟糕地;well好地;carefully仔细地;politely礼貌地。根据“This is because, whatever the scales said, they always weighed more than they wanted.”可知,动物们看到体重比自己想的要重,所以把气出在磅秤身上,故此处指很糟糕地对待磅秤,故选A。
leave离开;move移动;accept接受;change改变。根据“As months passed, the animals treated the scales”可知,磅秤想改变这种局面,故选D。
heads头;legs腿;ears耳朵;feet脚。根据“the scales began to tickle (挠痒) the zebra’s”可知,斑马是站在磅秤上,所以磅秤挠痒斑马的脚,故选D。
start开始;stop停止;advise建议;miss错过。can’t/couldn’t stop doing sth“无法停止做某事”,固定搭配,故选B。
sent发送;rose上升;happened发生;finished完成。根据“The same thing…to the other animals that day”可知,其他的动物也发生了同样的事情,故选C。
interesting有趣的;boring无聊的;useless无用的;terrible糟糕的。根据“the scales’ tickling was”可知,磅秤的挠痒痒很有趣,故选A。
Books for Children
Fleabag and the Ring's EndBeth WebbMore stories of Fleabag, the talking cat—star of this wonderful set of 3 books.Ages 8—13, 208 pages, paper-back020-88743566, 10.99 The little White HouseElizabeth GoudgeA fairy tale and winner of the Carnegie Medal.Ages 8—12, 240 pages, paper-back020-34834025, 15.99
My Very First Christmas BookLois Rock and Alec AyliffeA big, bright book, which presents the story simply and delightfully for every young children.Ages 0—3, 12 pages, 200mm×200mm, board 020-85712008, 12.99 First Festival: ChristmasLois RockAn all-in-one book to help grown-ups and children prepare their Christmas celebration together. Presents, activities and customs.Ages 5—8, 48 pages, 290mm×250mm, hardback020-85213745, 18.99
Star of WonderPat AlexanderA wonderful collection of Christmas stories and poems. Full of lively pages to read and enjoy.Ages 7—12, 224 pages, paperback020-34259940, 12.99 The Not-So-Wise ManAlan MacDonald and Andrew RowlandWe all know about the 3 Wise Men who traveled to Bethlehem and discovered the baby Jesus Christ. This is the tale of another one, who always missed the point.Ages 5—9, 32 pages, 270mm×210mm, hardback.020-34783366, 18.99
26.If you want to make a Christmas plan together with your children, which book do you prefer A.First Festival: Christmas. B.The Not-So-Wise Man.
C.Star of Wonder. D.My Very First Christmas Book.
27.Which number would you dial if you want to order a book for your 2-year-old child
A.020-88743566. B.020-85213745.
C.020-34783366. D.020-85712008.
28.If your child wants to read stories of animals, whose book will be your choice
A.Beth Webb. B.Pat Alexander.
C.Elizabeth Goudge. D.Lois Rock.
29.The book about a fairy story may cost you __________.
A. 18.99 B. 15.99 C. 12.99 D. 10.99
30.What’s the main purpose of the poster
A.to introduce Jesus Christ B.to tell children how to celebrate Christmas
C.to advertise the books D.to raise money for children aged 0-12
【答案】26.A 27.D 28.A 29.B 30.C
26.推理判断题。根据文中“First Festival: Christmas…An all-in-one book to help grown-ups and children prepare their Christmas celebration together. Presents, activities and customs.” First Festival: Christmas是一本关于帮助大人和孩子一起准备圣诞庆祝活动的书;可知,要和孩子们一起制定一个圣诞计划,更喜欢这本书;故选A。
27.推理判断题。根据文中“My Very First Christmas Book …Ages 0—3, board 020-85712008”可知,My Very First Christmas Book这本书适合0-3岁的孩子,如果想为两岁的孩子订一本书,就要致电020-85712008;故选D。
28.推理判断题。根据文中“Fleabag and the Ring's End Beth Webb More stories of Fleabag, the talking cat—star of this wonderful set of 3 books”可知,Beth Webb的作品Fleabag and the Ring's End是一本关于动物的书籍。如果孩子想读关于动物故事,就选择Beth Webb的作品。故选A。
29.细节理解题。根据文中“The little White House A fairy tale and winner of the Carnegie Medal. 15.99”可知,The little White House是一个童话故事,这本书的价钱是 15.99。故选B。
30.主旨大意题。文中介绍六本儿童书籍的书名、作者、简介、适合阅读的年龄、价格以及联系电话等,目的是要为书籍做广告。故选C。Module7 Unit1
(1)The little girl is sitting by her grandmother.
(2)I usually go to school by bus.
(3)We had learned more than over 1,000 words by the end of last year.
(4)The novel was written by Mark Twain.
I like playing basketball with my friends on weekends.
Tom bought a big house with three bedrooms.
The old man likes writing with a pen.
①with the help of sb./sth. “在某人/某物的帮助下”
With the help of the teacher,I made much progress with my English.在老师的帮助下,我在英语方面取得了巨大的进步。
②have trouble with sth. “在……方面有麻烦”
The boy always has much trouble with his maths.
A big rabbit with pink eyes ran past.
My home town has changed a lot in the past few years.
—What’s the time now 现在几点?
—It’s half past eight.八点半。
常用于follow sb. to do sth. “跟着某人做某事”。
The students followed the teacher to read the article.
—Mr Zhang,could you please speak a little more slowly
— I’m sorry.I thought you could follow me.
I can’t follow your words.我听不懂你说的话。
As students, we should follow the school rules.
All of us should follow the traffic rules.
Tom returned the dictionary to me the following day.
①fall down (from) “(从……上)摔下来”
The little boy fell down from the tree,and was badly hurt.
②fall off “从……上摔下来”
The little boy fell off his bike,but luckily,he didn’t hurt badly.这个小男孩儿从自行车上摔下来,但是幸运的是,伤的不严重。
③fall into (water/the river) “掉进水里/河里”
The woman fell into the river just now.
④fall in love with sb. “爱上某人”
The young man fell in love with the girl last year.
Fall is my favourite season.
①fall asleep “睡着”
I was just falling asleep when someone suddenly knocked at the door.我刚要入睡,这时候有人突然敲门。
②fall ill “生病”
The old man fell ill yesterday.老人昨天生病了。
6.辨析:in a/the tree & on a/the tree
in a/the tree 意为“在树上”,强调外来人或物在树上。 一言辨异:Look!There are many peaches on the tree and there is a monkey eating a peach in the tree.看!树上有很多桃子,有一只猴子正在树上吃桃子。
on a/the tree 意为“在树上”,指树本身开的花、结的果等。
We’ll go fishing if it doesn’t rain tomorrow.
=If it doesn’t rain tomorrow,we’ll go fishing.
I wonder if he will come tomorrow.
1.Look, the sakura petals(樱花花瓣) are f________ down from the trees.
2.My T-shirt got a h________ in it, so I don’t want to wear it today.
3.Suddenly, they found a dog lying on the g________.
4.A r________ in the wild can seldom live for more than a year.
5.There are too many people in the market. You must f________ your parents closely.
6.It ________ hard when I left home.
A.rains B.rained C.was raining D.rain
7.This is a black cat ________ brown eyes and we are all afraid of it.
A.with B.in C.for D.on
8.The peaches are ________ the tree and the birds are ________ the tree too.
A.in;in B.on;on C.in;on D.on;in
9.—Will Amy go skiing with us this Saturday
—Sorry, I don’t know if she ________.
A.will go B.goes C.went D.was going
10.The bookshelf is so high that I can’t ________ the books on it.
A.find B.reach C.arrive D.land
One day, the animals found a set of scales (磅秤) in the forest. They all took turns to ____16____ themselves. At first this was a big game. Every day each animal would see how much weight they ____17____ or lost. But soon, many animals began to ____18____ their weight. The first thing they would do each day would be to run to the scales, weigh themselves and ____19____ the rest of the day with unhappy faces. This is because, whatever the scales said, they always weighed more than they wanted.
As months passed, the animals treated the scales ____20____. So, one day the scales decided to ____21____.
That morning, the first to run to weigh itself was the zebra. However, as soon as it was onto the scales, the scales began to tickle (挠痒) the zebra’s ____22____. The zebra couldn’t ____23____ laughing. This was so much fun for the zebra that from that day on it no longer worried about its weight. The same thing ____24____ to the other animals that day. So, before long, instead of worrying about their weight the whole day, they all started to talk about how ____25____ the scales’ tickling was.
As the months and the years passed, the scales stopped reading weight and began reading good humor instead.
16.A.see B.understand C.tell D.weigh
17.A.got B.wanted C.gave D.forgot
18.A.look after B.worry about C.think about D.turn around
19.A.spend B.describe C.enjoy D.welcome
20.A.badly B.well C.carefully D.politely
21.A.leave B.move C.accept D.change
22.A.heads B.legs C.ears D.feet
23.A.start B.stop C.advise D.miss
24.A.sent B.rose C.happened D.finished
25.A.interesting B.boring C.useless D.terrible
Books for Children
Fleabag and the Ring's EndBeth WebbMore stories of Fleabag, the talking cat—star of this wonderful set of 3 books.Ages 8—13, 208 pages, paper-back020-88743566, 10.99 The little White HouseElizabeth GoudgeA fairy tale and winner of the Carnegie Medal.Ages 8—12, 240 pages, paper-back020-34834025, 15.99
My Very First Christmas BookLois Rock and Alec AyliffeA big, bright book, which presents the story simply and delightfully for every young children.Ages 0—3, 12 pages, 200mm×200mm, board 020-85712008, 12.99 First Festival: ChristmasLois RockAn all-in-one book to help grown-ups and children prepare their Christmas celebration together. Presents, activities and customs.Ages 5—8, 48 pages, 290mm×250mm, hardback020-85213745, 18.99
Star of WonderPat AlexanderA wonderful collection of Christmas stories and poems. Full of lively pages to read and enjoy.Ages 7—12, 224 pages, paperback020-34259940, 12.99 The Not-So-Wise ManAlan MacDonald and Andrew RowlandWe all know about the 3 Wise Men who traveled to Bethlehem and discovered the baby Jesus Christ. This is the tale of another one, who always missed the point.Ages 5—9, 32 pages, 270mm×210mm, hardback.020-34783366, 18.99
26.If you want to make a Christmas plan together with your children, which book do you prefer A.First Festival: Christmas. B.The Not-So-Wise Man.
C.Star of Wonder. D.My Very First Christmas Book.
27.Which number would you dial if you want to order a book for your 2-year-old child
A.020-88743566. B.020-85213745.
C.020-34783366. D.020-85712008.
28.If your child wants to read stories of animals, whose book will be your choice
A.Beth Webb. B.Pat Alexander.
C.Elizabeth Goudge. D.Lois Rock.
29.The book about a fairy story may cost you __________.
A. 18.99 B. 15.99 C. 12.99 D. 10.99
30.What’s the main purpose of the poster
A.to introduce Jesus Christ B.to tell children how to celebrate Christmas
C.to advertise the books D.to raise money for children aged 0-12



上一篇:2023-2024外研版英语八年级上册 Module8 Unit3Language in use (含解析)

下一篇:2023-2024人教版英语七上Unit 6 Do you like bananas? Section B(2a-Self Check)(原卷版+解析版)